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Para iniciar es importante precisar que toda organización con fines comerciales tiene
siempre como meta generar utilidades. Sin embargo, estos metas están asociadas y
supeditas a varios factores como la competencia, costos, clientes, tecnología entre otras.
Es allí donde el rol del Administrador de empresas toma una posición importante en los
objetivos estratégicos de la organización, que para este caso particular corresponde a la
planificación de un modelo de transporte que satisfaga las necesidades y expectativas de
unos clientes de una manera eficiente, es decir optimizando los recursos sin desmejorar el
servicio y resultado final.
De acuerdo con lo anterior, consideró que la solución planteada por los autores en el
material de apoyo es la más acertada, no solo por su componente de objetividad y
precisión, sino porque propone herramientas tecnológicas como parte de la estrategia de
solución, lo que puede llegar a desarrollar un beneficio integral tanto a la compañía como
a los clientes, pues se genera un plus dentro de la competencia y mayores y mejores
experiencias a los clientes, y por su parte la compañía tendrá mayor control de sus costos.

To begin with, it is important to specify that every organization with commercial purposes
always aims to generate profits. However, these goals are associated with and
subject to several factors such as competition, costs, customers, technology among
others. It is there where the role of the Business Administrator takes an important
position in the strategic objectives of the organization, which for this particular
case corresponds to the planning of a transport model that meets the needs and
expectations of customers in an efficient way, that is, optimizing resources without
impairing the service and final result.
In accordance with the above, he considered that the solution proposed by the authors in the
support material is the most successful, not only because of its component of objectivity
and precision, but because it proposes technological tools as part of the solution strategy,
which can develop an integral benefit to both the company and customers, because it
generates a plus within the competition and greater and better customer experiences, and
for its part the company will have greater control of its costs.
In accordance with the above, he considered that the solution proposed by the authors in
the support material is the most successful, not only because of its component of
objectivity and precision, but because it proposes technological tools as part of the
solution strategy, which can develop an integral benefit to both the company and the cli ...
To begin with, it is important to specify that every organization with commercial purposes
always aims to generate profits. However, these goals are associated with and subject to
several factors such as competition, costs, customers, technology among others. It is
there where the role of the Business Administrator takes an important position in the
strategic objectives of the organization, which for this particular case corresponds to the
planning of a transport model that meets the needs and expectations of customers in an
efficient way, that is, optimizing resources without impairing the service and final result.
In accordance with the above, he considered that the solution proposed by the authors in
the support material is the most successful, not only because of its component of
objectivity and precision, but because it proposes technological tools as part of the
solution strategy, which can develop an integral benefit to both the company and the cli ...

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