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7 Opening Prayers for Bible Study

These seven opening prayers for Bible Study ask the Lord to reveal Himself
through His written word and to open our hearts and minds to receive what He
has for us.

As we study His Holy Word, let us pray to invite Him to join us, to stir our souls,
and to make Himself known in our midst.

Let us pray.

 Prayers
o Prayer for Our Minds to be Open
o Prayer for Our Hearts to be Responsive to Bible Study
o Prayer to Retain and Apply What We Learn
o Prayer That We May Share What We Learn
o Prayer for Understanding
o Prayer for Our Attention Span
o Prayer for Fertile Soil
 Have Your Prayer Submitted

🙏 Watch The Prayer Video to Pray Alongside Me☝️

Prayer for Our Minds to be Open

Kind and gracious Lord, you are the creator of all things, the author of life, and
our loving Father.  We thank you for your faithful presence in our lives, and we
thank you for the Word of God.

As we prepare to study your Word together, we ask you to open our minds.  Help
us clear away the clutter and quiet any outside voices so we can hear only what
you long to speak to us.

Please provide fresh insights and awareness.  As a people, God, we can be

stubborn, arrogant, and closed-minded.  We can sometimes act like and even
believe that we already know it all.  We don’t.

We need you to open our minds so we can understand you, your Holy Word, and
your will for our lives.  In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Prayer for Our Hearts to be Responsive
to Bible Study
Lord, we appreciate the opportunity we have to learn from your Word.  We don’t
take that for granted.  Thank you for graciously allowing us to hear your loving
voice through this Bible Study, and thank you for preparing our hearts now to be
responsive to you.

Through the study of your Word, we are moved, nudged, prodded to walk more
closely with you, to follow the path you’ve established before us.  Please strip
away our pride and reluctance, and give us willing and responsive hearts.  Hearts
that will follow hard after you and seek you with unbridled abandon.

We ask not only that you speak to us, Father because we know you are faithful to
do that every time we open your Word.  But we pray for our hearts to be
receptive and sensitive to all you have for us today.

We adore you, Lord, we worship you, and we ask you to grant these things in
your loving name.


Prayer to Retain and Apply What We

Dearest Savior, we long to learn from your Word.  We seek to hear your voice, to
have open hearts and open minds to absorb your truth.
But God, reading and hearing are not enough if we stop there.  We ask you to
bless us spiritually, so we will be open to understanding, retaining, and applying
what we learn to our lives.  And we ask that you bless us intellectually, to have a
deeper awareness and insight than ever before.

Grant us a better grasp on what you long to teach us and let the seeds of your
Word establish deep roots in our hearts.  Let us retain and remember what we
receive from you today and give us the strength to apply them in our lives and
draw closer to you as a result.

As we seek to please you with our words and deeds, our thoughts and actions,
and our very lives, Lord, please bury your truth deep within us and be changed
for your glory as a result.

In the powerful and beautiful name of Christ Jesus, we ask all these things.


Prayer That We May Share What We

Father, not everyone we encounter will ever open a Bible.  For some, we will be
the only gospel message they ever see or hear.  As we open our Bible Study
today, we ask you for increased sensitivity to the message.

As we open wide our hearts and minds to learn more of you, we ask that you
make us ever mindful of our mission to share the gospel with all creation.  Lord,
would you please give us a holy boldness to share the knowledge of your Word
with those around us?

Please let us be students that please you, that know you, and make you known.
We want to represent you well and let your light within us shine in this dark and
hurting world. In the name of Jesus.

Prayer for Understanding
Faithful Father, our understanding is so limited.  We don’t always comprehend
what we learn from your Word, and we don’t always use wisdom in applying it.

Today, we ask for your presence here in the middle of our group.  Open the eyes
of our hearts and make your will clear to us.  Help us be perceptive to your
nudges.  Please provide us with clarity and conviction that allows us to fully
comprehend what you long to teach us today.

We ask for this blessing and favor in the loving name of our Lord.


Prayer for Our Attention Span

Kind and gracious Father, you know even better than we do that we can
sometimes have the attention span of a gnat.  With technology that can respond
as quickly as we can type, we have become so easily distracted in our modern

Lord Jesus, during this Bible Study today, would you please help us stay focused
and attuned to what you want to speak to our hearts?  We’re not asking this so
we can get through the study, but so the study of the Word can get through to

We want to know you, to hear your voice, to experience a real relationship with
you.  We ask you to strengthen us and allow us to keep our attention fully
focused on you.  We thank you, God, that your attention is always fully focused
on us, and we acknowledge how deeply we need your presence here today.

Thank you, God, and we ask this in your holy name.


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