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TAHUN AJARAN 2020-2021

Mata Pelajaran : English Conversation

Kelas : 8 (Delapan)

Guru Pengampu : Gugum Gumelar, S.S

Perhatikan :

Tes Praktek Mata Pelajaran English Conversation Berbasis Online Dengan Menggunakan
Aplikasi Sebagai Media Penunjang Ujian Praktek. Media Yang Digunakan Adalah WhatsApp
Messenger Dengan Mengikuti Arahan Tugas Ujian Di Bawah Ini.

Siswa & Siswi Diwajibkan Untuk Mengerjakan 2 Soal Tes Yang Ada Di Bawah Ini. Dengan
Mengikuti Syarat Pengiriman Yang Tertera.

Syarat Pengiriman Tugas :

1. Menyertakan Salam
2. Menyertakan Nama Lengkap, Kelas, & Nama Mata Pelajaran
Contoh :
Assalamualaikum, Wr.Wb
Nama : Muhammad Ali
Kelas : 8 A
Ujian Praktek English Conversation
3. Ujian Dilakukan Sesuai Waktu, Apabila Ada Yang Tidak Mngikuti Atau Telat Mengirim
Hasil Ujian Maka Dinyatakan Tidak Mendapat Nilai Ujian Praktek English
4. Peserta Ujian Wajib Mengirimkan Hasil Ujian Ke Nomor Guru Pengampu Mata
Pelajaran English Conversation (085715000732)
5. Waktu Ujian : 90 Menit

Pillihan Nomor Tugas Ujian Praktek

No. Tema Judul Tugas Teks

1. Teks Berita Berita Membuat The numbers don't lie

Olahraga Video
Membaca Borussia Dortmund 2-2 Sevilla
Teks Berita (5-4 on aggregate)
Inggris Fresh from scoring two goals in
the 4-2 defeat by Bayern
Munich on Saturday, Haaland
continued his phenomenal strike
rate to further add to his
remarkable record.

He has now scored twice in each

of his past four Champions
League appearances, becoming
the first player to score two or
more goals in four consecutive
games in the competition.

No player has scored more goals

than Haaland in the competition
since he made his debut in
September 2019. Bayern
Munich's Robert Lewandowski
has 19 in that time.

With goal number 20 secured in

tonight's win over Sevilla,
Haaland also takes the honour
of being the player to score the
most Champions League goals
before turning 21.

2. Teks Pidato Pidato Seorang Membuat Prime Minister Recep Tayyip

Pemimpin Video Erdoğan’s speech in Ankara,
Negara Presentasi starting late March 30 and
Pidato ending early March 31, on the
Berbahasa results of the local elections:
I wholeheartedly greet our 81
provinces as well as sister and
friendly capitals and cities of the
world from Ankara, from the
AK Party headquarters. I’ve just
addressed via teleconference
thousands of people who
gathered in Skopje Square. They
were sharing the joy you have
here in freezing weather. I first
want to express my absolute
gratitude to my God for such a
victory and a meaningful result.
I thank my friends and brothers
all over the world who prayed
for our victory. I thank my
brothers in Palestine who saw
our victory as their victory. I
thank my brothers in Egypt who
are struggling for democracy
and who understand our struggle
very well. I thank my brothers
in the Balkans, in Bosnia, in
Macedonia, in Kosovo and in all
cities in Europe who celebrate
our victory with the same joy
we have here. I thank my
suffering brothers in Syria who
pray for our victory although in
a great pain, facing starvation
and under bombs and bullets. I
express the gratitude of my
people to all our brothers and
friends who gave a support to
Turkey’s independence struggle
just like before the
Independence War of Turkey.
Of course, this precious people
deserve the greatest

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