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Food Safety in Bali: Avoiding Common Contaminants and Staying Healthy

How to avoid food poisoning in Bali can start with paying more attention to hygiene factors,
especially when it comes to food and drink. Food poisoning is a fairly common illness among
foreign tourists traveling in Bali. For years, Bali has become the ultimate tourist destination
favoured by many local and foreign travellers. This is because the island offers beautiful natural
views and local culture, hence it is the perfect place for vacation. However, the humid climate
and poor health standard of Bali make bacteria develop much faster in food. This factor is the
main cause of many food poisoning cases in Bali. This illness is usually experienced by foreign
tourists because their immune system isn’t able to prevent it yet. It is suggested to always pay
attention to hygiene during your trip as a way on how to avoid food poisoning in Bali.

Food poisoning is a digestive problem caused by infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses,
and parasites. A person can suffer from food poisoning if they consume food or drink that has
been contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. When food is not properly processed and
cooked, there’s a possibility that contamination may occur. Food poisoning can’t be ignored even
though it’s not fatal and can heal on its own. In some cases, this illness can lead to serious health
problems if it’s left unchecked.

Cases of food poisoning are frequently found in Asian and developing countries, such as
Indonesia and especially Bali, where there are many foreign tourists. Foreign tourists often
experience food poisoning during their stay. Their bodies will immediately react badly to the
contaminated food because their immune system is still adjusting to the new environment. In
most cases, food poisoning is caused by eating food from street vendors, which most likely have
poor hygiene and health standards. Do not let viruses and bacteria ruin your vacation, travellers
must be cautious and learn how to avoid food poisoning in Bali.

Cases of food contamination are usually caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites, such as
Campylobacter bacteria, Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Listeria, Clostridium botulinum
(botulinum), Shigella, Norovirus, Rotavirus, Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba histolytica, and
Giardia parasites. Be careful if you are having meals in Bali, the following are some foods that
are prone to contamination: Raw meat, Milk, Canned food, Raw eggs, Raw seafood.

Before consuming anything, make sure travellers know how to avoid food poisoning in Bali.
Below are some factors that may trigger food poisoning when you are in Bali:
 Consuming food from street vendors and in places with poor hygiene;
 Consuming raw or undercooked meat and seafood;
 Drinking from tap water;
 Consuming fruits and vegetables that have been washed with tap water;
 Consuming cooked food that has been left in a room with warm temperatures for too
 Consuming food that has passed its expiration date;
 Using cutlery that has not been properly washed.

Symptoms of food poisoning usually don’t appear immediately after eating, so it will take a
while for many people to realize that they have been infected. Typically, symptoms will begin up
to three days after consuming the contaminated food. Common symptoms that usually appear
include: Nausea, stomach ache/stomach cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever,
headache, feeling weak, loss of appetite, and dehydration. Anyone can come down with food
poisoning. Statistically speaking, nearly everyone will come down with food poisoning at least
once in their lives. There are some populations that are more at risk than others. These include:
 Immunocompromised people. Anyone with a suppressed immune system or an
autoimmune disease may have a greater risk of infection and complications resulting
from food poisoning.
 Pregnant people. Pregnant people are more at risk because their bodies are coping with
changes to their metabolism and circulatory system during pregnancy.
 Older adults. Adults who are 65 years or older also face a greater risk of contracting food
poisoning. This is because their immune systems may not respond quickly to infectious
 Young children. Children under 5 years old are also considered an at-risk population
because their immune systems aren’t as developed as those of adults. Young children are
more easily affected by dehydration from vomiting and diarrhoea.

How to Avoid Food Poisoning in Bali

Getting food poisoning while traveling in Bali can be a big turn off for your supposed to be fun
holiday. To prevent this condition, travellers can start by paying more attention to hygiene as a
way on how to avoid food poisoning in Bali. if you’re planning to go on vacation to Bali,
consider the following tips that you can do on how to avoid food poisoning in Bali:
 Don’t drink tap water. Tap water in developing countries is not fit for consumption;
 Only drink bottled water, boiled or filtered water;
 Just in case the ice is made from tap water, avoid ordering drinks with ice;
 As a way on how to avoid food poisoning in Bali, pay attention to food consumption and
try to eat in places with good hygiene;
 Try to avoid eating from street food, because food from street vendors usually has poor
 Always wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before eating and after going to the toilet
 Don’t wash fruits and vegetables in tap water;
 How to avoid food poisoning in Bali, you may only eat freshly cooked food;
 Furthermore, avoid eating raw food and food that has been sitting at room temperature
for a long time.

To prevent food poisoning, be sure to practice good personal and food hygiene. This involves
ensuring your kitchen is clean, washing your hands regularly and storing, preparing and cooking
food in the advised way. Most cases of food poisoning are not serious and will resolve on their
own over the course of a few days. If you notice that you have some of the symptoms above and
suspect you have food poisoning, try to rest and stay hydrated. Seeking help from a pharmacist
may also be helpful, as they can suggest medication to help ease your symptoms. However, some
types of food poisoning can be serious. If you are concerned, you should get checked by a doctor.

If symptoms appear, drink plenty of water to cure food poisoning. Get a doctor to examine your
symptoms at your location, or get IV Therapy service if dehydration due to diarrhoea occurs.
Contact Hydro Medical Bali and we will always ready to assist you.

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