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Itinerary Planner
Destination: Mura

Morning (13h-17h):
Lunch in "Restaurante Can Carter and host in
"Granja La Sal"
Afternoon (17h-21.30h):
go to the lookout and watch the sunset
Friday Evening (21.30h-23h):
1st Dinner in "La Pujada"

Morning (10h-13h):
Eat breakfast in "Embotits de Mura Cantina" , go
to the old core, visit the Museum, go to "Molí del
mig" and go to "Gorgs del pare"
Afternoon (13h-20h):
Lunch in "Masia del Solà", route of caves and ruins
Evening (21h-22h):
Saturday Dinner in "Granja La Sal"
Morning (10h-13h):
Eat breakfast in "Forn de pa Cal Muntada" and do
Atrip Experience
Sunday Afternoon (13h-15h):
3rd Lunch in "Les Olles Dels Caus

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