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Name : Ibrahim Akbar S.

Class :XII MIPA 3

Number : 14

How Tornado Happen

General Statement

A tornado is a swirling  spiral wind Accompanied by a clump of funnel-shaped clouds and can cause
damage. In general, it appears in various sizes but is generally in the form of a funnel of
condensation that clearly shows the tip touching the ground and contracting and often being
surrounded by clouds and carrying debris. Tornadoes can occur on all continents on earth, with the
exception of the Antarctic continent. Tornadoes are more common in areas with four seasons, as a
result of dramatic temperature differences.


Tornadoes are forming because of the dramatic differences in temperature and humidity. This is
linked to the amount of heat received by the earth's surface. In areas that get a lot of heat, it gets
higher temperatures and lower air pressure. The difference in heat intensity is what causes the flow
of air in the area

Tornadoes start to happen when warm air collides with cold air, this causes a giant thundercloud
that causes rain. The warm, moist air from the ground evaporates toward the clouds and meets the
cold, dry air, causing the wind to turn. Next, the air that moves up forms when more warm air
enters. These updrafts suck air from the ground that causes the wind to turn in a vertical funnel.This
tornado stretches down and moves down onto the ground. When a tornado moves, a tornado takes
dirt from the ground, it makes the vortex look darker.

Tornados generally travel at a rate of 110 miles per hour [177 km/ hr] and can cover a distance of
several miles before disappearing. Some tornadoes can reach speeds of over 200 miles per hour and
are over a mile wide and can withstand a distance of more than 100 km (100 mi).


In case of a tornado don't panic, search for a helmet or something that will protect your head from
anything falling from above. Then promptly go to a safe place like a sturdy building or a basement
and not forget the preparation of illumination in preparation for when the lights go out.

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