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Colegio Seminario San Juan Apóstol


1- Write the statements the students discuss in the seminar

1. Teach it…
2. Offer homestays…
3. Use it….

2- Answer the following question based on the information provided by the


A- What are the main causes of losing a language?

some languages have only a few hundred or a few thousand speakers, and due to social
changes or economic factors people lose their languages

B- According to the woman, why should language be taught in schools?

so that the language isnt lost, and it should be taught from primary school onwards.

C- What’s the downside regarding technology?

helps to spread the language through music, social networks... and this helps not to lose it.

D- What is the opinion of the men at the end regarding technology?

With the globalization you can protect the lenguage

3- Write true or false. You have to justify the false ones.

A-People neglect the language because they feel ashamed of their language _______F
B- You shouldn’t force a person to learn or revive a language _______ V

C- Giving a public status might be a good idea to revitalize a language _______ V

D- In whales they started promoting the languge in schools that’s how they preserved the
language ________ V

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