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Pradhuman Pandey

English 10W-10
research report draft #1
25 april 2023

How Artificial Intelligence can’t overcome the

Human Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to transform the way we live,
work, and interact with the world around us. However, there are concerns that AI could become so
advanced that it surpasses human intelligence and takes over the world. In this research report, I will
examine why such concerns are illogical and why AI is unlikely to take over the world.

The Limitations of AI
Despite the hype surrounding AI and constantly improving technology, there are several limitations that
prevent it from becoming a truly autonomous and self-aware entity that will show dominancy over
humans, Firstly, AI is dependent on human programmers to design and develop its algorithms. These
algorithms are designed to perform specific tasks and are not capable of making decisions beyond their
programmed parameters. Every computer program work on certain logic and it can’t go beyond it but a
human can, we can do a calculation wrong that but not an AI that make us one step ahead of it. This
means that AI is not truly autonomous and is limited by the decisions made by its human designers.

Secondly, AI lacks the ability to understand and interpret human emotions and social cues. While AI can
be programmed to recognize certain emotions and respond in fixed ways, it cannot truly understand the
complex structures of human emotion and behavior, humans can use one word with different
expressions and body language to represent different thing but AI cant mimic this behavior. This limits
the extent to which AI can interact with humans and makes it unlikely that AI will be able to take over
the world.

Thirdly, AI is reliant on data to learn and make decisions. This means that the quality and quantity of the
data is so important for AI to make decision, the information it is trained on is crucial to its performance.
If the data is biased or incomplete, the AI will make incorrect decisions. For example AI can give u
information about a town (it can be false ) but not better than a native of that place, but human’s action
is not condition by the past memories human can take new and unseen step in life as playing chess AI
can do combination or manipulate the existing moves(the one given as data to AI) on a chessboard but
human can create its owns AI is limited by the amount of data available to it. It cannot make decisions
based on data that it has not been exposed to.
The Role of Humans
Despite the limitations of AI, it is important to recognize that humans still play a crucial role in the
development and deployment of AI. Humans are responsible for designing and programming AI
algorithms, selecting the data that the AI is trained on, and interpreting the output of the AI. This means
that humans have the power to control the actions of AI and prevent it from becoming a threat.

Furthermore, humans have the ability to shut down or modify AI systems if they become dangerous or
unpredictable or maybe unpredictable. This means that there are safeguards in place to prevent AI from
taking over the world. While there is always a risk that humans could lose control of AI, the likelihood of
this happening is low given the current state of AI technology.

The Importance of Ethics

Another important factor to consider is the ethical considerations surrounding AI development. As AI
becomes more advanced, there are concerns that it could be used for nefarious purposes, such as
surveillance or autonomous weapons. It is important that ethical considerations are taken into account
when developing and deploying AI to ensure that it is used for the benefit of society as a whole.

One way to ensure that AI is developed ethically is through regulation. Governments and regulatory
bodies can set standards for AI development and use, ensuring that it is safe and beneficial for society.
Additionally, industry organizations can develop ethical guidelines for AI developers and users,
promoting responsible and ethical AI development.

In conclusion, the idea that AI could take over the world is largely unfounded. While AI is a powerful
technology with the potential to transform society, it is limited by its reliance on human programming,
its inability to understand human emotions and social cues, and its dependence on data. Furthermore,
humans still play a crucial role in the development and deployment of AI, and have the power to control
its actions and prevent it from becoming a threat. By taking into account ethical considerations and
implementing appropriate safeguards, we can ensure that AI is developed and used in a responsible and
beneficial way.

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