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pg.3 pg.11

The power of Power Power: From outside-in or

Matilda Yorke inside-out?
Dr. Marianne Furtado de Nazareth

No ‘fake fasting’
The Resurrection Power
Pope Francis on Lent
G. Ruban Richard

pg.5 A ‘CS’ on the meaning of Easter
The motive-force of Prayer
Dr. C.S. Rajan

Prof. Christel Devadawson


pg.6 "His power - the source of

He builds people of Power my stamina, the reservoir of
Dr. Peter S.C. Pothan my courage"
Susan Habegger
The power of Prayer pg.16

Fr. Aloysius Santiago sdb Notable Numbers

Suryakumari Dennison

Easter or Christmas –

Powerful spiritual reminders


Dr. Eva Bell

Because He lives

The Power of God's grace

Mabel M. Jesudian
The colour blue used on the cover symbolises God’s healing power. the heavens, and the Word of God itself. It is associated with
purity and divinity. The magnificent skies, for instance, are a symbol of the heavenly realm above us where we will unite with
The Almighty once again (source: Internet)


Matilda Yorke

I like the themes for YHWH to be easy to have. The best examples we have of power
write on, and on topics that are current and are the wrong ones... domination over others,
touch the body, mind and soul. So negative influence over people, supremacy of
brainstormed with my closest friends – and castes and beliefs. In churches too, there is this
the subject of power came up. greed to hold on to power, greed to
accumulate money, greed to put people down
Result: the powerful testimonies and because of disagreements. All this gives the
reflections in this issue are thought- person who thinks he or she is powerful,
provoking and encouraging, especially in the authority over those considered weak. Once
context of the Bible. we are given charge of a responsibility – as is
the popular phrase – power goes to the head.
When people speak of power, they envision Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
different things. Power is often seen as
As a gift from God, the resurrection power
“control”. Even domination. The ability to
can be exercised positively as well, especially
influence someone to do something. And it
in the church by helping the underprivileged;
is sadly seen in our churches too.
fighting for the right, alone if need be; by not
But, real power is often quiet and meek and judging based on personality, status, job, or
unseen. Jesus was full of power when He opinions; serving God, the Church and the
stood in silence before Pilate. And Pilate Community and not just serving their families
said, “Don’t you know I have power over or themselves. The power of prayer, and the
your life? And Jesus said: “You have no response to it, can be a significant guiding
power unless permitted by me.” factor in this endeavour.
The power that Christ modelled in His life Wise church leaders or elders look at power as
on this earth and gave to His followers a catalyst to work in harmony with the flock.
because of His resurrection is: Leaders need to realize that with power
• Power to live without fear comes accountability. They also need to be
• Power to love without restraint inclusive in their approach. And this resonates
• Power to speak truth without hate squarely with Jesus’ way of life.
• Power to serve without pride
It is written in Titus 1:7: Since an overseer
What is the hope for Christians as they manages God’s household, he must be
begin to better understand power? blameless – not overbearing, not quick-
As the editor of Christianity Today, Andy tempered, not given to drunkenness, not

Crouch, says, “they will become violent, not pursuing dishonest gain.
accountable to one another, to God, and to The test of power is flourishing: Who is
the most vulnerable around them for how flourishing because you have power? Let’s give
they use their power.” the concept of power a serious thought, and
The power we have doesn’t come with titles begin by using it positively in the church first.
or status in life, or the influential friends we Charity, after all, begins at home.


the strength of all believers
G. Ruban Richard

The theme ‘POWER‘ posed two queries: disappeared. The medical personnel, who
1. What is the hope for Christians as they treated me, were surprised too.
begin to understand power? “When the coconut tree in our backyard got
2. The test of power is flourishing: Who is charred due to some disease¸ I hugged the
flourishing because you have power? tree and prayed to Jesus daily, and now we
enjoy the abundant yield.
A few believers normally gather on the first
and second week of every month for a prayer “With every miracle that my Jesus performed
meeting. On January 4 in me, my faith has grown
this year, the meeting stronger and stronger. I do
took place at my home, not go to any church but I
and a guest visiting our read my Bible and pray to
neighbour was also Jesus, sometimes for hours
invited. Mother of four together at night. In the
beginning, my husband
and grandmother of six,
vehemently objected but for
this lady, 66 years, lives
a couple of years now, he
with her husband. They
has shown signs of belief.
belong to another faith.
Praise God!
At the end of the
meeting, she gave an “Thank you very much for
astonishing testimony, inviting me to this prayer
which in my opinion meeting. I feel so grateful
answered the above-stated questions. and content for this opportunity to share my
testimony. Now my life is — My Jesus
“I have been a believer of Jesus for the past 42 and I.”
years, though I belong to a traditional family of
staunch believers of another faith. In response Dear fellow readers of this testimony, I hope
to my daily unceasing prayer, my Jesus healed that this testimony answers the questions at
me of an unbearable pain in my left breast that the start of the article. There is surely hope
for every Christian and somebody
started 10 years after my marriage at an early
somewhere is flourishing because of the
age. One night, I felt a strange warmth in my
Resurrection Power.
breast, and in the morning, the pain was
totally gone. These two quotes of Josh McDowell in his
book The Resurrection Factor, confirm the
“Five or six years later, I experienced a similar power of the resurrection.
healing on my right breast. When I was

pregnant with my second child, I developed a “Because Christ was raised from the dead He
lump in my uterus, and Jesus answered my lives. And because He lives, He has that
prayer and gave me a safe delivery; the lump infinite capacity to enter a man or woman’s
also vanished miraculously. A few years ago, I life, forgive him and change him from the
had a growth of three inches in my rectum, inside out.”
and it caused me great discomfort and pain. I “The key element is the resurrection factor.
prayed unceasingly, and the growth He is risen.”

Prof. Christel Devadawson

Prayer works in the strangest yet most ‘’Juice de do,’ (‘’Step on it!’). Almost
without understanding him, I flattened the
compelling ways. It binds God and His
accelerator pedal. The car jumped out of
creation together so that we see His love
the rut. We were safe.
and also His power.

Once upon a time, when I had just begun Reluctantly (how I’d have liked to think
to drive, my mother and I had an unusual of my driving skills instead) I learnt about
adventure. Our car God’s power from
stalled in a narrow this incident. God
but deep rut at a chooses the most
jam-packed crossing. unlikely people (a
As vehicles began scooterist rather
honking from all than another car
sides, we realised driver) to work His
that we were in a miracles. The
terrible plight. If we motive-force can
didn’t get going, we sometimes be the
would have been Source: Internet prayers of people
done for. scarcely known or
half-forgotten by those in need. And God
Wonderful though it may sound, I may sometimes energise a witless victim
suddenly felt the power of prayer, the to pull herself out of the scrape into
hands of all our friends (including some which she has got herself. Our God is a
whom we hadn’t seen for a long time, prayer-answering and mighty Saviour.
stretching out to uphold us.
Unfortunately, I misunderstood this and
thought that we were finished. My brain But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient
froze, and in that awful moment, I clean for you, for my power is made perfect
forgot all my driving lessons. in weakness." Therefore I will boast all
the more gladly about my weaknesses,

so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Excitedly however, a man riding his
scooter next to us called out in Hindi , 2 Corinthians 12:9

Dr. Peter S.C. Pothan

The power that our Lord Jesus promised

is not for personal gratification or
financial gain but for the ministry. He
says, “You will be my witnesses.”
Unfortunately, today even that is used for
building wealth and a personal kingdom.

This is true of many evangelists including

many Indians too. Many are so rich.
There is one American lady evangelist Source: Internet
who has a huge ranch and three jet I know that nothing is of my strength but
planes all maintained by the ministry, in His power and inspiration. I have
though one jet is only for her personal preached not only in my church but in
use. I know of at least three Indian churches in Bangalore, all over India, and
evangelists who started with nothing and abroad as He gave me the messages.
are some of the richest men in India
today. Power is often misused, even in Furthermore, linked to this, He gives us
the Church. gifts to be used in the ministry. He gave
me not only the gifts of knowledge and
Yet Jesus said, “Give up everything and wisdom for my teaching and preaching
take up your cross and follow me”. I ministry but also the gift of administration
know of many Indian Christians who have that I used in at least three Christian
done this and are suffering for it. organizations to bring them into proper
In 1973 God called me into his ministry
I got no great wealth, but He looked
and I gave up my secular job to follow
after us as a family, and He gave me a
him. He gave me the power I needed,
house built by His grace and mercy.
and I have been used mightily in his
Today, I have no pension but He
ministry. I have taught thousands of
continues to provide.

people, mentored hundreds, and written

over 60 books and innumerable articles That is power to be used for God and the
that have blessed so many people. building of His people.

Fr. Aloysius Santiago sdb

“I’m simply amazed at how God worked in So, as long as we sincerely pray to God
response to my prayers. I see a softening and rely on Him, we will see miracles in
in my niece’s husband, an agnostic. I see the midst of despair! I would like to share
transformation in the members of my my own experience on the Power of
small group, and spiritual awakenings in Prayer, which has encouraged me to have
my neighbours. I see growth in my own recourse to prayer, a weapon to fight the
marriage.” – Philip Yancey, Prayer: Does It spiritual and physical warfare in my life. It
Make Any Difference? is the ladder that enables you and me to
reach the other world to enjoy eternal
How great is the power of prayer! Look life.
back to the time when Moses led the
Israelites out of Egypt , with the Red Sea 2009: I was faced with a death-like
ahead, and Egyptian soldiers pursuing situation, diagnosed with partial left lung
them, the people were overwhelmed with failure and pneumonia, with diabetes.
helplessness and desperation. But Moses
did not pull back. With true faith in God, 2013: I had double lung pneumonia, and
he sincerely prayed and relied on God. in a coma for 5-6 days at Fr. Mullers
Hospital, Mangalore.
At this critical moment, as it is recorded in
2018: I contracted malaria in Uganda
Exodus 14:15,16: “Then the LORD said to
when I was working with the refugees. I
Moses, why are you crying out to
was totally dehydrated, was flown back
me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise
to India, and admitted to Philomena’s
your staff and stretch out your hand over
Hospital, Bangalore; doctors gave up
the sea to divide the water so that the
hope and I was on the ventilator for more
Israelites can go through the sea on dry
than 6 days.
2022 August: I had chest congestion;
Moses followed God’s instructions, and oxygen saturation was 30, and admitted
then a miracle happened: The sea split in to a Bidar hospital

half. The Israelites crossed the Red Sea

without any problem. “The LORD will January 9 to 16, 2023: Persistent cough;
fight for you; you need only to be still.” admitted to Philomena’s Hospital, and
Exodus 14:14 then returned to Bidar
January 28: Oxygen saturation dropped There’s conviction in prayer; it’s our
to 35. I was airlifted from Bidar to eternal assurance, and it helps us to run
Bangalore Baptist Hospital. My oxygen the race with patience and endurance.
saturation dropped to almost 10, and There’s joy in prayer; it’s the means to
doctors almost gave up on me. For three happiness for when we trust God, it
days, I was in the ICU on a ventilator. brings gladness to His heart.
Hopes were shattered; people thought I
will not come back, but God’s plans for How great is the power of prayer. So, as
me were different. People from different long as we sincerely pray to God and rely
prayer groups all over the world stormed on Him, we will see miracles in the midst
heaven. of despair! For most of us, drawing
closer to God is not a priority, especially
The power of prayer was seen in a when everything is going well — our
tangible manner in all these situations. I health is good, the family is doing well,
bear testimony to this: I was almost dead finances are excellent, jobs are secure.
and I am alive. I was lost to sickness but What is there to worry about?
now I am found healthy.

There’s power in prayer; there is a Each of us can call on God anytime we

mighty force whenever we go to the want, and He will hear our plea. We
Almighty source. Just go to the Almighty don’t have to be perfect to ask God for
where there’s strength and greatness our needs and the needs of others. God
behind His mighty force. desires a personal relationship with us.
God will never coerce, but He longs to
There’s hope in prayer; it’s our defence draw us close to Him and share His plan.
and shield when to God our hearts we The choice is ours because He has given
give and yield. us free will.


Disturb me, Lord, when I am too well pleased with myself,
When my dreams have come true because I have dreamed too little,
When I arrived safely because I sailed too close to the shore.
Disturb me, Lord, when with the abundance of things, I possess
I have lost my thirst for the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life, I have ceased to dream of eternity
And in my efforts to build a new earth,
I have allowed my vision of the new heaven to dim.
Disturb me, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas where storms will show Your mastery;
Where losing sight of land, I shall find the stars.

I ask You to push back the horizons of my hopes;

And to push into the future in strength, courage, hope, and love. Amen.
Author:M.K.W. Heicher
Sent by Dr. Peter S.C. Pothan

– Powerful spiritual reminders
Dr. Eva Bell
The four weeks of Advent before Christmas,
the six weeks of Lent before Easter, and the
many other days like Ascension or Pentecost
Day, in the Christian calendar give us an
opportunity to grow spiritually and deepen our
love for God.
However, no great celebration can take place
without adequate preparation. We are to get
ready and wait. One preacher said that life is
like an onion. We must peel off the layers until Source:
we come down to the essential ‘I’. As we pull the-manger-and-the-cross-unlikely-bookends/
out the layers of pretences and illusions of the goodness in us. “The weeds are the sons
religiosity, we realise the need for repentance (and daughters) of the evil one, and the
and a proper cleansing, as repent our way to a enemy who sows them is the devil.”
Blessed Christmas or a Glorious Easter. (Matthew 13:38,39)
Advent brought us an anticipation of joy, as we • The weeds of neglected relationships
looked forward to celebrating the birth of with family, spouses, children or old
Jesus. A time to get ready for the return of parents. Let us banish the hostilities that
Christ at His second advent, the triumphant divide us.
return of the Son of God in all His glory. “No • The weeds of shirking responsibilities-
man knows the day or the hour, not even the lost opportunities to help our friends or
angels in heaven or His son, but only the our neighbours who may have physical,
Father.” (Matthew 24:36). material or spiritual needs. Let us show
Easter enables us to accompany Jesus on his humanness and compassion for those
agonising journey, meditate on a spiritual walk, beyond our circle of immediate affection.
and examine ourselves. It reminds us of how • The weeds of judgementalism - a
Jesus overcame death. He is present with us censorious attitude that most Christians
every day in our lives. tend to show.
• The weeds of neglect and indifference
No event in history has shaped the world like to our relationship with God. Oh, how we
the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ. need to enter into the sanctuary of God
The message ‘Christ is risen’ brought with it daily and experience His love and grace!
the hope of resurrection for each one of us • The weeds of unforgiveness to those who
who trust in Him. Easter means LIFE – a do us wrong
redeemed life. In John 11:25, Jesus says “I am
Advent, Christmas, Lent or Easter are

the resurrection and the life.”This is the hope

powerful reminders that tells us to wake up,
and promise we receive at Easter.
cleanse ourselves of the weeds, and prepare
Take care of the weeds our hearts and spirits to receive the good
Our preparation for these great events gives us news of our Saviour – his birth or
an opportunity to tend to our life, which is like resurrection. “Therefore, keep watch
a garden. We need to pull out the weeds that because you do not know on what day or
are choking our character, our integrity and hour He will come.”(Matthew 24:42)


Mabel M. Jesudian

You must be familiar with the term ‘grace

marks’—the extra marks awarded to a
student to help them meet the minimum
pass mark. ‘Grace marks’ were a significant REPORT CARD
part of my student life when it came to Art 20
passing my second language paper. With First language
both my parents having minimal knowledge History 40
of my second language in school, I Math 50
struggled with understanding the basics. I Social Studies
went to umpteen number of tuitions, but it Technology 45
was not until my parents found a qualified Second language 15
language expert in standard 6 (he was
officially called a vidvan) that I started
passing in the subject. Till then grace marks
had helped me move to the next class. Christ even when we were dead in
transgressions—it is by grace you have
The other day, while reflecting on the term
been saved. 6 And God raised us up with
‘grace,’ I realized that the earthly concept
Christ and seated us with him in the
of ‘grace marks’ is just another way that
heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in
can help us better understand the power of
order that in the coming ages he might
God’s amazing grace. The Bible says that
show the incomparable riches of his
we all have fallen short of the glory of
grace, expressed in his kindness to us in
God.”for all have sinned and fall short of
Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have
the glory of God” Romans 3:23.
been saved, through faith – and this is
Yes, we have all failed to make the pass not from yourselves, it is the gift of God –
mark. It could be by 10 marks, 20 marks,
not by works, so that no one can
or even 100 marks! But the power of boast. 1 0 For we are God’s
God’s amazing grace makes up for what handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do
we are short of. Human effort can never good works, which God prepared in
make the required ‘pass marks’. But this is advance for us to do..”
where our Lord, so rich in mercy, bestows
When I look back at my student years, I
upon us His grace. Apostle Paul beautifully
thank the Lord for the concept of grace
explains this in his letter to the Ephesians

marks. But I thank Him even more that

the power of His immeasurable grace
“But because of his great love for us, God, assures an undeserving sinner like me the
who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with gift of eternal life.


Dr. Marianne Furtado de Nazareth
As a young athlete in my teens, I remember
feeling the power wielded over me, by my
athletics coach. His word was law and
whatever he instructed me to do during my Source: Internet
training sessions, I followed without
discussion. frequently. Discipline brings clarity to any
At the time I assumed that power came from situation, increasing an individual’s power.
“outside-in.” I believed that power is granted Real power is energy, and it intensifies from
to a person by someone else. They see inside as our insight and self-understanding
power as a position or title, which comes grow. Insight is an integral element of being
with authority and control and a belief in the powerful. A person with real power does not
form of supremacy over others. As I influence the world around him or her
without consideration of the bigger picture
matured, I had reason to believe that real
that begins inside.
power comes from “inside-out.” Power is
the ability of each individual to increase it From my experience from this vantage point,
within themselves simply by the choices they true growth — both personal and professional
make, the actions they take, and the — is far more likely. Insightful individuals are
thoughts they create. Power is available to able to tap into an internal energy that is felt
everyone, no matter their position or title. by others as power.
Real power is influence, and it increases as Real power is impact, and it grows as we
we offer more support to others. Being focus on our creativity. Creating the future is
powerful is more about giving support than not about waving a magic wand. It is a
getting support. Contrary to what you may concrete practice that serves the purpose of
have thought about power, service is the being powerful with a purpose. Creative
highest form of leadership. Serving others is solutions make an impact on people,
a key to sustainable growth. And it creates organizations, and societies. Real power
the kind of influence that truly powerful sometimes comes from the unlikeliest of
people wield – the kind that resonates and places.
uplifts. Real power is confidence, and it rises as we
Real power is thinking with absolute clarity, better understand and live our values. When
and it gets stronger with discipline. Having you speak about your values and act
power is more about creating an accordingly, you increase your power
environment that encourages every because you are confident in your assertions.
individual to engage in their own form of This power is palpable and effective.

self-discipline. That’s not to say discipline Plus, a positive mood or emotion enhances
never comes from above, but by creative problem-solving, cooperation,
empowering each member of an decision-making, overall performance, the
organization to be accountable, discipline search for creative solutions, and confidence
from above will not be required as in being able to achieve positive outcomes.

Pope Francis reminded the faithful to give 1. Fast with
from consistency
Hurting Words and say
up something for Lent only if it Kind Words.
demonstrates compassion and enriches Pope Francis went on to tell another
2. Fast from Sadness and be filled with
others. When fasting, Pope Francis said, a story stemming from personal
experience. He said that once, when
true Christian must be consistent, not
putting himself on show, never despising 3. Fast from
speaking Anger
to a very and begentleman
cultured filled with
others or engaging in quarrels or Patience.
who was known to exploit his domestic
disagreements. 4. Fast from
workers, Pessimism
he explained to and
him be
this is a
with Hope.
serious sin because we are all created in
Don’t pretend to be virtuous 5. image
the Fast from Worries and Trust in
of God.
“If you cannot commit to a total fast, the God.
“To sharefrom
6. Fast our Complaints
bread with theandhungry,
kind that makes you feel hunger in your shelter the oppressed and the homeless,
bones” you can still fast humbly and contemplate Simplicity.
consistently. 7. Fast from Pressures and be
Isaiah, he said, highlights so many 8. Fast from Bitterness and fill your heart
inconsistencies in the practice of virtue, with Joy.
like “carrying out your own pursuits,
9. Fast from Selfishness and be
driving all your labourers, and yes, ending
Compassionate to others.
your fast in quarrelling and fighting”.
10. Fast from Grudges and be
Fasting, the Pope said, is a little like Reconciled.
“stripping oneself” of pride. He said that to 11. Fast from Words and be Silent so
thank the Lord and at the same time you can Listen.
despise your labourers that are forced to
fast because they do not have enough to are humiliated and despised ... I have
eat is inconsistent and unchristian. He said never been able to forget the time I went
“you cannot talk to God on the one hand to a friend’s house as a child, and I
and to the devil on the other”. witnessed the mother slapping the 81-
year-old maid…”
Fasting with a smile
Fast in order “to help others. But always Reiterating that he has never forgotten
with a smile”. Fasting, he said, also involves that shameful episode, Pope Francis
lowering oneself by reflecting on one’s sins urged the faithful to ask themselves
and asking forgiveness from the Lord. whether they treat their domestic
workers with fairness, whether they treat
How ashamed would I be, he continued, if

them “as people or as slaves”, whether

my sin was to become common knowledge they are paid a just salary and have the
through the press? “I think of so many right to holidays and are recognized in
maids who work for their bread and they their human dignity.
clothe the naked when we see them, not on the path to a double life, pretending to
turn our back on our own”. He exhorted be a just Christian — like the Pharisees
Christians to “do penance”, to “feel a or the Sadducees.”
little hunger”, to “pray more during Lent” “If I am unable to do something, I will not
and to ask themselves how they behave do it. I will do only what I can with the
towards the other: consistency of a true Christian.”
“Does my fast help others? If it does not Source:
it’s fake, it’s inconsistent and it takes you lent-fasting.html



Dr. C.S. Rajan
Easter is an annual event of Christian Solemnization.
It occurs on the first Calculated Sunday that follows
The first full Circle Shape of Earth’s Celestial Satellite (full moon),
Soon after the Customary Spring Equinox.
The Complete Story of Easter is from the New Creed of Scriptures
That relates to Jesus, the Carpenter’s Scion,
Who was Checked and Seized by the
Cruel and Sadistic Roman Combatant Soldiers
Under orders by Cabinet Seniors at Rome,
Because, Jesus Claimed Steadfastly, that He was Christ, the Son of God.
They Crucified and Strung him up on a Cross of Shafts, on Calvary’s Slopes.
His Consciousness and Soul left him after three hours of Contusions and Stabbings.
His body was placed in a Catacomb Sepulcher by a Councillor of the Sanhedrin*.
But, on the third day, infused by the Creator’s Spirit,
He Completely Shaped back to the Clear Spring of life!
He Came to Show himself to the Close Supporters,
Emphasising the Clemency for Sin and the Cleansing of the Soul of repenters.
He then Climbed and Soared to Heaven, as Christ the Saviour!
In Canonical Sacred writings, this Resurrection is the
Considered Strong point that the Clergy Steadily preach
To all followers of Charismatic Schooling, that they too
Will be resurrected at the Coming Second of Jesus.

The Resurrection of Jesus is the Corner Stone of Christian Surety,

And, this is Commemorated and Shared at Easter.
[*Sanhedrin: The Council Supreme and tribunal of the Jews]

“His Power – the source of my stamina,
the reservoir of my courage”
God’s presence from childhood “I had knowledge of God’s
I enjoyed the opportunities and safety of power - The All Powerful,”
growing up in a small rural community. says Susan Habegger,
Executive Director, Thrive
We were very involved in our church and
Life Skills, especially when
I have lovely memories of those who she was compelled to
taught me in Sunday School and were embrace the power of Christ’s
involved in my growing-up years. Because grace, mercy, and forgiveness
of that, my awareness of God and His when He lifted her higher in “a moment of great
failure in my life”. She followed God’s plan to
presence in my life was planted early and Africa, where she was from 1994 to 2008. In
watered continuously. 2010, God planted the seed for a new venture,
Thrive Life Skills, which is now active in Africa,
Embracing the power of Christ’s grace Asia, Europe, and the United States. The heart
of Susan’s story is this verse: “He put a new
I had knowledge of God’s power - “The song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.”
All Powerful.” However, it took some
time to comprehend that He utilizes that
power in very personal ways for me. It
might seem strange that this awareness
came particularly at a moment of great
failure in my life.
My failure overwhelmed me to the point
of being undone with no hope. I was
compelled to embrace the power of
Christ’s grace, mercy, and
forgiveness. That power
literally saved me from my
own despair and fear. It was
a pivotal moment for me and
has rooted deep within me.
International mission work
has been on my heart since I
was a young girl. However,
God brought that desire to
life in a different way than I
imagined. It was not until
age 39 that I moved
overseas. I lived in Nigeria,
teaching the Bible and developing a
women’s center. From there, I became teaching. I will give my heart and strength
director of women’s centers in 10 African to that purpose as long as He provides
countries. and calls me forward.

In 2010, God called me from that work The further I go on this journey, the
to start Thrive Life Skills. It was my heart more confirmed I am that my relationship
to help the nationals “help their own” and with God is the essence of my heart’s
He assured me that this was the time. In desire. He is my Good Shepherd, my
2013, God’s power once again came to Provider, my Love. He becomes more
the forefront, as I experienced a severe real to me as other things fall away in
time of suffering and trauma. He cared their ability to satisfy. His power is the
for me in very personal ways, showing source of my stamina, the competence of
power over the evil that threatened to my teaching, the reservoir of my courage.
overwhelm me. I drew on His strength to
survive, to stand once again, and to open What gives rest and renewal after
my heart to His plan for me. work?

“Moving Forward From Trauma” I enjoy reading, especially with a cup of

tea. I love a good walk, through the
Over the months, God compelled me to woods or along the beach. I always have
share my journey with others in “Moving handwork in process: embroidery,
Forward From Trauma.” I suppose none of Kantha, and, board games with my
us would say that suffering is our heart’s grandchildren are a regular event.
desire. However, it has been through my
own pain that God has opened the doors The heart of my story is this verse: “He
to come alongside others. I have found put a new song in my mouth, a song of

that sharing the hope He offers to praise to our God.” [Psalm 40:3] As I share
discover a courageous and peaceful way this new song with others, it is my hope
forward is my heart’s desire. I feel God’s that others will see and put their trust in
pleasure in the writing and in the the LORD.

Suryakumari Dennison

Numbers are important! For us as Indians Complete the following sentences

15 stands out in the middle of August, with the correct numbers:-
and 1947 is a momentous year. That Example: There are
extraordinary event — freedom from Commandments. Answer: 10
foreign rule — was the climax of other
Hint: no number is repeated.
significant years, chiefly 1857 and 1942.
April 13, 1919, was a dark day. No less 1. Pharaoh told Joseph that he had seen
than a 1000 people at Jallianwala Bagh cows in a dream.
lost their lives in that infamous massacre. 2. Jesus fasted for days and nights
While these are landmarks in our in the desert.
country’s history, numbers are 3. Baby Moses was kept hidden for
inseparable from our birthdays and other months.
occurrences in our personal lives. Nor 4. Jesus was years old when
are numbers confined to dates. A student His parents took Him to Jerusalem.
is keenly aware of the difference
between 97% and 95%. ‘You have done 5. David was the youngest of
very well,’ his/her teacher or parents sons of Jesse.
might say to the youngster who stands 6. Jesus met disciples going
second, but he/she will definitely aim for towards Emmaus.
98 in the next exam. 7. Noah’s Ark was cubits long.
Yes, numbers are relevant. Look at how 8. The Book of Revelation mentions
all of us were glued to the Tokyo elders around God’s throne.
Olympics! China and America carting 9. Solomon took years to build
away gold and silver, while India was the temple.
trying to garner more than the few 10. When Judas died there were
medals we had bagged already. Then, we apostles left.
heard of events called ‘4x400m relay’, Answers on page 17
‘100 meters hurdles’, ‘50 km walk’, etc. Source: Earlier published in JCC
We also had athletes breaking world (JC4ME Childrens Corner)
records, where the number of minutes —
however small — made an enormous I want to know Christ – yes, to know
difference. the power of his resurrection and
Turning to Scripture, we find that participation in his sufferings, becoming
numbers are conspicuous by their like him in his death.
presence. Theologians have studied them Philippians 3:10
to understand their mystical and divine Do not withhold good from those to

significance. The quiz that follows whom it is due, when it is in your

requires no such scholarly effort on your power to act.
part, but you do need to know your Bible Proverbs 3:27

In the late 1960s, while expecting their bout with mononucleosis, and in that
third child, Bill and Gloria Gaither were weakened condition had little reserve to
going through a rather traumatic time in fight the psychological battle brought on
their lives. by some external family problems.
Someone whom we had cared about a
Bill was recovering his strength from a
great deal had hurled some accusations at
bout with mononucleosis. They, along
us and at the Fellowship of Believers and
with their church, were the objects of
at the whole idea of the existence of God.
accusation and belittlement. Gloria was
experiencing a time of torment, including It was on New Year’s eve that I sat alone
fear of the future and of bringing children in the darkness and quiet of our living
into such a crazy, mixed-up world. room, thinking about the world and our
As Gloria sat alone in a darkened living country and Bill’s discouragement and the
room, tormented, and fearful, the Lord family problems and about our baby yet
sent a calm and peaceful rest to her. The unborn. Who in their right mind would
power of the resurrection of Christ bring a child into a world like this? I
seemed to affirm itself in their lives once thought, The world is so evil. Influences
again. Gloria remembers the realization beyond our control are so strong. What
that it was LIFE conquering death in the will happen to this child?
regularity of her day. The joy seemed to I can’t quite explain what happened at that
overcome and take precedence over moment, but suddenly I felt released from
frightening human circumstances. And the it all. The panic that had begun to build
song Because He Lives came out of their inside was gently dispelled by a reassuring
personal bout with darkness. presence that engulfed my life and drew
my attention.
Gloria recounted:
I am a wife and a mother. It was in the Gradually, the fear left and the joy began
middle of the upheaval in the sixties that to return. I knew I could have that baby
we were expecting our third baby. The and face the future with optimism and
drug culture was in full swing, existential trust. It was the Resurrection affirming
thought had obviously saturated every itself in our lives once again. It was LIFE
area of our American thought, the cities conquering death in the regularity of my
were seething with racial tension, and the day.
God-is-dead pronouncement had giggled
its way all through our educational
On the personal front, Bill and I were

going through one of the most difficult

9) 7 10) 11 7) 500 8) 24 6) 2

times in our lives. Bill had been

4) 12 5) 8 2) 40 3) 3 1) 14

discouraged and physically exhausted by a

God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus,
He came to love, heal, and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Saviour lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

Because He lives All fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future.
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives.
How sweet to hold a newborn baby, jesus-christ-empty-tomb-goshen-utah-f3d2253?lang=eng

And feel the pride and joy He gives;

But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.

And then one day, I’ll cross the river,

I’ll fight life’s final war with pain;
And then as death gives way to victory,
I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know he lives.

For private circulation. YHWH completed one year in January this

year. We published four issues in 2022. The
Edited and published by Matilda Yorke for The Bridging Gap.
YHWH team thanks our contributors and
The YHWH Team readers for their encouragement. Above all,
Dr. Eva Bell we thank God for giving us the power of the
Mary Paul pen to share His Word and to strengthen faith
Matilda Yorke and trust in Him. We encourage you to
Cover: Elizabeth Yorke forward YHWH and let it be a blessing to all
Inside Pages Design: Reena Mohan (Rose DTP Centre) who read and write for it.
The views/comments expressed in YHWH belong solely to the writer, and do not in any way reflect the opinion
of Matilda Yorke, the YHWH team or The Bridging Gap. All material is edited for brevity, length, style, and
purpose of YHWH. Only original contributions will be used. We may not be able to publish everything we
receive, and we do not pay for contributions used or unused. We will stay away from any political views or any
content that does not convey joy through this newsletter. While precautions have been taken to ensure accuracy
and originality of the content, Matilda Yorke, the YHWH team or The Bridging Gap cannot accept responsibility
for damages or injury which may arise there from. If you do have an issue regarding the content, kindly email
balive2021@gmail.comwith YHWH in the subject line.
No reproduction without permission, Copyright @2022 The Bridging Gap. All rights reserved.

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