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Task Description:

Create a Docker container for a Windows application that can be easily downloaded from the
internet. The candidate must create the container image and write a Dockerfile that includes all
necessary steps to build and run the application within the container. The container must be able to
run on any machine with Docker installed and the application should be accessible through a web

Configuration must be acquired from etcd CMDB.


1. The container image must be based on the latest Windows Server Core image available from
the Docker Hub registry.
2. The candidate must download and install the latest version of Microsoft SQL Server on the
host machine.
3. The candidate must write a Dockerfile that includes all necessary steps to install and
configure Microsoft SQL Server within the container from the etcd service.
4. The candidate must ensure that the container can be easily built and deployed on any
machine with Docker installed.
5. The candidate must provide detailed documentation on how to build, deploy, and access the
container, including instructions on how to connect to the SQL Server instance running
within the container.

When configuring Microsoft SQL Server within the Docker container, these are parameters that the
candidate will have to consider:

1. Authentication Mode: The candidate will need to configure the authentication mode for the SQL
Server instance running within the container. This can be either Windows Authentication or Mixed
Mode Authentication (which includes both Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication).

2. SA Password: If Mixed Mode Authentication is selected, the candidate will need to set a strong
password for the SQL Server system administrator (SA) account.

3. Database Configuration: The candidate will need to configure the SQL Server instance to create
and manage databases within the container. This includes specifying the default data and log file
locations, as well as setting database options such as collation and recovery model.

4. Network Configuration: The candidate will have to configure the network settings for the SQL
Server instance running within the container. This includes specifying the IP address and port
number that the SQL Server instance should listen on.

5. Memory and CPU Allocation: The candidate will have to allocate appropriate resources (memory
and CPU) to the container to ensure that the SQL Server instance can run efficiently and handle large
amounts of data.
Evaluation Criteria:

1. Completeness and correctness of the Dockerfile and container image.

2. Ability to download and install all necessary dependencies required to run Microsoft SQL
Server within the container.
3. Ability to configure Microsoft SQL Server within the container, including setting up
databases and users.
4. Ability to integrate etcd with docker containerized applications
5. Ability to create a container that can be easily built and deployed on any machine with
Docker installed.
6. Clarity and quality of the documentation provided.

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