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LECON & EXERCICES I - Les temps en Anglais

Exercice 1 - Conjugue le verbe au temps qui convient

Phrases à compléter.

- It’s all been arranged, we ____________ (to go) to New York next summer.

- Who ____________ you ____________ to ? (to talk)

- At the moment, it ____________ (to rain).

- I ____________ (to remember) his name.

- Anna ____________ (to play) music every day.

- He ____________ (to study) English for years now.

- They ____________ (to lay) on the beach.

- Right now, you ____________ (to study) English.

- The dog ____________ (to run away) when we were walking outside.

- Next year, she ____________ (to travel) to Mexico.

Exercice 2 - De quel temps s’agit-il ?

Texte de compréhension écrite : retrouver les verbes conjugués et dire de quel temps il s’agit.

Global Fashion Retailer PrettyLittleThing Is Hedging Bets On Size Inclusivity

Global fashion retailer PrettyLittleThing wants to be its customers’ best friend. And in an era
where other established high-street brands like Topshop are struggling (recently announcing a
U.S. pull-out and UK store closures), PrettyLittleThing’s meteoric growth and beautiful success is
Among its most important missions? Remaining aspirational yet accessible, and always
showcasing representation in terms of body inclusivity and diversity. 
For UK-based founder and CEO Umar Kamani, it’s not about checking off a “size inclusivity” or
“diversity” box, but rather walking the talk. And walk the talk the brand does, as seen on its
Instagram feed (currently boasting over 11 million followers) and campaign photos. 
In its latest move to ensure every woman’s body shape is included, PrettyLittleThing has teamed
up with Grammy Award winning singer, songwriter and actress, Ashanti, to launch a swimwear
collection together with her sister, Creative Director and Designer Kenashia “Shia” Douglas.

Ashanti worked alongside the PrettyLittleThing design team and her younger sister’s Digital
Creative Agency and designed a 74-piece collection, ranging from size 6 to 26.
“I wanted the collection to feel like a global, exotic vacation. I wanted the pieces to stand out,
and most importantly, I wanted women to feel empowered — any shape, color, size. I wanted
women to feel con dent and sexy,” Ashanti explains when discussing her vision for the
The collaboration with PrettyLittleThing was a logical one, as the brand has always made body
diversity one of its primary missions.
“I love what PrettyLittleThing is doing with women, for women, and embracing so many different
body sizes and shapes, so I thought it was a perfect t,” Ashanti continues.
Forbes - July 15 2019



Liste les verbes et leur temps ci-dessous :

Exercice 3 - Rédaction au passé

Ecrire un petit paragraphe de 5 lignes sur ce que tu as fait la semaine dernière.

+ BONUS : t’enregistrer en vocal en train de lire ces 5 lignes et me l’envoyer sur Instagram ou en
iMessage pour que je véri e ta prononciation / on peut se FaceTime aussi si tu préfères.

Exercice 4 - Rédaction au futur

Ecrire un petit paragraphe de 5 lignes sur ce que tu prévois de faire pendant tes vacances.

+ BONUS : t’enregistrer en vocal en train de lire ces 5 lignes et me l’envoyer sur Instagram ou en
iMessage pour que je véri e ta prononciation / on peut se FaceTime aussi si tu préfères.

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