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You must give a brief outline of what your project is about. You must include the following

• Title of the study

• Purpose of the study

• Why participant was selected

• Description of the length of time required and how participants will be involved

• Compensation to be expected, if any

• How confidentiality, anonymity and privacy will be maintained

• Right of participant to refuse to participate or withdraw at any time for any reason

Here is an example:

The title of this project is ‘How do I subvert the stereotypes of gay men in film’. The purpose of the
study is to identify the common stereotypes of gay men in film and explore ways in subverting them
and in a short-film. You have been selected to be part of my initial research phase as an interviewee
because you have expertise and experience in queer filmmaking. The interview will take place online
and will last no longer than 30 minutes. Your identity will be kept confidential and your name will be
changed in all written documentation. You will not appear in the short film, but you your opinions
and answers to the questions in the interview might inform the script and lines spoken by characters
created by the writer. You have the right to withdraw your participation at any time by contacting
me directly.

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