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Republic of ie Philippines Department of Education Region V Division of Sorsogon PROPOSAL 1, PROJECT TITLE: ELIGERE: A Lecture Series on Educating the Youth and the Community for Election 2022 I, RATIONALE: Philippines is a democratic country; it gained its rights to freedom to choose and select leaders to govern ‘and serve its people right when it untied from the oppression of colonizers. Independence has been celebrated in this country, and the major evidence of its independence is the right of the citizens to vote for the leaders of the nation. Section 2 of Republic Act No. 7166 indicates the following: In accordance with the policy herein before stated, there shall be an election for President, Vice- President, twenty-four (24) Senators, all elective Members of the House of Representatives, and all elective provincial, city and municipal officials on the second Monday of May 1992. Thereafier, the President and Vice-President shall be elected on the same day every six (6) years; while the Senators, elective Members of the House of Representatives and all elective provincial, city and municipal officials shall be elected on the same day every three (3) years, except that with respect to Senators, only twelve (12) shall be elected. This year, 2022, will be a Presidential election and the second Monday is on May 9. Thus this will be the day that another set of leaders will be put in position, Under Article V, Section 1 of the Philippine Constitution, one of the qualifications in order to exercise the right of suffrage is “one must be at least eighteen (18) years of age (except for Sangguniang Kabataan elections)”. Therefore, once a Filipino citizen tumed to that age, he/she must be registered and has the right to vote. 18 years old in this day’s context is between Senior High School Students and College Students. With this, the teacher-proponents together with the Supreme Student Government of Gubat National High School would like to propose for an activity that will reorient and tackle the legalities and formalities of elections as well as educating the young minds of what should be considered in taking in information about the said topic. ws Il. OBJECTIVES: E E wi ‘, TIGERE will be the title of the Lecture Series that aims to educate the youth and even the community about the coming Presidential Election 2022 Specifically, this project would like to: 1. Present a series of lectures from experts of political, social, and legal fields to help the youth and the community understand more the concepts and significance of elections 2. Create a space for the student-voters to be enlightened about fact checking about the history, events, and the acts relevant to the coming elections 3. Provide comprehensive venue of giving knowledge of every aspect of election for both the students and the community IV. METHODOLOGY: This lecture series will be presented through Facebook Live to accommodate wider audiences. The SSG officers will create a Facebook group where the participants will be invited to join in. The target date of the event will be on the first week of April, 2022 with the goal of having more impact as the election will be held just a month after. ‘These are the proposed topics for the event; the speakers will be named once the proposal is approved. Letter of invitations will be sent to these individuals who are to be selected based on their respective expertise. Topic 1: Election and the Citizenry Topic 2: Rights and Duties as Filipino Voters Topic 3: Legal Concepts of Election Topic 4: History and Societal Issues of Election Topic 5: Right from Wrong: Fact Checking In regards to the registration, everybody is welcome to participate as long as they are from Gubat, Sorsogon. This will not be limited to Gubat NHS students only; instead this will be open to the community outside the school premises, There will be a generated registration link for the individuals who would be willing to join the activity. The lecture series will either be live or recorded depending on the availability of the speakers, hence the forum cannot be promised. Further queries can be done through messaging the group made for the activity. illing 10 attend and participate will be welcomed to join. allowed to access the lecture series as well. five (5) selected experts will be invited to talk of a certain topic during the es Peres iacinnca ‘once this proposal is already official. -ETARY REQUIREMENTS: ‘The activity proposed will not require much of monetary concems as this will be held online, yet there will be a need for minimum assistance with the tokens of the speakers VII. APPROVAL SHEET Proposed By JOHN, LD B. ESTIPONA ‘SHS Teacher, SSG Co-Adviser Gubat National High School ANONUEVO Science Teacher, SSG Co-Adviser Gubat National High School Noted By: Fels L. AZALEA L. NARVADEZ IMELDA E. DINO Assistant Principal, SHS School Principal It Gubat National High School Gubat National High School Recommending Approval: BERNIE C. DESPABILADERO. Asst. Sqhools Division Superintendent Approved: JOSE L. vce 0, CESO V School Division Superintendent

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