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Enes El Hasan

Mrs. Pennington


9 May 2022

If I Could Change the World

We live in a world where there is no such thing as perfection. Okay, some of you might

argue that God is perfect and yes, you, my friend, would be correct. To put things into

perspective, if not even we humans are perfect, how can we possibly be sure that our reasons to

believe that “God truly does exist” are perfect? The simple answer is that we cannot. But what

we can do is strive for perfection. One simple and effective way to get closer to perfection is to

purge any defects within us and our world. So, three things I’d purge to make this world a better

place are social media, the food industry, and the money system. Here is why.

To begin with, social media (a.k.a. the seed for depression) is the worst thing in the world

if you do not have good self-esteem. It makes it easy to compare yourself to others because

everyone else has a "perfect life" and there is no way you can ever achieve that type of lifestyle

because it is not real. It is like you are living through someone else's life, but it is not even close

to what your actual life looks like. Social media simply has no privacy whatsoever. From things

like cyberbullying to middle-aged people after your children. Social media is a place of

vulnerability and negativity that should be avoided whenever possible. All of this could quite

literally lead to depression and worst-case scenario, suicide.

As well as social media, another problem to consider is the food industry. The food

industry has no mercy for the animals that are slaughtered to feed the population of the world.
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Images of innocent, helpless animals being tortured and eventually killed at a so-called “humane

slaughterhouse” are a common scene in our society today. Yes, this includes chickens, pigs, and

cows (taken from their homes and families), fish (taken from their ocean homes), and even poor

helpless lobsters (taken from their ocean home, boiled alive in hot water). It is truly upsetting just

how many animal lives get taken away in a horrendous fashion all because of the food choices

we make. But this is not all just about living beings, but also about the environment. The way

humans treat our environment is beyond disgraceful and needs to be brought to a halt.

In addition to social media and the food industry, the final thing I would get rid of

is the money system. Money was made to get rid of other people to help you out. It helps certain

people who do not care about other humans, and it hurts others who do care about other humans.

If we did not have money, there would be no such thing as war or problems in the world. There

are so many casualties that come with blocking out all of your emotions or feelings on what you

want to do with your life, but instead, we get triggered by money and do not worry about

anything else because it is easier to just put our lives on hold than deal with everything else

going on around us at the same time. Maybe it is time to see through our hearts, not our eyes.

After all, even the blind can see.

In conclusion, the food industry, money system, and social media are all a great way to

corrupt society as a whole. They make people forget about their real lives and brainwash them

into delusional beliefs. It is a pity that these things exist, and it is a tragedy we live in a world

where these things happen. How ironic, this thing we call a “humane slaughterhouse” truly is

humane. Human does not mean good, it simply means “the way of man”. With many things to be

purged, these three by far are the most disgusting. So, please… do make an effort to dedicate

more time, energy, and money towards helping others.

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