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Student name : Alhasan Ali Rayyan

The supervisor : Dr. samy salama

Arduino Plant Watering System

1. Introduction
The Arduino Plant Watering System is an innovative application of Arduino
microcontroller technology combined with hardware components and software
programming. This system automates the process of watering plants, ensuring
that they receive an adequate supply of water based on predefined parameters.
In this report, we will explore the main idea behind the Arduino Plant Watering
System, its benefits, and the different uses it can have.

2. The Main Idea

The main idea behind the Arduino Plant Watering System is to create an
automated solution that eliminates the need for manual watering of plants. By
utilizing various sensors and actuators, the system can monitor and maintain
optimal soil moisture levels, ensuring the plants receive the appropriate amount
of water at all times. The system is designed to be user-friendly, customizable,
and efficient, making it suitable for both personal and commercial applications.
3. Benefits
The Arduino Plant Watering System offers several benefits:
a. Automation: The system automates the process of watering plants, reducing
the need for manual intervention. This is particularly advantageous for individuals
who travel frequently or have a large number of plants to manage.

b. Water Conservation: By monitoring soil moisture levels, the system ensures

that plants are watered only when necessary. This helps conserve water and
prevents overwatering, which can be detrimental to plant health.

c. Improved Plant Health: The system provides plants with the right amount of
water at the right time, promoting healthier growth and reducing the risk of plant
diseases caused by inadequate watering.

d. Customizability: The system can be customized to suit different plant species,

environmental conditions, and user preferences. Parameters such as moisture
thresholds and watering schedules can be adjusted to meet specific

4. Different Uses
The Arduino Plant Watering System has a wide range of potential applications,

a. Home Gardening: Individuals can use the system to automate the watering
process for their indoor or outdoor gardens, ensuring that their plants are well
cared for even when they are away.

b. Commercial Agriculture: The system can be scaled up and used in commercial

agriculture to automate irrigation in large-scale farms, greenhouses, or nurseries.
c. Research and Education: The Arduino Plant Watering System can be used as an
educational tool for teaching students about electronics, programming, and plant
biology. It provides a practical demonstration of how technology can be applied
to solve real-world problems.

5. Hardware Managed by Software

Arduino Plant Watering System

The Arduino Plant Watering System consists of two main components:
hardware and software. The hardware includes the following key elements:

a. Arduino Microcontroller: Arduino boards serve as the brains of the system,

controlling and coordinating all the connected components.
b. Moisture Sensor: This sensor measures the moisture content in the soil. It
provides feedback to the Arduino, allowing it to determine when watering is
c. Water Pump: The water pump is responsible for delivering water to the plants.
It is controlled by the Arduino and activated when the soil moisture falls below a
specific threshold.
d. Water Reservoir: The water reservoir stores the water to be used for watering
the plants. It can be a simple container or a more complex setup, depending on
the scale of the system.
e. Actuators: These are the devices responsible for physically controlling the
water flow. They can include solenoid valves, pumps, or even simple drip
irrigation systems.
Wiring the Arduino

This sketch gives an overview of the logic behind the system.

The system takes 240v of mains electricity through a step-down
converter power supply transforming it to a 12v output. The
Arduino is connected to a moisture sensor and relay via a
breadboard. The Moisture sensor takes multiple readings from
the soil each minute and when the moisture content drops below
the pre-set value the relay is triggered sending 12v to the water
pump. The power is cut again when the moisture sensor reads a
value greater than 70% content.
Wiring the Power Supply

Wiring the Breadboard

This component is called a breadboard, I elected to use it in this

project to save myself and others from having to solder
components together. It works like this;

Moisture Sensor Module

The Moisture Sensor Itself

The Relay

This component is called a 'Relay' it is essentially a switch.

When the moisture sensor takes a reading that is less that 40%
moisture content of the soil the arduino will trigger the relay
which sends 12v from the power supply to the water pump.

The Water Pump

Coding the System

write the code and upload it to the Arduino. The code seen in the
image above works for this system. In essence this code works
to take an almost constant moisture content reading. When the
reading is below 30% 'humidity real', the relay is triggered,
sending 13v to the water pump. The water pump is cut again
when the moisture content is read as having risen. You may wish
to change this value depending on the plant type, environmental
conditions etc.jstray made

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