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Hieronymus Bosch is an artist who designed pieces of art that
were unordinary and was the first to paint things that were not real.
His art works are normally about hell and weird creatures he had
made up. This amazing artist was brought up in the Netherlands and
went to a Netherlandish painting school. His art works are
mainly featuring religious beliefs about hell and heaven. The
paintings he had made are over 500 years of age and is very
apocalyptic. Hieronymus Bosch is one of
the world's first visionary geniuses and his art works are one of the
most detailed and symbolic paintings that represent the differences
of heaven and hell. His work helped people understand the
differences between the ordinary world and the painful
and horrifying thoughts of hell. One of his artworks “Garden of
earthly delights” shows three different world’s heaven, hell and the
ordinary earth. This painting gives us the impression that the earth
is a waiting area and then you get taken to the wonderful world of
heaven, or the monstrous world of hell. Another one of Hieronymus
Bosch painting that are in three sections is called the “The Haywain”
It is believed that he is symbolising the differences of Heaven, hell
and the normal world.


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