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B. Pharm.

Second Semester (New)

35339 : Human Anatomy and Physiology - II : BP 20I T
P. Pages : 2 AW - 2338
Time : Three Hours ilil flilIt]fltu Max. Marks : 75

Notes : I. A.Irs*er all questions.

2. lllustrate your ans$cr necessary with the help ofneat sketches.
3. Use of pen Blue/Black inl./refill only for *riting the answer book.

1. a) MCQ t0

l) Opening oftrachea is covered by a small flap oftissue termed as

a) Glottis b) Epiglottis
c) 'lhyroid Cartilage d) Allofabove

2) The exchange ofgases betweea inhalcd air and blood is

a) Cellular respiration b)
External iespiration
c) IntenEl rcspiration d)
None ofthe above

3) ----- stores bilejuice and concentrate it.

a) Pancroas b) gall bladdcr
c) Villi d) Stomach

4) Last Portion ol'liugc intestine is

a) Oesophagous b) Rectum
c) Cecuru d) llium

5) --:.- facilities reabsorption ofwater by nephron.

a) Hcnlc
Loop at b)
c) Cortex d)

6) ----- Ilormonc is secrcted b) kidney.

a) Aldosterone b) ADH
c) Ercthrcpoistin d) Angiotensin

7) Nen'ous systenr. does not consist of

a) Brain b) Spiml Cord
c) Splccn d) Nerves

8) Spinal Cord originates from

a) Cercbcllun b) Medulla
c) Pons d) Cerebrunl

9) Fcr(ilizirlion ()i speun and ova takcs place at

a) Ovaries b) Vagina
c) Ulcrus d) Fallopian tube
10) Stoppage ofmenstrual cyclc is called as
a) Cestation b) Implanlatior'r
c) Menarche d) Nlenupause

AW - 2338 1 P.T,O
b) Objcctive 5pe ofquestions. 5r2

a) V/hat is CSF? Write ir's tu.ction.

b) Enlisttheva ous saliva4 gland. \\'rile the functioD ofSaliva.

c) f)ehnc and give normal vah,es 1br vilal capacil) and tidal volumc.

d) !/hich gland is cailed as master gland urite the .rames of Harmones secreted b!'
rnastq gland.

e) Ir'rite the phases ofmenstruation $ith thcir tir6e pedod.

2 l,ong ,\nswers Solve any two. 2x l0

l) lrescribe the structure ofCeiebmnr arrd llxplain the Fuoctional Areas ofCerebrum.

2) [xplain the Anatomy ofNephron? Discuss the process ofUrin€ Fomation.

3) Explain the Aaatom)' of \\'ings rvilh $cll labeled diagram? W te the nervous control
of Respiratio n.

Short..lnswc! Questions Sohc aoy seven. 7r5

l) Writc the chemical digcstion ofprotein and carbohydrates.

2) Explain the stmcture ar pituirary gLand.

3) Explain the structure and function of [ndocrine Pancrees.

4) !.xplain th€ process of Spermatogencsis.

5) Explain the phases of secrcation of gatric.iuice.

6) Ivhat is melabolism'l Write a note or1 BMR-

7) Explain the structure and funcrion ol lcstes.

8) Describe the strucfure ofgcne.

9) Describe the structue (,fliver.

AW .- 2338 )

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