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Chapter I

1.1 Introduction
The Electric Vehicle to Grid (EV2G) system project is an innovative approach
that explores the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) with the power grid. It
aims to leverage the capabilities of EVs as mobile energy storage devices to
enhance grid stability, enable renewable energy integration, and provide various
grid services.

The EV2G system enables bidirectional power flow between the EVs and the
electrical grid, allowing EVs to not only consume electricity from the grid but
also feed it back into the grid when required. This two-way communication and
power exchange are facilitated through advanced vehicle-to-grid (V2G)

Here are some key aspects and potential benefits of the EV2G system project:

1. Grid Stabilization: The EV2G system can help balance the supply and
demand of electricity on the grid. During peak demand periods, EVs can
discharge stored energy to the grid, acting as a distributed energy resource.
Conversely, during periods of high renewable energy generation and low
demand, EVs can charge from the grid, absorbing excess energy and helping to
stabilize the grid.

2. Renewable Energy Integration: EV2G enables the integration of intermittent

renewable energy sources like solar and wind into the grid more effectively.
EVs can store excess renewable energy generated during periods of high
production and discharge it back to the grid when renewable generation is low,
ensuring a smoother integration of clean energy sources.

3. Grid Resilience: The EV2G system enhances grid resilience by providing

backup power during emergencies or power outages. In such situations, EVs
can serve as temporary power sources, supplying electricity to critical loads or
even entire neighborhoods.

4. Grid Services: By participating in grid services, EV owners can earn revenue

or receive incentives. EVs can provide services like frequency regulation, load
shifting, and peak shaving, helping grid operators maintain grid stability and

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5. Cost Reduction: EV2G has the potential to reduce overall electricity costs by
optimizing grid operations and reducing the need for expensive grid
infrastructure upgrades. It can also create revenue streams for EV owners,
offsetting the costs of EV ownership.

6. Environmental Benefits: By utilizing EVs as energy storage resources, the

EV2G system promotes the use of renewable energy, reduces reliance on fossil
fuels, and contributes to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

The EV2G system project involves collaboration between automakers, utility

companies, and other stakeholders. It requires the development of V2G-enabled
charging infrastructure, smart grid technologies, and appropriate regulatory
frameworks to ensure interoperability, data security, and fair compensation for
EV owners.

While the concept of EV2G holds significant promise, its widespread

implementation is still in the early stages. Ongoing research, pilot projects, and
policy support are necessary to address technical, regulatory, and market
challenges for successful deployment at scale.

Figure 1: EV Deployment Roadmap

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1.2 Overview and Project Goals
The goal of this project was to use Simulink to simulate a EV2G system. The
system was designed to help balance the grid during peak demand periods.
System Design
The EV2G system consisted of a number of components, including:
 An electric vehicle
 A charger that could be used to charge and discharge the electric vehicles
 A controller that managed the flow of power between the electric vehicles
and the grid
The charger was connected to the grid and could be used to charge the electric
vehicles. The controller was responsible for managing the flow of power
between the electric vehicles and the grid. The controller would send power
from the electric vehicles to the grid when the grid needed it and would receive
power from the grid when the electric vehicles needed it.
Simulation Results :
The EV2G system was simulated using Simulink. The simulation showed that
the system was able to help balance the grid during peak demand periods. The
system was also able to provide backup power during outages.
Conclusion :
The EV2G system was successfully simulated using Simulink. The simulation
results showed that the system was able to help balance the grid during peak
demand periods and provide backup power during outages.
Benefits of EV2G :
There are a number of benefits to using EV2G technology, including:
 Increased grid reliability: EV2G can help to increase the reliability of the
grid by providing backup power during outages.
 Reduced peak demand: EV2G can help to reduce peak demand on the
grid by shifting power consumption from peak hours to off-peak hours.
 Increased renewable energy integration: EV2G can help to integrate more
renewable energy into the grid by providing a way to store excess
renewable energy.
 Lower electricity bills: EV2G can help to lower electricity bills for
electric vehicle owners by allowing them to sell power back to the grid
when they are not using it.

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Vehicle to Grid (EV2G) is a technology that allows electric vehicles to send
power back to the grid. This can be used to help balance the grid and provide
backup power during outages.
Simulink is a software tool that can be used to simulate EV2G systems. This
allows engineers to test and evaluate different EV2G strategies before they are
implemented in the real world.
In this project, we will use Simulink to simulate a EV2G system. The system
will consist of a controller that manages the flow of power between the electric
vehicles and the grid.
The charger will be connected to the grid and can be used to charge the electric
vehicles. The controller will be responsible for managing the flow of power
between the electric vehicles and the grid. The controller will send power from
the electric vehicles to the grid when the grid needs it and will receive power
from the grid when the electric vehicles need it.

The following steps will be used to simulate the EV2G system:

1. Create a Simulink model of the EV2G system.
2. Configure the model parameters.
3. Run the simulation.
4. Analyze the simulation results.
We will use the following steps to create the Simulink model:
1. Create a new Simulink model.
2. Add a block for each component of the EV2G system.
3. Connect the blocks together using lines.
4. Configure the block parameters.
The following parameters need to be configured for the charger block:
 The input voltage of the charger.
 The output voltage of the charger.
 The charging current of the charger.
The following parameters need to be configured for the controller block:
 The maximum power that can be sent from the electric vehicles to the
 The minimum power that can be sent from the electric vehicles to the

Once the model is created and configured, we can run the simulation. The
simulation will show how the V2G system works. We can analyze the
simulation results to see how the system performs under different conditions.
The following are some of the things that we can analyze from the simulation
 The amount of power that is sent from the electric vehicles to the grid.

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 The amount of power that is received from the grid by the electric
 The impact of the V2G system on the grid.
The simulation results can be used to improve the design of the V2G system.
The results can also be used to educate policymakers and the public about the
benefits of V2G technology.

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Project description
The Electric Vehicle-to-Grid (EV2G) system is a technology that enables
bidirectional power flow between electric vehicles (EVs) and the electrical grid.
It allows EVs to not only consume power from the grid but also feed power
back to the grid when needed. The EV2G system involves several units and
components, each with its own mathematical equations and figures. Let's
elaborate on these units:

1. Electric Vehicle (EV):

An EV is a battery-powered vehicle that can

store and use electrical energy for
propulsion. It is equipped with a battery
pack, electric motor, and power electronics.
The battery capacity of an EV is denoted by
'B_EV' in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
Figure 2: EV

2. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE):

The EVSE serves as an interface between the EV and the grid. It provides the
necessary electrical connection and communication to charge or discharge the
EV battery. The EVSE is typically rated in kilowatts (kW), denoted by

Figure 3: EVSE

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3. Electric Vehicle Battery:

The EV battery is a rechargeable energy

storage system within the EV. It stores
energy from the grid during charging and
supplies power back to the grid during
discharging. The state of charge (SoC) of the
battery is denoted by 'SoC_EV' and varies Figure 4: EV Battery
between 0% (empty) and 100% (full).

4. Vehicle-to-Grid Interface (V2G):

The V2G interface enables bidirectional power flow between the EV and the
grid. It includes power electronics, control algorithms, and communication
systems. The power flow from the EV to the grid is denoted by 'P_discharge' in
kilowatts (kW), and the power flow from the grid to the EV is denoted by
'P_charge' in kilowatts (kW).

Figure 5: V2G Interface

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5. Grid:

The grid represents the electrical power distribution network. It supplies

power to the EV during charging and receives power from the EV during
discharging. The grid voltage is denoted by 'V_grid' in volts (V), and the grid
frequency is denoted by 'f_grid' in hertz (Hz).

Figure 6: Grid

Mathematical equations:

1. Battery State of Charge (SoC):

The SoC of the EV battery can be calculated using the following equation:

SoC_EV = (Energy in the battery) / (Total battery capacity) * 100%

SoC_EV = (E_EV) / (B_EV) * 100%

2. Power Flow from EV to Grid (P_discharge):

The power flow from the EV to the grid depends on the requested power and
available battery capacity. It can be represented as:

P_discharge = min(P_requested, P_available)

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3. Power Flow from Grid to EV (P_charge):

The power flow from the grid to the EV depends on the charging capacity of
the EVSE and the battery's charging capability. It can be represented as:

P_charge = min(P_EVSE, P_battery)

4. Energy Flow (E_flow):

The energy flow represents the amount of energy transferred between the EV
and the grid. It can be calculated using the power flow and the duration of the
charging or discharging process:

E_flow = P_flow * t

The grid is fed with electrical power from three sources: a diesel generator, a
PV farm combined and wind farm. A V2G system installed next to the last part
of the system which is the load of the grid. The size of the microgrid represents
approximately a community of a thousand households during a low
consumption day. This is a possible scenario in an imaginable future.

A V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) simulation model was developed in

MATLAB/Simulink to study the performance of a V2G system. The model
consists of a battery, an inverter, a controller, and a communication interface.
The battery is modelled as a second-order system with a time constant of 1
second. The inverter is modelled as a three-phase voltage source inverter with a
maximum power of 10 kW. The controller is responsible for managing the
power flow between the battery and the grid. The communication interface is
responsible for exchanging data between the controller and the grid.

The V2G system was simulated under a variety of conditions, including

different battery charging levels, different grid loads, and different V2G power
levels. The results of the simulations showed that the V2G system can provide a
significant amount of power to the grid, and that the power flow can be
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controlled effectively by the controller. The simulations also showed that the
V2G system can help to improve the efficiency of the grid.

The V2G simulation model developed in this paper can be used to study the
performance of V2G systems under a variety of conditions. The model can be
used to design and optimize V2G systems, and to assess the impact of V2G
systems on the grid.

Here are some of the key findings of the study:

 The V2G system can provide a significant amount of power to the grid.
 The power flow can be controlled effectively by the controller.
 The V2G system can help to improve the efficiency of the grid.
The V2G simulation model developed in this paper can be used to study the
performance of V2G systems under a variety of conditions. The model can be
used to design and optimize V2G systems, and to assess the impact of V2G
systems on the grid.

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Chapter II


Sl. No Name of the Component Quantity

1 PV Farm 1

2 Wind Farm 1

3 Diesel Generator 1

4 Vehicle to Grid Interface 1

5 Energy Management System (EMS) 1

6 Grid Connection and Infrastructure 1

7 Grid Management System 1

8 Communication and Control Infrastructure 1

Table 1: Component list of proposed system

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2.2 PV Farm
A PV (Photovoltaic) farm, also known as a solar farm or solar power plant, is a large-scale facility that generates
electricity from sunlight using solar panels. It harnesses the photovoltaic effect, where sunlight is converted
directly into electrical energy by the solar cells within the panels. PV farms play a crucial role in the production
of renewable energy and contribute to the global shift towards sustainable power generation.
Here's a description of a typical PV farm:

1. Solar Panels:
The PV farm consists of a vast array of solar panels, which are made up of multiple interconnected
solar cells. These panels are usually mounted on structures such as racks or tracking systems to
optimize sunlight exposure. The solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into DC (Direct
Current) electricity.

2. Inverters:
The DC electricity produced by the solar panels is converted into AC (Alternating Current) electricity
using inverters. Inverters are essential components that enable the integration of solar power with
the electrical grid. They convert the DC power from the solar panels into AC power, which is
compatible with the grid and can be used for consumption or fed into the grid for distribution.

3. Mounting Structures:
The solar panels are typically installed on mounting structures to provide support, optimize the angle
and orientation of the panels, and allow easy access for maintenance and cleaning. Mounting
structures can be fixed or tracking systems that follow the sun's path to maximize energy capture
throughout the day.

4. Substation and Transformers:

A PV farm includes a substation that acts as a central hub for the generated electricity. The substation
houses transformers that step up the voltage of the solar power to match the grid's voltage levels,
reducing transmission losses during distribution.

5. Electrical Infrastructure:
PV farms require a network of electrical infrastructure to transmit the generated electricity from the
substation to the point of consumption or integration with the grid. This infrastructure consists of
transmission lines, switchgear, transformers, and other components necessary for efficient power

6. Monitoring and Control Systems:

PV farms incorporate monitoring and control systems to ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and
safety. These systems monitor various parameters such as solar irradiance, panel efficiency,
temperature, and power output. They also provide real-time data and allow operators to remotely
monitor and control the PV farm's operation and performance.

7. Grid Connection:
PV farms are typically connected to the electrical grid to supply the generated electricity to consumers.
The grid connection enables the PV farm to feed excess power back to the grid when generation
exceeds local demand and draw power from the grid during periods of low solar irradiance.

8. Environmental Considerations:
PV farms are designed with environmental considerations in mind. They help reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by generating clean, renewable energy. Proper land management, ecological assessments,
and wildlife protection measures are often implemented during the planning and construction of PV
farms to minimize environmental impacts.

PV farms are scalable, allowing for installations ranging from a few megawatts to hundreds of megawatts or
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even gigawatts, depending on the size and capacity requirements. They make a significant contribution to the
global energy transition by harnessing the abundant solar energy resource and promoting a sustainable and low-
carbon future.

2.3 Wind Farm

A wind farm is a large-scale collection of wind turbines installed in a specific area with the purpose of
generating electricity from wind energy. It consists of multiple wind turbines, typically grouped together in a
strategic layout to optimize power generation. Wind farms are commonly located in areas with consistent and
strong wind resources, such as coastal regions, open plains, or elevated terrains.

Here's a description of the key components and characteristics of a wind farm:

1. Wind Turbines:
Wind turbines are the primary components of a wind farm. They convert the kinetic energy of the wind
into mechanical energy, which is then used to generate electricity. Each wind turbine consists of a
tower, rotor blades, a nacelle (housing the generator and other mechanical components), and a
control system. The number of turbines in a wind farm can vary from a few to hundreds, depending
on the scale of the installation.

2. Wind Resources:
Wind farms are carefully planned and positioned in areas with high and consistent wind resources. Wind
resource assessment is conducted prior to the development of a wind farm to identify the optimal
locations with suitable wind speeds and directions. This assessment involves collecting wind data
using meteorological masts, remote sensing devices, and computer modelling techniques.

3. Substation and Electrical Infrastructure:

A wind farm is connected to an electrical substation through an internal network of power cables. The
substation collects the electricity generated by the wind turbines and transforms it to a higher
voltage for efficient transmission to the electrical grid. The substation also houses control and
protection systems to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the wind farm.

4. Access Roads and Foundations:

Wind farms require access roads and foundations for the installation, maintenance, and operation of wind
turbines. These roads provide transportation for heavy equipment, maintenance crews, and service
vehicles. The foundations, typically made of reinforced concrete, anchor the wind turbines securely
to the ground and minimize vibrations.

5. Environmental Considerations:
Wind farms are designed with careful consideration of environmental factors. Environmental impact
assessments are conducted to evaluate the potential effects on wildlife, bird migration patterns,
ecosystems, and visual landscapes. Mitigation measures such as proper siting, turbine design
modifications, and monitoring systems are implemented to minimize environmental impacts.

6. Power Grid Connection:

Wind farms are connected to the existing power grid infrastructure to deliver the electricity generated to
consumers. Transmission lines, transformers, and switchyards are used to facilitate the integration
of wind farm power into the grid. Grid connection requirements and regulations must be met to
ensure seamless and reliable power flow.

7. Operation and Maintenance:

Wind farms require ongoing operation and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity of
the wind turbines. Regular inspections, preventive maintenance, and repairs are carried out by
trained technicians. Remote monitoring systems and condition monitoring technologies are often
employed to detect and address issues promptly.

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Wind farms are a key component of renewable energy generation, providing a clean and sustainable source of
electricity. They play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, diversifying the energy mix, and
contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon future.

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2.4 Diesel Generator
A diesel generator is a type of generator that uses diesel fuel to generate electrical power. It consists of a diesel
engine coupled with an alternator to produce electricity. Here is a description of the key components and
functioning of a diesel generator:

1. Diesel Engine:

The diesel engine is the primary component of a diesel generator. It operates on the principle of
compression ignition, where air is compressed within the engine cylinder, and fuel is injected into
the cylinder, causing combustion. The combustion process generates mechanical energy that drives
the generator's alternator.

2. Alternator:

The alternator, also known as a generator head, converts the mechanical energy from the diesel engine
into electrical energy. It consists of a rotating rotor and a stationary stator. As the rotor spins, it
generates a rotating magnetic field, which induces an electric current in the stator windings,
producing electricity.

3. Fuel System:

The fuel system supplies diesel fuel to the engine for combustion. It typically includes a fuel tank, fuel
pump, fuel filters, and fuel injectors. The fuel pump draws diesel fuel from the tank and delivers it
to the injectors, which spray the fuel into the engine cylinders for combustion.

4. Cooling System:

The cooling system is responsible for regulating the temperature of the diesel engine to prevent
overheating. It typically includes a radiator, cooling fan, coolant pump, and thermostat. The cooling
system circulates coolant around the engine to absorb heat and transfers it to the radiator, where it is
dissipated into the surrounding air.

5. Exhaust System:

The exhaust system is designed to remove the combustion by products and gases produced during the
operation of the diesel engine. It includes an exhaust manifold, muffler, and exhaust pipe. The
exhaust gases are expelled from the engine through the exhaust pipe, which helps minimize noise
and directs the gases away from the generator.

6. Control Panel:

The control panel is the interface that allows operators to monitor and control the diesel generator. It
typically includes gauges, switches, and indicators for monitoring parameters such as voltage,
current, frequency, and engine temperature. The control panel also houses the necessary controls to
start, stop, and regulate the generator's operation.

7. Voltage Regulator:

The voltage regulator ensures a stable and consistent output voltage from the generator. It regulates the
excitation current supplied to the alternator's rotor, adjusting the magnetic field strength to maintain
the desired voltage level.

Diesel generators are commonly used in various applications, including backup power supply for buildings,
construction sites, remote locations, and as a primary source of electricity in areas with unreliable or no grid
power. They provide a reliable and efficient solution for generating electricity using diesel fuel.

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2.5 Vehicle-to-Grid Interface:
The Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Interface is a critical component of the Electric Vehicle-to-Grid (EV2G) system. It
serves as the link between the electric vehicle (EV) and the electrical grid, enabling bidirectional power flow
and facilitating communication and control between the two.

The V2G Interface consists of various components and technologies that enable seamless interaction and power
exchange between the EV and the grid. Here's a description of the key aspects of the V2G Interface:

1. Power Electronics:
The V2G Interface incorporates power electronic devices, such as converters and inverters, which are
responsible for converting the direct current (DC) stored in the EV battery into alternating current
(AC) for grid integration. They ensure efficient power flow in both directions and enable voltage
and frequency regulation.

2. Control Algorithms:
The V2G Interface utilizes sophisticated control algorithms to manage and optimize the power flow
between the EV and the grid. These algorithms take into account factors such as grid demand, EV
battery state of charge, electricity prices, and grid stability requirements to determine when and how
much power to charge or discharge from the EV.

3. Communication Systems:
Effective communication between the EV, the V2G Interface, and the grid is essential for coordinated
operation. The V2G Interface includes communication protocols and systems that allow real-time
data exchange, enabling the grid to send signals and instructions to the EV regarding power demand
or grid conditions, and the EV to provide information about its state of charge and available power

4. Grid Interaction Capabilities:

The V2G Interface enables the EV to interact with the grid in various ways. It allows the EV to draw
power from the grid during charging, provide power back to the grid during discharging, and
respond to grid signals for load management or ancillary services. This bidirectional power flow
capability allows the EV to act as a flexible and controllable grid resource.

5. Grid Services:
The V2G Interface enables the EV to provide valuable grid services. This includes services such as peak
shaving, load balancing, frequency regulation, voltage support, and grid stabilization. By utilizing
the energy stored in EV batteries, the V2G Interface helps the grid to manage fluctuations in power
supply and demand, enhance grid reliability, and integrate renewable energy sources more

6. Safety and Standards Compliance:

The V2G Interface adheres to safety standards and regulations to ensure the secure and reliable operation
of the EV2G system. It incorporates safety mechanisms to prevent any risks associated with power
flow between the EV and the grid, including protection against overvoltage, overcurrent, and other
potential hazards.

Overall, the Vehicle-to-Grid Interface plays a crucial role in facilitating bidirectional power flow,
communication, and control between electric vehicles and the electrical grid. It enables EVs to actively
participate in grid operations, providing grid services and contributing to a more sustainable and efficient energy

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2.6 Energy Management System (EMS):
The EMS is responsible for managing and optimizing the power flow between the EV, the grid, and other
distributed energy resources. It monitors various parameters such as battery state of charge, grid demand, and
price signals to determine when to charge or discharge the EV, maximizing benefits for both the EV owner and
the grid.

2.7 Grid Connection and Infrastructure:

The EV2G system relies on the existing electrical grid infrastructure for power exchange. It includes
transformers, distribution lines, substations, and other grid components. The EV2G system should comply with
relevant grid connection standards and regulations to ensure safe and reliable operation.

2.8 Grid Management System:

The grid management system oversees the overall operation and control of the electrical grid. It handles the
integration of EV2G systems and manages the power flow from multiple EVs. The system coordinates the
interaction between EVs, renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and other grid assets.

2.9 Communication and Control Infrastructure:

The EV2G system relies on communication and control infrastructure for exchanging data and instructions
between the EV, the grid, and other components. It involves communication protocols, smart meters, sensors,
and control algorithms to ensure secure and efficient operation of the system.

These components work together to enable the bidirectional flow of power between EVs and the grid, allowing
EVs to support the grid during peak demand periods, stabilize the grid, and integrate renewable energy sources

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Simulink Model

Below are the simulation models designed in MATLAB Simulink and


24-hour Simulation of a Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) System:

Figure 7: 24-hour Simulation of a Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) System

This circuit include three power sources- solar, wind and diesel. The three
powers from the sources are connected to the transformer which transfer the
power to the load including the electric vehicle.

The time period for the simulation taken as 24 hours.

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Diesel Circuit:

Figure 8:Diesel Circuit

This circuit simulates the generation of diesel power which transferred by the
diesel machine to the transformer. The transformer transfers the power to the
electrical grid.

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Wind Turbine circuit:

Figure 9: Wind Turbine circuit

This circuit simulates the electric power generation by the wind turbine based
on the wind profile given by the user.

Car profile:

Figure 10: Car profile

This circuit simulates a fleet of electric vehicles and the sates of their charging or in
unplugged condition.
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Simulation Results
The simulation results displaying the profiles of the power consumptions by the loads and the
power generated by diesel generator and wind turbine. We have also displayed the graph
displaying the charging states and charging of the electric vehicle.

Power Generated by diesel generator in MW in 24 hours:

Figure 11: Power Generated by diesel generator in MW in 24 hours

Power Generated by wind turbine in MW in 24 hours:

Figure 12: Power Generated by wind turbine in MW in 24 hours

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Active Power and Reactive Power profile during vehicle charging:

Figure 13:Active Power and Reactive Power profile during vehicle charging

Charging state of vehicle for 24 hours period of time:

Figure 14: Charging state of vehicle for 24 hours period of time

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Total power consumed from all the three sources-diesel generator, wind
turbine and PV Arrays:

Figure 15: Total power consumed from all the three sources-diesel generator, wind turbine and PV Arrays

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The Electric Vehicle-to-Grid (EV2G) project has the potential to revolutionize
the way we utilize electric vehicles and manage our electrical grid. Throughout
the project, we have explored the concept of bidirectional power flow between
electric vehicles and the grid, allowing EVs to not only consume electricity but
also serve as a valuable grid resource. Here are some key conclusions from the
EV2G project:

1. Grid Flexibility and Stability: The EV2G system offers a promising solution
for enhancing grid flexibility and stability. By enabling EVs to provide power
back to the grid during peak demand or supply shortages, the system helps
balance supply and demand, reduces strain on the grid infrastructure, and
mitigates the need for additional grid investments.

2. Renewable Energy Integration: The EV2G project demonstrates the potential

of EVs as a means to integrate renewable energy sources more effectively. EVs
can store excess renewable energy and release it back to the grid when needed,
smoothing out the intermittent nature of renewables and reducing reliance on
conventional power plants.

3. Grid Services and Ancillary Revenue Streams: With the EV2G system, EVs
can participate in various grid services and ancillary markets, creating new
revenue streams for EV owners and operators. By offering services such as
frequency regulation, load balancing, and demand response, EVs can generate
additional income and offset the cost of ownership.

4. Environmental Benefits: The widespread adoption of the EV2G system can

lead to significant environmental benefits. By utilizing EVs as grid resources
and reducing the reliance on fossil fuel power plants, the project contributes to
the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and promotes a cleaner and more
sustainable energy ecosystem.

5. Technical Challenges and Infrastructure Requirements: The EV2G project

highlights some technical challenges and infrastructure requirements that need
to be addressed for widespread implementation. These include the development
of standardized communication protocols, grid integration mechanisms, and
charging infrastructure upgrades to support bidirectional power flow and ensure
seamless operation.

In conclusion, the EV2G project demonstrates the potential of leveraging

electric vehicles as an active component of the electrical grid. By enabling
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bidirectional power flow and utilizing EVs as grid resources, the project offers
solutions for grid stability, renewable energy integration, and new revenue
streams. However, further research, collaboration, and infrastructure
development are required to realize the full potential of the EV2G system and
accelerate its adoption on a larger scale.

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Future Scope
The future scope of the Electric Vehicle-to-Grid (EV2G) system is promising
and holds significant potential for various advancements and developments.
Here are some key areas of future scope for the EV2G system:

1. Technology Advancements: Continued advancements in battery technology,

power electronics, and communication systems will further enhance the
performance and efficiency of the EV2G system. This includes improvements
in battery capacity, charging speeds, power conversion efficiency, and
bidirectional power flow capabilities, leading to increased flexibility and
functionality of the system.

2. Grid Integration and Smart Grid Technologies: Integration of EV2G systems

with smart grid technologies will play a crucial role in optimizing power flow,
grid management, and demand response capabilities. Advanced grid
monitoring, forecasting, and control systems will enable better coordination
between EVs, renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and grid
infrastructure, ensuring efficient and reliable operation of the EV2G system.

3. V2G Standardization and Interoperability: Future efforts will focus on

establishing standardized protocols and interfaces for V2G communication and
interoperability. This will facilitate seamless interaction between different EV
models, charging infrastructure, and grid management systems, allowing for
widespread adoption and scalability of the EV2G system.

4. Market Integration and Business Models: EV2G systems present

opportunities for new business models and market integration. As the system
matures, further development of market mechanisms, regulatory frameworks,
and energy market participation will enable EV owners to monetize the energy
stored in their vehicles, contributing to their economic viability and
incentivizing EV adoption.

5. Vehicle Fleet Aggregation and Grid Services: The aggregation of EV fleets

for grid services will gain prominence. Large-scale coordination and
management of EV2G systems can provide substantial grid benefits, including
frequency regulation, peak shaving, and grid stability services. Advanced
algorithms and platforms will be developed to aggregate and optimize the
operation of these distributed resources, maximizing their collective impact on
grid operations.

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6. Policy Support and Infrastructure Development: Continued policy support,
incentives, and investments in charging infrastructure and grid upgrades will be
necessary for the widespread deployment of EV2G systems. Governments,
utilities, and industry stakeholders need to collaborate to develop robust
infrastructure, including fast-charging networks, bidirectional power flow
capabilities, and intelligent grid management systems.

7. Environmental and Sustainability Impacts: Future research will focus on

evaluating the environmental and sustainability impacts of the EV2G system.
This includes assessing the overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions,
evaluating the lifecycle environmental impacts of EV batteries, and optimizing
the integration of renewable energy sources to further enhance the system's
environmental benefits.

In conclusion, the future of the EV2G system holds immense potential for
technological advancements, grid integration, market development, and
sustainability. As the EV market continues to grow, the EV2G system will play
a vital role in shaping the future of the energy landscape by enabling the
seamless integration of electric vehicles with the electrical grid, promoting
renewable energy adoption, and supporting grid stability and sustainability.

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 "Electric Vehicle Technology Explained" by James Larminie
and John Lowry
 "Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals" by Iqbal
 "Electric Vehicle Design and Modeling" by Qadeer Ahmed and
Umar Farooq Minhas
 "Design and Development of an Electric Vehicle" by H.
Madhusudan Reddy, M. Sivarama Krishnan, and G. Ravi
Kumar (International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology, 2017)
 "Design and Development of Electric Vehicle for Urban
Transport" by V. Naveen Kumar, S. Ajith Kumar, and S. Raja
(International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2018)
 "Design Considerations for an Electric Vehicle" by T. Gupta, R.
K. Khadanga, and S. Kumar (International Journal of Vehicle
Structures and Systems, 2020)
 "Electric Vehicle Technology Roadmap for India" by NITI
Aayog, Government of India (2019)
 "Electric Vehicle Outlook" by Bloomberg New Energy Finance
(annual publication)
 "Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Guidelines" by
International Energy Agency (2019)
 The official websites of electric vehicle manufacturers, such as
Tesla, Nissan, Chevrolet, BMW, and Volkswagen, often
provide technical specifications and design information for their
electric vehicles.
 Green Car Reports (
 InsideEVs (
 Electric Vehicle News (
 "Vehicle-to-Grid: Power System Operation with Electric
Vehicles" by P. Moura, J. S. Lopes, and A. G. Madureira (IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, 2013)

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 "Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Strategies on Power
Distribution Grids" by K. Clement-Nyns, E. Haesen, and J.
Driesen (IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2010)
 "Simulation of V2G Technology in Simulink/Matlab and
Simulation Results" by L. Labek, I. Plemenitas, and T. Dolenc
(Energy, 2014)
 "Implementation of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) System in
Simulink" by A. Ayadi and H. Chaibi (2019 International
Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision)
 "Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle-to-Grid Power System in
Simulink" by H. C. Patel, R. P. Vyas, and A. K. Solanki (2017
International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and
Optimization Techniques)
 The official website of MathWorks, the company behind
Simulink, often provides resources, examples, and case studies
related to power systems and electric vehicles.
 ResearchGate ( and Google Scholar
( are valuable platforms to find academic
papers and research studies on V2G implementation in

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