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Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

Handstands and mobility

Wrist warm up

A1 - Heel raises x 20, index fingers parallel to one another, hinge through index finger, keep
arms straight and shoulders above knuckles (not behind)
A2 - Fin push ups x 10, hold weight through backs of hands
A3 - Wrist rolls x 10, exaggerate ulnar and radial deviation, roll through knuckles, keep
shoulders above wrists
1-3 rounds, no rest, only do more than 1 round if the wrists have been timid

Shoulder warm up

A1 - passive hanging x 60-120 sec

A2 - Pec stretch x 30-45 sec, keep the anterior delt glued to the floor
A3 - Pray to the handstand gods x 60 seconds - Tucked tailbone, all weight in shoulders not the
spine for the first minute, 20 sec arch, last 10 seconds, re-tuck tailbone
1 round, no rest

Equilibrium and mobility session 1 (E&M 1)

A1 - Bodyline drill x 60 sec, Lumbar spine connected, every muscle tight with a 1.25-2.5kg
A2 - Weighted and resisted butterfly x 5, you’ll likely need a yoga block or something between
your feet to make it adequately challenging. 5 seconds on the way up using the weights and
your hands to resists but ultimately allowing the knees to win, then actively push with your arms,
butt and hips your knees to the ground for 5 seconds
A3 - face down bodyline drill x 60 sec, video says “I don’t mind the back of the head on the floor
or not”, as you’re not a n00b i want back of the head to be on the floor. Shoulders to ears, arms
straight, everything tight pushing tops of the feet into the floor
A4 - Assisted pigeon folds x upright for 20 sec then 5 folds + 10 sec forward fold, keep shin at
90 degrees, the bigger the prop the more assistance there is
1 round, no rest

Rest 60 sec

B1 - Chest to wall HS x 60 sec, nice and close to the wall. Don’t remember seeing a chest to
wall in the video but when I get submits for them and if the way I make you do them decreases
the time, that’s fine and i’ll let you know how to build from there
B2 - Jefferson Curl x 5+10 sec, Go for a lighter bar/weight and focus on articulating the spine,
legs straight. Controlled temp
3 rounds, rest 30 sec between rounds

Rest 90 sec
Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

C1 - Heel to wall HS heel pulls x 20-40 Accumulated. Heel to wall and quite close at that, belly
pulled into the spine, curled fingers towards the palm and try do a heel raise (wrist warm up A1)
while driving fingertips into the floor- Too much weight will be in the hands so the heels will lift off
the wall provided you are close/strong enough. Try hold yourself off the wall for a pause before
Watch this video and take notes
1 round, rest as required

Rest 60 sec

D1 - Shoulder line push ups x 4-8, Toe to wall, bring shoulder in front of the wrist line, keep
shoulders in place then bring butt above shoulders, let the feet float away off the wall, dig in
fingertips and pull yourself into your straight line. Aim to learn to catch the HS. Likely this will just
not be achievable for the first few weeks. We still follow the same mechanics we just keep the
feet connected to the wall but look to play with the idea of being able to float the feet away from
the wall as the phase progresses
Watch this video and take notes
D2 - straddle ups x 6+10 sec, reach through legs, sit down, one push up. Do on the corner of a
box if required
3 rounds, 60 sec rest between rounds
(only 2 rounds of D2)

Rest 120 sec

E1 - 5 min game, see other sheet and send me WEEKLY updates

Rest 60 sec

F1 - Shoulder flexion lifts x 6-12 Closer to the wall than you think you need to be. Hands can be
a little turned out if too heavy on the wrists. Lift shoulders and butt off the wall at the exact same
time and try to push your shoulders away from the wall
F2 - Active straddle good morning + compression x 10 reps + 10 sec active straddle hold + 10
sec compression hold
2 rounds, 60 rest between rounds

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

Equilibrium and mobility session 2 (E&M 2)

A1 - Bodyline drill x 60 sec

A2 - Jefferson Curl x 5+10 sec
A3 - face down bodyline drill x 60 sec
A4 - dynamic quad stretch x 60 sec
1 rounds, no rest

Rest 60 sec

B1 - Chest to wall HS x 40-60 sec

B2 - One leg good mornings 2.0 x 5+10 sec, aim all the weight into the back of the knee and
make that calf muscle stretch
3 rounds, rest 30 sec between rounds
(only 2 rounds of B2)

Rest 90 sec

C1 - Heel to wall HS heel pulls x 20-40 Accumulated

1 round, rest as required

Rest 60 sec

D1 - Shoulder line push ups x 4-8

D2 - Band assisted compression x 5 sec pull, 5 sec hold, 3 times
3 rounds, 60 sec rest between rounds
(only 2 rounds of D2)

Rest 120 sec

E1 - 5 min game, see other sheet and send me WEEKLY updates

Rest 60 sec

F1 - Swiss ball roll x 6-12, Keep top of the feet on the ball, make sure to exaggerate both ends
of the movement. Can be subbed in for another drill if no swiss ball but know these will do you a
lot of good
F2 -Thoracic extension x 30-60 sec, elevated shoulders, middle of scapula to the edge of the
box, drive butt down towards the floor
3 rounds, rest 60 sec between movements

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

Bent arm session 1 (BAS 1)

A1 - False grip chin x 1, start with arms as straight as possible and if you fall out during the
eccentric just continue as if you hadn’t. Tempo - 53X3
A2 - Ring Dip x 1, remember to go low and try turn out rings up the top when arms straighten.
Tempo - 53X3
8 rounds, rest 30 sec between movements. Rest 120 sec at halfway

Rest 120 sec

B1 - Transitions x 30-60 sec, don't let thumbs leave the body during the movement. Fist towards
one another followed by hands under armpits while pushing shoulders forward, hinging through
the body to suit, controlled tempo as it’s for time not for reps
3-5 rounds, rest 60 sec between rounds
-add 1 round after each deload capping at 5

Rest 180 sec

C1 - Pseudo planche push ups + scapula push ups x 5/5-8/8, elevate the hands as required to
hit that depth. Keep protraction in the scapula, ppp tempo - 31X2, scap push - controlled
tempo. Straight arms on the scapula push ups
C2 - Bar row + scapula pull ups in the same position x 5/5-8/8, really think of being as lat
dominant as possible! Active scapula, drive chest to bar, lower down controlled. Bar row tempo -
31X2, scap pulls - controlled tempo
3 rounds, rest 60 sec between movements

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

Bent arm session 2 (BAS 2)

A1 - Down dog push-ups x 2-4, the more you can bring your hips above the wrists the better.
Lower, touch the hairline to make a triangle with the heels of your hands, push all the way back.
Tempo - 32X1
A2 - Chin-up x 2-4, lead with the chest and really think about driving elbows at the floor. Tempo -
5 rounds, rest 60 sec between movements

Rest 180 sec

B1 - Pseudo planche push ups + scapula push ups x 5/5-8/8

B2 - Bar row + scapula pull ups in the same position x 5/5-8/8
3 rounds, rest 60 sec between movements

Rest 120 sec

C1 - Cuban flies x 12, keep elbows at 90 degrees, lift elbows and rotate without dropping the
elbows lower
C2 - rotational curls x 12, slightly altered to how bodybuilders to them, supinated on the way up,
pronated on the way down, 2222 (the 2 seconds at the top and bottom represent rotation time,
keep the arm straight/heavily bent and rotate there for 2 seconds)
3 rounds, rest 45 sec between movements

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22


A1 - bulgarian split squat x 5, keep hips square, don’t lunge too far on the set up. Drive the front
knee forwards and touch the back knee delicately to the floor. Rest 60 sec between legs. Tempo
- 40X1
A2 - Harop Curl x 5, Heels under the bar, hips in-front of the knee line as you hinge. Band for
support ONLY if impossible (regressed harop) to keep hips in front of knees. Make sure your
chin/nose touches and you mark the distance to keep it consistent. Tempo - 40X2
5 rounds, Rest 60 sec between movements

Rest 180 sec

B1 - Skip/Hop x 70, try to keep your leg straight, heel making as little constant as you can to the
floor, stay upright. As soon as you have completed the hops don’t do the other side go into the
balance below
B2 - Balance x 60 sec, the foot you have just hopped on, balance on. If balancing is easy
enough close your eyes to make more difficult
3 rounds, no rest

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

Straight arm session (SAS)

A1 - Beginners wall press x 1, 2 levels in the video, one where just the legs come away for a rep
the other rolling the spine away and back up, no matter how futile it feels the last part of the
movement is to go all the way down as slowly as you can
A2 - Straddle L-sit x 8-12 sec, something elevated if needed, try look forwards, keep shoulders
away from the ears
6 rounds, 45 sec rest between movements

Rest 180 sec

B1 - Tuck planche x 8 sec, Protract, lean, squeeze. Keep the arms straight and only turn your
hands out or p.bars if needed but ideally in HS position
B2 - tuck front lever x 8 sec, focus on depressing the scapula with the torque of retraction - the
bigger the position the harder the retraction will be to maintain
Accumulation set: in 8 minutes accumulate as many sets as possible, record it and break the
record every subsequent workout, besides a deload, in which you should only pursue 50% of
the total reps achieved in the workout before, as quickly as possible.

Rest 120 sec

C1 - False grip x 15 - 30 sec, arms as straight as possible. Once you can go straight add turn
C2 - ring support x 15 - 30 sec, try straighten the arms, turn out, look forwards
C3 - German hang x 15 - 30 sec, can use a toe support here. Try keep body straight, look
forwards, sink in the shoulders but never turn off
C4 - HLR x 10, no lats all core, face chest forwards
3 rounds, rest 30-45 sec between movements
(if you only have 1 set of rings it’s ok to cluster here)

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

Exploration session

A1 - Heel raise rocks x 60 sec on, be soft and planche lean

A2 - Rotational bridge x 5, with your bridge and hips I’m sure you got this but if you don’t we will
work it out
A3 - Plough roll out x 30-60 sec, less about progressive overload and more about just having a
wee roll
2 rounds, 30 sec rest between rounds


A1 - arm flare prep x 30 sec worth each side then rest for 60 sec and review footage
3 rounds

B1 - QDR circles x accumulate 10 each way, alternate direction each rep. Video shows 5 and 3
steps but it’s ok if you start at 32 steps. Use the weight of your head to counterbalance and
smooth the legs moving around. As transferring out of the initial quadrupedal position and back
into it there should be a moment where neither foot is on the floor. rest as required

C1 - Thorax roll level 1 x 10 each side, smooth as possible. Start on soft floor because we can
get some fairly nasty bruises here when learning
C2 - Sissy reaches x 5 each side, alternate sides each rep and if you can’t get to the floor reach
to a target.

As you already have a background in this stuff hoping to only do the arm flare prep and
beginners thorax work for a week or 2 before moving into the cool shite

The land of cartwheels

A1 - Gallop progression x 30 sec worth of each side (60 sec total) then rest and review footage
for 60 sec (so that's your rest). More space will mean more linked reps, less space will mean
more concise reps, nothing is superior just interesting in their own way
3 rounds

B1 - float kick x 30 sec worth each side and then rest for 60 sec and review footage
3 round

C1 - cheat code x 30 sec worth continuously alternating sides then rest for 60 sec. Try to face
your chest to the ceiling as soon as the foot touches the floor. Pivot through a combination of
your heel and ball of your foot
3 rounds

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

**Click the blue button to be taken through to videos

**Below descriptions may use the example of sessions you don’t have, all principles still apply

Your session is written to warm you up as you work your way through but if an additional warm
up should be quick and as time efficient as possible. General joint mobilisation session; rotate
shoulders, swing arms, roll wrists, air squat, jump, skip, jog, roll, climb, crawl, squat, etc. The
most basic shite on the planet. Personally my warm up is just starting my session but know to
be a little more reserved on the first set of each movement
If you need additional wrist work

Recommended structure
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Monday - E&M 1 + BAS 1 E&M 2 + BAS 1 repeat cycle
Tuesday - E&M 2 + Legs E&M 1 + Legs
Wednesday - SAS + rest or exploration SAS + rest or exploration
Thursday - E&M 1 + BAS 2 E&M 2 + BAS 2
Friday - E&M 2 + rest or exploration E&M 1 + rest or exploration
Saturday - E&M 1 + SAS E&M 2 + SAS
Sunday - Rest Rest
If the days don’t match your free time, alter to suit but follow this pattern for recovery and
development. If a session gets missed just carry on following the protocol as if nothing
happened. If you start making a habit of skipping a particular day (for whatever reason) let me
Can do 1-2 exploration sessions per week, depends on how much energy you have/how much
you want to make time for it. Please note it’s completely fine to alternate between 1 and 2
sessions on a week by week basis
If fatigued - skip and HS/Mob session but don’t make a habit out of this and maintain the wrist
warm up plus the 5 minute game

-Session structure
A1, A2 are to be grouped together for however many sets.
A1, A2 - 3 sets = A1, A2, A1, A2, A1, A2
If rounds mentions 60 sec rest between rounds it means do both A1 and A2 then rest
If rounds mentions 60 sec rest between movements it means do A1 then rest 60 seconds then
A2 rest 60 seconds and repeat

Don’t just count in your head, only real seconds count! Always either film yourself, use a timer or
I very often like to use a metronome (millions of free ones in the app stores, set to 60 BPM)

-Reps + time
Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

This is not to be confused with tempo (below), if something is written, 10+10 sec, this means
complete 10 reps + hold 10 sec on the last rep alone

-Ranged work
Always, always, always start at the bottom of the rep range and then build your way up.
Better having the first few sessions too easy while you adapt and learn the program and building
from there up following progressive overload (progressive overload explained below)

Example 3-5 reps, start at 3 and follow progressive overload, even if you can already do 5

If you are wondering what the (example) 31X3 numbers are - this is the tempo in which to
perform the reps. The way tempo is written always leads with the eccentric phase and follows in
order back to the first position


HSPU - 31X3
3 seconds eccentric phase - going from handstand to the bottom of the pushup
1 second touching the head on the ground
X (x=fast as possible) the concentric phase - pushing back into the handstand
3 seconds back up the top in the handstand

Ring Dip - 3333

3 seconds going from support to the bottom of the dip
3 second hold at the bottom of the dip
3 seconds to travel back into support
3 second support hold

Chin up - 52X2
5 seconds going from the top position down into the active bottom position
2 seconds in the active hang
X (x=fast as possible) the concentric phase - from the hang back to chest to bar
2 seconds of holding the chest on the bar

-Unilateral work
Always start with your weaker side

-Deload protocol
Every 3rd repeating strength session you are to perform 50% of the volume but keep the
intensity as high as a regular session. In timed sets - do 50% of the time.
If the sets are to make up an uneven amount, it’s up to you whether to round down or up

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

**HS and mobility only uses the deload protocol if required due to fatigue and general life
getting in the way and needed less consistent, on average aim for only 1x deload e&m
session a week.


A1 - HSPU x 2-4
A2 - archer pull ups x 2-4
6 rounds
Turns into
A1 - hspu x 2-4
A2 - archer pull ups x 2-4
3 rounds

Monday BAS+ HS/MOB

Thursday BAS + HS/MOB
Then this following MONDAY BAS+HS/MOB would be the deload BAS
* We still follow the progressive overload scale of trying to add one rep (provided that rep falls
into the sets we are doing) as explained below

-Progressive overload (mobility and strength)
Every time a session is successfully completed as far as the recommended reps, we try to up
the volume. This includes all work with a with an increasing number
Body weight movements example *for static timed movements the same but just add 1-3
seconds depending on the difficulty to do the minimal


A1 - HSPU x 2-4
A2 - archer pullups 2-4
6 rounds
For the first few sessions we could only do 2 HSPU for 3 rounds before we had to perform them
in singles. After 6 sessions you successfully complete 6 rounds at doubles, we then raise the
bar and now try hit 3 for the first round and increase by 1 rep per session


A1 - HSPU 2-4
Session 1
6 rounds
Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

Set 1 - 2
Set 2 -2
Set 3 - 2
Set 4 - 2
Set 5 - 2
Set 6 - 1

Session 2
6 rounds
Set 1 - 2
Set 2 -2
Set 3 - 2
Set 4 - 2
Set 5 - 2
Set 6 - 2

Session 3 (deload)
6 rounds
Set 1 - 3
Set 2 -2
Set 3 - 2

Session 4
Set 1 - 3
Set 2 -2
Set 3 - 2
Set 4 - 2
Set 5 - 2
Set 6 - 2

Session 5
Set 1 - 3
Set 2 -3
Set 3 - 2
Set 4 - 2
Set 5 - 2
Set 6 - 2

And so on..
If we fail one session, we stay on the previous. If we fail due to fatigue we stay on the same
level until we have successfully hit the session

On weighted movements you are to increase the weight by 2.5-5% going off the same principal

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

Over shooting will lead to failed reps so always start at the bottom and work your way up
later on through your sets. Start with the lower and once the session is complete with no failure
then move on up a rep
A1 - HSPU x 2-4
6 rounds
Set 1 = 3 reps
Set 2 = 3 reps
Set 3 = 2 reps
Set 4 = 1 rep
Set 5 = 1 rep
Set 6 = no rep
Just because you can do 3 at a max doesn't mean you should be aiming for that every go. Be
patient. Wait till you complete at 6 rounds at the minimum (in the example 2) before stepping up
the ladder
Same principle applies for increasing rounds over reps. Add one additional rep per session and
slowly build up to a new round

-Progressive overload for HANDSTANDS

You may have specific protocol written in the details of the drill if not follow this as a default.
Following the same concept as above but trying to add one second per session per round. In
some cases that may be far too little and others far too much depending on how much balance
is an issue with the particular skill. Bad and good balance days also play a frustrating role in the
mix. As long as you are moving forwards every few weeks and adding where you can, things
here are going well

-Keeping track

In short, keep a notebook. More in depth - click through

-Outside of you training

Cultivating a lifestyle for sustainable training is as important as the training itself. “Movement for
the body, stillness for the mind” as famously said by Ido Portal. This is the other side of the coin,
one shouldn’t exist without the other and depending on where you are with your current
practice/life this side of the practice may even be more beneficial than training time itself.

Work here isn’t accumulated in your proposed training time, it’s up to you whether you delve
deeper into this side of your practice or completely ignore it. Personally in my early stages of
creating my practice I wasn’t ready for this and didn’t go anywhere near it but as I’ve aged and
learned this has become more important to myself. As always, I am here for whatever you need,
all you have to do is ask.

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

*diet and nutrition is a different topic altogether, if you’re interested in having that conversation,
let me know.


Everyone has different time allowances in the morning, I’ve written a short way to get started but
if you don’t have the time, you simply don’t have the time.
Very first thing is to make it a priority to get some sun in your eyes/on your face and if you have
the time, sit still and try to stare off at something into the distance for a few minutes. Avoid
drinking coffee or looking at your phone for at least the first 15 mins
Ideally 1-2 hours before your first meal of the day if not possible still the first thing of the
morning, consume 1L of water. This can be built up over time, to drink so much so early can feel
like an attempt to drown yourself - but much like progressive overload you can build a tolerance.
I recommend adding a few cracks of himalayan salt to your morning water

Getting to know your spine x 5 mins


Stillness x 2-5 mins

No stimulus, shut eyes and sit somewhere on the floor but comfortable (use pillows, cushions,
etc). Set a timer so you’re not tempted to check the time. Observe your thoughts that come to
You can start with a lot more time if you want, the idea here is to start with something
manageable so it stays consistent. Start with 30 mins and never done any meditation practice
before and I can guarantee you won’t even last the week
Although I was a meditation teacher in the past I am rusty and I’m often changing my views on
the best way to teach this portion of the practice. So better to take direction from one of the best

-Breathing work (no required but recommended)
I recommend experimenting with when it works best for you, try pre-workout, post-workout,
morning, night, etc. This work affects everyone differently
1-3 sets as often as possible (daily is recommended but is better to do once a week than not at

-Cold condition/exposure (no required but recommended)

For 6 days a week, end each shower with just the cold tap on. Only for 30 seconds. Rather than
flinching at it, try embracing the cold while focusing on your core heat. Prior to this you can
shower as long and as hot as you want-but the last 30 is for just the cold tap

Program by Harry Williams
Jessica Brewster Phase 1 - 1/5/22

Program by Harry Williams

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