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Name : Resti Julita

Class : 3B
Nim : 18301064
Independent Speaking Task

3. Some people prefer to learn about current events from watching television news programs.
Others prefer to read about current events in newspaper or on the internet. Which do you
think is better: watching the news or reading the news? Explain why.

In my opinion it seems that reading about current events in newspapers or on the
Internet seems better than watching news programs on television. Because first off, with
television we can only reach certain areas, for instance television in Indonesia cannot be
watched in other countries. Meanwhile, with the Internet, the flow of information about
the latest news can be accessed anywhere.
My second reason is by reading news from newspapers or the Internet, we will get the
latest knowledge and information such as developments in the world of health, business,
and others. The more information and knowledge we get, the richer our insights will be.
My last point is that if you regularly read the news every day, you will get a lot of
new vocabulary. These words can be used when doing assignments, work or having to
communicate formally.
And this is why I prefer to read current events in newspapers or the internet

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Your friends are the most
important influence in your life. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.

Personally, I agree with the statement that friends are the most important influence in
my life. First, I learned to always be optimistic and enthusiastic from my friends. For
example, when I want to start something new and I hesitate to start, my garden gives me
encouragement or advice to make me not hesitate to start something new.
Second, friends are good listeners to me. When I feel helpless and sick because of
some frustration, I will go to my friends. They will be ready to listen to my complaints and
then comfort me.
My last point is that I learned how to socialize from friends. When I enter a new
environment, my friends will give me advice on how to behave in a new environment and
what to do to start socializing with people in the new environment.

This is why I think that friends are very influential in my life

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