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Moment of truth (marketing)

Moment of truth (MOT) in marketing, is the moment when a customer/user interacts

with a brand, product or service to form or change an impression about that
particular brand, product or service. In 2005 A.G. Lafley Chairman, President & CEO
of Procter & Gamble coined two "Moments of Truth".A third was introduced later.

Types of MOT
 First moment of truth (FMOT): When a customer is first confronted with the
product, taking place either offline or online. It occurs within the first 3-7 seconds
of a consumer encountering the product and it is during this time that marketers
have the capability of turning a browser into a buyer. Procter & Gamble describe
the first moment of truth as the "moment a consumer chooses a product over the
other competitors’ offerings".
 Second moment of truth (SMOT): When a customer purchases a product and
experiences its quality as per the promise of the brand. There can be multiple
second moments of truth for every time the product is consumed
(used), providing the consumer with information for future purchases and for
sharing their experience with the product/service.
 Third moment of truth (TMOT): When consumers give feedback or reactions
towards a brand, product or service, i.e., consumer becomes brand advocate and
gives back via word of mouth or social media publishing.
 Zero moment of truth (ZMOT) is a term coined by Google in 2011, it refers to
the research which is conducted online about a product or service before taking
any action, i.e., searching for mobile reviews before making a purchase. The
Internet has changed altogether the way consumers are interacting with brands,
products or services. This online decision-making moment is termed as ZMOT.
According to research conducted by Google, 88% of US customers are
researching online before actually buying the product.
 Actual moment of truth was identified by Amit Sharma, Founder & CEO of
Narvar, to describe the new post-purchase experience gap created by the advent
of online shopping, after a consumer has made a purchase but before they've
received the product.

The internet has changed how consumers make buying decisions. These days,
consumers don’t just head into the store to view products or learn about services
from friends and family; they also take the time to research their options online.  This
research stage is known as the Zero Moment of Truth.

Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) – When research is conducted about a product or

service online before a potential customer takes an action to interact with the brand,
product or service.

Why is the Zero Moment of Truth so important?

1. There are more micro moments than ever before.  People are always looking up
answers to everyday questions on Google. Every Google search is a micro
moment and each micro moment is new opportunity for brands to get noticed.
2. Mobile is on the rise. The convenience of smartphones, tablets and other mobile
devices has given consumers the freedom to look up answers on-the-go. These
research moments or moments of truth can happen anytime, anywhere, creating
a constant stream of engagement opportunities for your brand.
3. People research first and buy later. Most people research products and services
thoroughly before heading out to the store to make a purchase decision. This
includes comparison shopping online, browsing product reviews and using forums
to ask questions from other consumers. Brands should be sure they are honing in
on their target consumer during this research phase, in order to come out on top.
In today’s world, the mentality is: Research first – Buy later.

As a brand, optimizing your marketing strategy to target the Zero Moment of

Truth will ensure you are engaging with your target audience at the precise moment
they are searching for your products or services. 

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