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Organic Farmers Association Vision

Raylie Paguio


Name of Organization; Organic Farmers Association

Vision Statement; To be an organization of global excellence in innovative organic farming.

Mission Statement; To empower and support organic farmers locally to produce healthy, affordable and
readily available organic products for all citizens.

Goals and objectives;

- To healthy organic products locally and expand globally in 5 years.

To avolutionize the organic industry through provision of quality.

To incorporate technology into our farming in order to deliver the best.

-Educate local farmers how to best carry out small scale organic farming.

Now that you have your mission-vision statements, identity at least three (3) powerful core values that
will serve as the organization's guiding principles. Explain what each means and why you have chosen
them. Remember that these core values should help you fulfill your business goals which should also be
imbibed by your employees.
The three core values that will guide the Organic Farmers Association are:

Sustainability: This core value represents the organization's commitment to farming practices that are
environmentally sustainable, socially responsible, and economically viable. It means that the
organization seeks to produce organic products in a way that preserves natural resources, reduces
pollution, and promotes biodiversity. The organization recognizes that sustainable practices are
necessary for long-term success and that they are essential for meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Integrity: This core value represents the organization's commitment to honesty, transparency, and
ethical behavior. It means that the organization operates with integrity in all aspects of its business,
including its relationships with customers, suppliers, employees, and the community. The organization
values trust and strives to maintain it by being open and honest in its communications, keeping
promises, and treating everyone with respect.

Innovation: This core value represents the organization's commitment to continuous improvement and
creative thinking. It means that the organization is always looking for new and better ways to farm
organically, to improve the quality of its products, and to meet the needs of its customers. The
organization recognizes that innovation is essential for staying competitive and for creating value for its
stakeholders. The organization encourages creativity, risk-taking, and learning from failures.

These three core values were chosen because they are fundamental to the success of the organization's
mission and vision. By prioritizing sustainability, the organization ensures that it is producing organic
products in a way that benefits both people and the planet. By upholding integrity, the organization
builds trust and credibility with its stakeholders, which is crucial for building long-term relationships. By
embracing innovation, the organization stays ahead of the curve and continuously improves its products
and services. These values will guide the organization in making decisions, setting priorities, and
achieving its goals.

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