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The Mortal Who Wanted to be Death

To the mortals, he's known as Hades, but only L's queen Persephone knows his true name. She must return to the
human world every six months, leaving L bored in the Underworld, craving someone to talk to. Knowing Demeter
would never approve of him being in the over-world, L disguises himself as a mortal to get away from the grey of
his realm.

Light is a mortal from a poorer family, but he has high ambitions, visions of grandeur and an insatiable thirst for
knowledge. When he meets L, he wants to know everything, be the god's pupil and scholar. L accepts and a new
friendship blossoms... but the deeper Light gets into the gods' lives, the more he wants to be part of it. No. Not just
part of it. He wants to BE Hades... and no one, not L or even Light himself realizes JUST how ambitious he is.
Chapter 1: A Day in the Life
Chapter Text

L walked down the long, stone stairs, the air bending around him. As he passed torches, the flames wavered, bowing
in awe of him. He wore a black chiton made of the finest silk, a royal outfit for a god. If it weren't for that, any
human would've thought him a rather sickly, slightly hunched over mortal, with deathly pale skin and messy, tussled

But he was no mortal.

He was carting two souls behind him, chained together at the wrists. The chains weren't malicious. They meant the
souls were bound together, even in death... soulmates. The woman had waited in the Fields for over thirty years for
her love to join her and for them to finally make the descent into the afterlife... leaving behind the limbo of the
Underworld. They were examining the dark stairway around them, their faces twisted in terror. The man tried
catching L's attention, but the god was silent, his large grey eyes analyzing his surroundings. The Corridor between
the Underworld and afterlife was dangerous, with beasts hiding in the cracks of the walls and the very shadows
themselves. But as long as he held the chain leading to the couples', he and they should make it to safety. Key word:

Of course the monsters of the Stairway wouldn't dare attack a god.

Well... hopefully they won't.

He hated the fear he felt for the monsters. It was always there: pulsing in the back of his mind like a little worm. The
last time he'd seen them was the first time he ever walked the stairs, but that was millennia ago. He could almost
believe they weren't there anymore, that they'd somehow vanished into thin air. But L knew better. He could
sometimes hear them scuttling in the darkness, their amber eyes trained hungrily on him. On the souls he carried that
they wished to devour. L's brow furrowed, trying to listen for them now over the man's incessant talking. Yes...
there... in the blind spots of the torches... they were whispering to one another conspiratorially, their long, wicked
talons scraping against the weathered stone.

L held his breath, his heart's pounding drowning out the sounds of the monsters. Could they hear it? Could they
smell his fear? A shiver ran up his spine as he pushed the thoughts down. If they could, they would've tried to
destroy him a long time ago. Or maybe that's what they wanted... too send him spiraling into a mad paranoia...
You're doing it again. Just focus.

At the end of the stairs was the river, and the ferryman. The boat was already full of souls, all looking around
apprehensively, some trying to avoid L's gaze, others trying to lock eyes. L motioned for the couple to enter the

"There. Now it's full."

The ferryman bowed his head and pushed his oar against the bank. L released a breath. That trip had been relatively
easy. He usually tried to take as many as the boat could carry at once, but he'd been distracted and miscalculated,
allowing for enough space for two more. But now came his least favorite part.

Ascending the stairs alone.

By the time he reached the Fields, he was tired. Night was coming and he'd escorted at least five hundred souls over
the last three days. The gods didn't need sleep to survive, but after a lot of activity, they did get tired. They needed to
do something to recharge themselves, and for L the thing that worked best was sleep. It was also a curse though...
his dreams were... less than pleasant. So he avoided it the best he could, trying other activities to re-invigorate
himself. But nothing else worked. For the past three days, he couldn't remember if he'd actually slept at all...

His palace was large and cold, large torches illuminating the gothic structures. His servants, worshippers who
wished to pledge their afterlives to his service, roamed the halls, keeping it in shape. L paused, a small smile
crossing his lips as he smelled the familiar aroma, strolling towards the courtyard.

To the mortals, she was known as Persephone. She was in her garden, her back to him as she moved from plant to

He loved her garden. This world of limbo between the mortals' and the Underworld was so drab and grey. Nothing
lived or survived, and the only sounds out in the Fields were souls trying to find their loved ones. Persephone... she
made him want to live in the castle.

L paused in the entryway, watching her work. It always intrigued him how she was able to cultivate life...
Persephone hummed, tucking strands of blonde hair behind her ear as she gently nuzzled one of her roses. She
crossed over to the orchids, tipping a bucket of water into the soil, dragging her soft fingertips against the petals. A
serene smile crossed her lips as she turned, noticing L for the first time. He grinned but stayed in his corner.

The last time he stepped out onto her grass, the blades withered wherever he walked.

Persephone was graceful... at least, he always thought she was (although based on the glasses and vases she bumped,
his servants might differ). She practically glided towards him, wearing a long white chiton that contrasted against
L's black. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in so their breaths mixed.

"I wanted to see you off," he rumbled.

She nodded, her fingers tracing the lines of his jaw. They were always shocking warm. His skin was so cold that if
one were to stare hard enough, they could see thin wisps of steam rising from the contact. His teeth grazed her lips
and she let out a breathless gasp. He could feel her pulse fluttering. It reminded him of a hummingbird with how
quick it was... it was intoxicating...

"Nefeli," he moaned her real name under his breath.

Persephone cleared her throat, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Honestly, Mother's being immature. On the bright side, now that it'll be spring in the mortal world, you'll have less
work. Less people dying."

L sighed. That was a plus, but what was the point if she wasn't there? There wasn't anyone to talk to, no one to
counter his ideas or play intelligent games with. The servants were sure as Hell too scared to beat him at a game of
chess. Persephone, though...
"You sure you have to leave? What's one more day of winter to the humans?" He smirked wryly, his hand sliding
down the small of her back.

Persephone's brow quirked as she leaned in, the scent of her flowers overwhelming L's senses. Her lips ghosted over
his, a ball of heat forming in the pit of his stomach. He swayed forward but she teasingly leaned back, her eyes

"You know why," she scolded lightly.

L chewed his lip. Of course he did. Balance. Fucking balance in the world and in life and death. And how his
spoiled ass of a brother claimed keeping Earth alive was important. It was all so stupid. At his tight lips, Persephone
finally brushed hers against his. L closed his eyes, inviting her warm tongue to roll through his mouth, over his teeth
and up the walls of his cheek. He didn't even realize he'd groaned until she pulled away, her green eyes hypnotizing.

"Don't worry, Lysander-"

Hearing his name from her lips, his real name, made his chest vibrate. The mortals simply knew him as Hades. He
pressed his forehead against hers ( soft...) as she continued.

"It's only six months, what could happen?"

Light grunted as he stepped outside, closing his eyes. It was getting warmer! Spring was coming!

"Light! Can you get me some dates?" Sayu piped up from her window.

He smirked, leaning against the wall. She opened her window, her little face lit up as she tossed him some coins.
Light twirled the money in between his fingers until her eyes were narrowed.

"Didn't say please," he clicked.

Sayu pouted. She was cute when her face did that. She looked like a little kid, much to her vehement opposition to
the term. Sayu tilted her face, fluttering her eyelids and Light couldn't help but chuckle. She was a good manipulator
and she knew it, especially that she could get him to do basically whatever she wanted.
"Please," she chirped sweetly.

"No, get them yourself."

Oh, please not the eyes! Nooooo! It was her deadliest weapon! As if to prove a point, she gave those pleading, large,
irresistible eyes. He pursed his lips, trying to avoid it, but finally he groaned, brow furrowing.

"Okay, fine!..." As he went down the path, he grumbled to himself about the damn power of that expression.

Before he could escape completely though, his mother poked her head out of the door.

"Also! Can you go buy some meat from Aesop?"

Light opened his mouth to protest, but his mother smiled cheerily.


Shit. Aesop was outside of the main city, a good two hour walk. He sighed. At least it was warmer today.
Athens was bustling with activity, merchants yelling out products and prices, different smells wafting in the air.
Light struggled to weave in between the crowd, his hand jangling the coins in his pocket. As he passed the
blacksmith, the owner noticed him, laughing heartily.

"Light! How's the multiple jobs coming along?"

Heat rose up his neck. He wanted to be rich. Very rich. Had taken on so many jobs, he wasn't sure if he was even
alive anymore. Of course none of them were really going anywhere, besides helping his family financially. But it
was the dream. A dream... heeee'd probably always be chasing. Oh, well. Today was his first day off in Gods know
when. And even then, of course he'd have to spend a large chunk of it going to Aesop's...

He was so lost in thought that he found himself running straight into Hesperos. Light's eyes popped as the older man
whirled, eyes narrowing to slits. He was a respected thinker... a high member of society... Light's gaze flickered as
he quickly adverted his eyes. But Hesperos seethed.

"Watch where you step, boy!"

Light gathered his courage, meeting the older man's face. He had everything Light wanted from life: power, money,
influence and followers/scholars. A force to be reckoned with. Hesperos scowled seeing Light's slightly tattered
tunic, his lips curling in a sly smirk.

"Perhaps I should check my pockets. You never know what the filth of the street might pick up."

The implication made Light's entire face go red. He had the deepest urge to send a scathing remark, but bit his
tongue. Hesperos had a strong grip on the astynomia (police). As if reading his mind, the astynomia came up behind
him, glaring down at him. Light shrank, his nostrils flaring. Hesperos inspected his nails lazily.

"Make sure he didn't steal from me, would you?"

Light's lip trembled as one of the larger men grabbed his arm. A decidedly not heroic squeak left his throat as he
tried wrenching his arm out of the larger man's grasp. It was useless... even though Light was well-defined from
manual labor, he wasn't anywhere near buff or strong. The other astynomia roughly grabbed at his bag, sifting
through the contents. Light opened his mouth to protest, horror shivering through him as the man dumped all the
contents on the street.

Sayu's dates rolled out on the dirty stone, all his coins spreading. The onlookers mumbled to themselves, obviously
wanting to go for the money. Hesperos' lips quirked as he stared at the contents, making annoying tsk sounds.

"I'm surprised a street-urchin such as yourself actually has money. I bet you stole it from someone else, didn't you?"

A blush spread across his cheeks. He hung his head, his fingers tingling with how cut off his circulation was. He
tried to say no, that it was in fact his, but his tongue felt heavy. He was acutely aware of a crowd staring, either on
his side of Hersperos', it didn't matter. Light quivered as Hesperos inspected him quizzically. Finally, with a bored
sigh, he waved for the astynomia to let him go. Light almost fell with the force as he was pushed away. He
stumbled, but managed to stay upright.

"Next time, pay attention to who's in front of you," Hesperos snarled.

Light didn't say anything. Humiliation dominated his brain, making it impossible to think. Huffing, Hesperos left,
the astynomia disappearing into the crowd. Before anyone could try stealing them, Light scooped up his coins,
stuffing them into his pockets. He hated this. This life. He wanted more... Light simply stood there, his heart
thundering in his ears. He was lucky. That interaction could've gone much worse... much worse.
Now that the show was over, the crowd dissipated, returning back to their days as if it had never happened. Light
inhaled slowly. He should probably be grateful no one cared about him enough to remember that embarrassment. He
winced as people stepped over Sayu's dates, crushing them. But he gently tucked them back into his bag. They were
too expensive to buy more of. He'd just have to tell Sayu what happened and hoped she still wanted them.

No. She deserved better than that.

Marching towards the blacksmith, Light despised the waver in his voice. The owner watched him sympathetically,
his lips up in a small smile as Light sheepishly asked if he could work enough hours to buy some more dates.

"Of course, Light," he said kindly, holding out a hammer.

Chapter 2: Boredom
Chapter Text

Gods, L was bored.

Life continued as normal, except he didn't have any friendly faces to come back to the palace for, so he spent
practically all day and night shuttling spirts down. He tried to strike up a philosophical conversation with his
servants, but they were single-minded in their task of helping to maintain the Underworld...

It made him feel lonely.

His servant Phineas glanced over at the moping god. Of all the spirits under his employment, Phineas kept a little
more of his personality/humanity. Enough to talk, not enough for deep conversation.

"My Lord?" He asked, dusting the mantle.

L was upside down, just letting the ichor flow to his brain. He needed a break. Persephone was only gone for a
month, and he'd been working without real rest. His throat bobbed as he stared into the fire, internalizing the way the
flames curled and spread.

The God of the Underworld sighed.

"I need friends," he realized more so to himself, "... and a vacation."

Phineas stared at him, his ghostly eyes dead in more than one way.


He didn't want to sound childish, but he could already feel the frustration building up. L's eyes flashed to the side,
trying to ignore the flush spreading on his cheeks.
"My siblings have so much free time while I'm expected to just sit here... They travel everywhere and people praise
them for doing their jobs so well... I mean, what in the Gods' name is Zeus even doing? Every other second, he
seems to fucking something. Is that his job? To populate the world? I don't want that, I just... I don't want to live
through eternity relying solely on Persephone's company. It makes me seem sad," L added under his breath, "in a
pathetic way."

"Make some friends then," he said simply.

"It's not that easy," L chuckled wryly, "everyone thinks I'm too dark and brooding."
"You are wearing all black while upside down staring at fire," Phineas pointed out.

L pursed his lips. Maybe there was more to this spirit than he had assumed...

"So I am... tell me Phineas, what do you think is the meaning of life?"

The spirit looked at him in utter confusion, his head tilting.

"I dunno."

L supposed one could see that as philosophical... he held his thumb between his teeth, eyes lost as stared into the
dancing flames.

"Where would I make a friend?" He mused.

"The gods?"

"Hate me. Try again."

"The spirits?"

"Ambivalent towards me... would you be my friend?"

"If you ordered me, My Lord."

"Gee, thanks for the confidence boost," L murmured, watching the spirit intently.

Phineas dragged his rag over the silver of the vases, polishing them.

"The mortals?"

"Fear me."

But L paused. If his staff proved anything, there were humans that worshipped him... and their brains being in tact
meant they might be stimulating company. Phineas shrugged unaffectedly, continuing down the hall. The human
world... L almost laughed. Mommy-in-law Demeter would have a heart attack if she thought he might impede on
mother-daughter time. He snorted. That almost made the trip worth it in and of itself. L tapped his chin though. In all
seriousness, it was probably best if he avoided the dragon-lady. She was crazy... might even declare war on the
Underworld if she felt he was going against the agreement or hurting any of her precious plants.

And then Zeus would be down his neck and it'd be a spectacular shit-show. 

L rolled to his feet, stretching languidly. Two servants instantly stopped and bowed their heads respectfully as he
glanced at them.

"I need a vacation... I'll be in the mortal realm for a week or two... hopefully this place doesn't completely fall apart
when I'm gone."
He smirked teasingly, but the staff took him much too seriously, nodding profusely as they went about their jobs. L
sighed. He knew he'd have to pay the price in a week, when the Fields were crowded with souls, most ready to move
on and he'd probably run himself ragged with his duties.

But for now... he craved something new.

"Is this really good?"

It was a loose, much-too-big for L white tunic that practically blended into his skin. The spirits bowed their heads.

"This is what humans wear, My Lord," they replied robotically.

L wrinkled his nose, pulling at the garments. He supposed they were comfortable...

"Excellent," he trilled, surprised by the shiver of excitement, "I'll pose as one for a week and it'll be fun! Look at me,
having fun! Ha! Take that, Demeter! I'm not some troubled loner! I can socially interact!"

The spirits clapped in support.

His first instinct was to use his powers to bring him to the over-world, but he stopped himself. That would definitely
set off Demeter's alarm. No. He'd have the real mortal experience... walking everywhere, taking part in human
needs, not using his powers for anything! Quite a challenge... L shivered, thinking about a whole week without his
usual comforts. Deciding he still wanted to try though, he set off for the human world, surprisingly optimistic.
The sun felt amazing!

L closed his eyes, loving the feeling of it on his skin. When was the last time he'd been outside like this? He couldn't
remember! Although it was already starting to dip down and L sighed resignedly, watching as it sank below the
horizon, casting the sky into twilight.

He shrugged and continued to walk, his mind racing. He needed a place to stay... he was so lost in thought that he
didn't notice a group of men surrounding him.

"Hey! How does it feel being a twisted freak?" One of them quipped.

He froze, his eyes flashing in the boy's direction.

The nerve! Was this about the way he walked? His looks? L stuck out his chin. 

"Apologize, you meager sacks of meat!" L snarled, "you're not worth the spit on my shoe."

They paused, glancing at each other and burst out laughing. L straightened, his eyes turning to steel. With a snap of
his fingers, he could turn them into atoms! How dare they! His fingers twitched, but he froze. Every blade of grass
and tree surrounding him was loyal to Demeter. Any magic he used was sure to alert her...
He took a step back, eyes darting. One of the men stepped forward, slamming his fist across L's jaw. The god's head
whirled, but he twisted it back in their direction, eyes narrowed. They faltered, glancing at each other warily. Oh,
yeah. When you four die, I'm going to make you wish you were deader. It was almost tempting to say "screw
Demeter" and turn them to stone... or some other agonizing fate... Roaring, one of them slammed a piece of wood
across L's head. That did make him wince slightly, gingerly poking at the area. It wasn't like they could kill him...
but with enough force and pressure, it'd hurt... He couldn't let any of his blood touch the soil. Laughing loudly, one
of the other ones rushed forward, smashing a bucket into L's gut.
Anger surged up L's neck as he glared at them, not keeling over or appearing really hurt. They all seethed in
frustration until the third one unsheathed a sword, and that finally made L take a cautious step back. Swords were a
bitch. They could slice through skin and send his ichor running down, and it would deeeefinitely sting. How would
his ichor even react to touching the grass? The man glinted it in the low light, a smirk crossing his lips when he
realized L was finally wary of something. No magic... L's face fell slightly. He couldn't defend himself.

Light was walking back home as night descended. He'd been working for Aesop all day. It was good work, in the
warm-but-not-too-hot sun and enjoying the sights and sounds of the farm. He paused, hearing grunting and laughing.
Creeping up behind a tree, he saw further down the road four men beating up a sick-looking man with raven hair.
Two held him up by the arms while the other two punched and kicked. The man was yelling obscenities, trying to
kick and punch the men, but being restricted. One of the men was lazily dragging a long sword up the man's
stomach, his lips curled tauntingly as he slid it around the man's face and throat. 

"I'll kill you all!" Raven-hair spat.

The attackers howled with laughter, one of them kneeing Raven-hair's gut. The man scowled, seething with a dark
hatred. Light winced, glancing around. This wasn't his fight... to be fair, it wasn't any fight, just a beating. Guilt
shivered up his mind though, urging him to help. He shifted in uncertainty, his mind twisting until he groaned.

Holding his breath, Light raced out towards them. The men stopped their fun, glaring at him challengingly. Light
held up a peaceful hand.

"I know it's not my place-"

"You're damn right it's not," one of them snipped.

Light swallowed thickly, unsheathing his charming smile. Others had told him it was a winning expression, and he'd
taken it to heart, using it to persuade most of his bosses to take him on. It was his favorite weapon. He spoke softly,
trying to make it feel comradely.

"And I get that! I'm just saying, the guy looks almost dead from malnourishment anyway... maybe it's an issue we
can talk out?"

His voice was smooth. The men glanced at each other, looking down at the glowering Raven. He did look sickly...
like he might keel over at any moment even without the punches and kicks. Raven-hair seemed embarrassed, his
face tilted to the ground. But they turned to Light again, clearing their throats, suddenly not sure what to do.

"It's just, see, he insulted us."

"After you had the audacity to insult me!" Raven-hair growled.

Gods damn it, just shut up. Light rubbed the bridge of his nose, his mind working.

"Okay, look. If he apologizes, will you let him go?"

They seemed to consider it, but Raven's grey eyes sparked furiously.
"I will not!"

"Of course you won't," Light grumbled, rolling his eyes. His eyes met the other's. Raven-hair pursed his lips, his jaw
L was breathing heavily. He refused to apologize to these measly... but at the mortal's hard eyes, he softened. Wasn't
this what he wanted? A week of humanity?

His voice was a low, bitter rumble, looking much more like a scolded child.

"I'm sorry."

The men looked at each other, turning back to face Light and turning their eyes between him and Raven-hair. They
roughly let him go and he shot death-glares at them, his nostrils flaring. It was a terrifying expression that made the
hairs on the back of Light's neck stand up. Before anything else could be said, he gently wrapped the man's arms
around his shoulders. The man was standing proudly, but Light figured he must be hurting! The beating had looked
serious, and no normal person could come out of that without at least a bruise... Raven-hair faltered, his expression
guarded as Light led him away and down the path. 

Light stumbled with Raven-hair supported on his shoulders. The man was quiet, his grey eyes observing him
intently. Light forced himself to stay focused on the road in front of him. He'd never seen a person with such grey
eyes before. Come to think of it, he'd never seen anyone like the man before. His skin was pale and his hair a dark
ebony. He had dark bags under his eyes which made Light question if the man ever slept. His lips were still tight, his
whole body stiff.

"They insulted me," the man rumbled.

Light snorted, pausing by a tree. They'd been stumbling along for what felt like forever. He needed a break. Sighing,
he helped the man sit down. The man bristled, seeming to resent the help Light was offering. Light's brow rose. 

"How sheltered are you?"

"... what?"

Heat rose up Light's neck as he grinned sheepishly.

"It's just that... I find that people who don't really spend time in the world find out the hardest way that things aren't

Raven-hair stared at him. Light blinked, quickly adverting his gaze. Unique yet not used to people, brash yet
expecting utmost respect... Light could tell he was of a higher class. Yet those eyes were cryptic, revealing a wicked
intelligence and cautious soul. The stranger bit his thumb thoughtfully. Light's eyes traveled to the rest of his
fingers, long and slender... elegant... 

"Intriguing... what else can you tell about me?" He asked in interest, moving closer to Light.

"Well... you seem new to the area... from wealth and luxury... but based on the way you ultimately apologized,
you're aware that this is all new to you and you have to play by rules you're not used to."
L gaped at him, not sure how to respond. The mortal was perceptive... he'd already made a mental note though that
when it was safe to use his powers again, he was going to make those humans suffer. This one, however... even with
the condescending tone, he had a point. L didn't know much about the rules of etiquette in this world. When humans
were... alive... they were much louder and ruder... more intense... L sighed, rubbing his temple. When was the last
time he visited the over-world? 16,000 years ago? 17? He'd lost count.

But, hey, he wanted to walk among humans... he winced. He knew humans were cruel to each other, but it had never
crossed his mind they'd try to be cruel to him. 
"What do you call yourself?" L inquired.

"Light," the mortal beamed, "and you, Stranger?"

Hm... Light... L wondered if that was his true name.

He hesitated, wringing his hands. He couldn't explain it, but he didn't want the other to know who he was.

The way Light was looking at him... as an equal... not a deity to be feared... it felt strangely nice. Like L had finally
been freed from the pressure and ultimate dread the title 'Hades' brought. But then again, there was no way he was
going to just say his real name... that was for Persephone and her alone. Light was watching him expectantly, and L
could feel color spreading up his cheeks.

"Call me L."

Light gave a lopsided smile, tilting his head curiously. To him, there was no end to this man's strangeness, why
would his name be any different? But it was nice... really rolled off the tongue.

"Alright, L... you want me to accompany you to where you're staying?"

L's eyes widened slightly. He'd been expecting to just sleep in the forest or something. Or maybe see if there was an
inn or other place of stay in the nearby city. He adverted his eyes, scratching at his wild hair.

"I don't have a place," he murmured.

Light stared at him. Gods! What did this guy expect to do? Sleep in the woods? Against his will, a smile crept up
Light's lips. If he was being honest with himself, it was adorable.

"Holy Hades, you're hopeless," he chuckled.

L's brow quirked at that, but he didn't say anything. Light chewed his lip, considering. Finally, he held out a hand.

"Come on, we can ask my mother if you can stay with us. But knowing her, she'll dote on you until you can't leave."

L looked at the outstretched hand... he wasn't used to this... a wry smirk lit up his face as he took the mortal's
outstretched hand, grunting as he rose to his feet. Light blinked, examining him in shock as he strolled easily past

"You're okay? I thought for sure you'd still be hurting..."

"I'm a fast healer," L replied cryptically, his eyes dancing as he walked past a stunned Light.
Chapter 3: Honey
Chapter Text

"Oh, you poor thing! Stuck outside? Don't you know you can get sick from the cold!?"

L tried to open his mouth, but Light's mother promptly stuffed it with a piece of pelanos bread. He made a muffled
sound, eyes round and wide as she tightly wrapped him in a blanket. Light's cheeks burned as he buried his face in
his hands.
"Moooother," he moaned.

She quickly waved him away, pushing L towards the table. Sighing, Light joined him while his mother went to go
tend to dinner. Sayu watched from the doorway, staring at L with large eyes. L's gaze flickered in her direction, his
heart softening. Child Spirits were usually especially confused, always wandering around and looking for their
families. He always tried to be kind to them... liked to try to make them smile.

He waved at her and she squeaked, disappearing into the other room. Light watched after her, his chin resting in the
cup of his hand.

"I'm impressed, she's speechless. Usually you can't get her to shut up."

L's lip quirked as he tugged the blanket tighter around his shoulders. It was soft and warm, making him beam.

"Your mother is kind," he rumbled.

Light scratched his neck consciously, marveling in how L looked in the blanket, his grey eyes ethereal.

"Thanks," he mumbled, trying to hide his grin, "she loves visitors..."

"Hm. They're kind for letting me stay... are you sure your father is fine with this?"

His eyes flickered and L straightened, worried he struck a nerve. Light tapped his finger against the table, his gaze

"My father's away right now in the navy. It's um... it's been a struggle. Once he comes back, he'll be able to retire
and, well," Light gave a tight smile, "it'll be my turn."

"Light," his mother cut in, strolling in with a plate of skaren fish and artichokes, "We don't need to have wealth, just
Athena's grace and her mercy on your father's soul."

Hm... so Athena was their patron goddess... L's eyes widened. He was probably in Athens... he rubbed his thumb.
Athena was... nicer... than the rest. One could almost pretend she cared about humans.

"Well, either way, thank you so much for your generosity. It must be hard giving your food to a stranger."

His mother beamed.

"You're sweet. Tell us about yourself! Where do you come from? Why are you here?"

L bit his lip. Light watched him, curiosity eating through his eyes. He still couldn't quite figure out this enigma of a
man. L shrugged nonchalantly.

"Nowhere special. I suppose you can see me as a traveler... a wanderer."

Light perked up, his lips tugging upwards, eyes dancing. After a bit more conversation, L was given another blanket.
There weren't extra rooms, so he had to sleep on the floor beside Light's bed. He stared at the ceiling, the dry cracks
along it. His chest tightened. L was here... in the human world... smelling sea-salt and amazing aromas from the city
outside. Light peered over the side of his bed, propping his head against his hand. L stared at him, the graceful way
he held himself. In another life, he would've made an elegant god...
"You said you're a wanderer? Where have you been?" He hissed.

Color spread up L's cheeks. Everywhere. He'd seen this entire planet a hundred times over. It was always so vivid
and bright. Maybe that's why he didn't come to the surface anymore... seeing the beauty just reminded him of how
grey his world was.

"I've seen places you wouldn't believe," he started, grey eyes glowing silver in the moonlight.

Light scooted forward with rapt attention, his mouth gaping slightly. L's voice was captivating, mesmerizing him
until he felt like he himself was in these foreign lands.

"You know of the Kingdom of Egypt and Alexandria, no? The gorgeous, shining tombs and the pyramids that
sparkle like glass in the harsh sun. To the east there is China with great misty mountains and strange animals you'll
never see in these areas. Their inventions would delight and astonish you... grey powder that can make fire in the
sky and spices the likes of which you have never tried before. Africa, with its jungles that make your hair stick to the
back of your neck and its flat plains. In the distance, you can a red sun rising over the mountains, and it all looks so
dense but then you come to an an empty area, devoid of people or sometimes even animals."

Light hadn't even realized he'd been leaning closer and closer until he was almost falling off the bed.

"And you've been there?" He asked in awe.

L grinned sheepishly, nodding. He'd never thought of it as an accomplishment, but Light seemed so excited and

"It sounds amazing," he breathed, "traveling... I hope some day I get to travel."

L watched those brown eyes wide with longing, his lips tugged up.

"You like going to the beach?" Light asked suddenly, which L tilted his head to, "tomorrow I'm supposed to be out
fishing for Barak. You could, um... you could join me if you want. Unless you're going to keep wandering and

He considered. L didn't really have a plan for this vacation. It was so spur of the moment, and he'd been planning on
just exploring. But he tapped his chin thoughtfully. The thought of spending another day with this mortal was...

"I'd love to," L bowed his head gratefully.

Light's face had gone red, flushed and a bit sweaty.

"Awesome!" He chirped, clearing his throat and coughing, "it'll be fun."

L stared at him with those owlish eyes that made him feel like the man could see right through him. Light's face
burned as he caught his eyes from wandering to L's soft lips. You haven't even known him for a day! Chuckling, he
quickly buried himself into his bed, breathing heavily when he still felt L's eyes trained on his back.

Pretty soon, Light was sleeping soundly, his frame rising and falling. L watched him, wringing his tunic. This was
confusing. He felt the same way he did around Persephone... L leaned back, looking at the ceiling. Honey. That was
the closest feeling he could associate to Light. A maddening yet addicting sweetness and warmness in his chest that
made him feel happy, albeit a slightly nervous nauseous feeling. Chewing his thumb, he decided to drop it and rolled
onto his side, memories filling his dreams.
He was back at the palace, thousands of years ago. The furies were informing him of a war brewing on the surface,
to prepare for a sudden influx of souls. L nodded, admittedly tuning them out. As they flew away, he started walking
the dark halls, the windows draped in heavy velvet, the walls and sculptures outlined in gold. L paused, hearing
hurrying footsteps. A grin broke out on his face as Persephone approached, her hands cupped.
"Lysander!" She squealed, "you'll never believe what I just made!"
She was bouncing excitedly, squirming a bit as she jutted her hand out. L leaned down, squinting as she revealed a
small, yellow and fuzzy insect.
"It's... nice... what is it?"
"Well you know how my plants died while I was away?"
L winced guiltily. He didn't exactly have the greenest of thumbs, but he'd tried watering, trimming them, he'd even
talked to them. On his hands and knees, encouraging them to 'just fucking live for once'. But she didn't know that
little detail. Persephone pointed at the little insect, breathing heavily.
"It'll pollinate and take care of my plants while I'm gone!" She sang, hopping on her toes.
His eyes popped.
"You mean I don't have to murder your plants anymore!?"
Persephone squeaked in surprise as he enveloped her, spinning her. He held her out, his arms resting against her
waist. She giggled, pretending to go serious.
"Close your eyes."
"My ey-"
"Just close them!"
"Alright, alright."
"Okay... now open your mouth."
L's brow quirked.
"You're going to feed me the bug?"
"Do it," she urged in between laughter.
Biting his lip, he obeyed. There was a tense second where he didn't feel anything, and then... sweetness. Whoa... he'd
never tasted sweetness like that before! It coated his tongue and made him feel warm! He moved it along his teeth,
shocked to find it was sticky. It was incredible. L was instantly in love with the substance.
"Mphm! This is, ooh. Yes! So sweet. So so so sweeeeet I love it! What is it?"
"Thanks," Persephone flexed her toes, "My insect made it. I'm thinking of calling it honey... Maybe even spread
some of my insects to the surface! I'm going to call them begieudharts."
"Mhm. And for me, that name becomes a bee."
Persephone smirked.
"Hm. Short. Efficient. I like."
L's lips went up. He loved seeing her eyes shining like that.
"Mkay, well, while you send them up, I'm a go eat all the honey."
She gasped playfully.
"Don't you dare! That's for them!"
"Oh? Are you sure about that?" He jogged back a bit and she yelped, grabbing for his chiton. He easily danced out
of the way, sticking out his tongue.
They raced down the torch-lit halls, L singing about how he was going to steal all the honey.

The rocking of the small boat made L's stomach turn violently. He pitched forward, his pale skin somehow
managing to go even paler as his hair plastered onto his neck. Light stared at him in shock.

"I thought you said you traveled a lot?"

"Not by boat," L moaned, his head spinning with the torture machine's motions.
In a way, it wasn't so different from flying, L's preferred method of travel. As the thought crossed his mind, he had
the greatest urge to sprout his wings and just get out. L's cheeks filled with fluid as he grabbed the side of the
contraption with a death-like grip. Light was casting out his net, watching the other with a wince.
"We can go back to the sho-"

"I'm fine," L snapped a little too forcefully.

Light's lips tightened, but he rolled his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Suit yourself."

L opened his mouth to argue... and the contents of his lunch went straight into Poseidon's domain. L blinked,
watching the chunks float and first then sink below the waves.
I would just kill to see Poseidon find it.

He chuckled sardonically.

Light started.
Okay, the man's strangeness was one thing. But hearing him laugh. It wasn't even a 'ha ha, I just thought of the
funniest thing' laugh. No, no. Much more like a 'I'm planning someone's murder and am taking great glee in it'.

"Everything okay?" Light asked slowly.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Just thinking about my brother."

"You have a brother? What's he like?" Light asked in interest, leaning in. A part of him hoped talking about it would
distract L's mind from the rocking.

"I have... a lot... of siblings," L snorted, looking at the crystalline turquoise water.

It gently lapped against the sides of the boat, deceptively calm.

"None of them are good people. They hate and avoid me and I return the favor," he continued, and Light could
detect a hint of bitterness, "they're flippant with everything..."


L looked at this mortal... this human... those soft brown eyes were large and thirsting for information, not even
knowing L's true identity. He ran a bony hand through his dark hair. A part of him was ready to burst, to just expel
everything he despised about his siblings. Now, though... it was like the words were caught in his throat, suddenly
feeling ridiculous. 

"Yes... they're the kind who don't care about human life. To them, people are just... playthings. Things to rape and
kill. They send people off to fight their meaningless wars, while they sit around in their lavish homes, knowing
they'll never have to face the horrors of war."
Light gaped. What kind of family did this guy have? They sounded absolutely terrifying...

"And... you're not like that?" he asked quietly.

L glanced back down at the water. It was the same water that had caused so much death on its waves, and he'd seen
every soul enter his dominion. Apollo had always said he was the most human of them. L wondered if it was true.
What did it even mean to be human?
"I've always been surrounded by death," L whispered, "it's so permanent... and life... its quick... I just um," he
adverted his eyes sheepishly, "I just think it's beautiful and it belongs to them..." his voice lowered a bit, as if he
were talking to himself, "this is their precious time... it's not our right to take it from them..."

Light cocked his head curiously. His line tugged and he sighed, reeling up the fish... now feeling a bit guilty after L's
speech. L started, his eyes darting across Light's face and rippling muscles as he pulled the fish out of the ocean.
Guilt shivered up L's mind. He'd taken these mortals' food even though he knew he didn't need it. He'd impeded on
their lives, took up some of that precious, mind-bogglingly short time.

"I should probably go," L murmured, "I've burdened you long enough."
"No," Light found himself smiling, his stomach bubbling but not in a completely uncomfortable way, "you're not a
burden at all. I was actually talking with my mother and I'm not sure how long you're staying in Athens, but
however long it is... we wouldn't mind if you stayed. You're uh, well, you're fascinating."

L almost laughed at that. Him, fascinating? Hm. He couldn't help the small smile forcing its way up his lips. There
was something about this mortal he couldn't quite place... Light had a deep hunger for knowledge, a craving L
wasn't used to seeing... he'd listened to L so attentively and even now seemed ready to hear more. L found himself
staring at Light, his cheeks warm.

They were both a curiosity to each other.

An intriguing curiosity they had to figure out.

Chapter 4: Drunk Lips
Chapter Text

The week passed way too fast.

But then again, time always moved fast for L. Fast and slow at the same time.

Before he'd even registered it, he'd spent two months with Light's family.

Sayu had slowly but surely opened up to him, talking animatedly and racing around excitedly. She was one of those
adorable rolls he would probably kill to protect. Sometimes Light would be sitting at the table and realize he'd been
abandoned in exchange for L sitting on the floor for Sayu to fluff and mess around with his wild hair.

The house was always nice, warming him to his bones. L sat by the fire in the hearth, just allowing himself to feel
the heat on his face. Fire was something he always marveled at, something that wasn't quite living, but somehow

In simplest terms, L was... happy...

It wasn't like it was all vacation, though!

L helped with the work, even though he tried jobs he never had before.
The first time training under the blacksmith was... interesting... Light watched apprehensively as L worked... and
promptly slammed the hammer down on his finger. L winced, the feeling akin to stubbing your toe. But Light and
the blacksmith gasped, their hands flying to their mouths in unmasked horror. L looked between them, realizing a
human would probably be in a lot more pain. It was time to employ his golden acting skills. Maybe this time I'll
finally win that award that was so wrongfully snubbed.

"I, um... oh. Oh. Oh. Gods. The. Pain. Oh. Dear. Me. Ouch. How ever will I live? Ahh."
Light faltered but rushed forward, demanding for L to let him see his thumb. He yelped as Light roughly held it out,
pulling his thumb towards his face. Inspecting it, his brow furrowed. L's breath caught feeling's the other's soft yet
firm fingers passing over the digit in confusion, as well as Light's breath gently blowing across his nerves. He
shivered, trying to hide his face.

"It's bruised but... not broken?"

"Guess I'm just lucky," L chirped, quickly pulling his thumb away.

Light sighed, shaking his head.

"I swear to the Gods, you're going to give me a heart attack one of these days. You should've been mangled at least
five times in the past week."

L tried smiling, chuckling goodheartedly. He tried thinking of an excuse besides 'oh, yeah, I'm just a really lucky
guy', an excuse to which he'd exhausted beyond use at this point. Watching each other, L could only shrug
helplessly. Giving up, he walked past his friend and towards the blacksmith. He was about to ask if he was going to
be taken on full-time when Light gently steered him out of the workshop and into the bright sun.

"You're not working there."

"Excuse me?"

"I will be worried about you all day, freaking everyday. You're not working there."

L's brow arched.

"Worried about me?"

Light started, clearing his throat. His cheeks had gone a darker shade.

"Yeah. I'm saving myself the doctor costs."

He knew it sounded unconvincing. L's slightly teasing eyes were confirmation enough of that. Light winced.

"Oh, just shut up."

They continued on... living. Sayu asked him a million questions that he wasn't sure how to answer. He tried to avoid
talking about himself as much as possible, but she was persistent, and soon L understood what Light meant by not
getting her to be quiet.

"Why's your hair like that? Why's your skin so pale? Where do you come from? Do you ever sleep?"

"OH my GODS, Sayu. Will you just leave him alone?" Light cried out exasperatedly.

"Why? You want him all to yourself?" Sayu cooed.

Light's face blanched and L had to suppress a laugh as his friend swatted at his sister, chasing her around the small
"A... party..."

L examined Light quizzically as the young man led him towards a clearing in the woods, where a bunch of young
people were gathered around a fire, drinking wine. There was even a band of sorts, playing music as the people
danced. L scratched at his arm. The last party he went to was Dionysius', and the other gods had played a bit of a
nasty prank on him. In other words, his experiences weren't all that good.

But he politely stood off to the side while Light got him a cup of the wine, giving a lopsided grin.

"Come on," he goaded, "loosen up!"

Unable to resist meeting a challenge, L tipped the cup into his mouth. Without Dionysius' special touch, it tasted
watery... definitely not something he could get drunk off of. Light had no such problem and before L could say
anything, the mortal was drunk out of his mind, swaying and laughing with the other humans. I want to do that... L
chewed on his lip, glancing at his finger, wincing. Holding his breath, he pricked it, allowing a drop of golden ichor
to ooze out before dripping it into the wine.

He could immediately tell the difference. The drink was much stronger now, clouding his mind. L stumbled over to
Light, grinning as he asked for more.

L could see why the humans prided themselves on their parties. It was obvious this was a much smaller gathering,
but even so, three patrons puked and another broke their arm jumping off a large boulder. One man sidled next to L,
who was swaying on his feet, his mind sluggish and struggling to keep up.

"Hey, I don't think I've seen you around," the man purred.

He opened his mouth to respond, but all his sounds came out jumbled and incoherent. The man pressed closer,
touching L's stomach. He started, glaring at the mortal as his thoughts raced to catch up.

"Get your hands... off of me," L murmured.

"Oh come on," he cooed, "don't be like that," L was vaguely aware of the man's fingers dancing up his abdomen.

Light made his way over, wrapping an arm around L's shoulders, gazing evenly at the man.

"Is there a problem here?"

"Just having some fun."

L stumbled, suddenly wishing he hadn't spiked his drink. He was on the verge of passing out and was leaning
heavily against Light. The man shrugged, taking the cup from L's drooping hand. L tried to stop him, but he tipped
his head back, drinking the remnants of L's cup much to Light's annoyed glare.

"Sto-stop," L's vision swam.

But it was too late. The man tossed the cup to the grass with a smirk, sauntering off into the darkness. L sighed
heavily. The ichor would eventually burn a hole through the man's stomach and heart. It was one of the most painful
deaths imaginable. He hung his head. Two months and he'd somehow still managed to kill someone. Light turned
him, tenderly looking at the other's face. L looked downtrodden, but he figured that was from the encounter.
"Let's get out of here, hm?"

L simply bobbed his head.

They sat on the edge of the woods, a crackling fire lit between them. Light chuckled drunkenly, the bottle of wine
slipping from his hands. The sounds of the party were far away, the people trickling back home. L giggled,
shrugging as he sipped from the same bottle as Light, disappointed that he couldn't spike it, but still riding off his

"I've never been- been drunk before," he admitted, "at least, never never liked it."

That brought a whole new whoop out of Light as he struggled to his feet, spreading his arms.

"Whoo! Let the heavens know L's fucking drunk out of his mind."

"Yeah!" L exclaimed, waving his bottle at the sky, "take that, Dionysius!"

Light stumbled with a bright smile. L's eyes widened as the human almost crumpled, but L managed to catch him,
supporting him up. Light's neck twisted to face him, a dreamy look in his eyes. L found himself sitting back on his
rock... Light on his lap... he expected the mortal to get off, but Light leaned his head in, the fire dancing in those
amazing irises. He gave a sloppy smile, draping his arms around L's neck. L's head pounded, the closeness of the
other making his palms sweat. Goosebumps peppered his skin as Light's fingers gently dragged down his jaw.

"You're handsome," he breathed.

L blinked, trying to get through the fog in his mind. But it was almost impossible, making him blank. Electricity
crackled in his fingertips as he slowly spread them up Light's back, marveling in the dips and shifting bone.

"You hannnndsome too," he mumbled, eyes flickering to Light's lips.

They were soft and pink with the pulse of life. He could barely register it when Light leaned forward, capturing his
lips. L made a muffled sound, but didn't reject it. Light's lips were so warm... his tongue was warm... everything sent
L's chilly body shaking. He tilted his head, gasping as Light's chestnut hair brushed against his face. A spark of
pleasure shivered up L's spine, taking root and making him grind as Light moaned into the kiss, allowing him to feel
Light's quickly-forming erection. This mortal's scent... fresh and intoxicating, L's mouth fell open, feeling Light's
tongue roll around around his cheeks and teeth.

His eyes popped as he quickly drew back, struggling to focus, his nerves boiling.

"My wife," he murmured quietly.

Light still had his arms around L's neck. He looked at the other, blinking.
-Bart: (rewinding tape) watch this. You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half-

"Wife?" Light croaked.

L's gaze flickered over Light's gentle features, that angular jaw that he had the deepest desire to kiss. He quickly
cleared his throat, shaking his head. Images of Persephone danced in his mind, her Spring-like smile and floral
aroma that could fill his senses...
He coughed, hiding his face from view.

"I-I'm sorry. I can't," he whispered.

Light was frozen in that awkward position, his heart racing uncomfortably. He wished he could just jump into the
harbor or a dark hole and disappear. Tears prickled the corners of his eyes, but he stubbornly swallowed the lump in
his throat. I-it wasn't a big deal. They hadn't even known each other for that long. Why did he feel so... rotten...?
Kissing L hadn't even been that great! The man's lips were impressively cold... but he did have the faint taste of
honey... Light didn't even realize he was still on L's lap until he met those owlish eyes, his own widening.

"Oh, s-sorry."

Light scrambled off the other's lap, almost falling. L yelped, spinning him away from tumbling into the fire. Light
sagged in L's grip, his head lolling as a grin came over his lips.

"It's, it's a shame," he hiccuped, "I like y-you."

L's lips tugged up against his will as he gently shifted Light's weight onto his shoulders.

"What do you say I take you home?" He whispered.

Light was so out of it, he couldn't even nod properly. Sighing, L led him back to the house, his own mind whirring.

The next morning, Light felt like he was fucking dying.

He moaned, almost rolling onto the hard floor. His head was pounding loudly, and he felt nauseous. Light clutched
onto his stomach, the room spinning. What happened? Everything past a certain point from last night was so...
fuzzy. He scratched at his scalp in uncertainty. L was already in the family eating room, talking with his mother.
With one look at him, Light could tell the other hadn't slept all that well. The bags were slightly darker, and his hair
was shagged, as if it in and of itself was exhausted. As he approached, Light froze. There was a pack resting by L's

"You're, um... you're leaving?" Light asked in a daze.

From her room, Sayu called out and his mother sighed, going to see what she needed. Light stood there awkwardly,
not sure what to do.

"Did I... say something... last night?" He murmured.

"Hm? Not at all. It's not your fault," L gave one of those cryptic smiles, "it's been two months and my wife is
probably missing me."

It was a lie. Persephone wasn't due back to the Underworld in another three months. But L nevertheless shrugged
helplessly. Even if he'd be missing company, two months of souls gathering in the Fields was catastrophic... he
wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to sleep again...

Light squinted. His wife... had he mentioned her? Yes.. the memory was impossibly blurry, but he could almost
grasp the moment. The flames mixing with the grey in L's eyes and the maddening mixing taste of honey and wine
on his... Light's eyes widened.
"I'm sorry!" He burst out, making L's eyes snap in his direction, "I offended you... and your wife... I'm so so sorry."

"Really. There's nothing to be sorry about!"

"Please don't go," Light whispered, "I... I don't want it to be my fault that you're leaving. You seem happy here..."

Light had no idea why he was pleading so heavily. All he knew was that he didn't want L to leave. Just a little more
time. Just a little more. L scanned his eyes. He looked like he was about to refuse when Sayu walked in, sighing. Her
eyes met L's and she grinned sheepishly. Light suspected she had a bit of a childish crush on him, but nothing that
she overtly showed. She had an empty bucket wrapped around one arm and motioned towards the door.

She coughed, scratching the back of her neck, "Hey, Light, I'm going to get some fresh water, need anything?"

He looked back at L to ask if he did and froze. L was staring at Sayu intensely, his eyes guarded, thumb in mouth. It
was an expression Light had never seen on the man before and it made him shiver. He couldn't even pinpoint the
expression to any one emotion. They were just hints, traces of emotions that Light thought he saw but were just
well-masked. He could practically see the man's thoughts moving at a million miles a second. Light tilted his head

"No thank you," he said to Sayu, still watching L from the corner of his eye.

Sayu shrugged and coughed again, into her arm. Light could've sworn he saw L flinch. As Sayu left, he saw L
glance at his pack, his face torn. When he met Light's eyes again, he could see the apprehension painted clear on his
face, his eyes flickering in debate. It even made him nervous. To his shock, L nodded, standing.

"If you really do want me to stay, I suppose I'll put my things back," he mumbled.

Light blinked, watching in surprise as L moved the pack quietly back to their room. He was torn between happiness
and curiosity. What on Earth could've made L decide to stay? Maybe he shouldn't look a gift-horse in the mouth. But
then again, Light's brain just wasn't wired that way. He needed know.
Chapter 5: A Healing Death
Chapter Text

"Why are you following me, L?" Sayu giggled.

"I'm not. We just so happen to go in similar directions a lot of the time."

She shrugged and he moved a little farther away, but still watched her carefully. As she cleaned the small courtyard,
her body racked with another cough, this one so severe her voice was raspy. Her mother bustled out, pressing a hand
to her forehead.

"Oh, dear. Looks like you're coming down with something. Go lie down."

Sayu looked like she was about to argue, but at her mother's stern look, grumbled into the house. L twirled a flower
between his fingers thoughtfully. He could see it... the beginning of the soul leaving the body... whenever a human
was sick, it started out as a wispy tendril. The sicker and sicker they got, the more the soul wandered out. Sometimes
a mortal would recover and the soul would snap back into the body like a band. But when they didn't recover... L
shuddered. There was still a possibility Sayu would be fine. The tendril showed for any illness, even if not serious...

L yelped, startled as Light clasped a hand across his back.
Light wanted to make up for what happened that night. He wanted to show L he truly meant no disrespect and that
they could just be friends... L chewed his thumb. No matter how many times Light looked into those eyes, they
always amazed him.

"Sayu has a bit of a cough," he murmured.

"Hm? Yeah," Light sighed, "it happens. It doesn't look too serious right now, but the doctor only lives about twenty
minutes away."

L nodded absently. He didn't trust human doctors, but who was he to argue? It was fine. Sayu would be fine.

Sayu got worse.

By the end of the day, she was too sick to get out of bed and wasn't eating. L sat in the family room, wringing his
hands. Why was he so nervous? Even if she died... she'd just end up in the Underworld... every human died, why did
it matter when? But as Light's mother asked him to bring some bread to her room, his heart tugged uncomfortably.
He could smell sickness, the looming death permeating from the room. Sayu turned over in bed. Even pale and
sweaty, she gave him a bright smile.

"Your, um... your mother asked me to bring you this. She thinks it will settle your stomach."

Sayu's gaze flickered to the bread, shaking her head.

"I told her I'm not hungry," she murmured, burying herself deeper into her bed.

L blinked, gently moving to her bedside.

"It's important you keep your strength up," he rumbled.

She didn't answer right away. Sayu curled up, her eyes misting.

"It seems like whenever someone gets sick, they die... am I going to die?"

The words caught in L's throat. She looked at him, the fear clear on her face. He forced a smile, gently putting the
bread next to her. Sayu stared at it as if it might jump out and hurt her.

A couple of hours later, when the sun was sinking in the sky, Light bade goodnight to his boss.
Light practically ran home, his heart thundering. When he last saw Sayu, she was sick in bed, but she was still eating
and drinking. Please don't be worse, please don't be worse, please don't be worse. His mother was pacing worriedly.
L had volunteered to stay home and help with the chores and taking care of Sayu. That's where he was right now,
pressing a cool, damp rag over her sweaty features. Her breathing wheezed, obstructed and difficult. His mother
glanced at him, eyes shining worriedly.

"Oh, Light," she sighed, shaking her head, "I think we might need the doctor."
Light faltered, his eyes traveling to Sayu. She looked terrible, a sickly, waxy complexion settled over her face, her
lips chapped and bleeding. She barely picked her head up when he entered, moaning in pain. L looked at him, his
cryptic eyes wide.

"I-it's okay, Sayu," Light's bottom lip trembled, "I'm... I'm going to go get the doctor."

She didn't say anything, but L nodded.

"She has a massive fever," he whispered.

All Light could do was nod.

His heart pounded loudly rushing through the dark streets. Twenty minutes. A day ago, it sounded reasonable, short
even. But now they were the longest twenty minutes of his life.

L was gnawing on his lip while the doctor examined her. She coughed up dark phlegm, her eyes flashing in alarm.
The man nodded with a sigh, digging around in his bags for an array of herbs.

"Put her in a warm bath. It will relieve pain and bring up phlegm. After that, I propose we take her to sleep in
Asklepios' temple."

Asklepios. The god of healing. L chewed his lip thoughtfully.

Well into the night, he and Light waited outside the temple while Sayu slept, her breathing still struggling. Light
looked worn, his face much older than it was. L bit his thumb, the cool night breeze making him shiver.

"I can't lose her," Light breathed, so quietly L almost missed it, "Dad's Gods know where and I have to be there for
Mom... if Sayu dies, I-" his brown eyes misted, causing them to be reflective, the moonlight shining in them, "I'll
die. I can't do it if she dies. All these jobs, everything I do... it's all been for her..."

L stared at him, his eyes large. Looking back at Sayu sleeping, he sighed heavily. The spirit wasn't going to snap
back in. Even if Asklepios came... it was too late. It was too far out, the tendrils almost brushing the floor. In his
mind, he gave her three... four hours, top.

There was no doubt in L's mind that Sayu would die.

His eyes slid to Light, his heart tugging. Light met those eyes, desperate as if the other held all the answers. L
faltered, his brow furrowing in determination, his eyes encompassing and slightly intimidating, a protectiveness
washed over him.

Fuck this.

He wasn't going to let Sayu die.

L didn't care if it was the natural order, or if she would be going to the Underworld anyway at some point in the
future. This was the present, and if he'd learned anything from the rapid lives of mortals, it was that every second
was like an eternity for them.
Grasping Light's arm, the mortal started, watching the other curiously. In the past few months, he'd equated L to a
sort of awkward goof who couldn't really interact or hold his own against people. But the look he was giving Light
now... Light blinked. It was a powerful expression, filled with a certain depth he didn't expect. Is this guy a prince
or something...? He spoke with such unwavering confidence that it sent a chill down Light's spine.

"I can save Sayu."


L ignored him, struggling as he hoisted Sayu. Her head rolled back, her gaze unfocused, a cough racking her body
and making her shrivel. Swinging her out of the temple, L winced at the terror painted across Light's face.

He rushed forward, his hand tightening on L's arm. L gazed back calmly. Light hissed out a breath, feeling out of
control of the situation.
"Put her back right now," he snarled, trying to seem his usual assertive self.

L simply observed him, his eyes lost in a debate.

"I'm a god."

Light... didn't know how to react to that... he took a step back, his eyes narrowing, the fear consuming his brain.

"You're insane," he muttered under his breath.

"Call me what you will. Meanwhile I will heal your sister."

"B-but Asklepios!"

"Asklepios and I have a bit of an odd relationship," L admitted, carrying her down the stone stairway.

Light was hyperventilating, but his feet felt frozen. Shaking himself out of it, he raced after L.

"Please! Just put her back. I don't know what you want, but I'll it to give you. Please..."

It looked like he was dealing with a wild animal, his hands held out peacefully.

"You need help," Light tried reasoning, forcing his voice to be smooth, "you think you're a god? Okay, okay... well,

"I'm Hades." L clarified, stepping off the stairway.

Panic blossomed in Light's chest. Roaring, he grabbed Sayu, twisting her out of his grasp. Before L could speak,
Light surged forward, pinning L against a tree, Sayu unconscious between them.
"Was that a threat against her life? Fuck off," Light growled, "I don't know what game you're playing, but I
want out. I don't want to ever see your face again."

L stared at him in utter confusion. He expected the man to accept and believe his word. Why was Light still looking
at him like he was crazy?
"Light," he said urgently. He had never had to put so much earnestness in his words, "I swear to you. On the River
Styx. I would never put her in unnecessary danger. I'm telling you. If you leave her there, she will die."

Light's eyes darted.

"Prove it! Prove you're a fucking god then, you liar!"

"I can't," L whispered, "I need to use my powers to bring her back... it'll take enough time for me to get on Demeter's
radar. She's going to be a million shades of pissed. She doesn't want me anywhere near her plants and unfortunately
she's the darling of the gods. Do you understand? The second I finish healing, you need to take her and run."

The man was shaking, his grip on Sayu unsteady. His voice came out small and meek, even to his ears.

"Isn't that convenient? L... please don't hurt her..."

L's eyes flickered. Is that what Light thought?

Light's eyes widened in surprise when L did the most unexpected thing. He hugged him. Light stiffened, not sure
what to do. But he sagged a bit, L's long fingers stroking his hair.

"I would never hurt her."

He meant it. Even if she died, he'd treat the soul like a queen. L was already imagining Sayu's shining figure walking
around the. halls in a slight daze, but if standing next to and guiding her, helping her have fun while she waited.

He couldn't explain it, but for some reason... Light believed him... he looked at L, eyes still guarded. Sayu's
breathing was shallow, her heart slow against his chest. Every bone in his body was terrified, wanting to just clutch
her tightly. But he inhaled sharply, gently passing her into L's open arms. L nodded, bringing her over to a large and
relatively flat rock. He bent down on his knees, lightly touching her burning forehead.

"You might want to um," L smiled sheepishly, "take a step back."

Take a step back? He obeyed in confusion. What could possibly- Light's eyes popped, his knees going soft to the
point where he slid to the ground.

Large, iridescent black wings sprouted from L's shoulder blades, feathery and bird-like. They must've had a span of
ten feet, shimmering different shades of green and blue, all mixing together in the most beautiful way Light had ever
seen. They twitched seemingly on their own, flapping and L smiled. It had been so long, too long since they'd tasted
the air. As they sprouted though, the grass below his knees withered and decayed at about a five foot radius.

Reaching back, L yelped, plucking one of the feathers out. It was the size of Light's forearm, ethereal and incredible.
Holding his breath, L held out Sayu's arm. In response to his touch, the spirit hanging out of her and dripping down
the rock gravitated towards him, sliding and curling, instinctively drawn to him. Before it could touch his skin
though, he held out his feather, manipulating the soul to pool and thread around it. Of course Light couldn't see this.
All he saw was Sayu's chest going still.

"She's not breathing!" He gasped, taking a step forward.

"I know," L mumbled, twisting his feather.

Light was shaking violently, tears going down the bridge of his nose.
He caught the last spools of the soul, watching in fascination as they weaved throughout the feather, looking much
more like a spider-web. His fingers ghosted over the young girl's body, waiting. He tapped his foot impatiently, his
fingers resting on her forehead. No doubt by now the trees were whispering to each other that the god of the
Underworld was walking among them, threatening them. Threatening Demeter.

His death spread throughout her body, finding a bacteria worming through her system. L's brow furrowed, the
bacteria withering and dying under his concentration. When he was satisfied it was dead, he placed the feather over
her face and tapped it. The soul dropped through and settled into her body.

Light was quietly sobbing, his body pitched forward. Sayu inhaled deeply, the color coming back to her cheeks. L
tenderly smoothed her soaked hair away from her face, checking her throat and chest to make sure she was breathing
properly and that the soul wasn't leaking. Light straightened, his mouth gaping in awe. He quickly wiped away the
tears, scrambling next to the two of them.

"Sayu?" He croaked.

"Light?" She murmured, her eyelids fluttering open.

Light laughed through another round of tears, his hands covering his mouth.

"Sayu! I thought you were... I thought I was going to lose you!"

He enveloped her. She felt warm against him, her breathing steady. Her eyes were still unfocused, but L expected
that. Such a journey for a soul was traumatic and it needed time to get reacquainted with the body. But there were
more pressing matters to attend to.

"Light. Go. Now."

Light faltered, bowing so deeply his forehead touched the dead grass. L smiled sadly. He knew once Light found out
his identity, this would be the result. Groveling. Bowing and praying, praising L's 'glory'. Living as a human was
nice while it lasted.

"Thank you, My Lord," Light quivered, "You have graced me with your mercy! I will um, I will build a temple in
your honor! And worship you even in death!"

L's nose wrinkled at the prospect. He didn't... want... that... he softly touched Light's chin, prompting the other to
look up at him. There were so many things flashing in both their eyes, they didn't know where to start.

Light's eyes widened. L didn't want a worshipper. If that's what he sought, he would've made his identity known a
long time ago and demanded sacrifices... no... Hades had chosen to live as L, the strange and slightly hopeless
mortal for over two months...

Seeing the realization and understanding dawn in Light's eyes, L couldn't feel helping a prickle of warmth in his
system. A small grin crossed his face, but it was quickly put out by the trees swaying, bending and twisting to point
at him accusatorially, rustling angrily. Roots roiled, twisting in a threatening way.

"Go," L hissed.
Chapter 6: Tensions

Chapter Text
Light was terrified, but he wrapped his arms around Sayu, getting ready to run. By now, she was a little more awake,
shaking her head.

"I can run by myself," she croaked.

"Shh, hey. Rest," Light murmured gently.

He only took a couple of steps when a root shot out, almost stabbing him. Light gasped, hugging Sayu as he dropped
to the ground, his breathing heavy.

Light tried standing again, faltering when he saw Demeter had encased the entire area in a wall of thickets, so dense
and thorn-filled there was no way to get across. Heart pounding, Light stayed on the floor, clutching Sayu tightly,
trying to ignore her whimpers.

"Hades! What are you doing in my world?"

Light risked a glance at the clearing. A woman... Demeter... had grain and vines woven in her hair and around her
body... L was crouched, his feet flexed, casually stroking and preening his wings, reminding Light of a bird.

L wasn't scared of her.

Demeter was an inconvenience, a thorn, but one that Persephone loved. He tilted his head, silver eyes meeting gold

"Your world?" L asked amusedly, running his fingers through his feathers, almost bored, "the last time I checked,
we all helped this dump run."

Demeter bristled, growling as she rounded him, her eyes hard.

"Please," she snipped, "let's not kid ourselves. Zeus has the sky, Poseidon the ocean and I the land."

L's eyes narrowed, knowing on a deeper level it was true. Demeter could send this world into a deep winter,
effectively forcing Zeus to bend to her whim. But like Hell if he'd admit it.

"Oh, Demeter. You 'have' a field of grain."

Her eyes sparked at his sly smirk, her absolute fury making him quite happy.

"You insolent child," she bit, her eyes blazing, "I am the Mother of the Grain, Giver of Life and Nourisher of Thy

"Lover of thine own voice," L mocked in a nasally voice.

Her jaw clamped. L delighted in the livid death-glares she was giving him.

"Your daughter, however, 'Queen of the Underworld' now that's an impressive title. Where is she, by the way? I'd
much rather spend time with her."

Demeter huffed a laugh, crossing her arms.

"I have forbidden her from getting involved."

L's brow arched.

"So in other words, you didn't tell her you sensed me."

Her eyes hardened, pacing slowly. Her gaze flickered to Light, pressed against the ground, Sayu shivering in his
grip. Demeter tilted her head curiously and L felt a shiver of fear. The thumb rubbing his lip paused, his eyes wide.
Demeter noticed the god has frozen, his eyes dark in apprehension.

"Interesting. Who's this?"

L stiffened, his eyes popping. Demeter shot out a root, the thing wrapping around Light's abdomen and violently
jerking him up. Sayu gasped, slipping from his grasp and landing hard on the grass. She twisted herself, curling into
a terrified ball. Light let a cry, being suspended in the air. L was breathing heavily. If she dropped him...

"No one," he said a little too quickly, "it's just an insignificant mortal."

"Hm. If he's really so insignificant, I guess you won't care if I kill him."

"No!" Sayu screamed.

Light let out a muffled whimper, hanging his head.

"I'm sorry," he croaked, shaking, "I... please don't-"

He grunted, the roots tightening around him. Light's vision swam, the fear consuming his mind. He just wanted to go
home, spend time with his family. Forget all about gods and magic. and grudges. A yell of pain almost escaped his
throat the tighter the roots wound.

L's nostrils flared, trying to pretend as if Light's pleas and choked cries weren't bothering him. He gave a laugh, but
he could hear the uneasiness in his own voice.

"Don't you think this is a little below you?" L chuckled.

Demeter met his eyes, her golden orbs harsh and unforgiving. L's mouth went dry. Light's face was changing colors,
his eyes fluttering as he struggled to breathe. L sat there, wings twitching until he shot to his feet.


She smirked.

"So you do have some sentiment towards these humans."

"Demeter... this between you and me. Just let them go home."

Demeter stared at him. A nasty smile crossed her face, her fingers twitching.

"You care about this mortal... what happened to my daughter, hm? Unfaithful?" She drawled.
L was about to retort, but froze, the kiss replaying in his mind. Shame shivered up his spine... shame that he liked
it... that whenever he saw Light, he wanted to feel his tongue and teeth... but he was so torn, also loving
Persephone... his queen... Demeter's face soured. Her lips twitched in rage.


L's eyes popped. The roots loosened and Light plummeted. Instinct took over, L's wings snapping out and shooting
towards the falling mortal, his heart roaring.

The wind rushed up Light's ears, the world tumbling. He couldn't breathe, or think. Everything felt slow yet fast at
the same time. Sayu... he was never going to see her again... or his mother... his father... how was he doing on his
company's ship? How would he react coming back from war to find out his son had died? Strong arms wrapped
around him, and it felt like his entire body was jerked, stretched beyond comprehension. L held him close, rising in
the sky. Light's head was pressed against his chest, right over the god's wild heart.

L beat his wings, trying to put as much distance between him and Demeter as possible. His arms tightened around
Light protectively. He'd never let anything happen to him... L's eyes widened, a scream catching in his throat.

"L!" Light shrieked.

A root had stabbed straight through L's back and was pointing out his front, an inch next to Light's face. L's face
contorted, his golden ichor dripping off the tip. He was breathing heavily, a fiery pain burning through the area, so
intense that Light slipped from his grip.

Light gasped, somehow managed to grasp L's leg, his feet cartwheeling in the air. He watched L's glare snap in
Demeter's direction... and it terrified him. It was a dark look of unbridled fury, grey eyes so stormy they were black.

Roaring, L grabbed the root, his brow furrowed. It withered under his touch, disintegrating to ash. His wings took
over, allowing him to soar down, the wind moving through his hair, aimed directly at Demeter.

Light's fingers dug into L's leg for dear life, squeezing his eyes shut and just waiting for it to be over.

Demeter snarled, sending the trees to swat at him. L yelled, making all the trees die and wither, twisting and taking
on a rotten smell.

"I'll send you to Tartarus!" Demeter cried out, her eyes burning.

L's eyes narrowed. He paused in midair, giving Light the chance to clamor back into his arms, his arms so tight
around L that it was hard to breathe. Demeter glared at the human with a burning hatred.

"I want that mortal dead!"

Light trembled, thinking for a second L might agree, just to end the fighting. But to his shock, L bristled. He fell
down, tucking his wings close to his body to make himself a missile. Light tried screaming, but he couldn't open his
mouth, his brain scrambling with the force. Demeter gave a vicious cry, meeting L in the sky.

They tangled, tumbling through the air and taking Light with them. He sobbed, wishing more than anything the he
was back home. L dragged her through the dirt, the debris coming up and covering all tree of them in the soil.
Demeter rose her arms, sending large plants wrapping around L's wrists, just for them to die and go brittle a second
later. She howled, slashing her nails across his face. Light winced, watching the long scratch marks and drops of
golden liquid dripping from the wounds. L crashed down, but he didn't give enough time for Demeter to come at
him again. Jamming his hands into the ground, L's eyes went a pure, obsidian black, covering the whites of his
eyeballs. The sight made Light tremble, too paralyzed or scared to move. He risked a glance in Sayu's direction. She
was on top of the boulder she'd been healed on, clinging to it for dear life.

The ground rumbled and rolled, dirt and soil kicking into the air, chasms forming. Light actually screamed, the fear
clouding his brain. Skeletons were crawling out, grass and sod sifting off their aged bones. They were old soldiers,
decked out in ancient armor and wicked blades. Demeter took a step back, her face contorted in rage. L's wings rose
impressively, making him intimidating with his black eyes. His skeletons slashed through her plants, swiping and
slashing methodically. Demeter's eyes darted, covering her ears as if she could hear them screaming.

"You're rotten," she shrieked, hatred bleeding through her voice.

Tree branches twisted out, trying to stab through L's wings. The wings folded and curled, trying to escape the fury.

That broke L's concentration. He leapt into the air, just out of their reach. Light curled up against him, his arms tight
around L's neck. The two gods snarled, each one rearing back to strike, the battlefield a destroyed, dead, churned up
mess of dirt.


Thunder cracked, a bolt of lightning exploding against the ground. Earth rose as a result, the electricity crackling and
sparking a fire. L held onto Light, twisting in the air to shield him from the flames. Sayu cried out, trying to outrun
the flames. Demeter stumbled to the ground, dropping to a bow while L stayed suspended. Light was shaking
violently now. L sighed, mindlessly stroking his back. Under his cool touch, Light relaxed a bit, sinking and sagging
into the god's grip.

"COME UP HERE AT ONCE," the voice roared, powerful and booming.

L's teeth grit. At once. No dropping Light on the ground. He climbed into the sky, holding Light in much more of a
hug, his voice a low murmur.

"You're about to see Olympus. Do not speak to any of them, don't look at them... just stay there... for right now,
you're my pet."

All Light could do was nod numbly into his chest.

Light had always imagined what Olympus would look like, but the actual spectacle was more than he would've ever
thought up. The halls themselves were gold, held up by massive marble columns and intricate statues. Light rested
his head on L's chest. He noticed with a small shock that the god had risen in height, about eight feet tall now,
allowing Light to wrap his legs around the other's abdomen. His bones clattered against L, but the god paid no

He couldn't afford to. L was still in pain, ichor dripping from the wound Demeter had caused. He forced himself to
stay upright though, making himself appear as if he wasn't hurt. He could pretend he was fine for an hour or so...

Both were acutely aware of several pairs of eyes following them. Gods standing off to the side, sitting in thrones,
whispering amongst each other. Each of a different size and aura. Sweat prickled the back of L's neck, but his gaze
straight... on Zeus. As ridiculous as he felt his brother could sometimes be, he recognized his power. Zeus oozed
intimidation, with hard eyes that crackled with electricity and made the hairs on the back on his body stand up. L
shifted uncomfortably, resisting the urge to bow. Next to him, Demeter did bow, so low her forehead brushed the
reflective floor, so shiny their reflections looked like upside down doubles. L grit his teeth. Perhaps it was just
another reason for them to call him an outcast, but he refused to bow. Zeus noticed, his brow arching, but he didn't
address what most would consider arrogant insolence in the presence of the king.

"The two of you," he growled, "are going to give me as fucking headache. Actually, no, scratch that. You have given
me one."

The gods around him tittered their support, watching L with narrowed eyes. Oftentimes, L was the only thing
standing in their way of having fun with the mortals. Ares' war causing too much death? L would intervene. Any
action that threw life too off-balance and L would be right there, an itch in their plans, a thorn in their sides. They
hated him for it, his preference to treat life as equal, as if mortals could hold a candle to their glory. So they glared at
him, not at all disguising their disdain. Demeter cleared her throat.

"My Lord, Hades threatened my plants. My earth. He tried to go back on our agreement."

Light felt L bristle beneath him. He shrank into L as he growled.

"It's not your planet! If you stopped being so possessive-"

"You're nothing but death! Why would I want you anywhere near my plan-"

"Fuck your precious plants!"


"SHUT UP," Zeus boomed.

L and Demeter clamped their mouths. Zeus rubbed his temple, his face suddenly tired.

"I don't know what to do about the two of you," he lamented.

The others sitting around him nodded solemnly, grovelingly. L inhaled deeply, wishing more than anything he could
just be far away from the situation.


"You will address me as My Lord, just like everyone in this court," Zeus said in a low voice laced with venom.

L stared at him. At his brother's challenging gaze, L submissively subverted his own. Zeus glanced at the other
Olympians sitting around him, all dressed in official garments and practically glowing. It was a far cry from the drab
mortal rags L was wearing, making him look leagues beneath the others. Zeus turned to confer with them, allowing
L the opportunity to check on Light. The poor man was shaking uncontrollably. His face was ashen, and he looked
on the verge of dying from shock alone. Sighing, L gently rubbed Light's back again, trying to calm him down. It
worked a bit and Light settled. Enough to twist his head towards the whispering Olympians.

"They're beautiful," he breathed.

"I suppose they're... elegant," L reluctantly conceded, "but that's only because they're wearing their official robes,"
he smirked, "you should see Aphrodite without her makeup."
"Still beautiful?"

L faltered.

"Well... yes... she is the goddess of beauty... but less so."

Light snorted. The sound almost brought a small smile across L's face. He liked Light's laugh, it was a sweet sound
that made him feel... warm...

"So you're not official?" Light whispered, looking over L's plain white tunic.

"No... not really," L admitted sheepishly.

For a second, Light's lips twitched up in a smile. Beneath it all, he could still see the same soul who came to live
with his family a few months ago. It grounded Light, made him feel like he wasn't completely out of his depth...
even though he was, dear Gods, he was.

The sound of shoes against floor made L turn, and Light's jaw fell open. He could practically feel the pride radiating
from L.
"Those are the official garments of the Underworld..."
A goddess... it must've been Persephone... strode in, her head high. Golden snakes outlined her black dress, and her
headdress had small bones and large feathers. She was intimidating, her aura commanding. Light watched her,
pressing himself more into L. That was the Queen of the Underworld? Every movement was graceful. Standing in
front of Zeus, she dipped her head, her entire body fluid. All Light could do was stare. The rest of the Olympians
had stopped whispering and looked at her, almost expectantly. Persephone straightened, giving a tight smile.

"I was offended no one invited me to the proceedings," her voice was smooth, worming itself in Light's head.

"We did not mean to offend," Zeus clarified.

Demeter stood quietly off to the side, not meeting her daughter's harsh gaze. Persephone simply gave a serene smile.

"That's good. One might mistake your lack of an invitation for disrespect towards a queen."

Zeus didn't say anything. His gaze flickered between L and Demeter, still debating on how to resolve the conflict.
Still looking like it was all a burden, he returned to his whispering. Persephone's eyes flashed towards L, flickering
up his mortal outfit. Her eyes met Light's, and it took all he had not to squeak. She stared at him, her brow slightly

"Interesting decoration," she murmured to L, a small smile breaking out across her face.

The corners of L's mouth went up. He bit his lip, his eyes roaming over her grandiose attire.

"Thank you, crafted from the finest jewelry makers one can find."

She giggled a little too loudly, earning a sharp glare from both the Olympians and her mother. Persephone's face
went red. She didn't like being thought of as a child in their eyes. The way they were looking at her now, as if she
had no business being there. Persephone cleared her throat, trying to make herself look stoic again. With tight lips,
they continued their debate. Her eyes flashed towards L, not trying to hide her confusion. He knew going to the
Earth almost always resulted in a fight with Demeter. Why? At her questioning glance, L's eyes darted around the

Hm. Well at least she had her answer. It didn't really surprise her. She looked at the human again, allowing her
curiosity to take over. This mortal was very... cozy... with L... hugging him so tightly it was almost like he was
invisible. The mortal was avoiding her gaze, and she noticed a slight tremble in his body. To be expected, I guess...
Finally, Zeus clasped his hands together, turning slowly.

"Hades, Demeter. This has gone on for far too long. Every time one of you steps in the other's domain, I have to
clean up your fucking messes."

"He was the transgressor," Demeter piped up, her voice sweet.

L's eyes narrowed, his body tensing. Persephone gently held onto his shoulder. The boiling in his blood settled
down, and he deflated against her grip, allowing her calming presence to wash over him. She looked at Zeus,
clearing her throat.

"Perhaps we all need some time to relax? Allow me to spend this spring and summer in the Underworld as
punishment to Demeter. Hades' punishment could be that he's not allowed in the mortal world for another century or

L opened his mouth to protest, catching her eyes. He wanted to scream, to call Demeter out for being so unfair. They
always favored her... the other Olympians looked at each other, nodding in approval. Always the mediator. L tried
crossing his arms, but found it difficult with Light. Zeus stood.

"Very well."

"But-" Demeter started.

Zeus' expression made her go quiet. L was breathing heavily now, his nostrils flared as he tried ignoring the gash. It
hurt... so much... he swayed on his feet, wincing. He didn't want to look weak. Not in front of his brother. To his
shock, Zeus' face morphed into concern, noticing the wound. He tilted his head, probably to save L the

"Go back to the Underworld," Zeus sighed, "I shall continue with Demeter."

At the release, L's knees buckled. Somehow, he managed upright, although Persephone's grip was supporting him a
bit. He subtly leaned into her, trying not to let the pain apparent on his features. She smelled sweet... like a flower...
L pressed his face into the crook of her neck, allowing her to lead him out of the golden halls.

This whole night had been one unbelievable event after another. L was on the verge of passing out, but Persephone
helped the two of them into the Underworld. Light couldn't move, his brain, everything he once knew blowing up in
his face. It was all real... gods and monsters and the Underworld... he couldn't move, even if he wanted to. They
stopped outside a large, gothic palace, the dark spires stretching up. The sky itself was a blanket of cloud, so dense
that Light could believe it was the ground itself.

L moaned, shaking his head. Persephone gently led him towards large double doors. Almost instantly, spirits bustled
out, their ethereal faces twisted in concern.
"Take him to our room," Persephone commanded.

They started to obey, but she gently stopped them, bending over Light. He looked up at her, not wanting to let go,
sure his eyes were wide with fear. L was safe. He was safe with L. What did safety even mean at this point? His
brain was so scrambled, he couldn't think. All he knew was that he trusted L. At this moment, he didn't trust anyone
else. Persephone's gaze was as cryptic as L's, giving her a mysterious vibe.

"You can stay here until Hades is feeling better. When he's up and around, he'll take you back to the mortal world."

Light's lip quivered. She wanted him to let go? He didn't want to... his eyes flickered to L's face. His grey eyes were
exhausted. He looked at Light with a reassuring smile.

"Don't touch anything. I won't let anything happen to you."

The reassurance made Light's chest warm. He believed him. L would never hurt him... slowly, he peeled himself off
the god. Without someone to hold onto, Light felt cold, bared out for the world. His knees buckled, legs almost
giving out on him, but he took a step back. The spirits hooked L's arms around their shoulders, leading him inside.

Persephone stared at Light. There was something about him she couldn't quite place. Something that made alarms go
off in her brain. He was in shock now, unable to comprehend what was happening, but in a way, Persephone felt he
was... too calm... many others in his position would've already died from the shock and fear. But this one was
already starting to recover, looking over the fields in an amazed awe. Persephone didn't know why something didn't
sit well about him. Perhaps she was just being paranoid.

"Phineas will show you to a room. Like Hades said, don't touch anything."

Light nodded in a daze. He had the strangest desire to follow L, to make sure he'd be okay. Of course he would, he
was a god after all... but Light couldn't help feeling worried. He tried to follow Persephone, but she gave him a
warning expression, eyes sparked in a strange suspicion. He blinked, backing down and following Phineas, his brain
too bogged to keep up. He did pause to look back, seeing L being lugged into a room. Persephone paused at the
door, meeting his eyes. He didn't know what to do, so he just stood there. She silently entered the room, the booming
of the door leaving him cold and alone.
Chapter 7: A Blip
Chapter Text

L was vaguely aware of Persephone dressing his wound. He was sprawled against her, her gentle fingers running
along his skin. It all stung, a deep burning in his body... opening his eyes, he met her brilliant green ones, his chest

"Reminds me of the time Demeter caught us that night," he chuckled dryly.

Persephone paused, a dark blush spreading up her cheeks.

"And that's how tomatoes were created."

L's lips twitched. He sighed, pressing into her warm touch. His eyes flickered around the room, a pang in his heart.

She stared at him, sensing something was off. Persephone wrung her fingers nervously. She'd never been the best at
comforting, but she could see his eyes distant, something tense in his demeanor.
"Tell me about the mortal," she said quietly, rubbing her hands up his shoulders.

L shivered in response to her grip, his mind softening and his muscles unclenching. The more relaxed he was, the
faster his wound healed, the gash sealing and stitching expertly. He didn't respond at first, his fingers smoothing
against the bed.

"I stayed with him," he murmured.

When he didn't offer anymore, Persephone stopped her motions. He winced, guilt picking at his mind until he
couldn't concentrate on any one thing.

"Do you... care... about this mortal?" Persephone asked cautiously, dreading the answer.

"Of course," L replied nonchalantly, but there was something else. Something Persephone could tell was deeply
buried, "he showed me a great hospitality."

"You're a god. He's supposed to," she reminded pointedly.

"I didn't want him to know about me... I... it was nice being treated as an equal..."

As much as she told herself she was nothing like Hera, Persephone could feel prickles of jealousy. L was a brooding,
closed off person, usually only ever open to her. Was it really possible he'd found someone else he connected with?
Someone who's conversations stimulated him as much as her's did? Persephone tried not to think about it. She hadn't
even realized she'd been squeezing his shoulders until L gave a muffled yelp.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

L paused, hearing a crack in her voice. He twisted his neck, wild dark hair falling into his face. For all his oddities,
he was handsome, with sharp features and a rather flattering frame. There was always this quiet analyzation on his
face, a pensiveness that made it seem as though a million things were running in his head. Persephone met his eyes,
trapped, his orbs hypnotic by nature. He gave a smile, the expression small but tender. Persephone felt that familiar
feeling in her chest, when everything would tighten and all she wanted to do was get lost in his face... his voice... his
"Nefeli... I love you."

She stared at him, picking at her dress, the warmness spreading up her neck. Eternity was a long time to stay bound
to one person, but looking at him, Persephone could feel her stomach knotting. She grinned sheepishly, wishing he
would just say her name over and over again.

"I love you too, Lysander," she whispered.

And she meant it. He sighed in relief, nodding more so to himself. Pulling her into a hug, he inhaled her scent,
internalized the rapid fluttering of her heart. L slowly slid a hand up her back, delighting in the sharp shoulder
blades that met his hand. His fingers danced in her hair, its softness driving him crazy. Looking at her, he pressed his
lips against hers, each move and sensation sending a jolt throughout his body. L shivered, running his cool digits
along her jawline. Pulling back, Persephone's brow quirked, that small smile still gracing her features.

"Get some rest. It should be healed in a few hours."

L nodded, pressing his head into the pillow. Persephone slowly got up and crossed the room, stepping out into the
hall. Her brow furrowed as she glanced at Phineas.
"Take me to the mortal."

L might've told her everything was fine... and she believed him... but that didn't mean she wasn't going to stake her
claim. Very clearly.

Light had been placed in a guest room meant for visiting gods. The lavishness of the location reflected its purpose,
making Light feel out of place. His mind was still spinning, unable to grasp this new reality... he slowly moved to
the balcony overlooking the Fields of Asphodel. It all had its own morbid beauty, the silent tranquility of the flowers
moving in the breeze... spirits wandering around, their voices chilling and haunting. Light leaned against the railing,
awe filling his mind.

He couldn't understand why L was so down against the place! It was beautiful... its own micro-kingdom, a place
between life and death. Light sighed, finding himself wishing he could stay longer... but as a living person... the
spirits shuffling in the tall grass looked lost and confused, calling out for their loved ones. They didn't even seem
that intelligent, although it was hard to tell from a distance. Light stared at them, a shiver going up his spine. Every
living thing died at some point... would that really be how he ended up?

There was a light knock on his door.

"C-come in!"

Light straightened, alarms sounding in his ears as Persephone strode inside. She paused, not really looking at him,
running her hand along one of thee portraits lining the wall. When she did meet Light's face, her eyes were cold,
calculating. He stared, captivated.

"You're attracted to my king," she said simply.

Light blinked, debating whether or not to confirm. He waited a little too long, and that became all the confirmation
that Persephone needed. She calmly circled the room, her face serene.

"Be happy with him."

At Light's confused expression, Persephone smirked.

"I'm not like Hera... I don't want to be like her... if you were a nymph or naiad or a god, then we'd have a problem...
but as it stands..."

Light still looked utterly lost, so Persephone sighed dramatically.

"If your mother found your father fucking a mayfly, what would she say?"

"Well, I mean, she'd have a lot of questions," Light quipped, brow arched.
Persephone opened and closed her mouth. Okay, that didn't exactly go as I planned.

"Right. Maybe not the best analogy in the world. But would she end the marriage over it?"

"I mean, they'd have a lot to talk about, but no, a mayfly's lifespan is so shor-" Light's jaw clamped shut.
Persephone stepped towards him, her form imposing. His nostrils flared. It felt like his entire body had stopped
working as she grinned.

"Exactly. If you're lucky, I'd say you have 60-70 years left. That's such a mindbogglingly short amount of time. So
live it to the fullest extent. Love him, fuck him. If you're lucky, he may develop feelings back. Hades might love

"He lets me call him L."

Was it idiotic to poke a potentially jealous goddess? Yes. Did Light do it anyway because he can be a little shit? Yes

Persephone paused, her lips tightening. Her gaze narrowed, telling Light exactly how dangerous of a game he was
playing right now.
"L might grow to love you. He's already done more for a human than most others would. But he won't deny you
your afterlife with your family, he'd feel like he was cruelly stealing you of that. So as much as it would pain him,
he'd lead you down the stairs and watch you go. He'll mourn, and I'll have to be there to pick up the pieces.
However, in the end, you will have lived and died in the equivalent of a week for him. A human memory such as
you cannot stand the test of time. Eventually he'll forget you. After all, in the grand scheme of the universe, you're
just a blip... so you have my blessing. It would be mean of me to deny L his toy."

Without waiting for a response, Persephone strode out.

Light just stood there, feeling like he'd been punched. Suddenly he felt so insignificant... so small... he looked back
over the fields, a gentle breeze kissing his forehead. Persephone's words kept playing back in his mind.
Just a blip.

He wasn't just a blip! He was... he was... nothing... Light deflated a bit, folding in on himself. L was the first person
who really saw him as more that just street trash... and he was really just a blip? A toy? Light's eyes misted,
Persephone's words worming themselves uncomfortably in his ear.

Light's eyes hardened.

He wasn't just a blip.

L closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep, hating the insomnia that always seemed to plague him. His brow
scrunched, frustration dominating his mind. It felt like forever before he drifted off.

The dream was intense, and not for the reason L wanted.

He was flat on his back, with Light standing above him, cool lips curled up in a deliciously wicked and sinful grin.
L's breathing came heavy, his skin bare against the sheets, sending jolts throughout his body. Light was naked
himself, his toned muscles moving and rippling with purpose. Every touch sent heat flooding L's stomach, his
member twitching and the need to thrust overwhelming. His toes curled, his mind blanking with every slide Light's
fingers made on his skin. He wanted more. He needed more. He needed to have this person, to connect with him as
intimately as possible. L threw his head back, panting.

"Light," he moaned, the heat making his ichor boil.

Lips ghosted over his skin, making all the hairs on L's body stand up. And suddenly those lips were attached to his
neck, lightly sucking on the soft part of his throat. The sensations were all new, sparking L's pleasure and sending
static throughout his mind. Light bit a little harder and L finally cried out.

His eyes flew open, shooting to a sitting position. The tunic he was wearing was an absolute mess.

L's face was hot. He quickly swung his legs over the side of the bed, searching his drawers for new clothes, every
movement making his healing wound itch and burn. But there was a cold sweat on his brow, his eyes darting as if
anything might jump out and hurt him. He needed to escort Light back to the mortal world. Quickly.

Stepping outside, L paused. Light was exploring the large halls, closely inspecting the large statues and the soft
velvet curtains. L blinked, just standing there and watching the other. It honestly amazed him Light's brains hadn't
melted or something. At the very least, L expected him to be curled up and sobbing, pleading to go home. But no.
He was... exploring... getting acquainted with the palace, his lips up in awe and curiosity apparent on his face.

Light noticed L for the first time and quickly stepped away from a rather intriguing statue of a terrified satyr. He
motioned towards it, running his hands along the smooth stone.

"It's cool, who made it?"

L tilted his head.

"Hm? I did. He tried to steal something very dear to me."

Light blanched.

He stared at the other, trying to see the joke on L's face. When there wasn't one, Light's face went ashen.

"... oh," he replied weakly, giving a shaky smile, "I, um... I see..."

Light's hand slowly retracted, his eyes widening as he glanced up up and down the halls, each side completely filled
with similar statues... it was only then Light noticed that some wore a terrified expression, others of surprise, and
others of anger.
Well shit. I guess this is how I die.

"What did he steal?" Light inquired, his eyes meeting the other's.

As if this wasn't all insane, Light knew he should be quiet, don't provoke anyone. Getting back to the surface
should've been his objective... but he couldn't stop the curiosity rising in his mind.

L stared at him for what felt like forever. Moving methodically, he gently touched the satyr's arm, cracked and worn
after years of being on display.

"My invisibility helmet," he paused, smiling sheepishly, "I like it a lot."

Hm... there weren't many legends about the helmet, just enough that Light knew what it was. He nodded, clearing
his throat. Light wrung his hands nervously, not sure whether or not L would turn him to stone for asking this... but
he needed to know...

"If you don't um, mind... Persephone mentioned something about stairs... what's that about?"
L stared at him, grey eyes consuming. His fingers skimmed over the rock, moving to the next statue a few feet away.

"It makes sense your people don't have legends surrounding the stairs. On the rare occasion a mortal gets even close,
the monsters will snatch and devour everything, body and soul alike."

Okay, if Light wasn't pale before, his skin now rivaled L's. But that curiosity was now piqued. He could feel that
familiar hunger, that intense desire for knowledge. Without even meaning to, he took an anxious step towards L,
fully aware his eyes had sparked in excitement.

"Really? What else is there about the Underworld we don't know?"

L watched him intensely.

"There's a lot... things I wouldn't tell any wandering human..."

Light's mouth watered from his thirst. He scooted even closer still, prompting L's eyes to dart in astonishment at his

"That's amazing..." Light breathed, "I want to know everything!"

L straightened, shifting uncomfortably.

"It's not that interesting," he rumbled.

"Not that interesting?!" Light exclaimed, "How much stuff do we not know about the gods? L, this is incredible! I
would kill, absolutely kill for a chance to study this! Oh, oh! I could report my findings and really a get a good
account of how the Underworld operates!"

He was ranting now, pacing back and forth. L nonchalantly leaned against one of his statues, lips tugged up in

"You'd be wasting your time."

Light whirled, eyes shining.

"L! No one really knows anything about you... to us humans, you're the mysterious, kind of villainous god to be
feared and avoided at all costs... but if I could study all of this! I'd be seen as one of the greatest scholars and
teachers in Athens! I could afford a beautiful home for my family! And your reputation would be much better!"
He wants to be my... public relations human? He almost chuckled. But in all seriousness, it sounded ridiculous. L
hesitated, opening his mouth. But before he could reject the idea, Light slid to his knees.

"Please," he begged, "let me shadow you and record everything! It's all so interesting!"
Interesting? The Underworld? The idea almost made L laugh, but Light's face stopped him. Holy shit, he's serious.
But... no! What happened to getting the mortal back to the surface as quickly as possible? L chewed on his lip.

"It's a bad idea. The Underworld wasn't exactly made to sustain the living."

"I could travel," Light piped up instantly, eyes desperate, "L, please. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have
so many questions... I don't even know where to begin!"
Damn, is he really that intrigued? Maybe he should be Hades. L smiled wryly at the thought. Wait, stop it! Bad
Lysander! He had to get this mortal home... but seeing Light's face so lit up... it made L's chest warm. He didn't even
realize he'd been pushing against his statue until it tipped, smashing to the floor in a million pieces. Both of their
hands flew to their mouths. Light blinked in abject horror.

"Who was-"
"Does it really matter now?"
I suppose not... Light faltered. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea... his conversation with Persephone resurfaced in
his mind, but he pushed it down. No. He was going to prove that he was a force to be reckoned with, both for L's
heart and in the human world. He could already picture Hesperos groveling at his feet while he bathed in his riches
from his research. Light turned to L, begging.

"L... this research could be the greatest accomplish of any one mortal..."

L bit his thumb, examining the human before him. His dream still had him shaken, the feelings still under his skin.
But his eyes went to the floor, anything to avoid those warm, brown orbs.

"Fine," he grumbled.

Light gasped, practically jumping. L held up a long finger, instantly silencing the other. His face had gone serious,
eyes stormy.

"But there are rules."

Chapter 8: Rules
Chapter Text
"Ok! Rule #1: don't eat anything inside the borders of the Underworld. Even if the food comes from outside, if you
eat anything here, since you're a mortal, you will die."

Light anxiously scribbled in his journal as he quickly nodded. L tapped his chin, thinking of all the different ways
his home could kill Light.
"Rule #2: Don't touch any water in the Underworld. Any water here is probably from one of the four rivers. All of
which will kill you, and then you will die."

"Well if they kill me, then I'd assume I'd die," Light smirked.

L's expression soured as he crossed his arms. But his lips twitched upwards.

"Some of the rivers might kill you. Others will have different effects. Either way, none of it will be nice... I could
turn you to stone for that disrespect."

Light's face flashed in alarm, his heart racing. He looked up from his journal, his face pale.

L blinked, sighing.

"It was a joke."

"You need to work on those."

Everyone's always a critic. L motioned for Light to follow him outside of the main palace and into the fields.

Light passed by a slew of spirits, their faces drawn and desperate. He tried to ignore them as he followed the god,
tapping his foot nervously. L stopped so abruptly that Light almost ran into him. Craning his neck, Light's mouth fell
in awe. In front of them was the mouth of an underground staircase surrounded by an old, stone tunnel. The thing
was ominous, the darkness so absolute and sending the hairs on Light's body up. He almost believed he could hear
voices whispering in his mind, urging him to step forward. L pointed down and Light followed the finger to a line of
asphodel. Beyond it and closer to the entrance was nothing but rocky dirt.

"The asphodel has a double purpose. The spirits won't wander past it and get devoured and it acts as a barrier against
the monsters. Rule #3: never cross this line. It's rare, but sometimes spirits who have experienced a violent death can
be lured past the asphodel by the whispering. If you see that happening, go get me. Even if you know I won't get
there in time, do not cross this line. They will eat you and you will-"


L's lips pursed at Light's cocky expression.

"He can be taught. Rule #4: Stay the fuck away from Persephone, I'm pretty sure she hates your guts. Piss her off
and then you will die. That goes for her garden. I can't step in there because I kill her grass and then she kills me. I
don't want to have to clean up the mess she'll make if she finds you in there."

"You always say 'die' very dramatically, is that a thing you do?"

"Only when I'm explaining something to a numbskull," L smiled wryly as Light protested.

But the mortal didn't say anything, instead burying himself back into his journal. In all honesty, he didn't really need
L to tell him to stay away from Persephone. He was sure she was ready to turn him into a weed all the time. When
he passed her in the halls and L told her about how Light was going to be studying the Underworld, her face was,
um... oh, boy... Light shuddered, circling that rule and underlining it. L patiently waited for him to finish, his brow
arching at the emphasis Light placed around Rule #4.

"Okay. Let's see, what else... Rule #5. When you're coming in and out of the Underworld, do not forget your fucking

Light tapped at the amulet L had given him, now resting around his neck while L continued.
"I swear to Kronos, if you forget that fucking amulet, Cerberus isn't going to recognize you as my guest,
understood? He's going to tear you apart limb from limb while you watch him eat your own body... and then you
will die."

"I think anyone would die from that," Light murmured.

L shrugged.

"I don't know how much abuse the human body can take, okay?"

The god rubbed his hands up and down along his face, scratching his mind for other rules.

"Rule #6: just try to avoid the harpies and the furies. This goes with never taking off your amulet. I told them to
leave you alone, but fuck if they ever listen to me, so just... don't. That's a place you don't want to go."

Light's hand went fast across the page.

"Rule #7: Don't leave the Fields of Asphodel without me. For Kronos' sake, I swear, Light. You won't like what you
find. There are many different regions to the Underworld and many different inhabitants. You're safe here alone and
in other regions safe with me. But don't go anywhere alone. Just don't be stupid, yeah? Read them back to me."
Light nodded, flipping through his notes.

"Rule #1: No food

Rule #2: No Evil River Water

Rule#3: Don't cross the asphodel line

Rule #4: Persephone will fillet me the first chance she gets.

Rule #5: This amulet is my fucking lifeline. You make it sound as if I will die nanoseconds after it leaves my

Rule #6 and 7: Don't go anywhere else alone and pretty much don't talk to anyone."

L listened intently, nodding when he felt appropriate. When Light looked up at him, L sighed. The Underworld was
so dangerous... he felt like bundling Light up in a million fluffy jackets, rolling him into a room and just leave him
where he knew it was safe.

"Good. And don't follow the cliche of breaking every single one of them."

"How can I? It seems like each one leads to my death," Light's lips quirked.

His eyes popped and L jumped in surprise, still not completely used to the eagerness.

"So!? What's the first thing?"

L blinked, at a complete loss.

"The... first... thing?"

Light's head bobbed expectantly. L's gaze darted, unsure what to do.

"What, um, what magic stuff can you do?" Light prodded, placing his chin in the cup of his hand.

There was a lot, and it was all impressive, but now that L was being pressured to think about it, his mind went blank.
He shrank, trying to avoid the other's eyes, wishing he'd written a lesson plan... or practiced what he was going to
say... shit, anything...

Light grinned. Honestly, for him just sitting out here in the fields was amazing enough. What other mortal got to do
this?! He paused when he saw a spirit passing by, head swiveling, her mouth open in a silent cry.

"I wonder what she's saying," Light mused.

L blinked, staring at him. For just a moment, L's face went tired. His head hung as he looked out over the fields. The
land was flat, allowing for Light to see hundreds... maybe even thousands of souls stretching out into the distance.

"I can hear them all," L whispered, "they're all shouting... it's not just you. Persephone can't hear them either."
Light's eyes flickered towards him. His heart tugged uncomfortably. He couldn't imagine listening to desperate
people screaming for their loved ones all day... for thousands of years... and being the only one to hear them.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

L didn't respond at first. Light could see him burying it down...even though it was bothering him. L's eyes warmed
in gratitude, changing the subject.

"I wonder..." he murmured, "Persephone can do it, but I've never tried out a human."

Before Light could ask, L held out a hand. Almost seeming out of instinct, a nearby spirit froze, her head tilting in
his direction, eyes empty. Stumbling forward, L gently touched her. Light's eyes widened as she went much more
solid, her eyes flickering and struggling to focus.

"Hello?" She whimpered.

"Hey. Do you remember who you are?"

"I think I... I used to be Misa... have you seen my parents? I'm looking for them..."

"No, I haven't. I'm sorry. I'll let you get back to it."

Misa's eyes flitted. She looked ready to protest when L retracted his hand, but the second he did, she went
transparent again. Her gaze went hollow and she shuffled onwards, still silently screaming.

Light was in such astonishment that he'd forgotten to write. By touching them, L could make them lucid...?
Incredible... L motioned for Light to come closer. At first he hesitated, but eventually gathered himself, struggling to
his feet. L pointed at a child spirit bobbing on their feet.

"Children are much more accepting of the incomprehensible. Try to make her lucid."
Heat rose up Light's neck. I can't do that! Wait! L, what are you doing?! L was gently pushing him towards the
ghost girl. Light stopped, simply staring at her. She didn't acknowledge his presence in any way, opting to continue
staring straight ahead. Holding his breath, Light placed a hand on her shoulder. He gasped.

She was becoming much more life-like, her figure solidifying and color almost returning to her cheeks. She looked
at Light in confusion.

"Who are you?"

"I, uh-"

Her eyes went into a panic, and Light stiffened, thinking he might've hurt her.

"Where are my parents?" She squeaked, "I want to talk to my brother!"


"I want to go home!" She practically screamed.

Light's face went white.

L intervened, softly dislodging Light's grip from her shoulder. Her eyes went docile again and she lumbered off,
practically gliding. The god squeezed Light's arm, unable to stop the shiver of pride that went up his spine.

"So living humans can reach them. Good to know... hm. It seems as if we're learning from each other."

"I feel so bad for her," Light croaked. L sighed.

"Don't be. Eventually, the people she loves will come and they'll find each other... I'd say she's been waiting for
about forty years."

"Forty years?!"

L tilted his head at Light's outburst, genuinely confused.

"Yes? That's not a long time at all. Some have been waiting for centuries. Their loved ones are in the fields, but it's
just become a matter of trying to find them."
Light's face was twisted in fear and sorrow and L couldn't understand why. Aw shit, was I depressing again? What
does it take to get a human's smile? He faltered, taking Light's hand.

The hand was so cold, it was like Light had dunked his limb into a bucket of freezing water. But he forced a smile,
moving back to his journal. He quietly scribbled down what he'd observed. The rest of the day was spent shadowing
L and closely taking notes.

The human's initiative surprised L, especially because he wasn't used to such scrutiny. As he tossed some
pomegranate seeds into his mouth, Light watched on with wide eyes.

"You can eat down here? Do you need to eat? What the god of death's favorite food?"

L blinked. All those questions from a few seeds?

"Well... yes, no but I like to, favorite... pomegranate?"

"You really shouldn't, all those poor fruits and vegetables have families," Persephone called over her shoulder,
walking past them and towards her garden.

Light opened his mouth to retort, but quickly remembered Rule #4. Grumbling to himself, he went back into his

Every mundane task L did suddenly felt like an adventure. At some point, he glanced over to see Light had been
sketching his features. He was actually quite good at art... capturing his slightly hollow cheeks and tired expression.
Light glanced at him for his approval, lightly adding some shading around L's hair.

L couldn't help but smile.

"Light!" Sayu squealed, jumping into her brother's arms.

His mother froze, her eyes glassy. A hand slowly went to her face as she sobbed, surging forward. Light yelped
when they both enveloped him, hugging him so tightly he thought he'd tip over.

"Where were you?!" His mother cried out, tears springing into her eyes.

Light watched her, her trembling form. Pressing his lips to her forehead, he sighed.

"I'm okay," he whispered, "everything's okay."

She heaved in response, her cries coming out choked and strangled.

"Sayu came back rambling about gods and fights and Olympus but you were gone and I didn't know what to think!"

"I'm so sorry I scared you," he murmured, holding her close.

The two of them sagged against him, just letting a meaningful silence pass over them. Finally, Light held them out,

"I've come across an amazing opportunity. I'll have to come back for food and water, but on a whole, I'm going to
spend most of my time over there."

Sayu sniffled, her large brown eyes encompassing.


He hesitated, scratching his mind for a plausible excuse. Gently ruffling her hair, he smiled.

"I can't tell you, okay? You just have to trust me that I'll be changing the world."

Changing the world... yes... that's what he was doing... and everyone would be grateful to him for it... Light beamed,
feeling important for the first time in his life. They still looked like they had a million questions, but realizing Light
wouldn't talk about it anymore, they sighed.

"Come on," his mother said warily, "I'll make us some dinner."

L moaned, twisting so Persephone was beneath him, her pupils dilated. Her neck craned upwards, catching his lips.
He shivered, his member twitching, his fingers exploring her body. Her entire body was hot, in essence making him
warm as well. His limbs stretched, bones moving as he pushed into her heat. In response, her fingers curved, nails
digging into his pale skin.

"Nefeli," he breathed her name, his lips raw and swollen from kissing.

Persephone nipped down on his lip a little too hard, his ichor coating her tongue. She lapped it against the small cut,
a moan building in her chest.

"Sweet," she purred, licking at the ichor.

He smiled against her mouth, his hips rocking.

She slid her fingers down his back, leaving goosebumps in her wake. Grasping his hips, the moan finally escaped.

With her silent demand, L sped up, pushing into her until his vision was swimming. He found a steady rhythm,
sucking onto her neck. She tasted like spring, flowers and fresh air swirling together. His pulse was pounding so
loudly, knocking so hard on the inside of his ears that it drowned out the crying souls outside. Here, he allowed
himself to get lost feeling her curves and the way she moved beneath him... he was free here... her fingers tightened
against his scalp, her lips ghosting over his ears.

"I wonder if you'll be the top or bottom," she mused.

He paused his thrusting, shaft still deep inside.


"When you fuck Light, will you be the top or the bottom? If you're going for a whole 'new experiences' thing, the
bottom might be interesting, but then again, you're used to the top-"
"What... the fuck, Nefeli?!"

She giggled, shrugging.

"I was just thinking about it," she admitted between laughs.

L stared at her, grey eyes wide.

"You're thinking about me and Light fucking mid-thrust?!"

"Sue me! I'm intrigued, you know? Besides, Light's got that top-energy going on."
For a moment, L wasn't sure whether or not to be insulted by being labeled 'bottom-energy' or to remain incredulous.
Her walls were still clenched around his member, and he still desperately wanted to thrust, but, like... no! He
couldn't now!
"Okay," he rumbled, "I guess we're talking about... this, completely unrelated topic... Nefeli, I don't even like him
that way!"

"You don't?" Her brow arched, a smile playing at her lips, "a sex toy that won't even fuck you is failing in its most
basic mission."

But L stopped, his face going serious.

"Don't call him a sex toy," he whispered.

Persephone tilted her head, her eyes sparking in genuine curiosity and confusion. She asked the next question
earnestly, concern bleeding through her voice.

"Then what is he? What do you hope to get out of him besides a good fuck? It can't be comfortable having him
follow you all day..."
L faltered, not sure how to answer. By all accounts, there was no other route for any other kind of relationship to
develop... he went a shade paler, drumming his fingers nervously against Persephone's abdomen. He most
desperately wanted to change the conversation.

"Why are you so interested in this? You're not jealous?"

"Oh, yeah, and I could turn him into a dandelion at any point, but I just really want to see how this plays out!"

"What, you want a front row seat to the two of us fucking?"

Her brow quirked, that mischievous grin spreading up her face.

"Is that an option?"

L stared at her, bringing his face towards her, their lips inches apart. So close he could feel her breath on his lip. The
corners of his lips twitched watching her eyes glaze over, pupils still dilated with lust.

"Gods, you're a pain in the ass," but he said it with a tender smile, "now if you're done-"

"You'll actually give me a pain in the ass?" She chirped eagerly, bucking her hips against his.

It managed to push himself even deeper, making his mind blank. Grinning with a sigh, he enveloped her, the sheets
both hot and cool. His senses were so numbed that he didn't hear the light conspiratorially whispers mixing with the
souls' yells outside, hissing excitedly.
Chapter 9: Grief
Chapter Text

"Oh, come on!" L goaded with an exasperated sigh.

His illustrious wings were out, catching the light beautifully. He gave them a gentle flap, the breeze blowing back
Light's bangs. Light's eyes narrowed.

"You know what's the best thing about terra firma?"

L pursed his lips, crossing his arms. In response, his wings folded inwards, twitching impatiently. To emphasize his
point, Light stomped on the ground with every syllable.

"It's. Ter. Ra. Fir. Ma. The ground is like a clingy girlfriend for my feet, okay? As long as my feet don't leave her,
she won't hurt me."

"What would you know about clingy girlfriends?" L smirked playfully.

Light's face soured.

"I'll have you know I am very sought after!"

It was true! All the girls Light came across seemed to develop an affinity for him! But the smug expression L was
giving him made his face go red.
"I am," Light grumbled to L's silent teasing.

"Mhm. Please, Light! You said you wanted to draw an accurate map of the Underworld! This is much easier than
dragging out the fucking chariot! I'm sorry your first experience with flying was so terrible."

Hm... he did want that map... Light subtly bobbed his head, still not sure if he was completely on board. But before
he could change his mind, L scooped him up, climbing into the sky. Light cried out in surprise, face pale. His fingers
dug into L's shoulder, his heart racing.
"Oh, Gods! I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die-"

"At least you won't have to go far," L snorted.

"Fuck you!"

"Something to add to your journal: after spending some time with me, suddenly mortals become comfortable enough
to tell me to go fuck myself."

Light screwed his mouth shut. The Underworld was hazily lit, a layer of cloud in the sky so thick that it might as
well have been the sky. L stopped and hovered just beneath the layer to find Light shivering, his eyes squeezed shut.

"Hey," L whispered, "if you really don't want to open your eyes, I'll take you back down... but the view is

That spurred him to finally crack open an eyelid. Light's eyes popped, his jaw falling open in sheer awe.

It was all stretched before him. The fields went on for a ways, but were bordered by the winding rivers. Beyond
gave way to distant mountains, littered with caves. In the far reaches of the kingdom were lava flows, illuminating
the areas in a red-orange glow. Of course, L's palace was the largest, but Light could see other lavish estates, some
pressed into the mountains and other sprawled out across the ground. Spirits shuffled back and forth, their forms
glowing dots the further they were.

"It's amazing," Light breathed.

Never had he imagined he'd fly... the only story of a human ever flying was Icarus... and well, that never turned out
well... Light glanced at L. Those wings were beautiful, shimmering different colors all over a base of black. Light
winced, feeling a prickle of jealousy. What would he do... where would he go if he had wings like that? He could
travel anywhere his heart desired... Light tapped his fingers, suddenly wishing he could have what L did. Or, at the
very least, make sure the god saw how marvelous this realm truly was...

L loved seeing that glint in Light's eyes. It seemed like no matter what he showed him, Light always kept that
intrigued, hungry expression. Motioning towards his journal, L tipped his head.


Right. L shifted so Light was being held in a cradle. Light scratched the mountains onto the page, trying to capture
as much detail as possible, down to counting the little caves.

"Are you going to show me that region?" Light asked, already itching to explore the caves.
L beat his wings quietly, causing Light to glance in his direction. There was something in L's demeanor that hadn't
been there before, a cautiousness? Worry? When the god didn't answer, Light sighed and kept drawing. A guy can't
have it all in one day, huh? He paused, suddenly acutely aware of the way L was holding him, his hand cupped
around his ass supportively. Light's fingers twitched, urging to him to keep drawing, but unable to ignore the heat
creeping up his neck. He twisted his face so it was inches from L's.

L's eyes went wide, his heart beating as hard as his wings. Light was such an attractive mortal... it was impossible to
tear his eyes away from those toned features, his soft hair and warm brown eyes. L stared at him, his heart twisting
when Light spoke.

"Thank you... I... actually very much enjoy flying..."

The corners of L's lips tugged up. Before he could stop himself or ask what he was doing, he pressed his lips against
Light's. The kiss was much different from their drunken one. This one was tender, unsure on both sides. Light's arms
snaked around L's neck, forcing the god deeper into the kiss. Their tongues moved together, their pulses loud in their
ears. L let out a shuddered breath, his mind shooting at a million miles per second. And then Light's hand found its
way creeping towards L's member, the swaying wind around them giving him goosebumps. It was like up here, the
world had no meaning. Teetering in a lusting god's arms while hanging hundreds of feet above the ground? Light
smirked. He must truly like living dangerously. 

He moved his fingers along L's shaft. L's eyes closed, his mouth opening in surprise. The mortal's hands were so
soft... so warm... he felt a ball of pressure in his stomach, tightening into a knot. Each slide of Light's fingers sent a
fire in his ichor. He wanted more. He wanted to feel Light moving inside him, stretching him and pounding into
him, pleasuring him. L almost let out a laugh. Maybe Persephone was right about him being at the bottom. Light
gripped him a little harder, adding just the slightest bit of pressure. Enough to make L's entire member throb in
anticipation. His wings almost failed on him. The two of them dropped down a bit and Light yelped, quickly
reattaching both arms around L's neck. 

After giving a quick flap to steady himself, L gave out a nervous chuckle.

"Hundreds of feet in the air, hm?" He purred.

Light's cheeks burned.

But he was satisfied to see L flustered, his eyes dazed and still looking ready to kiss again. He swayed in the air, as
if his wings weren't sure what to do. Light was breathing heavily, adrenaline racing through his body and into his
finger tips. His nerves flared. Can a blip do that, Persephone? For a second, he faltered, a bit unnerved by the
sudden streak of competitiveness that shivered through him. Heat rose up Light's neck, and he pushed the feeling

Light came back and forth between the Underworld and his home for about a month. Each day brought something
new, new locations and spirits. He loved every second. Life on the surface was so mundane compared to this world
brimming with supernatural creatures and unpredictable magic.

He was sitting in the fields, passing his hands over the asphodel. They tickled his palms, the flowers large and
beautiful. L was currently shuttling souls up and down the corridor, at the moment on his way down, leaving Light
alone. Light felt a presence behind him, and he turned, shrinking when he saw a woman with large talons and eagle
wings glaring at him. He straightened, his heart freezing. It was a harpy... her lips curled nastily.

"So you're the meat sack."

Light shrank, his eyes wary. Rule #6 flashed in his mind. Try to avoid the harpies and furies... at the time it seemed
like such a simple rule, but now... she flew at him so quickly, he had so idea what to do.
He yelped, being pinned down under her weight. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth in excitement.

"You must think you're so special," she hissed, her golden eyes glinting.

Light's chest heaved, fear shivering up his system. She slowly dragged a long talon across the side of his face,
eliciting a slight trickle of blood. He shivered, trying to avoid her eyes. She leaned in, her breath making him

"You must be so happy to be Hades' little pet, hm?"

When he didn't answer, she chuckled.

"It's the most honorable existence for something like you," she purred, "after all, you're a nothing. A little ant with
no power."

His body trembled in a mix of anger and fear. Even here... he was seen as powerless? Light glared at her, wishing he
could control her, have her grovel in the same way he was going to make Hesperos.

"Aello, leave him alone."

L glowered. Aello sneered, flapping away from Light. He was breathing heavily, unsure what to do.

His cheeks went a bright red, shame shooting up his system. He didn't want L to keep saving him... he hated feeling
so weak... Aello preened her wings absent-mindedly.

"Whatever," she crooned, "there's a war brewing on the surface. We need to prepare for an influx of souls."

L nodded, motioning for her to go. As she flew away, he knelt beside Light. The other had a dark expression on his
face. He screwed his eyes shut, inhaling slowly.

"You're bleeding."

L gently dragged the corner of his chiton across the blood. Light blinked, turning his eyes up to him. He looked like
he wanted to say something, but his gaze flickered to the ground.

Light chewed his lip. He knew on a deeper level he wasn't L's equal. Everyone seemed to be reminding him. Forcing
a smile up his lips, he touched L's face. The other stiffened, his eyes lidding. Light sighed. At least he could get this
reaction out of him... but he wanted more. He wanted L's body, his heart. He wanted the denizens of this realm to
respect him, to hold him at least in a similar regard to L. L spread his hand across Light's. The touch sent Light's
nerves tingling.

"I have to go help prepare. The soldiers are already arriving," he murmured.

Light opened his mouth to protest, but L's wings had already snapped out. He watched L go, feeling his heart tug.
Sighing, he settled back in the field, not sure what else to do. Perhaps he could help? No... without powers of his
own, he'd just be a burden... he was a shining toy... waiting for its owner to come back. Light grunted, twisting his
fingers in frustration. There wasn't much else to do other than continue in his notebook. He'd have to ask L later
what 'preparations' for soldiers entailed.
As he waited, a gentle breeze moved his hair. He picked his head up and stopped, his heart pounding. A soldier's
soul with a large gash in his side was wandering the fields. His head slowly went to the corridor, moving towards it.
L's voice echoed in Light's head.
"Never cross this line. It's rare, but sometimes spirits who have experienced a violent death can be lured past the
asphodel by the whispering. If you see that happening, go get me. Even if you know I won't get there in time, do not
cross this line."

But Light stood up, fear shocking his system. He looked back in distress. L was just a dot in the distance now. He'd
never make it back in time! Light hyperventilated, tears stinging his eyes.

"Dad!" He screamed, knowing his father's soul wouldn't hear him.

His father must've died in this war they were talking about... it felt like Light's entire world was shattering. His dad
was dead... Light's eyes misted.

No... if Light touched him though... he'd become lucid! He could try to get him away! Light hesitated, his head
swiveling back in L's direction.

"L!" He shrieked, but it was no use.

Sweat covered his brow, making a split-second decision. Sprinting after his dad, he screamed loudly.
"Dad! Dad! Stop!"

His father was almost at the asphodel line. Light's heart pounded in his ears, all his worst fears springing to mind. If
his dad's soul was devoured... he'd never see him again... not even in the afterlife... he'd truly be gone.

He continued on. The closer Light got, he could hear urgent whispers, beckoning both of them forward. His dad
paused at the entrance, slowly moving his head around. Light was trying not to sob, his muscles straining.

L was flying through the air, barking orders for his furies to strengthen the asphodels. He was going to ask
Persephone to raise more, to make the fields much more appealing to the easily-influenced spirits. He turned in
midair, wincing when he saw some of them already lumbering through the fields. Out of habit, he glanced in the
direction of the stairwell and froze, almost falling down in the air.

He could see Light tearing through the fields, his form a small dot, straight for the stairs. There was a soul being
lured in! L cursed under his breath, tucking his wings and shooting towards them.

Light was so close, just a little more! His eyes widened in horror as his father moved into the darkness, curiously
stepping down some of the steps.

Light bounded down the stairs. His father was right there! He held out a hand, hearing harsh whispering and gleeful

L rocketed towards them, his wings tucked close to his body. Even though it was pitch black, he could writhing
figures, their hands extended and claws almost grasping Light.

Light's fingers brushed Soichiro's arm. The older man blinked, his face half-turning.

L wrapped his arms around Light, his wings pushing away the monsters. He beat his wings, propelling them towards
the light of the entrance. His father held out a hand, and as suddenly as Light had seen him, his dad's soul flickered
into darkness. Light screamed, his arms flailing.


Breaking into the fields, L dropped Light and circled in midair, soaring back into the corridor. Light landed hard on
the ground, rocks and dirt digging into his palms. He scrambled to his feet, standing right on the asphodel line.

L flapped his wings, sighing heavily. He couldn't see Soichiro's soul... it must've been devoured... he slumped back
to the mouth to find Light on his knees, looking up at him pleadingly. L bristled.

"I told you not to cross the asphodel line," he growled.

Light's eyes sparked in anger. His body shook.

"I had to try!" He cried out, "I'm never going to see him again! Don't you get that?!"

L watched him, but his eyes were overall emotionless, not fully grasping the gravity of what had just happened.
Light pointed a shaking finger, his brain tearing at itself.

"You could've saved him!"

"I was trying to save you!"

"I don't care about myself," Light yelled to L's confused face.

His nostrils flared, choking out a gasp. Light pitched forward, his vision blurring. L moved towards him, but Light's
eyes snapped in his direction.
"You don't understand," he hissed, "how could you? You've never experienced grief."

Grief... L stopped, watching him carefully. It was true... he had never experienced grief... when would he have? L
scratched at his arm, simply watching Light. The other wailed, shrinking in on himself. For a second, L looked like
he might hold out a hand, but he took a step back.

L quietly snapped out his wings, lifting into the air.

Persephone found L curled up on the window sill, his knees tucked beneath his chin. She blinked, glancing out the
window to see Light kneeling at the asphodel line. Something had happened... she stared at L, taking in his confused
expression. She sighed, holding out a honeycomb to L.

"It looks like you need this," she whispered, "what... what happened?"

He didn't answer, slowly taking it from her and stuffing it in his mouth. The sweetness hit his tongue, but it didn't
give him the joy it usually did. Persephone's gaze flickered. L looked at her, seeming at a loss for words.

"It's... good... that we don't experience grief, right?"

Persephone hesitated. Supposedly grief was soul-crushing. But it's not like she had experience. Persephone bit her

"Of course it's good. We might not be able to relate to the mortals, but it means we don't have to go through the
same pain," she chirped, trying to be positive.

That was positive, right?

L's eyes met hers. He shifted, not seeming completely satisfied with the answer. Clearing his throat, L stepped down
the hall, crossing his arms around himself protectively.

Light stayed there well into the night, later than he usually did. Night at the Underworld was strange. The moon was
filtered through the clouds, sending the entire fields into an eery light. Light ignored it all, just staying there,
allowing himself to drown in the terrible feelings. Gone forever... not even in an afterlife... that was the last time
he'd ever see his father... tears stained his cheek.

"I'm so sorry."

He'd failed him... if he had the kind of power L had, he could've saved him. Respect, riches, protecting his loved
ones... he could do it all... he could have everything he ever wished for... Light let out a shuddered breath, curling in
on himself.

But then he straightened, hearing the familiar whispered, a shiver of hate going up his spine. He scowled at the
voices, trying to drown them out.
"Follow us."
"Come here!"

Light covered his hands against his ears, his lip quivering. His dad's face flashed through his mind... silently calling
out to him. Tears stung the corners of his eyes. But then one of the voices made him stop. It snickered, worming into
his brain. He stared down into the darkness, his heart skipping, feeling small.
"Soichiro's not gone yet... as a show of good faith, if you listen to what she has to say, she'll give him back."
Chapter 10: Forbidden Knowledge
Chapter Text

Light's feet went over the asphodels and onto the rocky ground. He followed the voices warily, urging him deeper
and deeper down the stairs. At the bottom was a ferry, resting lazily at a harbor. The ferryman barely glanced at him,
the corners of his lips tugged up in an amused smile.

"So she actually managed to talk you down here, huh?"

He stared at the man, the hair on his body standing up. Light's eyes flashed back to the staircase's entrance, too far
up and twisted around to be seen. It felt like he'd been thrust into internal darkness, the only light coming from a
pitiful lantern the ferryman had.

"Who's 'she'?" Light whispered.

The ferryman didn't answer, but motioned for Light to get on.
"She already paid for your trip."

Light stared at the rickety boat, his nose wrinkling.

"Isn't that to transport souls to the afterlife?"

The man gave a low chuckle, sending chills up and down Light's spine. He stared at the man incredulously, nostrils
flaring as he prepared to run.

"The rivers run all throughout the Underworld. It's just my job to ferry souls... but when someone else offers me a
coin or two," he smirked, "I'm not about to turn them down."

Light watched him cautiously, debating. The man tapped his oar.

"If she made a promise, she'll keep it. She's many things, but a liar isn't one..."

That made him start. Inhaling slowly, he stepped onto the boat, wrapping his arms around himself for warmth. It was
cool here underground, making him wish he had heavier clothing.

He wasn't sure how long the ride was. It felt like hours, all of it underground through winding caverns and tight,
narrow passageways... it was enough time for the adrenaline to leave his system, the events of the day weighing
down on him. Was it really possible to get his father back...? Light's head lolled forward, but he forced himself to
stay awake. He didn't trust this ferryman or 'her' in the slightest... falling asleep was probably the biggest mistake
one could make in this situation. Finally, a harbor approached and the ferryman docked his boat.

"She's just up the stairs."

He gave Light his lantern and motioned for him to go forward. Light stared at these 'stairs'. They were old and so
turned up that it was almost laughable to call them that. It was obvious no one really came by, adding to the eery
vibe as he stepped over large cracks, and barely-stable rocks, sure it would all come crumbling down in a second.

Entering a large room, he froze.

There was a woman chained down to the center of the room. She had already been staring at the entrance, as if she
knew he was coming. Light's heart skipped uncomfortably under her gaze, her golden serpentine eyes that chilled
him to the bone. Her dress was ragged, as if she hadn't changed it in millennia. Well... judging by the rusted chains
around her ankles, wrists and waist, Light supposed she hadn't... her dark hair was matted beyond repair. She may
have been beautiful, but it was all hidden under a thick layer of dirt and grime.

"Light," she breathed excitedly.

He started.

"How do you-"

"I know many things," she trilled, "knowledge is why I was locked down here. The gods decided that if I were to
roam this universe, my knowledge could be passed to the mortals in their legends and stories."

At his stunned expression, she chuckled.

"I'm sure you've figured out by now that the gods only tell mortals what they want them to know. There's so much of
our world we deem too powerful to fall into your hands... your people call me Eris."

Light's stomach turned. Eris... the goddess of chaos... but the legends said she was in Tartarus... unless the legends
were lying... he shifted warily, a slight tremor in his hand. The lantern shook.

"What do you want with me?"

"To give you knowledge," she hissed reverently.

For just a second, Light's eyes lidded in awe. Knowledge no one else possessed? But he came back, glaring at her.

"I don't trust you," he growled frankly.

Eris rolled her shoulders, unconcerned. The action made her chains clink together.

"You don't have to trust me... but you don't even want to know the knowledge that got me locked up? That made
Hades chain me like an animal?"

Light's heart was racing at this point as he didn't say anything. Almost on its own, his neck craned out, silently
asking her why. Why would L chain her up? Light shivered, remembering the statues in his palace. Their frozen,
horrified faces, put out on display. For all his eccentricities, Light had definitely noticed a darkness, a willingness to
do whatever L felt he needed to. As human as L was compared to the others, he could still be cruel... yes... he
wanted to know. He needed to know. Eris leaned forward, her eyes glittering.

"I know how to kill a god."

His hands flew to his mouth, fear taking root. Killing a god...? He'd been taught since he was born that such a thing
was impossible! He stared at her, his mind twisting and writhing. Holy shit... it was possible to kill a god? Her lips
curled at his shocked face as she leaned back. He was panting, his palms sweaty and nervous. But Light shook his
head quickly, eyes narrowing.

"Good for you. I'd have no need for such information."

Eris rolled her shoulders, tilting her head back. Every she made was slow, deliberate. She sighed.

"But you want Hades' power, don't you?"

Light's throat went dry. She was giving him a cocky smirk, her smile dancing knowingly. Over the past month, he'd
seen amazing things... and wanted all of it to be his... but Light shook his head.

"I'm not going to kill L for it, though."

The idea was laughable. Light met her eyes, saying with his own how he'd never hurt L. He lo... cared too much
about him.

Eris tilted her head, eyes sparking.

"So his name begins with L..." she muttered curiously. The same easy cat-like grin graced her features once more,
leaving Light uneasy. "I never said anything about killing L. In fact, I also know of a way for you to transfer his
powers to you and he will live. You could rule the Underworld with him by your side."

Light faltered. He could get L's powers... and not kill him?

"But you said-"

"The god you have to kill is Persephone."

Light's eyes widened at her glinting irises. She tugged lightly on a chain, mindlessly tracing her finger along the
metal. He couldn't move, a million questions running through his mind. Her brow quirked, holding out her hands

"Kill her then take his power. Otherwise she'd be the only one standing in your way. The other gods despise L, they
won't care if someone else becomes Hades. If anything, they may rejoice. But Persephone will always push for you
to return his powers. She'll sneak behind your back and use every trick possible to return her beloved to power. And
as long as she exists, L's heart will never truly be yours. He will resist your rule and try to regain his power," she
paused, her eyes sparking, "but seeing as how L has never experienced grief-"

Light winced, wishing he hadn't been so hard on the god. It wasn't L's fault he lived so long. He just had the life he
was born into... but Light kept his eyes trained on Eris.

"I've never seen a god experience true grief. Sadness, yes," she muttered thoughtfully, "but never the deep pit of
despair. When he falls down it, you will be there to pick him back up, and in the process, catch his heart. In
exchange for my knowledge on both subjects, you will free me... and I promise I'll never harm you, L, or step foot in
the Underworld."
He swallowed, his arms tingling. Everything he ever wanted... and all he had to do was kill one woman... but he
blinked, quickly stepping away. His eyes exploded in panic. What... what was he doing? Yes, he had this rivalry
with Persephone, but he wouldn't kill her over it! He stepped backwards until he almost tripped down the stairs, his
limbs trembling.

"I can't," he rasped, "I can't do that to L."

There was a metallic taste in his mouth, his stomach sick. He shook his head, trying to be firm, but looking small.

Eris cocked her head to the side. She sighed almost in disappointment.

"Suit yourself. But if you change your mind," she smirked nastily, "you know where to find me..." she tapped her
chin thoughtfully, as if remembering something, "that reminds me... I told you I'd return your father as a show of
good faith," her eyes warmed, "and I meant it."

On the other side of the room, her monsters swirled, tittering and making clicking noises. Light's knees buckled, his
eyes widening as his father's soul appeared, still looking dazed. Light rushed forward, hooking Soichiro's arm
around his. Soichiro started, his head swiveling.

"Light?... Where are we?"

"The Underworld," he mumbled urgently, pulling Soichiro towards the stairs.

His father looked at him, eyes flickering.

"You're dead?"

Light quickly shook his head, wanting nothing more than to drag his father back to safety.

"I'll explain everything," he promised desperately.

Eris was playing with one of her chains. She watched the interaction like a hawk, her gaze cryptic. Just as Light was
about to bound down the stairs, she said something that made him cold.

"I have a feeling I'll be seeing you again."

Light didn't trust himself to reply as he shoved Soichiro into the boat.

L had been sulking, thinking about what Light had said to him.
"You've never experienced grief."

There were many human things he had not experienced.

Hunger. Thirst. Helplessness. Fear. He didn't appreciate or value time and so many memories were in his brain that
he couldn't pinpoint too many points in time even if he wanted to.

L shifted, suddenly feeling very... not alive... He was perched on his sofa, his toes flexing, trying to enjoy the
fireplace. It was impossible, he couldn't stop thinking about Light. Was Light still at the line? After a couple of
hours, L had hidden away in his study, deciding Light needed to be alone. After all, he wouldn't cross the asphodel
line again...

The sound of footsteps made L's head whirl. Light walked up, looking shaken, his face pale. L watched him
cautiously, his gaze intense as Light fell back on the sofa, looking exhausted. L opened his mouth. He'd been
planning in his head what he was going to say when he saw Light, but now the words were a blank in his mind. He
hesitated, glancing between the mortal and the fire. Light was watching the flames, lost in thought. L could see their
reflection in his irises, the fire curling and dancing.

"I'm sorry," L finally managed, drumming his fingers nervously, "... about your father..."

Light didn't say anything. L picked at his knees. Had he truly lost this mortals' favor? But then Light did something
unexpected. He wrapped an arm around L and pulled him closer. L blinked in surprise. Light's action had brought
him a bit out of his curled-up call position and now he was leaning against the mortal with his head on his chest. L
waited for something else, an explanation or even a kiss. But Light simply rubbed his thumb along L's shoulder.

They quietly stared at the fire, Light's heartbeat in L's ear. For all his insomnia, L somehow managed to fall asleep

Light's eyes went down to that wild hair, sticking up in all directions. Of course he'd never tell L, but the god had a
certain sweet scent about him, always making Light's mouth water. Light placed his chin on the top of L's head
worriedly, still unnerved yet totally exhausted by the day's events...
Light had L pinned beneath him. The other was panting, his pupils so dilated that his grey eyes might as well have
been black. Light smirked, dragging a finger down L's throat. He was the only mortal who could make a god writhe
and beg, L's eyes clouding offer as he silently pleaded.

That pale body was stretched out for him, bony and angular, but somehow slender and elegant. Light leaned down,
sucking on the soft part of L's collar bone, the skin quivering excitedly. L let out a delicious moan, dripping with lust
and need.

"Who do you belong to?" Light asked huskily into his skin, delighting in the way L vibrated from his voice.

L let out a whine, snaking his cool arms around Light's neck.

"You," he whimpered, his body trembling, "only you. My heart belongs to you..."

Light smirked.

"That's right, L," he growled, his member twitching, "to me."

Capturing his lips in another kiss, Light could feel his body boiling. His mind blanked, his vision clouding as he
roughly entered, groaning in pleasure. He knew on a certain level this was just a dream, but fuck, it felt so real. L
was wet and ready, his body tight. Light grit his teeth, almost afraid to move. But L threw his head back pleadingly,
bucking up his hips. It sent Light deeper, his mind blanking and pleasure roiling his stomach.

"Tell me you need me."

"I need you," L replied automatically.

"Tell me who else you've loved."

L moaned loudly, each sound like music to Light.

"No one... it's always been you. You're my love."

"Tell me I own your heart."

"You own...oh, Light... ugh, you own my heart."

Light began to move, each thrust making him both numb and electrified. It was incredible, hot... for the first time
since Light had met him, L's body was warm, wildly pulsing and beating. The beat drowned out everything else until
all Light could focus on was the squirming, begging man beneath him, his tipped back in pleasure.

Before he could come, Light woke up.

He winced, looking down to see L still sleeping against him. The fire had gone out, and morning light filtered
through the curtains. Light hissed out slowly, a painful erection making itself known. He shifted, quickly trying to
hide it or make it stop before L woke up. His pulse was thundering in his ear, his nerves still on high from the
dream. Light's eyes misted, the feelings overwhelming. He didn't want to kill Persephone, but the pull was so
incredibly strong, the thought of having L's power, his mind and body so intoxicating... Light swallowed the lump in
his throat, slowly exhaling. He stayed there, staring at the smoldering fire, not wanting to wake L.
Far away, deep in the caves of the mountains, everything in the Underworld connected by underground rivers, Eris
smiled, her eyes glowing. When she felt Light wake, she stopped projecting the dream, her long nails dragging along
the chains. Her lips curved, her eyes glinting.

"See you soon."

Chapter 11: Dreams
Chapter Text
The dreams kept coming and coming but would always end just before Light got what he wanted. At the moment he
was about to come inside L, when the Underworld's crown was about to touch his head, when he was just about to
use L's powers. As time went on, the dreams became a bit more... violent...

The first time it happened terrified him. His hands were wrapped around Persephone's throat. She was crying out in
pain, trying to squirm and escape, but he was too strong. She choked, her eyes rolling back and he couldn't help but
laugh, glee rolling through his chest. Just as she was convulsing, her face red, he woke up.

Yes, sometimes he'd have the pleasant 'fucking L senseless' ones, but in others, he was standing above Persephone,
her eyes wide in shock and her ichor pooled on the floor. Her ichor was all over his hands, filling his senses and he...
loved it... He kept waking up in a cold sweat, his body trembling. It scared him how much he liked those dreams.
They left him uneasy, filling him with a sense of longing and a pang in his gut.

But he still loved the Underworld to pieces. To the point where he was forfeiting self-care. He wasn't going to the
surface as much for water and food, and it was starting to show. Light was always tired, always irritated and on the
verge of snapping. Walking and standing became more difficult as he swayed unsteadily on his feet. Because of
those dreams... especially the Persephone ones... he was refusing to sleep, forcing himself through exhaustion.

In a way, it was a good observation/research moment for L as well. Even though he had trouble sleeping, he hadn't
experienced the effects of exhaustion or a downwards spiral. He watched in fascination, constantly trying to push
Light to the go to the surface. Each time, Light refused, saying he was fine. That everything was fine.

Light was sitting in the library, waiting while L shuttled down souls. His stomach was aching, but he ignored the
pain. His eyelids threatened to drop on him, but he both hated and loved the dreams. He knew he was becoming a
shell, but he couldn't make himself care... Light blinked, feeling a familiar tingling of warmth on his skin. Not a
minute later, Persephone strode into the library, scanning the shelves, tapping her chin thoughtfully. He stared at her
from his seat, the way her golden hair framed her face and cascaded down perfect shoulders.
She's so gorgeous, it's fucking insulting, he thought miserably.

Persephone glanced at him with her unnaturally green eyes.

"You look terrible," she snorted.

Light hummed in annoyance.

"Thanks," he seethed.

Persephone paused, slowly rounding and sitting in the armchair across from him. Light watched her warily, the
dreams of him killing her running through his mind. He didn't say anything, curling in on himself tiredly.
Persephone's gaze was captivating, her brow furrowed as she analyzed him.
"Why are you doing this to yourself?" She whispered.

At his questioning expression, she rolled her shoulders.

"The place was never meant to sustain a creature like you. Leave. Live a long, healthy life. This world is killing

Light shivered, shaking his head stubbornly.

"You'd want me to leave," he chuckled sardonically.

Yes. She was just saying this because she wanted L all to herself! The dreams swirled in his brain, drowning him
until he couldn't focus on her face.

Persephone's brow was stitched in worry. He shot her an expression to leave him alone... and she did... she stood in
the doorway, watching him quietly. He wasn't even reading anymore, just silently staring at the floor and
shuddering. Persephone hesitated, going to find L.

To her luck, he was in the fields seeking more souls to shuttle down. When he saw her worried expression, he had a
pretty good idea what she was going to say, but he didn't want to address it. L swallowed thickly, beckoning over a
couple as she crossed her arms.

"If you care about him, you have to cut this off. It's not healthy for him."

His knees buckled. He let his eyes dart everywhere but her face.

"I know," he whispered, "In the past week, he's lost a lot of weight."

L knew he was being selfish. He should've forced Light to leave sooner, but he wanted him to stay. L had never
thought he'd crave a mortal's presence more...

"I'll make him take a trip to the surface," L mumbled.

Persephone took a step, exhaling shakily. She chewed her lip, staring out over the fields.

"Lysander. You know that's not enough. Your kingdom is one of death. It took me millennia to figure out how to
keep my plants alive while I was gone... I don't know why he's suddenly taken such a turn for the worse, but... if he
keeps going at this rate-"

"He'll die in a few months," L sighed, quietly shuffling his feet.

And with this stupid 'punishment' from Zeus, he couldn't go to the over-world for at least a century... by the time L
could go to Light, the mortal would be bones. Persephone nodded gravely.

"This needs to end. If Light thinks going to the surface will only be temporary, he'll never stop trying to come back."

L's eyes misted. He didn't want to say it, he didn't want to admit Persephone was right. The thought of Light
permanently leaving left a hole in his stomach. He was so distracted that the spirits stopped being beckoned forward
and continued roaming aimlessly. The realization struck L, a deep pain he didn't want to voice.
"He can't come back here," he rasped.

Why was Light's health going down so drastically? Why did he refuse to sleep? One thing was for sure. This place...
it could never be the home Light was trying to make it...

Persephone nodded urgently. L sucked in a sharp breath and she faltered, watching him hunch over slightly. Of
course she knew L cared about the mortal... but she'd never seen him this close to crying... his eyes were red, his
arms wrapped around himself protectively. It was a foreign sight to her. He cared about Light... that much? She
tilted her head, trying to think of the best words to comfort.

"It's okay," she soothed, "you'll get to see him in a few decades."

"When he's a directionless soul... just a footprint of what he once was..."

"He's becoming that now."

That made L's large eyes flick in her direction. He rubbed his thumb along his lip, passing a hand through his crazed

"Okay," he murmured.

Light slid to his knees, eyes going desperate.

"Please," he begged, "don't make me go! Why... why are you doing this to me?"

L's eyes went soft and longing. It looked like he wanted to reach out, but he held himself back.

"Light, you're not taking care of yourself. Humans need the sun and wind and other living creatures. You shouldn't
be here... you should be enjoying the surface."

Light's eyes pooled, his lip quivering.

"You're living!" He cried out, vision spinning.

This couldn't be happening! No! Please, no! He needed the Underworld, he needed it! Light almost sobbed, a dull
knife carving through his heart.

"I'm not," L replied gently, the ghost of a smile on his lips, "I'm eternal... but I'm not living. You are."

Light hyperventilated, tears threatening to stream down his cheeks. It felt like he was losing everything! It couldn't
end this way! He had to stay! He had to- Light wailed, trying to bow.

The action surprised L. He expected Light to be upset, but not this... visceral reaction... He gaped, his own emotions
so closed off that he didn't know how to empathize, even if he wanted to.


"Please!" Light practically screamed, wheezing through the hyperventilation, "I can't lose this!"
Persephone passed behind them, her eyes flickering in their direction. And that's when Light saw it. A slight flicker
of guilt in her irises that she quickly buried. It felt like someone punched his gut, the air sucked out of his lungs. 

Light's eyes narrowed.

This... this was all because of her! Anger coursed through his body, making the edges of his vision blurred. She'd
poisoned L against him... and now he was about lose everything! His mind strained, the tiredness, hunger and thirst
mixing until it felt like he might tip over.
The witch!

His amber brown eyes darkened, a deep-seated bitterness spreading through his veins. The blood roared in his ear,
drowning out all other sounds. He wanted her dead... he wanted L... he wanted the Underworld for himself... his
throat bobbed, pupils going small with absolute hatred.

But he forced to composed himself.

Inhaling slowly, his head tilted, eyes meeting L's. He gave a serene smile, sitting back on his haunches.

"I understand," he moved his head forward in a semi-bow, "you're a king, so... I'll follow your command. All I ask is
a week. Just a week to wrap up my journal and ask any last questions."

L's grey eyes were consuming, and for a second, Light thought he'd been found out. L drummed his fingers

"Fine. But go to the surface right now and eat. Try to rest. Please. Take care of yourself."

Light nodded enthusiastically, scrambling to his feet.

L didn't say anything as Light rushed out of the palace, racing so he could come back as quickly as possible. L
watched him go from the window, wincing. Yes. This was the right thing. For Light's sake.

The guest room was Light's to stay at if he didn't want to travel up at night. He waited there, his palms sweaty.
Creeping out, he snuck along the wall and outside L and Persephone's chambers, pressing his ear against the door.

He heard the bitch lightly giggle, and L's strange and low but ultimately endearing laugh. The sounds of them
kissing and the bed shifting made Light's blood boil.

Satisfied both would be in there until morning, Light made his way through the desolate halls, carefully avoiding the
spectral staff...

Eris was merrily humming when he arrived, her lips curved upwards. She swayed in her chains, doing a limited

"Oh," she purred, "it's you. To what do I owe this visit?"

Light's eyes hardened, cutting straight to the chase.

"Once I kill Persephone and take over the Underworld as Hades, I'll free you... and you'll never bother me, L or this
realm ever again."
Eris' golden eyes glittered excitedly, clasping her long, wicked black talons together.

"Excellent," she trilled, "that's all I ever wanted."

Light's nose wrinkled, still feeling like he was doing something dirty.

"How do I do it? How do I kill her and take his powers?"

Eris cocked her head to the side, languidly dragging her nails along the stone floor. It made a light scraping noise,
making goosebumps pepper Light's arms. Holding up her hand, he saw it glint dangerously in the low torchlight.

Light gasped, his eyes orbs as she grabbed one of her claws and ripped it off. He bit his tongue to hold back a
scream, watching bright ichor drip down her hand and puddle on the floor. The claw was covered in ichor, but he
watched in horror as she coated the tip until the black was golden. Holding it up to her mouth, she gently kissed it.

"Only a god can injure another god, but gods can't die from injuries. But you see, the gods for all their own chaotic
energy and misdemeanors, represent balance. The order of the universe." She paused, smirking, "I throw the
universe into chaos... my ichor is the only thing that can kill a god. It destroys their balance."

She held the dagger out and Light slowly took it from her, marveling at it. It was light, easy to twist a twirl between
his fingers. Images of him over Persephone, sinking it straight into her heart filled his head. He stumbled back a bit,
a rush of adrenaline shooting through his fingertips. Eris smiled at the way his pupils dilated, the claw making him
shiver. Light squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep the waver out of his voice.

"Okay," he whispered, "and... and his powers?"

Eris pointed at his waistband, where his journal was neatly tucked. He hesitated, slowly giving it to her. She nodded.
One of her monsters slithered forward, nuzzling her. She smiled, gently stroking it.

When she snapped its neck, Light flinched. She spread its blood along the page, watching in satisfaction as it sank
into the paper, disappearing as if it was never there.

"You own this journal, do you not?"

At Light's nod, she handed it back.

"Find out L's true name and write it down. As long as you retain ownership, Hades' powers will belong to you to use
at your desire."

Light's eyes bore into the little journal, his heart squeezing. L's true name... that's all he needed? He even had the
first letter already...

"Will it hurt?" He whispered.

Eris didn't answer at first, tapping her fingers along the book's spine.

"Well he won't die," she cooed.

Light chewed the inside of his cheek. There was a part of his mind warning him against this... that this could all
blow up spectacularly in his face and the next thing he knew he could be one of those statues in the halls.
"How do I-"

"Oh, no," she chirped with a dry laugh, "the how is completely up to you."
Up to him... Light hesitated, still not convinced. He'd have to be careful. L couldn't know it was him. He could never
find out that Light had seen and talked to Eris. Otherwise... all the evidence towards Persephone's murder... he
gulped, the word 'murder' catching him off-guard. A murderer... that's what he'd be if he went through with this. The
thought brought a sick feeling over his body. Murderer. Eris gently shook the journal a bit and he felt something
seize in his chest. It was time fortune looked down upon him... besides... Persephone had lived a long life... shouldn't
death come to all things? Holding his breath, he took the journal from her outstretched hand.

His mind was already working on how to get away with it, a plan forming in his brain.
Chapter 12: Bells

Chapter Text

L's arm was draped around Persephone's abdomen. He stared down at her, the way her chest rose and fell and
sighed. Was it kind of creepy to watch her sleep?... Maybe?... hm... L winced. But he could help placing his chin on
his arm, internalizing the way her body moved. The scent of sex hung in the air, tantalizing and thick. Her eyes
fluttered open, a serene smile as she dragged her fingertips through her tangled hair.

"Morning," she mumbled, inhaling deeply.

He nuzzled her neck in response, drinking in her floral scent. Persephone pressed into his mouth, letting out a slight
moan. The sound went straight to his crotch, and it twitched with need, a deep desire to move inside of her... to feel
her walls clench around him... He rolled on top of her, capturing her lips. Persephone passed her hands through his
wild locks, her legs subconsciously spreading. L's hand passed over her thigh, feeling the muscle quiver under his
touch. She made a muffled sound as his long fingers danced around her entrance.

"Tease," she admonished with a grin.

L's brow quirked.

"Tease? Who? Me?" He blinked innocently, his digit ghosting but not quite plunging into her heat.

"Oh, go fuck yourself," she giggled, squirming, trying to get his fingers inside of her.

"But then who will fuck you?"

Her cheeks burned, a smile playing at her lips. Persephone kissed him deeply, spurring him to finally curl his fingers
up along her walls. The taste of death was always a strange albeit not unpleasant one to her. It was bitter yet sweet.
She tilted her head, drowning in it.

L sighed into her mouth, a tight knot forming in the pit of his stomach. She was already wet, her mouth open as she
silently pleaded for him to enter. He shifted his fingers away and entered her, his mind blanking and a slow smile
spreading up his lips. L fought the urge to thrust hard and deep, waiting for her to adjust and throw her head back.
The action exposed her neck, which he was quick to latch on to, his teeth lightly grazing.

"Fuck me," she gasped.

He smiled into her skin.

"Whatever the Queen wants."

He rocked his hips. Persephone made a muffled sound, curling her finger against his hair. Every move sent his skin
tingling, warmth spreading up his bones. Soon he found a rhythm, steadily thrusting until the sound of skin slapping
skin filling the air.

L grunted, wrapping his arms around her as he buried his face into her shoulder. Persephone's mouth popped open
and she made an incoherent sound, her nails digging into L's back. Persephone squirmed, struggling to meet her
thrusts until she gave a cry.


She released, her orgasm making her back arch. L gasped, feeling it coat his cock. Sinking his teeth into her golden
skin, he spurted, sending his own come shooting into her entrance. It was a filling feeling, their juices mixing and
settling. L didn't move, his hips jerking every once in a while until he was spent. He slumped against her, wincing
when he saw the bite mark he'd left. L gently lapped his tongue across it.

"Sorry," he rumbled.

Persephone shrugged, bringing his lips to hers. His body was humming with the pleasant energy, just allowing
himself to feel her thumb rubbing up along his jaw. When he looked down at her, he paused. She was smiling, but
there was something behind it. An inexplicable sadness and confusion.

"Why are they so loud?" She whispered.

He tilted his head, the action making his hair fall forward. All L heard where the usual cries of souls.

"Can you hear the souls?" He asked urgently, eyes becoming owlish with the prospect.

Persephone hesitated, absent-mindedly dragging her fingers along his skin.

"I don't think so," she murmured, "they're bells... they're so loud... you really can't hear them?"

When he shook his head, her gaze faltered. L blinked, watching in distress as her eyes misted.

"Hey, hey," he said gently, passing a finger along her cheek, "what happened?"

Why was she crying?! Panic filled L's chest, thinking for a second maybe it was his fault. Persephone didn't answer
at first. She cleared her throat, that bright smile going back up her lips. Instead of addressing L's question, she
framed his face, pulling him in for another kiss, bucking her hips pleadingly against his.

"Nothing," she chirped, but he stared at her. She waved him off gently, nuzzling his face, "I just love you... that's

Light slunk around the corner, watching Persephone darkly. He had to get her away from her garden... those
beautiful flowers were spies. Gorgeous but dangerous. No. He had to get her somewhere she wouldn't expect it... he
had to take her by surprise... he'd already shared his plan with Eris, she'd be on his side. This was the perfect time,
while L was away talking to the harpies, beyond the mountains... His lips curled as he inhaled sharply.
"Persephone!" He screamed, rushing out onto her grass.

She whirled, her brow arched. He panted, holding onto his gut as if he'd been running for a long time.

"It's L," he managed, breathing heavily.

Persephone straightened, racing to meet him.

"What happened?"

He hunched over, pretending to catch his breath. The action made her go impatient, her brow etched in worry...
nurturing the perfect conditions for mistakes and rash thinking. Light made his eyes go desperate, pooling.

"It's all my fault," he sobbed, "I... I thought I saw my dad in the stairway... and I followed-"

His body racked in a cough, making her stomp her foot anxiously.

"What happened?!" She demanded, the panic clouding her reasoning.

Light sighed, trying to straighten.

"They started pulling me down! L managed to dislodge me, but they dragged him towards the ferry! Usually he'd be
able to fight them off, but they managed to immobilize him inside his own wings-" Light's cheeks went wet with
tears as he rambled, "he screamed something about Eris, but I don't know what that means! Persephone, what's
going on?!"

She stumbled back, her face pale. This mortal couldn't be lying... there's no way he knew about Eris... Persephone
raced past him, tearing through the halls. Light watched after her, carefully avoiding the servants and following her.

Fear pounded her system. After millennia of torture, L still hadn't been able to get her to tell him how she was able
to kill gods. He'd tried everything, but the goddess had remained tight-lipped. All they knew was that one morning,
they'd found one dead at her feet and for her murder charge was imprisoned in the Underworld. All at once, her
worst fears rushed up her mind. What if she found L... dead... on the floor, his ichor pooled on the ground...

The very thought itself was enough to make her feet waver, a wail of grief almost escaping. She couldn't lose L!
Panic clawed up her chest as she skidded to a stop in front of the stairs. She'd only traversed them once and the
creatures in the dark had scratched at her arms and tore at her dress. She'd reached the surface, took one look at L
and had burst out laughing.
"Yeah, fuck that!"
"I know right?! They're the worst!"

She stared into the darkness, her heart pounding. Damn, she should've grabbed a weapon... Persephone glanced back
and forth in distress, watching Light run up to the asphodel line.

"Wait!" He screamed, "there has to be another way! Someone else?!"

He knew what kind of psychological effect those words would have on her.
Just as he expected, his words wormed into her mind. No... besides L, she was the most powerful goddess in the
Underworld. And she was running out of time. She wasn't used to that... the prospect of running out of time...
Holding out a hand, she focused her energy, making her palm light up. It was blinding, making Light squint.

"Stay here," she commanded, "I'll be back with him soon."

Light nodded rapidly.

Persephone straightened, exhaling quickly. Gathering her courage, she ran down the stairs. She could hear the
monsters around her, skittering about. The light kept them at bay, but she could feel their eagerness, their hunger.
Light followed stealthily behind, staying just out of her ear-shot, immune to their dangers. Persephone reached the
ferry, her nostrils flaring.

"Ferryman! Did you see Hades being dragged?"

He nodded absently.

"Aye, they took him that way, towards What's Her Name?"

Persephone stumbled back, her body going cold. Those bells... this strange feeling she'd been having all day... was it
all warning her about L?

"Take me," she hated the desperation in her voice.

The ferryman bowed.

"Of course, my Queen."

Light stood in the darkness, feeling the monsters press around him. He leaned into them, holding his breath. Eris,
this better work. Every fiber of Light's being was telling him not to fall, but he ignored his gut, allowing himself to
tip into the shadows. For a second, he thought the monsters would just let him fall and he'd crack his head against
the stairs, but they caught him. Light bit his tongue, trying not to feel bothered by the slimy fingers moving him
easily along the cavern ceiling, right above Persephone's head. They left a chill up his spine, but he forced himself to
keep track of the task at hand. This was good. Persephone was on her way to Eris, he was being carried there
through the shadows. He just had to draw up his strength to do what needed to be done... Light took out the dagger,
the gold almost glowing in the dark. He stared at the blade, pushing away the guilt.

One life for all his dreams. One life to change his world.

That shouldn't be too difficult, right?

The moment the dock hit the harbor, Persephone was at high alert. She shot a deadly glare into the shadows,
warning the creatures away. They warily obeyed, keeping to themselves under her withering stare. Light chewed his
lip. He knew she hadn't seen him in the shadows, but it was like the glare was meant for him... no... there was no
backing out of this now. His fingers tightened around the handle, his pulse so loud he was worried she might hear.

Turning back to the old, decrepit stairs, she began moving up. Goosebumps peppered her arms and the hair on the
back of her neck stood straight. Her breathing was quick and heavy, fear twisting her chest. Carefully stepping to the
edge of Eris' prison, Persephone sneered. She knew the goddess couldn't get her from here. This was the distance L
stood to torture her... and up until this point, Eris hadn't posed a threat...
The goddess of chaos tilted her head slightly, a serpentine smile lighting up her features. The sight sent Persephone's
chest crushing, the ichor roaring in her ears. She composed herself, making herself look as regal as possible while
combatting the stark terror.

"Where's Hades?"

Eris watched her, golden eyes glittering in amusement.

"So when death is in trouble, Flower Girl comes to the rescue," she snickered shrilly.

Persephone stiffened, her gaze narrowing. Eris was a tricky character, she should've prepared more... come more
prepared... Persephone glanced at the ground, wincing. There weren't any plants to use at her disposal. A determined
look crossed her face. She wasn't leaving without L. Behind her, Light crept up the stairs, his eyes trained on her

At her threatening expression, Eris scowled, shrinking in on herself. Persephone hissed out a breath.

"Where's Hades?!" She snarled.

Eris shrugged, looking as if Persephone was just an inconvenience.

"Where's anybody?" She trilled.

"Stop dancing around the subject," Persephone growled, "I can make you suffer as much as he could, Witch."

The other cocked her head curiously. A slow, languid smirk crossed her lips. This goddess acting so tough, ha! Eris
had to stop from laughing to loudly, but she allowed herself a snide chuckle. To her delight, Persephone's lips
tightened in annoyance.

"Hades is safe," she conceded, bowing her head respectfully.

Persephone stared at her, trying to decide what this creature's definition of 'safe' was. But then Eris slowly looked at
her, her smile dripping excitedly.

"But you're not," she purred.

Persephone's eyes popped.

Her mouth widened in surprise, a new feeling rocking her as the sound of stabbed flesh echoed in the cavern.

Was it... pain...? It felt like her body was on fire, every neuron screaming and flaring. She paused, staring at Eris'
cold smile. Persephone stumbled, the sharp object being jerked out of her back. She faltered, turning her head slowly
to see Light holding a long dagger.

Persephone opened her mouth, but no sound came out. It was like her lungs were being squeezed, her heart seizing.
Her knees buckled and she slid to the floor, watching in horror as her ichor gushed from the wound and onto the
ground. She turned her face to Light, betrayal bright in her irises.

"You-" she rasped, her body trembling and unable to comprehend these new sensations.
Before she could pick herself back up, Light shoved her closer to Eris, much closer than L had ever personally
gotten. Stepping over to her, he sank the talon into her sternum. She gagged, gurgling pitifully, coughing up ichor.
Definitely a punctured lung.

"Light-" she squeaked.

How could he... Persephone never took him seriously, but she never felt threatened by him... her mouth gaped, but
the action only allowed ichor to pour down her chin.

He stood over her, feeling a pang of guilt. Her breathing was labored, a terrible wheezing that she couldn't control.
She looked at him with teary eyes... eyes that would've never imagined they'd be facing death...

"L--" no... she couldn't call out his name... even though ever small piece of her wanted to taste his name on her lips
one last time... she looked at Light... who knew what else this mortal was capable of? A sob racked her body.
"L! Help!" She tried crying, "L!"

But of course it fell on deaf ears. Light chewed on his lip, twisting it in her chest.

She screamed.

It was a bloodcurdling sound that left him feeling sick. She was shivering, curling in on herself.

"It's cold," she whimpered.

Light didn't respond. Persephone went into a fetal position, trying to remember the warmth she'd felt that morning,
L's body pressed against hers. She watched the ichor spreading out, her vision going blurred. There weren't any
plants around her to help... no L... nobody... she was all alone... Persephone drew in an obstructed breath.

"L..." she whispered, a quiet sob racking her body.

Persephone's eyes widened, a whine coming up her throat. Eris watched uninterestedly, picking at her nails while
Persephone bled out, her ichor staining the ground golden.

As soon as it had started, it was over.

Her blank eyes captured Light, rooting him to the spot. He watched her, a shiver going up his spine. He just killed
someone... no... not someone... a goddess... Eris yawned, poking at her face. Around her lips, a light frost was
beginning, spreading over her body. It hadn't even been a minute and her face was already turning a light shade of
blue. Light exhaled slowly, his body trembling.

It felt like the world was spinning uncomfortably. All he could focus on was her dead expression. Eris clanked her
chain, expecting her nails almost as if she was bored.

"L's going to make my life a nightmare," she sighed.

Light rolled his shoulders. His eyes snapped in her direction.

"It'll hurt but he can't kill you. If he thinks I killed her, he'll kill me and then you'll be right back to where you
started," Light's lips curled slightly, "no pain no gain, am I right?"
Eris' golden eyes were intense, making him feel small. Finally, she leaned back, nodding more so to herself. She
chewed on her nail, and Light was shocked to see her slightly nervous. At his expression, her hands trembled a bit.

"L may seem all nice and good... but I've experienced his torture first hand... get his name quickly," she shuddered,
"I don't want to go through that again."

Light's eyes bored into her, trying to figure her out. One second, she was a snake-like menacing goddess, another
she looked like a terrified prisoner. Without saying anything else, he turned away from Persephone's body. As his
footsteps faded into the distance, Eris leaned over Persephone, her chain straining with the effort, digging into her
skin. She tucked Persephone's hair behind her ear. Persephone's once vibrant green eyes had turned a mottled grey,
reminding Eris of a wilting plant, ashy and ugly.

"It's a pity," Eris murmured, watching as Persephone's hair shriveled and turned brittle, "you were so beautiful. But I
guess all flowers must die."

To her shock, Persephone must've had an inkling of life left. Her lips moved wordlessly, cracked and dried. She
gently adjusted Persephone to be on her back. The goddess' skin was pale and. grey. The veins in Persephone's arms
were turning black. With a twinkling giggle, Eris ran her fingers over her face.

"I wonder where gods go when they die. Certainly not the Underworld... well, wherever it is, don't worry, Darling. L
will soon follow. That mortal of his is a fool."

Persephone's eyes misted, reflecting a deep terror and sadness. She exhaled slowly, her eyes sliding shut. Eris
pressed a finger to Persephone's throat, delighting in her silent skin.

Going back into the castle, Light sat in the library with a book. He hated to admit it... but he enjoyed it... watching
the life drain out of her eyes sent a sick shiver of pleasure up his spine. Light's nostrils flared, trying to push away
the feelings. He cleared his throat and waited for L to come home.
Chapter 13: A Wounded Creature

Chapter Text

The second L's feet touched the balcony, he could tell something wrong. His wings cracked back into his shoulder
blades, leaving him slightly hunched and looking around the room. The bedroom's smell was different... rotten... his
first thought was that Light had died! But as he rounded the room, he froze. The roses Persephone had put in a vase
were wilted and molding, their smell putrid.

L stared at them, confusion racing through his brain. Stepping into the hall, it felt like he was going to puke. He
could smell her garden from here... all of it dead and decaying... he stood at the edge, his mouth open in shock. All
the fruit had shriveled and looked burnt. The flowers and plants were brittle... He recoiled, his nose wrinkling in
disgust. What happened? That morning, they were all deep, vibrant colors, a stark contrast to the rest of the

"Persephone?" He called.

When there was no answer, he bit his thumb thoughtfully. Hard enough that a slight trickle of ichor ran down his
skin. Where could she possibly be?

Glancing into the library, he saw Light curled up on a sofa, reading. L tilted his head.
"Have you seen Persephone? All the plants are dying."

Light looked up, shrugging helplessly.

Hm... L stepped back out, a foreboding feeling filling his chest. Sighing, he went back into the library, sitting on the
other side of the sofa. Outside, it was quickly becoming twilight, the light dimming. Out of habit, Phineas came to
start a fire in the library's fireplace. L watched him, his brow etched in worry. He had no idea where to look... no
idea where she'd go...

He was vaguely aware of Light sliding up and gently massaging his shoulders. At first, L tensed, but slowly eased
into the strong digits rolling and pushing into his skin. He leaned into the hands, needing to calm down, but his
thoughts were still racing.

"No idea, hm?" Light asked.

L shook his head.

"What if something happened to her?" He muttered softly, "I don't... I don't understand..."

Light added a bit of pressure, smoothing his hands against L's pale skin. He could feel the bones shifting and poking
his palm and couldn't help imagining that same back being arched as he lunged into him. Light smirked, a
deliciously wicked curling of his lips that made him dig his fingers even deeper into L's muscles, savoring each
feeling. He slid his fingers up and down, wishing he could tear off the chiton.

"What if she's hurt?" L whispered.

Light's breath was cool against his back, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
"Then you'll find and help her. After all-" Light's eyes sparked, "it's not like there's anything that can kill a god."

L froze, staring at the flames. For a solid minute, all he heard was the light crackling of the fire. Light's massage was
distant and he stood up in a daze. No... but why would Persephone ever visit Eris? It didn't make sense... besides, L
hadn't seen or talked to her in centuries... a shiver went down his spine. An immortal being locked in pure isolation
for hundreds of years... his brow furrowed. How... how did Eris kill? Was it possible she got Persephone from such
a distance? No... if that were the case, she could've easily killed L whenever. He bounced a bit on the balls of his
heels, mind racing.

"I have to visit someone," he rumbled, stepping towards the balcony.

Light sprang to his feet in concern.

"Wait! Does it have to do with Persephone? I want to help!"

He had to be there to comfort L, establish himself as the presence L would turn to in his time of grief.
L faltered, watching the mortal carefully. The irony wasn't lost on him that after telling Light he had a week to get
out, suddenly Persephone went missing... but he couldn't jump to conclusions in such a manner... besides. Light was
a mortal. What could he possibly do to Persephone? Maybe it was hubris that blinded L... the thought that both he
and Persephone were untouchable. After thousands of years, who would be threatened by such a scrawny creature or
think them capable of anything?

"It's too dangerous," L sighed, "she's a prisoner of mine."

Light tilted his head, painting begging across his face.

"Please!... If Persephone's in trouble-"

L stared at him, chewing his lip.

"Fine...but you do everything I say," he growled.

Light quickly nodded, waiting as L hoisted him in a cradle. By now, Light was getting used to flying and even
enjoyed it. L dipped down, tightening his grip protectively. Before the stairs could even think of hurting Light, L
was hurtling down at impossible speeds, making the skin on Light's face tight. He squinted, pressing himself against
L as the god came to a sudden stop in front of the ferry, beating his wings.

When they reached Eris' prison, they both gasped.

He froze, dropping Light.

Light landed hard on the ground, grunting. When he looked, his mouth fell open in horror.

Eris had completely desecrated the body, using her dagger-like talons to slice open Persephone's torso. She'd created
a gruesome piece of art... what Light could only assume to be a 'spring day' where she'd drawn a sun from
Persephone's ichor and the goddess' intestines had been shaped into a flower... her lungs smashed and mushed to
look like clouds... Right now, Eris was humming to herself... playing... with Persephone's heart...

L made an indecipherable noise, his eyes wide. He stumbled, his vision spinning.

Eris glanced over, smiling cheerily.

"Hades! What a surprise! You've left me so bored! I'm just doing a little art. Want to join in?"

L's breathing went heavy, his body trembling. He'd had a whole interrogation planned out... but Persephone stared at
him with glazed over, dead eyes. She was... dead... L pitched, his entire system freezing. It felt like he was going to
tip and crash, but he couldn't. Finally, he turned and vomited, bile rising up his throat. L choked, the air being
sucked out of his lungs. The smell of puke filled the stale air... his nostrils... his muscles felt weak...

Light thought he was going to be sick. Seeing her so... strewn out... he convulsed, quickly turning away...
"How-" L rasped, his eyes going desperate, "you... you killed her... how?"

He couldn't tear his eyes away from Persephone's eyes... Eris' glittered wickedly.
"Did I?" She purred, "Oh that's right, I did." Her lips curled nastily, "she was such a screamer."

Light's face fell.

When he looked at L, he almost screamed.

He was turning into a nightmarish sight, growing talons of his own just as long as Eris'... His eyes had become a
pure black and when he opened his mouth, he revealed razor-sharp teeth, all curved inwards.

"Why did she come here?" He demanded. His voice sounded strange (think voice scrambler).
Eris' brow quirked. She tossed up and caught the heart nonchalantly, twirling it in between her hands. Chuckling,
she poked at Persephone's temple.

"It doesn't really matter now, does it?"

L snapped.

He rushed at her, not caring if she somehow managed to kill him. The cracking out of his wings wasn't as smooth as
usual, much more jagged. Light watched, horrified, as L tore Eris' torso apart, slashing his claws down her chest,
sending her ichor splashing in the air. But through it all, Eris was... laughing... she was cackling gleefully even as L
ripped out her organs and crushed them in his hands.

"You should've heard her," Eris snarled between laughs.

Her voice changed... an imitation of Persephone's so perfect that Light thought for a second she had come back from
the dead.

"Help! Help!" Eris screamed in Persephone's voice, the tone echoing in the cavern.

L's hands flew to his ears, trying to drown out the sound of his queen crying. Eris shrieked in Persephone's voice, the
scream turning L's legs to jelly as he howled.

"SHUT UP," L roared, grabbing her head and ripping it away. Eris' spine flailed to the ground, but her head was still
smiling, wheezing from the laughter, her hair tightly gripped in L's fingers.
"It was really a pitiful death... especially the part about dying in a fetal position, all alone. She was terrified."

L was hyperventilating, tears blurring his vision. All he could see was a blind rage, a red filter set over his eyes.
Holding onto the sides of her head, he bellowed.

Light flinched, the yell cracking the stone walls and sending spiderweb cracks from the floor to the ceiling. Eris
smirked smugly, but it was abruptly cut short by L crushing her skull in, sending brain matter and ichor water-falling
over his hands.
Light gaped. Yeah, definitely better that that wasn't me. L hunched over, breathing heavily, still holding Eris'
crushed skull.

"She'll be fully reformed in a few days," he grumbled bitterly, throwing the mushed mass across the cavern. It
bounced off the wall and landed on the floor with a fleshy sound.

Before Light could say or do anything, L slid beside Persephone, supporting her in his arms.

He looked down at her, his heart cracking. Was this what it felt like to die? Like all the feelings were being sucked
from your chest? L's lip quivered, pulling her closer. Her floral scent was replaced by something rotten, filling his

"Okay," he whispered, gently poking her forehead, "... you can stop pretending now... come on, this isn't funny."
When she didn't move, he shook, his bones clattering together. This can't be happening... it's not happening! You're
going to wake up with your face pressed against her and you're going to hug her and tell her how much you cherish
her. I swear on the river Styx, I'll do that, just... j- wake up...

"Nefeli! Please... please wake up-"

He let out a high-pitched whine, his grip on her tightening. He'd give anything... anything! Light blinked. He knew
on a level that Persephone had a different name... but hearing it out loud... Nefeli... it was beautiful. It made her... a
real person... Light shuddered, trying to hack up the guilt in his chest. No. What was done was done. Guilt would do
nothing now. But then... L wailed... Light cringed, listening to the haunting sound.

It was as equally haunting for L, such a sound never resonating through his throat. But it was like he couldn't stop it.

There was a lump in his throat, his entire being trembling. He pitched forward, pressing his lips against her forehead.
It was cold, he wasn't used to it. He laughed sadly. He'd always playfully leeched off her warmth and now... it was
just a husk... Persephone was just a husk... He slumped, hot tears springing in the corners of his eyes. He screamed
again, the sound tearing at his vocal cords, but he didn't care about the pain.


L tangled his fingers into her hair, crying out in surprise when her locks were so brittle that they broke and fell.

Light made his way over to the sobbing man, standing over him. Making his voice quiet and soothing, he ran a hand
through L's hair, marveling at how soft it was.

"I know it hurts," he murmured, "it's okay. You're okay. I'm here."

L subconsciously wrapped his arms around Light's legs, clutching him pleadingly. He was blubbering, obviously
sent into shock. Light exhaled slowly, tenderly stroking that spongy hair.

He'd done it.

All he had to do was catch the god's heart and get his name... and then he'd have everything he'd ever wanted. L
buried his face into Light's chiton, his knuckles white with the force, looking like a scared child. Light's eyes slid
over to the goddess, her eyes pale. It was hard not to smile as he knelt, dragging his fingers down L's spine.

"It's okay, L," he whispered, "I'll help you... come on, let's take her back to the palace, hm?"

Still shaking, L nodded slightly. He cupped his hands around her face, forcing himself to face her ashen skin...
slowly, as if not to disturb her, he hoisted her and Light climbed onto his back. It was difficult carrying the two of
them, but L barely registered the weight. He felt torn up inside, every system in his body crashing painfully.

Inside the palace, he carried her into her dead garden, the plants falling apart and molding. Everything felt numb as
he gently laid her across the stone bench, carefully maneuvering her so she was facing the sky... Light came with a
white sheet. It didn't feel real until she was hidden under that sheet, her form looking like any human body. Sliding
to his knees, L gave in, tears streaming down his cheeks. It was a sharp pain like he had never experienced. Even
physical injuries paled in comparison... it felt like someone was carving at the inside of his heart.

Light stepped forward, but L snapped his face in his direction, eyes red.

"Please leave me alone," he rasped.

Light hesitated, watching L closely. Bowing his head, conceding, he made his way to his room. Even if he wanted to
sleep that night, it would've been impossible... Light stayed on his back, listening to L wail.
It lasted for hours, every bawl, whimper and desperate plea chilling him to the bone. They were low, pitiful sounds
that almost sounded like a hurt wolf howling for help. He twisted in bed, pressing his pillow over his ears, trying to
drown them out. They left him feeling cold... dirty... it was his fault L was in so much pain...

There was a metallic taste in Light's mouth.


More sounds of a wounded creature from her garden.


After hours of the low wailing, Light got up, wrapping a blanket around himself.

L hadn't moved from his position. His arms were unsteadily keeping him upright, his eyes unable to tear away from
Persephone. Light knelt next to him, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone," L growled.

Light shrugged.

"It's not good to be alone when you're grieving... you need support... love..."

When L looked at him, Light's breath caught. L's eyes were gigantic, scared, almost... innocent. L's lip quivered, the
next question shattering Light's heart. The god's voice was small...

"... is this grief?"

Light stared at him in shock. Of course he knew L had never experienced grief, but it'd been hard to imagine
someone not knowing what it was, not able to identify that, yes, in fact, what they were feeling was loss and
mourning... He really had thrust L into a terrible and new situation. Something softened in Light's chest. Sighing, he
pulled L into a hug, feeling the other sag in his grip. The next few days would be monumentally important, but for
now... Light simply held him.

"Yes," Light said under his breath, "this is grief."

L shook his head, shoulders hunched.

"I don't like it," he whimpered.

"No one does," Light admitted with a gentle smile, "we can't control it... it just means you loved her."

The words unlocked something, sending hot tears streaming down L's cheeks again.

"I love her so much," L choked into Light's chest, "oh, Nefeli! I love her so much! It's not fair, it's not-"

L broke down crying into Light's chiton, his tears staining the material.
"I know, L," Light soothed, tracing circles up and down his back, "I know. I'll be here for you."
Chapter 14: My Lysander

Chapter Text

L was in bed. Without the need to go to the bathroom or eat, he hadn't moved at all in two days, proclaiming that it
would take about a week before he could interrogate Eris. It was the only lead he had and he felt like punching
himself for having crushed in her skull. How could he just... let his anger get the better of him like that...?

As far as Light knew, even though L was in the bed, he hadn't been sleeping. Light was the one really keeping the
palace together, keeping the staff busy and arranging everything for Persephone's funeral. It felt strange planning
your victim's funeral... Light stood in front of the sheet-covered body, his palms sweaty.

"Hi," he said nervously.

The body seemed to have its own energy about it, humming angrily at him. Light bowed his head and retreated, the
same dirty feeling passing over his limbs. The staff respected Light, took his words as if it was L. For now... it was...

Light strolled into the bedroom, watching L. In simplest terms, the god was a lump with a head of wild hair. L's face
was emotionless... bordering on catatonic. He was about to step forward when L's head snapped up, dread slowly
spreading through his eyes. Light should've been concerned but truth be told, he was just grateful to see any inkling
of life in those orbs.

"... oh no... please... anything but her... not now... please, no, no, I can't-"

Her...? Light bristled, a prickle of warmth spreading over his skin. His eyes traveled to the dead roses... now picked
up and dark red. He faltered, fear racing up his spine. Persephone...? Outside, he could hear the ghosts yelling for
someone to stop, that there was an intruder. L struggled to pick himself up, more hunched over than usual, his eyes
tired. Shuffling forward, L exhaled shakily, opening a door.

The second it was open, L was greeted by a slap across the face. Light flinched, shrinking back as the sharp sound
broke the stale air. Demeter was the giver. She glared at L with a biting hatred, her face torn in pain. Light almost
rushed forward to make sure L was okay, but quickly held himself back, reminding himself that he could very easily
die in this situation... he crouched a bit by the bed, making himself smaller and less visible.

L's fingers shakily went to his cheek. This was what he'd been dreading for days... having to look Demeter and say
her child was dead... and that he didn't even know how she perished... He avoided her gaze, his head stuck in a bow.
"You!" She screamed, her body trembling, "I feared Nefeli would suffer as your wife... but death? My
daughter's dead, and it's all your fault..."

L didn't answer, his breathing heavy. All his fault... yes, it made sense... L could feel the beginnings of a welt from
her slap.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

Demeter's lip quivered in disbelief. She looked ready to rear back again when she faltered, the anger seeming to seep
out until she just looked exhausted. Demeter ran a withered hand through her hair.

"Was... was it painful?"

L swayed on his feet, unable to answer. He hated himself for not having been there... for knowing that she'd died
scared and alone. He didn't want to believe Eris. He'd been trying to push hearing her imitation of Persephone out of
his head. The thought of her having a painful death...

"I don't know-" He admitted quietly.

She made a choked noise, bringing her hands to her mouth. The rage had been replaced with a deep confusion and
almost existential sorrow.

"Where were you?" She demanded, " did my daughter die?..." there was a notable waver in her voice.

L winced, his voice sounding foreign to him.

"I was... out," he murmured.

I wasn't there... I'm sorry...

Demeter gave a short laugh, scratching at her scalp. Her eyes were red, her stance defensive.

"I see," she growled bitterly, "... you were out."

"Demeter, I'm so sorry..."

She grabbed his chiton, pulling him closer. He slumped, not fighting back... it didn't look like he had any fight left...
"'Sorry' doesn't bring my daughter back... it should've been you," her voice went low, full of resentment, "no one
would care if you died..."

Light bit his lip so hard that blood peppered his tongue. He'd care... if L died, he'd be lost... he couldn't even imagine
life without L. It took all his willpower not to retort until he stopped himself. No. She was just grieving mother, the
wound unbearably fresh. Demeter's grip on L's chiton loosened slightly.

"Where is she?"

One of the servants bustled forward, offering to take her to the garden where Persephone was awaiting burial.
Demeter inhaled deeply, her eyes pooled. But she nodded, throwing L to the ground. He landed hard, grunting, but
didn't make an effort to get up. He stayed there, his head tilted down in shame. Demeter's nose wrinkled in disgust.
Spitting at L's feet, she huffed and briskly followed the spirit. Light watched her go.

Once her footsteps had receded in the distance, he raced to L's side, still on the floor. When he looked at him, Light
could see... literally nothing... in L's eyes. It was like he was dead even though his heart was beating.

"Come on," Light urged, "we have to bury her."

He had to practically drag L to his feet.

It was a small ceremony. Demeter despised most of the Olympians. Although for once in his life, L agreed with her.
This was for Persephone. She didn't care or even like the other gods... she wouldn't want them present. And neither
did L. After a lot of back and forth, it was decided she'd be buried in her garden... her favorite place in the universe.
The only place she could say was all hers and had none of Demeter's influence.
Light had to admit it was a beautiful ceremony. Once Demeter left the Underworld, the garden would wither again,
but for now, each flower and fruit was restored to perfection, the vibrant colors surrounding them. He sighed, aware
that this was the last time any plants other than asphodel would be in this realm.

L stared at the flowers. Persephone had cultivated them by hand... dedicated so much time and had made it a bit of
her life mission to make the Underworld, a desolate and unforgiving environment, as lively as possible... he truly
wished he could continue that vision on his own...

Light's eyes flickered warily in her direction. Demeter was standing tall, her face stoic, but Light could tell the
woman was close to cracking.

She met L's eyes and his breath caught. It wasn't friendliness by a long shot, but he didn't see the burning hatred
from before. If anything, she seemed sheepish, dare he say... apologetic. She cleared her throat, scratching her arm

"I... I'd like to think I knew her inside and out as her mother, but I realized..." she exhaled slowly, "she loved me...
but she didn't really like me... you should give the speech. No one knew her better."

L was stunned. He'd been prepared to just stand there in silence, accept her silent daggers. This... wasn't what he'd
been expecting. He cleared his throat, a lump rising up.

"Nefeli was... she was beautiful... inside and out. Her humor was sharp in all the right ways and it took my breath
away," he paused, allowing himself a smile at the memories. The smile soon disappeared as he continued, "she
understood the importance of the balance between life and death, sometimes better than me. She spent her life
tending to that balance, both on the surface and here. It was always so important to her and she had such a profound
impact on this place... she truly was the Queen. I loved her so much... and it's my fault she's dead..."
Light looked at him in alarm. No, L, it's not. But it was too late. He could see the god beginning a spiral of self-
blame. L sucked in a sharp breath.

"If I'd been there for her..."

That dead look Light saw earlier only got worse as L watched the spirits lower Persephone. Without turning to
Demeter, L slumped towards his room, not wanting to see the dirt being dumped onto her body. Demeter simply
stood there, watching her daughter's grave fill up.

Her pillow was still on the bed. The god was staring at it next to him, his eyes hollow and empty. Light stood in the
doorway. The sooner he got his powers, the sooner he could really help L heal. Yes... that's what he had to hold on
to. He couldn't afford the luxury of realizing he'd destroyed three peoples' lives so wholly. Moving next to L, Light
slipped on top of the bed, softly stroking L's soft hair. He didn't respond, simply blinked slowly.

"Demeter just left. Do you need me to get you anything?" Light whispered.

L didn't say anything at first. But then he twisted to face Light, grey eyes dull.

"It's all my fault."

"L, you can't start thinking that-"

"Nefeli's ichor is on my hands," he whimpered.

Light's eyes misted. He knew he'd have to break down and rebuild L, but the break down was heart-breaking. He
rubbed a finger along L's jawbone, feeling the other quiver beneath his touch. L glanced at him, a hint of desperation
bleeding through the emptiness.

"What do humans do when they're... grieving?"

Light shrugged, considering.

"Different things-"
Light knew he was turning into a monster. A plan was forming in his mind on how to find out L's name. He almost
laughed. What a truly despicable way to do it... as if Light hadn't committed enough atrocities already. But being so
close to him, so close to his goal. Light swallowed thickly. I can be the villain for now. Soon I'll be your lover, your
healer and then your king... someday you'll thank me... He slowly dragged a finger down L's temple. The other
closed his eyes, shuddering. Light leaned in, their breaths mixing.

"It won't stop hurting... but I can make the pain temporarily go away..."


L gasped when he felt Light's mouth on his. He shivered, tears threatening the back of his eyes. Arousal flickered up
his chest as Light's tongue slipped between his lips, and he instantly felt ashamed of the arousal. A tear actually did
manage to slip down the bridge of his nose. Light gently kissed his cheek, swiping it away with his thumb.

"Let me make you feel better."

The other didn't say anything, but L also didn't reject it when Light's lips attached to his neck. Light took his silence
as an opportunity to be more bold. He reached down, allowing his fingers to glide over L's cool, pale skin. L's
breathing hitched as Light gripped his member.
Let him make me feel better? Is that even possible?... At this point, the pain was so harsh that L was willing to try
anything. Anything to distract. So he threw his head against the pillow, allowed the pleasure to worm in his stomach
at the mortal's tight grasp. Light smirked as L moaned and dared to move his hand, sliding it up and down the shaft.
L's hips bucked, his brow furrowing. L pitched forward, almost crying again, but Light nibbled at the soft crook of
his neck.

L's mouth fell open, allowing himself to drown. Drown in the way Light's hands pumped, and how his mind
blanked. He could feel a knot of pressure building, his vision swimming with the need to come. Before he could
though, Light brought his hands up, framing L's face.

"You're beautiful," he breathed.

L screwed his eyes shut, trying to swallow the guilt. Light kissed him deeply, nipping at his lips. L moaned, his
voice dripping honey and sending Light into an erection.

"L," he sighed, riding up L's chiton.

He looked down at L's member hungrily, his own throbbing in anticipation. Holding his breath, he went down,
tentatively licking the head. L's mouth went into an 'oh', his fingers slowly spreading through Light's hair. The way
he was hollowing out his cheeks... sending L further and further down his throat. L's mind went to static, letting out
light groans and gasps, tugging harshly on Light's locks. Light craned up, smirking. He'd managed to reduce a god to
a mess of moans and goosebumps, his mouth moving wordlessly. Light crawled up, his member now inches from
L's mouth.
L hesitated... hating himself. But he closed his eyes, taking Light into his mouth. It was so big, filling his entire
mouth. He'd never sucked someone off before... it was a new sensation, a boiling in his blood. Light looked down at
him lovingly, smoothing his hands over L's face. You'll be mine.

"Is it okay if I thrust?"

Nodding slowly, L forced his throat to relax. He started slowly, and L, so unused to it, almost gagged. After a
second, he got more used to it, taking in the other's rigidly erected cock. Light moved in his mouth, the tight
contractions of L's throat making him already feel like a god, even without his powers. He threw back his head,
tangling his fingers among L's hair.

"Mph, L... oh gods, that's so good. Keep going, ugh."

L dragged his tongue up Light's shaft and he felt like dying, a volcano in his heart. At this point, Light was panting,
his pupils dilated.

"Oh, Baby... oh, L, what's your name. I want to scream it when I come."

That made L stop his motions, just holding Light's member in his mouth. He dislodged himself, much to Light's
screaming, aching body.

L stared at him. Persephone had been the only one who knew his name. It felt like a deep secret he shared with her
and her alone. But then Light leaned down, sending his thoughts scattering. The mortal pressed his lips against L's

"I promise hearing your name being screamed in pleasure will give you more relief... take away more of your pain.
You might even feel... peace."

L's gaze went distant. Peace? Light fingertips moved along L's shaft again, making his voice catch. Trembling, L
deflated. What was the point? He was trying not to tear as he said it.

"... Lysander..."

Light's lips curled.

"That's a beautiful name," he said huskily.

L's arms wrapped around Light's neck, his face conflicted.

"Fuck me... I want to forget everything."

"Happy to oblige."

Spreading apart L's legs, Light lowered himself. L gasped, scrabbling at Light's tanned back, his nails digging into
those strong shoulder blades. His legs snapped around Light's waist, pushing him even deeper.
It took all Light had not to immediately thrust. L was so tight. He could feel him clenched around his member, the
wetness and the intoxicating smell. Waiting for him to adjust, L nodded into Light's shoulder.

He was ready for the pain to go away.

He was ready to lose himself.

Moving slowly, Light hissed out a breath, each rock making electricity shoot throughout his body. It was everything
he'd hoped for, everything those wet-dreams had promised. He pushed himself in a steady rhythm, his hips working

"Light-" L whined, wheezing out a breath.

"L-Lysander," Light rasped.

Hearing his name really did send a jolt up his spine.

Light found L's prostate and hit it, pounding it to L's lustful cries.

It was freeing. L was losing himself, leaving his body and his mind spinning away.
Light's hands latched onto L's sides, his fingers digging in so harshly that if L was mortal, they'd leave bruises. Light
was almost disappointed. He wanted to leave bruises, he wanted to mark L as his. The thoughts quickly dispersed
with the musical panting of L's breath. Ha, what was he thinking? This was perfect... L's lithe, pale body writhing
and squirming beneath him... absolutely exquisite. With one final jerk into that small, tight body, Light pitched
forward, pleasure washing his system.


The name brought L over the edge, his orgasm leaving him shaking. There was a quiet moment, Light's shaft still
buried deep in L's flesh, the air still and heavy with the scent of sex. They were both sweaty, all of their liquids
leaking together in a chaotic mix. Neither did anything, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Light was riding high, feeling victorious and untouchable. His body hummed with a pleasant energy, the afterglow
already settling in. He pulled out of L, a string of come still connecting them.

At first, L didn't move, just stared at the ceiling. Light hadn't been... wrong... per se... for just a minute, he felt peace.
For a minute, he wasn't hurting. Light sighed contentedly, leaning against the headrest, his muscles aching in the
best way possible. When L still hadn't shifted, Light gently pulled him against him, pressing L's head against his
chest. L listened to the beating of the other's heart, staring at the rise and fall of Light's breathing.

Light smiled serenely. Here he was, the king of the Underworld curled against him. Now that he knew his name,
soon he'd have the powers of a god. What a life. He'd been expecting L to say something, but his lover was silent.
Light massaged L's scalp tenderly until he was sure he'd fallen asleep.

Light craned his neck to watch L, those pristine features like set marble.
Good-night, my Lysander.

Chapter 15: My Nefeli

Chapter Text

Light growled, fucking L into the mattress. L's face was buried in the pillow, his teeth grit together, moaning when
appropriate. He could feel Light stretching him, making his mind spin and the world tip. Oh gods, he loved it... he
needed more of it... it was working, L's body was numb with pleasure.
With one final, deep thrust, Light's came, and came hard, spilling himself into L until he felt spent and was sure the
other was his.
His orgasm spurred L's, that delicious white screen making his mind blank.

"Light!" He rasped, coming as well.

Light's hand flew to L's cock, feeling the other's come spread all over his finger and palm. It was an amazing feeling,
something he decided he must savor. Smirking, he drew his palm up to his mouth and took a slow, languid lick,
never taking his eyes seductively off of L's. He knew he should be writing L's name... Eris was suppose to be
reformed in 2 days... but exactly. He had 2 days. And there was something intoxicating... addicting... about being
able to do this to L as a mortal. L body pulsed and writhed under his touch, his mouth open in pleasure.

L still hadn't really left the bedroom, although he was sitting up now rather than in a fetal position. At least that was

Light rolled off of him, his back slick with sweat and the bedsheets a mess. L blinked, sitting up against the headrest.
His body was sore, aching and tired. But he didn't care, he wanted to keep going. Being with Light felt... good...
freeing, even. Like all the troubles of the world melted away. Light reached over to the nightstand where their
glasses were and poured the two of them some wine. It was the only thing he could consume in the Underworld, but
he didn't exactly mind.

The sweet liquid hit L's tongue, still leaving him infuriatingly sober.

"Ready for round... whatever?" Light smirked.

L didn't answer right away, watching the wine swirl in his glass. Downing it, he nodded, giving an exhausted smile.

Holding him down, Light leaned over him. Both of their lips were kiss-swollen and raw. Smiling, he captured L's
mouth, his mind soaring. He was happy with L, the stoic starkly beautiful man made every part of his body twist.
Soon they were pressed tightly together, Light's member spearing L's flesh.

L threw his head back, panting as Light moved. Positions changed and every thrust brought a pang of pleasure. L
scrabbled at the bedsheets, his fingers twisting the material as his mind blanked. He was vaguely aware of the other
nipping at his nipples, turning them red and erect. When Light came, L wanted to keep going. He never wanted to
stop, never wanted to give his brain time to think. But his toes curled, spurting come all along Light's stomach and
abs. Almost instantly, he wrapped his legs around Light's waist, bucking his hips and begging them to go again.

Light was breathing heavily, shaking his head. He wanted to keep going too. Gods, did he want to. He could pound
into L for days straight and be the happiest man to ever live. And when he got his powers, he would. But right now
he was still human. His body felt drained. Moving to the side, they both sat up, catching their breath, both of their
bodies still buzzing. Light watched in fascination as the god downed the entire bottle of wine, trying to get drunk.
When it wasn't working, he threw the bottle across the room in frustration. It shattered against the wall, making
Light flinch. L didn't react, staring blankly at the spot. Pulling L in, he gave the other a gentle kiss, trying to elicit
those good feelings again. A loving touch meant to calm. L shuddered, running those gloriously long fingers through
his hair and eagerly accepting the human's mouth.

It was so perfect. Light closed his eyes, tasting his partner's tongue, the way his muscles and bones moved and
shifted beneath him. The kiss was getting more heated, fingers gripping hair tightly and running up and down
bodies, nails digging in and producing the best pain imaginable. Light was drowning in lust, in L. But he didn't care.
With L by his side, Light felt he could do anything. He'd do anything for L. He...

"I love you," Light sighed without thinking.

L jumped back so quickly that Light thought the man had been hurt.

He gazed at the other... realizing what he'd just said...his cheeks went a bright red, a heat rising up his neck. L was
staring at him incredulously, his grey eyes terrified saucers. Light scrambled, his mind a jumble.

"I-I... Oh, Gods Lysander, I'm so sorry."

L blinked in a daze, clearing his throat in uncertainty.

"It's okay," he rumbled uneasily, pulling his knees beneath his chin.

Light faltered, about to reach out, but L shrank away. It wasn't... L squeezed his eyes shut, more scared about the
fact that on some level he reciprocated the confession... but on another, he still loved Persephone... his eyes screwed.
Persephone... what was the point in loving her anymore? It was impossible to deny he wanted Light on so many
levels. Could this truly be love? L shrank, suddenly not sure. 

His head hung while Light scanned the area, trembling. Had he... had he ruined whatever they had? The sex was
raging but the feelings were... fragile... Light cursed himself, watching the other go quiet.

"You don't have to answer," Light piped up quickly, "It was just a heat of the moment thing!"

His partner nodded slightly. Light cleared his throat, rapidly getting out of the bed. L inhaled deeply, massaging the
bridge of his nose.

"I'll be right back," Light said in a strained voice, retreating out of the room.

He stood in the hallway, his chest heaving. There was an uncomfortable weight in his heart and he could feel a wall
building in the back of his eyes. He mentally kicked himself, hating himself. Of course L wouldn't reciprocate it...
why would he? And if he ever found out about Persephone... Light wrung his fingers, surprised by a warm tear
rolling down his face. He swiped at it, trying to compose himself. Perhaps it was better if he wrote L's name... now.

Light's journal was in L's chambers, on the nightstand. Light scurried back in, acutely aware of L's eyes burning a
hole into his neck. Grabbing his journal, L snorted.

"You're still interested to learn about the Underworld?"

That made Light pause. He... did... there was still so much to learn, so much to explore... he stared at L, debating. He
sank back onto the bed, watching the other anxiously. L locked eyes with him, the unnatural grey rooting him to the

"Ask away."

Ask away? It was hard not to squirm as Light thought of questions. Whatever tension had been between them
seemed to melt away until it was just two souls... enjoying each others' company.

"Eris is your prisoner because she knows how to kill a god... are there any other prisoners?"

The corners of L's lips twitched ruefully.

"Some. None as powerful as Eris. She killed Persephone's father and made an attempt on Zeus, Hera and my life."
"... Really?"

Light blinked curiously. L rolled his shoulders. He desperately wanted more wine, but looking at Light's intrigued
eyes made him smile wistfully. Light's curiosity still brought him joy... made him feel... L scratched the back of his

"He's not in any of your legends for fear of the mortals finding out about Eris' power. Don't weep, though. Both she
and Demeter despised the man... he... he raped Demeter and Persephone was the product. Growing up, he'd beat
Persephone. It took Demeter all she had, all her power and influence to make sure her own father didn't rape his
daughter. I'm pretty sure that's why she hates me. She feared I'd rape or enslave or break Persephone's spirit. It's not
an out-of-touch fear... all of my brothers have committed worse atrocities."


"I had no idea," Light whispered in awe, his eyes misting. It had never crossed his mind the beautiful goddess had
suffered so much, "what was the murder weapon?"

L picked at his knee, shaking his head.

"We don't know... Zeus found Eris tearing him apart limb by limb... her dress was torn and there were bruises all
along her neck and she was screaming at his corpse... everyone expected him to reform but after years and years
they realized he was dead. Still, they kept him under observation. If Eris had stopped there, the Olympians probably
wouldn't have cared, but she didn't. She tried sneaking into the Underworld, later saying it was to kill me. Cerberus
alerted me and I chased her out... again, none of the Olympians cared. They wouldn't give two shits if I died.

But she went after Zeus, sneaking into his palace in the sky. She was caught fairly easily and after an interrogation,
it was revealed she planned on murdering both Zeus and Hera to assume Olympus' throne... and would kill any god
that got in her way. They gave her to me as a prisoner and I... I was a bit sour that she'd tried to kill me... as centuries
passed, I thought my fears were eased, but when she first came I was terrified of her hurting Persephone... so I
tortured her... in horrible... despicable ways," L shuddered, "but nothing worked. I couldn't get her to tell me her
killing method."
Light stared at him, Eris' words echoing in his mind. I'll leave and never step foot in the Underworld. That's why...
her plan was to murder Zeus and Hera and assume control of Olympus... and by having Light as the new Hades,
she'd have an ally in the Underworld. The only king that might oppose her would be Poseidon... she probably had a
plan to deal with him as well... Light had to marvel at her cunning, the thoughtfulness behind her moves.

He was about to reach over for more wine when he remembered L smashed the bottle. Light clicked his tongue
against the roof of his mouth.

"I'll just get some more from the kitchen."

L nodded absently, watching Light leave. He bit his thumb, the memories swirling in his brain. Him holding
Persephone's hand, telling Demeter he'd never hurt her... that he cherished her... that he'd die protecting her.
Demeter's terrified expression, begging Persephone not to marry him, to just live with her, mother and daughter
forever. Persephone had taken Demeter's hands, her green eyes warm as she said this is what she wanted. She
wanted him... and he promised that she'd be safe with him, that she'd live a good life. A lump formed in his throat. A
broken promise. How ripe. He couldn't get that image of Persephone's desecrated body out of his head. How could
Eris be so cruel?...

He stopped, biting so hard on his thumb that a drop of ichor slid down.
Why would she be so cruel...? His brow furrowed... It didn't make any sense... if she hadn't been so brutal with her
body, L probably wouldn't have crushed her skull in. And even if she reformed, having one's body torn apart and
crushed was not a pleasant experience. Even though Eris had been laughing, he couldn't imagine the pain she was
in... so why go through the trouble? Especially if you'd just be back to square 1 in a week and suffer just as much

L's eyes widened.

Unless... she wouldn't be back to square 1... unless something was supposed to happen during these 7 days and she
had to take herself out of the equation lest revealing sensitive information. But if Eris was out of commission, what
would progress her plans? What were her plans?

L slowly stood, his body creaking and complaining after days of having been curled up. He slowly slipped his chiton
back onto his body, eyes lost in thought.

When Light got back, he paused, seeing the god deep in his own world. Light's brow scrunched, fear racing up his
spine. No. No way L would figure it out. He just had to play the supportive lover. Still, Light fell back onto the bed,
flipping his journal open in anticipation.

"Why don't you come back to bed?" He purred, trying to draw his attention back to him.

To prove his point, Light stretched languidly, his hips jutting up enticingly.

L didn't even look at him. He started pacing, voicing his thoughts not even to Light but more so to himself.

"Eris pushed me to crush her because she couldn't talk... why? What is she trying to hide?"

A sweat pricked up Light's neck. Okay, no more fucking around. Not taking his eyes off the pacing god, he scribbled
down L's name.

When nothing happened, he started panicking. How long did it take? Light didn't feel different... L still had his aura
of power... Light quivered, counting the seconds in his head. Surely something had to happen soon! L was on a roll,
his thumb rubbing across his lip.

Suddenly he froze, his eyes wide. He slowly looked at Light and it felt like he was under a microscope.

"How'd you know?" L murmured.

"Know?" Panic clawed up Light's chest but he forced himself to keep a neutral expression.
7... 8... 9...

"You said 'what was the murder weapon'... I never said Eris uses a weapon. I myself don't know how she kills..."

"Oh," Light chirped, grinning breathlessly, trying to look calm, "I just assumed..."

"And you said what was... not what is... using past tense to imply there can be more than one... and when I tore Eris
to pieces, there was no weapon on her body or in her prison, so why would you assume that? Her talons would've
worked, but not unless she was close to Persephone."
14... 15... 16... fuck!

"Well of course I didn't know for sure," Light replied airily, shrugging.
L wasn't listening at this point, so entrenched in his ideas.

"Eris can't kill from far away or else I'd be dead... for some reason, Persephone went there... for some reason... the
fact that Eris' plans are currently moving forward suggests someone is helping her... the ferryman can be
treacherous, but he's bound to his ferry. The monsters are held back by the asphodels."

He looked at Light then, his eyes wide. Light's nostrils flared, his palms sweating bullets.

"You knew it's a weapon... Eris wouldn't be able to reach Persephone with a weapon, and I know she'd never just
waltz up to Eris... and the fact that Persephone was so desecrated would hide any other wounds... it's you," he
breathed, his skin going pale, "there's no one else in the Underworld who would have a motive for killing her... but
you... you'd have so much to gain... not to mention, you could smell the rotting garden from the libraries and did
nothing... you weren't even curious... and I've been in bed, allowing you to roam the palace, where you could
theoretically do anything."
25... 26... shit, shit, shit.

L froze, his large eyes reflective. It felt like he couldn't breathe as he stared at Light, his vision blurring, his body
trembling. He suddenly felt dirty, Light's come dry against his body and in his hair. He was covered by Light in
saliva and sweat. L scanned the other, neither saying anything, the air thick. Light was staring back with wide eyes,
not a single muscle twitching. L was scared to say it, his heart pounding against his eardrum.

"You killed her," he whispered in realization, stumbling back, "you killed her with a weapon. This week that Eris
gave... it was for you to do something..."

The strength in his knees threatened to go out. L swayed, almost tipping. His eyes went to the floor, knowing
somewhere in the pit of his heart it was true. Maybe a piece of him had always suspected Light. Thought it was too
convenient and perfect... but he hadn't wanted to admit it to himself.

Light's knuckles were white with how hard he was clutching the journal. L's gaze flickered... anger...rising in his
irises, a burning hatred that seared through Light's very soul. Light's breath caught, his limbs numb. The anger
turned seething... dangerous.
"You killed her," L growled, tears slipping down the bridge of his nose, "You killed my Nefeli!"

He slowly straightened, the air around his crackling and warping, the candles' flames in the room wavering towards
him. His wings snapped out, towering menacingly over Light. 

Light hyperventilated, falling off the bed.


"Don't call me by that name."

L screeched, a terrifying hybrid of bird and man.

39... 40...

He rushed at Light but gasped, his eyes widening. Light screamed, holding himself protectively as L scrabbled at his
heart, his eyes wide. He stumbled, looking at Light in a mix of fear and disbelief.

L opened his mouth but he pitched forward in pain, squeezing at his chest.
"You... you rat! I let you into my home... my bed..."

He whimpered, almost tipping over. L held onto the wall for support, his body rippling in pain. He screamed and
Light's face fell in horror.

"What did... what did you do to me?" He rasped.

Chapter 16: Insane Love
Chapter Text

Panic was pounding L's system until it was all he could register. It felt like someone was slowly burning him from
the inside out, the itch spreading through his very bones.

"Was everything a lie?" He hated the crack in his voice, "what did... what did you do to me?"

Light blinked, trying to hold his hands out peacefully. L stumbled back, his vision blurring, until he hit the curtains
hiding the balcony. He stood there, the soft velvet behind him, his heart hammering. Light tried smiling amiably.

"L, why don't you sit down? You're upset-"

"You're right, I'm upset," he snarled.

The sudden burst of energy brought a new wave of stinging pain. L cried out, holding onto his heart.

"It hurts," he whimpered.

Light's eyes flashed in alarm. He exhaled slowly. He had to regain control of the situation.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea it'd hurt so much."

His voice was smooth, worming into L's ears. He trembled, his breathing labored and obstructed. L's eyes darted like
a wounded animal, looking ready to strike at any moment. Light took a cautious step forward.

"It's okay," Lighted soothed gently, "you're okay..."

L didn't want to, but he felt the tension in his body starting to ease. He simply stood there as Light enveloped him,
his warm lips pressed against L's forehead. L almost crumpled, his knees buckling.

"I don't... I don't understand... why did you..." his eyes misted.

He was vaguely aware of Light's fingers pushing through his hair, those lips ghosting over his temple.

"Listen to me, Darling. What you're feeling now are your powers draining and transferring to me... I can already feel
it coursing through my veins..."

L whined, slumping in Light's grip. His head was pounding, unconsciousness threatening to take over.

"You destroyed my life," he breathed, "you killed Nefeli..."

Light's stomach turned. His first instinct was to lie, to tell L that he was being irrational and this was just a part of
the grieving process... but he swallowed.
"I'm sorry. I really didn't want to, but she was just too important."

L's eyes fluttered, the room tipping.

"Did she..." he shuddered, "did she suffer? Why? Why did you do it? What do you want from me?"

Light dragged his fingertips down L's windpipe, feeling it bob in fear beneath his feathery touch. L's breath hitched
when Light's head dipped down, lightly sucking on the soft part of his throat. If L wasn't feeling weak before... the
strength in his legs were being sapped. It was like a bad film had been placed over his vision. To his horror and
shame, he realized he was pressing into Light's mouth. It felt good, the warm wetness of his tongue... against his
will, L moaned. The moan sent Light smiling against his skin.

"Don't fret, Darling, it was a quick death... I did this so we can be together," Light purred in L's ear, his breath
tickling and leaving goosebumps along the nape of L's neck. The haziness got worse as Light traced his fingers up
L's side, twisting and dancing in the exact ways that he knew made L quiver, "not everything was a lie," Light
whispered, "L... I did this all because I love you."

L stiffened. Love...? His eyes widened.

"You did this because you think you love me?"

Light looked down at him and L's breath caught. All he could see was insanity in those eyes. Pure, raw, obsessive

"Of course," Light murmured, "I love you more than life itself... when I have your powers, I'll keep you here and
show you how wonderful of a lover I'll be... you'll be my consort and I your king."

L was gaping now, the fear combining with the pain until he realized Light was the only thing keeping him currently
standing. He gave a terrified laugh.
"So you're going to force me to be fucked by the man who killed my wife?... I will never be your consort."

Light's breath was hot against his face, making him shake. The corners of Light's lips curled.

"You will be once I make you drink from the Lethe."

L's eyes widened. The Lethe... the river of forgetfulness and oblivion. As a god it would never have worked, but if
he lost his powers... would he really be vulnerable to its waters? He shook in fear, the idea of losing everything he
was, even with the pain... he'd forget Nefeli, her face, her beautiful voice, the feeling of her body... A flame rose up
in his chest. Fuck that. L's eyes narrowed.
With a blood curdling cry, he gathered up what remained of his strength. And kicked hard. There was a satisfying
meeting of his foot to Light's chest. Light gasped, sprawling backwards and landing on the floor. Before L could
crumple, before his body could pass out on him, he stumbled onto the balcony, the cool air kissing his skin.
Bringing his wings out was agony.

They cracked out unnaturally, the luster gone and an ugly, tarry oiliness covering his feathers. L leaned against the
railing, struggling to catch his breath. Sweat beaded his brow and back, dripping off the end of his nose.

"L! Wait, please let's talk this out," Light swung the curtains open.

"Stay back!" L pleaded, opening his wings.

It was such an effort, like two dead weights attached to his back. Light's eyes widened.
"L, you can't fly away. Just-"

"I do what I want," he bit, struggling to get on top of the railing.

Light's breath caught. He needed to stop L!


He reached out but L's eyes popped in a mind-numbing terror. Without giving Light the chance to reach him, to spin
more lies or for him to pass out, L dove. Light cried out in horror, racing to the railing.

L twisted in mid air, each beat of his wings like fire. He grit his teeth, forcing himself to keep beating his wings and
put distance from the palace.

Light was screaming something, but it was drowned out by the sound of wind against his ears. But then he caught
Light's words and his heart froze.
So it was true... L looked down to see his feathers falling off in droves, twirling down hundreds of feet. He could
make it back to the balcony if he turned around here... no... L's mind was spiraling, unsure what to do. I can't forget
Nefeli! I won't let it happen! At this point, he didn't know what he was doing. He just looked up and saw the blanket
of clouds. Through the haze in his brain, he had the vague thought that he wanted to be above the clouds, where the
rest of the world didn't exist and everything was okay.

With his wings molting, he climbed up in the air, his eyes trained on the clouds.
Light's grip on the railing tightened. Fuck, what's he doing? Oh, Gods, he's going to fall! He yelled, his throat
hoarse, crying out L's name over and over again, pleading for him to come back, apologizing profusely, saying he'd
be better. That he'd make L the happiest man possible. If L could hear it, he was ignoring it. Tears streamed down
Light's face.

The ichor was roaring in L's ears. He reached his hand out, his eyes large. The clouds were so beautiful... His fingers
brushed them, feeling the feathery lightness... before he started to fall...

L tumbled through the air, not sure which way was up or down. Somehow, he corrected himself so he was facing the
clouds, watching as the air blew his molting feathers above him. His wings were extended. They were charred...
disintegrating... L watched in a morbid fascination as they crackled and snapped... rising as dust... L blinked.

He'd lost his wings.

The wings he'd had since he was born. The same ones that took him all over the Underworld and that he'd use to
take Persephone up on romantic flights... they were gone...

It was almost impressive how he gave up in that second. How all feeling and emotions seeped out of his body.
Plummeting through the air, L curled up, squeezing his eyes shut. Maybe with any luck, this transfer would make
him mortal and this fall would kill him.

Light's hands flew to his mouth as L landed in one of the distant rivers, the splash visible from the balcony.

And that's when Light felt it... something moving and shifting in his shoulder blades. He pitched forward, a
nauseous feeling sending him reeling as two large, blood-red wings snapped out of his back. They felt both like a
part of him and foreign... an extension of his body... Light's limbs felt uneasy. He didn't give himself time to admire
them, L dominating his mind. He scrambled on top of the railing when Phineas raced into the room.

"Hades, you can't! Your wings are too fresh!"

"I don't care," Light shot back viciously.

He plunged off the railing, trying to flap his wings. It half-worked and he buffered in the air. But they were
unsteady, wavering and dipping like paper. Light cried out in pain, meeting the ground. Dirt caught under his nails
and caked his hair, scratching at his body. He rolled, his muscles shrieking but when he stopped, he realized there
were no serious injuries... Light's eyes flickered to his arm to see minor cuts oozing ichor... the golden liquid
dribbling down his skin... holy shit, he had ichor.

Light forced himself on his feet and ran, his wings heavy and dragging him down. But he couldn't think about that
now. He almost tripped racing to the edge of the roaring river and slid to his knees, trying to peer into the murky
water. Fuck, which river was this? There were four... He scanned the waves, unable to process anything. Oh, Gods...
he couldn't see L... There was the flapping of wings behind him and he turned to see Aello and her three sister
harpies touching the ground behind him. He shrank, gaze shifting among the four of them. Would they attack?
Light's wings instinctively rose to a defensive position. Aello's brow quirked.

"You should learn to control that. The old Hades' wings didn't betray his emotions."

Light blinked. He bowed to them, unintentionally cowering, a remnant from when he was a mortal.

"Please," he begged, "what river is this? Where's L?"

L moaned, his hand slowly going to his forehead. He slowly twisted, trying to get a bearing on his surroundings.
Where was he? In front of him was a crackling fire, shooting up embers and actually making him feel... warm... he
gingerly poked at his forehead and hissed, his fingers coming back... red... blood? He had blood now instead of
ichor? Ugh... what.. he tried sitting up but winced.

"Careful. Your body is so fragile now."

He blinked, his eyes taking a moment to adjust to the firelight. Demeter. She was sitting a few feet away, dressed in
black and staring at the flames. L started, gazing around. He was in a forest... on the surface! His nostrils flared.

"I'm not supposed to be on the surface-"

"Zeus won't notice you," she said calmly, "your godly aura is gone. No one knows you're here. Even I had to do a
double take when I found you on the Styx's bank."

The Styx. The river that connected the Over and Underworld. L bit his thumb, not answering. No godly aura? He
was really just a mortal? As if reading his mind, she snorted.

"Don't worry, you're still immortal. That's just our natural lifespan. But without your magic, you don't have ichor.
I'm not sure, but I'm going to say you can't heal quickly and you can actually die from wounds."
He stared at her intently, not trusting himself to respond. Her golden eyes snapped in his direction, curiosity
apparent on her face. She leaned in, her brow furrowed. It felt like he was a specimen being studied. He tightened
into a ball, trying to avoid her eyes.

"What happened to you?" She mused.

When he didn't answer, she crossed her arms.

"You were dying from hypothermia. The least I deserve is an answer for saving your life."
I don't want to answer. It hurt so much... L could almost remember when Light was kind and good, how he'd do
anything for his family and let society's insults roll off his back. How had that amazing man turned into such a
monster? He opened his mouth, the words caught until he gave a dry sob. L met Demeter's eyes.

She bit her lip. Demeter had never seen that expression on L before. It was less than defeat or desperation. It was a
torn-up the likes of which she'd never seen on a god's face. On anybody's face. His lip quivered.
"You were right about me," he choked, "I couldn't protect Nefeli. I was too weak and it's my fault she's dead. Oh,
Gods I'm such a failure. I let a mortal into our lives and with Eris' help, he killed her." L was fully crying now, his
eyes shut as he gripped at his hair, "He killed her, he stole my powers and he... he took advantage of me. All in the
name of love."
Shame welled in his chest. He still felt dirty, like having sex with Light had been a crime in and of itself. But the
worst crime to him was that... he liked it... even now, knowing the despicable things he'd done, L found his fingers
twitching with need, found himself desiring Light. With his eyes closed, he wished he could disappear into
nothingness. He honestly didn't expect anything from Demeter at best, but... she hugged him.

She didn't say anything. Demeter simply pulled his head against her chest, silently letting him break down. He was
clutching to her dress so hard that his knuckles went white. Demeter tenderly smoothed a hand through his wild hair,
listening to his strangled sounds and feeling his tears stain her material. He shakily told her the whole story... from
meeting Light to living in the over-world to Light wanting to study the Underworld and how that had led to an
insane and dangerous obsession. Demeter was in a stunned silence, her mouth gaping at how cunning and ruthless
one human had managed to be.

L let out a low wail, muffled by her dress, but still chilling.

"What's wrong with me?" He pleaded, shaking his head, "I should've just killed him for even thinking of defying me
or badmouthing me or any of the other offenses-"

"No," Demeter cut in firmly.

He looked up at her with saucer, almost child-like eyes. She continued stroking his scalp, using the same pattern
she'd use when Persephone was a little girl. The worst nights were when she was beat up, bloodied and bruised and
Demeter had to try her damndest to make the pain go away. She exhaled slowly, bringing L into another hug.

"It's not your fault," she whispered, "I-I shouldn't have said that. I was just so angry and hurt. It was wrong to take
out my pain on you."

L rocked in her grip, slowly and in uncertainty wrapping his arms around her. Demeter sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry for the way I've treated you," she whispered, "I was so convinced an immortal being's heart is dead. Mine
felt dead. I've been convinced for so long that it is. The only god who still had a beating, bleeding one that felt was
Persephone and I was so terrified that she'd end up with a god who had no heart... but you have one."
The words sent L trembling. She continued, her voice strained.



"... Lysander... you have a heart. That's the reason you didn't kill that mortal or treat him like some insect. It hurts,
but I'm begging you. Please don't lose that heart to grief. You have no idea how unique you are. I can see why Nefeli
fell for you, why she chose the Underworld, in all its death and stigma over the love of the Olympians. I would... I
would kill to have an ounce of your humanity."

Her words sank in until L could feel a calmness settling over him. He nodded into her chiton, knowing how
awkward it would be and sound, but decided it was something he needed to try anyway.

"Thank you... Mother."

Demeter didn't say anything, but her grip on him tightened. She buried her face into his hair. L wasn't sure how long
they were like that until she gently pulled away. Her eyes were warm, giving him a kindness that made him feel

He gave his first genuine smile since Persephone's death.

The smile faltered as he rubbed his temple.

"I don't know what to do. Light is Hades now. I might not even be able to get close to the Underworld now,
Cerberus might tear me apart. Like you said, there's a very good possibility I've lost my healing and imperviousness
to wounds.

Demeter shrugged helplessly. He massaged the bridge of his nose.

"He's too powerful... especially if he stays there."

Demeter tapped her chin.

"Presumably he'll come looking for you."

L nodded.

"How far away are we from the Styx?"

"Not too far, but I've enchanted this clearing. Even if he comes here, he won't see us."

He blinked gratefully, the information settling in his chest. Demeter watched him carefully, her eyes sparked in
interest. Yes, she could see why Nefeli loved him. There was a wicked intelligence, his mind always chugging. After
living millennia, she found immortals' brains went sluggish, having lived too long to retain or care. L chewed his
thumbnail thoughtfully.

"I need to get my powers back. He'll delay Eris' release until he has me back in his kingdom. He'll be too worried
about her hurting me on her rampage."
Demeter's face went white at the mention of Eris, but she kept a straight face, clearing her throat nervously.

"I see... and what will you do with Light once you are Hades again?"

That made L hesitate. The flames curled and spread, no longer wavering or attracted to him. He looked on as if fire
was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen. Her question was burning a hole in his stomach, filling the back of his
throat with acid.

"I don't know," he admitted quietly.

The thought of him dead hurt him almost as much as imagining Persephone's corpse. L also knew in the pit of his
soul that he'd never hurt Light, never kill him. As much as he wanted to, as much as he wished he could say he'd
make Light pay... he knew it'd be impossible for him. L didn't want it that way, though. He didn't want to have these
confusing feelings.

L just wanted peace.

Chapter 17: Falling Apart
Chapter Text

A couple of days passed where L didn't move from the clearing. Demeter made a fruit tree and vegetable plants
grow and he lived off of that. She'd come by with a day's supply of water, saying she'd come back to check on him
the next day. He sat there, fiddling with a pomegranate. The idea of losing his memories had terrified him so wholly.
He ran away from his problems. L sighed, allowing himself to remember Persephone. Just a couple of days ago, the
memories felt like a curse, but now he couldn't possibly imagine life without them.
"What the fuck, Cerberus?" L grumbled, pulling the three-times-larger than him dog along the path.
Cerberus simply wagged his tail to L's stern gaze and soon he found he couldn't be angry at the large canine
anymore. Chuckling, he affectionately scratched Cerberus' head.
"You're such a dumbass."
The hellhound had accidentally let a couple of spirits wander outside of the borders of the Underworld. L continued
trekking through the woods, mumbling to himself about how he needed a better security system. Cerberus picked his
head up, ears swiveling. Before L could open his mouth, the dog was off, nearly tearing L's limb from its socket in
the process. L dropped the leash with a yelp and started running after him, yelling for him to stop. L skidded to a
halt, standing in the shadows.
Cerberus was in a large field, playing with a woman. She was sitting among the daisies and smiled, running her
fingers through his soft fur. He barked, jumping around her in a circle before sitting and looking at L as if to say
'hey, look what I found!' She turned to look at him and L squeaked, hiding behind a tree.
Holy Hera, she was beautiful. L was breathing heavily, staring at the woods in front of him. Maybe if he could find
a way to escape-
L screamed, tripping and landing hard on his back. Her hands flew to her mouth, staring at him with the greenest
eyes he'd ever seen in his millennia of living.
"Are you okay?! I didn't mean to startle you, I just, well, um," she smiled sheepishly, "is this your dog?"
Cerberus lumbered over, panting. L's eyes narrowed. If he didn't know any better, he'd say the dog was giving him a
teasing and proud of himself vibe. L swallowed, trying to collect his thoughts, but his voice only came out as a quiet
"... Oh. Thank you."
She tilted her head, the corners of her lips tugged up.
"You spy on women in the shadows a lot?"
L shrank, stuttering rather pathetically. He meant to say a definite and defiant 'of course not' but all he could do
was release a string of incoherent sounds. She snorted, obviously taking pity on him.
"You don't get much sun, do you?"
His cheeks burned, but he laughed.
"Not really. But you obviously do, you're gorgeous, I mean tan, I mean I, you, I want to... fuck..."
"'I want to fuck', hm? Bold."
"What...? OH GODS NO! Not with you, well I mean, there's nothing wrong with you! In fact, I mean, wait, oh Gods,
this is a mess, uh-"
She watched him make a fool of himself, her eyes twinkling. Leaning against the tree, she placed her chin in the cup
of her hand, watching him ramble. Finally, he inhaled deeply, picking at his thumb.
"Feel free to stop me at any time."
There was a playful, mischievous gleam in her eye that he instantly found endearing. She smirked.
"Why would I? It's starting to get interesting," she purred, "I'm Persephone,".
L blinked, grateful for the change of subject.
Her eyes widened.
"Hm, you have a bit of a... reputation... for being a dark and brooding loner. Is that true?"
L didn't know where the random boost of confidence came from, but he managed to give an easy smile. She seemed
receptive to it, and for the first time he could've sworn he saw her blushing and not the other way around.
"Depends on whether or not you're into that brooding type."
Persephone crossed her arms with an amused look, the breeze gently fluffing her hair.
"And if I am into that type?"
"... Well, then I'd say I might be able to bribe Dionysius for a bottle of wine. If you were into that type."
Persephone was trying to hide her grin, giving a coy expression.
"I prefer Chardonay."
L bowed his head a bit, biting his lip in excitement.
"Whatever the Lady wants."

L was abruptly ripped out of his musings when he saw Light soaring above the trees, red wings like a bloody fire.
His breath caught as Light landed in the clearing, but Demeter's enchantment was working... Light was only a few
feet away and he couldn't see L... L's lip trembled. In just a couple of days, the other had become all tussled, scruffy
and dirty. His eyes had a constant expression of desperation whenever he screamed L's name. In a way, L wanted to
reach out to him, but he held himself back, eyes wary. He watched silently. Light sighed, his body shuddering before
he lifted back into the sky.

L laid back down, watching the clouds shift above him. It felt like a pivotal moment in his life. He couldn't just hide
in Demeter's bubble forever, but what he chose now would affect him for millennia.
Stay in the mortal world and try to live a mortal life... or return to the Underworld, take back his powers, and avenge
Persephone? Could you even avenge her? Memories of him pressed to the mattress as Light fucked him, his body
boiling and the feelings confusing. His eyes misted. Did Light really mean it when he told him he loved him?
Someone in love wouldn't have done what he did, right...? Did... did L love him? That thought was almost even
more disturbing.

And yet, the thought of anything hurting Light or making him sad made L's limbs sore.

"I'm so sorry, Nefeli... I have no idea what to do..."

But then L stopped. He was sick of feeling so powerless... He slowly stood up, Demeter's words echoing in his
Don't let a need for revenge twist and destroy you...

He sniffed, remembering all the amazing times he'd spent with Persephone... all of them stolen from him... and this
sick, twisted caring he had for her murderer... for fuck's sake, he was asking himself if he loved the man...
Fuck it. I don't care if it destroys me. I don't care if I lose that bullshit heart Demeter was rambling about. Hearts
bring nothing but suffering. I don't care if I become a shell of myself. I don't care if Light's death hurts me. I DON'T
CARE. L straightened, a dark fury stabbing his stomach.
His mind started working on a plan to regain his status and then he'd kill Light. He'd hack up that weak part of
himself. A burning hatred coursed through his veins, unlike anything he'd ever felt before.
Even if it left him a darker person than his brothers, he was going to get his revenge. No matter what or who he went

Light wasn't sure how long he'd been flying. His wings were still too new and the muscles were aching and strained.

Returning to the Underworld, Light slumped onto the balcony, thoroughly exhausted. He squeezed his eyes shut. It
had all gone so fucked up in a short amount of time. Where was L? He shook his head. Light couldn't afford to rest!
He had to keep-

Aello landed on the balcony, dipping her head not out of respect but more so from tradition.

"Hades... she has been reformed."

Light winced. He didn't want to face Eris. He didn't want to think about her. Aello clicked her talon against the
balcony's railing.

"She's been insistent."

He sighed, nodding.

Eris stretched her new neck, marveling in the wonderful cracks it made. It felt good to be back... remade into a fresh
body... the dirt and grime were gone, revealing her deceptively beautiful face, her dark hair silky locks that rested
against her shoulders. When she saw Light... the new Hades... a slow, languid smile crossed her face. He stopped a
few feet away, his brow furrowed in mistrust.

"Light," she purred, "or should I call you... Hades?" She giggled, "settling into your new life? How's L?"

When he didn't answer right away, the hair on the back of her neck stood. Was this going to be a setback to her

"So," she chirped pointedly, "here to finally free me?"

He hesitated, avoiding her eyes.

"I can't. L's missing in the over-world... and I have no doubt you'd kill him if you had the chance..."

Her eyes glittered in warning.

"Light," she sing-sang with a slight edge, "we had a deal."

He didn't answer at first, scratching at his head. Light swayed a bit on his feet, his eyes flickering.

"I'm under a bit of stress," he snarled, trembling.

He stumbled uncoordinatedly. Eris tilted her head. There was something more beyond the worry he felt... he
looked... sick. His skin was unhealthily pale and sweaty. Eris' eyes widened slowly.
"How has your body been accepting all that power? You were never made for it, after all."
Yes... she could see his veins popping out and his gaze was unfocused. Her nostrils flared worriedly. Was his body...
rejecting it?... she closed her eyes, sensing his ichor and gasped. It was slowly but surely burning him from the
inside, probably scrambling his mind and making rational thought impossible. She shuddered. It would be an awful
existence for eternity... she predicted that in a month's time, the ichor would have burned him away to ash. But now
that he was immortal, it wouldn't kill him. In about a week, he'd reform, only to turn to ash in another month...
forever in a slow, agonizing pain... Eris blinked. If she didn't know any better, she'd say she was feeling pity for the
human. He's not going to survive the month... Eris clicked her tongue thoughtfully against the roof of her mouth.

Light swallowed, feeling strange but tried to stay in the room.

"I keep my promises. I'll come back for you, Eris!"

Eris' eyes popped in panic. She didn't want to be left alone again! No! She was so close to freedom!

"Light! Wait!" She shrieked desperately, "we had a deal!"

Light's feet felt weak, but he ignored her. He tried to fly away, his wings almost giving out on him. Sighing, he just
took the ferry.

In preparation for Eris' release, he'd had one of the harpies go fetch his mother and Sayu. They were standing in
front of the palace, looking around in confusion, his mother dressed in a mourning black for his father. His mother's
eyes locked on to his and she shifted warily.

"Light?... How...? I don't understand."

He gently held her hands, trying his best to smile. In all honesty, he was exhausted. It felt like there was something
alive in his body, gnawing at his bones and muscles, almost akin to a low fire. But he motioned for the two women
to follow him. They glanced at each other. Something was different about him. He had a much more powerful aura,
and his eyes looked... slightly crazed...

Sayu held her breath, following her brother while he swept his arms around grandiose halls and impressively
detailed statues.

"You're... the new Hades?" She squeaked.

Light nodded enthusiastically.

"See? I told you I'd make something of myself... and I have a surprise for the two of you."

He'd hidden his father in the guest room's closet. When he swung the door open. His mother gasped, a hand flying to
her chest. Soichiro didn't notice her, but when Light placed a hand on his shoulder, he started.


Sachiko's eyes misted.

"Oh, Gods, Soichiro," she cried, racing towards him.

She took him into a tight hug, tears falling down the bridge of her nose. Light watched on with a satisfied smile.
Sayu wasn't too far behind Sachiko, pressing her temple against her father's arm.

Light watched the teary reunion, surprised by how much of a stranger he felt. He stood there dejectedly, acutely
aware of how different he was from them now and how much he'd changed. He tried to swallow the lump in his
throat. He wasn't a part of this small mortal family anymore. Light was a god.

"You should stay at the palace," he told his mother and Sayu to their questioning eyes, "soon, a chaos unlike
anything you've ever known will be brought to the surface."

Soichiro stared at him, his eyes hard. Now that he was lucid, he saw flashes, slight memories of Light talking to the
embodiment of Chaos herself.

"What did you do?" He rumbled.

Light's eyes trained on him, not willing to tell him. But his mother and Sayu glanced at him expectantly. His mother
seemed apprehensive, like she was scared to ask.

"Where's the real... I mean... the first... Hades?" His mother asked slowly.

Light forced a smile, rolling his shoulders.

"Actually, that's what I meant to tell you. We're in love! He's not currently... here... but he'll be back soon and you
can meet him," Light exhaled, "he's the one."

Sayu blinked, her eyes going cautious.

"But... if Hades is real, what about Persephone?"

Light's nostrils flared. It felt like at every turn there was a reminder of her. A book she'd left marked on the table, a
vase of wilting flowers, every little reminder sending a jab of guilt through his chest.

A shiver ran up Sayu's spine seeing his warning expression.

"Everything's fine," he said a little too forcefully.

Soichiro's grip on his wife and daughter tightened.

"No," he whispered, "you made some kind of deal with Eris... how did you get Hades' power?..."

His mother's eyes moved between Light and Soichiro, pupils dilating in fear.

"Son, what did you do?" She breathed.

He took a step forward, making them stumble back.

"I saved your lives. That's what I did," he growled.

Sayu chuckled nervously, starting to pull her mother towards the door.
"Thank you so much," she chirped, her voice wavering, "but we'd still prefer to be on the surface."

Her mother nodded rapidly, avoiding looking at Light's face. His eyes widened.

"You can't leave! The world above is going to be in carnage!"

"We have people we love up there," his mother replied gently yet firmly.

Holding Sayu's hand, they started surging towards the door. Light's breathing came heavy, panic clouding his vision.

"I won't let you leave!" He roared.

They paused in their tracks, slowly watching him. They could sense something terrible had happened in this palace...
it was a heavy atmosphere that took their breath away. And they had the worst sinking feeling that Light had been
responsible. Sachiko stared at him. The man holding her gaze now was not her son.

Sachiko pushed Sayu towards the door.

"Light, we don't want to be here."

Light's ichor was boiling, pain running up his veins as his own version of blood was eating him alive. Scowling, he
held out a shaky hand.
"You're not going anywhere-"


Sachiko surged with her daughter towards the door. Light cried out, his hand glowing.


They screamed, freezing in place. Soichiro cried out in horror.


Light stumbled back. They were... statues... forever stopped mid-run, terrified expressions on their faces... Light
shuddered, leaning against the wall. Soichiro ran up to them, tracing their stone faces. He looked at his son

"Bring them back!" He demanded.

"I- I don't know how!" Light yelled, his heart pounding in his ears.

Soichiro rounded on his son, baring his teeth.


Trembling, Light nodded, extending his hands. He tried to focus his energy, but his nerves were frazzled, all on
high. He reached out with his mind, trying to will the rock encasing them to go away...

They shattered, exploding into millions of pieces of pebbles. Soichiro screamed, falling to his knees. Light's vision
spun, landing on his back. Hyperventilation took over, his body quivering. His eyes went to his hand. He killed
them... there was so much blood on his hands... he pitched forward, wanting to shut the world out. He struggled to
his feet, tripping over to the window and looked out over the fields.

"I don't see their souls," he whimpered.

Light ran back to the pile of destroyed rocks, his throat closed on him. Soichiro backed away from Light as if he
were toxic, his features twisted in disgust.

"Dad!" Light cried, reaching out for his father.

Soichiro jerked back, shaking his head. Even for a spirit's standards, his father was pale, looking sick. But without
someone touching him, Soichiro could already feel the lucidity fading, his vision spinning.

"You're not my son," he bit before his eyes went vacant... and he was just a lost soul again.

Light watched him, unable to move. It felt like he couldn't breathe. Light wrapped his arms around himself, vomit
spewing from his mouth. In response to his emotions, the walls around him cracked and shook. He winced, pressing
his hands over his ears, feeling helpless. L was gone, his family was gone, Eris was breathing down his neck and
through it all, there was this constant itch and burning pain under his skin. Light curled up on the cool floor.
Oh Gods, everything is falling apart.
Chapter 18: Kings and Power
Chapter Text

L stood not too far from the Underworld's border, his brow furrowed. The Underworld was connected by an
impossibly long tunnel that opened at the edge of the fields. Would Cerberus even recognize him? He laughed
wryly. Once he was in the dog's sights, it wouldn't take long to figure out. Creeping closer, he paused, seeing the
large hound curled up and sleeping. He watched the black flank rise and fall, his pupils dilated. L stared at the line
that officially separated the Underworld and tunnel. So deceptively simple.

Holding his breath, he stepped into the fields.

Instantly, Cerberus' three heads popped up, all three snarling. L froze, giving a meek smile.

"Hey... good boy?"

Cerberus growled. One head paused, extending its neck. It sniffed the air, tilting its head in confusion. It was
difficult to keep the tremble out of his hand as he extended his arm.
Please don't eat me, please don't eat me, I swear on the Styx I will give you as many dog treats as you want. And the
good shit. Every fucking day.

The second head glanced at the first, the third still glaring at him. L's lip quivered. Cerberus pushed closer, before
panting, wagging his tail excitedly.

L stumbled, almost passing out from relief. Cerberus lapped a tongue all across L's front, leaving him slimy. He
genuinely laughed for the first time in days, scratching Cerberus' neck. The gargantuan dog's leg twitched, eye
lidding over at the feeling.

"Thank the Gods you're the worst guard-dog in the world," L lightly admonished with a grin.
Cerberus wiggled his butt, nuzzling his master. His true master... not this strange-smelling dweller who somehow
had Hades' powers. L hugged him, the size of the beast making him look tiny and forcing him to completely spread
his arms.

"I'm sorry I left you hanging," L whispered into Cerberus' ear.

Patting Cerberus' neck, he walked past him.

"I'm visiting Eris, coming with?"

Cerberus might follow for a while, but the pull of the border was too strong. The animal sat down, sliding on all
fours. The corners of L's lips twitched.

"Lazy," he teased.
As if on cue, Cerberus yawned, curling back up to sleep. L hissed out a breath, nodding more so to himself. He
glanced over the fields, anxiety building in his chest. The palace was barely a speck in the distance. L grumbled to
himself. Perhaps he hadn't given Light enough credit... the thought of walking this journey back and forth almost
every day... he must've gotten home around sundown and had to start the journey back in the dead of the night to get
here by mid-day... Okay, to be fair, I'm pretty sure anyone would go batshit insane if they had to make this journey a
lot. Gathering himself, L started on the trek, having never had to hike long distances before.

Aello pounded on Light's door. He was curled up in bed. It felt like every neuron in his body was on fire, his mind
twisting and unable to concentrate. He shifted in bed, trying to drown out Aello's angry voice.

"We need a Hades," she shrieked.

Her harpy sisters and even the furies were behind her, cawing in agreement. They'd dealt with this shit from L
because they actually liked Persephone and understood he was in pain. But Persephone's murderer? Someone who
hadn't even started his duties and had spent days looking for L? They needed a leader and they were getting sick of
waiting for this new one to get off his ass and give a crap.

Light's chest heaved, the guilt of his family ripping his stomach.

"I can't," he begged, "just... just give me some time. Please. I need L."

Aello snarled and kicked open the door. Light straightened, shrinking under their harsh glares.

"We've been without a king for weeks," Aello spat, dragging her talons along the wall.

But she stopped. Light had locked himself in his room after his family's death and she hadn't seen him... his skin was
practically grey and his toned muscles were emaciated. He glanced at her slowly will dull eyes, pushing his straw-
like hair away from his face. Her eyes popped in realization.

His ichor... his body was rejecting it...

Light struggled to his feet, his wings hanging limply behind him. The feathers were mottled and the spines of the
wings scabbed.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, dragging himself in their direction.

Both fury and harpy stared at him in shock. He'd always be like this. Even when he reformed, he'd be suffering... a
weak leader... the Underworld would fall to outside influence and become the weakest of the kingdoms... Aello's
exhaled slowly. She loved her kingdom... there was no way she was going to let one human's greed and
miscalculation destroy everything L had spent thousands of years building.

"You have duties to attend to," she snapped.

He nodded, every move agonizing. Swaying slightly, he followed Aello, struggling under his wings' weight. He'd
only taken a few steps when he crumpled, collapsing onto his knees. His head hung, sweat dripping off his brow. He
could practically see his skin bubbling, his ichor boiling. Aello whirled on him, torn between feeling sorry for him
and fury for now having such a weak king.

"I want L," he moaned, falling to his side. "L!" He called, his voice a haunting moan. He almost sobbed, desperately
wanting to feel L's arms around him, hear his low and soothing voice.

The fury Tisiphone stepped forward, shaking her head.

"We're wasting our time," she spat, "come, Sisters. If Hades won't shuttle down spirits and keep the population
manageable, we must prepare for overpopulation."

They all nodded, flapping their wings and leaving Light alone, shivering on the floor. The only one who remained
was Aello. She looked down at him, crying and groaning in pain.

"I actually liked the old King and Queen," she hissed bitterly, "they did what needed to be done and understood the
balance. You're not worth either of their spit."

Light squeezed his eyes shut, wishing he could get up. Wishing he could soar like he used to with L and do half of
the things his predecessor had. Tears stung his eyes. Even with all the power in the world, the King of the Dead, he
somehow found a way to still be weak... His head turned to look at his room, desperately wanting to feel the soft bed
beneath him. Aello glared at him, watching him try to pathetically crawl until her chest softened and she took pity
on him.

Holding him in a gentle cradle, she brought him to his bed, lightly fluffing his pillow and dabbing his sweaty
features with a cloth.

"You're arrogant," she growled, swiping at his temple.

He managed a sad smile, regret flooding his eyes.

"I know," he murmured.

Aello stared at him for a beat before nodding. Stepping into the hall again, she froze. Tisiphone had come back, her
eyes wide.
"He needs to get up. Zeus has come to meet the new Hades!"
"FUCK! Okay, you welcome him, I'll make Hades presentable."

She bobbed her head, racing to carry out the order. Aello hissed out a breath and ran back to Light's side.
"Make your wings go in, those will be a dead giveaway."

Light had heard Tisiphone's urgent news. He grunted as he sat, forcing his wings to snap into his back, his whole
body pitching forward with the effort. Aello stuck out an elegant cane in his direction.

"Fake it until you make it. Don't act like you need the cane but want it... make it a situation about status."

He nodded in a daze, trying to focus. By the time Aello was done with him, he was wearing an official Underworld
garment that effectively hid his weight-loss. His skin wasn't as sickly and he looked mostly presentable. He hobbled
out on the cane, trying to make it look more of an accessory than a necessity.

Zeus was standing at a window. He instantly intimidated Light. The first time Light saw him, his face was buried in
L's shoulder. But now he was there, in all his tall muscular glory. Light could see the... uncanny... resemblance to L.
Zeus had L's dark, full hair, albeit curly and immaculately groomed. Both of their faces were angular although Zeus'
was much more chiseled and traditionally handsome. He turned to look at Light with stormy grey eyes, lighting
crackling in his irises. Light shrank, acutely aware of how terrified he appeared.
Zeus' eyes flickered up and down and Light wasn't sure whether to shakily smile or hide. There's a 50% chance
you're going to hate me for what I did to your brother.

"So you're the one who dethroned my little brother."


The god drummed his fingers along the window sill, lightning between his fingers. Light gulped... until Zeus
glanced at him with a jovial grin.

"I admire strength," he bellowed with a hearty laugh.

Light blinked.

"S-say what now?"

Zeus' smile was dazzling, making Light feel rooted to his spot.

"Hades was always causing me a spit of trouble," Zeus chuckled, "you should've seen the other gods!" His voice
went slightly high, mocking, "' oh, Zeus, your brother's interfering with my wars'! 'Zeus, Zeus! My new animals
have way too short of a lifespan! Make Hades change it!' 'Zeuuuus, do something about Hades.' Hades, Hades,
Hades. It can really get a guy frustrated, you know?"

Light swallowed, not sure how to respond. He wasn't sure if he should, it felt like he might tip over at any time. Zeus
clasped a hand across Light's back, sending an electric shock through his body. Zeus met Light's eyes, his own
glinting in warning.

"You're not going to give me a hard time, will you?"

At Light's silence, he smirked.

"For the next few centuries, the others of Olympus will be testing their boundaries, how much you'll allow and what
they can get away with. Hm, I don't envy your job."
"You don't care about the first Hades?" Light asked quietly, in disbelief.

His brother by blood...? Zeus considered before shrugging.

"If he could be toppled by a mortal, he doesn't really deserve to be a god, does he? Besides, I have a feeling he was
always guided in some way, shape or form by his heart. An unfortunate event in the gene pool I'm afraid. It's better
off that he's dead, saves me the trouble of finding out Eris' secrets and doing it myself. You'll be better, won't you?"

Light gaped, not exactly telling Zeus that L was, in fact, alive.

"But if you don't want any complaints from the gods, and they're going to be testing my boundaries, but you admire
strength... you want me to be both lenient and strong?"

Zeus' lips twitched before rolling his massive shoulders.

"Like I said. I don't envy your job. If you're really that bad at it, I might have to take over the reins."
Light's eyes popped. Zeus was talking about possibly being king of Olympus and the Underworld? Aello's
comments about outside influence made him wince. This is a change of regime. Every god is probably going to
come at some point or another to get in my good graces and establish some control over the territory. This was such
a mess. How did L navigate these fucked up politics?

Zeus was staring at him expectantly.

"Well?" He chirped, "I'm your guest, you won't offer a meal before my long journey home? Strike one, Human."

Light started, clearing his throat.

"Oh, of course! Please, Zeus, join me for dinner."

The god beamed.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Eris felt the electricity in the air change and the hairs on the back of her neck stood, panic taking hold. No, no. Not
Zeus... anyone but Zeus... although she supposed she should've seen this coming, higher gods sizing up the new

Eris pulled at her chains until her wrists were raw. Tears threatened her eyes, but she held them back. No, Light said
he'd be coming back. Her freedom was so close that she could practically taste it. She slumped, breathing heavily.
What was she thinking? She couldn't rely on a fucking human... they were full of shit. Just like the gods. All of them
were hypocritical liars... acting like she was so terrible for being unable to control her chaotic side meanwhile they
went around raping and killing for fun.

She paused, sensing L's presence. Her eyes narrowed, ready for an imposing and intimidating sight. When L actually
appeared, he was... okay, it was obvious he'd never walked so much before in his life. His face was a light shade of
red, his hair clinging to his neck in sweat... Eris couldn't help it, she burst out laughing. L's eyes hardened.
"Fuck you. Someone took away my wings."
She wheezed, almost doubling over.

"I guess we know who's not running a marathon any time soon."

Without his powers and extraordinary strength, she wasn't intimidated by him. L crossed his arms, leaning against a
wall. A bubble of laughter of his own caught in his chest. He and Eris always had a... complicated relationship...
before Persephone made her way into his life, everyone always thought he and Eris would marry. Death and Chaos?
What better match was there? Neither could really say they felt romance for the other, but in their world,
ambivalence was almost as good as love... it just so happened L found the latter... He sighed, massaging the bridge
of his nose.
"I should've known having you in my kingdom would bite me in the ass someday. And I should've realized that's
why Zeus commanded I take you. Big shock, chaos and misery follow you wherever you go."

Eris' brow quirked.

"You think I want it to be like that?"

L didn't answer, staring at the stone ground, his face lost in a deep pensiveness. Eris twirled her chain lazily.

"I'm guessing you didn't brave Cerberus and traverse the fields just to see how I'm doing," she prodded, leaning

"I'm going to kill Light," he whispered, "I need to kill the man who murdered my wife."

Eris debated, tapping her talons. He didn't know about Light's ichor rejection... although it might be more interesting
just to give him the secret to her killing and send him loose... but she swallowed heavily, guilt about Light picking at
her stomach. She truly never meant for this to happen to him, all she'd wanted was an ally while she took over

"I believe he's suffering much more at the current second," she admitted with a grumble.

L's eyes snapped in her direction, and she was shocked to see genuine concern on his features.


"Light's body is rejecting the ichor."

L pushed himself off the wall, his breathing heavy.


Eris stared at him.

"Why do you care so much? Just a minute ago, you were saying how much you want to kill him."
L's chest was heaving. That was true... he came here with one mission...why was his stomach twisting so
harshly? Light's suffering, you should be happy... so why wasn't he? It felt like a dream as he slid to his knees.

"How can I help him?"

Eris' brow furrowed in confusion. Was he being serious? He wanted to help him? After everything Light had done?
Well, she wasn't going to help him!
"He promised to free me, and he hasn't yet," she growled, trying to bite back the tears.

L watched her, his gaze flickering. He could see the pain on her face. Over 13,000 years she'd been here, her only
visitors being him, her monsters and talking loudly to the ferryman. All because chaos was her nature. His eyes
widened, slowly looking at his hands.

"I was just like them, wasn't I?" He whispered, "they told me to get your secrets and I just did what they wanted. I
let fear control me... fear of you and what you could do... I'm no better than them."

Eris shrugged helplessly.

"I mean... to be fair, you weren't wrong. I really want to set off some discord up on Olympus."

He huffed a laugh, shaking his head.

"You would."

Her eyes glittered with this strange pseudo-friendship. Faltering, she cleared her throat.

"He wrote your name in a journal. Theoretically, you writing his should just transfer it back."

L bit his thumb, crouching in front of her. So close that she could slash his throat if she wanted to. Her eyes
flickered around his face, holding her breath. For a beat, none of them moved until a small smile crossed his lips.

"I don't know if it'll work... hopefully my blood can still do it. Those chains? They were forged in my ichor."

Eris snorted.


"Yup, pulled out all the stops for my most terrifying prisoner."

He held out his arm, wincing.

"Please don't slice an artery. I don't think I can reform."

Eris watched him, trying to see the trick on his face. When she couldn't, she exhaled shakily and strategically sliced
a talon along his arm. He yelped, clamping his jaw in pain.

"Remember when that would've only felt like a paper-cut?" She purred.

L's lips tightened, glaring at her.

"I'm insane. I'm fucking insane."

Red drops of blood pooled, stark against his white skin. Hissing, he looked at her, the makings of a sinful and
devious grin on his face.
"Judging by the electricity in the air, I take it dear old Brother is here... you know, I realized something rather
interesting," his eyes sparked, "I really don't give a shit about Olympus. I tortured you for them, and they stuck you
in my kingdom knowing chaos literally follows, but hey, as long as it wasn't them, who cares, hm? The Underworld
is just their throwaway where they stick all the problems they don't want. Go have your fun, I'll help Light."

"When you get your powers back... are you going to kill him?"

L didn't answer right away.

"We'll see."

The blood dripped off and sizzled against the chains, eroding the metal. Yes... even without ichor, it was working...
Eris trembled, tears sliding down the bridge of her nose. It was happening... it was finally happening...

She gasped as the chains melted off her wrists and ankles, revealing the red and bloodied skin. Eris slowly brought
them up to her face, gingerly poking at them. L swayed on the balls of his feet. Eris slowly stood, her knees buckling
from not having been used for thousands of years. She almost tripped, but quickly steadied herself on the wall, her
entire body shaking. L stood.

"Just do me a favor and never step foot in my kingdom again?"

Eris looked at him and nodded, a smile breaking out across her face.
Chapter 19: The King's Return

Chapter Text

After dinner, Zeus insisted they share stories. Light didn't know how to politely decline, so he was practically
dragged to a large hall meant to entertain guests, large torches along the walls lit up to make the room feel
grandiose. They sat on some of the sofas off to the side, Light not sure what else to do as he swirled the wine in his
cup. Zeus chuckled, downing his umpteenth cup of wine, motioning to Light.

"Tell me, I'm curious. What was it like being a mortal, knowing your life was so finite?"

Light started, adverting his gaze and shrugging, delicately sipping his wine.

"When you're surrounded by other humans, you don't think of it that much," he admitted sheepishly.

Zeus nodded thoughtfully, glancing at some statues lining the wall.

"Oh, my brother can be so morbid," he grumbled.

Light snorted at that, unable to stop it. It was true... L was the most morbid little thing he'd ever met... and he loved
him for it... Light stared at his wine, that familiar pang in his heart. He'd chased L away... it was all his fault... He
was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Zeus sidling over to him, examining him.

"You look so sad, Little One," He murmured.

Light blinked and cleared his throat, trying to shrug off the feelings.
"A special someone," Zeus purred understandingly, "I've seen that look countless times," he chuckled, "I've had that
look countless times."

His face burned. Was he really that much of an open book? Light chugged his wine, making himself look almost

"I chased them away. It was really their loss," he forced himself to sound nonchalant.

Zeus stared at him for a second before leaning in. Light's eyes darted, leaning away from the towering god. The
corners of Zeus' lips twitched.

"You're right," he mumbled, "it was their loss."

Light gaped, warning bells setting off in his head. If he didn't know better, he'd say Zeus was showing an interest in
him... but Light wasn't attracted to him! His throat closed, remembering the thousands of legends starting with him
raping someone. Zeus wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Light's breathing quickened, giving a tight smile as the
god continued.

"I must say, you're a rather beautiful mortal." He leaned in. It felt like Light couldn't move, the fear twisting his
mind. Zeus' voice was low and husky, "I want you."

Nostrils flaring now, Light looked for an escape. He gasped when Zeus nuzzled the crook of his neck. He seemed to
sense Light's apprehension because he smiled into Light's skin.

"You might as well enjoy it," he sighed, pecking Light's collarbone and sending insects crawling up his spine, "I
always get what I want."

"Excuse me, I think I hear Aello calling for me."

"I don't hear anything," his voice vibrated in Light's skin.

Light trembled, shaking his head.

"I really can't," he started, attempting to rise to his feet.

But Zeus held him back, keeping him pinned to the sofa. He dragged a finger down Light's abdomen, going lower
and lower.


Light pushed Zeus away, falling onto the floor. The god glared at him, the lightning in his eyes crackling

"How dare you deny me?"

"Easy," Light growled, scrambling to his feet.

Before he could run though, Zeus touched his shoulder.

Light's eyes widened slightly. He opened his mouth to protest. Electricity shot through his body, the shock just
enough to make him pass out, the floor rushing up to meet him.

The soft bed meeting his back was what woke him up. Light blinked, eyes darting and popping when he realized
Zeus was straddling him in his own bedroom.

"What are you doing?!" Light yelled, trying to wiggle from under his grasp.

Zeus held him steady, a slow smile crossing his lips.

"It's so lucky you became the new Hades," he purred, "you're quite beautiful."

Now fully awake, and the adrenaline momentarily dulling his painful ichor, Light cried out, shaking his head.

"Leave me alone!" He barked, trying to throw off Zeus.

But it was no use. The god was all muscle... a boulder on Light's abdomen. His nostrils flared, fear taking over.
Could he turn him into a statue? Was that even possible to do to a god? Zeus glanced at him in genuine confusion
and a touch of anger.

"You should be honored I wish to take you," he bit.

Light was breathing heavily, his limbs shaking. Zeus traced his jawline, sending Light shuddering. The god started
to reach for the bottom of Light's chiton, fingers ghosting over his thighs, when his eyes hardened.

"I said no!" Light roared.

The yell made the air vibrate, propelling Zeus back with its force. Zeus glared at him. Light beat his wings, shooting
for the balcony. He hadn't made it far when Zeus' hand snapped out and grabbed a wing. By now, they were so
scabbed, frail and brittle that the wing split, a large gash gushing ichor.

Light screamed, landing hard and limp across the floor, the broken wing still tightly clutched in Zeus' fist.

"I said I want you," Zeus snarled, colliding his foot into Light's gut, "and I get what I want, Maggot. The sooner you
learn that, the quicker your transition to Olympus will be."

He doubled over, coughing. Panic spread through him as his ichor pooled on the floor, making his vision going
blurred. Light sobbed, feeling Zeus' entire weight, hand snaking around to his member.

"Please don't," he begged, thrashing.

Zeus had just tightly gripped the shaft when there was a cry from beyond the curtain that led to the balcony. Light's
face twisted, shock shivering up his system.

Eris crashed into the room, cackling gleefully. Zeus gasped, dropping Light. He landed hard on the ground, his ichor
caking in his hair and spreading across his face. She landed on the wall, her very presence in the room making the
objects bend and warp chaotically.

"Hey Lightning Boy," she cooed.

This was her element.

Causing fear and bringing kings to their knees.

Was it right? Not really. Did she care? Fuck no.

"How'd you escape?" Zeus demanded, eyes wild with terror.

"Oh, Brother, I believe that's where I come in."

Light gaped, eyes misting. L smirked, leaning easily against the wall. L... Light couldn't hold it in anymore. He
shook, hand going to his mouth as his whole body quivered, tears sliding down his cheeks. The pure, raw terror from
before hadn't faded, but it was mixed with a relief the likes of which he'd never known. Even though he hadn't been
penetrated, he felt violated... vulnerable...

Zeus was staring at L in shock. He thought his brother was dead!

L bit his lip, watching Light have a personal meltdown. 

"Trying to take advantage of the new Hades, hm? Undermining his power, trying to rape him and subjugate him.
You probably thought doing so would make him compliant with whatever you'd want in the future."

Zeus snarled, pointing a shaky finger at Eris.

"You let her out? She tried to murder me! She murdered your wife!"

L bristled, his glare sliding to Light. But he was heaving, curled up in a small ball.

"She offered a deal and he took it," L spat, "if he'd just said no, none of this would be happening."

Light shrank, wishing he could disappear under L's bitter eyes. He covered a battered wing over himself, hiding
beneath the red feathers. Eris crawled towards Zeus, a spark of insanity in her eyes.

"Olympus will be mine," she snarled.

Zeus scowled, raising a hand. Lightning cracked between his fingers, electrifying the air. Eris hissed, every step
causing the wall to curl excitedly.

"Whoa, whoa," L interjected, making everyone glance at him.

"Eris, Zeus, have the war for the Heavens anywhere BUT the Underworld. Especially not my room."

The two gods faltered, gaping. Eris motioned to Zeus.


"Are you sure, Brother? It's going to be super cool."

"Epic," Eris agreed with Zeus for once.

L crossed his arms.

"My mind's made up."

They stared at him for a second before Zeus burst out in uproarious laughter.
"You can't command me, Pipsqueak. You don't have your magic, your invulnerability... you're weak."

L's lips curled, his eyes sparking dangerously.

"Am I? If there's anything I've learned from Light's little manipulations-"

He snapped his fingers. Instantly, the furies and harpies gathered on the balcony, beaming with pride. They were
fiercely loyal to L... magic or not, he was their Hades. They unsheathed weapons, watching Eris and Zeus fearlessly.
L smirked.

"- it's that you don't need power to have power."

The furies flapped their wings menacingly, giving bird-like screeches. Both Zeus and Eris gazed at them cautiously.
Zeus' eyes snapped in his brother's direction.

"You're turning your back on Olympus? You'll lose your seat for this."

L shrugged uninterestedly.
"This is my fight," he declared, picking Light up by the scruff of his chiton, his wings hanging.

Light yelped with a slight squeak, trying not to meet L's scathing look. L waved away a hand at Eris.

"Go to the surface and fight him all you want. Maybe with any luck, you'll kill the Olympians and they'll fade into
myth, the mortals never sure whether or not they existed to begin with."

Eris straightened, blinking in gratitude. Zeus' eyes were hard.

"I don't follow your command-"

"Then I'll have you dragged out by chariot," L replied coldly.

Zeus blanched, the threat not being idle. Light watched L in awe. How did he... it had taken all he had these past few
days not to completely fall apart... and with two dangerous gods in the room, suddenly it felt like he was in control.
Eris sighed, spreading bat-like wings, light but leathery.

"Your loss," she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, "it's going to be an awesome climax."

L rolled his eyes.

"No doubt. Just have your amazing climax outside of my home. From now on, the Underworld is neutral! No gods
in or out, no more Olympus. No more scheming or power-driven murders. Nefeli was killed as a means to and end...
Once again, I and my kingdom suffer for this stupid conflict... no more... GET OUT. BOTH OF YOU. IF I EVER

Zeus still looked ready to argue, but grumbled under his breath, moving to the balcony. A bolt of lightning came
down, enveloping him. And as quickly as he had come, he was gone. Eris scrabbled to the balcony, golden eyes
"Thank you, Hades."
"Just don't kill everyone. We've already got a bit of a population problem because of his screwup."

Light winced. Eris' brow quirked, wondering what L would do with him. Whatever. It wasn't her problem anymore.
She was free and the first thing she wanted to do was feel the sun... have water and grass between her toes... the
thought made her grin as she bowed her head. Spreading her batty wings, she took to the sky, disappearing among
the blanket of clouds.

L released a breath. That could've gone very bad very quickly.

Okay, now to the matter at hand.

He dropped Light against the floor. The other landed hard, shivering.

"Where's the journal."

It wasn't so much a question as a demand. Light motioned to the nightstand, his head stuck in a bow. He couldn't
meet L's eyes... The furies and harpies dipped respectfully and went off to their duties, tittering excitedly about how
they were getting Hades back. Holding up the journal, L gasped, his eyes welling. Light's ichor had completely
soaked Persephone's pillow beyond repair... He slowly picked it up, running a hand over its soft material.
Oh, Nefeli... you deserved so much more...

Clutching it tightly to his chest, he glared at Light, his head bowing so low his forehead practically brushed the

"What are you going to do to me once you have your powers?"

Annihilate you? Make you wish you were never born?

But staring at Light, his heart faltered, the rage sputtering. It already looked like Light was regretting being born...
the wound was still gushing, thickly coating the floor. It didn't even look like the man could move... laying in his
own ichor, violated, sick, terrified. Light twisted his head.

"L... I'm so happy to-"

"HAPPY?!" L roared, grabbing an unlit torch.

He was about to crash it into Light's head when he saw the other flinch, hiding his face in shame. L breathed
heavily, the thing shaking in his hand. 

Light scratched at his scalp, honestly believing L would bash him with it. L stumbled, the rage still pounding his
temple, but unsure how to deal with it. Yelling in frustration, he launched the torch across the room, shattering a
large mirror.

He leaned against the wall, hating himself. He'd told himself he'd get revenge at the cost of his heart, yet here he
was... unable to hurt him... well, there was one pain that was unavoidable. L shook the journal. 
"I'm sure I don't need to tell you the transfer is agonizing," L spat, remembering when he went through it, venom in
his voice as he scribbled Light's name.

The other didn't answer, just stared at the floor.

"Is this going to make me mortal again?" He whispered.

"You won't have the benefits of ichor, but you'll stay immortal. Eternity is the curse of this damned thing."

Light closed his eyes, nodding. Immortal without powers.

"You hate me."

It was something he didn't want to admit to himself, didn't want to believe.

L stared at him. Hate... it wasn't the opposite of love... and as much as L wanted to rip these feelings out of his chest,
he knew on a deeper level that what he felt for Light was love.

"I don't."

That made Light's head whip up, eyes large.

"But I can't just give you my love," L breathed, shaking his head.

How could he? Just thinking about Nefeli brought on a fresh wave of pain. No matter what, every time he'd look at
Light, he'd be reminded of her... her death and murderer... the fact that he left her alone on a cold cave floor, crying
out for help... Light pitched forward, begging.

"Please... anything... I'll do anything you need..."


What could he possibly do to make L comfortable with loving him? L hesitated. He opened his mouth but Light
cried out in pain, collapsing. There was an intense pressure in his chest. He convulsed on the floor, his entire body

L stared at him, trying to feel cold and detached. But with every anguished shriek, his face twisted in sadness, every
instinct pleading for him to help the other.

Light clawed at his chest and stomach, the burning worse than it had ever been. Boiling alive... it felt like he was
boiling alive and was powerless to stop it. He shriveled, his howls echoing against the stone walls and ceiling,
traveling down the halls. It got so intense that Light collapsed, going unconscious. His feathers fell off in droves
until the spines of his gorgeously red wings were dust.

As it happened, L could feel it returning to him, the strength he'd always known and had taken for granted. He
inhaled deeply, feeling it all swirl in his chest and lungs, an old friend he hadn't realized he'd missed. His large,
lusciously iridescent black wings sprouted, glowing all shades of blues, greens and purples. They were still raw, too
new to properly fly with. But L gave them an experimental flap, almost beaming at how they moved.

He watched Light, on his side, brow pallid and covered in sweat. The wound had been coming from Light's wings.
Now that they were gone, he was whole, not a scratch on his body. L chewed his thumb, debating. He wasn't even
sure why he did it, but he tenderly hoisted Light, carrying him to the bed.
Tucking him in, L pushed a lock of hair behind his ear. He dabbed at Light's temple, his skin hot to the touch... like
an infection his body was fighting off... Light's chapped lips moved wordlessly, his limbs shivering. L watched him,
his mind commanding him to leave, but every other part of him found himself staying.

"It's okay, Light," L soothed, moving onto the bed himself but staying on top of the covers.

Light buried his face sleepily into L's hip, his breathing steadying. Soon, L could see the sweating slow and even the
temperature was going down. Without the ichor boiling him alive, he was returning to normal... L stroked a hand
through that hair, outlining the shape of his features. How desperately he wished it could be like this... every day
waking up to that face... but it was impossible... 

Still, he fell asleep, Light folded in his body-heat.

Chapter 20: Prices
Chapter Text
A dream... as much as L wanted it to be real... he knew it wasn't...
She was sitting in her garden, designing a brand new flower. L slowly walked up, awing at the colors swirling
together in its petals. Nefeli glanced at him, resting her cheek on her knee.
"You look like shit."
He laughed, his throat tight. Looking at her, he internalized what her appearance, golden hair flowing down her
back and green eye twinkling somehow both earnestly and mischievously. He grasped her hands, grateful for how
real they felt, her soft skin light to the touch.
"Please come back," he begged, lip quivering.
Light said he'd give anything... she was his anything... he'd sell everything, every part of his soul and being just to
be with her. Nefeli smiled sadly, passing a hand over his scalp. He leaned into it, drinking in her sweet scent. A
scent he could never get tired of. Something he'd never appreciated before, never gave himself the opportunity to
think he'd be missing it someday.
"I wish I could," she whispered, "... but you better than any god knows the permanence of death."
L shook his head stubbornly.
"I can find a way-"
"No," she said firmly, touching the side of his face, wiping at a tear, "you can't. And even if you did," her lips
twitched, "that would put you in a very awkward position with your new lover."
He scowled, touching her shoulders.
"I don't love him! Please, Nefeli... I love you!"
Her brow quirked.
"Has it ever occurred to you that you love both of us?"
"N-no!" His voice cracked, "he killed you! I could never... I'll never move on! You're the only-"
"Lysander," her hands wrapped around his wrists, hands still gripping her shoulders like a lifeline. Her eyes were
intense, her gaze captivating, "... do you think I want you to be alone for eternity?"
He searched her face, shuddering.
"But you can't possibly want me to be with Light!"
Nefeli framed his face. He sagged in her grip, his brain etching every detail into his memory.
"While the thought does sting," she admitted with a quiet grin, "... what I want, L, is for you to be happy."
L's gaze went distant.
"He said he'd do anything to win my love..."
Nefeli cocked her head.
"And do you have a price?"
L's eyes popped in realization... how he could accept Light... but the price... it was a deep sacrifice that not even he
was sure if he was willing to have Light take.
"The price of my love is extremely high... too high... he'll never do it."
A small smile played at Nefeli's lips.
"It sounds more like you're afraid he'll accept."
L met her eyes, the truth shining through.
"I am," he admitted, "I... I know in the pit of my stomach he'll pay it... but I could lose him..."
Nefeli nodded thoughtfully, returning to her flower. She poked at the petal, shaking her head.
"Well. Whether or not you lose him will be up to him. All you can do is offer the chance, Lysander."
He stared at her quietly. She had moments like these, where a wise soul beyond her years shone through her
childish playfulness. He loved both parts of her... Nefeli clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, trying to
change the flower's color.
"It's not quite right."
"... I miss you..."
She straightened, looking at him.
"I hope you always will... but please L... try to find happiness. Love's important."
Her eyes shone warmly. L blinked, feeling himself being pulled back towards consciousness.
"No," he rasped. He needed more time!
"Nefeli!" He tried reaching forward, but it felt like he was falling.
Panic exploded in his brain. One more look. He couldn't just leave her like this!
"I love you, Lysander," a disembodied voice whispered in his ear.
He squeezed his eyes shut, nodding rapidly, his chest squeezing.
"I love you too," he choked.

He woke up, Light still sleeping peacefully against him. He was looking much better, healthier and stronger. L
settled beside him, watching the slow rise and fall of his chest, lost in thought.

Light's eyes fluttered open, still not fully awake yet. He made eye-contact with L, a dreamy smile on his features.
The filtered light was beautiful against L's porcelain skin.

"Hey, Babe-" Light mumbled sleepily.

His eyes flew open, shooting to a sitting position.


Light cowered, his mind racing. Was L going to kill him? Torture him? Just last night, the god had been a horrifying
storm of fury...

But he was shocked to see how calm L was. Once could even say he looked... at peace... L cleared his throat,
propping himself on his elbow. Light exhaled slowly, sliding down next to him, their faces inches apart. There was a
deep pondering in his eyes, lines on his face and Light could see the god debating something.

"What are you thinking about?" His voice wavered.

L rubbed his lip, eyes flickering around Light's face.

"I'm trying to decide whether you're a murderer by nature."

Light swallowed, twisting the bedsheet between his fingers.

"I'll accept any punishment," he croaked, "I... if you have to kill me... I understand..."

And he meant it. The honesty in the statement even surprised Light. L's brow quirked, his features still cryptic.
Rolling onto his back, he stared at the ceiling. Light stared at him, the tension and uncertainty making his toes curl.
L sighed heavily, smoothing a hand over his face. He twisted back onto his side, facing Light.
"Okay, Light," L rumbled, "this is what's going to happen... you wanted to know the price of my love and I'll give it
to you... but it comes with tremendous sacrifice. I want to stress now that if you refuse, I understand. I'll be
heartbroken," his lips twitched wryly, "but I'll understand."

At Light's eager face, L inhaled deeply.

"Voluntarily drink from the Lethe."

Light gaped. The same river he'd been planning to use to make L forget about Nefeli... to make him a blank slate...
but he listened intently as L continued.

"If you drink from the Lethe, you'll lose all your memories, but you'll have your own wing in the palace and I will
help you rediscover yourself. No manipulations or sexually taking advantage of you... but helping you find out who
you want to be. If your new self doesn't love me... that'll be okay. Hell, I might fall out of love with who you'll
become. But no matter what, I'll always support you, no matter where you go and what you do...

If you don't drink... I'll have to ask you to leave the Underworld. I'll never go after you and you can live your life
wherever or however you want with your memories, just not here... I've realized how precious memories of loved
ones can be. If you choose to remember your family, I can respect that decision. I'll never be able to give my heart to
you, but I won't try to hurt you... so I'm asking you here and now...

will you kill the man that murdered my wife?"

Light's throat felt dry, his eyes wide. If he agreed, he'd be giving up everything. His memories of his family, his
home, his time with L both good and bad...

"Can I have some time to think about?"

L was floored. Just him thinking about it felt like a heart-swelling achievement.

"Of course. Stay here. Rest. Think... I have to go take care of the spirits."
Light nodded gratefully, watching the other leave. Once he was gone, he heaved, fear making him sick. I'd become
an entirely new person... even with L helping me find out who I am... 'Light' will be dead. He covered a shaky hand
to his mouth, his mind torn.

The fields were definitely busy... L had no doubt Eris was taking that "have your fun" to heart. L wondered if she
and Zeus were currently battling... he didn't really want to know who would win... when he was done, he paced in
the library anxiously chewing on his nails. He sank onto the sofa, hanging his head, not sure if he was more scared
Light would say no... or that he'd say yes...

L wasn't sure how long he was like that until he heard the quiet shuffling of feet. He picked his head up, looking to
see Light with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. There were still harsh lines under his eyes but the fact that
he was up and moving around made L's heart twist. Light pulled his blanket tighter around himself.

"L... if I do this, I need to hear that you'll never leave me alone... if I need help... I'll always have a place with you.
Even if... even if my new self is worse than who I am now. Even if my new self is the worst murderer this world has
ever seen... I need to know you won't abandon me."

Their eyes met, a myriad of things passing between them. L gaped, the shock making his hands cold. Light was...
"You have my word," L whispered.

He swayed on his feet, staring at the ground before nodding.

"Mom and Sayu haven't appeared in the fields."

"They won't. Their souls are trapped in the stones."

"Are they... are they suffering?"

L shook his head and Light released a breath.

"And since I'm immortal... I'll never be able to join my dad to the afterlife... what happens to him now?"

"I shuttle him down to the ferry. At first, his soul will be in distress that his closest loved ones aren't with him... but
he'll learn to accept it. And when he goes to the afterlife, he'll see those he loved but weren't close enough to wait in
the fields for."

Light blinked, his eyes welling in shame. His eyes slid to his hand. The one that had plunged a knife into her back.

"Persephone... Nefeli... deserves to be avenged. What I did to her..." Light shuddered, "I tricked her and played off
her fears when all she wanted to do was protect you... L... I'm so sorry... You need to know that she loved you
enough to travel through the most terrifying staircase in existence and brave Chaos because she thought you were in
trouble. How... how can you even consider loving me?"

His gaze flickered. L swallowed.

"I don't know," he breathed, "I've been trying to tell myself that I hate you. And to some extent, I do. To some
extent, you disgust me and make me feel ashamed of how I feel. I want to tear myself apart for not being able to kill
you. But to a further extent... I need you in my life. As a lover, a friend, a brother, anything. I-I just need you."

Light blinked, his heart aching.


"... okay?"


Light inhaled deeply.

"Let's give Nefeli some justice. But one thing first. Before I lose myself."

At L's questioning expression, Light stepped forward, standing so close he could feel L's breath pushing the fabric
over his stomach. L understood Light's silent request... a dead man's last wish... Rising to his feet, he swayed,
watching Light warily and kissed him slowly, his lips warm. Light gasped, opening his mouth and hungrily inviting
L's tongue. Wrapping his arms around the other, Light's eyes screwed shut, a tear fighting to drop down.
L's body was shaking. His mind was frazzled and he didn't know what to do. Light agreed. Nefeli was going to get
her justice... The kiss became more heated, tongues dancing and fingers spreading through hair. L framed Light's
face, conflicting emotions in his chest.
"Are you sure this is your choice?" His voice vibrated Light's mouth, "once you drink its water, there's no coming

Light nodded numbly, L's soft locks falling over his fingers.

"I want to be a good person again," he rasped.

L searched the other's eyes, his own shining gratefully. Leaning in, he captured Light's lips again, realizing this may
be the last time they saw each other in this way... Light gasped, leading L to the sofa and attaching his lips to his
neck. L's eyes glazed over, feeling the other's teeth graze his skin.

Light's fingers dragged up and down L's abdomen, feeling the sharpness of his bones and the smoothness of his
muscles. Every touch was fiery, a needy passion with an underlying sadness. A last goodbye.

L's mouth fell open, Light sliding his chiton over his head. The cool air sent goosebumps prickling his skin, sending
his mind locking. He groaned, Light's finger moving into his entrance.

Light's finger pumped, his heart squeezing. He really would do anything for L... no... this wasn't just for L... he
wanted a new chance. A new life. When he added a second and third finger, L threw his head back, hips moving
rhythmically to the feeling. Light's tongue darted around his nipple and L moaned, the sound sending Light's
stomach topsy-turvy. Just seeing L, his face contorted in pleasure sent his member into an erection, so straight and
rigid it almost hurt.

Sliding his hands down Light's back, L cupped his ass. Light took that as the signal to enter, hissing when he slowly
pushed into L. L made a strangled sound, wrapping his legs around Light's waist.

"Light," he breathed.

The other moved slowly, savoring every movement. He didn't even know why it was so important that this be
perfect... by all accounts he was going to forget it ever happened. But Light couldn't help feeling like this was
special, his fingers digging into L's shoulder. He loved this... the wet feeling of L around him, his muscles pulsing
with every languid thrust.

L's fingers twitched, wrapped around Light's broad back.

"More," he begged, his breathing strained.

Light obliged, thrusting faster and deeper, his member stretching L open until he found the other's prostate. L
groaned, burying his face into the crook of Light's neck. His own member was twitching, come spurting and
spearing across Light's stomach. Light's teeth sank into L's shoulder, his mind spinning as he sucked at the pale skin.
He might not remember leaving it, but the mark would be there... if nothing else, a reminder for L... L pressed
Light's head closer to his skin, reveling in the way his skin stretched and bruised in the other's mouth.

The sofa creaked, every lunge burying Light's cock deeper into the other. Both were panting heavily, L's mouth open
in pleasure. There was an itch under his skin, every heart-pounding movement making his pulse quicken anxiously.

"Can I- oh, Gods, can I scream your name?" Light grunted.

L nodded rapidly, letting out low, throaty sounds, his breathing uneven.

He felt how Light released into him, a deep shudder that left Light slumping and filling him.

His orgasm brought L's, his mind going to static as he came on Light's stomach, his partner shivering from the

Craning his neck downwards, Light caught L's lips, a tender kiss akin to a 'thank you'. L hesitated before returning
it, brushing his tongue along Light's lips. Leaning back and taking in L's face, his kiss-swollen lips and light sweat,
Light grinned nervously.

"I'm ready."

L couldn't stop tapping his foot. Light was kneeling in front of the Lethe, small wooden bowl in hand. He wouldn't
have to drink a lot... technically a drop would make him forget everything... he swished the water, watching it swirl
and dip. Chewing his lips, he met L's eyes. To his surprise, the god seemed nervous, his grey eyes large and worried.

Light's lips went up reassuringly.

"I'll see you on the other side."

Before he could reconsider, Light drank the bowl, the cool water washing his mouth and trickling down his throat.
The nervous energy was put on hold, L locking eyes with Light. Time seemed to freeze, the two of them sharing an
entire conversation with just their eyes. Regret, relief, tenderness, hope.

Light's eyes misted and for the first time since Nefeli's death, he saw a genuine smile cross L's thin lips.

"I love you," L's voice cracked.

Chapter 21: A New Life
Chapter Text

It was scary at first. Light could feel his memories smearing and melting. His mother's face was disappearing before
his very eyes... Sayu's voice went distorted until he couldn't even make out what she was saying. Everything...
Athens... what was Athens? The smell of the kitchen and his bed, the taste of honey and wine and kissing L by the
fire... He almost smiled wistfully, the memories of music and the sun and his entire life flashing. Light's breath
caught, his pulse racing... Everything blurred until they were indistinguishable, just a splatter of indiscernible color.
At that point, it stopped being scary. After all, he couldn't remember what he was supposed to be fearful for.

And just like a switch, Light was gone, the memories that made him everything he was evaporated.

His eyes glazed over, staring blankly at the sky.

L leaned forward, his heart like a hummingbird.

"Light?" L whispered.

When Light didn't move or respond, he felt a sliver of panic.


But then the other pitched forward, the bowl slipping from his hand. L took a cautious step forward, heart pounding.
Light moaned, glancing around in confusion before his eyes settled on the god. L stared at him, at a loss for words.

Light's eyes were wide, almost child-like. Although... L supposed to a certain degree he was one. Light was
trembling. He pulled his knees close to his body, teeth chattering.

"Hey," L said gently.

He took another step but Light's eyes popped in fear, a terrified squeak leaving his throat. L quickly held up his
hands peacefully and sat down where he was, trying to show Light that he wasn't a threat. Light simply stared at

"Do you... do you remember how to talk?"

L supposed he didn't... Light had probably forgotten everything besides basic functions like sleeping and breathing.
He might even need supervision around food... L made a mental note to tell the chef to make soft foods and soup for
a while.

Light rested his chin on his knees, his eyes welling. He could tell there was something missing... something wrong
with him... all he could see in his memories were smears... tattered and broken.

L swallowed heavily, smiling tenderly. He pointed a finger at Light, making the other start.

"Light... your name is Light."

Of course he didn't expect Light to understand, but the silence was so heavy, he had to try something. He placed a
hand against his own chest, feeling tears in the back of his eyes. He was about to say Lysander, but paused, his
breath catching.

"... L. You can call me L."

He decided he liked the name... Lysander was Nefeli's. L was Light's. They simply sat there, Light's eyes boring into
L's. L flexed his ankles, wiggling his toes. The corners of Light's lips twitched upwards but his eyes remained

L tilted his head, seeing that the other must be cold... Light was shivering, hugging his body close to himself and
rubbing his legs for warmth.

"Do you want to come inside? I can show you to your new home," L offered.

He stood up and Light gasped, the horror reigniting. Was this strange man going to hurt him? He squeezed his eyes
shut, waiting for pain... when he felt something warm fall around his shoulders... he opened his eyes to see the other
carefully and tenderly adjusting a fur blanket, the thing combatting the cold. Light gaped, digging himself into the
comforting warmth, confused why his heart was beating so fast.

After adjusting the blanket, L sat back on his haunches, now only a foot away from the other. Light searched his
face, brow furrowed... until he smiled. L's heart twisted as he returned it and held out a hand.
Light slowly took the hand, struggling to his feet. He didn't know why, but there was something about the man he
trusted. The man won't hurt me. Rather than just hold his hand, Light hugged his arm, clinging to him as if he was
his last hope.

L didn't discourage nor encourage it, he simply led Light back to the palace. As the walked, Light's eyes caught a
dark mark on the other's shoulder. What happened? He curiously poked at it and the man winced, gritting his teeth.
Light gasped. He didn't mean to hurt him! At his expression, the man shook his head affectionately.

"It's okay," he soothed, "don't worry about it."

Light's gaze flickered, not understanding but thankful at least he wasn't angry.

L had to show Light how to eat, having told the kitchen to prepare soup.

Light watched it in confusion, unsure how to proceed until L showed him. Hm... when he copied the man... he was
okay? He shrank, the man observing him. He seemed to be deep in thought, his thumb propped between his lips. Not
knowing what else to do, Light copied him, putting his thumb in the same position.

A smile crept up L's lips. He moved his thumb along his lip and Light did the same. He chuckled through the
underlying sadness, tapping his chin to his new mirror. The motions got bigger until it was a game, terrible jerky
dancing and him trying to trip up the other.

Light burst out into a fit of laughing, almost falling out of his chair. L placed his chin in the cup of his hand, a
protective swell in the pit of his stomach.

"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you," he murmured fondly, eyes twinkling lovingly, "come on, Light. I'll show you
your room."

L exhaled shakily, touching his forehead to the wood. He knew this was going to be difficult... but seeing the
vacancy in Light's eyes, the way he'd turned into a blank state... L allowed his feet to seek the comfort of
Persephone's garden. 

By now, the plants were so long dead that they weren't rotting so much as decaying, the smell gone and leaving
behind barren branches.

L knelt in front of the turned up earth, where her body was.

"I'm trying... I don't know how it's going to go... but I'm trying..."

His eyes found the mirror hanging in the corner, next to a tree. Stepping up to it, he snorted amusedly, gingerly
poking at the mark Light had left. He dragged his fingers longingly over the skin, remembering the smaller quirks
this new Light probably wouldn't pick back up. The way his nose wrinkled slightly when he smiled... how he'd
sweep his hair out of his face every once in a while. L's face fell slightly. The person living in the palace now was a
stranger... but maybe that was okay... he looked back at the small mound.

"It'll work out," he decided with a nod, "you don't have to worry about me... be at peace."

The corners of his lips up, he moved out of the garden, looking forward to the future.
He only stopped when he saw Soichiro, still roaming. Stepping up to him, L placed a hand on his shoulder. Soichiro
blinked, glancing at him.


"Hades," L confirmed serenely.

Soichiro gaped, no words on his mind. But if Hades was back in power, did that mean...

"My son?" He rasped.

L's gaze flickered, but he explained the situation, the spirit's face growing more and more worn.

"There's nothing left for you here... come, I'll take you personally to the ferry."

Soichiro didn't say anything at first. He shuffled his feet nervously.

"Can I... can I see him?"

"You might not like what you see."

He cleared his throat, looking at him pleadingly.

"It's okay... I'm prepared..."

No, you're not. But L didn't argue. Instead, he dipped his head respectfully, leading Soichiro to Light's room and
gently knocking. When Light opened it, his eyes flickered between L and his father, unrecognizing. L cast a
sideways look to see Soichiro's eyes had misted. He searched Light's face almost desperately. Light's nose wrinkled.
Why was this strange man staring at him like that? And why was he so... transparent?

"This is a spirit," L clarified, "the Underworld is mostly made up of them..." he met Soichiro's eyes meaningfully,
"would you like to introduce yourself?"

Soichiro's throat caught. Light only saw him as a stranger... his son was gone... he gave a tight grin.

"No. I suppose not," he bowed towards Light, "... may you find happiness."

Light's gaze was blank. He glanced at L, silently asking if he could go back to sleep. L bobbed his head reassuringly.

"Get some rest, okay?"

He slowly closed the door, leaving him and Soichiro in the hallway. Soichiro swiped at his eyes, a deep pain in the
pit of his stomach. L was still holding onto his shoulder. He patted the spirit reassuringly.

"It's time to move on."

Soichiro kept watching the door, as if Light would suddenly remember and burst through. Looking at L, he numbly

"Take care of him."

"... I will."

To L's surprise, the monsters were less... chaotic... perhaps Eris' very presence had been messing with them. But,
yes... they calmly watched from the shadows, still scheming and eager to devour, but less bold and attacking.

Making his way up, L bristled.

A god had just entered the Underworld.

He soared through the air, expecting either Zeus or Eris... but found Demeter standing awkwardly next to Cerberus.
The dog looked up at L, wagging its tail excitedly. L gently touched the ground, looking at her curiously. Demeter
sighed, fiddling with her dress.

"It's getting crazy and dangerous up there... Eris... Eris killed Zeus-"
L froze. Zeus was dead...? Huh, there was a slightly sharper sting than he would've expected. I guess you really are
a bleeding heart... can't make yourself go indifferent even if the people you care about are monsters. Oh, well. L
straightened, forcing himself to focus back on Demeter's mouth. She was rambling, her eyes darting.

"I know you've sealed off the Underworld, but-"

"You always have a place here," he replied automatically.

The ramble stopped. It seemed like she couldn't talk at all... Demeter beamed gratefully.

"Now that you have your crown back... what happened with-"

"Lethe... Demeter... you're going to realize sooner rather than later... I love him. And now that he's made such a
sacrifice, I'm always going to be there for him. Please don't blame him now... the man who killed our Nefeli is

Her mouth fell open, stunned. He chewed his lip, concerned how she'd react. But she drummed her fingers, tucking a
strand of hair behind her ear.

"It might be... awkward... but I'll do my best."

"Thank you, Demeter. Phineas will show you to the East Wing."

His lips twitched as she followed the spirit. Light had the West Wing, her the East... hm, it seemed like he was
surrounded by people now. It wasn't a bad feeling in the slightest.

Days bled into weeks, which fed into months.

It was slow and difficult, but Light regained most of his vocabulary. He was still wickedly smart, and he could pick
up his linguistic skills almost effortlessly. Piece by piece, he became more and more independent by L's guidance.

L became a much-needed and appreciated mentor for Light. And now that Zeus was gone and Eris had a soft spot
for L, he was allowed to roam the over-world to his heart's content, bringing Light along and showing him the
Earth's wonders. Besides the occasional indignant god, L managed to keep him, Light and his kingdom mostly
separate from all the fighting... and that's just how he liked it...

"Of course not all roses, but this sub-species here has the potential to live for a thousand years," L puffed his chest
out proudly.

They were sitting outside, the sun warming their bodies and a gentle breeze making the leaves and grass sway. It
was a beautiful summer day, the scent of the flowers lingering in their nostrils. These were among Light's favorite
moments, relaxing while L shared factoids about flowers. Light looked at the roses in awe.

"Whoa... they're beautiful," he breathed, pausing, "how do you know so much about flowers?"

That lady (Demeter, was it?) had been spending the past eight months re-cultivating an old garden in the palace. The
one with a marble headstone in the center. She spent so much of her time there. Sometimes Light could hear her
talking to the headstone, referring to it as "Nefeli". Light found her knowledge of flowers and plants impressive, but
he never quite understood how the God of Death was so adept. L smiled sheepishly, watching the flowers sway in
the breeze.

"Someone I loved. And still do in a way."

Light watched him. The mysterious lover? Nefeli? Every time he asked L about her, this sadness covered his eyes
and they went distant... longing... it's not like L held back information, but Light could tell talking about her pained
him. The first time Light had asked, L told him that she was 'dead'.

"... what's dead?" He had followed up.

The god's large eyes had snapped in his direction and Light was worried he'd said something wrong. But L's eyes
softened and he explained what death was. Light had listened with rapt attention, but by the time he understood what
death was, L was too drained to talk about Nefeli.

So Light figured it was best to avoid the subject, but to not be scared to bring it up. Bringing himself back into the
present, he lightly picked one up, holding it to the sunlight.

"What else do you know about roses?"

"There are so many different types," he chuckled, "about 13,000. Let's see, what else... they're related to apples,
raspberries, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, pears and almonds... And... they symbolize love."

Light twirled one of the roses, marveling at the soft petals that brushed against his skin.

"Do you love anyone? Besides Nefeli?"

When L didn't answer, Light looked at him. The god was staring at him, grey eyes glassy. He gave a nonchalant
chuckle, picking at the grass.

"Of course I do... it's just not a long list of people."

L could feel Light's eyes burning through him.

"Do you love me?"

L froze. Instinctively, his thumb went to his lips. He scratched the back of his neck, acutely aware of the wide-eyed
immortal waiting for an answer. He swallowed heavily.

"Yes," L whispered, "I love you..."

"Cool. Well I love you too," Light chirped innocently.

He watched Light return to examining the flowers, placing his chin in the cup of his hand. Although romantic love
would be nice, he also didn't mind what they had at the moment. Honestly, he could watch Light inspect the over-
world for years, eyes bright and always seeking to learn.

L reached out, tenderly taking Light's hand.

"Come on, I want to show you the Mediterranean sea. It's one of the most beautiful seas in the world."

As they started to stand, Light pulled L towards him. L's eyes popped, surprise making the world slow as Light
pressed his lips against his. His nostrils flared, brain spinning.

There wasn't tongue, it was more of an experiment for Light. But the god's lips were soft, and cold. Considering how
warm it was, the coolness was actually nice.

L hesitated, suddenly not sure where to put his hands. Light slowly pulled away, brown eyes sparkling with intrigue.

"Is that love?"

"U-uh," L stuttered.

Hm, Light had never seen his mentor look so flustered. Light waved a hand.

"Hello? Earth to L? Is that love?"

L coughed, avoiding Light's eyes.

"That's... one... expression of love."

Light tilted his head, hair falling over his eyes and smiled. The sight made L's breath catch, his knees buckling.

"I think I like it," Light admitted.

All L could do was smile weakly.

Chapter 22: Eternal Lover

Chapter Text

About 400 years later...

Light popped the dried fig candy in his mouth, leaning against the spire. L was nibbling on a small cake made with
honey, looking out over the Roman streets. The two of them liked to come up often, get entrenched with whatever
the mortals were doing. Not too long ago, Greece had fallen to Roman control. It was still a bit of a transition where
L and Light were exploring this new world power, gaging and betting on how long it'd last.

There was a festival, people getting drunk in taverns and boisterous laughter probably keeping others awake. L
swung his legs over the side of the high roof, his wings shimmering.

"Pluto? Why Pluto? It makes me sound... I don't even know. And Proserpina?! Nefeli definitely deserves a better

As it was, Nefeli always had mixed feelings about 'Persephone'. But Proserpina just sounded... weird. Light nodded
absently, tossing the last of the candies into his mouth. At least he didn't have a title the mortals were constantly
changing with every new regime.

"Definitely going to take some getting used to..." his lips twitched up as he gave a dramatic bow, "Pluto."

L pursed his lips, but there was a playfulness to it. Sitting next to L, the two of them watched the festivities, opening
a bottle of wine. Light drank some, but not enough to get drunk. He found he didn't really like getting drunk... there
was something... disorienting about it. L mostly felt the same way, watching the wine swirl more than actually drink

Light glanced at him, swallowing heavily. Ever since he woke up next to that river, his life had been filled with
learning; teaching him basic concepts, survival tactics, facts about the universe, L showing him the world, music,
art, math, science, so much. L always claimed he was helping Light discover who he wanted to be. Honestly, Light
still didn't know... he didn't even know why he was looking in the first place...

"How did I lose my memory?"

L stared at the festivities, inklings of dread bleeding through his face. The other had been asking this question for
some time now and L had always deflected. Taking a swig of the wine, now trying to get drunk, L tapped his fingers
nervously. Maybe it was time he knew...

"Light, do you believe in second chances?"

He blinked, placing his chin in the cup of his hand.

"I used to be a bad person," he concluded.

L winced. It was a bit more blunt put that way, but L supposed he couldn't really contest Light's conclusion.

"And now you're not," he said gently, "Light, I assure you this decision was 100% yours. You're asking about
someone who's been dead for centuries... a stranger to you."

Light's eyes flickered over the god's face. His features dawned in realization. Over the centuries, he'd been to the
over-world several times, had gotten acquainted with the idea of sex and had even been with a few girls when he
decided they weren't for him. A lot of things were making sense now, from the way L always seemed to watch
himself around him to the subtle flashes of sadness on the god's face.

"You once told me you loved me," he whispered, "how... in love... did we get?"
L stared out over Rome, the wind gently blowing in his dark hair. A part of him still missed Light. And Nefeli. For
someone who went his whole life believing he'd never lose anyone he loved, it felt like he'd lost so much. And
because he lived so long, he wasn't really conducive to change. But his silence was all the answer Light needed.
Light's stomach did a small flip, unsure about how he felt of this revelation.
"Do you love... that me... or this one?"

That made L's head turn in his direction. Light's breath caught. Those grey eyes had always been ethereal and
cryptic. There was a beat where neither of them said anything until L's lips went up.
"This one... I loved that you for choosing to become this you."

He meant that? Light's heart fluttered nervously. In truth, for the past two centuries, he'd been starting to look at L
differently. The elegant way the god held himself was mesmerizing and Light always found himself fantasizing
about running his hands along that pale skin, having L's mouth drop open in pleasure.

Everything felt like a dream, surreal and new as he moved closer to L and slowly kissed him, the taste of wine and
cake still fresh on his tongue. L blinked, looking at the other in shock. Light chewed his lip. Had he completely
misread the situation? But eventually L closed his eyes, returning the kiss and swaying with the other.

Standing, Light offered the other a hand. L's brow quirked but he grinned, taking it and hopping to his feet. The
music from the street below was loud, drifting over the buildings and filling the night air. Pulling L close, Light
started dancing, allowing his feet to move accordingly. L's body was lithe and languid, every stretch and move

"Do I have to watch myself around you? You seem like such a ladies-man," L quipped, dragging his fingertips along
Light's jaw.

Okay, so maybe he was a little drunk. The corners of Light's lips twitched as he hugged L, pressing the god close
against his body.

Running his hands through L's soft hair, Light felt a jolt of electricity run up his spine. Both of their pupils were
dilated, almost black. They kissed again, blood heating. The kiss became progressively fiercer and more passionate.
Their tongues danced as hands explored each others' bodies. L allowed himself to drown in the lust, as Light felt
himself give over to his body.

L threw his back, exposing his slender pale neck. Light was quick to attach his lips, his breathing quick.

"L," he moaned huskily.

The sound made L's knees buckle. He was vaguely aware of his chiton being shifted, exposing his shoulder to the
warm air.

L gasped, the pleasure heating his core. Light kissed his shoulder, his lips ghosting over L's skin, tongue dragging
along the soft part of the god's throat. They went horizontal on the roof, the highest on in the city. Here, everything
belonged to them, both with the festivities and intimately private. L's heart squeezed. He'd accepted the possibility,
probability even, that Light wouldn't love him now. He didn't even realize he'd been crying until Light gently wiped
the tear away.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

The god sniffed, nodding and forcing the words through a strangled choke.
"I thought I'd lost you," his lip quivered, "I kept telling myself I'd be fine, and I knew I would be... but I was so

Now that the truth was off his chest, L exhaled, quickly covering his eyes. Light smiled tenderly, kissing L's cheek
and the tear away.

"Well I guess it must've been true love if it survived from a past life."

L laughed, nodding. Light framed L's face, suddenly finding himself desiring... no... needing to get acquainted with
every nook and cranny of L's body, to know the other's more than his own.
Chitons were swiftly removed. Looking up at a Light with a mischievous smirk, L's tongue flicked across the other's
member. Light made a muffled noise, slowly entangling his fingers among L's hair. No girl had ever made him feel
like this! His breathing came quick, only getting harder when L took him completely into his mouth, talented tongue
wrapping around and dragging up his shaft. Light's fingers pressed harder into his scalp, nostrils flaring in pleasure.
He could feel L's throat relaxing and the god bobbed his head. Thrusting slowly, Light hissed out a breath. He
needed to thrust harder! It was so tight and amazing... his eyes slid shut as he thrusted, getting deeper and deeper in
L's throat.

L moaned, fingers digging into Light's hips. Light pitched forward, coming in L's mouth, his body trembling. Not
breaking eye-contact with Light, L swallowed around his member, cheeks hollow. Light watched with lidded eyes,
licking his lips. Dislodging his mouth from the member, L softly kissed the tip.

"Don't tell me that's it," Light cooed, dragging a finger along L's ear.

L's brow quirked as he settled back.

"Whatever you want to do."

Light's pupils dilated. With the permission, he surged forward, hugging L close to him.

Their bodies were so pressed against one another, L's legs wrapped pleadingly. Holding onto L's thigh, Light kissed
the inside, feeling the muscle quiver in anticipation. His mouth kept moving closer to the god's member before
taking it in his hand, stroking it. L made a crass sound, his heart thundering in his ears. His wings sprouted of their
own accord, wrapping around Light and sending the two of them into their own starry room, their actions only
illuminated by the wings' luster. Light sighed, the softness of the feathers tickling his back and somehow squishing
him even closer to L. He kept stroking the member, feeling the other twitch and writhe, quickly devolving from the
stoic god.

"Please," he begged, his voice a deliciously low rasp.

The sound made all of Light's systems go haywire. Yes. He needed L. He needed be pounding into him. Capturing
L's lips again, Light slowly entered, hissing with pleasure into the other's mouth.

It felt like they were made for one another, fitting together almost perfectly. L threw his head back, his breathing
heavy. Light stared at that face for a second before thrusting. The god was truly beautiful... his eyes closed and
looking like smooth marble. Light smiled, pushing his hips deep. L moaned, latching his teeth onto Light's shoulder.

"Light," he groaned, bucking his hips to meet his lover's.

The name was dripping with honey and everything sweet and luscious in the world. Light's eyes glazed, hugging L
close as he lost himself to a rut. Grunts and moans filled the static air, each deep push sending their minds whirring.
"Light!" L yelped clawing his back.

The sting of L's nails didn't register as Light cried out, coming and filling L. His body pitched forward, slamming
himself and his body against the other's hole, desperately trying to fill him as much as possible. Yelling himself, L
released with a shudder, coming all over Light's abdomen. He slumped, feeling exhausted but high. Light's body
gave a few weaker jerks, spilling the last of himself, each one producing a needy whimper from L.

They sat there quietly, L's wings acting like a blanket over their heads and bodies. Light was still reeling, unable to
process that that had just happened. After so long of sneaking glances at his mentor, always trying to sidle as close
as possible... he was still deeply buried, L's nails still latched, but he didn't mind the pain in the slightest.

Panting, he rolled off the god, basking in the glow. Yawning, L stretched, nuzzling Light's neck. His pulse fluttered
nervously under L's lips, causing his brow to furrow. Was something bothering Light?

"Are you alright, Love?"

The other smiled reassuringly, wrapping an arm around his lover. But L wasn't convinced for a second. He stared at
him, grey eyes like searchlights and burrowing deep into Light's soul. He finally sighed.

"There's something I want to ask you but I don't know how to."

L's eyes widened. Was he about to do what he thought he was about to do? Light fiddled with one of L's feathers,
running it between his fingers, his eyes lost in thought.

"I know you were married to Nefeli... I understand if you never wanted to marry again... but Lysander, Hades, God
and King of the Underworld..." Light smiled sheepishly, "...L ... will you mar-"


"You didn't let me finish!"

L chuckled at Light's playfully indignant expression.

"Because the answer is yes."

Gaping, Light enveloped L. It always shocked him how L's body got so cold, but in that moment, it was warm.

"Thank you," he murmured, pulling L in for a slower, more tender kiss.

"How in the world," Light murmured thoughtfully, raising the glass of champagne to his lips. He poked at his new
cellphone on the table as if it were toxic, "I still can't figure out this shit."

L pressed his cheek against his hand.

"Agreed, mine's a pain in the ass."

"How did Aello figure it out?"

L shrugged.

"She's just really good with that stuff."

Giving up, Light simply tossed his new phone into his pocket, shaking his head.

"The mortals are changing so quickly."

L nodded, looking out over Times Square, the large lights and busy streets. The restaurant was among the fanciest in
the city, giving them an unobstructed view of the different lights and towering buildings. Due to their wealth, they'd
managed to get themselves a private cubby with the best view in the building. Here, it was just the two of them in
the world... okay, the two of them and the waiter.

"It feels like just yesterday they were hiding from the night with their candles," L rumbled with a short laugh.

Light touched L's hand across the table, smoothing his fingers over the other's. The Romans had been the first ones
to use wedding rings, and they hadn't changed theirs since those ancient times. By now, the rings were faded and
worn, the metal dull. But they didn't mind. 

Even though L could make his high status obvious, he always wore baggy jeans and a white shirt. Light was always
teased him about it, deciding to conform much more to the styles of the time. When L had first put the clothing on,
he'd stuck his chin out and declared, 'I'm a god. I'm wearing whatever the fuck I want'. And that was that.

Sighing, Light stood up, adjusting his suit.

"Come on. If we don't leave now, we'll probably be late to the show."

L slowly stood from the chair, his body creaking as he stretched.

"Walk or fly?"

Light tapped his chin in consideration.

"Walk. I like being surrounded by the mortals."

"Ugh, but they're humans. Flying is definitely the more superior option."

Light leaned in, his lips brushing his husband's. L swayed on his feet, grinning dreamily.

"Well then you fly and I'll walk," he purred, his voice low.

Groaning, L rolled his eyes.

"You'd probably get mugged," he grumbled teasingly, relenting and following Light out on foot.

Light intertwined his fingers with his husband's, leaning into L. For being an ancient god, L flushed, looking heated
and embarrassed when Light wrapped an arm around him.

"You're a marshmallow."
"Pfft, excuse you-"

Smiling, Light nuzzled his eternal lover to L's blush.

The Goddess Who Wanted Death's Heart
Over the 2,500 years that L and Light have been together, they've adopted mortal orphans and have loved each one
as their own, even knowing they're destined to die. Their latest one hits them hard, L in particular. As he tries to find
a routine and deal with his grief, neither is aware of other forces at work, priming to destroy everything L and Light
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter Text

L and Light walked briskly into the hospital, a large bouquet tucked under Light's arm, their faces twisted in worry.
It was difficult for L to speak but he dipped his head respectfully towards the receptionist.

"L Lawliet for Quillish Wammy? I'm his grandson."

The receptionist nodded, leading them to Quillish's room. L and Light paused outside, glancing at each other, the air
thick. So many unspoken things passed between the two of them, and Light tenderly squeezed L's hand. As much as
he loved Quillish, he knew the man and L had a deeper bond than he could ever understand. This death would hit L
hard, he could tell.

L's lip was quivering. He didn't want to say goodbye... but he'd been sensing Quillish's impending death for a while
now, like a cloud looming over the old man.

Entering, he almost broke down then and there seeing him on the hospital bed. Once a proud and strong person
reduced to looking frail and lost. L's knees buckled, but he forced himself to stay steady. He could this. For Quillish.

Quillish wasn't lucid at the moment, his eyes moving sluggishly and glancing at the two men.

"Hades?" Quillish murmured.

"He's an avid lover of the Greek myths," L explained to the woman.

She bobbed her head understandingly, her face twisted in sympathy as she left the three men alone. Everything was
like a dream as L and Light stepped up to him. Now Light was on the verge of breaking down, his eyes red, and a
large lump in his throat. He'd told himself a million times that he wouldn't cry, but his body was betraying him and
all of that was out of the window. Not sure what else to do with himself, Light numbly changed the old flowers in
the vase for the bouquet.

L gently smoothed the hair away from Quillish's temple, pressing a finger to his forehead. He focused his energy,
sensing the twisted and confused soul, writhing in uncertainty. Just sensing it like that made his heart pang.

"Come back to us," L whispered, his power pulling and stretching the soul.

Quillish blinked, brought to temporary lucidity. He looked among the two of them, his eyes shining in recognition.

"L... Light..."
Light covered his mouth, letting out a shaky breath. Quillish smiled warmly, reaching out a weak hand. Light
instantly took it, wrapping the wrinkled and frail digits among his own. He held the hand almost desperately, making
Quillish's eyes widen. They settled peacefully while Quillish spoke reassuringly.

"It's okay," he rasped, "I'm a mortal... we all knew this would happen eventually. I asked for this."

"But I don't want to let you go," Light gasped, letting out a choked sob. He almost squeezed the hand, but quickly
caught himself, simply holding it.

L swiped at his eyes, combing a hand over the old man's scalp.

"Demeter's going to greet you when you get to the Underworld. And then, I'll-I'll bring you to the afterlife..."

L hunched over, a tear fighting to slide down the bridge of his nose. Quillish laughed weakly, passing a finger under
the other's eye. L leaned into the touch, not wanting to look at the boy he'd raised. The boy that had aged and grown
and had had the full mortal experience.

"Thank you," Quillish's voice was soft, "I couldn't have asked for better fathers. I hope I did right by both of you."

L and Light looked down at him, their eyes shining. They both hugged him, the hug speaking volumes.

"You've lived such an incredible life," Light whispered, "you followed your path... we couldn't be more proud."

Proud... they were proud...?

Quillish laid back on the bed, smiling as his life flashed before his eyes.
Quillish Wammy was born in 1936 to a rather well-off family in London.
Of course he didn't remember much of his time spent with his real parents, he was so young. No, they were just a
haze. Strangers. Quillish's memories and life didn't start until he was five years old... and London was in the throws
of WWII.
Bombs. Smoke and destroyed streets. He was crying and screaming, the sound deafening and the heat singing. His
mother shielded him from falling debris. It crushed her, smashed her internal organs and sent her crashing to the
ground, unintentionally pinning her son under her body. Quillish screamed for help, but it was no use. His father
was fighting in the war. Quillish was stuck. He was all alone... he could see the street, but not a soul on it.
Until he saw a man who he'd later learn was Hades.
In the middle of the war-torn street, surrounded by bodies, the god walked calmly, large illustrious black wings
hanging out of his shoulder blades, so heavy that he had to hunch slightly. He walked barefoot, long slender and
pale feet stepping as if the sharp objects on the ground didn't bother him. Quillish had been surrounded by pale
people all of his life, but the best way to describe this man's face was porcelain... smooth and fresh. At that point, L
hadn't chosen to wear mortal clothing yet. He wore a heavy fur coat over his black chiton. It swayed as he examined
the rubble, shaking his head in disgust. Quillish was so shocked that he almost forgot to call for help. But he found
the strength to yell, his throat hoarse after having been there for hours already.
The mysterious man stopped and slowly turned, locking eyes with the young boy. Quillish was about to say
something when he heard a whistling over his head. His eyes snapped up, fear instantly taking hold. A bomb was
dropping! He squeezed his eyes shut, his young brain having just enough time to process that he was going to die.
But no explosion came.
He tentatively opened an eyelid to see the stranger with a hand extended to the air, long spindly fingers curved
slightly as if holding something. And the bomb... the bomb was suspended about ten feet above Quillish's head. He
shook, trembling so hard that he thought he'd fall apart.
The man moved towards him, keeping the bomb at bay and crouching in front of Quillish.
"How old are you?"
"F-five, sir."
The man gaped, propping a thumb between his lips.
"Five," he murmured in awe, "and you've already seen more bloodshed than some ever will."
"Please help me," Quillish begged, tears streaming down his cheeks.
The man jolted, staring at the boy for a second before picking the rubble up as if it was nothing. Quillish's jaw
dropped in shock. He managed to scoot from under his mother, shivering while he wrapped his arms around
himself. The man watched him closely, those grey eyes consuming and intent.
"Are you cold?"
Quillish nodded numbly. Without hesitation, the man swung the coat from around his shoulders and carefully
adjusted it on Quillish's. They met eyes again, and Quillish could practically feel the bond forming. The man smiled,
a gentle sight that made him feel safe.
"Do you have any family?"
"My father's in the trenches," Quillish admitted softly.
The man knelt in front of Quillish, tenderly cleaning the dirt off his face. He paused, pressing the palm of his hand
to Quillish's forehead. The boy had no idea what he was doing, but somehow he knew the stranger wouldn't hurt
him. After a few seconds, the man drew back, his features grave.
"I'm sorry. Your father's dead."
Quillish's eyes widened. I-it had to be a lie! He stood there, his knees buckling. No, really, he was going to collapse.
The man gasped as he caught the boy from falling, holding him in a cradle. Quillish searched the man's face for the
trick, the lie. But it was only regret and pity.
"They're gone?" Quillish squeaked.
Sympathy flickered over the man's face. He nodded slightly.
"I'm sorry."
For the first time, Quillish could hear emotion in the man's voice. He pitched forward, wanting to cry. He numbly
turned his head to look at his crushed mother when the man tapped at his chin, keeping his eyes away from the
bloody, bludgeoned scene.
"My name's L," the man piped up, "let me take you with me. I can bring you to a place without war."
Quillish sucked in a sharp breath.
"No war?"
All Quillish could do was nod, wrapping his arms around L's neck as the god snapped his wings out and lifted off
the ground.
It was almost impressive how instantly Light loved the little boy.
The Underworld was never meant to sustain life, human or otherwise. L had chuckled when he watched Demeter
sweep into Persephone's old garden, so confident in her abilities only for it to go horribly wrong. As such, he and
Light found a small house in the country. Their own part of the world to protect while they watched Quillish grow
up. He made a life for himself as an inventor and opened an orphanage to help those who suffered in the same way
he had.
The book that had given Light his immortality was gone, reduced to smithereens. But as the ruler of Olympus with
all the powers that came with the position, Eris would be able to make Quillish immortal.
To both L and Light's sadness however, Quillish turned it down.
He wanted to be human and live among the mortals. L and Light's love was the exception when it came to immortal
relationships... they were almost always destined to end in infidelity and hatred, their hearts turning bitter with
Quillish didn't want that.

Quillish blinked, knowing that he'd made the right decision.

L wandered into what had become the Underworld's own little graveyard, what was once Persephone's garden. It
still was beautiful, with so many different colored flowers and twisting vines that Demeter so carefully cultivated.
But it was also stained by death. Not only was Persephone buried in its center, but L, Light and Demeter had
decided to make it a memorial for all of L and Light's mortal children. Each and every one of them had chosen to be
mortals over living forever.
Aello and the rest of the harpies and furies adjusted the new bust and plaque, stepping back for L's approval.

It was beautiful work, done by Apollo himself. L gently ran his fingers along the stone likeness of Quillish, allowing
himself to smile. Quillish had been their 35th child, but it didn't get any easier saying goodbye.

Demeter cleared her throat behind him, placing a hand on L's shoulder.

"Quillish's soul has just entered the Underworld."

L chewed on his lip, half-tempted just to keep him here. His soul would be treated like a king! But L knew on a
deeper level that that wasn't what Quillish would want.

"Okay," he sighed, "I'll ferry him down."

That night, he and Light were curled up on the bed together.

Light pressed his lips against L's forehead, wishing there was something else he could do. Besides his immortality,
he was powerless, not even a pair of wings to call his own. He passed his fingers over L's knuckles. They hadn't
been this quiet, had this amount of grieving since Arabella about 300 years ago.

"I'm sorry, Love," Light whispered into L's temple.

L nodded into Light's chest.

"It's not an occasion to be sad," he sighed, "Quillish lived a long and happy life. We made sure he led a happy life."

Light gave a tender smile, pulling L's chin in for a kiss.

"He did. We did a good job with that one."

L nuzzled his husband, coming back into himself.

"I say we wait a couple of decades before taking in another," he admitted. He gave a tired laugh, "I don't think I can
go through all that again so soon."

Light passed his fingers over L's scalp, humming to himself.

"Of course. We have eternity, Love."

That made L's eyes snap in Light's direction. Light's hand froze in the other's hair, sensing he'd something massively
wrong. L's eyes were sharp as he rose a thumb to his lips.

"Never say that," he murmured, "Light, everything has an end. Even us. The world becomes dangerous when you
assume we're eternal."

"... Why won't you tell me anything about her?"

Light watched L wince, that same veil of pain passing over his features. Instead of answering, L rolled onto his other
side, presenting Light with his smooth back.
"Not tonight," he rasped, "I'm already hurting. Just... not tonight, Light."

Light chewed the inside of his cheek but nodded.

"I'm sorry... goodnight, Love."

Neither was sleeping, even if they were pretending to. Light's throat bobbed. They'd been together for 2,500 years,
and yet Light barely knew anything of Persephone. He researched the mortals' legends, but Gods knows how
inaccurate those are. Besides, there weren't as many stories of her as there were of the other gods.

And there certainly was no legend surrounding her death.

He ran his fingers down the grooves in L's spine, confirming the other was awake when L shivered.

"It's been centuries since we've been out to the flower fields," Light said in a low voice, "do you want to visit them

"... yes, I'd rather like that."

The flower fields where they used to spend time together and where Light would receive lessons was still in tact,
surrounded by woods. Light flexed his feet, enjoying the sun on his skin. L was so pale that he was practically
glowing. He grumbled, trying to shield himself from the glare.

"I swear Apollo's doing this on purpose," he chuckled.

Light smiled, pulling L in for a slow kiss.

"It hurts, but we'll find a routine," Light promised.

They always did. Accepting any mortal orphan came with the deep understanding that some day their child would be
gone. L pressed his temple against Light's, their breaths mixing and him inhaling the other's scent.

"I know," L assured, this time initiating the kiss, "I-I don't have any regrets."

The kiss became more passionate, fingers tangling in hair and soft sighing. They rolled their hips together, softly
nipping at each others' lips. L kissed Light's jaw, his lips lingering on his skin. L dragged his fingertips down the
sides of Light's face, his eyes shining.

"I love you," Light nuzzled L's nose, his own crinkling lovingly.

Light tickled L's cheek with a flower, his lips up.

Sliding to a horizontal position, they got lost in the stretch and pull of each others' limbs, the boiling in their bodies,
their hands roaming. L touched Light's chin, running his thumb along the other's bottom lip.

"I love you too."

Chapter 2: Fairy-Lights
Chapter Text
4 years later...

Light's brow furrowed, working on the circuits. Demeter and L sat off to the side, watching him in interest. Finally,
Light jumped back, clasping his hands together.

"Ha! Try that."

L and Demeter shrank back nervously, their gazes wary.

"Light, I'd prefer if the palace didn't burn down, please and thank you."

The last time that Light tried bringing electricity to the Underworld, it hadn't exactly gone well. Light chuckled,
playfully sticking out his tongue.

"C'mon, L! Burn down the palace? Who, me?"

L playfully pursed his lips, eyes twinkling. Light waited anxiously, cheering loudly when the little fairy-lights lit up.

L gaped, his eyes going wide with wonder as the small lights illuminated Persephone's garden in a golden glow,
reflecting magically off the vibrant plants. Demeter stepped forward in a daze, lightly touching the bulbs. Usually
she didn't care for the human world, especially with the current mass deforestation, but this... she had to admit that
some of their inventions fascinated her.

"They're beautiful," she breathed, carefully stepping throughout the garden in awe.

Light grinned seeing how the plaques of his children were lit up, the lights sparkling and giving the whole place an
ethereal vibe. From behind him, L wrapped his arms around Light's waist, resting his cheek on the other's shoulder.

"It's perfect," he sighed, softly kissing Light's nape, "thank you."

Turning around, Light captured L's lips with his own, a surge of emotion welling up in his chest.

"I'm glad you like it," he whispered. His lips went up playfully, "and now I'm one step closer to getting cable in this

L laughed, hooking his arms around Light's neck. He leaned in, his breath tickling Light's ear.

"Why watch cable when you can watch me?" He purred suggestively.

"Why not both?" Light countered with a mischievous glint, "I could watch a recording of you."

"Mm? And tell me exactly what I'll be doing in this recording?"

Light's voice dropped an octave, so quiet that L had to lean even closer to his mouth.

"Begging to be fucked, your body writhing pleadingly while I pound you into the bed and reduce you to a whining
whore. And then I'll be able to play back your slutty sounds again and again."
L shivered, licking his lips in anticipation.

"Sounds like a good movie," he mumbled, his breath cool against Light's lips.

"It'll be the best," Light's voice hitched, "so good that I'll just have to keep watching it again and again."

L made a slight sound that one would've mistaken for a huff, but Light knew it was a chuckle. An aroused one, at

"I look forward to it," his voice vibrated Light's mouth.

They faltered, pulling away slightly when Demeter came back but still smiling. She glanced between the two of
them, her cheeks burning.

"Gee, I wonder what the two of you were talking about," she grumbled affectionately, moving into the main castle.
L and Light laughed. They held hands, wandering to a bench in the garden. Light watched L, the way the light
reflected off his pale skin and couldn't help but feel how beautiful this god was.

"Quillish would've loved this," L admitted.

"He would've," Light agreed, a bittersweetness spreading over his mind.

They were quiet for a while, simply enjoying the atmosphere. Standing, L sighed, running his fingers over
Persephone's headstone. He knew Light was curious. And if anything had survived the Lethe, it was definitely
Light's hunger for knowledge. His lip quivered, but the word slipped through.

Light's eyes popped. He was instantly on his feet, his knees buckling. Holy- he was talking about Persephone?!
After centuries of tiptoeing around the subject, L was the one bringing it up?

"What?! S-she was murdered? How? Who? Why?"

It was the first time L was talking openly about her. L faltered, nodding slowly.

"The murderer's dead, but yeah... she was stabbed."

Light shifted, his brain spinning with this new information.

"Wow... L, I'm so sorry... who murdered her?"

L simply stared at the headstone, his face lost in thought. Blinking, he looked at Light, his skin suddenly two shades

"You're asking about someone who's been dead for millennia."

Light chewed on his lip, supposing L was right. If his wife had died, he'd probably want to put the past behind him
too. But he froze, his eyes wide. What L said... it triggered something... something that made him shake. The night
he proposed, the citizens of Rome having a party below and the cool night air kissing his skin...
"How did I lose my memory?"
"Light, do you believe in second chances?"
He blinked, placing his chin in the cup of his hand.
"I used to be a bad person," he concluded.
"And now you're not," L said gently, "Light, I assure you this decision was 100% yours. You're asking about
someone who's been dead for centuries... a stranger to you."

Light felt like he was going to be sick. He tried to catch L's gaze, his knees buckling.

"Was it me?" He whispered.

His memory loss had never really given him any grief. But now... Light slowly looked down at his hands.

"Did I..."

He wasn't even aware when L surged forward, enveloping him. Light felt numb, but he sagged into L's grip,
returning the hug almost desperately. L tenderly ran his fingers against Light's scalp.

"I wanted to protect you from the truth..."

"Oh, L..."

Light didn't want to be protected! He wasn't the one who lost his queen. He gently touched L's shoulder.

"I want to know everything."

L blinked in surprise. Light wanted to know? His heart softened as he looked at the other. The story flowed from his
mouth. Everything, from him leaving the Underworld and staying with Light's family to the moment he drank from
the Lethe. Light's eyes were so wide that he worried they'd fall right out of his head. Finally, L sat back, giving a
weak smile.

"That's pretty much it."

Light was silent, at a seeming loss for words. He looked at the ground in shock. Everything L described really did
feel like a different person. A stranger. He had a family once? Light closed his eyes, wishing he could remember and
see their faces. What did their voices sound like?

"I... I had no idea..."

"Why would you?" L responded, tenderly twirling a strand of Light's hair.

Light leaned into the touch, eyes glistening.

"I-I don't even know where to begin," he giggled airily, "I... um... oof. Persephone was really fine with you and me
having a relationship?"

L rose a finger, propping it between his teeth, a flash of amusement passing over his eyes.

"'Fine' is a bit of a strong word. It's not like we had sex before she died. Light, a love triangle between 2 immortals
and 1 mortal is very different than a love triangle between 3 immortals. Persephone didn't care about you because,"
his face went sheepish, "as amazing as she was, in some ways she could be a product of the Pantheon."

L bit down on his finger, smiling fondly, a nostalgic gleam in his expression.

"Meaning she thought mortals' brains were too small to form any genuine connection of love. She thought all you
were capable of was lust. Coupled with the fact that you had such a short lifespan and she thought of you more as a
sex toy. Now if you were an immortal creature, she would've been hurt and furious."
Yikes. Light winced, seeing how his first self may have taken offense to that. He hung his head, shaking it.

"L- I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," L smiled sadly, tugging on Light's arm, "l've made my peace with it. Now why don't you say we have
some fun, hm?"

Light opened his mouth to argue, but L was already kissing him. He closed his eyes, allowing his stomach to do a
pleasant flip. If L said so... Light could wish he said he felt guilty, but he had no memories of the action, he couldn't
even remember her. How could he feel guilty about something he didn't know? It wasn't like he didn't feel bad for
Persephone, but he also felt so disconnected...

"If you ever need to talk to me-"

"I will," L promised with a slight smile.

Light softly dragged the back of his palm down L's cheek. A peace settled over them, a trust that they could lean into
the other for support. Light's chest went warm. 

"Okay, I trust you... So what do you want to do now?" Light rumbled, kissing his husband's lips again.

L considered, tapping his chin thoughtfully.


L mewled pleadingly, stretching himself naked across the bed. He humped the mattress pleadingly, squeezing his
eyes shut. He was ready to feel Light pounding into him as hard as possible. They were both already leaking
precome, Light's fingers up L's hole and twisting his prostate. L's eyes lidded in lust, breathing heaving, his nostrils

"Look how wet you are for me already," Light murmured huskily into L's ear.

All L could do was groan, his skin hot with need.

"God, you're such a little slut, huh?" Light growled, taking L's lobe between his teeth.
"Shit," L breathed, squirming under Light's weight.

Light grasped L's cock, pumping it harshly. L let out breathy 'aahs', his mouth open. Light took the opportunity to
sink his fingers down L's throat, moaning at how L's lips wrapped around his probing digits. L almost gagged with
how deep those fingers managed to go, but he managed to keep his channel loose, contracting and expanding around
those fingers. Light reached over for the lube, mixing it with L's saliva and spreading it, the liquid cool inside L and
making him writhe.

"Remember when there was no lube?" Light chuckled.

L laughed slightly, nodding. As amazing as the sex had been, it was definitely much more comfortable with official
lube rather than spit and come and whatever other lubricant they could get their hands on.

Holding his breath, Light sank into L's body. L cried out, scrabbling for the headboard, staring at the wood, his
vision blurring.

L gasped, moving his hips in time with Light's, all other sensation drowning out with pleasure. Light's fingers were
digging harshly into L's sides, his thrusts upwards and quick, sliding out before slamming himself in completely into
L's tight sheath. L cried out, holding onto the headboard so hard that wood was shaving off and under his nails.

"Light," his voice was strained, struggling to meet Light's thrusts, "more! Oh Gods, I want you to split me apart."

Light hit L's prostate and it took all L had not to break down. Smirking, Light leaned down, gently brushing his
husband's sweaty hair behind his ear.

"You better believe it. I'm going to make you come," Light rolled his hips agonizingly slowly, earning a delicious
whine from L, "I'm going to make you beg for release," Light whispered into L's ear, "a god begging to come like a
little whore."

"Please," L whimpered.

Light's hand snaked around, wrapping around the other's member. L gasped, his hips bucking out of instinct, feeling
the tight, warm grip around him.

"Please, what?" Light cooed, running his hand along the shaft.

L panted, his vision clouding. It felt like his ichor was on fire, every nerve in his body frayed. He tried pushing Light
deeper, letting out an incoherent string of needy sounds.

"Please make me come," L cried out, his entire body absolutely buzzing.

The words seemed to awaken Light and soon he was thrusting even harder, losing himself in a desperate rut, egged
on by L's lewd sounds. L's fingernails dragged down the headboard and soon his digits were twisting the bedsheet.
Light fucked him against the bed, the mattress bouncing and jolting with the force.


White, hot come spurted from L's member, spilling over Light's tight hand. Light groaned at the feeling, jerking into
that wonderfully tight body. L breathed heavily feeling Light's cock soften inside of him. Kissing the nape of L's
neck, Light gently pulled out, a string of come still connecting them.

L made a last moan before his arms buckled and he sank into the mattress. Twisting so he was facing Light, the two
smiled at each other. Light tenderly ran the back of his palm down L's face, leaning and tasting both himself and L
on the other's lips.
Yawning, Light settled, pulling L into a tight hug and nuzzling his shoulder. L leaned into his husband, craning his
neck to look at those handsome amber eyes. Silently, he traced his lover's features, his stomach churning.

They fell asleep folded in each other's heat, L sighing into Light's chest.

Morning light filtered through the curtains, cutting across L's eyelids. He narrowed his eyes in annoyance, trying to
shift and fall back asleep. Light made a displeased noise, his brow scrunching as L's movement woke him up. They
simply sat there, Light's arms wrapped around the others waist. L smiled, touching Light's chin and earning a sleepy
grin in response.

"We need to talk," he whispered.

Light frowned slightly.

"Well that sentence is never good," he chuckled.

L's lips twitched. He smoothed his palm over the other's cheek, his heart fluttering. He faltered, his gaze going
distant. L rolled his eyes.

"Aphrodite sent a message saying she has business to discuss. It'd be a direct insult if I didn't invite to host her at the
palace... she is one of the original Olympians after all," he added in a disgruntled grumble.
That made Light perk up, his face going more aware. For his 2500 years of living and being by L's side, Aphrodite
was one of the gods L absolutely refused to bring Light around. Light bit his lip. Sometimes it felt like L was
coddling him, but at the same time, the simple truth of the matter was that L knew these beings. And Light trusted
that. But still. Of the original 12 Olympians, he'd only ever met Hestia, Artemis, and Apollo. Even that had just been
him standing behind L while he talked to them.

"I get to meet Aphrodite?" He asked eagerly.

"No," L said sharply.

Light tensed, pursing his lips. L blinked, quickly adverting his gaze.
"Everyone just sees her as a pretty face. Maybe prone to jealousy, but not much more... I know the truth... she's
ruthless, and not just with matters of the heart. If she wants something from you, she will get it..." L's voice lowered,
"it's not a question of if, but when. And if by some miracle, she doesn't, everyone involved will suffer terrible fates.
You know I'm not one to use the word hate lightly, but," L's eyes went distant, a deep-seated bitterness spreading
over his features, "I despise her."

Light didn't respond. Spending so much time around L, it was easy to forget that the gods were like that. And that
that was usually the norm. Of course he'd listen. He'd stay behind and try to avoid Aphrodite.

But he couldn't deny that the curiosity was deep and stifling, his need for knowledge acting up again and promising
to get him in trouble.
Chapter 3: Bad Blood
Chapter Text

The castle staff was bustling and buzzing, rushing back and forth. It was rare when a god visited and Light loved
observing the activity, laying languidly in the library. Aello, being the perfectionist she was, was hyperventilating
into a brown bag. Her eyes flashed to a group of lilies in an ornate vase.

"Lilies?" She shrieked, "roses, people! Jesus, do I have to do everything myself?!"

She threw her clipboard at the furies and harpies. They yelped, scattering as she barked orders. Light had to cover
his mouth to stop from laughing. On her free time, she was a wedding planner. It went about as well as you thought.
He accidentally let a chuckle slip and her head cracked a full 180, fire in her pupils.

He scrambled out of the library, Aello's screaming following him all the way down the hall.
Light decided to just do as normal and walk around the palace grounds, enjoying the cool, grey day of the
Underworld. As he walked, he paused, seeing a young boy standing up ahead, staring into the hallway dutifully.
Hm, he had snow white hair and steely yet obviously intelligent grey eyes. Did he get lost and somehow find his
way to the Underworld? Stepping up to him, Light gave the same sort of smile he would with any of his kids. The
boy simply wrinkled his nose, fiddling with a lock of his hair.

"Hi," Light tried softly, "how'd you get all the way down here?"
And why do you look so calm? The boy blinked, his gaze cryptic. Light shifted.

"What's your name?"

That made him hesitate, and for just a second, Light saw flashes of emotion. Of fear and sadness.

"Mistress calls me Near, sir."

Mistress-? Aphrodite? Light felt a surge of protectiveness, a part of his mind deciding that he liked and wanted to
protect this boy at all cost.

"You said that's what Mistress calls you... do you have your own name?"

Near's fingers shook, just a slight motion that would've gone over most heads. But Light noticed it. He sucked in a
sharp breath. Near stared up at him. He was about to open his mouth when another boy down the hall called for him.
Light glanced over to see a blond boy a few years older with striking turquoise eyes. The newcomer didn't bother
hiding his wariness of Light.

"Near. Mistress wants us to help the chefs. Matt'll take over guard duty."

"Yes, Mello."
Not looking at Light again, Near followed the other boy. Light watched after them, the father in him aching. He
could tell they didn't have the best life, and all he wanted to do was scoop them up and bring them somewhere safe.
Somewhere happy... but it wasn't his place... he didn't know their story or their connection to Aphrodite. You know
what they say about assumptions. He sighed, continuing on.
He stopped, seeing L in the west courtyard. He was wandering around, inspecting the statues and paintings
quizzically. Aphrodite wasn't there. Light figured she must be overseeing something with her own staff. I guess I
still have some time before Aphrodite gets here. He jogged out, waving a hand. L's eyes trained on him, tilting his

"Hey, L. When your meeting's done, do you want to go to Bistrot Paul Bert for dinner? Or is Aphrodite staying the

His brow quirked, his eyes slowly scanning Light. There was something about his gaze that Light couldn't quite

"Interesting," he murmured. There was a beat where L didn't say anything, simply watching Light. A slight smirk
crossed his lips, "okay, not going to lie, this is pretty adorable."

Light faltered. He opened his mouth to ask what was up with him when he heard an enraged voice behind him.
"What are you doing here?!"

Light whipped around, freezing.

Another L?... But... This new L stalked down into the courtyard, his face contorted in fury. Before Light could ask,
the new L stepped between the two of them, glaring at the first one.

"What did you say to him?" He snapped, his eyes full of contempt.

The first L rolled his eyes.

"Calm down. I didn't 'fill his head with poison'."

Light looked between the two of them in confusion. The new L's eyes narrowed. Light tugged at his hair.

"Um... what's going on? Why are there two of you?"

The new L's gaze snapped in Light's direction. He hesitated. His expression softened, his ears turning a light shade
of pink.

"You... see me?"

"O-of course I do!"

The first L strolled over, eyes flickering amusedly.

"Aw. That's actually so sweet," he bowed dramatically, eyes glittering, "Aphrodite, pleasure to make your
acquaintance. I ask that you use female pronouns?"
Aphrodite? At Light's questioning expression, L shuffled his feet sheepishly, giving Light the smallest of smiles.

"She's the god of beauty, she appears to you in the form you find most appealing. More often than not it's just a
gathering of random features you find the most beautiful, but in rare cases, it's another person. And you... you see
Light blinked, his chest warming. Huh, so L was the person he found the most beautiful? It made sense, Light's heart
wholly belonged to him. They stared at each other for what felt like forever, L's eyes tender and flattered. Light
licked at his lips. Ha, I can't even imagine all the brownie points I just racked up. Someone's getting laid to-night!
They almost forgot that Aphrodite was still there. She snorted, bringing their attention back to her.

Instantly, L's face soured.

"Right," he grumbled, "Aphrodite. Dinner should be ready soon if you wish to join."

She gave a slow, languid smile, dipping her head respectfully. Her eyes flashed in Light's direction for just a second
and Light felt rooted by those stormy grey eyes.

"I'd love to... Light, will you be having dinner with us as well?"

L stiffened, his feathers ruffling and rising threateningly at her. Light gave his husband a tight smile, turning his
attention back to her.
"Can't wait," he artificially chirped.

Dinner was an intense ordeal. Light didn't even know it was possible for air to be so thick. Every little movement
Aphrodite made brought a quietly boiling reaction out of L. It was almost comical the way he was stabbing his
dinner. Light stared down at his food, wishing he was anywhere but here.

Near shuffled out, silently pouring Aphrodite some more wine. She shot him a sweet smile, but he didn't give any
reaction, disappearing. L noticed the boy, his gaze flickering.

"You still use human slaves?"

Light's fingers tightened around his cup. He bit his lip, suddenly not even wanting to touch the plate the boys had
brought out. Aphrodite's eyes narrowed a fraction.

"The term 'slave' is so archaic."

L's brow quirked. There was a flash of amusement in his eyes.

"I see," he mused, "and what would you call them?"

Without missing a beat, she smiled.

"Worshippers," she answered cooly, "we don't have many of them left, but they still exist. Their parents offered their
first borns for various things. Nears' wanted eternal beauty. Mello's mother wanted to find true love and Matt's father
wanted to be able to attract any woman he wanted," her lips twitched, a cruel expression that didn't fit L's features,
"if I didn't take them in, they would've ended up in even worse situations. I'd say it's a nice deal. They live in a
palace meant for the gods and all I ever ask is that they tend to my needs... not unlike all the mortals you adopt, no?
So sorry about your latest toy."

L didn't even need to be the one to snap. Light stood so quickly that the two gods looked at him in surprise.

"Don't you ever talk about my children that way," Light growled so dangerously that Aphrodite cocked her head.

They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Aphrodite drummed her fingers against the table. So this was
the mortal that killed Persephone? Her nostrils flared. She wanted to turn him into a frog for using that tone with
her... but she had to admit that she found him impressive. He'd done what no other other mortal had, taken what he
wanted, seized destiny by the reins and said 'screw you'.

L's voice was caught in his throat. As much as he wanted to do what Light just did, he also knew Aphrodite was
dangerous herself. Maybe not the most dangerous Olympian, but terrifying in her own right. She considered, placing
her chin in the cup of her hand.

"I apologize," she conceded, "I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that Hades is such a hypocrite that I couldn't resist
trying a jab at him."

L smoothed a hand over his face, knowing what she was going to say. Light opened his mouth, but Aphrodite
pointed to some of the spectral staff.

"Those were his worshippers when they were alive... and he's letting them clean his castle and follow his whims
instead of taking them to the afterlife," she rolled her shoulders, "hypocrite."
"They asked for this existence," L pursed his lips, "they didn't give someone else to get what they wanted and if my
staff ever wants to go to their afterlife, I'm more than willing to oblige."

"Oh. Fabulous," she beamed.

The tense dinner continued, the only sounds in the room behind the silverware clinking. Aphrodite sighed with a
wistful smile.

"Hey, Hades, remember when we used to orchestrate tragedies?"

L winced. That was before Persephone, back when he was young and everyone was anticipating him marrying Eris.
He and Aphrodite were good friends though... they'd spend decades planning and orchestrating horrible and sad
tragedies of love and death for the mortals. It was only later that he realized how cruel the games and narratives had

"Well I'm not exactly proud of those," he answered pointedly. Before she could say anything else, he cut in, glaring
at her. Her jaw clamped, but the glare softened, "Aphrodite, what do you want? Why'd you come here?"

Light gaped. L's voice was surprisingly quiet and almost... pained? He shivered. It was so surreal watching
Aphrodite shift and shrug, a coy smile on that familiar face.

"First, I wanted to give my condolences on the death of your son-"

L shuddered, his face falling. His eyes flashed to the side, avoiding hers'. Over the past four years, he'd gotten better
about going about a routine. Dealing with the grief. But her mentioning it simply brought memories of Quillish
flooding. When he was a child playing outside, introducing them to his first girlfriend, showing off an invention. L
closed his eyes, trying to compose himself. He was sick of always mourning, always asking himself if the short time
with his children was worth all the pain later.

"That's not why you came."

"... Hm. No. It's not. It's about Hera. She wishes to take Olympus back from Eris. But she can't do it without you.
Your ichor was used to forge the chains that held Eris for tens of thousands of years. We need that. And we require
your support if the other gods are to accept Hera's rule. Poseidon's powers are nearly nonexistent with all the trash in
his waters, leaving you as the last king and by default the one with the most sway... Hera needs you if she's to have
any chance."

L's face contorted, twisting in distaste.

"Oh, I see. So when Brother dearest dies and his wife wants his old seat, suddenly she needs me. Suddenly she wants
me. You can tell Hera to shove a peacock feather up her ass."

Aphrodite laughed. Light shrank, sensing he was well out of his depth. Olympus was a political abyss he didn't want
to touch with a 100 ft pole. Slowly standing, she sauntered up, standing above L. He watched her warily, grey eyes
stormy. Light glanced between them, goosebumps peppering his skin, electricity crackling among the gods.

"Are you sure?" She quipped, her lips twitching upwards, "everyone has a price. We both know what you want.
Help us depose of Eris and it will be yours."
What L wants? Light chewed on his lip. L's jaw tightened. Wow... Light had never seen such burning hatred in his
husband's eyes before. It was scathing, practically oozing out of him. In truth, it was intimidating. When L spoke, it
was low and venomous, a far cry from the man Light knew.
"Get out," he rasped.

Aphrodite opened her mouth to protest, but a dark aura surrounded L.

"I don't want whatever you're offering... get out!"

She faltered, but the aura had become physical, a literal darkness exuding from his skin. L's eyes went a pitch black,
hiding the whites of his eyeballs. Aphrodite yelped, large dove wings sprouting from her shoulder blades. Light
gaped. They were beautiful, white and soft, looking like angel wings. Whirling on her feet, she sprang into the air,
beating them.

The boys raced out into the room, looking up at her expectantly. Scowling, she snapped her fingers. They gasped as
they twisted and shrank, morphing into doves who flew around her head.
"I never want to see you again!" L snarled viciously, "I'll tear you apart limb from limb, do you hear me

Her eyes sparked furiously. One of the doves pushed a window open, flapping out into the open air, quickly
followed by his brothers. Light's throat bobbed, wishing he could've talked to them more. Instead of answering L,
Aphrodite soared through the open window, disappearing into the clouds.

L's entire body was shaking, tears pressing on the back of his eyes. His knees buckled, feeling Light's intense stare
on his back.

"What was that about?" Light's voice was soft, "what did she mean by 'something you want?'... Do you want to talk
about it?"
To his dismay, L's shoulders sagged. The god turned around and Light's breath caught seeing a... guilty look on L's
face. As if he'd done something wrong.

"No," he croaked, walking past Light, "I don't want to talk about it... I knew it was a mistake hosting her..."

Light watched him stalk away, his feet rooted to the ground. It didn't take a genius to figure out that L and Aphrodite
had some bad blood brewing. There was a story there, something that took the sweet, marshmallow L he loved and
twisted him into... whatever the Hell that was... Jesus, Light had never seen him like that.

He wandered into the library, poking his head in to see L curled up in front of the fireplace, his knees touching his
chin. The warm glow from the firelight contrasted with the dark expression on his features.


"Go away."

"Hey, don't talk to me like that. I'm not one of your servants," Light snapped.
L's eyes slid in his direction. It was so easy to get lost in those mesmerizing orbs. For just a moment, Light thought
L would open up, would talk to him. But L simply dipped his head apologetically. 

"I'm sorry, that was so rude. You know," he chuckled nervously, "Olympus politics are just tiring. I-I'm okay now..."

Light wanted to argue. He didn't like that L was purposefully keeping something from him. He also knew that no
amount of pushing and pulling would get the god to say anything he didn't want to. But then L stood in front of the
fireplace... and said the most un-L like thing he ever had. He looked at Light with a clearly fake cheery smile.

"Let's get dressed up and go out. I feel like clubbing."

Chapter 4: Ink
Chapter Text

That made Light gape.

L? Wanted to go clubbing? Well, if Light didn't know whether or not something was wrong before... Light was in a
daze, but he nodded slightly. He'd been trying to get L to go clubbing with him for a while. Was it wrong to want to
do it even knowing that there was something wrong with L? Possibly. But he couldn't help feeling a bit excited. L
smiled, going to go get ready. Light was about to follow him when the other held up a long finger.

"It's a surprise," L purred.

A surprise? L, you're just full of them tonight.

"Are you sure there's nothing you want to talk about?" Light prodded.

L gave a giggle, rolling his shoulders.

"No! I just want to spend some nice quality time with my husband. Is that so wrong, Light?"
Come on, L. That's a load of bull and you know it. Light shifted.

"... I suppose not. But you have some kind of history with Aphrodite and don't tell me you don't."

L faltered, his face falling. He twisted the hem of his chiton, seeming at a loss for words.
"Nothing happened, per se, I mean... With all due respect, Light," L rasped, "my issues with Aphrodite are between
me and Aphrodite."
Harsh but honest, at least I can respect that.

"Please don't shut me out, though. Maybe we should stay in? We could lay by the fire and get some wine, listen to
some music."

They stared at each other for what felt like the longest time. L's lip quivered, giving a tight grin.

"I'm going to go get ready. You can stay if you want. I love you, but I'm going clubbing tonight."

Light watched as L walked out of the library, his heart cracking. He wanted to help! But if L wasn't letting him help,
Hell, he wasn't even addressing that there was a problem! Well, there was no way he was going to make L go by
himself. So that settled that...
Light adjusted his collar, turning himself in the mirror and admiring the chic outfit. The mortals had many faults, but
fashion definitely wasn't one of them. The shirt was slim fitting, really complimenting Light's form. He combed
through his hair, deathly curious what L was putting on. He honestly didn't know what to expect.

When L came into the room, Light nearly collapsed from shock.
L... his L... was wearing leather. A leather jacket over a grey v-neck and leather pants. Okay, not going to lie, that's
kind of hot. Light gawked, his crotch throbbing at the thought of tearing that leather off of him, sliding his hands up
that shirt and making L moan and pant deliciously. Whoa, easy, easy. The night's still young. L had straightened and
groomed his hair, making it fall handsomely to about arm-pit length, wind-swept and soft.

Light bit at his lip. Was this even his L? L moved forward, hooking arms with his husband.

"Let's go," he smirked.

L was drinking like a monster. Not even a 'ha ha, let's get super wasted and have fun' kind of way. Much more like
trying to wash away his problems and try to forget anything and everything.
Light stopped after only one drink, seeing how L consumed bottle after bottle, drinking so much that even the
watered down mortal alcohol was having a massive effect on him. This must be because of Aphrodite. I need to snap
him out of it, he needs to talk to someone.

But then again, he didn't protest when L pulled him onto the dance floor, the flashing lights and colors reflecting
brilliantly on L's pale skin. All around them were writhing, sweaty bodies, all dancing in close proximity. It was a
beautiful chaos, a mad rush of excitement that got to Light despite the worry. And Light couldn't protest when L
ground against his front, tight leather pants creating a friction with Light's. His mouth fell open in pleasure, grasping
L's arms in need. They danced to the music, Light wrapping his arms around L. Leaning into Light, L moaned.
Maybe just to tease him, the god bucked his hips, jerking their still-clothed erections against each other.

Leading him to the edge of the dance floor, Light attached his lips to the other's neck, groaning whenever L's hips
made a circular motion.

"I want you," L growled, pressing himself against a wall and pulling Light against him.

In the thundering club, no one could care less about them making out in the back, their tongues dancing and
breathless gasps escaping, tussling each other's hair and clothing. Light grinned into the other's mouth, nipping on
L's bottom lip.

He tasted the alcohol on the other's tongue, sweet yet potent. L tilted his head, hungrily inviting Light and swaying
with him to the music. It echoed in their chests, sending their skin itching and their blood boiling. L squeaked,
sliding his hands under Light's shirt.

"I need you," he amended, his low, usually monotone voice dripping with lust.

"Why don't we take this somewhere more private?" Light murmured into L's ear, giving the shell a sinuous lick.

L shuddered, peppering Light's jaw with kisses.

"Light," he whined, somehow managing to push them even closer together.

Grabbing hold of Light's arm, all L could think about was how he wished they were in a hotel room and as quickly
as he'd thought it, there they were, the air around them warping and shifting. Light yelped, his stomach almost
turning on him and mind crashing back to reality. Teleportation was a very tricky power. If it was easy, the gods
would have no need for wings. The trip hadn't left L sick?

The thought hadn't crossed his mind long when L abruptly pulled back and vomited across the floor, chunks flying.
Light hissed out, wincing. L stumbled, looking shades paler as he coughed, holding onto his stomach.

"It's hurts," he groaned, his wings sprouting on their own accord.

Light held out a hand, trying to steady L.

"Love, you need to sit," he threw in the most command he could into his voice.
That seemed to wake L up ever so slightly. L blinked, his knees buckling dangerously. He collapsed into Light's
arms and Light gasped, struggling to support his husband. He somehow managed to lug the other to the bed,
grunting with added weight of the wings. L sagged on top of the bed, his head lolling back. He gave the other a
dreamy smile.

"I... I really need you to fuck me," he mumbled.


"Please, Light," Light was caught off-guard by the note of desperation in L's voice, "I need you to make love to me."

It wasn't even a cute 'I'm aroused and need you' desperation. Something much more... existential...

"You're not feeling well, Love. Maybe tomorrow."

"Nuuu," but L was in no condition to fight as Light started undressing him.

L groaned when Light slid off the leather pants, taking a second to admire L's smooth legs. He touched L's cheek

"Love, I need you to tuck in your wings. Just for a moment."

The god's eyes were wildly unfocused, but he somehow managed to obey, his wings cracking into his shoulder-
blades. Slipping off L's leather jacket, he went to go hang it on a hook. The second it was off, L's wings sprouted
again, strewn across the bed and hanging off the edge. L flopped on his side, drool pooling out of his mouth.

"Please fuck me... I need... I need..."

"Jesus, how much did you have to drink?" Light muttered, going to tuck the covers.

L was sweaty, his hair plastered to the back of his neck. Light gently took a nearby brochure and fanned him, trying
to cool him down. L's teeth chattered.

"Please," Light was shocked when L said it with a sob.

He paused his fanning, watching in disbelief as L cried, tears slipping down the bridge of his nose.

"I need you," L's voice cracked. Throwing his back, he let out a low wail, "I need you." It was full of pain and
despair, "oh, God, Light," L devolved into a mess of sobs, holding onto his head.

Light's knees went unsteady, L's crying absolutely cracking his heart. His lip trembled.

"Lysander. Look at me."

But L was completely out of it, twisting his head in a panic. He cried out, making Light grasp his shoulders.

"L! Snap out of it!"

He was hyperventilating, his face going red. Scooping up L, Light hugged him tightly, just feeling the thin frame
shiver in his arms. They simply stayed like that, Light trying to soothe him, wishing he knew what was going
through L's head. L swayed in Light's grip, his loud bawls reducing to whimpers.

"Light?" His voice was terrifyingly small.

"I'm right here, Love," Light buried his face in the crook of L's shoulder.

"I wish I was mortal," L whispered, "you have no idea what you gave up."

Light stared at the wall, not sure how to respond. L dragged his fingertips up Light's spine, the touch so gentle and
feathery that Light felt goosebumps.

"When you only live for a hundred years, the ink that you use in your story is golden. It's finite and valuable. But
us?... Our ink's black and worthless-"

"Do you think what we have is worthless?" Light asked sharply, "L, we've given homes and raised those who would
otherwise die. We help the souls of the dead and watch the world evolve. We've done so much."

"And lost so much," L tightened his grip around Light, "I'm going to lose you too. I've lost everyone else I've loved."

"And what? You don't think I'm terrified at the prospect of losing you? L, my earliest memory is of being cold and
you putting your coat around my shoulders. You've been there my entire life, helping and guiding me and that's who
I fell in love with... I couldn't imagine losing you."

L didn't say anything. At this point, Light was shaking.

"You always act as if either of us are going to die at any second... it's stopping you from living."

L let out a gentle snore. Oh. Light sighed, slowly untangling their bodies and tucking him into bed, snuggling next to
him. Kissing L's shoulder, Light gazed at the now-serene face, his cheeks tear-stained. He smoothed the hair away
from L's face, his chest humming with a low energy.

"I just wish you could see that you have someone in your corner," Light murmured, "... goodnight."

L and Aphrodite used to be good friends. Unfortunately for the mortals, love and death went hand-in-hand often and
they enjoyed each others' company. When L first met her, she had long black hair and golden eyes that made his
heart leap, but he tried not to pay attention to that. He knew it was just an illusion, something he found beautiful. L
knew that wasn't her. And, in turn, she was grateful that he tried not to see her as just a pretty face.
But he noticed that the more time he spent with her, her appearance was slowly changing, morphing so slowly that
for a while, L didn't even realize it was happening. They met up once a week to check in on their mortal toys, and
after about 2,000 years, L saw that her hair had completely changed from midnight black to flaming red, soft curls.
And those sharp golden eyes that he had to stop himself from staring into had turned a sea-blue. Little freckles
absolutely covered her face and she'd developed a heart-shaped beauty-mark under her eye.
When he asked her about it, her eyes went wide, her gaze soft.
"That's what you see?" She whispered.
He nodded and her cheeks flushed red.
"That's um, that's my real face," she mumbled sheepishly, trying not to smile. Her voice went soft, "no one's ever
seen my real face."
L gaped, his chest warming. He grinned.
"Well, I think you're a beautiful person," he admitted.
Aphrodite stared at him, her eyes misted. In that moment, she wished she could be with him, love and marry him.
She'd never fallen in love with someone, it was always the other way around... was this what love felt like? Huh, the
goddess of love doesn't know what love feels like. But she was betrothed to Hephaestus, an arranged marriage she
didn't want nor could escape. And the Pantheon had been pushing L to marry Eris.
Even if there weren't those barriers, the simple truth of the matter was that L didn't feel that way about her. He
loved her, but not romantically.
Aphrodite beamed, glancing down at the mortals who were currently kissing.
"Thank you," she whispered.

L's temple twitched, sunlight slicing across his eyelids. He moved, trying to hide from the glare. Damn, his head
was pounding. It was drowning out his thoughts, the pain so intense that for a second, he was worried he was blind.

"Morning, Sleepy Head."


Light swept forward, holding out a cup of coffee.

"For your hangover," he explained.

L smacked his lips together, the taste of morning breath permeating his mouth. He paused, smelling something else.
Something... sweet! His eyes widened when Light tantalizingly waved a macaron in front of his face, smirking.

"Room service. I also got you some cookies, brownies, and a slice of cheesecake," Light winked.

He sat on the edge of the bed, watching L anxiously. L blinked, touching his thumb to his lip.

"You're being nice."

Light grinned innocently.

"Am I not allowed to be nice?"

"Well of course you are," L's lips twitched, "I'm just curious-"

"You're having a rough time," Light's voice was gentle. He sighed heavily, "you don't have to be a genius to see that.
L, it's not healthy to bottle everything up."

His eyes went pleading, begging L just to open himself up a bit. Just to hide his face, L quickly drank from his
coffee, his gaze conflicted. He rested his cheek on his knees with an audible sigh, his eyes distant. Taking another
long swig of his coffee, he smiled at Light.

"I have it under control... do you want to solve a case? We haven't done that in a while."

As much Light didn't want to, he perked up at that. They had a bit of a detective hobby in their spare time. Although
it was mainly for the puzzle and brain games, it felt nice to be helping people. To make a difference on their own
without supernatural powers or living myths. He tapped his arm, stuck between being eager for the case and being
stern with L.

"What's um... what's the file?"

L's eyes twinkled. Grabbing a cinnamon bun, he stuffed it unceremoniously into his mouth.

"Serial Killer and Arsonist. Victims were found in locked rooms, everything in their respective rooms having been
burnt except a copy of Paradise Lost."

That made Light's fingers tingle. Okay, he'd love to solve a case like that! But he stopped himself.

"L," he whispered, "you can talk to me."

He tilted his head curiously.

"Of course. I understand."

Yeah, but you're not doing it.
Chapter 5: Beauty

Chapter Text

Yes. Cases. L threw himself into them, losing himself in the mystery. The puzzle. Light got his own thrill from
them, treating each one like an interesting game. It was a way for their brains to entertain themselves.

L curled up on Light's lap, watching the monitor in satisfaction as their Paradise Lost Killer was taken into custody.
It had only taken them 26 hours to solve a case which had taken the police three months. It made the pit of his
stomach feel warm. Light shuddered, running a hand up L's abdomen. L shivered, feeling those strong, tan fingers
gliding. Light gently dragged his tongue along L's collarbone.

"That was just what I needed," L sighed, pulling Light into a kiss, the other's neck tilted upwards.

Light made a strangled moan into the kiss, smirking against the god's lips.

"That was fun," he admitted coyly, fingers brushing downwards and outlining L's waistband, "how long has it been
since we solved a case?"

L tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"20 years?... Way too long."

Light grunted in agreement, slipping those fingers (Gods, those fingers) below L's waistband and coming into
contact with his member. L inhaled sharply, pressing himself as close to Light as physically possible. He could do
this forever, this escape for his mind. Something that made him focus and cleared his thoughts. It was refreshing,
but... he sighed. L had been gone from his kingdom for over 24 hours.

"I have to get back to the Underworld," he murmured, wincing, "the overpopulation is getting so bad... I have to
keep on top of it."
Light chewed on his lip. It was true. So many souls were ready to move on, but there was only one L. Only one god
who could form chains powerful enough to keep the spirits safe on the trip down the passage. Light ran a finger
along the shell of L's ear, a thrill working up his spine when the god smiled gently, nuzzling his hand. For just a
moment, everything was perfect, and L felt happy absorbing Light's warmth, smelling the scent of fresh pine and

He sighed as Light's fingers combed through his hair, making him grin dreamily. Chuckling lightly, he pecked
Light's nose.

"I really have to go, they're counting on me." Something strained in L's brain, his face falling. Light tensed, sensing
something was wrong. L's voice came out quieter, "I'm the only reason they'll get to see their loved ones. Without
me, they'll never see them again. They're all counting on m-they're all-"

L's nostrils flared, stress working up his mind. There were so many things tearing at his sanity, threatening to pull
him apart. Aphrodite, overpopulation, Quillish's death... his chest heaved, hyperventilation threatening to take hold.
Suddenly, the world was spinning and L's fingers dug into Light's shoulder. Even though he was on Light's lap, in a
stationary room, it felt like he was falling. Why was his heart beating so hard? Why did it feel like his lungs were
squeezing? He couldn't breathe, he couldn't-

Light's eyes flashed in alarm. He cupped L's face, forcing grey to meet amber. L was sweating, absolutely shaking in
Light's grip. Light blinked in shock. Was L having... a panic attack? He was! 

"Hey. They're dead, right? They won't miss you for another half hour. Breathe, okay?"

L searched the other's eyes, his nerves starting to calm down. Blinking, he unclenched his death-grip on Light's
shoulder, staring at his fingers. He was still breathing heavily, but L hissed out a breath, stretching and coiling his
fingers to get the tremor out. His lips twitched in uncertainty.

"Yeah, they'll be fine," he sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself.

"Exactly," Light affirmed, shifting L around, "come on, let's see if there are any other interesting cases."

Somehow half an hour turned into 4. At some point, Light fell asleep while they started going over their next case. L
watched the sleeping frame, the steady rise and fall of Light's chest. He didn't feel tired in the slightest... okay, that
was a lie, but like Hell if he'd ever admit it. L was perched on the balls of his toes, glancing between Light and the
monitor. Sighing to himself, he struggled to help Light from his chair to the sofa. The other sleepily picked his head
up, feet stumbling. But the second Light's head hit the pillow, he was out. L watched him tenderly, spreading a
blanket over Light's body.

He took a step back, admiring Light's sleeping features. He really was handsome, chiseled and serene. Light only
wanted to help... L knew that. And-and L wanted help. He wanted to lean on Light and have him say that he'd
always be there. But he was embarrassed. And ashamed of himself. L swirled a worried thumb around his lips,
unable to tear his eyes away from Light or stop the intrusive thoughts. 

Would Light hate him if he found out that L saw Persephone's face whenever he looked at Aphrodite?

An exact replica so close that it was like she'd come back from the dead.

How hurt would he be? 

How damaged would their marriage be?

L screwed his eyes shut.
He would. He'd hate you.
You're being ridiculous. Why would he hate us? He-he loves us! He'd understand.
Oh, you think he'll react well to the fact that you're hung up on your ex? You're a disgrace to this marriage. This'll
just end up hurting him. He'll leave you and you'll be all alone.
L whimpered, covering his mouth with a hand. His entire body was shaking again, a mixture of self-loathing, anger,
fear and sadness battling in his mind. Light deserved better... he deserved some who'd see his face when they looked
at Aphrodite. Gods, why do I see Persephone? Why can't I just move on?!

L's lip quivered.

That's all I want.

Turning away from Light, he wandered out of the building, just letting his feet aimlessly lead him, memories
resurfacing. Ever since Aphrodite's visit, he'd been remembering Persephone so much more... all the old wounds
reopening and leaving him shriveled.

L cleared his throat. This was going... horribly. A day ago, he'd met Persephone and now they were already on a
date. If that's what you could call it. It was essentially just sitting on the grass under a starry sky and drinking wine.
The issue was that neither of them knew what to talk about. Spring and Death weren't exactly a compatible
combination. Cursing to himself, L stuffed away the flashcards Aphrodite had given him. 
He tapped his cup, the awkwardness settling in. Down the hill, the mortals were having a party, dancing to music,
cheering and drinking like monsters. L shrank, watching her with large eyes.
"I could kill one of them? Spice up their party a bit?"
Her eyes widened.
"What? NO! Why would I want that?"
He blinked. That's what he'd do to get Aphrodite to smile. She liked it. Why wouldn't it work on Persephone?
"You... care... about the mortals?" He asked cautiously.
She stared at him, her eyes reflective. L bit at his thumb, sensing he'd upset her in some way, shape or form.
"Don't get me wrong," she finally sighed, "I don't think they're really capable of a higher intelligence."
She laughed softly, "certainly not enough to be a threat. But... there's something magical about the humans."
L gaped. Magical? What could possibly be magical about those sacks of meat? They were nothing! Little specks that
time would surely forget. Persephone motioned towards the wild party, firelight making their faces warm.
"I have to admire them," she whispered, "they do a lot with the short time they're given... they have to live each day
because there's such a limited number."
He'd never thought of them that way before. Aphrodite never talked about them as if they had any meaning. L
looked at Persephone closely, taking in her soft blonde hair and swirling green eyes. 
"Hm... perhaps I have been a bit... judgmental of them. Thank you."
Her lips twitched. Something stirred in his chest, something he'd never felt before. Her skin looked so soft... would
she protest if he held her hand? Her lips looked even softer...
His throat bobbed nervously, his stomach doing flips on him.
"Do you want to dance? W-with me?"
She looked at him... and smiled. It was a dancing grin that made her entire face light up. Spring... radiating heat.
Wow, L never realized how cold he always was.
"I'd love to," she murmured, standing.
He was in a daze. She said yes? L struggled to his feet, yelping as she brought pulled him close, dragging him down
the hill and into the party. The patrons couldn't see them, twisting and whirling happily with each other. L had
never been this close to humans before, always opting to watch them from a bit of a distance. Persephone looked at
him, taking his hand. He was right. Her skin was soft. 
They started swaying with the music. L had never been a good dancer, but she was rhythmic. His eyes narrowed
"You're feeling the vibrations from the grass, aren't you?"
A mischievous smile worked up her lips. So wicked yet innocent at the same time.
"Well we don't have to make it a competition," she purred.
His eyes sparked competitively. Unfortunately for L, no matter how much he wanted to win, he was terrible. She
giggled as he almost fell, catching him and bringing him towards her. They froze, their lips a few inches apart, the
music in their chest. The candlelight surrounded them, different colored materials and flowers making colors reflect
off her face.
"I had fun tonight," Persephone admitted quietly, her lips so close to L's.
Theoretically, all he had to do was lean forward. That shouldn't be this hard! Her eyes met his through her lashes.
Soon they were pressing forward, their temperatures so different that a thin trail of steam rose from where their lips
L had never felt anything like it. It was the most amazing feeling he'd ever had and was sorely disappointed when
she slowly pulled away.
"We should do this again sometime soon," L rumbled.
Her eyes twinkled as she nodded.
In that moment, all L could think about was how beautiful she was.
How Persephone was probably the most beautiful person he'd ever met.

L leaned against a building. He was so tired. A kind of tired that went beyond just sleep... he slid down, exhausted in
more than one way.

"Hey, Hades."

He glanced over his shoulder, blinking in surprise. One of Aphrodite's kids? The blond one... Mello! That was it. He
had a half-eaten chocolate in his hand, his brow quirked. L tilted his head, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Oh, hello... are you here on Aphrodite's behalf?"

Mello rolled his shoulders, snapping down on his chocolate.

"Yeah. She wants to make some kind of deal with you."

Shivers ran up his spine, his skin crawling. No, no. He couldn't look at that face again. He just couldn't.

"What's the deal?"

Mello's brow rose quizzically.

"What, you think the bitch would actually tell me anything? I'm just the messenger. All she said was that if you were
interested, to meet her at 'the old spot'. Can I go now?"
L's lips twitched wryly. A free, rebellious spirit. Fiery and passionate. Reminds me of Antonio. That kid was a
spitfire and the most delinquent child he and Light had ever raised. Although something told him Mello could give a
run for Antonio's money. L crossed his arms, shaking his head.

"I'm not going."

Mello shifted, his gaze suddenly turning scared. It was such a rapid shift that L wasn't sure at first if it had happened.
But it was quickly gone, buried under a facade of indifference.

"Whatever. If you don't show, she's going to kill one of us," his voice lowered, "Near," another flash of far and
L stiffened.

"Of all the childish tactics-!"

His nostrils flared, staring down at his hands. He glanced back in the direction of the building. Maybe he could tell
Light everything right now, really quickly. Have him by his side. A grounding force.

"Let me at least tell my husband I'll be leaving."

Mello shrugged uninterestedly.

L made his way back to Light, stopping when he saw the other still sleeping soundly. Leaning down, L softly
brushed the hair away from Light's features. His striking eyes fluttered open, locking with L's and smiling dreamily.

"Hey," he murmured, yawning, "what's um, what's..." his head started moving forward, already falling asleep.

"Light, I have to go somewhere... There's something I have to tell you-"

Light blinked, shifting to look straight into L's eyes... straight into his soul.

L's heart tightened.

"I, um..." he stuttered, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, "Aph... she...P-"

He couldn't do it.

L swallowed.

"I have to meet with Aphrodite... I'll see you."

Light squinted, his eyes sliding to the time, but he nodded. The gods had wonky hours anyway. The thought of L
meeting with one at this hour wasn't unheard of.

"M'kay, you want me to go with you?"

"No... thank you."

Leaning down, L's lips touched Light's forehead. Light's nose crinkled playfully.

"Your lips are cold," he snorted.

L smiled, combing a hand through Light's hair, watching the chestnut locks in awe. It was always so soft to the
touch, always beckoning him.

"I love you," L whispered.

Light bobbed his head absently, "love you too."

When L hadn't moved or stopped combing his hair, Light looked at him. Lines had formed under the god's eyes. He
looked stretched thin. Light's brow furrowed.

"Are you okay?" He asked slowly, "is there something you want to talk about?"

L stared at a discoloration on the sofa, his eyes trained on it intently. Light opened his mouth to ask again, when L
pulled his hand away from his hair.


L forced a strained smile, moving away from the other.

"I'm fine," he croaked.

Chapter 6: Her Mask

Chapter Text

L soared to their old tree, a beautiful and large thing hiding a secret room below. He had Aphrodite would spend
hours just talking and gossiping. It was a good place to hide from the heat or cold and to just spend time together. He
really did miss that.

L dipped his wings downwards, landing at the tree's roots. They instantly parted, revealing the mouth of a tunnel and
the old hangout. He wandered down, his wings tensing. Ever since he stopped coming, it had changed so much. Red
candles littered all the nooks and crannies and the furniture had been replaced with more lavish items. He walked
around in a daze, passing his hands over new tables and furnished marble floor. The style really did suit her.

As he traveled further in, he froze, his stomach gurgling. There was a large bed in the back with soft curtains, plush
pillows and velvet sheets. He stared at it for what felt like the longest time until he felt a prickling of warmth,
smelled a familiar sweet scent.

Turning, he glared at Aphrodite. At that replica of Persephone's face. L's brain was instantly thrown. It was the most
unnerving sight. That feathery golden hair tied back to reveal tan skin and eyes swirling every green imaginable. She
smiled innocently, tilting her head.

"So you do have a soft spot for human kids," she purred with a slight chuckle.

He rolled his eyes, forcing himself to look away, try not to focus on her. This wasn't Persephone... just a mask... he
had to keep reminding himself.

"Would you have really killed that kid if I didn't show?"

"What do you think?"

He didn't answer.

"Whatever," he grumbled. L took a step away from her. Anything for distance, "you've caught my attention. Let me
guess, you're going to sell another pitch? Why are you so invested in Hera's schemes anyway? What do you get out
of it?"
Her eyes glittered. Instead of giving a straightforward answer, she moved towards him, much too close. L bit his lip.
Would she even tell him her angle? Probably not, she's too smart for that.
"I told you," she whispered, "if you help Hera, I could give you what you desire most... your queen."

L's lips twitched, baring his teeth, his voice low and venomous.

"You are not my queen," he seethed.

Her lips twitched upwards.

"But I could be a good replacement... you deny your heart, refuse to acknowledge that this is who you find the most
beautiful," she took a step forward, her lips inches from his.
He swayed, his knees buckling. She even smelled like Nefeli, that sweet floral scent that he could drown in. L tried
averting his eyes, but she gently touched his chin, forcing him to meet those unnaturally green irises. A mask! A
mask! Remember it's all a mask!

"You go by L, right?" She leaned in, her lips ghosting over his, "L, you haven't given yourself the time to grieve."

"It's been thousands of years," he murmured, his fingers tingling with warmth. The same type of warmth Persephone
used to radiate.

He had to get out, his throat was closing on him, making it impossible to breathe. Oh, no. He-he really couldn't
breathe, was he having another panic attack? L clenched his hands, desperate for control again. She giggled.

"It hasn't even been 3,000 years since her death! How long were you with her?"

L's throat bobbed nervously. He tried to step away, but realized his back was hitting the table.

"Around 100,000."


His eyes misted, his voice raspy, "103,285."

Her fingers slid up the back of his scalp and he shuddered, remembering the feeling of Persephone's fingers. L held
onto the table to stop his knees from buckling. Mask! But then again, Oh God, those eyes... was it even possible to
replicate them?

"It hasn't been that long," her voice was smooth. L tried closing his eyes, but that made the illusion almost worse in a
way, "In 3,000 years, you've lost two lovers and 35 children... you need a familiar face."

"But I love Light," he croaked.

Her eyes darted around his face, sliding her hand to his cheek. Against his will, L found himself nuzzling it, every
part of his body needing to kiss and taste and hold her.

"Please stop," his voice wavered, small and terrified, "it... it's not fair."

"Are you sure Light's not just the rebound?"

L was about to retort when those fingers outlined the shell of his ear. All that came out was a pained whine, the
strength leaving his legs.

"I hate you," his voice was unsure though.

A small smile graced her lips.

"You don't have to love me. You can just pretend," her lips went an inch from his ear, "don't you want Nefeli back?"
Pretend? It felt like he was frozen when she pressed her warm, soft lips to his. L stared at her, Persephone's eyes
capturing his. Persephone... Oh, Gods, she was right here, her lips on his... No, it's not her! But he returned the kiss,
hesitantly opening his lips, his systems crashing together painfully.

She tasted like Persephone. He gasped, feeling her tongue run along his mouth. His hand was shaking as he tangled
his fingers throughout her hair, the kiss making his stomach drop. All at once, the floodgates, all the progress he'd
made over the years, the slight semblance of peace he'd made with her death... it was all gone...

His grip on her scalp tightened as tears managed to slide down his cheeks.

"Nefeli," he sobbed, wrapping his arms desperately around her, "oh, God, Nefeli."

L buried his face into the crook of her shoulder, inhaling her scent. Another cry racked his body at the familiar
feeling of her curves pressed against him.

He could pretend, right?

It was easy... almost everything about her was Persephone.

He could have her back, couldn't he?

Even if it was just pretend?

You can't betray Light!
No! What are you doing?!

He inhaled sharply when she palmed his quickly forming erection, her grip on his front soft. L threw back his head,
moaning. Taking the opportunity, she attached her lips to his neck, languidly licking at his skin.

"Nefeli," he groaned, dragging his fingertips up her sides.

She squeaked in response, shifting her chiton to reveal her bare shoulders. L's pupils dilated, his body trembling.
Leaning forward, she gently wiped at his face, cleaning away the tear stains.

"It's me," she smiled.

"It's... it's you..."

Hands exploring, they moved backwards towards the bed, the soft mattress spreading her golden hair like a halo. L
felt his resolve crumbling. 

"L," She gasped, her voice hitched.

He was shaking, staring down at that face, his lips touching her skin.

"I've missed you so much," his voice cracked.

He made a strangled sound, his fingers ghosting over a beauty mark on her right breast... a beauty mark he hadn't
even realized he'd missed. L traced it in awe, shivering at the way she arched into his touch, her moan sparking in
his chest. Memories flooded, a line on her arm, small beauty marks peppering her stomach and the inside of her
thigh. She'd died before cameras. Seeing every little mark fully restored shot L back to that time, made him feel like
he was back in the past. 

Her eyes twinkled kindly and just for a moment, just for a night, L could fool himself into believing it was her.

L was still riding high from his date with Persephone. They'd gone on a few more, each one more fun than the last.
L was even considering standing up to the Pantheon and declaring that he didn't want to marry Eris. He'd made up
his mind that he was going to propose to Persephone. L loved her... if she said no, he didn't want to be with anyone
else, Eris or otherwise.
He and Aphrodite were meeting at their usual hangout, a small village where a man was in love with the woman
trying to kill him. Ever since being with Persephone, L didn't feel the same kind of excitement about returning to
these narratives. He actually found himself feeling sorry for the humans. B-but these games were fine, right? It's not
like he was being cruel... right?
The second he and Aphrodite saw each other, they knew their friendship was changed forever, if not destroyed. Her
cheeks went a bright red, giving him a sad smile.
"You don't see my true form anymore," there was a waver to her voice.
L blinked, wincing. It was true. Her real form had been replaced with Persephone's visage.
He took a step towards her, but her lip quivered, her eyes going glassy.
"Congratulations," she murmured, turning on her heel, "it's very rare to find someone who can completely change
my appearance."
L felt a pang, knowing he'd lost his friend. Someone who needed her real self to be seen... something he simply
couldn't do anymore...
"Aphrodite, wait-"
But she'd already taken to the sky, not even looking back. L watched after her dejectedly.
He tried smoothing things over, but now any time they were together, it was awkward. Neither could really look at
the other. Aphrodite's arranged marriage to Hephaestus came to fruition and before L knew what was happening,
she'd pulled away from him.
He'd lost his friend.

He woke up, his arms wrapped around her abdomen and his body aching. L's eyes trained on that mess of hair
around her head, the way her sleeping body rose and fell. It was like stepping into a dream, a hazy memory of light
filtering through soft locks and making her skin glow, her beautiful laugh. God, he missed that laugh. L almost
smiled, reaching out to touch her hair, but he paused... that's what it is... a dream... none of this is real. None of it-
wha-what am I doing?

Pulling his hand away, his eyes dawned in horror.

"No," he breathed, his chest crushing.

Oh no... what have I done? Light, I... oh, Gods.

Aphrodite shifted, twisting around and smiling sleepily at him.

"Morning," she sighed.

L didn't respond. Shrugging, she pecked his lips, but he didn't return it, his face conflicted.

"You... you manipulated me..."

"Oh please," she grumbled, "I didn't force you to do anything you didn't want to."
Her grin went mischievous, arching her body and rubbing it against his, "but for the record, I did enjoy that quite a
How can I possibly look Light in the face? I'm disgusting.

L sidled away from her, slipping out of the covers. He started looking for his clothing, feeling much too naked and
vulnerable. He just wanted to go home. Everything was hurting. Putting on his clothing was hard, his fingers were
trembling so harshly that he couldn't focus.

Aphrodite bit at her lip, her eyes twisted in sympathy.

"L. You don't it think meant something?"

His chest heaved. L buried his face into his hands, disgust at himself rising in his mind. All he could see was Light's
face, imagining the hurt and fresh betrayal.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Her expression flashed in desperation.

"I love you, and you love me but you won't acknowledge it... L, come on. We can rule the Underworld together.
Hades and Persephone, just like how it should be."
Persephone... Persephone. Persephone- his eyes popped.

"Is that what this is about?" He breathed.

She sucked in a sharp breath, her body tensing as he slowly looked at her.

"'We can rule the Underworld together'?... All of this... it's to become the queen of the Underworld... isn't it?"

Aphrodite's eyes widened a fraction.

"No! I love you! Listen, L, Hera and I... we're going to take our power by force, but I didn't want to do that to you. I
want to rule with you."

He stared at her in disbelief, the air being sucked from his lungs. This was all about power. Nothing else. He was so-
he was so stupid. Of course it was all about power.

"You're deluding yourself into thinking you love me."

"But I can be your queen!" She cried out desperately, "don't you want this? To wake up to this face every day?"

'This face'... Persephone's face... a face she stole... L shifted, taking a cautious step back.

"Stop wearing her face," he growled.

"I'll stop wearing it once your subconscious stops seeing her as the most beautiful thing in the universe."

He bit his thumb hard enough to illicit a light trickle of ichor.

"Stupid," he chastised himself, "how could I have been so stupid?!"
He was vaguely aware of her fingers sliding up his arms. L shuddered, wanting to both lean into and away. His
entire body felt unsteady as he tried to put distance between himself and her. Sighing, he forced himself to look at
her. She gazed back with doe eyes, the way her hair tangled around her face somehow making it even more
beautiful. L's mouth was dry.
"You're not her... I'm sorry, Per-Aphrodite. I am so sorry... we can't have what you want. And you... you'll never be
the queen of the Underworld. I don't know what Hera promised, but don't believe her."

Her jaw set, but she simply stared at the ground as his wings snapped out of his shoulder blades. L hesitated, risking
one last glance at her.

"Please... all I want is peace."

He pushed himself into the air.

L stopped in the Underworld's sky, looking down to see Light sleeping in the middle of the asphodel field. It was
just something he liked to do, citing that the spirits were a calming presence and that the fields were quiet. L
watched the steady rise and fall of his chest, his own twisting in guilt. Light looked so serene, so in-tune with his

He was a monster.

Light would hate him.

Hell, he hated himself.

He didn't deserve Light...

Shrinking, L soared towards Persephone's garden, hoping that Demeter wasn't there. To his luck, she wasn't. He
collapsed in front of Persephone's grave, his arms the only thing holding him up. Even sitting in front of a
headstone, he felt immeasurably dirty. Every inch of him was itching, and all he could think about was how he
needed to wash. He wrapped himself into a hug, looking at the grass covering her body.

"I don't deserve anything..." He gave a choked sob, holding the sides of his head, "I don't know what to do... please,
just... help me. Show me the right way, I just," a wail ripped his throat before he could stop. It was hauntingly
similar to the ones he let out the night of her death, "I just need some guidance."

Light was startled awake by the wail. It was an inhuman sound that sent goosebumps peppering his skin.


Scrambling to his feet, he ran in the direction of the howl.

He found L sobbing in the garden, curled up on the ground and his wings sprawled pitifully. Light gaped, sliding to
his knees and scooping up the other.

"What happened?" He smoothed the hair away from L's sweaty features.
L looked at him with wide, terrified eyes. Light had never seen that expression on him before! L, his calm, cool,
collected L... looked so small and scared. He slowly, almost experimentally, touched Light's face, tracing his

"I love you so much. I don't understand it," he murmured, "I find you so incredibly beautiful... so why her?"

Light's nostrils flared worriedly.

"L, you're not making sense. I need you to talk to me."

Scared amber eyes silently pleaded with charcoal grey. Light's nose wrinkled, noticing a strange, sickly sweet smell
coming from the other. It was overwhelming, masking L's usual scent.

L's throat went tight around him. He combed his fingers through Light's hair, his face falling.

"Light... I-I have to tell you something... B-but first I need a shower."
Chapter 7: Division

Chapter Text

Light paced in their room anxiously, his mind absolute racing. L had been in the shower for almost an hour now. He
was tempted to go in, but he settled for knocking on the door.

"I'll be out soon," the voice replied.

Inside the shower, L was scrubbing himself raw. But no matter what he used, no matter how hard he scrubbed, he
couldn't get rid of that sickly sweet smell. No, wear your filth. You don't deserve to be clean. He slid to the floor,
hanging his head. Ever since he entered the shower, he'd been trying to figure ways how to tell Light. What to say
and do. He was definitely going to tell him. This was something that Light had a right to know. But how... how... L
sighed, pressing a hand to his forehead. His sopping hair fell forward, drenched and soaked against the nape of his

Everything was so fucked up.

Gathering what little remained of his courage, he exited the bathroom, not meeting Light's eyes. The other surged
forward, enveloping L in a hug and that... that made it so much worse. It was the kind of hug that told so many
things and that you could get lost in forever. It was intoxicating, could L really put that in jeopardy? L rested his
chin on Light's shoulder, feeling the warmth from the other's body.

"L, this isn't healthy," Light implored, "you can't just keep everything so close to your chest... of course your privacy
is important, but... you're scaring me."

L closed his eyes. Light always smelled fresh. Not like flowers necessarily, but a field, a soothing scent that made
L's skin tingle and prickle. He slowly slid his fingers up Light's back, feeling the outlined muscles underneath his
shirt, his strong bones shifting and rolling beneath his fingertips. It'd be so easy not to tell him... to pretend that
everything was okay. Everything could be okay again, right? 

Cupping Light's face, he looked into those amber eyes, his throat closing on him. His resolve was crumpling, he
could feel it. The words tumbled out before he could talk himself out of it, blunt yet brutally honest.

"I slept with Aphrodite."

The air froze.

Light stared at him. It seemed that it didn't register at first. He hesitated, his face twitching. Then it sank in.

"W-what? Y-you..." He sucked in a breath, fresh hurt and betrayal burning in his eyes, "you... why would you... no.
You're lying."

It felt like there was cotton in L's mouth. His eyes went to the floor, shame flickering across his features. Light
stepped away from the embrace in a daze, taking away his body heat and leaving L shivering.
"I haven't been completely honest with you, Light. Aphrodite. She appears as Persephone to me... and I let it finally
break down my walls. All I could think about was how much I missed her and she promised I could have
Persephone again and... I'm so sorry. Light, I am so sorry."
Light couldn't move. His entire body was numb. Is this real?

"D-Do you love her?"

"No," L replied instantly, "I don't love her."

Light couldn't even think of what to say. His eyes went to his hands. There were so many turbulent emotions that he
didn't know where to begin... L had slept with someone else because he missed her... his eyes widened, his voice
coming out in barely a breath.

"Am I a replacement?"

That made L's eyes snap in his direction.


Light's jaw squared, his voice coming more confident, a new spark of anger and bitterness igniting in his stomach.

"Am I a replacement for Persephone? Am I your rebound?"

L's eyes glistened.

"No," he croaked, "you're not that at all! I love you... I love you so much, Light. I'd do anything for you... but I still
love both of you."

A part of Light knew that the next question was cruel, but he didn't care, the anger clouding his vision.

"Then if she were here now, and you had to choose between the two of us, who would you pick?"

L's mouth fell open, stunned. He looked like he'd been kicked, the very thought terrifying. His lip quivered.

"That's not fair."

"Answer the damn question."

L couldn't.
It felt like Light had been punched. Why isn't he answering? Why is he just standing there?! ANSWER.

The look on L's face said it all. He couldn't answer the question. And if he could, not in the way Light wanted. He
knew on a certain level that it was an impossible question to expect L to answer, but on another... he slung the bag
over his shoulder, stalking past L and throwing open the door. Aello was down the hall, talking avidly with the

"Get the chariot ready," Light called, trying to keep his voice steady "I'm leaving."

Aello blinked, nodding rapidly. The harpies sensed the air too and left along with her.

L stood dejectedly in the doorway, his face red and tears sliding down his cheeks. The air had been sucked out of his
lungs and it felt like he was losing everything he loved.

"Please, Light," he begged, "please, don't go. Light-"

He tried reaching out to Light, but the other pulled himself away.

"I need time," Light snapped, avoiding looking at him, "I-I just need some fucking time."

L pitched forward, hanging his head.

No, no, no please don't leave!

"I love you," he sobbed, "I-I love you, Light, you have to understand that! Please, Light, let's just talk-"

Light didn't look at him.

When the chariot was ready, he left, glancing behind as the palace started fading from view. As the chariot moved
through the fields, the entire situation suddenly became real. L had slept with someone else... Light covered his
mouth, trying to calm himself... L slept with someone else. I'm not good enough. I'm not his first choice. Sniffing,
Light wiped at his cheeks. No, there'd be time for that later. Right now, he just had to-he just had to go.
L stood on the balcony, watching him go. The god considered using his wings, try to talk to Light, but he stopped
himself. I don't deserve forgiveness. He watched the chariot disappear into the distance, a small dot. Drawing away
from the balcony, L looked around their room, lost and confused. Light was gone... and he had no one to blame but
himself. L slumped in the middle of the room, never having felt so alone before. He curled up on the floor, wrapping
his large wings around himself and wishing he could just disappear. That the horrible feelings would finally just take

The chariot could travel anywhere in a timely fashion. There weren't many places Light could go where there were
people who knew and cared for him, but there was one place. He stood in front of Wammy's House for Gifted
Orphans, his eyes trained on the old wood. Quillish's life-work, the orphans he helped, everything he did. The only
person there who knew of him and Hades was Roger.
Roger opened the door, taking in the other's disheveled appearance. Light swallowed. In a way, it felt like he didn't
belong here. He didn't have what L and Quillish did... but he was still my son! Light inhaled slowly, searching
Roger's face.

"I didn't know where else to go... I need a place to stay," he whimpered.

The rumor mill in the palace soon reached Demeter. When she heard what has happened, she raced over to L,
finding him still curled up on the floor, hidden beneath his wings. Demeter winced, chewing on her lip.


"How could I be so stupid? How could I just-"

L tightened his wings around himself, his face hidden from view. Demeter heart softened as she knelt in front of
him, gently pulling the wings away. He looked like a scared child, his eyes red and tear stains on his cheeks. L
avoided looking at her, his gaze trained on the ground. Reaching forward, she tenderly touched his chin.

"You made a mistake," she whispered.

Pure self-loathing shone through his features, so intense that it even took away Demeter's breath.
"I destroyed what we had! Light's sacrifice was in vain! I swore I'd protect his new self, that even if we didn't fall in
love, I'd stand by him... and all I ended up doing was hurting him. That was me!"

She licked at her lip, wanting to help but uncertain how to. Demeter reached forward, but L shrank back, hanging
onto his scalp.

"Go away."

Demeter blinked, her face falling.


"I said go away," his voice cracked.

"You don't want to be alone right now-"

"I don't care!" He cried out, "okay? Yes, Demeter. I want to be alone right now. I don't care about my 'mental health'
or any of that shit. I just want to feel bad," his voice lowered to a whisper, "and I don't want to drag you down too.
Everyone I love gets hurt in one way or another."

He looked up at her pleadingly.

"Please... go before you get hurt."

Demeter didn't know what to say. He was practically begging. She slowly stood, fiddling with the hem of her dress.
She supposed she could stay with the dryads. They were nature-lovers who would accept her with open arms.

"If you need me-"

"I know how to contact the dryads," L gave a pained yet grateful smile.

She hesitated. As she moved for the door, she looked at him, searching yet failing to find comforting words.

"If it makes you feel any better, um, I'm pretty sure all the gods cheat on each other at some point."
Demeter hissed, knowing it was not the right thing to say. It was probably the goddamn worst thing to say. Wow,
that was dumb. Nice going, Demeter. Wooow.

L understood that the words were meant to be comforting, though. Just so she wouldn't feel guilty, he gave a weak
smile, tiredly massaging his temple.

"Yeah," he gave a humorless laugh, "that is what we seem to be best at."

She started to leave when he called out.


"Yes?" She asked hopefully.

He was staring distantly at the wall.

"Do you think we're immortal to make each other suffer for eternity? A Hell of our own making?"

Demeter crossed her arms.

"Like you said, of our own making. We have control over that, Lysander. It only becomes Hell if you let the years
weather you down. I know it doesn't feel like it at the moment, but you are a good person. A loving person. Light
will see that. He'll understand that you made a mistake. And then you'll have the chance to make your own

He highly doubted that could happen. But he didn't respond, just watching her go.

And suddenly he was alone.

Aphrodite tilted her wings, the roof meeting her feet. She preened her long, white feathers, quickly swiping at her
eyes in the process. She was ashamed to say that sex with L was everything she'd anticipated it'd be. His skin cold
yet offsetting the heat of his actions, the taste of death not unpleasant as she thought it'd be. No, his mouth had a bit
of a bittersweet flavor. Maybe that's why he was so enthralled by sugar, it tipped the natural taste of his mouth.

She waited for what felt like forever before she saw a peacock flying in the distance, the moon reflecting brilliantly
off its feathers. Aphrodite tensed, watching it land on the roof beside her and morph into Hera, her dark blue hair
tied up in a tight bun. Hera turned frighteningly cold and calculated golden eyes in her direction, cocking her head.

"You look miserable," she snickered.

When Aphrodite didn't answer, the old queen scoffed.

"So I take it you trying to win his heart by yourself didn't work? Big shock," she added sarcastically, "I totally
believed he'd drop his marriage on a dime to be with you. My plan, now."

"I don't want to hurt him!" There was a note of desperation in her voice.

Hera's eyes narrowed, a terrifying sight that made Aphrodite want to disappear.

"Dove, are you going soft?"

Aphrodite stiffened, but she didn't dare meet her queen's gaze. Hera grasped her chin, forcing Aphrodite to look up.
There was pure hatred in the woman's eyes, a kind of hatred that was both hot and cold. Hera's voice came out a low
"Hades must pay. He just stood by and refused to help while Zeus, my husband, was brutally murdered. And then he
refused to take a side when Eris claimed Olympus' throne and forced me out. He'd destroyed my life and with or
without you, I'm getting rid of him. Now Dove, you have two options. You can either run away and not involve
yourself in the conflict... or you can help me. Once I rule Olympus, I'll make you the official ruler of the
Underworld, you'll be the new Hades. Lysander's heart will be yours. You'll have everything you've ever wanted.
You won't have to worry about humiliation or disrespect anymore."

No more humiliation...
Aphrodite hadn't been happy in her arranged marriage with Hephaestus... one could even say she was depressed
and lonely. So she found solace in Ares... it wasn't anything serious or because of love. It was just that she felt
miserable and with her good looks, she could get any fuck she wanted.
But somehow, Hephaestus found out. He wanted to humiliate her, make her regret ever existing, and he found a Hell
of a way.
A net. One minute, Ares was thrusting deep inside of her, the pleasure mounting as she scrabbled at the bed, her
moans coming out in breathy gasps, his fingers digging into her hips, washing away the pain. And the next, a net
was sprung from bed, crushing them together. At first, Aphrodite was scared and confused. They were so smooshed
that Ares was stuck inside of her, and couldn't get out, no matter how hard he struggled... Helios lit them up with the
sun's rays to put them on display for all the gods.
The humiliation was burning. Every god in the Pantheon watching them and laughing, their voices shrill and
mocking. Aphrodite tried covering herself, but it barely helped. Ares was hot from embarrassment.
"I-it wasn't my fault! S-she bewitched me!"
Aphrodite's mouth fell open as the gods took his side, calling her names like whore, adulterer, witch. That it would
be a triumph if Hephaestus 'overcame' her and divorced her. Tears threatened to stream down her cheeks. And then
she saw L. He wasn't jeering like the rest of the crowd, but he was looking on in a stunned silence.
She knew all he saw was his newly wedded wife's body and face trapped in sex, on display even if no one else saw
Persephone. But he did. He saw Persephone. An entirely new wave of shame rose up in her stomach. They locked
eyes and he started, moving forward to help her. But she didn't want his pity. She didn't want him to see her like
this. So she shrieked at him, swiping and almost cutting him with her nails. He easily jumped back, but the event
only brought a fresh wave of laughter from the onlookers.
When she was finally released, L tried to find her, but she grabbed him by the throat, slamming him against a tree.
Of course he couldn't die by such an action, but L watched her with large eyes, shining with worry.
"Shut up!" She snarled, her lips twitching, "I don't want to talk to you! If I see your face again, I'll pretend I am
Persephone, you hear me? You won't know who you're fucking and then your new marriage will be destroyed! I'll
poison your love, Lysander."
L scanned her, reaching out.
"You're a good person. You wouldn't-"
"Oh? Don't think I would?"
She crashed lips with his and he squeaked, squirming in her grasp. Aphrodite closed her eyes, the physical contact
letting her know exactly how Persephone kissed him, the little flicks of her tongue that drove him crazy. A perfect
imitation of Persephone's kiss. One of her cursed 'abilities'.
For just a second, L melted into it, his gaze flickering in absolute confusion, his hands sliding up her back. She
pressed him against the tree, her fingertips on the side of his neck telling her that he loved it when Persephone
sucked there. Lowering her mouth, she attached her lips, puckering them perfectly, exactly how he liked it. As if
they'd been doing this for years. L hissed out, holding onto the back of her scalp. His eyes popped though as he
abruptly pulled away, swiping at his mouth and wiping his neck.
"What the fuck was that?" He gasped.
Aphrodite sneered.
"That's not the only thing from Persephone I can imitate." Her lips ghosted an inch above his, delighting in his
trembling, "Come here, Lysander. Let me bewitch you. You'll never feel secure knowing whether you're in bed with
her or me. The next time you're making love to her, I hope I cross your mind, sweetheart."
L made an indecipherable sound, his face somehow paler. Aphrodite faltered. She'd never seen that look on his face
before. Terror. Of her. Wow. The King of the Underworld was terrified of her. It was both a gratifying and horrible
His eyes misted. This time he didn't argue, opting to just fly away. As he went, she shrieked viciously after him.
"Stay away from me!"

Aphrodite swallowed, picking at her palm.

"I don't want to hurt him anymore."
"We already tried it your way," Hera snarled, "he doesn't love you. He won't join us voluntarily. Dove, if there's
something you want, you need to be able to take it... or are you too weak?"

Aphrodite's gaze hardened.

"I'm not weak," her voice was filled with a dark, bitter venom.

Hera's lips twitched upwards. She held up a small vial full of ichor. Aphrodite's breathing quickened, her own ichor
roaring in her ears.

"Then take what you want," Hera whispered, pressing the vial into Aphrodite's hand.
Chapter 8: Coping

Chapter Text

Light slumped out of the spare guest room, dragging himself down the staircase. Linda was the only one in the
kitchen, eating some midnight cereal. Light almost paused seeing her. She was the oldest one in the orphanage at 17.

She glanced up in surprise, not having seen Light the entire day.

Wordlessly, he shuffled over to the fridge and took out the entire carton of orange juice, tipping it back into his
mouth. Linda winced. He didn't even look at her, opting to just chug the juice until he tossed the carton into the

"Have you actually had anything to eat?" She asked curiously.

He smacked his lips, pursing them. Digging back into the fridge, he piled a mountain of soda cans into his arms,
crossing over and grabbing a bag of potato chips from the counter.

"I had a grape earlier."

She opened her mouth, but he didn't stick around to listen, already making his way back to bed.

He was about to pass a window when he heard a voice hissing up.

"Psst! Linda! Linds!"

Light stuck his head out of the window, his eyes widening. Aphrodite's kid, Matt, was on the grass, holding a teddy
bear. They made eye contact and Matt's face went a bright red.

"You're not Linda," he murmured lamely, his brain at a loss.

Light gave him a cynical expression. He tossed down a soda can, watching it bounce uselessly.

"Take it from me, Kid. Love's pointless," Light growled.

Matt stared at him. Instead of waiting for a response, Light kept throwing soda cans. He didn't do it with the intent to
hurt, he just wanted to feel something, anything, leaving his hands. The more he dropped down, the angrier he felt, a
dark fury rising up his chest.

"You fucking- spend thousands of years with someone-"


"And they just turn the fuck around-"

"Uh, Light, was it?"

"And they fuck some bimbo who can't choose what goddamn face she fucking wants!"

"What!" He snarled.

Light froze, seeing that the soda cans had burst and had completely drenched the poor kid in sticky, sweet liquid.
Matt shifted nervously, not looking at the other in the eye. His voice came out quiet.

"Aphrodite can't know I left the palace..."

Light faltered, instant regret flooding his system.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Come inside, I'll help you clean your clothing."

Matt seemed like an awkward kid slowly gazing around the old manor. Light hesitated, helping him with his jacket.
Linda wandered out of the kitchen. She glanced between him and Light, scurrying away. Matt's face fell slightly.

"It's okay... I told her not to let anyone know we were in a relationship," he whispered.

Light's features twisted in sympathy.

"Aphrodite's that strict, huh? Does she hurt you in any way?"

Matt's eyes flickered over the man. Light winced, realizing that if she was, this kid wouldn't just tell a stranger. As
he expected, Matt rolled his shoulders.

"I mean, she's the closest thing to a mom I know," he laughed slightly. Light could tell it was fake. Forced.

Avoiding Light's intense gaze, Matt stepped into the middle of the common room, his heart skipping. Aphrodite
always told him that orphanages were a living Hell. And he knew that was true to a certain degree, but this one... this
one seemed... nice... it was beautiful, that was for sure.

Light glanced down to see Matt's pants soaked. Before he got a chance to drip all over the antique carpet, Light
motioned to the laundry room.

"Go wash your pants, I'm sure I can find an extra pair somewhere around here."
Matt silently obeyed, scratching at his scalp. Sighing, Light went into the guest room, opening the closet. It was full
of L's spare clothing... he used to visit at least once a week. Light's chest dropped on him, feeling the soft jeans
between his fingers. God, he'd tease L all the time about them. Of course he didn't mean malice, but Light always
took pride in his appearance. The fact that L didn't was equal parts infuriating and adorable. Light numbly knocked
on the laundry door, closing his eyes as he slipped the jeans into Matt's outstretched hand.

Clearing his throat, Light leaned against the wall, waiting for Matt to finish. He strolled confidently out of the room,
making Light snort.

"How the Hell did you make those ugly jeans work?" Light chuckled.

Matt's cheeks blossomed red. He shrugged helplessly, tossing back his rugged red hair.

"What can I say? I'm just that good... you're uh, you're Hades' husband, right?"

Light's lips tightened.

"Right now, 'husband' is a very strong term."




Light tilted his head, "why are you sorry?"

Matt didn't say anything right away, twisting his shirt nervously.

"I don't know... whenever something goes wrong for Mistress, she yells until someone apologizes. It just- it just
seems like the right thing to do."
Light rose his thumb to his lips before catching himself. Another damn habit of L's he'd picked up. If he wasn't
careful, his fingertips would be calloused beyond repair. But Matt... he couldn't deny that this was interesting. He
was still hopelessly clueless about Aphrodite. Besides the fact that she's two-timing, home-wrecking bitch.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Matt scratched at his arms.

"Not... really..."

"Okay, we don't have to... You look like someone who enjoys playing video games," Light smirked.

The boy stammered in uncertainty.

"Sir, I'm not going to tell you anything about Mistress."

Light laughed shrilly, stumbling towards his room.

"Kid, I already asked if you wanted to unload your baggage, you said no. I found out my husband cheated on me
two days ago, I don't give a shit what you feel like sharing, it's my turn now. How old are you?"

Stunned, Matt gaped.

"16, sir."

Light considered, tapping his chin.

"Alright! We're going by Italy drinking age! Le's go."

"But I'm a minor sir."

"No perché siamo in Italia, buon signore. E non chiamarmi signore. Mi chiamo Light."
Matt cursed under his breath, trying to remember his language lessons. Aphrodite had taught the three of them
French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, English and Japanese. No because we are in Italy, good sir. And don't call me sir.
My name's Light. Matt straightened.

"I was always taught to respect the gods, Sir."

Light scoffed, searching and finding a bottle of beer.

"I'm not a god, Kid," he snarked bitterly, "I'm just a fucking glorified sex toy with an endless battery life. I don't
even know if I can regenerate! For all I know, immortality is my only goddamn power."

"You shouldn't tell me that! If Aphrodite asks-"

The older man burst out cackling, pouring himself a glass.

"You think I give a flying shit what Aphrodite asks or wants or does? You know what? I want her to ask you. And
when she does, you tell her from me that she can-"
Matt's eyes widened, grateful for Roger suddenly deciding to vacuum the hallway right outside. He read Light's lips
though, his eyes practically bugging out. He wasn't even sure if Mello had such an... enriched... vocabulary.

Roger left as Light deflated.

"Light, I really ought to-"

"Do you want to play video games and hear me rant about my ex-husband or not?"


"Look, okay, I don't know what we are... but I don't want to be alone right now... please, Matt."

They stared at each other, Light's eyes begging. He just needed someone to listen, someone who he could just dump
all his thoughts on.

The boy gave a gentle smile, green eyes twinkling.

"You know, I've always wanted to visit Italy."

L stared at the fireplace, deep lines under his eyes and his face torn. Was it better to go after Light? Or to give him
some time? He suspected he'd gone to stay at the orphanage. Just like that, another fresh wave of pain. So much loss
over such a short of time... his Queen, dozens of children, the first Light, Gods what was wrong with him?
He felt a familiar prickling of warmth and curled up into a tighter ball, trying not to show weakness but failing
miserably. Please, no. I'm begging you. Please, please-

"Why won't you just go away," he shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut.

Aphrodite crossed her arms, watching him. They were quiet for what felt like forever until L picked up his head.

"I want Light..."

The admission made his chest twist. He'd give anything see him. For Light to hold him. Aphrodite stepped around,
crouching in front of him. He looked at her, his heart aching.

"I want to move on," his voice was so soft that he almost didn't recognize it, "why won't you let me move on?"

Aphrodite's eyes flickered over him, a flash of regret on her features. She faltered, her fingers trembling.

"B-but Light's gone! You need a queen, who better?"


He gasped when she ever so softly touched his jawline, moving close. His heart skipped, his pulse pounding. L
turned his head slightly, smelling the flowers emanating from her skin.

"So, what? You didn't like it?" She whispered seductively, her breath tickling his ear.

L shuddered, his voice hitching when her fingers glided down his neck, her digits so gentle that it was hard to
believe. He barely even registered that he'd shifted, his legs slowly sliding out. She pressed closer, her knee sneaking
between his legs and adding just the slightest bit of friction to his crotch. L tipped his head back, throat bobbing. Her
tongue was quick enough to flick along his exposed throat, sending his thoughts into disarray.

"You didn't like it when your body was on top of mine? The heavy air that took your breath away?" She dragged her
nails along the soft part of his throat, making him whine, "I know you liked the taste of me," she chuckled, "you
wouldn't stop licking and biting me all night."

She took the lobe of his ear in between her teeth, tenderly rolling it, "it's a shame," she breathed, her fingers
traveling lower, towards his chest, "I could make love to you forever. Just you and me, skin to skin, where the world
can't hurt us. You can do anything you want to me."

He closed his eyes, just feelings those fingers skimming his chest, sliding towards his abdomen. His nerves were
going haywire, his pulse quickening and producing a restlessness just underneath his skin. It had felt nice just
putting all his problems in the corner, just losing himself to Aphrodite's body. Something to numb the pain.
It felt like it did when Persephone died and Light took away the pain with sex.

That made his eyes pop open.

Holy shit.

It felt... exactly... like it did that first time he and Light had sex with each other.
"It won't stop hurting... but I can make the pain temporarily go away..." That's what the old Light had said, had
manipulated him to believe.
It's a coping mechanism... I'm in pain and Light twisted me into making sex my coping mechanism... holy shit...

He blinked, looking at Aphrodite, her lips on his neck. His nostrils flared. Yeah... she may have been wearing
Persephone's face, but her actions... they were purely the old Light's. The manipulation, the power-lust, capitalizing
on Persephone's death...

Two dead lovers rolled into one. He almost laughed dryly. How fucking ironic.

Against his aching body, his now strained erection and every nerve begging him to take her, L shook his head,
pulling his knees up, forcing Aphrodite to withdraw. He rested his chin on his knee.

"No," he rasped, "Aphrodite... I don't want you. You're not Persephone."

Her eyes misted.

"Please, L... choose me. You know I'm a proud person, I've never begged for anything. I'm begging you now, please
choose me."

They locked eyes, a myriad of things passing between them. Aphrodite's breath caught, thinking she may have
gotten through to him. But her heart froze when he leaned in.
"I can't love you. I'll never know if it's you or her who I'm loving and I can't do that for a second time, much less a
thousand years. Aphrodite. It. Will not. Happen... I don't love you. And quite honestly, right now, I don't
even like you."

The only sound was the crackling fire. Aphrodite's throat bobbed. She realized that it was the truth. He'd never love
her on his own. It just wasn't possible. She squeezed her eyes shut, Hera's words revolving in her mind. Power and
fake love... or nothing and her soul would remain intact? If she walked away, she could still say she was a good
enough person, still terrible but not despicable. It was almost tempting... but the thousands of years swirled in her
brain, arranged marriages, people using her for what they wanted, seen as a weak and vain goddess.

No. She wanted a kingdom. She wanted power and respect.

Her eyes opened.

Who needed a soul, anyway?

"It's a shame," she murmured, "I really did like you... I would've loved to be your queen. It would've been a win-win
situation... but I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."

L's eyes flickered in confusion. Before he could ask, she whipped out a small spray bottle, spritzing his face. L
gasped, reeling back and blinking rapidly.

"The fuck?!"

Aphrodite stood slowly, her gaze cold.

"Like I said, Hera and I need you to depose of Eris. The plan was that I'd get to be your queen while she became the
ruler of Olympus. And I will do that. I will be the Queen of the Underworld with or without you."

L was breathing heavily, his eyes burning. He tried standing, but the strength was sapped out of his legs as he
crumpled, his wings sagging uselessly. Shaking his head, he roared.
"What did you do to me?!"

Aphrodite stepped over to the fire, dowsing water on the logs. He was choking, scratching at his face.

"Light!" He shrieked, trying to crawl.

Warm amber eyes played in his brain, Light's fresh scent, the way they'd always tease each other about their sense of
fashion. L wanted that back! He needed to-he needed to-

Aphrodite sighed, her eyes merciless.

"Interesting, no? It was Hera's idea. She hypothesized that if Eris' ichor had the power to kill other gods, then
perhaps all of our ichor had some kind of power over each other. And what if we could mix different ichor to get
desired results?"

L was moaning, sliding his hand over the carpet, trying to reach out to the balcony, his vision blurred. As if Light
would materialize there. There was a pain in his chest, intense and similar to the day Light had stolen his powers.
Keep her talking. Figure a way out.

"Ichor?" He rasped, curling in on himself.

"Hm, yes. This little vial... 25% of the concoction comes from Hera, meant to inspire loyalty. We stole some blood
from Hypnos and then... me," her voice went to a serpentine hiss, "you won't be able to get enough of me, L."

He let out a whimper, his thoughts clouding over.

I'm sorry, Light, I'm sorry... Lig- L collapsed, staring at the ground. Maybe he deserved this... maybe this was his
punishment... his eyes closed, allowing himself to get dragged under all the pain and misery he'd been feeling for

Maybe with any luck, he'd drown in it.

Aphrodite's nostrils flared. Did it work? It had on all the immortal creatures they tested, but this was different. He
was one of the most powerful gods in the Pantheon. Would the mixture work? She held her breath, surprised to find
that a part of her hoped it wouldn't. That he'd just wake up furious and scream at her.

His eyes opened slowly, glazed over red.

Aphrodite stood over him, wincing as he dazedly stood, looking around lost and confused. His eyes met hers, a
gentle smile crossing his lips. Pure adoration shone through his features.

"Aphrodite... I love you," he sighed, reaching out for her.

She shook her head. No, she'd do many things, but sex with someone who had no free will was not one. She snapped
her fingers and he instantly went quiet. Aphrodite blinked, trying to get over the guilt in the pit of her stomach.
"You're going to help Hera and I take over Olympus and then crown me the sole ruler of the Underworld. You'll be
by my side for the rest of your life, tending to my every need and whim."

L tilted his head, nodding rapidly. He closed the distance between them, kissing her desperately. Aphrodite sighed.
Okay, maybe kisses. She could at least accept kisses. It was passionate and needy, his hands spreading up her arms.
Aphrodite had to stop herself from getting swept up in the intensity. His long fingers had just slipped her dress down
her shoulder when she stepped away.

He whined, but obeyed, watching her adoringly. Aphrodite swallowed the lump in her throat. Don't be sentimental.
This isn't L. Just a drone. A pet. Yes, that's how she had to think about it. She wasn't sure if she could stand thinking
about the situation any other way.

"Come," she commanded, "we're going to Olympus."

L slid to his knees and grabbed her hand, kissing it fervently.

"I'll cage Eris like an animal just for you," he declared, a dreamy grin on his thin lips.
Chapter 9: The Storm
Chapter Text

Eris sat on the throne, listening to a minor god's complaints, trying not to roll her eyes. Gods, they could be so petty.
Hermes rushed into Olympus' large golden halls, his face red with running. She straightened, but before she could
ask what had happened, three figures appeared at the edge of the long hall... Hera, Aphrodite, and... Eris froze.

There was a collar around L's throat, connected to a chain which Aphrodite was holding. Eris stiffened, alarms
sounding in her head. He lumbered behind Aphrodite, his eyes glazed over red.

Hera strolled to the front, her golden eyes glittering dangerously.

"Eris," she purred. Her voice lowered threateningly, "I fear to inform you that you're in my chair."

Eris couldn't tear her eyes away from L. His eyes were empty... hollow. Ignoring Hera, she motioned to L, trying to
speak directly to him.

"What's wrong?"
He didn't answer, his eyes trained on the floor. Aphrodite giggled, combing her fingers through his hair. His eyes
slipped shut, mouth falling open in pleasure at just the slightest touch. L leaned into her touch, nuzzling her palm.
Eris' eyes widened, hearing him... purring... Aphrodite answered Eris for him.

"Nothing's wrong, Dear. As long as you do what Hera says."

Eris bristled, glancing between the two goddesses, her fingers twitching.

"What did you do to L?" She breathed, slowly standing. She was so stunned that she moved forward, forgetting her
staff, the powerful artifact leaning against the throne.
Eris tried her best not to interact with him, especially with the whole 'cajoling his lover to kill his wife' thing, but
she did care about him. And in her eyes, the thing nuzzling and purring to Aphrodite was not him.

Hera's lips curled nastily.

"Don't focus on him... you have yourself to worry about."

Eris licked at her lips. In response to her new adrenaline, the walls and floor curled and twisted chaotically, roiling
in crazy, unpredictable patterns. She gave a dry laugh.

"Me? Worried? Please... Hera, you have no power here."

The former queen's lips twitched.

"I don't... but he does. Give up the throne and we won't hurt you while we chain you up."

The ruler of Olympus scoffed, snapping out large batty wings, the skin leathery and smooth. She'd been imprisoned
for tens of thousands of years. There were many things she wouldn't mind redoing, many moments in time she'd like
to relive. But, never. Never again would she be locked up in solitary confinement.

She'd rather die. And that was impossible seeing as she was the one with the killing power.

Eris let out an awe-inspiring screech, a mixture between a bat and a bird, animalistic, feral and menacing.

Hera smirked.


Aphrodite nodded. Calmly, she unhooked the chain from L's collar. He barely seemed to notice, his eyes trained
lovingly on Aphrodite.

"Hades... chain her up at any cost. Tear out her wings and throat if you have to."

Eris' eyes popped.

L's eyes went pure black, hiding the whites of his eyeballs. His entire body cracked, his limbs going more jagged
and beastly. His teeth went razor-sharp, curving inwards into hooks. Eris bit back a scream as L shot forward, his
wings jutting out so violently that they made a crack.

She dove out of the way, watching in horror as he collided and slashed up her throne, his gaze snapping in her
direction. Her heart skipped, fear shooting up her spine.

He let out a snarl, bounding towards her. Breathing heavily, Eris shook her head.

"Hade-Lysander! I don't want to fight you!"

Aphrodite cackled.
"That's a shame, because he really wants to fight you. Don't you, Darling?"
The thing posing as L chirruped, his chest quivering at the pet-name. Eris' arms trembled. No... she refused... she
couldn't! After all the pain she'd put him through, how could she possibly hurt him? Fight him? Or worst yet, if her
ichor went into his eyes or a wound, she'd end up killing him! Where's Light? What happened to him?! I need to find
him! Turning, she flew towards the entrance, her heart pounding, acutely aware that L was right on her tail, long
sword-like talons extended.
She broke out into the cool night air, the other gods of the skies watching in interest. They understood that this was
Hera's challenge for the throne... her champion. They wouldn't interfere or help. Eris hadn't gotten far when she felt
those talons slash through her wings, dragging through the thin skin.

They lit up in pain, a fire coursing through her nerves. Eris screamed, watching ichor gush down her back and pool
off, falling to the ground below. L latched onto her wings, tearing through them as if they were paper, sinking his
teeth into her shoulder and ripping out chunks of flesh.

Eris sobbed, turning and bucking, doing anything she could to throw him off. There was ichor everywhere, caking
her hair, running down her body, spurting out of her wounds. L's teeth found their way to the nape of her neck,
threatening to snap her spinal cord. Eris' survival instincts finally overrode her refusal to hurt him and she threw him
off, sending him sprawling in the sky.

Eris whirled, her eyes shining in regret. Her body was shaking, ready to sink and pass out, every fiber begging for
the time to regenerate. The clouds held her up though, chaotic in all their roiling lightning and thunder. Otherwise...
her wings were absolutely shredded. It'd take a couple of days for those to come back. She stumbled on the cloud,
the thunder deafening and promising a storm for the world below. L quickly righted himself, disappearing among
the storm. Eris' breath hitched. His large black wings and ebony hair blended in with the darkness.

She tensed, listening for something. Anything to indicate where he was. The only thing she heard was the gentle
flapping of wings, so quiet and faint that it was impossible to tell where they were coming from. Eris shuddered, her
vision from ichor-loss blurring. Everything ached, a dull pain. Wouldn't it be so nice just to take a nap? All she had
to do was close her eyes... Eris grunted, forcing herself to stay awake. There'd be plenty of time for that later.

A bolt of lightning lit up the clouds, sending the hairs on her arm standing with electricity. The lightning was the
only reason she saw him. L was shooting towards her, his face twisted in fury and some sick pleasure.

"I'll tear you apart for my love!" He cried out with a high-pitched laugh that didn't suit his usual monotone.

There was something about his eyes... crazed and lustful, wild yet... soulless... yes. That was the word. For an
Olympian, L had such a gentle soul. Fire and ice but with a person who was always trying to better himself. It was
one of his greatest qualities... And she couldn't see it.

She couldn't see his soul.

"I'm sorry, L," she whispered, focusing on the air around her.

The wind went chaotic, howling and writhing. L gasped as he was swept up in it, his wings twisting and unable to
readjust themselves. He roared, scratching at the air and violently convulsing, snapping his jaws at nothing. Eris'
eyes glistened, a deeper sadness than she would've expected.

This... this was an animal, not even capable of thinking for himself... L screamed as the wind turned into a vortex, a
tornado for the people on Earth, swirling and battering him mercilessly.
Eris stumbled, unable to keep herself upright anymore. As she tumbled through the sky, the only thing she could
think was 'Light' before hitting the ocean, the water surrounding her, her ichor leaking and surrounding her in a
cloud of gold.
Poseidon watched her in interest, being careful to stay clear of her ichor. Eris' eyelids fluttered, her hair and dress
billowing around her. He chewed on his lip, shaking his head. He saw her and Hades' fight all the way from down
here... something told him Hades was being influenced in some way. He'd never really cared about him before. The
little dude was bony, weird, and just plain weak. But... Hades was really all he had. His kingdom was so damn
polluted that Hera didn't even care about taking control of it. And as passive as he felt towards Hades, he had a great
distaste for Hera. I'll help Eris. She has my support. She groaned, her head craning to look at him uncoordinatedly.
"Light," she murmured before her eyes slid shut.

Light? Hades' husband? Poseidon hadn't met him, but the rumors had been staggering. Rumors that he'd killed
Persephone, rumors that he'd almost dethroned Hades. Sighing, he made the water around Eris buzz.

"Very well," he mumbled, "I'll take you to Light."

L swirled, finally able to orient himself. He snarled, his head whirling and looking for his target. The one his
beloved hated and wanted destroyed. When he didn't see her, his eyes narrowed, his wings dipping and preparing to
rocket down. Before he could, he heard Aphrodite's voice in the back of his mind, beautiful and melodic.
"Come back, Lysander."

Blinking, he angled himself back towards Olympus, climbing in the sky.

Aphrodite opened her eyes, the message having been sent. Hera sat languidly on the throne, her movements cat-like.
She wrapped her fingers around a staff leaning against the throne, her voice dripping with power-lust.

"I've never seen it without electricity crackling around it," she breathed. Hera ran her fingers along the cool gold,
little shocks peppering her fingers... a remnant from Zeus. She laughed softly. "It would glow so brightly in Zeus'
hands that the mortals thought it was simply a bolt of lightning... oh, how I've missed it."

A small smile crossed her lips, her golden eyes sparking. She held the staff, extending her neck to look regal.

"The throne's mine," she whispered reverently, "even... before... it was Zeus'. He was the ruler of Olympus. But
now... it's all mine."

Aphrodite simply watched, feeling a bit out of place. She cleared her throat pointedly, forcing Hera to cast an
annoyed glance in her direction.

"You said you'd crown me as ruler of the Underworld," Aphrodite reminded with a slight growl.

Hera's eyes went to slits. She was half-tempted to just crown herself as ruler of both kingdoms... before she could
open her mouth, Hades glided into the golden palace, his black wings a stark contrast to the beauty. Hera's jaw
clamped as he landed next to Aphrodite, glaring at her warningly.
Right. Make Aphrodite the new Hades or I'll have to fight him. Could I even win? Maybe with my staff, but... If I
don't play my cards well, Aphrodite might set her sights on Olympus itself.

Hera's lips curled sweetly.

"Of course," she trilled.

Aphrodite's tense shoulders slowly relaxed, but she still watched the queen warily. Hera shifted, crossing her legs as
she leaned back on the throne, looking like she belonged there. Because I do, she smirked.

"Phaedra, holder of the titles Aphrodite, Venus, Pandemos and way too many others that we don't have time for. I
hereby add to you the titles from Lysander, including but not limited to Hades, Pluto and Orcus. Along with his
titles, I proclaim you the sole ruler of the Underworld and grant you his seat among the Olympians."

Hera's lips twitched.

"Olympus will recognize only you as Hades. With this staff, I can take away the old Hades' immortality if you so

Aphrodite shifted.

His immortality... no, that wasn't for her to decide. Besides, that's what Hera would want, to get rid of him.

"No, thank you," she chuckled.

Hera's brow quirked, but she shrugged.

"It's your decision. Bring the Oracle," she demanded.

The nymphs around the palace bowed dramatically, racing to fetch her.

Light glanced down both ends of the hallway to make sure no one was close. He didn't know why, it wasn't like he
was doing anything embarrassing. It was just very... personal. Slowly slipping back into the room and softly closing
the door, he looked back at L's clothing stretched out on the bed. Is this pathetic? It feels pathetic... maybe even a
little creepy.
God, why do you care so much about what other people think? No one's watching.

Sighing, he sheepishly slipped on L's soft white shirt and baggy jeans, delicately attaching earbuds to his ears.
Instantly, he heard his and L's favorite song, the sound making his knees buckle. Swaying in time with the melody,
Light wrapped his arms around himself, feeling the fabric, pretending he was holding his husband. Closing his eyes,
he pretended for a second that it really was him, the two of them dancing to celebrate another case solved. Maybe
the reason why Light loved detective work so much was because neither of them used magic. It was easy to feel
useless when he didn't have any powers of his own. But detective work was just themselves, natural and... raw.

The more Light danced to the music, shifting his hands up and down his body, he lost himself in the memories.
L was a terrible dancer, but for Light, he tried. He yelped, almost falling over, but Light managed to catch him,
pulling him against his chest. A dreamy smile crossed L's features, his cheeks tinging red.
"I'll never understand dancing," L admitted with a quiet giggle, resting the side of his face over Light's heart.
Wrapping his arms around the other, Light gently led the dance, the rest of the world melting away as he gazed into
that dark mess of hair, his heart swelling.
"You don't have to understand it," Light pressed his lips against the top of L's head, "you just have to feel it... allow
yourself to feel."
Music filled the investigation room, sweet melodies combined with gorgeous orchestras. Perhaps Light's favorite
time in history was when the operas were so popular. It was always an event going there with the other, something
they looked forward to. Hm, I might have to see if there are any operas in town. L squeezed Light's hand, twisting
his neck up. Light adored his husband's eyes. In certain lights, they went from a gorgeous, stormy grey to a glowing
silver. L hesitated, tenderly touching Light's chest, the touch feathery and nervous. His voice came out so soft that
Light had to lean forward to hear him.
"I'm... I'm afraid of feeling," L murmured, "when I'm around you, I'm so happy, but there's always... something
beneath the surface... they scare me."
Light blinked, stopping his dancing. The music continued, but they simply stared at each other, the tension thick.
Was L... crying? It didn't even look like he realized it was happening. Light passed a finger underneath L's eye.
Sighing, L nuzzled the other's fingers.
"Love, I'll always be there for you."
Light kissed L, his heart doing small leaps. L wrapped his arms around Light's neck, the kiss so consuming that his
back arched. The kiss became more passionate, tongues moving together and fighting for dominance, Light slowly
sliding L to the floor. Whatever the world may bring, he never wanted L to be afraid of his own emotions.
But he had been.

Light opened his eyes, looking at the wall, the music in his ears fading away. This wasn't new, L had been
repressing for so long. Light's lip quivered. Wow, Aphrodite appeared as Persephone to L... just the thought of
seeing her again and seeing L's image made his knees buckle. Tears stung the back of his eyes, his throat closing on

T-this was not how they ended. Light refused.

He needed to find L.
Light turned around, already mapping out the route to the Underworld in his head and what he was going to say. But
he froze, a scream catching in his chest. There was a goddess stretched out on the sofa, the fabric soaked in ichor. To
Light, it looked like an animal attack, large slashes ripped through the back of her dress and gouging down her skin.
Some sections of her shoulders looked to be bitten off. And those wings... they were shredded. You could barely call
them wings anymore. Just tatters attached her her shoulder blades.

Her breathing went heavy, her fingers trembling.

"Light," she moaned, "I... I know you don't remember me..."

Someone from before he lost his memory? Light surged forwards, a million questions in his mind. Her eyes were
flickering, her fingers twitching.

"He needs you," she croaked.

Light stiffened, instantly feeling a sense of foreboding. The goddess slumped, her eyes slipping shut.

"It's L," she rasped, going unconscious.

Chapter 10: Oracles
Chapter Text

The Oracle of Delphi.

A seer of the future so powerful that even the gods were scared of her. Aphrodite watched tensely, her on-edge
attitude making L squirm. The woman was shrouded in a mist, the thin trails of vapor pouring from her mouth and
even her eyes, making it impossible to see her pupils.

Both Hera and Aphrodite stiffened, straightening to look taller than this scraggly, smoky woman. Somehow it still
felt like the oracle was the one in power. The oracle tilted her head, the smoke dribbling over her chin and pooling
across the floor when she spoke.

"Ah, 2 new queens, I see. And who shall I do my reading of?"

"Both," Hera ordered dismissively, "tell us the future of our rules."

There was a beat where the oracle didn't say anything. She slowly turned to look at Aphrodite. Aphrodite's breath
caught, feeling like her gaze was piercing into her very soul. L fidgeted as a response to her agitation. The oracle
"Phaedra, a goddess torn between love and death.
Know both end and yet last forever.
But be careful, one can steal body and breath."
Love and death, birds of a feather."

A shiver ran down Aphrodite's spine. She knew it was pointless asking her to be more straightforward. L leaned
down, placing his chin in the crook of her shoulder, sensing her distress and trying to comfort her. She didn't look at
him. The oracle's head creaked towards Hera, an almost gleeful look on her face. Aphrodite expected a similar type
of riddle for Hera's reading, but the oracle simple said one word, her voice dripping with excitement.

Hera stared at her, her eyes wide.

The oracle didn't say anything else, tilting her head towards the floor. Hera's eyes flashed in panic.

"That's it?" She whispered, "y-you're not going to tell me more?!"

The oracle shuddered, giving a light giggle. It was a low, dry sound that brought the entire temperature in the throne
room down.
"Kira, Kira," she hummed, swaying, simply repeating the name over and over again in a sing-song voice.

Hera was shaking at this point, fear pallid on her face.

"Who is that? What is that?! Answer me, woman!"

Instead of answering her, the oracle turned sleepy eyes in L's direction. He didn't give any reaction to the sudden
attention, his own eyes distant. The oracle gave another chilling laugh.

"Do you want to hear your reading?"

Aphrodite stepped in, giving a single nod for L. The oracle rolled her shoulders unconcernedly.
"Lysander, he of many names.
Beware the lover that will slay you,
the one that will twist your heart with indecision.
The order of death you can't follow."

More shivers that Aphrodite couldn't control. The palace was deathly quiet now, and even though Aphrodite kept
her voice low, it sounded booming.

"Are you saying... that L will die?"

Would she remain tight-lipped like with Aphrodite's reading? To her shock, the oracle looked at her directly, face
twisted in sadness.
"This is a sick, twisted relationship," the oracle growled bluntly, "you push and expect to receive and receive. Push
too hard, ask too much and you will lose him, Phaedra."

Her mouth fell open, stunned. Without another word to the queens, the oracle turned on her heel, practically gliding
out. Aphrodite swallowed, her throat dry. Hera's gaze was distant and thoughtful.

"Dove, I'd suggest going and consolidating your leadership in the Underworld. Hades' people are quite loyal to him."

Y-yes. That'd be best. She blinked, nodding and stepped towards the exit, snapping her fingers.
"L. Come."

The harpies and furies snarled, bristling.

"You're not our queen!" Tisiphone cried out, holding her weapon.

The others shouted their agreement, dragging their talons challengingly through the dirt and howling in indignation.
Aphrodite chuckled darkly, petting L's head languidly. He nuzzled the hand, moaning softly. Aello's heart fluttered
in fear. Was that really L? What did she do to him? Aphrodite snickered, stepping close to Tisiphone.

"Well, L can no longer lead and his husband doesn't want anything to do with him. Seeing as I'm confirmed by the
ruler of Olympus herself, I'd say you don't have a choice."

Tisiphone roared, rearing back her sword. The others cheered, getting ready to attack this intruder. All Aphrodite did
was squeak and L shot forward, sinking his teeth into Tisiphone's neck. She gurgled, her eyes wide as she tried
throwing him off. Tearing her throat apart, he ripped her head clean off the vertebrae, tossing it unceremoniously
onto the ground. The others gasped, shrinking back as they stared at L with wide, horrified eyes. Tisiphone's sisters
Alecto and Megaera crouched next to the pulpy pile.

"Dear Gods..."

Aphrodite smirked.

"L. Chain the body so that when she's regenerated, she's imprisoned... a reminder to all of you."

L bowed his head.

"My queen," he breathed reverently.

When no one else moved, Aphrodite scoffed.

"Insolence won't be tolerated. You're all sworn to serve Hades, the throne! Not Lysander! If you can't accept the fact
that I'm Hades now, you'll be thrown in the deepest, darkest corner of the Underworld and left to rot."

He new guards flinched, casting their gazes downward. They didn't say anything else. Breathing out slowly,
Aphrodite looked at the throne itself. It was black iron and jagged, a dark chair that felt powerful. She slowly sank
into it, L curling up by her feet. She'd-she'd done it. She was a powerful goddess who would inspire fear!

Aphrodite smiled. 

Eris' eyes fluttered open, her mouth dry. Where... was she? She tried moving, but yelped in pain, her back and arms
stinging. Glancing down, she gaped. All of her wounds had been cleaned and bandaged. The door opened and Light
came in carrying an iv drip.
He blinked, having to stop himself from bombarding her with questions. Light wanted to know how this strange
goddess knew his name. He wanted to know how she knew L! He wanted to know everything!

"You're awake!" He settled for, racing to her side.

Eris shifted, groaning as her muscles ached. Light held out a glass of water, his nerves on high. It felt like eternity
just watching her drink it.

"You said something's going with L?" He prodded, scooting closer.

She searched his eyes, her own going grave.

"He's under some type of influence, I've never seen anything like it... I've never seen him like that... He tore me to
shreds without a second thought."
Light was going to be sick. He thought maybe she'd gotten those wounds from a monster and L was in danger. It
never crossed his mind that L caused those injuries. They were vicious, merciless.

"He did this to you?" Light whispered. She'd just said it, but he needed to hear it again, have her confirm it.

"Yes," she croaked, breathing out slowly, "and he would've decapitated me if I didn't fight back. He's completely
under Aphrodite's control."

He swayed, looking at his hands. L was in trouble... was he scared? Light's chest crushed at the thought of L stuck in
his own mind, terrified and helpless, screaming and begging. Suddenly everything else felt so small. So
insignificant. Light looked up, a terrifying conviction settling in his eyes.

Eris gaped. This. This was the Light she knew. The one that wouldn't stop until he completed his goal. The one who
wasn't afraid to leave his soul behind to get the job done.

"I have to see him."

"NO!" Her outburst made him jump, watching her with wide eyes. Her own were panicked and crazed, "Light, you
have no idea! You think it'll all be okay, but chances are that he'll kill you."

Light faltered, staring at her. He straightened defiantly, already going to pack his bag.

"You're wrong. He'd never hurt me."

Her eyes went desperate, pleading.

"Light, don't be arrogant about this! As much as you don't want to hear it, as strong as you'd like to pretend you are,
L belongs to Aphrodite now!"

That made his head whip in her direction, his eyes narrowing. Her breath caught at the iciness in his gaze, his amber
eyes practically glowing red. Dropping the bag, he whirled on her, clenching his fists. She flinched, avoiding his
scathing features.

"How do we know each other?" His asked curiously, making her shift nervously, "you talk to me as if we know each

To her shock, he looked genuinely intrigued, scanning over her as if trying and failing to place her in his memory. A
part of her didn't want to say it. How would he react? But Eris adverted her eyes.

"We... I... I was the one who convinced you to kill Persephone. You might've done it, but it was all because of me. I-
I didn't want to, but I'd been chained alone for so long, and I was so angry... I was willing to do anything for my
Light reeled back as if he'd been punched. He stared at her for what felt like the longest, the tension hanging thick in
the air. Eris twisted her dress nervously, not wanting to look at him. She knew his eyes were wide, trying to process
this new information. Eris thought that Light would yell or charge or do something. But his voice came out soft,
much softer than she would've imagined.

"Is it possible to get my memories back?"

She looked up at him, her heart thundering. His face was carefully constructed to hide his emotions, his expression
hard. Eris swallowed, going through her memories and what she knew about the Lethe. Sighing, she shook her head.

"No. The Lethe's effect are irreversible."

There was a flash of pain and sadness before Light turned his back on her, stuffing some emergency supplies into his

"Then you don't know me," he growled.

Eris blinked. He turned around, slinging his bag over his back, eyes narrowing in contempt.
"You and I? We've never met. So don't you dare tell me what I can and can't do. Don't you dare tell me that L
'belongs' to her. I love him."

His voice went dangerous, sending shivers up her spine.

"If Aphrodite hurts him, I'll kill her."

Eris snorted, crossing her arms. Light straightened, gazing at her chuckling in surprise.
"Dumbass, do you even know how to kill a god?"

At that, Light faltered. Okay, maybe he wasn't quite as ready as he thought. Grunting, Eris struggled to a sitting

"Before you go all gun-ho on Aphrodite's ass, maybe you should properly prepare."
He pursed his lips, knowing she was right. But he was so ready to just go find L. Hug him and tell him it'd all be
okay. Eris pointed to one of her bandaged wounds.

"I'd snap off one of my talons again, but that kind of hurt. Is there a sword around here?"

"On the mantle," Light answered in a daze, going to get it.

It was a beautiful blade, lightweight and easy to maneuver. Eris inspected it quizzically, her lips twitching.

"This'll do."

Unwrapping one of her bandages, ichor oozed out of the gash, dripping onto the flat side of the sword. Light bent
down, watching in awe as the ichor seemed to become one with the metal, turning the cool silver gold.

"Whoa," he breathed. He paused, looking at her, "is this really the only way to kill a god?"

She hesitated, her face falling. Her eyes went distant looking at the sword.

"I've never considered any other way," she mumbled, "this is the only method I and the other gods are aware of."
Light chewed on his lip thoughtfully.
"I see..." his voice lowered, "it's the strangest thing. After everything Aphrodite's done, I don't want to... I don't want
to kill her. If I do, would that make me the same as before?"

Eris smiled kindly at that. She held out the sword.

"You're right. I don't know you. But I can tell you're a good person. You'll make the right decision."

Light took it from her in a daze, holding it up to the light. A genuine smile crossed his lips, remembering when he
and L were learning how to sword-fight together hundreds of years ago. It was just a hobby, but now he was grateful
for the lessons. He turned to her, helping her re-bandage the wound.

"Thank you," he whispered.

As he moved to the door, she called out after him.

"Aphrodite being the new Hades controls Cerberus now. What if he doesn't recognize you?"

Light winced, giving a lopsided smile.

"Pfft, that dog? That dog totally loves me!"

Okay, so that was a baldfaced lie.

He and Cerberus had a very... complicated... relationship.

He crept to the edge of the Underworld, his heart hammering. Cerberus was sleeping, curled up in a giant ball. If this
beast didn't accept him, there'd be no point in running. Light hissed out a breath, touching the tip of his foot into the
Underworld's border.

Cerberus' heads whipped up, three sets of horrifying jaws growling, the hair on his back bristling. Light bit his lip,
sinking to his knees and hanging his head.

"Hey, boy," he cooed, squeezing his eyes shut.

He heard Cerberus slowly prowling up to him, the growl making his chest vibrate.

"I swear I'll never kick you out of the bed again!" Light offered, trying not to whimper.

One of Cerberus' heads huffed, but the massive creatures simply stopped in front of Light. He held out a hand, a part
of him ready for the dog just to bite it off. He could feel the air from one of Cerberus' nostrils, the breath warm
against his palm.

And then a nose. Light's eyes fluttered open in shock. Cerberus was pressing a nose to Light's hand, the nose about
the size of Light's arm.
He gave a nervous chuckle, passing his fingers over the soft skin. The dog's red eye lit up. Before Light could do or
say anything, Cerberus dragged his tongue along Light's front, coating his face and hair in saliva.

Light gagged, trying to wipe it off, his nose wrinkling in disgust. His head went faint and he honestly thought he'd
pass out for a second.
"L, you were playing with Cerberus again."
"Whaaaaaa? Pfft, noooooo."
"Yeah, well, we're not having sex."
"But Ligh-"
"You. Smell. Like rotten flesh."
"... I'll go wash up."

Light wiped the rotten, vile-smelling saliva off, glaring at the dog now wiggling his butt. Against his will, a grin
spread over his face.

"You're such a pain in the ass," he giggled, scratching Cerberus' cheek.

The creature thumped his leg, making Light's knees buckle and almost sending him sprawling. Cerberus wagged his
tail, crouching on his front legs. Tangling his fingers through Cerberus' fur, Light leaned into one of the ears.

"Why don't you say we get out boy back, hm?"

It felt like Cerberus understood. He pawed at the ground, practically urging Light to get on. Light scratched at his

Well this would be interesting.

Struggling to slide on the dog's back, he gripped the scruff of Cerberus' neck, leaning forward. Okay, not going to
lie, this looks pretty fucking badass. He was on top of a monster easily twenty feet tall, a golden sword strapped to
his back, on his way to save his beloved. Hell, yeah, this is cool. 

He held out his sword, pointing it in the direction of the castle.

"Onwards!" He cried out.

Almost as if in defiance of Light's 'coolness', Cerberus surged forward so quickly that Light tumbled off his back,
rolling in the mud with a yelp. Cerberus held his head up proudly, trotting teasingly around Light. Light glared at the

"Fuck you."

Cerberus simply barked in response.

Chapter 11: I Love You
Chapter Text

Near fiddled mindlessly with his toy, absently twirling a strand of hair. Of course he'd never say it, but he didn't like
the Underworld. It was too grey and dreary. He froze, hearing the sound of bare feet in the hallway outside.
Aphrodite's drone... L... huh, without an order from her, he actually didn't look as robotic. If anything, he looked lost
to Near. Near watched in fascination as the other ran long, bony fingers along the palace walls, tentatively touching
statues in confusion.
L straightened, glancing in Near's direction. Near was never one to back down or show intimidation. He held L's
gaze, his fingers twitching in his hair. L tilted his head ever-so-slightly.

"That's a very nice robot," he said softly.

Near blinked, not expecting the drone to actually speak. Heat rose up his cheeks.

"Thanks," he mumbled, "it was a gift from Matt."

L's lips twitched. There was a gentleness in his expression that Near wasn't used to seeing.

"Can I see it?"

He shifted, but held out the small toy. It wasn't anything expensive or fancy. Matt had programmed it himself to
carry out a bunch of commands. Near started explaining it, all the little things it could do and say. L listened with
rapt attention, smiling at Near's enthusiasm. No one had ever cared to listen to Near talk! Near found himself getting
excited, going into his room and pulling out a box with all his toys, showing the other. L asked questions and
crouched to get a better look.
Near gaped. Wow, like this, it was easy to forget the man in front of him was little more than a pet. Actually in that
sense, we're a lot alike. The thought left Near uneasy.

"So yeah, toys just... interest me. I don't know why."

"That's okay. You know what you enjoy. That's good!"

L's eyes flickered. Turning back to the statue, L's fingers glided over it. There was a quiet moment where Near just
watched him in interest.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

Near stiffened.

"What do you refer to?"

The other hesitated, shaking his head.

"I feel... disjointed... Who... who am I?"

Near's chest stirred. To his shock, his first instinct was to hug the pet. But he never showed affection. Instead, he
settled for shrugging.

"You're Aphrodite's pet."

L stared at the stone.

"That must be it," he chuckled nervously, "she's talking to some of the Underworld officials... I-I just need to be by
her side. That's why I feel so weird."

Near didn't want to argue. Still, he found himself reaching out and gently taking L's fingers. L glanced down, his
brow furrowing.

"You remind me of someone," he breathed, "some kid. I can't, why can't I remember?"
Near was about to open his mouth when L's eyes glazed over. He swayed, his hand dropping away from Near's. As
if in a trance, L moved down the hall. Near watched after him, his stomach turning.

"Are you okay-?"

L didn't answer. Oh, Aphrodite's calling him. Near's face fell, feeling a deeper disappointment than he would've
expected. Right. He was just Aphrodite's pet.

All of Light's nerves were on high-alert. Even Cerberus was creeping the closer they got to the palace. Light didn't
have a single doubt that Aphrodite knew he was coming. What he didn't expect was for the doors to be open and
waiting. He tried to lead Cerberus into the palace, but the large dog whined, his tail tucking between his legs. He
looked so scared and sad that Light didn't have to heart to force him inside. Hopping off of Cerberus' back, he
scratched the dog's neck.

"It's okay," he murmured reassuringly, "you don't have to go in if you don't want to."

Cerberus curled up in front of the entrance, watching Light with large eyes. Stepping into the castle, Light sighed.
Looked like he was on his own.

Trying to ignore the foreboding feeling, he expertly navigated the desolate halls towards the throne room. As he
went, Light's brow quirked. Where were the spirits that moved around the castle? He was so used to them that not
seeing the ghosts was actually putting him more on-edge.

Light's breath caught when he saw Aphrodite, instantly feeling sick for a number of different reasons.

First was L's face. The only reason he knew it was her was because of the white dove wings hanging out of her
shoulders and resting on the back of the throne. That, and the fact that she was wearing Persephone's dress. Light
had only seen it a handful of times, it was usually carefully stored away. But it was as beautiful as it was terrifying,
black silk hugging her body with gold snakes up the sides and around her waist.
The second was that L was stretched out on her lap, temple resting on her collarbone. His gaze was distant
and hollow. Aphrodite mindlessly stroked L's hair, smirking smugly at Light.

Light's eyes narrowed.

"L?" He tried, watching him closely.

The other didn't respond, prompting a giggle from Aphrodite. She softly tapped his head and he leaned forward,
kissing her neck. A shudder ran up Light's spine.

"L... s-snap out of it," he hated the note of desperation in his voice.

Aphrodite's brow quirked.

"When are you going to get it through your thick skull that he belongs to me?... L, tell Light who you love now."

L slowly looked in Light's direction, his eyes vacant. Light's breath caught, his skin prickling.

"You were nothing but a replacement," L said robotically, "a toy for me to take my mind off of Persephone," a
dreamy smile crossed his lips, "but now that I have Aphrodite, you're useless."
Light's eyes misted, his chest crushing. It's okay, it's not him. Not him. Ignoring Aphrodite, he addressed L directly,
locking eyes with the other.

"You don't mean that," he said quietly, smiling gently, "L, I forgive you... I know you never meant to hurt me...
please. Come back to me."

L gave him a blank expression, any emotion unreadable or at least deeply buried. He settled against Aphrodite, not
responding when Aphrodite burst out laughing. Light's eyes snapped towards her, glaring harshly.
"He'll do whatever I want," she purred, "He loves me!," she added in a vicious bite.

"You're a monster," Light breathed.

Her gaze hardened, a fire igniting behind her eyes, her irises flashing red. L was a terrifying storm when he was
angry, and seeing his features twist on Aphrodite was just as menacing. Light shrank, his heart drumming.

"You're right," her voice was cool and even, but Light could sense the danger behind her tone. "I am a monster..."
her lips curved,

"L, kill Light. In the most painful, gruesome way you can possibly imagine."
Well, fuck.
L twitched, his teeth hooking inwards. Light took a cautious step back, his heart racing. No! L wouldn't hurt him!
But then again, L was sprouting sword-long talons and falling to the ground, his limbs cracking and becoming more
beastly. Still. Light sheathed the sword. Never against L. He'd never raise his sword against him. L looked at Light.
His eyes had gone pure black, hiding the whites of his eyeballs. Light's face fell.

"Oh, shit."
Turning, Light booked it out of the throne room. He didn't really have a destination in mind, but anywhere was
better than there. Behind him, L let out a inhuman howl, the sound chilling Light to the bone. He had to stay inside,
where it'd be harder for L to use his wings. Not impossible, but he had to minimize risk.

Doing a sharp skid, Light threw himself into the library. The fireplace wasn't lit, putting the entire area in a gloomy,
darker light. The room was huge with bookshelves upon bookshelves to hide in. He dove behind a stack, listening
intently. From somewhere, he could hear L cooing, sniffing at the air. Light's knees buckled hearing those long
talons gently scrape along the ground, drag across the wood and stone walls. His heart was pounding so loudly that
it was a miracle L couldn't hear it.

"Light," L purred. Light covered a hand to his mouth, trying to slow his breathing, "let me make my queen happy!
It's the last thing I can use you for."

Surprise, Light didn't go out.

He squeezed his mouth, focusing on getting his roiling emotions under control. No good would come out of
panicking... but it was so hard...

L growled, the sound reminding Light of a tiger, low and throaty, reverberating. Light hissed out a breath. He moved
along the bookshelves, trying to think up a plan. Yes, he that was good. He could cower, or he could maneuver and
think. If he couldn't physically fight L, he'd have to play with his brain. What could possibly snap L out of it?
Maybe- Light faltered, his heart twisting. Maybe if L saw Persephone's grave... his true love... that might work...
Light swallowed, trying to ignore the sudden tightness in his chest.

Running towards the door, he waved his arms.

L's head did a full 180, his neck cracking. His eyes were two black voids, making Light's stomach jump with
anxiety. No, he's in there. I know he is! L snarled, his wings snapping out.
Yelping, Light tore down the hallway, heart racing and feet pounding. Persephone's garden, Persephone's garden,
Persephone's garden- why the fuck is this palace so big?! Behind him, L roared, the sound overlapping like a chorus
of mechanical voices. Shooting forward, L rocketed. Light gasped, leaping out of the way and landing on soft
grass... the garden!

L skidded, latching his nails into the dirt. He bared his fangs, long, ugly razor-sharp teeth that could easily rip Light
apart. Trying not to hyperventilate, Light scooted backwards, struggling to catch his breath.

"Love, you know this place! Open your eyes!"

L prowled, flapping his wings threateningly. He bounded towards Light. Light had just enough time to roll out of the
way, seeing L land on and completely tear a tree to shreds.

"Stop it! L, wake up!" Light screamed.

L whirled on him, clicking his teeth together in anticipation. Moving back as quickly as he could, Light's back came
into contact with something hard. The headstone! Persephone's grave! He shifted so it was in L's view, gently
touching the faded stone.

"See?" He made his voice soft, trying to comfort the other, "it's Nefeli... you remember Nefeli, right?"

The other didn't stop growling, glaring at Light with a spitting hatred. Light shook. If Persephone's grave didn't snap
him out of it... L lunged, screeching wildly. Light dove ouut of the way, watching in horror as L barreled through the
headstone, smashing the ancient stone to pieces. Light cried out, his eyes popping.


The pieces scattered, a cloud of dust coming from the contact. It was destroyed... the headstone was a pile of
rubble... Light picked up one of the pebbles in awe, his mind straining.

"You loved her so much," his eyes misted, hanging his head.

He was tired of fighting, tired of worrying whether or not he was good enough. If Persephone didn't bring L back,
nothing would... he didn't have enough time to get to Cerberus anyway. Light looked up at L from the ground with
glistening eyes, watched as the other reared back his sword-like fingers. Light tightly clutched the grass, his mind
moving to acceptance. Was he able to regenerate? As much as Light wanted to believe, deep down, he knew the
truth. He wasn't impervious to wounds or indestructible... He was going to die...

"I love you... more than you'll ever know," he whispered.

Time seemed to both slow and quicken. All Light could see was L plunging his claws straight for Light's face.

Screwing his eyes shut, Light waited.

Nothing happened...

He opened his eyes to see the point of L's index talon about an inch from his eye. Light froze, not sure what to do. L
was staring at him with those vacant, black eyes. Like a statue... Light shivered. He wanted to open his mouth, say
something. But his heart was still jumping uncontrollably and he couldn't piece his brain together enough to form a
coherent sentence. He didn't have to, though.

L crouched down, sitting on his haunches. Light's brow furrowed. Was L... smelling?... him? Yeah... the other was
sniffing the air around Light, leaning forward. Light's breath caught, but his body was locked, unable to move or
speak. L's nose glided slowly, almost experimentally along the sides of Light's neck. It took all he had not to
whimper when he felt L's long fangs lightly graze his jugular.

L buried his face into the crook of Light's shoulder, not biting or ripping, just... staying there.

L didn't say anything. Light wasn't sure what to expect, but... he stiffened, his eyes going wider when L climbed into
and curled up on Light's lap, his wings disappearing into his shoulder-blades and those talons retracting. It was- it
was the same pose whenever L was sad or scared and just needed to be held. That nose kept poking and exploring
Light's neck, L tilting his head curiously.

Light's breathing quickened, feeling the other's weight curled up against him. He simply sat there, letting L prod.
After a while, L swayed, resting his ear over Light's heart. It was beating so fast that Light was worried it'd startle L,
but the other simply went into a little ball.


L didn't answer, but he didn't leave his little ball either.

Light inhaled sharply. L was shaking, his limbs trembling as if he were cold. Instincts took over and Light wrapped
his arms around the other to warm him up. L always got cold easily...

"I'm right here," he whispered, tenderly rubbing L's arm.

Tears welled in Light's eyes. Was it really him? Was he really the one who snapped L out of that rampage? He
spread his fingers through L's hair, feeling the soft locks fall over his digits and send electricity to his fingertips. He
was so scared he'd never be able to hold L like this again... Craning his neck downwards, Light kissed the top of L's
head, combing those wild strands.

"I think I wouldn't mind revisiting the Mediterranean, you? It's my favorite, the crystal blue water and the smells, the
feels... oh by the way, I did promise Cerberus he could sleep in the bed from now on, so that might get a bit tricky,"
he laughed weakly, hugging L tightly against his body.

Aphrodite stopped at the edge of the garden, glaring at the scene in front of her. Her face contorted in rage and even
a spark of fear.

"L! I ordered you to kill Light!" She shrieked.

L's eyes opened, snapping in Light's direction. Before Light could think or say anything, L had knocked him on his
back, leaning over him. Light's body wanted to jump, kick, run, and survive, but he forced himself to meet those
eyes evenly.

"L, please... I love you..."

Nothing happened... until L convulsed. He rolled off of Light, his body twitching and writhing. Both Aphrodite and
Light simply watched, too stunned and confused to intervene. L vomited a dark black substance, his body heaving.
He screamed, clutching at his heart.

"No!" He cried out, twisting and contorting on the ground.

Fear shot up Light's spine as he slid next to L, only to be hit in the face with a spasming wing. Light reeled back,
gingerly touching the spot. He couldn't help him... black tears rolled down L's porcelain skin, stark against the
paleness. He was clawing at his throat, his breath coming out in strangled squeaks... shit, could he breathe?!

"No," L sobbed, clutching his head, "I-I won't, no!"

Aphrodite felt rooted to the spot, her tongue heavy in her mouth. She went light-headed watched L scream and
convulse, scratching viciously as his chest.

It felt like eternity until L slumped, wheezing in pain, tears still streaming down his cheeks. L went unconscious, an
eery silence settling over the garden. All Light could do was stare, his stomach flipping.

"L-L?" He stuttered, his fingers trembling, "L!"

He supported L's head, sliding his hand over his husband's sweaty face, those black bangs plastered to his forehead.
L's forehead was burning... so different from his usually cold skin... Aphrodite snapped out of it, motioning to the

"Take L to his chambers and call Apollo. Hopefully this is treatable. Throw Light in the dungeon... keep him alive
until we've figured out what just happened to L."

The harpies were pale and looked traumatized, but they nodded slowly, jogging out to the two kings.

Light pulled L against him. God, he was so small and limp, his head lolled back. He looked into Aello's face,
"Please," he whimpered, squeezing L, "please don't take me away from him... after everything we've been through,
please! Aello, please!"

Aello hesitated, chewing nervously on her lip. Her sisters looked equally terrified and sad, but Nikothoe shook her
head, holding up her sword.

"I'm sorry, Your Maje- Light... we serve the throne..."

Aello quietly nodded, unsheathing her sword with the rest of her sisters. Light's lip quivered as they surrounded him,
grabbing his arms.

"No!" He roared, trying to tear his arms away.

They pulled him, L falling from his grasp. Light wailed, fighting to get back to the little, crumpled heap on the
"Let go of me! L! L!"
Aello stared at the cuffs in her hand, every inch of her feeling dirty. Trying to block out Light's sounds, she cuffed
his wrists together.

"You're hereby sentenced to imprisonment by the Queen-"

Light wasn't listening, desperately screaming for L. Fuck, L was right there. But the harpies were too strong.
They dragged him out of the garden, Light's cries filling the air.
Chapter 12: Kira
Chapter Text

Aphrodite paced, chewing her fingernails. L was in bed with Apollo standing over him, feeling his forehead. L
hadn't woken up yet. He was feverish and shivery though, a cold sweat on his brow. Apollo emerged from the room,
sweeping back golden blond hair. Aphrodite rushed up to him, looking at him desperately. If the god of healing
couldn't find out what was wrong, Aphrodite was terrified she might lose him.

Apollo searched Aphrodite's face before sighing heavily.

"He's self-destructing."

"... what?"

"He'd rather die than kill Light. And since he's bound to follow your orders for the rest of his life, his body's self-
destructing to get out of the contract," he added dryly, a contemptuous spark in his eye, "Love... Congratulations,
you found a new way to kill gods."

It felt like she'd been punched. Aphrodite swayed on her feet, looking at him in disbelief. She opened her mouth, but
all that came out was a strangled sound, her chest squeezing. Closing her eyes, she managed to compose herself.

"There's no way to reverse this? What if I revoked my order?"

Apollo hesitated, sighing gravely.

"You can try, but I doubt it'll work. Hades has locked himself off from the rest of the world. I'm not sure anyone can
get through to him."
Her eyes misted. This wasn't what she wanted! She just wanted, she just... Aphrodite stared at the wall. What did she
want? Shaking her head, she stalked past Apollo, leaning over L. Like this, he looked so peaceful...

"L?" She croaked, smoothing his hair away from his face.

When he didn't respond, she shuddered, covering her mouth.

"L, please wake up. I'm sorry! I shouldn't have pushed you like that-"

She stopped, remembering the oracle's words.

"Lysander, he of many names. Beware the lover that will slay you, the one that will twist your heart with indecision.
The order of death you can't follow."

She went light-headed, her knees buckling so hard that she had to sit in the chair next to the bed.
"You push and expect to receive and receive. Push too hard, ask too much and you will lose him, Phaedra."

This was all her fault... Aphrodite sagged, every part of her about to melt. But Apollo was still standing in the
doorway, observing her closely. She swallowed, clearing her throat.

"How, um, how long does he have left?"

Apollo sighed.

"I'd say about three, maybe four days before he just completely shuts down."

"Oh. Thank you... my harpies will see you out."

The second he was gone, she collapsed, her shoulders shaking. It was one thing for immortals to do horrible things
to each other, try to hurt each other. But death? In terms of the gods, it wasn't something she gave much

"I am a monster," she squeaked, her eyes pooling.

Reaching forward, she gently held his hand, turning over his bony wrist and long fingers. He seemed so small and
fragile now, his body limp.

"Not too long ago, you were happy... you were-"

She sniffed, her body shaking. Mello came in, bowing slightly. She barely looked at him.

"The three of you make sure he's comfortable."

Light's wrists were cuffed behind him, his ankles tightly bound. He was imprisoned in a cavern off-shooting from
one of the rivers. It was a small, dark and damp space that made his skin crawl. The only light in the underground
dungeon came from a torch on the wall, casting his face in an orange glow. With nothing else to do, Light managed
to pull his knees up, achieving an awkward sitting position. It'd only been a couple of hours, but his fingers were
tingling, screaming that having them stuck behind his back was uncomfortable.

He hung his head, his hair sweeping forward, his bangs catching in his eye. He couldn't get that image out of his
mind... L sobbing and screaming, his body convulsing. It was enough to make Light's stomach gurgle unpleasantly.


Light glanced up to see Aello carrying a tray. She shifted, avoiding his eyes as she stepped into the cell.

"Megaera will neutralize you if you try anything."

He glanced past her at the fury waiting by the mouth of the cave, tightly holding her sword. Light didn't know where
they took his, but he wasn't exactly in a position to ask. He didn't say anything as Aello gently released the wrist
cuffs, sending blood flowing to his hands. Against his will, Light sighed, rolling his wrists and relishing in the
feeling. He took the bowl of oatmeal, glancing at Aello. If he was going to get as much information as possible, he'd
have to drag out this meal.

"So, what's Aphrodite planning on doing with me?" He asked, nibbling on the oatmeal.

She didn't say anything at first, her eyes trained intently on him.

"She has larger issues to concern herself with," Aello answered cryptically.
That made Light pause. He wiggled his toes thoughtfully, staring at his dinner.

"And L?"

"... Even if I was allowed to tell you anything, Her Majesty has remained silent on the matter."
Light looked up at her. Aphrodite wasn't talking to her army? Why? His eyes widened. Unless... there was
something serious going on, serious enough to warrant a mutiny if the harpies and furies found out... L. Something's
wrong with L.

He must've been staring for too long because Aello motioned to the bowl.



Light kept eating, his mind spinning. Yeah, L was in trouble... he shivered, that vision of black tears and vomit
etched into his brain. He paused, his spoon hovering over the mush. He couldn't do it. Anymore food and he was
sure he'd be sick. Light pushed the bowl away, Aello's gaze flickering.

"You really should eat."

"Oh, so now you care about my wellbeing?" He snapped more harshly than he intended.

They locked eyes, engaging in a silent battle. Aello shifted, reaching for the bowl.

"Suit yourself," she grumbled.

As she bent, Light's voice lowered to a hiss, knowing this wasn't strategic, but unable to stop himself.

"You're a traitor."

Aello stared at him, her eyes wide. His amber eyes were dark, challenging. She scowled.

"I'm not a traitor," she growled, her very honor questioned.

Light huffed, leaning back.

"Could've fooled me... it doesn't matter who wears the crown, L will always be Hades. And even if he wasn't...
thousands of years mean nothing to you?"

Aello's eyes misted. She straightened, gripping the bowl almost desperately.

"I value the throne," she countered quietly.

Light looked at the ground, his mouth dry.

"That's a shame," he breathed, "because I found your friendship invaluable... but I guess it's not the same for you."

She inhaled, examining the curled-up form. Aello's fingers twitched, but before she could talk herself out of it, she
re-cuffed Light's wrists and left the cell. Megaera followed her, taking with her the torch and plunging Light into
Light felt like yelling. Or punching or kicking something. His entire body was buzzing with anger, but he forced
himself to keep a level head. He had to figure a way out. He needed to get to L...

Mello carried the bucket of water into the pet's room. Unfortunately, the pet was sleeping, hadn't woken up for three
days and was on the verge of death. But his fever just kept getting worse and worse and Aphrodite was on all three
of their cases to take care of L as best as possible. Mello didn't really see a point. If the fucker was just going to die
in a couple of days, why would Aphrodite waste their time on him? Mello rolled his eyes. But that wasn't his 'place',
was it? Swinging the bucket into the room, he blinked in surprise.
Near was sitting on the bed, L's head in his lap and gently dabbing a wet cloth to the unconscious pet's forehead.
Mello tilted his head curiously at the gentleness in Near's movements. Hm, maybe the kid's not a robot after all.
Shrugging, Mello brought over the cool water. Without saying a word, Near dunked his rag and went back to patting
it over the sweat and heat radiating off the god.

"It's unbelievable," Near whispered, "Hades was well-known for his cold skin. Feel it."
Kind of creepy. But it wasn't like Mello had anything better to do. Until something changed in L, his entire job was
water-fetcher. So he gingerly poked L's cheek. Whoa... Near wasn't kidding (although he never kidded). L's skin was
burning, so hot that Mello actually felt the desire to pull away.

"This is amazing," Mello chuckled.

Near's eyes snapped in his direction, his face still emotionless but his voice icy.


"Think about it, Near. We're probably the first humans to see a god fatally ill. And we'll get to see a living legend
disappear! That's awesome."

Near stayed quiet, softly combing his fingers through L's dark hair. The god was shivering, mumbling incoherently
in his sleep.

"I don't want to see that," Near admitted.

Mello stared at him. Near, the analytical, emotionless little robot had feelings? The door opened and Matt strolled in,
carrying a bowl of soup for L. Matt paused, looking at the body on the bed, moaning in pain. Memories of that night
with Light, just drinking wine and playing some games. The way Light talked about L was inspiring.j

"There's got to be something we can do," Matt piped up.

Mello's brow quirked. Matt too?

"Since when did the two of you care so much about Hades?" He scoffed, "he's a god. They're all assholes."
"Light isn't," Matt answered back, a fire igniting in his eyes, "Light... isn't like the other gods," Matt hesitated, a
smile playing at his lips, "he likes video games. And talking. When he wronged me, he actually helped me and
felt bad about it. The gods don't just do that."

Mello chewed on his lip. That was a good point... he had yet to meet a god who actually took responsibility for
making someone's life miserable.

"He's not a god though," Mello crossed his arms, "he's pretty much an immortal consort."
"L doesn't treat him like that," Near said, meeting Mello's eyes, "I've talked to him first-hand. Even brainwashed, he
cared about me. My interests and what I like. I don't believe the same person would turn around and abuse his
husband. Their love for each other seems genuine."

Matt nodded, a look of determination crossing his features. Oh, Mello both hated and loved where this was going.
Scratching at his chin, Matt examined L quizzically.

"The way Aphrodite and Apollo were talking... they were kind of treating him like a login, you know? Get the
password wrong and depending on the machine's systems, it might lock itself to any more attempts and delete all of
its data. What if we can get him to somehow unlock himself?"

Mello's brow rose skeptically.

"Well, he's not a machine. I don't know what you expect to do-"

"Don't you have sync up a familiar device to bring it back?" Near cut in.

Matt blinked, bobbing his head excitedly, "we need to get Light!"

Mello glanced between the two of them, fingers prickles. So they were doing this? If Aphrodite found out, their
heads would be on the chopping block... a smirk played at Mello's lips.

Since when had he ever cared about the rules?

"Let's do it."

Aphrodite trudged to the throne room, her hair hanging in greasy strands around her face. My fault... L's going to die
and it's all my fault... she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stave off the guilt. She'd never been confronted with this
kind of she entered the throne room, her breath caught.

Hera was standing in front of the throne, running her fingers along the black stone, the staff of Olympus tightly
clutched in her hand. Shivers ran up Aphrodite spine. If Hera challenged her for the throne, she didn't have a
contender who could defeat her... Clearing her throat, Aphrodite straightened.

"Hera," she greeted politely, dipping her head, "to what do I owe the honor of this visit?"

The older queen's lips curved, golden eyes sparking in intrigue.

"I need a reason to visit and talk to you, Dove?" She purred, stepping towards the other.

Aphrodite stiffened, trying to make herself seem tall. With Hera's peacock tail though, all Aphrodite could do was
feel small.

"I'd hope not," Aphrodite replied sweetly, motioning for the library, "there's nothing you want to specifically talk

Hera rolled her shoulders, eyes glittering.

"Oh the usual gossip," she giggled, "gossip does travel fast through the grapevine," she glared at Aphrodite
She knows. Fuck, she knows. Aphrodite forced a smile, nodding.

"Yes, rumors do run wild."

Hera hummed in agreement, her eyes flashing in Aphrodite's direction.

"So how's L? May I see him?"

Aphrodite shifted, trying to hide her nerves.

"He's helping some spirits to the afterlife. Why are you so interested in him?"

The older queen stopped, prompting Aphrodite to as well. Before Aphrodite could react, Hera slammed her against
the wall. Aphrodite let out a decidedly unheroic squeak, looking at the other with wide eyes. Her nostrils were
flaring in panic, but Aphrodite forced herself to calm down. Hera chuckled darkly.

"Interesting. You felt threatened and scared and Lysander didn't come rushing to your aid. I guess it's true after all...
he's dying," she said the last part with a squeal of glee.

Aphrodite's lip quivered, unable to think of a comeback. She didn't want Hera to know! This would spell so much
disaster! And yet, as time passed and L still hadn't come to defend her, she realized the cat was out of the bag.


"You're too weak to rule the Underworld," Hera snarled.

The goddess flinched, her limbs trembling.

"No!" She barked, glaring into Hera's eyes, "I'm not weak!"

Hera huffed a soft laugh, dragging her fingertips down Aphrodite's jawline. It took all she had to stay still and
sturdy... she wanted to curl up so badly. Leaning forward, Hera's breath tickled Aphrodite's ear.

"We'll see," her voice was dripping with excitement, "take me to him."

Aphrodite avoided the other's eyes, submissively nodding.

L was still in bed, but the boys had stepped out. Hera rounded the mattress, watching L in interest. She reached out,
lightly dragging her long nails down the side of his temple. The other didn't move or even acknowledge her
presence. Hera shook her head in awe.

"Now comes the question, who killed him?"

Aphrodite blinked in confusion. Hera looked up. For the first time, Aphrodite saw hints of fear in the older queen's
face. Aphrodite's brow furrowed. Why would Hera be afraid? Sighing, Hera explained.
"If Apollo's story is to be believed, Light was the really the one to kill him with love. At least, that's how the
Pantheon's interpreting the story. Two dead gods by one hand, one without Eris' assistance... that kind of
accomplishment has been earning him a new nickname... Kira. Killer."

Aphrodite gaped, remembering the oracle. The way she laughed during Hera's reading. Light was Kira?

"You're kidding," she breathed.

Hera shook her head.

"Where's Light? I'm going to kill him."

Aphrodite trained her eyes on the queen, something in her stomach twisting. She crossed her arms.

"He's not here. He escaped after L collapsed and I was distracted."

Hera's gaze snapped towards her, eyes narrowing. Tapping L's cheek, she cocked her head to the side.

"I do hope you're not lying to me, Dove."

"How could I ever lie to my queen?" Aphrodite answered cooly, smiling cordially.

The air hung thick between them, icy and dangerous. Hera straightened, her voice a low growl.

"Well. I think I'll stay here for a few days anyway. Until I'm sure you're strong enough to take care of the

Hera passed the end of staff gently along Aphrodite's throat, soft yet threatening. Her throat bobbed nervously under
the instrument, but Aphrodite didn't back down.

"I look forward to having you around... I'll have the spirits prepare the guest room."
Chapter 13: Together
Chapter Text

The boys snuck down to the cave, expertly working their way downwards. They were so sure in themselves, so
confident, especially Mello with his lock-picking skills. Rounding the last corner, they froze, coming into eye-
contact with Aello. She stared at them with wide eyes, her gaze slipping to the lock-pick that Mello was trying to
subtly hide. Her eyes hardened, her grip on her sword tightening threateningly. Near shuffled his feet, wincing. He
wasn't sure if this would work, but it was worth a shot.

"L's dying."

Her eyes went even larger, but she didn't respond, ice hanging between them. The boys looked at each other
anxiously, sure she was going to raise the alarm. Aello didn't move a muscle, watching them closely, trying to read
if they were lying or not. She glanced around, her eyes training on a statue on the other side of the hall.

"What a lovely statue! Hopefully no one sneaks into the dungeon while I stop to admire it!"

All 3 exhaled in relief.

They grinned, racing past her as she closely inspected the statue.

After 3 days, Light's hair had gone scraggly. He was dirty and the position he was stuck in didn't let him sleep well.
When he heard the light pitter-patter of feet, his eyes snapped up, his jaw falling open in surprise. The boys were the
last people he expected to see... His eyes locked with Matt's, amber connecting with green and silently
understanding... Matt gave a lopsided smirk.

"This place doesn't really seem fit for a king."

Light's breathing quickened. Being called a king and not a consort made his chest warm. All at once, his fingers
tingled in anticipation, ready to move freely.

Mello had the lock picked in almost no time and was making his way through the handcuffs when Matt crouched in
front of Light. Light's mouth felt dry, fear shivering up his spine.

"What's wrong with him?" Light whispered.

Matt chewed on his lip, gently touching Light's shoulder.

"He's dying," he rasped, blunt yet truthfully, "I'm not sure if we can save him... but we're desperate and you're our
last bet."

Light's throat bobbed nervously. A part of him was expecting to hear that... it was the strangest thing, over the past
few days, he could feel something shriveling in his heart, as if he was slowly losing a piece of himself. He knew
deep in the pit of his stomach that L was dying, and he'd felt helpless. It wasn't surprising, but Light's eyes misted,
his throat closing on him.

"What if I can't save him? I don't even know what to do! I-I can't lose him, please, I-"

"Light, listen to me. If we don't try something, he's going to die either way. He needs you."
Light internalized the words, nodding. Inhaling deeply, he tried composing himself, letting Matt's words run on
repeat. He needs you. You can't afford to breakdown.

Aello was still watching the statue. Light faltered, the boys running up ahead. She tapped at her chin, not looking at
"Oh, yes, I love this statue! I sure hope no prisoners are escaping while I'm just here admiring this beautiful work of
art! But if a prisoner was escaping, good thing they're not... I'd wish him good luck."

Smiling to himself, Light kept going, observing her out of the corner of his eye.

"I'm coming L," he murmured under his breath, stomach flipping.

Light froze, his heart beating so loudly that it was thundering.

L was curled up on his bed, surrounded by a million blankets, humidifiers and liquids yet he was shivering. His
breathing was labored and ragged, wheezing terribly every time the god exhaled. Crossing over to L's side, Light
shuddered. He'd never seen the other so small...
"L?" He called softly, touching his husband's face.

The skin was sweaty and burning yet clammy to the touch. Light's breath caught as he slowly sat on the edge of the
bed, combing L's hair away from his features.

"Love, it's time to wake up... please wake up..."

L didn't move, prompting Light to slide him into his grasp, tenderly supporting the god's body. He could feel L's
breath blowing harshly and unevenly against his chest. Leaning down, Light nuzzled his lover.

"I don't know what to do," he admitted with a quiet laugh, shaking his head, "I could stay here forever asking you to
wake up... but I'm begging. Please, L, please. I can't do this without you."

L's eyes remained closed. Even though the god had been sleeping for the past three days, the bags under his eyes
were more pronounced, his cheeks hollow. Clutching him tightly, Light lovingly pressed his lips to L's temple.

He squeezed his eyes shut.

"Let me in," he implored, warm tears fighting their way down the bridge of Light's nose.

L was... melting... in his arms?! Light's eyes flew open to see that he wasn't holding his husband anymore.

He wasn't in the bedroom anymore.

Where was he?

Light was sitting on cold stone in a dark cave. There was a light, but it was hard pinpointing where it was coming
from... his own skin? He held up his hand in awe, examining the golden glow emanating and illuminating a few feet
around him.

He stood up in a daze, stumbling.

"Um... Matt?" He yelled, turning slow circles, "Near?! Mello?!... L?"

No answer.

Light's heart skipped. The entire cave had a foreboding feeling he couldn't shake. It was cold, sending him rubbing
at his arms for warmth and folding in on himself.

"Hello?! Anybody there?"

He squinted into the darkness, his brow furrowing. There was a sea of ink in front of him, stretching as far as he
could see. The black substance was still, not a single wave rippling the water. Light took a cautious step towards it,
dipping a finger into the liquid.
Not ink. More like tar. Sticky and heavy. Yeah... panic set in as Light glanced around. Where am I? I-I don't
understand! His stomach twisted and he looked at the tar again, gaping. Something in his mind hummed, almost like
speaking, telling him to reach into it. Dread seeped through his chest.

"Oh God no. Please no no no no."

Light submerged a hand, dipping it down to his elbow before he felt them.

Mangled, oily feathers.

Light gasped.

It felt like he'd been kicked in the gut.

"L!" He shrieked, pulling at the wing.

It was slow and heavy, but L slowly emerged, completely caked in the guck, his head hanging forward, every inch
of him covered in the stuff. Fear clouded Light's vision as he struggled to drag L out of the tar, the body slumping in
his arms. Breathing heavily now, Light wiped the junk away from L's face, the other's porcelain skin stained and
smeared. He didn't care that the sludge was getting all over him, Light just kept wiping at the face. Was L drowning?
L's head lolled, exposing his slender throat. Not knowing what to do, Light tilted L's head forward again so it was
resting on his chest.
Holding L in a tight hug, Light rocked the two of them, his own body shaking. He-he just needed some help! A
direction! Something!

L made a soft noise, his eyes cracking open. Light was so stunned to see those beautiful silver eyes that he couldn't
think of anything to say. There was a moment where the god didn't say anything. L gave a weak smile, his eyes still
half-shut. His voice was barely above a breath, his lips impossibly chapped.

"Light..." L's lip quivered, his gaze distant and unfocused, his voice small and cracked, "... you came..."

Light choked out a laugh, shakily kissing the top of L's head, "of course I came! I wouldn't just leave you!"

L was looking at Light, but it felt like the god was looking through him, as if he still hadn't registered that Light was
there. When he next spoke, Light wasn't even sure if L was talking to him or in general.
"I'm sorry," L choked, tears sliding down the sides of his face, "I'm so sorry... Light, oh God, I'm so sorry.
I never meant to hurt you."

"Hey, hey, I forgive you, okay? I forgive you."

But L was shaking his head, letting out quiet cries.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"

"L? Snap out of it!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sor-"

"I'm sorry!" Light cut in sharply.

That made L's jaw clamp, looking up at Light with large eyes. Breathing out, Light tenderly cupped L's face,
running his thumb along the other's cheek. His voice cracked, but he forced himself to speak. L had to hear this.
"L, I understand. You're still in pain even if you don't want to be, even if you love me, it still hurts... I didn't even
consider that after thousands of years, it'd still be fresh. But it is. It is to you. I don't know what you lost and I
haven't been able to help... I'm so sorry..."

The words made L gape, his eyes darting.

"But- I- I am okay."

Light laughed sadly.

"You're too stubborn for your own good. Come back. Wake up. Stop acting like you have to be alone."

There was a minute where neither said anything.

L heaved in a hard breath.

"It... it hurts... oh, God, it hurts," L curled into Light's chest, full on sobbing now, back heaving, "it hurts so much. I
miss her so much."

L wailed into Light's shirt, his voice coming out in a squeak.

"Oh, God, Nefeli," he sobbed, his knuckles around Light's shirt white, "Nefeli! I want her back, I want her back!"

L ripped loose strangled, gasping sounds, his body devolving into tremors. Enveloping L, Light stroked the other's
hair, the oily substance between his fingers.

"I know it hurts," he said softly into L's scalp.

He wasn't sure how long he was like that, running his hands up and down L's back, just listening to L break down. It
felt like forever until L went quiet, tucked in Light's body heat.

"I don't want to go back," he whimpered, "Immortality... it's a curse... I can't do it again."

"L, we still have so much! Please... I'll miss you..."

That made L inhale. Light touched his forehead to his husband's.

"Please, L... I'll miss you so much... don't shut me out. I love you."
L hesitated. He craned his neck, touching his lips to Light's. Light moaned, the touch feathery and familiar. His eyes
slipped shut, just enjoying the coolness of L's lips.

All at once, everything seemed to melt. L's position changed in Light's arms.

When Light opened his eyes again, he was back in the bedroom, kissing a horizontal L. The boys were watching in
deep interest.

"You started crying," Near said.

Light's fingers went to his cheeks to find them wet. Matt bobbed his head.

"You just... pressed your head to L's, closed your eyes and started mumbling under you breath."
I was in his mind? A shiver ran up Light's spine. It wasn't like he was well-versed with going into someone's mind,
but that tarry landscape... dark and sticky and horrible. That was really the state of L's mind? Was it always like

L shifted, his eyes sliding open.

Their gazes met and locked, a million silent things passing between them. They were both breathing heavily, the
weight of the events hanging in the air. Reaching up, L brushed Light's hair behind his ear. That snapped Light out
of it, crashing his lips into L's.

L gave a surprised sound, entangling his fingers into Light's chestnut hair.

Sniffing and swiping at his eyes, Light squeezed L, laughing while deepening the kiss, re-experiencing all those
tastes he'd missed.

"L," Light sighed, burying his nose in the crook of L's shoulder.

The boys backed out of the room, sensing the two wanted privacy. The door shut and their lips were together,
reveling in each other's taste. Light sighed, tipping L's head to give him better access. He missed this so much... he
missed him so much. L slid his long fingers up Light's back, deepening the kiss.

Sighing, Light pulled away, his lips hovering an inch from the other's. He gave L's bottom lip a tentative lick.

"I thought I'd lost you," Light whispered.

L touched Light's jawline, running his fingers along the hardness.

"It still hurts," he admitted with a sad smile, "I just- I just-"

"I understand," Light murmured comfortingly, "I just wish I could've met her. If she had such a deep impact on you,
I'm sure she was amazing. Love, no matter what happens, no matter what we become or do, I'll always be there for

L wove his fingers in-between Light's, eyes shining gratefully.

The moment was interrupted when Mello rushed into the room, fear palpable on his face. L and Light tensed, the
hair on the back of their necks standing up.

"Hera's here," Mello panted, "both she and Aphrodite are in the Underworld."

Light's breath caught. L shook his head, wiping the quickly-cooling sweat off his brow. 

"I'm not sure if I can fight both of them for the throne... I still feel so weak..."

He considered, trying to gage Hera and Aphrodite's weaknesses. What worried him the most was the fact that Hera
had the staff. That thing was powerful. For that matter, what if Aphrodite still had some kind of control over him? L
quivered at the thought. It had been like his very perception was warped, like all he'd been able to focus on was
serving her.

"She wears Persephone's face," he growled, a dark anger rising up his stomach.

Light touched L's shoulder, bringing him back into the room. L forced himself to look up at caring amber eyes, the
sight alone making the anger deflate.

"Love, you need to regain your strength," Light commanded softly.

Damn, he was right. L's body still didn't feel all there. As it was, he was exhausted, the thought of sleep almost
making him fall over. But his eyes popped.

"Demeter," he rasped, his grip on Light's arm tightening, "she's with the dryads. She'll protect us until I'm strong

Mello glanced between the two of them, nodding.

"We'll help sneak you out."

L cried out as he tried standing, the stiffness in his muscles making him collapse, his lungs screaming. He crumpled,
pain shooting up his limbs. Light gasped, scooping him up and hooking L's arm around his shoulder. L was sweating
again, his feet unsteady.

"It's okay, I've got you, Love."

He looked at Mello, not bothering to hide the desperation in his expression.

"Let's go."
Chapter 14: Who You Are
Chapter Text

Aphrodite's eyes narrowed. Hera was sitting on the throne, being tended to by a slew of spectral servants. The
Underworld was full of riches, and it was obvious the goddess loved it, lounging back with jewelries and accessories
of the biggest gems and precious metals the earth had to offer.

Aphrodite gritted her teeth, but she didn't have the courage to tell the other to get off her throne. Snapping her
fingers, Hera took a list from the spirit.

"Interesting... so today Hades must shuttle spirits to the afterlife, patrol the borders, check the locks on the entrance
to Tartarus, meet with and mediate between the different entities in the Underworld aaaand receive a report from
Thanatos regarding death on the surface... Geez, did Lysander ever do anything fun?"
She snorted, rolling up the scroll. Aphrodite straightened. She knew she looked terrible. Ever since L collapsed, she
hadn't been sleeping or eating. If I don't take care of myself, Hera'll take advantage of me. She cleared her throat.

"I'm Hades, I'll get to my duties now."

The queen's brow quirked, an easy smile crossing her lips. It was predatory, making Aphrodite shudder.

"Dove, you insult me," Hera cooed, "do you not think I can handle all your duties and Olympus' for the day?"

Her brow furrowed, warning bells sounding in Aphrodite's head. 'For the day' had many different connotations to
different people.

"Well you have to get back to Olympus," she reminded pointedly.

"Of course. I've actually been thinking, Dove, perhaps I should... take over the reigns over here. Without Lysander, I
fear you're just not powerful enough."
She said it as if she was lamenting, but it left a cold feeling in Aphrodite's chest. She stiffened, ready to step forward
when Hera held up her staff, effectively ending the conversation. Hera's voice came out a low, reverent hiss.
"Yes," she breathed, lips twitching, "I think I'll be Hera, Zeus, and Hades."

Aphrodite marched through the halls, fear shooting up her spine. She tried to keep composed, but once she was out
of earshot, she smashed her foot against the wall, anger surging up her stomach.
"No!" She shrieked, her entire body trembling.
Tears threatened to stream down her cheeks. She destroyed L and for what? For Hera to just come in and take
over?! It was an insult.

Practically running to L's room, she froze, her ears pounding.

The bed was empty... where was L?

She whirled, seeing Mello in the hallway. His nostrils flared, guilt written all over his face. Aphrodite walked up
cooly to him, holding his eyes. Yes, he was rebellious, but even Mello was scared of genuine threats. He adverted
his eyes, his lip quivering. I'm going to die. 

"The kitchen made extra cookies by accident. You and your brothers have them before they go bad."

He looked at her in shock. Her lips were curled, her eyes sparked as she gently ruffled his hair. It was the kindest
action she'd ever done and left Mello feeling more suspicious rather than consoled. Her lips twitched.

"Things just got a lot more interesting."

L and Light hobbled into the dryads' forest, Light's head swiveling.

"Demeter?!" He called out, skin prickling.

If they couldn't find her, they'd have to figure something else out. What they needed was a plan, a decisive way to
get rid of two powerful goddesses in one fell swoop. The trees parted and Demeter gasped, rushing to help Light
support L. Helping him to a nearby lake, the god nearly collapsed, his head throbbing.

"Everything hurts," he groaned, rubbing his temple.

Demeter looked at Light, silently asking for an explanation. Sighing, Light told her everything that had happened
with Aphrodite and Hera. Her eyes kept getting wider and wider. When he finished, she looked at L. He was
avoiding her eyes.

Reaching forward, she enveloped him, stroking his hair tenderly.

"Can I tell you a secret?" She whispered.

L blinked. Tears had formed in the corners of Demeter's eyes.

"I see Persephone too... my daughter is my vision of beauty."

His mouth fell open. For just a moment, neither of them moved, feeling the deep loss and pain together. She softly
kissed the top of his head, holding out a cup full of water.
"Drink and then sleep. We can deal with the two of them once you're feeling better. No one will disturb you here."

He nodded gratefully, quietly sipping the water. Light shifted, aware of all the dryads and nymphs watching from
the woods. L grinned tiredly, already settling on a bed of moss. Kneeling, Light gently kissed the other.

"Sweet dreams... okay?"

L's eyes sparkled, long fingers tangling in his husband's hair.

"Thank you."
Curling up, L fell asleep surprisingly quickly. Light tilted his head. Who knew? Maybe with so much extra sleep,
those eye bags would finally go away. The second L was snoring, the dryads wandered out, giggling amongst
themselves. Light shrank as one of them shuffled forward, twisting blonde hair around her finger.

"Hi, we have some food in case you're hungry from your travels!"
Light bit his lip. Okay here we go.

He felt like an organism under a microscope, all of them watching him with wide eyes. Light nibbled on the fresh
fruits and vegetables, sinking in his chair. One of them leaned forward so much in her chair that she almost tipped

"Tell us what's the world like!" She chirped.

The other nymphs nodded enthusiastically, sprawling out dramatically.

"We're tied to our trees!"

"I see these weird metal birds sometimes!"

"Are all the human men as handsome as you?"

Light blinked, bombarded by all the questions, "... uh..."

"Is it true humans use wood for their homes?"

"How many abs do you have?"

"Are you really a king of the Underworld?"

"No, silly! He's just a consort. He doesn't even have a name!"

That made Light blanche, smiling tightly. He tapped the table in annoyance.

"But I do have a name," he argued, looking at the blond dryad curiously. She tilted her head, giving a soft laugh.

"Of course you have a name, but you don't have any titles! Hades has so many that it's impossible to count them all.
But you go by your birth-name. For example, my birth-name's Misa, but even I go by Dryope."

Light hesitated, leaning back in his chair. How'd this work? Should he give himself a title? But it seemed like no
matter what he did, no immortal creature would stop seeing him as just a consort. Would that really be all he was for
eternity? One of the dryads shook her head, pointing a wagging finger at Misa.
"You're wrong," she stuck her tongue out. Straightening, she grinned proudly, "the roots of my tree overheard some
minor gods referring to him as Kira!"

Kira? That made Light look up in surprise, listening intently as she rambled on.

"My roots are the most reliable, dependable source of information! Why they're so amazing-"

"Get to the point!" Misa snipped.

"Ugh, fine. Apparently Kira means killer, because he's getting credit for Hades' 'death'."
Light pursed his lips. Gah, that's not how I want to be remembered for. The idea that if he hadn't gotten to L in
time... if L had died and he was stuck with the name 'Kira'... it made him drum his fingers anxiously. That would've
been horrible. A constant reminder that he was at least partly responsible for his husband's and his previous wife's
deaths... he didn't want that title!

"Excuse me," he cleared his throat, swinging away from the table.

But Misa and the dryad were too caught up in their argument over who's tree was better to notice him leaving.
Making his way back to the lake, Light paused, seeing L sitting up and delicately eating soup. He looked much
better, the color returning to his cheeks and his gaze more focused. Light simply stood there, watching his husband,
allowing himself the relief to know that L was going to be okay. 

L's eyes slid in his direction, giving a tired smile.

"The dryads driving you crazy?"

"L... they're calling me Kira... Killer... I- I don't want that name. I don't want to be known as a Killer."
There was a quiet pause where L examined Light. Huh, it really did bother him. Moving on the moss, the god
beckoned Light to sit. Light did, staring at the cool moss dejectedly. 

"Hades was the original name for the Underworld," L murmured, bringing the spoon to his lips, "today, it's more
synonymous with Hell," he chuckled dryly, crossing his arms, "they literally titled me Hell."

L paused, his eyes distant. His lips curved though as he laughed.

"And Persephone means Bringer of Destruction."

Light's mouth fell open.

"You're shitting me."

"I swear, I have not shat you."

Light laughed, the sound bubbling in his stomach. He picked at the moss thoughtfully, turning the small pieces over
in his hand. L reached out, tenderly intertwining their fingers.
"Light. Look at me... you're not a Killer and you're not my consort. Persephone was my Queen and you're my King.
You are my husband, a King. We're in this together. Quite frankly, fuck the rest of the Parthenon."

They stared at each other, night falling at little fireflies coming out. The insects flew around them, lighting them up
in brilliant little flashes that bounced off their faces. Light's heart skipped as he realized that L was being sincere. He
didn't see him as just some toy. Light's throat felt clogged. At this point, they were completely surrounded by
darkness, the only sound coming from the gentle waves from the lake.

Light let his body move for him, capturing L's lips. They tasted bittersweet, but Light had always loved that taste. L
moaned into his mouth, wrapping his arms around Light's back and pushing the kiss deeper. Light nipped L's bottom
lip in need, his blood roaring in his ears.

It wasn't lost on him the danger they were in. Light had lost his sword when taken captive, meaning Hera and
Aphrodite had the power to kill either one of them until Eris was healed. And neither of the queens would stop until
they were dead. With that hanging over Light's head, he allowed himself to give in completely, his kisses becoming
sloppy. Taking L's lobe between his teeth, Light rolled it, his voice dropping huskily.

"Then I'm going to fuck you like a King," he growled.

L let out a high-pitched sound, his hands sliding under Light's shirt. He felt the other's muscles, perked and sharp
against his palm. L's pulse raced, his skin itching with the need to feel Light, to make up for lost time.

Sliding them down, Light paused, looking around.

"We're not going to be... interrupted... are we?"

L shook his head, "Demeter sealed off the area so only you and I can see each other or enter the bubble."

"Hm, useful talent," Light purred, licking at L's lips.

L's hair was plastered against the rock, splayed out around his face. Light's lips glided agonizingly slowly to L's
neck, feeling the Adam's apple bob under his touch. His teeth lightly grazed the area, eliciting a whimper from the
Reaching down, L brushed Light's member, his fingers bony yet feathery. Light groaned, rocking his hips into L's
grip. Shocks of electricity traveled through his limbs, his cock throbbing. He needed L.

Light's fingers danced down L's abdomen, pressing against his entrance. L threw his head back, panting, eyes lidded.

"Light," he moaned, his voice wonderfully raspy, "I need you!"

Light smiled against L's skin, feeling it quiver under his mouth. Pushing his fingers inside, he rolled his hips, eyes
clouding in lust with how tight and hot L was. He buried his nose into L's hair, inhaling his scent. Running his
fingers through those soft locks, he kissed the nape of L's neck. The hand currently up L's hole was twisting and
curling, sending the recipient into a mess of moans. Taking his fingers out, Light swiped them over his tongue and
re-entered, stretching and thrusting.

"Everything's going to be okay," he rumbled, sucking on the hard part of the back of L's neck.

All L could do was pant in response, nodding rapidly into Light's shoulder. Light squeezed his eyes shut, pumping
his hand along L's length. It twitched, precum oozing out and over Light's fingers. Smiling dreamily, L dragged his
lips down Light's stomach. Light gasped, entangling his fingers in those locks as L wrapped his mouth around his

Light yelped, tugging harshly at L's scalp as the god's saliva coated the head and L lapped his tongue over the slit.
Breathing heavily, Light scratched into L's scalp.

"Use that fucking tongue," he groaned, shaking his head.

"Oh? You want a god's tongue?" L hummed in amusement, pressing his lips against Light's tip.

"Y-yes, I want a god's tongue... oh, fuck..."

Light whined, the need to come overwhelming. L licked gingerly. Much too gingerly to be real. Light narrowed his
eyes to L's smirk.

"Fuck you."

"You'd better," L quipped, continuing his motions.

Light had the greatest urge to thrust up into that mouth, feel himself hit the back of that throat. His hips jerked and L
made a pleased sound, digging his fingers into Light's hips, encouraging. Light thrust up while L bobbed his head,
the stimulation almost overwhelming.
"Fuck, oh shit, shit, shit," Light cried out.

All at once, Light seized and exploded in L's mouth, letting out an inhuman shriek. L swallowed it eagerly, his nails
leaving marks on Light's skin. Sitting back, L licked at his lips sensually, being careful not to miss a drop. The sight
was so erotic that Light surged forward, enveloping the other.

"Make love to me," L moaned, rubbing his erection along Light's front.

Even the slight stimulation was enough to send Light's skin vibrating, his erection coming back. Laying L down,
Light slowly entered, L hissing out in pleasure. Oh damn, L was so tight, it was hard to focus. Light touched L's
cheek, catching his husband's bottom lip into his teeth. Once he felt L was more adjusted, he started moving, his hips
pushing shallow at first. L was the one to buck his hips, sinking Light deeper and demanding he go faster.

Light was all too happy to comply, pounding into L. L cried out, bouncing to meet Light's thrusts. Sweat covered
their back the faster Light went, losing himself in a desperate rut. L's body made him lose all sense of reality,
making it feel like that tight sheath was the only thing that existed.

Roaring, Light slammed into him and came hard, spurting more and more, his limbs shaking.
"Oh, FUCK, Light!" L screamed, coming over Light's stomach.

The two of them slumped, just trying to catch their breaths. Stroking L's hair, Light kissed the side of his face. There
were so many sappy, lovey, meaningful things he wanted to say, but his brain felt so exhausted. He met L's gaze and
realized... L already knew everything he wanted to say... sighing, Light settled next to him, pulling L into his body

Tomorrow they'd have to come up with a plan, but for tonight, L fell asleep, his body tucked in Light's.
Chapter 15: Plans
Chapter Text
L and Light stayed in that forest for a few days. It became their little bubble, a place they could hide from the rest of
the world, even if they knew they'd have to go back at some point.

They rolled over, moaning as their hips rocked together.

The sky was a blanket of stars above them, thousands coming together and showing off the milky way beyond. L's
toes curled when Light thrusted, pulling out and slamming back in, harshly hitting L's prostate. L yelped, attaching
his lips to Light's neck, whimpering words of encouragement, bouncing excitedly. Light nipped at L's bottom lip and
jawline, mixing feathery kisses with raging passion. L could feel the pressure building, his eyes glazed in pleasure.
With a deep jerk, Light came gasping loudly. L wasn't too far behind, groaning as he came, the feeling sending his
limbs shaking.

He almost didn't want to untangle their bodies, but L was already feeling sore, so Light slowly dislodged himself
and crawled up, cuddling L into is arms. They were sweaty and panting, but they pressed against each other anyway.
A bright smile crossed L's lips. For the first time in what felt like so long, he felt genuinely happy. Burying his nose
into Light's chest, L inhaled deeply, taking in his husband's scent.

"Can't we just stay here forever?" He chuckled. Okay, in all honesty, it was a half-joke. L definitely wouldn't mind
staying there.

Light hummed in contentment, drawing patterns up and down L's sides.

"I wish we could," he whispered, sighing, "but... neither Aphrodite nor Hera deserves the Underworld."

L shifted, listening to Light's heart steadily beat. He'd been trying not to give in to the anger. The hatred, hurt and
betrayal he felt towards Aphrodite. It was so hard.

"I don't want to be Hades anymore." The words left before he could stop them.

It was strange admitting it out loud, this thought and resentment that'd been swirling around in his brain. L bit at his
lip, curling into a tighter ball.

Light glanced at L in surprise, but didn't say anything. They looked up at the stars together, just taking in their
beauty. It was so quiet... they really were the only two people in the world here.

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

L swallowed, his fingers prickling. Light squeezed his husband's shoulder tenderly, his way of telling the other that
he'd support him no matter what. L laughed slightly.

"I spent so much time being the king of the Underworld only because none of my brothers wanted it or wanted me
on the Earth. It's a glorified banishment. I'm tired of it." L's eyes glistened with a spark of longing, "I want to be on
the surface! With you! And our cases!"

"A detective god?" Light teased.

L giggled, pulling Light into a hug.

"My new title shall be Sherlockipes!"

"Aye, Sherlockipes! The game's afoot!"

They burst out laughing, L swiping at his eyes.

"You know, I think I still have those first-edition Doyles in the library."

"I don't doubt it, you wouldn't leave Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's spirit alone!" Light lowered his voice into a
monotone, mimicking L, "oh, sir, sir! Can I get an autograph?! Sir! Can you tell me what Sherlock's favorite color
is? Sir! Sir! Can you write me some reader-insert Sherlock x me fan fiction?... oh, whatever rating you want,
although I wouldn't be opposed to something explicit."

Heat rose up L's face squeaking with laughter. Resting his chin over Light's heart, L beamed serenely.

"You're a pain in the ass."

Light smirked.

"I'm not the one who went through a Sherlock fanboy phase."

Rolling his eyes, L crinkled his nose lovingly. They stayed in their embrace, a gentle breeze kissing their scalps.
Light softly touched L's cheek.

"We owe it to our friends to free them from Aphrodite and Hera."

"I know," L whispered, eyes flickering, "I may not want to be Hades, but... I'm not going to shirk my responsibilities
to the Underworld. To the spirits. Everyone who trusted in me. And I refuse to let them win..."

Pulling L's chin forward, Light left a sweet kiss on those lips.

"Once we're back in control, we can decide what to do. We can leave the Underworld under the right care."

L's lips twitched gratefully.

Demeter was sitting by the river when L and Light wandered over, both of them in a deep conversation of what to
do. Her heart warmed. She was glad they'd made up, seeing them both happy made her glad. L shook his head.

"Hera has the staff of Olympus. It has its own set of powers in addition to amplifying the wielder's. It'll be almost
impossible to beat her."

Demeter tilted her head curiously.

"What about Eris?"

Light sighed.

"She won't be in fighting condition for a while. L really did a number on her."
L winced, making a note that he'd have to apologize. Standing, Demeter stretched, tapping her chin thoughtfully.

"Well, I'll help you, so that makes 3 gods-"

Light couldn't help his chest puffing proudly at being referred to as a god.

"Are you sure?" L cut in worriedly, "you're out of the fighting! You don't want to get on anyone's radar!"

"Yes, L. I'm sure. I'm not leaving my daughter's garden with those witches."

They exchanged a knowing look. This was something she had to do. L scratched at his chin. His eyes lit up with an
idea, deep intelligence sparking as he grabbed a stick and started drawing in the soft sand by the river. Demeter and
Light leaned over the drawing curiously, Light wrinkling his nose.

"Is that supposed to be a cave?"

Demeter shook her head.

"It's obviously a Ferris wheel."

L pursed his lips, glaring at the both of them.

"I-it's the palace."

"Oooooh," the both mused at the same time.

"... you two are beacons of support and encouragement."

Light's smile was playful, "hey, anyone who tried to guess your drawings most definitely is a beacon of support and

L snorted, shaking his head and launching into his plan.

"I've been thinking about how to go about this... here's what I have. I'll return to Aphrodite pretending to be under
her control. When we're alone, I'll distract and chain her up. My chains can neutralize her powers, essentially turning
her into a powerless immortal. The process takes about 2 minutes. Demeter, now that we have you, we might have
an easier access to Hera. Go to her and tell her that you wish to have unlimited and unrestricted access to
Persephone's garden. Knowing Hera, she'll try to scam you or give you an unfair deal. She'll be cocky and arrogant,
dividing her attention because she won't perceive you as a threat. Light, while she's distracted, you steal the staff
and run. You can die. Just go, get the staff, and get to safety. Then Demeter and Hera will start fighting in which I'll
join the conflict. Hera won't be able to fend against two gods and we can easily incapacitate her."

Demeter and Light listened with rapt attention, nodding when appropriate. Light shifted.

"How do you plan to get close enough to Aphrodite? Like you said, you need to be holding her wrists for 2

L winced, adverting his eyes. Light's lips tightened.

"Do I want to know?"

"I was hoping to... distract her..."

Light crossed his arms, drumming his fingers. L looked up.

"I won't have sex with her or anything even close to that. But if I can get close enough, she'll be neutralized
indefinitely. If you don't want me even in the same room as her, I understand... we can amend the plan."

A tense quiet fell over the three of them, Demeter bitting at her lip. Light inhaled deeply, locking gazes with his

"If it the easiest, quickest way... okay... I trust you."

He trusted him? L's heart swelled, his mouth gaping. He trusted him... a giddy, warm feeling spread throughout his
stomach. L took the opportunity to look at them. His family. People who he would kill and die for. Light nodded,
eyes inspired and ready.

"Let's take back the Underworld."

The wind whipped through L's hair. He was back in the Underworld... everything felt so familiar! He looked up at
the cold, grey sky, sighing to himself. Maybe a part of him really did love the place. It was essentially the only home
he ever knew. Even when he and Light were living on the surface taking care of kids, he always knew he'd be
coming back here. The castle loomed ahead, his jaws clamping. His palms went sweaty, nerves instantly flooding
his system.

L's heart was jumping uncomfortably. Landing on the balcony outside of his room, he held his breath. Aphrodite
was on the other side of the curtain... He parted it slowly, swallowing thickly.

She was sitting in front of a vanity brushing her hair. Brushing her hair with Persephone's old brush.

Of course she was still wearing Persephone's face... he should've expected it, but it still sent waves of pain through
his stomach. Especially seeing her with that brush, that vision of Persephone lounging around the room felt so
familiar and foreign at the same time. It wasn't fair. Persephone's face was hers and his memories was his.

How dare Aphrodite steal them...

Her head whirled to face him, her eyes wide as she quickly stood. The brush clattered to the ground, an intense
silence settling over the room. He stayed still, trying to gather himself. She faltered, her eyes unsure.

"Lysander?" She breathed, "what are you doing here?"

He swallowed the bile in his mouth, dropping to his knees and bowing so low that his bangs brushed the floor.

"My love," he rasped, "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I woke up in the woods, confused and lost. I'm
so sorry, my Love."

She inhaled sharply, her nostrils flaring. It was obvious she was suspicious, her eyes narrowed.

"Where's Light?"
"I killed him. He was there when I woke up spouting some jargon about loving me. But my heart belongs solely to
you. I know I was weak before... I deserve punishment for my insolence."

Aphrodite hesitated, taking a step towards the door. Her features were screwed with mistrust and caution. L chewed
his lip. Hm, maybe it would be harder than he thought. He had to get close enough to chain her wrists. Looking up at
her with glistening, lovestruck eyes, his heart pounded.

"Please," he simpered, lip quivering, "take me back. I love you."

Aphrodite's throat bobbed, her eyes misted. 'I love you' was her Kryptonite, every part of her wanting to believe it
was true. He slowly stood from his bow, taking a step forward.

"I love you."

She flinched, her breathing going heavy.

"Um, h-how do I know this isn't a trick?"

He surged forward so quickly that she gasped, her eyes wide. Enveloping her, he forced himself to press his lips to
hers, holding her against the wall, his hands attached to her wrists.
She was stiff at first, in disbelief. Her heart was pounding. The only thing she could focus on were those soft, cool

Aphrodite moaned, swaying and leaning into the kiss, her knees buckling. She screwed her eyes shut, inviting his
tongue eagerly. So eagerly that she didn't notice cuffs forming from L's hands, the metal slowly creeping across her
skin like ice. L's body was trembling, that horrible little part of his brain enjoying the kiss. He quickly pushed the
thoughts away, focusing on his fingers and the metal leaching out of his pores. It was the same way in which he
handcuffed Eris all those millennia ago, except back then he'd had the other gods holding her in place while he
worked. His ichor turned into the cuffs as he willed it out, which would then extend into a chain connecting her
wrists, directly forging unbreakable bonds that held her magic.
Another minute. One more minute and she'll be helpless. .

She mewled, her tongue slipping between his teeth.

"You'll see," she whimpered, "I'll be Nefeli just for you! It'll be like she was never gone. I'll never let you go again!

He shuddered, the words making him want to snarl. It was a deep anger that sent his chest crushing, clouding his
mind and tainting his face. They met eyes and hers widened.
Resentment. Hatred. Murderousness seeping out of his features.
L's eyes popped. Fuck. He tried to make them doe-like and lovestruck again, but the damage was done.

Her eyes snapped to L's hands firmly planted on her wrists, the cuffs almost completely encircling her wrists. Panic
shot up L's spine. It wasn't enough! He still needed the time to form the chain between them!

Aphrodite's face contorted in fury as she shoved him away. L stumbled, his gaze darkening. She grabbed at the
metal, trying to violently tear it off, crying out when it simply dug into her skin.

"You!" She shrieked.

L's wings instinctively snapped out, ready to fight. Aphrodite's eyes went to slits, her fingers shaking. Her own large
white wings sprouted, taking a defensive stance.

"How'd you survive? Apollo said you were dying!"

His lips curled.

"Bold of the god of healing to make assumptions over the god of death."

She shrank, her body tensing for the confrontation.

"Why are you doing this? Lysander, you could have everything you've ever wanted!"

Light flashed in his mind, warm amber eyes that made him feel safe and chestnut hair that hung around his face.
Dancing with him, solving mysteries, his wonderful body. L straightened, giving her a determined look.

"I already do," he answered cooly, "and I'm willing to fight for it."

Hera lounged lazily on the throne, brow quirked when Demeter appeared, riding a slew of vines. Light was hidden
among these, his fingers latched onto the hard bark as it stretched around the room and just out of Hera's view. But
the appearance was so chaotic that Hera didn't notice. Demeter bowed her head.

"My queen. I have come to ask your mercy."


Demeter wrung her fingers. She didn't have to pretend to be nervous.

"My daughter's garden-"

"Ah, yes. I figured you'd be looking to return to it pretty soon. But I'm sure you understand. Nothing in this world
comes free."
Light crept around the back of the throne, out of her eyesight. The staff was leaning against the arm-rest, her fingers
a few inches away. Light lowered himself, his feet silent with every step. Get the staff and run, get the staff and run,
get the staff and- he reached out. Wow, he could little jolts of electricity running along the gold. He hadn't
even touched it yet and the hairs on his arm were standing.
A scream from somewhere in the palace. Light's breath caught. L! Aphrodite! Shit!

Hera gasped, standing quickly.

She grabbed for her staff and froze, making eye-contact with Light.
Chapter 16: Conflict

Chapter Text

Light gulped, her gaze boring into his.

Well shit.
Before Hera could recover from the shock, Demeter knocked her off her balance with her vines. Hera yelped,
holding the staff close to her chest. Pure rage built up, her features contorting in pure hatred and fury. Light's heart
raced, feeling small and vulnerable. A fight between two goddesses... this was going to get real ugly real fast.
Already, Hera was picking herself up, sweeping her staff out menacingly, eyes narrowed at Demeter. They both
looked ready for blood. He scrambled, his feet pounding for the door. Behind him, he could hear them fighting,
grunts, vines being thrown at Hera, Hera sending electricity with her staff. He was so close to the door, his fingers
brushing the wood, when Demeter screamed in pain.

Light whipped around, his face falling in horror. There was a large gash on her side, ichor running down her dress.
Demeter stumbled back, looking up at Hera with wide eyes. Hera's lips curled, golden eyes glinting coldly. Demeter
tried rushing at her again, but only ended up crumpling, her head rolling and going unconscious. Light held his
breath. Normally, Demeter would be fine. A few days of regeneration and good as new. But Hera's face was
murderous, something telling Light she'd do whatever it took to find a way to kill Demeter.

Hera loomed over the other, a cruel smile playing at her lips. She'd show all the Olympians who to fear! Raising her
staff, she cackled, about to smash it through Demeter's skull.

Roaring, Light threw himself onto Hera's back, hooking his arms around her neck. She cried out, trying to buck him
off, twisting and slapping with her staff. She howled, slashing her longs nails down Light's scalp. A scream tore
through Light's throat, blood oozing from the scratch-marks and dripping into his eye, making the whole room red.
The pain made his grip loosen and Hera shrieked, violently tearing him off. Light gasped at the feeling of going
through the air, nothing supporting or holding him. He grunted, rolling across the cold floor, stones embedding
themselves in his skin. Light only stopped when he hit the wall, the pain jolting his limbs and making his mind
blank. He tried standing, but his muscles cried out, making his arms and legs shake.

Hera rounded on him, giggling, power exuding from her very being.

"You fucking fool," she bit, large peacock wings extending as she slowly approached threateningly.

Light bit back a sound of fear, scrabbling for the door. Hera's wings snapped out, her body rocketing towards him at
impossible speeds. Light yelled, throwing himself through the door and pressing to the ground, Hera shooting above
him and out a window, swirling in the air. She quickly regained her position, their eyes locked.

Not knowing what else to do, Light ran. His feet took him as fast as he could, down the winding halls that he knew
so well, his brain snapped into survival-mode. She screeched, going after him, but getting lost in the confusing maze
of hallways, kicking and slamming open doors.

"Where are you?!" She snarled, slashing her talons against the perfect walls, marring them.

Throwing himself into one of the guest rooms, Light bounded for the window, already forming his escape plan. He
could hide in the fields among the spirits! Either that or risk going down the staircase, hope that the monsters let him
through to the ferry below. His hand was on the window's latch when a glint caught his eye.

Light turned his head slowly, his eyes widening. The sword that could kill Hera... it was hanging over the mantle,
beckoning him to grab it. Light swallowed heavily. He hesitated, looking between it and the window. What was he
thinking? He couldn't go against Hera! But then again... he faltered, his eyes narrowing. Hera was unjust. A cheat
for the throne. And he would risk his life if it meant saving Demeter. His home.

Picking up the sword, he felt how simultaneously heavy and light it was, reflecting brilliantly.

"I am justice," he breathed, turning towards the door and waiting for Hera, every fiber in his body jumping with
It didn't take her long to find him. She saw the sword, laughing shrilly.

"You think that can do anything to me?" She chuckled.

Light didn't respond, his arms trembling. Hera lumbered forwards, lips twitching.

"You should've hid like the cockroach you are," she growled.

Hera swept forward, swinging her staff with such force that Light had to jump back. His back pressed against the
wall, blocking his escape. Light's face fell, terror shooting up his spine. She gave another crazed laugh, her grip on
the staff tight, and her eyes gone with power-lust. Hera charged him, lashing out with her talons... instinct took over
and Light raised his sword.

The sound of squished flesh.

Light panted, his lip quivering. The sword was deeply buried in her chest, ichor spreading across the blade and
dropping to the floor. She looked at him with large, shocked eyes, fear making itself known for the first time.

Hera opened her mouth, but ichor spurted out, splashing across Light's face. He shuddered, unable to move his grip
from the sword. Adrenaline raced through his veins, the surprised look on her face shaking him to his core. She let
out a strangled sound, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Kira," she gurgled, her body twitching.

He inhaled deeply, scanning her face. Light nodded.

"That's right. I am Kira."

Hera's breath convulsed, her nostrils flaring. Her orbs glazed over, her focus slipping as she slumped, the only thing
holding her up being the sword and Light's burning arms.

He blinked. Something didn't feel right. He felt so numb, yet it felt like he was missing something. Forgetting or
hadn't noticed a crucial detail. His eyes traveled down, his mouth in a little 'o'. That's why.

"L?" He croaked, his voice a horrified squeak. He sobbed, his body shaking uncontrollably, "L?! L! I need you!"

No answer. Everything was quiet. His vision spun, the world tilting...

In her charge, Hera's talons had plunged into his stomach.

L and Aphrodite were a roll of teeth and claws, L bringing them down across her back and her trying to bite his
fingers off.

He tried grasping her wrists again, but she writhed, kneeling him in the gut. L doubled over, his gaze darkening. His
teeth hooked inwards, but Aphrodite held out a hand, covering his mouth and nose, forcing him to inhale particles.

He froze, his nose wrinkling. Instantly, his skin started burning, his member going hard. L stumbled back.
"Really? An aphrodisiac? Very mature," he snipped.

It was a bit of a double-edged sword, L wasn't sure if he wanted to fuck or kill her more. But it was just the
distraction she needed to dive off the balcony, her wings supporting her. L shook his head, so hard that it physically
Chasing after her, he angled his wings, tipping and dipping, Aphrodite just a dot in the distance. Out of the corner of
his eye, he saw Hera hovering, shooting back down for a window. Shit. I hope Demeter has it under control. He
flapped his wings, shooting even closer to Aphrodite.

She beat her wings desperately, swooping and turning sharp corners, but he matched each one. Anger flashed in his
chest the closer he got. Her breathing came out labored, her wings burning with the effort of keeping ahead.
L screamed, all his frustration and pain letting loose in that one sound. Aphrodite bit her lip. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-
before she knew what was happening, L was on her, his hands clamped down on her wrists. She kicked and
punched, the both of them tumbling through the air, the wind whipping and battering them. It was like they didn't
notice they were falling. There was no rhyme or reason to their fight, a mess of punching and kicking. With one
harsh push, Aphrodite managed to get away from L. At this point, long chains were hanging from her wrists, almost
connected. Her eyes popped in panic, tearing at the metal. They were impossible to get off!

The ground met both of them at the same time, rocks and earth kicking into the air before settling on them in a dirty
rain, showering them and pelting them with small rocks.

They'd fallen from so high at such force that the ground now had a slight crater, the soil sifted and broken.

L groaned, dull pain spreading up his side. He struggled to his feet, disoriented and looking around in a daze.
Aphrodite wasn't too far away, her blond hair coated in dirt and matted with ichor, her skin stained and rough.

She moaned, rolling on her back with a hiss. Not giving her the chance to get up, L grabbed her wrists. Aphrodite
gasped, shaking her head wildly.
"Please!" She sobbed, her throat bobbing, "Please, L, I'm begging you! Please don't lock me up! I can't do it,
you know I can't do it!"

He faltered, looking down at her swirling green eyes. They were glassy, full of raw fear, Persephone's face torn and
crying. He had the strongest urge to reach out and touch her cheek, but he forced himself back on the task. As the
chain kept forming and Aphrodite squirmed, Persephone's voice begging him to stop, L squeezed his eyes shut. His
grip on her wrists tightened, a resolve building in his chest. He could do this... he was strong...

"Lysander!" Persephone... no... Aphrodite... cried out.

The chain connected and he stumbled back, watching her powers be locked up. All at once, Aphrodite's wings
disintegrated, nothing but a pile of white ash. L gaped, his knees buckling when Persephone's blonde hair darkened
to red, blue staining those wonderful green eyes until he couldn't see them anymore. The very shape of her face
shifted, little freckles appearing over her skin. There was a tightness in L's chest watching Persephone disappear.

She shook her head pleadingly, pulling at the chains.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted respect! I wanted to be feared and a-and I love you! Lysander, please! I love you!"

His glare made her lips tighten.

Brushing himself off, L rolled his head, neck cracking. Her eyes were so wide that they looked ready to fall out of
her head. He took a step towards her, his voice settling back into its usual monotone, but revealing the venom

"Phaedra, title of Aphrodite. By the law of the Underworld, you're under arrest. I'll see that Eris executes you."

She let out an indiscernible sound, sinking to her knees.

"No! I love you!"

"Shut up. You don't love me and I don't love you..." he crouched in front of her, his eyes cold, "you think you can
steal my kingdom from under my feet? Try to force me to kill my husband and I'll show you mercy?!" His voice
lowered to a dark rumble, "I'm not your toy for you to dump all your problems on, Phaedra."

His body hummed with a dark energy, his skin practically oozing a black aura. She sat back, the emotion draining
out of her face, her voice caught.

"L. No matter what you think, I do care for you."

"You have a funny way of showing it."

Aphrodite bit at her lip, the immediate fear and panic dying down and replaced with resigned acceptance. Standing
easily, he brought his fingers to his mouth and whistled. Cerberus bounded over, tail wagging wildly.

Despite the situation, L couldn't help but smile, scratching the scruff of Cerberus' neck. His feet thumped happily,
his tongue lolling out.

"Who's a good boy?" L cooed.

Cerberus bounced, making both L and Aphrodite rise and fall in the air. L pointed to the goddess.

"Keep an eye on her, okay boy? If she moves, she's your new toy!"

Cerberus' ears went up, as if asking "really? Ya mean it?" L laughed, petting the side one of the head's face.
"Yup! She moves, she's all yours."
Aphrodite's nose wrinkled, but she didn't say anything, drawing up her knees to her chin. Cerberus pawed the
ground excitedly, trotting over and sitting right in front of the goddess, six eyes trained on her intently. Wanting her
to do it, scooting closer as if that would make her move or try to run away.

Rising into the air, L went to go help Demeter, tucking his wings in to give him better speed. Landing on the
balcony, he rushed into the hallway, his brow furrowing. It was quiet... too quiet...
He crept through the halls, every nerve on alert. The first place he went to was the throne room. His heart fell.
Demeter was on her side leaking ichor, unconscious. He was about to go to her when he stopped, his entire body
freezing in dread. Light.
Oh, God.

His bare feet slapped the stone in the halls. He skidded down the corridors, his mind frazzled and trying to figure out
where to go. Turning a corner, he paused, hearing something.

It sounded like a puppy crying, that high-pitched whining, calling out in pain. Following the sound, every step
making him shrink, L's hands flew to his mouth.

Hera's dead body was sprawled across the floor. Light was lying in a pool of his own blood, whimpering loudly. It
caked in his hair and clothing, so much blood that it was hard to believe. His soul was hanging out in tendrils,
threatening to leave his body. L's face went grey, the strength leaving his legs.

"No! No, no, no, no-"

L slid to Light's side, supporting the other. Warm blood gushed over his fingers, staining L's pale skin red.

"Light, can you hear me?!"

Instead of answering, Light continued the sounds, his eyes distant.

"Shit... don't you dare die on me!"

L was scrawny, but even so, he was able to scoop up Light, blood staining his shirt. Hugging Light close, feeling his
husband shiver, L shot out of the palace, extending his wings. Light cried out in pain, but L simply tightened his

"It's okay!" His voice wavered, fear making his throat close, "you're going to be okay! It's okay."

Soaring upwards, the only thing L could think about was how Light needed a hospital. He'd never flown faster in his
life, never this urgent or utterly terrified. Light fingers crept along the wound, blood and ripped flesh slushing at the
touch. L's breathing quickened, tucking his wings to make him a torpedo in the air.

"It's okay," he could barely see the Underworld passing below him. It was all just a blur of quick color, "stay with
me, Light!"

Breaking into the surface world, L moved for the hospital, landing easily on his feet. L didn't even wait for his wings
to crack back into his shoulder blades and he carried Light. They were gone by the time he hobbled into the
emergency room, tear stains on his cheeks.

"Help!" He screamed.

Nurses and doctors were on them in an instant. L felt so numb, his fingers latched onto Light. They had to pry him
out of his arms, and even then, L just stood there in shock. A gurney was rolled out, doctors yelling at each other as
they shoved Light towards the operating room. L shook his head, trying to grab for one of the assistants.

"Is he going to be okay?!"

She didn't answer, excusing herself that she really needed to go help them. L felt stiff, but he managed to unattach
his hand, watching them dejectedly. Soon, it was quiet as if a bloody man hadn't just been carried into the
emergency room.

"... I can't lose him..."

L stood in the lobby, his throat bobbing. One of the nurses gently wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, slowly
leading him to one of the seats. She leaned into his ear.

"We have extra clothing if you want to change your shirt."

His shirt...? L looked down, a strangled sound coming from his throat. Oh. His shirt was covered in Light's blood,
sticking his abdomen. He stared at the dark stain, sweat beading his brow. L numbly nodded, taking an extra white
shirt from the kind nurse.
He sat, his knees touching his chin and his arms wrapped around his legs. L shuddered, burying his face into his
legs. I can't lose him.
Chapter 17: A Wish
Chapter Text

When Demeter woke up, the first thing she registered was that someone had moved her to a proper bed and even
though she didn't need it, had cleaned and dressed the wound. Blinking, she slowly unwrapped the bandages,
confirming that the gash had sealed itself, the only evidence that it had been there being dried ichor staining her
skin. The door opened and she looked up, expecting to see L or Light. But it was one of Aphrodite's boys, the young
white-haired one.

He froze, staring at Demeter.

"Did you do this?" She whispered, motioning to her closed wound, "did you try to help me?"

He swallowed, casting his eyes downwards. Instead of answering, he slid an extra bucket of water next to the bed,
replacing an empty one. Demeter's heart fluttered, a gentle smile on her lips.

"Thank you," she murmured.

The boy glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes, dipping his head and scampering away. Demeter rubbed her
temple, trying to remember everything that happened.

She groaned, hobbling through the winding halls. When she found Hera, she froze, her mouth open in shock, her
mind immediately going to Light. Where was he? Where was L for that matter?! A soft breeze kicked up and she
started, shivers going up her spine. The familiar feeling of cold and death settled over her skin. L. But there was
something- darker- more suffocating to his presence.

She whipped around to see him standing in the doorway, his thumb hanging off his lips and glaring down at Hera's
body. Large grey eyes slid in her direction.

"Are you alright?"

Demeter dazedly nodded, her heart racing. This new aura pouring off of L was dangerous. Even with the regular,
inconspicuous clothing, his wings not out, anyone could tell he was a powerful creature. Hearing that she was okay,
he bobbed his head in acknowledgement.

"Good," he rumbled, turning on his heel, "we have some business to attend to."

"W-where's Light?!"

L marched out, the fury making his outline hazy. Worried about what he might do, Demeter jogged after him.

Aphrodite was still curled up in the crater, picking at the cuffs so much that at this point, her ichor stained the metal.
She gasped, shrinking when she saw him. L's face remained emotionless as he stepped up to her, his eyes like black
holes, sucking in her very soul.
He leaned down, his breath tickling her ear. Aphrodite shuddered, goosebumps peppering her skin.

"If Light dies, I'll kill you with my bare hands," he growled, "I don't care how impossible it may seem. I'll find a
way... you know I will."

She gulped but didn't respond. L's eyes flickered in hate, so scathing and deadly that it made her head hang. 

"You'll be taken to Eris' old cell where you'll await your punishment."

Aphrodite didn't try to fight it or convince him otherwise. She was a monster... she knew it... a horrible, despicable
monster. Everything felt numb as she was led towards the staircase. 

Light's eyes fluttered open, his throat bobbing. The first thing he heard was the machine beeping. L was curled up on
a chair in the corner of the room, the side of his face on his knees and sleeping.

His mouth felt dry, the memories flashing in his brain. Whoa... did he really kill Hera? It didn't feel real... Light
winced, glancing down at his bandaged midriff. Well, actually it felt too real. He looked back at L and smiled
wistfully. The other was completely surrounded by empty candy and pastry wrappers, crumbs all over his white
shirt. It was honestly a miracle L was sleeping... Light glanced at the clock, seeing it was about four in the morning.
He chuckled, wondering just how long ago L had really fallen asleep. He took in his husband, scanning L's sharp,
porcelain features, the bags under his eyes so pronounced that they might as well be eyeliner.

Smiling to himself, Light settled against his pillow. L never cared about aesthetics or beauty, but to him, there was
something almost unreal about his husband. A massive contradiction of messy and rude and insanely attractive.

L moaned, yawning and massaging his temple. They locked eyes and L froze, his heart thundering. Light grinned
"Be honest, how many hours did you actually sleep?"

L faltered, his breathing coming out heavy. His lips quivered into a wavering smile, his fingers trembling.

"You're awake!"

"Answer the question," Light clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth sternly. But both knew it was in good

"2 hours," L laughed.

Light's brow quirked, wrinkling his nose playfully.

"Do I even need to scold-"

Before he could finish his sentence, L's arms were around him, squeezing Light so tightly that it was hard to breathe.
Light wasn't expecting it. He just sat there, stunned, feeling L's thin frame pressed against him and the god's cool
lips buried in the crook of his neck.

Light blinked, carefully spreading his fingers through L's wild hair, curling and sliding through the strands. L
crashed their lips together, Light's natural taste sending his stomach flipping. Light sighed, sugar and coffee coating
his tongue, L's breath warm in his mouth. Tugging L down so he was spread next to Light, they stared at each other,
drinking in every little detail of the other's face.

"How long was I out?" Light asked curiously.

L absently played with Light's hair, adoring the way the moonlight bounced off of it and made it different shades of
amber and chestnut.

"3 days," he whispered, "Demeter's okay. Aphrodite's in Eris' old cell. Eris is almost completely healed, so she'll
reassume the throne."

Light nodded, letting the information wash over him. He tilted his head curiously.

"But if Hera's dead and she's not back yet, who's ruling Oly-" he clamped his jaw in realization.

L smiled sheepishly, biting at his lip.

"The job's not really for me, but I can't deny that it has its perks. It's interesting, though. Suddenly all of the
Olympians adore me. Can't possibly imagine what changed their mind."

Light laughed, the action making his stomach hurt. He shook his head in awe. L, the man wearing a white shirt and
jeans, absolutely covered in crumbs, was currently the king of 2 kingdoms...

"You're incredible," Light breathed.

The other snorted.

"You were the one who killed Hera. Eris owes a debt to you. More specifically... a wish. You can ask the queen for
anything you want."
Huh. Light leaned back, his mind lost in thought. What did he want? More than anything in this world? The thought
came before he could stop or register it. I want to be mortal. He gaped, his fingers tingling. It was true... as amazing
as the many millennia had been, living forever... it was so... long. Technically speaking, Light wasn't even that old
and he was already seeing the effects, especially on L, that came with thousands of years.

As the king of Olympus, Zeus had made Apollo temporarily mortal on several occasions in the past. Surely Eris
could do the same?

But he looked at L, his heart twisting. Could he really ask that of the other? To give up his immortality? His eyes
misted. It was asking so much, too much. L scanned the other's face, sensing his husband was holding something
back for his sake.

"Tell me," L mumbled, "I promise I'll tell you if I have my reservations."

Light swallowed, his voice a nervous croak.

"I want to be mortal."

L's eyes darted around Light's face. He twisted the bedsheets between his fingers. For all the misery that immortality
came with, the thought of death was terrifying. Certainly something L never thought he'd embrace.

But he met Light's eyes, his voice foreign to his own ears.
"I want that too."

"L, no, I-I can't ask you do that. It's asking a lot."

"Light... I'm tired. A quiet life with you solving crimes and raising kids until the day we die... it sounds like bliss."
Light fell silent in disbelief. L agreed? He was going to give up everything? 'Bliss'? Oh my God. 

They were going to become mortal? Suddenly, it all felt too real. So sudden. Light's chest heaved, a myriad of
different emotions swirling in the pit of his stomach. L rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling in shock. 

"I'm going to grow old," he murmured in awe.

Reaching out, Light entangled their fingers, his eyes shining with so much love that it took L's breath away.
"We're going to grow old. Together."

Stepping back into the Underworld after everything that happened felt so surreal. The ghostly servants bustled
forward excitedly, profusely claiming how happy they were to see them. The furies and harpies shrank, avoiding L's

L stood in front of them, watching them flinch and squirm guiltily. Sighing, he held out his arms.

"Thank you. All of you. For taking care of the throne while I was away."

That made them all start, looking at him with wide, hopeful eyes. He met them, finding that he genuinely couldn't be
mad at them. They were carrying out their oath. Even if that meant serving Aphrodite.

Light understood too. He was still a bit salty, but he knew where they were all coming from. Aello sniffed, wiping at
her nose.

"Even so... we're sorry," she whimpered, "Hades. You'll always be our king."

Her sisters-in-arms nodded in agreement, saying they were sorry. L's heart swelled, his face breaking out into a
caring and gentle smile.

Light turned his head and stopped. The boys were standing around the corner, watching them.

Now that Aphrodite was out of their lives, did they have anywhere to go? A surge of protectiveness welled in Light's
stomach. No. Those kids would always have a place. He'd make sure they were okay. He caught L watching the
three kids out of the corner of his eyes as well. L's voice lowered so only the two of them could hear.

"I know we said we'd wait a hundred years or so to adopt again, but seeing as we're going to become mortal..."

Light's breath caught. Adopt three young boys all at once? They'd never adopted a kid so close to the death of their
previous, and the thought was almost overwhelming. But he found himself nodding, already imagining himself with
those boys in his life. Near with his toys, Matt and his games always sneaking off to spend time with Linda, Mello
being the biggest troublemaker they'd ever taken on.

Three boys without a home or family finding both in Light and L.

"I'll bring it up to them. You tell Demeter about us giving up immortality," Light hissed.

L nodded. While the god continued talking to the harpies and furies, Light snuck in the boys' direction. They inhaled
sharply, looking ready to run when Light held up a peaceful hand. They shifted, limbs twitching like skitterish
animals. Light cleared his throat. He was good at this. Between him and L, he was always the charmingly persuasive
one. The one who could successfully sell the pitch and convince hardened, jaded orphans to let themselves be
adopted. To convince them that they wouldn't be abandoned or abused.

All three listened intently, sharing concerned looks. Mello puffed out his chest.

"Pfft. I don't need you. I'm fifteen, I can survive on my own."

Matt unceremoniously smacked Mello's head. Mello yelped, glowering at his brother. Matt met the glare evenly.

"Oh? And how you going to do that, Dumbass? Join the mafia? Sell your soul cause you're too proud?!"

Mello opened his mouth to protest, but Matt wasn't done.

"You never think things through! Where are you going to go, Mello? Hm? Don't be stupid."

"You can come with me," Mello shot back.

Matt considered, but then noticed Near silently watching them, fiddling with a strand of hair. A 13 year old boy who
needed a stable home. None of this magical gods and myths crap. Much too young for the kind of life Mello was

"I can't," Matt said in a hushed tone, "Mello. Throughout our entire lives, we've only had each other. I'm not
dragging Near into the streets. I'd prefer for us all to stick together, but if you want to leave, I can't stop you."

An uncomfortable silence settled over the three of them. Light was surprised at how nervous he was, wringing his
fingers and silently begging that all three would say yes. It felt like forever until Mello's voice went to a quiet

"Fine. I'll stick around."

Matt exhaled, bowing respectfully towards Light.

"Thank you. We humbly accept your offer."

Light smiled.

He and L had just adopted three teenagers.

Demeter covered her mouth, tears in the corners of her eyes. Her son-in-law stood in front of her, hunched over in
anticipation for her reaction to the news. L winced, looking at her apprehensively.
To her, he looked so much like a kid, his eyes darting wildly, the shape of his face and his smallness. Breathing out
and trying to compose herself, Demeter hugged him. L stiffened, his cold limbs leaching off the goddess's warmth.
If this happened, it meant that someday, she'd lose him... the thought of not seeing L anymore made her heart crack.
But this was his decision. His life. Her voice came out soft and sad, yet accepting.

"If this will make you happy, L... I'm so happy for you."

L didn't bother hiding his surprise. It was such an honest statement, filled with hope and acceptance that all he could
do in response was wrap his arms around her. He laughed, shaking his head.

"5,000 years ago, would you believe we'd be here now?"

That made Demeter giggle, covering her face. 5,000 years ago, they were still at each other's throats, fighting so
badly that it gave Zeus migraines. L wheezed, riding up his shirt to show off his abdomen.

"I still have a bunch of scars from you," he accused teasingly.

Demeter shook her head, smiling to herself and riding up her sleeve to show off her arm.

"Same from you," she sighed.

Now they could laugh about it, outlining each scar and remembering battles that felt so pointless now. Back when
they hadn't felt crushing loss and were petty in their own ways. Persephone was always caught in the middle, always
trying to mediate and convince both of them to give the other a chance. They never listened to her, continuing their
crusade to show the other was the worst person imaginable.

It was wasted time they both regretted.

Demeter hesitated, inspecting her hands.

"I don't really like spending time with humans anyway," she whispered, crossing her arms, "they destroy my
creations in favor of such ugly buildings."

She looked up, her eyes bleeding sincerity.

"Lysander... unless you have someone else in mind for the throne... I'd be honored if I became the new Hades."

L stared at her, his eyes huge. He'd been considering giving it to one of the minor death gods that inhabited the
Underworld, always off on their own duties, none of them really caring about him. But Demeter? He swayed, taking
her hands in his own.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

Leaning forward, Demeter pressed her forehead reassuringly against L's.

"I am," her lips twitched, "who knows? I'm pretty handy with plants. Maybe within your lifetime, you'll see the
Underworld become something really beautiful."
Within my lifetime.

He shivered. Wow. He was really doing this...

but first things first.

His last act of Hades, King of the Underworld, would be sentencing Aphrodite.
Chapter 18: Birds of a Feather
Chapter Text

Aphrodite's execution was scheduled for the next day. And then the day after that, L and Light would give up their

Light was sleeping beside L, beautiful godlike features pristine. L simply watched, outlining the shape of Light's
face in his mind. The next few days would be the most hectic in his life, everything he knew and was flipped upside
down alongside losing who was once his best friend.

L rolled onto his back, watching the marble ceiling above him intently. Anxiety drummed in his chest, and a deeper
truth that he was desperately trying to ignore.

He didn't want Aphrodite to die.

Despite everything, he found he still cared about her. And he hated it. He hated himself for not being as cold as he
was pretending to be. His throat bobbed, imagining how scared she was. Our kind doesn't understand
consequences... but she's about to learn. Still. A shiver ran up his spine.

Carefully maneuvering himself out of the bed, L shuffled through the large, looming halls.

He and Light had been talking. Over the millennia, L had developed his own network of connections, spearheaded
by Quillish. They'd become L and Kira, the greatest detectives this world had ever seen. They'd buy a sweet little
house, similar to the ones they'd used to raise all their children and let each day count.

L's steps had always been eerily silent, his bare feet practically gliding along the stone. He let his feet lead him out
to the stairwell, such a terrifying pit in the ground crawling with monsters in the dark. As he descended, they
skittered and chirped, watching him curiously. Without toting any souls, why was the king making this journey? L
perched awkwardly in the ferry, balancing on the balls of his feet and almost sending the ferry tipping.

The ferryman shot him a glare and all L could do in response was smile sheepishly.


L glanced over the side of the boat, examining the waters below. It was too dark to see, but he could imagine lost
souls, thousands of eyes peering up through the depths. He instinctively bit at his thumb, gnawing softly on the nail.

"We're here," the ferryman rumbled.

L bobbed his head gratefully. Little stones embedded into his feet on the journey up old, decrepit stairs. Each step
sent him shuddering, old, horrible memories resurfacing.

Aphrodite was sleeping, her chains attached to the ground. Her eyes flew open, her nostrils flaring. Aphrodite
tugged at the chain, looking up sourly when L came in, his grey eyes dark. She sneered, trying to put on a brave

"What do you want?" She snarled, throwing as much venom as possible into her voice.
L crouched, eyes flickering over her features in deep thought. He gave a soft laugh.

"Light's convinced me to go to therapy, so who knows? I might tell him someday... it's not that I want to hide it
necessarily, I just want to forget it ever happened."

She tilted her head.

"Tell him what?"

He gave a tired smile.

"That I was conscious."

Aphrodite's brow furrowed before her face went white, her lip trembling.


"Oh, yes. Trapped in my own body watching everything play out. I could see everything happening and I was
powerless to stop it. Ripping Eris apart, the Oracle, destroying Persephone's grave, almost killing Light. I was there
for it all... how many times did I tell you I loved you? So many that I lost count and even started believing the lie. It
was like a loop, 'My Love, My Queen, I love you'."

She shuddered, shame and guilt welling in her chest. It had crossed her mind, wondering if L could see the things he
was doing, but she'd pushed the thoughts away. Now that she had confirmation though...

"I still remember how your lips taste and how much I just wanted to have sex with you, how fucked up is that?"

Aphrodite gaped, her eyes misting.

"I-I didn't-"

"Why didn't you rape me?"

The question caught her so off-guard that all Aphrodite could do was stare. He laughed dryly, biting on his thumb so
harshly that a drop of ichor rolled down his skin. Aphrodite's voice felt foreign to her own ears.


"It's a simple question. You wanted me and at the time, you thought I wanted you."

She swallowed, hugging her knees. L's large eyes were like spotlights, capturing her very soul and rooting her to the
spot, demanding an explanation. Aphrodite picked at her knee, her voice coming out quiet.

"L... I never wanted to do all those thing to you... I never wanted you to suffer and I didn't want to hurt you. I was
just- I was just sick and tired of being... me."

Aphrodite covered her mouth, shivering, "Hera convinced me that I needed her. That'd I be nothing without her. I
did what I thought I had to." Aphrodite sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes pooled, "I am so sorry, L. "
She pitched forward, trying to hide her face.

"I am so sorry."

L didn't respond at first, cocking his head in consideration. Aphrodite repeated it under her breath, looking up at him
with red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. L straightened, adjusting his white shirt, smoothing his long fingers over the
soft material.

"Do you remember that game we used to play? Such an extreme version of hide and seek?"

Aphrodite's lips twitched fondly with the memory. It was the first thing they'd done together. Neither of them had
ever been 'children', already formed looking the way they did, but mentally, it was when they were toddlers.

"I do," she whispered, eyes twinkling, "you always hid as owl and snakes, anything small."

"Hm," L mused.

They went silent and for a second, L seriously considered telling her about losing his immortality. She was going to
die anyway, it didn't matter... right? But he simply inspected his nails. L paused, his eyes widening and his voice
coming out a low croak.

"How'd you like to play again, hm?"

At Aphrodite's confused expression, he stepped closer.

"A game between you and me. We could turn you permanently into a dove. You'd never be able to use your powers
again. I'd look for you. If you stay gone, you're alive and winning. If I catch you, I kill you."

He had no intention of looking for her, but she didn't need to know that. L just wanted a quiet life with Light,
without the weight of having killed her on his mind or worry that she might show up again.

Aphrodite's nose wrinkled.

"I never took you for a sadist."

"I'm not. This is the best mercy I can give."

And in a few decades when I'm dead, you can live out however long you want as a dove without fear. When you're
finally sick of it, you'll go to Eris yourself. If he were concerned about eternity, he'd feel forced to kill her, to get rid
of the threat. After all, nothing stays locked up forever and a piece of him did wonder what would happen to her
after he was gone. But 80-100 years? A blink of an eye.

Aphrodite didn't say anything at first, her gaze distant. She gave a light giggle, making L falter.

"'Birds of a feather'," she wheezed, shaking her head, "that's what the Oracle told me. For once, the old bitch was
being literal?"

L stared at her.

He burst out laughing.

He wasn't even sure where it came from, but he couldn't stop it. L wheezed, his laugh low and throaty. Aphrodite
tilted her head before her own chest started bubbling with uncontrollable giggles. They squeaked, not knowing what
else to do. L had to lean against the wall, his stomach aching and his vision blurring.

"God, that woman can be such a bitch," he chuckled dryly.

"She always was," Aphrodite managed in a strained breath.

L felt airy. He nodded slowly, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. If she accepted, she'd still be imprisoned in
her own body, a beautiful bird, but at least it'd be a golden cage, able to fly around this world as much as she

"Well?" He breathed.

Both Eris and Light stared at him.

"Why would you offer her something like that?" Light asked.

He chewed the inside of his cheek. L didn't answer at first, wiggling his toes in anticipation.

"Mercy? In memory of our old friendship? Because... I don't know if I'd be comfortable killing her..."

Eris pursed her lips, but shrugged. She held up her staff, sighing.

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with."

As they followed her out to Aphrodite's prison, Light intertwined his and L's fingers, giving a supportive smile. It
took away L's breath.

"Her dying would really bother you that much?" Light murmured.

L swallowed, bobbing his head.

"I want a fresh start. Completely fresh, with nothing bogging it down."

Light blinked, his hand squeezing L's. L sighed, running his long, bony fingers over his husband's knuckles and
warm skin.

They stood in front of Aphrodite, the goddess not looking at them. Holding up her staff, Eris muttered under her
breath, switching languages to something much more ancient. Light's mouth fell open in awe. The chain melted into
Aphrodite's skin, still there but not visible. She threw her back, gasping as sea blue eyes went darker and wings
feathers sprouted from her body.

L shifted and Light wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulders, pulling him into his body heat.
Aphrodite gasped, continuing to morph and contort until the three of them were looking down at a slender white
dove, her neck craned. She gave her wings an experimental flap, cooing and hopping. L nodded to himself, watching
as she rose into the air, soaring and dipping gracefully.

Stepping forward, the god's tongue felt heavy in his mouth.

"Go on," he said, "I'll give you a head start."

The dove chirped and flew upwards, stark white against the cloudy day. L settled back, his heart racing. Behind
them, the three boys watched watched silently, Near fiddling with a lock of hair. They knew what it felt like to turn
into a dove, even if only temporary. It wasn't a wonderful fate, but it could've been so much worse. Matt supposed a
part of him did genuinely care about Aphrodite, even if she'd made his life a living Hell. Mello twirled a knife
between his fingers, his expression unreadable.

Matt reached out, but Mello flinched away.

"At least the bitch's gone," he growled, hunching his shoulders protectively.

Near looked up at the sky. At this point, the dove that used to be his goddess was gone, no where to be seen among
the muddled grey clouds.

"I think she'll settle by the sea," he mumbled, "she always liked it there."

Mello tensed, eyes flashing to the side.

"I don't give a shit where she goes."

Before Near or Matt could say anything, Mello was stalking off, just wanting to be alone.

L and Light touched foreheads, their breaths mixing. Swaying, Light pressed his lips to L's, those lips impossibly

"It's really over..." L breathed into Light's mouth.

He ran his fingers through his husband's hair, pulling the other close.

"Are you sure you want this?"

Smiling, L nodded. It was a genuine smile, ready for the next phase of his life. Turning to Eris, L cleared his throat.

"Tomorrow morning. We still have some things to pack."

Light bear-hugged L, laughing into the other's neck.

Eris bobbed her head. She didn't really understand the appeal of becoming mortal and giving up the throne. But, hey.
Whatever they wanted. If this was what they felt they needed, she was more than ready to help.
Light grunted, forcing his suitcase's lid down. The room felt so empty without all the stuff. Big shock, over 2,000
years together meant they accumulated more crap than they could sort through in a night.

L roared, body slamming into his suitcase closed it enough to violently pull the zipper.

The zipper burst and L yelped, being propelled and sprawling across the floor. Light breathed heavily, sweat
covering his brow.

"How much stuff do you have?!"

"Light, I'm 125,000 years old. How much stuff do you think I have?"

Light hopped onto L's suitcase trying to hold it down.

"Maybe um, bungees or something?"

"Oh yeah, hold on, we have some in the supply closet."

After a lot of fussing and cursing, L fell back, swiping at his forehead. Even with the bungees, his suitcase was
almost overflowing. Light stepped away from it like it was a bomb, his eyes nervous.

"Okay... that should hold... hopefully."

Plopping on his back, L beamed, spreading his arms over the stone floor to cool down. He closed his eyes, letting
the peace over him. His brow furrowed though when he felt Light's presence get close.

Smirking, Light leaned over him, hair falling around his face and tickling L's cheek.

"Do I even need to tell you how sexy you look on the floor, out of breath and sweaty? Practically begging me to take

L's lips quirked, his hips rising and grinding sensually against Light's. He opened his eyes, shining mischievously.
He licked his lips

"Well, it is our last night as immortals," he said amusedly.

"Hm, my last night to be as fucking rough with your body as I want?" Light whispered huskily, taking L's bottom lip
between his teeth.

They tripped backwards to the bed, hands roaming and groping. Desperate kisses were exchanged, their lips swollen
and raw. L threw his back, moaning at the feeling of Light sucking on his neck. Light plunged his hand into L's
jeans, making the god cry out and gasp, wrapping his arms around Light's neck.

"Oh God, yes," L groaned, his skin on fire.

Light looked down at the sobbing, pleading mess, a slight trickle of drool leaking out of the corner of L's mouth.

"Fuck me," L moaned.

Tearing off his own pants, Light pushed L's face close to his member, shuddering at the feeling of cool breath
against the head.

"Suck," he commanded.

In an instant, L wrapped his lips around him and Light felt like dying. That wonderful tongue twisted and languidly
licked, teeth softly grazing. Light grasped handfuls of pitch black hair, whining.

"L," he sighed, slowly thrusting.

L took him in deeper, signaling that he wanted Light to go faster. Rougher.

And Light did. He slammed himself down L's throat, hitting that fleshy wall. L's fingers dug into Light's sides, his
eyes glazed over. As Light thrusted, his other hand was already reaching for the lube, spreading it over his fingers
and jamming one into L.

L had to stop himself from biting. He lost concentration and choked, but he loved the feeling, his fingernails
scrapping down Light's sides. Light's hips jerked and he grunted, releasing deep into L's throat. L swallowed
eagerly, stretching back out on the bed. He squirmed in anticipation, mouth popping open whenever Light's fingers
curled and moved, stretching him open and making him see stars.

Watching the god writhe and beg was already making Light hard again. Holding onto L's hips, he hissed out a breath
and slammed inside.

L scrabbled at the sheets, caught between a scream and a moan.

"Too hard?" Light's voice was strained.

The god stubbornly shook his head.

"Just go," he growled.

The bed squeaked, the headrest banging against the stone wall. L latched his fingers into Light's shoulder blades,
panting into sweaty skin. They moved their hips against each other, losing themselves in the feeling of each others'
bodies, Light pushing in and out of that tight vice and L being pounded into, letting out mews and lewd noises. Light
bit down on L's shoulder until he could taste sweet ichor, his body trembling as L cried out dirty nothings.

Coming made Light's entire body go numb, his muscles tense as he released and released, claiming the other. L's
toes curled with his own orgasm, his chest exploding with relief.

Light slumped, the both of them trying to catch their breaths.

Softly touching Light's face, L kissed his husband's temple, a tender motion.

In a way, it felt final now. This was their last night as immortals. The room was quiet, the two of them admiring
each other and L poking at the bite-mark on his shoulder. Light winced apologetically, but L dragged his tongue up
Light's throat to tell him it was okay.

"Well," L chuckled, peppering kisses along Light's jaw, "the night's not over yet."
Chapter 19: Mortal
Chapter Text

The ceremony doubled as a renewal of their vows, Eris standing tall and proud. They were standing out in the
asphodel fields, all the souls gathered and dreamily watching the proceedings, almost but not quite remembering
what a wedding was like.

The two of them held hands, holding their breaths. L looked at Light, trying to hold off the tears. He intertwined
their fingers, feeling the heat coming off of the other's skin. It reminded him a summer's day, laying in sand and
being kissed by the sun. He'd been practicing this in his head for so long, but now that the moment was here and
Light was watching him, he found his voice softer that it usually would be. 

"Light... I know we've had our issues and demons of the past. I've made mistakes and took your love for granted.
But- no more. From now until the day we die, I share my heart with you. Nothing in this world could ever change
the way I feel about you. And I intend not to tell, but show you for the rest of our lives how much I truly love you."

Light sniffed, wiping at his eyes.

"Geez, you're bringing on the waterworks," he chuckled, covering his mouth.

L's nose crinkled tenderly, passing a finger under Light's striking amber eye. He could lost in that gaze... L's finger
came back wet. Light sighed, wrapping his arms around L's waist and pulling him closer. So close that it felt like
they were the only two people in the world, everyone else melting away and becoming irrelevant.

"Lysander, my L. I know we have different memories of the day we met... but that day that I woke up next to the
Lethe, I saw you and without even realizing it was love, I fell in love. You are the most amazing person I've ever
met, baggage and all. It's true that we've had our troubles and we still have a ways to go, but I want to be your rock.
No matter what happens, I'll always be with you."

They touched foreheads, a million unspoken things passing between them. L's voice came out low and raspy.

"You silly thing, you're already my rock. Without you, I don't know where I'd be."

Light shuddered, combing his fingers through L's wild locks. The other breathed out, nuzzling Light's grip, a serene
smile on those thin lips. Light's chest caught. Ever since they'd made the decision to become mortal, L looked better.
His eye-bags were less pronounced, now just a discoloration under his orbs. He'd never seen the god look so content

"Are you ready?" Light already knew the answer, but it made his heart leap when L bobbed his head

Eris held up her staff, mumbling under her breath. It crackled, sending out little chaotic sparks.

Demeter leaned forward, the hairs on her arms standing. For a few seconds, nothing happened...

L gasped.

His knees buckled, the strength being sapped out of his muscles. The effect wasn't as bad on Light and he swept
forward, quickly catching L before he could crumple. L sagged into his husband's grip, going light-headed.
Eris winced, her staff tightly clutched in her hands.

"Are you okay? The process isn't done yet."

He shivered. Not even done yet? L cleared his throat, forcing himself onto his feet and motioning for Eris to
continue. Demeter, the harpies, furies and all of the spectral staff watched concernedly, shifting nervously as Eris
held the staff in front of the two men again. Her voice lowered, almost as if she were whispering directly to the staff.
The more she talked, the weaker L felt, his head pounding until he was sure he'd collapse. Eris looked at him.

"Would you like to keep your wings and the ability to make them appear and disappear?"

His wings... he'd been ready to give them up, ready to say goodbye... but he found himself nodding.

"Yes," he croaked, "I'd like to keep them."

L was being supported by Light, his mind tipping. Finally, Eris drew back her staff and let it stab the ground.

"If the scroll's correct, that should be it. Light, your body is akin to an 18 year old man, and L, yours is that of a 22
year old."

Light nodded. He didn't feel too different... a bit light-headed, but that was it. Looking at L though... fuck. His
already ivory pale skin was grey and his gaze unfocused. L swallowed thickly, rubbing his temple.

Thankfully, the feelings were starting to go down, resembling some sort of normalcy again. L hissed out a breath,
staring at his hand.

It looked different. The color was more... alive... L gingerly touched his palm, sucking in a sharp breath. His skin...
holy shit, it was warm! L's long fingers glided to his wrist, delicately applying just the slightest amount of pressure.
It felt warm and gushing, the pulse quicker than it had been before. D-did that mean-

"I need a needle or something sharp," L cried out quickly.

Demeter faltered, handing one to him. Inhaling, L gently pricked his finger, his heart pounding so loudly that he
could barely hear anything.

A small drop of deep red blood oozed out of the wound.

L stared at the blood in awe, turning his finger over curiously. He had blood. The golden ichor that flowed through
his veins and made him the powerful deity he was was gone.
He really was mortal!

Eris waved a hand.

"If you ever want to be immortal again, you can always contact me-"

L nodded absently, still entranced by the drop on his skin. Wow, by now he would've been healed already...

Light scanned his husband's face with a slight smile. He wasn't like ichor-carrying gods. An immortal without
powers and who had blood instead of ichor. Such a strange hybrid. Losing his immortality, he couldn't explain it, but
it felt... right... natural... he was born a mortal and he'd gone back to being one.
His body had regained something it never even realized it was missing.

Turning to face Light, L pulled him into a hug, holding the sides of Light's face. He pushed their mouth together.

Light moaned into the kiss, the other's lips soft and warm. No way, L was warm! No more wrapping him up in
blankets or chilly cuddles! No more kicking him out of the bed during winter because Goddamnit, that body was
like a chunk of ice. Excitement shot up Light's spine. He framed L's face, nipping on his husband's bottom lip.
Eris and Demeter exchanged a look, trying to hide their smiles. Something told them the two lovers would
be just fine.

Matt, Mello and Near were standing awkwardly to the side, carrying their bags. Living under Aphrodite, they didn't
have many possessions they could call their own. Their entire life was hanging in their hands, their nerves jumping.
What if L turned out to be just another asshole god? N-no... asshole gods wouldn't choose to become mortal. He
wasn't an asshole god. Mello chuckled wryly. Okay then, what if he was an asshole mortal?... even with these fears
running through their brains, somehow the three boys knew deep down that they'd be okay. That these two men
were good people. 

L and Light reluctantly pulled away from each other, their breaths still mingling. Light's thumb passed over L's lips,
even his exhales more alive.

"Come on," Light beamed, "let's go home."

It was a beautiful house overlooking the Mediterranean, crystal blue waters as far as the eye could see. The house
itself was actually ancient but recently restored. It was the same place where L and Light raised Alexander, their first

L leaned against the window, the breeze kissing his face. He closed his eyes, remembering running up and down the
hallways chasing the little two year old. A nostalgic smile went up his features. Thousands of years later and he
could still clearly remember Alexander's face... all of their faces.

The house itself was amazing. Three floors and a flat roof they decorated with a canopy and fairy-lights. The three
boys had the middle floor, a large landing giving way to several rooms, one of which would be L and Light's office
for cases. The ground floor had the kitchen, family living room and an extra three bedrooms. Spacious yet not
empty. Large but keeping a charming character and not as looming as the palace had been. To L, it was perfect. 

The boys were downstairs unpacking with Light helping. Pretty soon, Matt announced he was leaving to explore the
local area. Cerberus had been disguised as a single gigantic Russian Bear Dog and was trotting goofily behind Light,
wagging his tail and trying to burry his snout into Light's ass. Light pursed his lips, contorting his body and yelping
to stay away but L could tell he was coming around to the monstrous creature.

From somewhere below, Near and Mello screamed at each other, getting to a hot argument. Light smirked.

"Reminds me of Arabella and Jasper," he chuckled.

L smiled wistfully. Those arguments made the whole house shake! He tapped his chin thoughtfully.


"Let's adopt more kids."

"3 teenagers aren't enough?"

"Is it for you?"

Light bit his lip before shaking his head sheepishly.

"No. It's not..."

"I'll call Roger tomorrow, see if he can pull some strings," L grinned, "we have space for 3 or 4 more."

It was late, the sea breeze heavy in the bedroom. They'd made love countless times, but there was a strange
underlying nervousness.
Their tongues danced, skin igniting. L threw back his head, his body practically on fire.
Fuck, how could any mortal stand feeling like this?

L whimpered, the itch under his skin intoxicating and mind-numbing. Light leaned back, looking down at him

"You okay-?"

"Don't you dare fucking stop," L panted, his limbs shaking.

Light blinked.

"Yes, sir," his lips quirked.

But Light's a little shit, of course. His lips ghosted L's stomach, moving agonizingly slowly. L whined, his vision
clouding. He bucked his hips, ordering Light to go faster. Harder.

Light surged down, attacking L's shoulders with bites and harsh sucking. L arched into Light's mouth, letting out
lewd mewls, latching his nails into Light's back.
"Fuck!" He groaned huskily, grunting in encouragemet.

That seemed to spur Light on, his eyes blowing black as he entered, growling and starting to thrust.

Light didn't even think, it was something that they'd done before and he'd never considered, but he subconsciously
wrapped a hand around L's throat, slamming into that familiar body while resting his sweaty forehead on L's
shoulder, sucking at the skin.
L's eyes popped. He'd never experienced the sensation of actually needing air. Blood rushed through his system, his
nerves firing up in instinctual panic. His lungs burned, spots filling his vision. It made him hyper-aware for a few
seconds, the only thing he could focus on was Light's cock hitting his prostate, shoving himself in as far as he could
go. The bed bouncing and hitting the wall, the taste of Light's come still lingering on his tongue. L's mouth fell open,
pleasure mixing with the pain and panic in an indecipherable mess. He didn't signal for Light to stop right away,
absolutely entranced by the way his body was responding. It left him feeling powerless, his mind swirling and
dipping until he was on the verge of passing out. Relenting, L slapped at Light's wrists.
Light looked down at him with a lidded gaze, his eyes widening in pure terror. He jumped away from L as if he'd
been electrocuted, leaving L to cough and gasp in lungfuls of air, He scratched at his throat, looking up at the ceiling
in interest. How intriguing... so the coughs were completely involuntary? L heaved, turning on his side, his vision
still blurred. Light's hands flew to his mouth, entire face drawn in horror.
"Oh shit! Fuck, I'm so sorry, L! We do it all the time and you've never needed air, so I just- oh, fuck!"

L tried waving a hand, showing that he was fine. He gingerly poked at the area, hissing. Wow... it hurt... such a
weak injury could hurt him? Curiosity got the better of him and he stumbled to the bathroom, his mouth falling open
in awe.

There was a dark handprint splayed across his ivory skin. L traced the fingers and palms, at a loss for words, unable
to decide if he liked it or not. Light tripped over himself coming into the bathroom, looking more scared than L had
ever seen him. Guilt went up his mind.

"I'm so sorry!" He was tearing up, his lip quivering, "fuck, I'm so sorry, how can I-"

"Light! It's okay. Look at me. I'm okay. I was so caught off-guard that I didn't tell you to stop until I realized I had
to. I'm sorry. I should've signaled you the second I couldn't breathe."

Light was hyperventilating, his hands shaking as he held onto L's shoulders, searching L's eyes. Enveloping him,
Light sagged, clutching him almost desperately.

"A-are you sure you're okay?"

L smiled.

"Yes! In fact... I won't lie, I kind of liked it."

That took Light aback. He looked at L, not bothering to hide his shock. Light laughed wearily, pushing sweaty hair
away from his features.

"Really? Well, maybe next time, I'll know what punishment to give you if you misbehave."

"If?" L snarked, with a mischievous twinkle.

Light giggled, picking L up and carrying him back to bed under his delighted cries. They paused, Light staring at the

"Damn, that looks wicked though."

"I'll have it checked out after I talk to Roger," L promised, pecking Light's nose.

Light nodded, moving more slowly, practically worshipping every inch of L's skin with his tongue and lips.  

Even though L wouldn't have minded if they continued at the pace from before, he understood Light was rattled.
And hey, he wasn't about to complain about the soft and slow way Light's lips worked him down, teeth lightly
grazing along the inside of his thigh and back up again. He pressed his head against the pillow, grinding sensually
against Light's crotch. Light settled, their thrusts gentle yet deep, filling both of their worlds. L sighed happily,
holding onto toned skin and impeccable muscles.

It was just them and their love. 

Chapter 20: Life
Chapter Text

As time passed, they settled into their roles as mortals, together becoming the greatest detective duo the world had
ever seen, all while raising their kids by the sea.

They ended up adopting 6 more children, ranging from 2- 17, totaling for 9 children.

L and Light waited until they felt comfortable telling their kids the truth, and at that point, they didn't believe them.
It was night and everyone was sitting by a fire on the beach, roasting marshmallows and chatting up a storm. Light
was the one to tell them since he was a bit more tactful in these social situations, but even then, they stared at him
like he'd sprouted 9 heads.

"Yeah, right," Cady huffed, crossing her arms, "you really expect us to believe you're some ancient deity?" While
she had to admit that they were both unnaturally brilliant, she couldn't possibly believe such a story!
"Yeah! And why would anyone give up immortality?!" Valentine snickered.

All the kids burst out cackling, making Matt, Mello and Near shrink, glancing at each other quietly.

L stretched out, feeling the heat from the fire on the soles of his feet. He twisted and bent the long limbs, the
paleness of his skin absorbing the warm glow.

"I can prove it."

That shut everyone up in an instant. L smirked and stood, slipping off his shit. In the past, he could just magic his
shirt not tearing apart, but now? His wings had a bit of a habit of completely obliterating whatever it was. He
twitched, his body humming with energy and his large black wings sprouted out, the last remnants of his old life.
They'd lost their luster, making them a rather plain black, but L didn't mind. They were still beautiful to him, large,
powerful and strong.

The kids gasped, scrambling to their feet. Matt, Mello and Near grinned to themselves but didn't say anything,
silently continuing to roast their marshmallows. L gave his wings an experimental flap, making sand blow up and
the wind kiss everyones' faces. Inhaling, L held out a hand to Light. Light stared at warily.

"Are you sure? You're not as strong," he warned.

L's lips quirked.

"I practiced with weights. It is harder, but my wings are strong. I just need to make sure my grip doesn't slip."

The kids mouths fell open, the reality of what they were talking about dawning on them. They quickly took their
seats again, scooting forward in anticipation.

Light's heart was pounding, but he took his husband's hand, yelping when he was jerked into a tight grip, L's arms
squeezing around his waist.

"Ready?" L's voice vibrated.

Light gave a meek nod.

He cried out when L beat his wings, propelling the both of them in the air. The kids cheered and called out
encouragement, pointing excitedly. Holy shit, their adoptive parents were gods?!

L snapped his wings out, slowly rotating in a bit of a clumsy dance with Light. If there was anything he missed from
his powers, it was that. Long, practically weightless dances in the sky where'd they dip and spin, L tossing Light in
the air like a rag-doll and soaring high.

Light pressed his lips against the side of L's face, his body swaying with the awkward dance and humming under his
breath. L recognized it as an old song and hummed it too, placing his chin in the crook of Light's shoulder. L slowly
brought them back down, their feet gently touching the sand.

The second L unhooked his arms, the kids jumped, asking a million questions at once. L leaned into Light, biting his
lip to keep from laughing at all the wild, curious eyes surrounding them.

"Where did you come from?!"

"Whoa, how many languages can you speak?"

L tapped his chin.

"Where I came from? Well, technically I was born first, but my father ate me."

The kids' faces twisted in disgust. L scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"When I first became conscious, I looked exactly how I do now and my two brothers were standing over me. I had
been the last one they saved so they considered me the youngest. Although now that I think about it, that was
probably just the start of them being abusive. I was scared, no parents to teach me about the world... I think that's
why I wanted to adopt all of you so badly. My only guide was Zeus, who always told me that I wasn't good enough
for the surface... that I... belonged... in the Underworld."

They all listened with rapt attention, barely breathing. L glanced at Light.

"How many languages can you speak again?"

Light snorted.

"62. 45 of them are dead."

"Hm. I can speak 145, 103 of them are dead."

The kids let out amazed sounds, continuing to bombard them with questions. Kara bounced on her feet eagerly.

"Is there anything you're not good at or that you're scared of?"

"Idiot! They're immortal gods! They're not scared of anything!"

"Anthony," Light warned sharply, making their son look down.

L blinked, chewing on his lip.

"Something I'm scared of? Well... I suppose monsters."

"I bet you've seen all types of monsters!" Cady exclaimed.

L hesitated. Light's eyes went to him, a foreboding feeling in his chest as L spoke. L's gaze went distant, his voice
lost and pensive.

"I have... Chimeras are pretty intimidating. But there are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause
trouble without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who
suck blood... and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more
cunning than others. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat
even though they've never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek
friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten
by them... because in truth, I am that monster."
L closed his eyes, inhaling deeply, Light's previous life and Aphrodite swirling in his brain. Saying it out loud made
his knees buckle, this deeper belief that the other gods were just monsters disguised under human skins. Hell, that
humans were monsters in their own right. It was something that always gnawed at him whenever he saw either of
them commit horrible atrocities. Hearing it made his pulse quicken. But I'm trying not be one of those monsters. I'm
trying to better myself. The air was thick with tension, making Light look over them.

"Let me tell you about the first time we ever drove a car! It was the same year they were invented and L almost gave
a freaking heart attack!"

He wrapped an arm comfortingly around L's shoulders while the kids yipped in support. L leaned into his husband's
body heat gratefully, his face flushed. No more thinking about his siblings. This was his life.

Leading all of them back to the fire, Light launched into the tale about how L was so confident but almost crashed
the damn thing.

L held one of the young ones in his arms while Light was out teaching their 15 year old how to drive. Ben tugged on
L's hair, giggling cutely. Nuzzling his son, L carried him to his room.

"Are you tired? Do you want a nap?"

Ben yawned in response, trying to shake his head.

"Not... tired..." he whined.

"Not tired?" L asked amusedly, gently arranging Ben under the sheets.

Leaning against the crib, L sang softly in a dead language, a lullaby lost to time. Ben blinked, his eyes slipped shut,
making L sigh happily. Pretty soon, the toddler was sleeping, cuddling into his blanket. He tenderly reached down,
tucking Ben's hair behind his ear.

He was careful to close the door on his way out, doing a quick count in his head. The rest of the kids were playing
outside, loud squeals being heard even from the living room. He stepped outside, inhaling the fresh air and bright
sun to see them running along the beach, laughing loudly and chasing each other. Squatting in his seat with his
knees tucked up, L watched them with a smile. That night was date night for him and Light, leaving Matt, Mello and
Near in charge. They'd moved out years ago, but came back often, helping around the house, spending time with
their siblings and babysitting.

Mello would probably almost burn the house down. Thank God for Matt and Near. Near kept complaining that he
and Light kept seeing him as a child, as he was already 28. But he'd always be a kid in their eyes... L rubbed his
temple, shaking his head. Like so many kids before, it was disorienting seeing them grow up.
That night, L stepped out of the shower, going over what he was going to wear for his date night with Light.
Usually, he preferred his usual loose white shirt and comfy jeans, but this was a fancy restaurant. And
apparently fancy restaurants required effort. He grumbled to himself, the hot steam from the shower making the
whole room humid. L dug through the compartment behind the mirror, sifting around Light's alarmingly large
selection of hair products, his brow furrowing.

"Nothing. No human or god should have this many different goddamn products."

Closing the mirror and holding a gel which he still didn't completely understand the function of, he leaned closer to
the glass. He froze, his eyes widening.

Outside in the bedroom, Light adjusted his cuffs, examining himself in their bedroom mirror. He nodded to himself,
slicking his hair back to accentuate his eyes, something he knew L loved. Next came the makeup, light highlights
that made his face stand out. Light smirked satisfactorily, running his thumb along his lip in an attempt to be sexy
with his reflection.

"Hey, L," he mumbled seductively to his own face, "God, you look like a candy. I'd love to just tear open your
wrapper- nah, not classy enough. Oh L, I've got a bottle of champagne and a room with your name on it. Oof, nope."

Sighing frustratedly, he rummaged for his watch. L gasped loudly from the bathroom.

Light'd head whipped up, at the door in an instant. He knocked harder than he meant to, his heart racing.


L opened the door still naked, looking dazed. He locked eyes with Light.

"Light... look at me..."


The corners of L's lips went up in a disbelieving smile, a hand covering his mouth as he leaned into the doorway.

Wordlessly, he parted his hair, revealing a grey streak under the black.

Light gaped, staring at the discolored section.

"Whoa..." he breathed.

L gave a nervous giggle, running a shaky hand along his face.

"I have grey hair..."

His eyes sparked in pure joy, taking Light's breath away. Before Light could register what was happening, L
enveloped him, spinning the two of them while laughing out loud.

"I have grey hair! Whoo! L-look at it!"

L tore back to the bathroom's mirror, throwing himself about an inch from the glass. His eyes darted, howling with

"Holy fuck, I have wrinkles!"

"What?! No way! Where?"

L stood so close to Light that his eyelashes practically brushed the skin. Light squinted, his heart skipping
incredulously. It was true... they were impossibly faint, but there were slight cracks from the edges of L's eyes, tiny
blemishes over an otherwise smooth and sculpted face. L pulled back, eyes shining with a certain life Light had
never seen in him before.

"I'm aging," L whispered, his eyes misting, "if I wasn't morphing it on purpose, my body has never changed."


L sniffed, shaking his head.

"I never thought I'd see the day when I was aging..."

Light framed his husband's face, his own body buzzing with how happy L looked.

"I predict that you'll age really well," Light chuckled softly.

L puffed at the praise, his hair still clinging to his neck in a wet mat.

"You too," he smirked, toying with Light's collar, "I'm sure you'll have that silver fox thing going on."

Light shivered feeling L's long fingers dancing around his neck. His pulse quickened, his stomach pulsing with

"Let's just skip the restaurant," he groaned, firmly holding L's wrists.

L's brow quirked, eyes still dancing from his revelation. He leaned in, licking at Light's ear. The other made a quiet
sound, pulling their bodies closer together.

"But Light, I'm so hungry," L murmured with a deep and rumbling purr, "what am I supposed to eat now?"

"I have a few ideas," Light chuckled weakly.

"Oh? But what if I make a mess, hm? You know I always spill my food all over the place."

At this point, the bulge in Light's pants was starting to hurt. L ground into Light's front, touching their erections
through Light's clothing. Light's grip on his partner tightened.
"Then I'm afraid you'll have to be punished," he moaned, "spilling and wasting food is a serious offense."

L's fingers trailed enticingly down Light's front, making him shiver uncontrollably. When L slid to his knees and
pulled down Light's pants, he thought he could explode right then and there. The intensity of L's gaze always
amazed him, and he found that it was too easy to get lost in those mystical orbs. L took his goddamn sweet time,
swirling and folding his tongue, licking long strips along Light's shaft.

Light grunted, his knuckles white with how hard he was gripping the dresser. His nostrils flared, heat rising up his
back and making him shudder with every flick and twist of L's talented tongue. There was a soft knock at the door
and L smiled around Light's member, looking up at him challengingly. Light's eyes narrowed, struggling to get a
hold of his voice.

"D-don't come in yet, we're getting ready!"

"Oh okay," David said form the other side, "the others wanted me to ask if it was okay to order pizza?"

Light opened his mouth but quickly had to clamp it when L hollowed out his cheeks. Throwing his head back, Light
had to keep himself from panting.

"Y-yeah! Pizza's fine, pizza's fine-"

"Dad, are you okay?"

"Mhm, I um, I s-stubbed my toe. It h-hurts a lot."

"Sorry to hear that!"

They heard footsteps receding and Light grasped L's hair, a high-pitched whine coming from his throat.

"You little shit," he growled playfully.

L kissed his head innocent, nuzzling it, "I could stop if you want me to."

"Don't you dare!"

L chuckled mischievously, taking Light in until he hit the back of his throat. Light groaned, shifting his hips to that
mouth, the pressure in his stomach building until he released, digging his fingers into L's scalp. L swallowed
eagerly, his fingers latched into Light's sides. They stopped, breathing heavily, Light massaging his fingers in those
dark locks.

"I can't wait to get to the hotel after dinner," he whispered, "I'm going to make you scream so fucking loud."

His husband shivered in excitement, standing. L stretched, both of them moving to the bathroom. It was a quick and
almost panicked cleanup as they realized they might miss their reservation.

Pausing near the front door, they said goodbye to everyone, practically running out of the house.
Chapter 21: Eternity

Chapter Text
Life was good. As the decades passed, L and Kira were hailed as the best detectives the world had ever seen. It
wasn't too hard for L and Light. They had millennia to observe humans and figure out their behavior and patterns.
Detective work was always easy for them.

Near and Mello for all their bickering took an interest in the work. In a rare show, they'd approached L and Light
together, saying they wanted to take over the mantle when they were gone. L and Light exchanged a look. They
hadn't given it much consideration. But, yes. Both Mello and Near were intelligent. Friends who'd experienced
horrible childhoods yet had come out of it stronger... and maybe something more... L bit back a smile when he saw
Near subtly leaning towards Mello. L dipped his head.

"We'd be honored if the two of you became the next L and Kira."

Matt didn't really have an interest in detective work. He was more into game programming and with her background
in art, Linda designed some of the most beautiful games to ever be created. They got married, resulting in a couple
of tears from Light *cough* a few more than a couple *cough*.

L marveled at each change in his body. It was an inspiration to Light. Whenever he got frustrated whenever his body
was failing him or his hair was going too grey, he'd see L loving every development, fascinated by how humans
operated. Even when his skin was wrinkled and he was wheelchair-bound, there was a spark of life in L that Light
couldn't get enough of. By that time, their nine kids had given way to fourteen grandchildren and in the blink of an
eye, their house was full of little ones again, running and playing loudly while L and Light continued telling stories
of when they were immortal.

Eris and Demeter protected them from afar, making sure no humans tried attacking or capturing them, ensuring
Aphrodite and any other gods stayed away... leaving the two of them to just live.

Their own bliss.

Towards the unknown.

L's wing was draped over them like a blanket, weathered and old after the years. Light softly stroked some of the
feathers, both of their breathing labored. All around them, their kids and grandkids were crying, hugging and
tenderly kissing their foreheads. Demeter watched, a black veil over her face as she wiped at her eyes, her lip
trembling. Even Eris was in the doorway, quietly watching but too shy to step forward. Demeter shook her head,
shakily moving up to them.

"Turning mortal. You two are crazy..."

The two men chuckled, their voices scratchy and course.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Light said.

Demeter's lip quivered.

"It is... fuck, I'm going to miss the two of you so much..."

Matt, Mello and Near came forward, Matt gently leading his four kids and Near and Mello their adoptive daughter.
L and Light looked at them, locking eyes with their sons. A million spoken things passed between them, decades of
built trust and a deep love.
Scooting closer to Light, L gave a wrinkled smile.

"Hey, Light."


"For the first time, we're being survived by our children."

Whoa. That was definitely something new. For once, they wouldn't be the ones mourning. They wouldn't be left
behind. It was a surreal feeling.

Light gaped in awe as he softly stroked his husband's cheek. Even after all this time and so many changes, his love
was still handsome to him. L's hair was a soft white, his face indistinguishable from when they were younger with
all of its wrinkles and laugh lines... but his eyes... those stormy grey eyes were still the same. Light inhaled.

"It's been an amazing adventure," he breathed.

L's eyes twinkled, wrapping a frail hand around Light's.

"It's the strangest thing," he murmured, "I've been surrounded by death my entire life, and yet... I'm scared..."

"Understandable," Light gave a weak laugh, "I'm- I'm scared too..." he tiredly ran his fingers through L's hair, "but...
it's okay... we have each other."

"We do... I love you, Light."

"I love you too, L."

L leaned his head against the pillow, gaze going unfocused. 

"... Light, can you tell me a story?"

Their loved ones glanced at each other, taking a step back. As much as they wanted to be there, they felt the two
needed privacy. Light's lips twitched.

"Do you remember the time we first tried sugar? The sounds of the ships coming into the port, men shouting and
unloading large containers of a strange, white substance."

L's eyes slipped shut, picturing and feeling the sea salt on his face, his lips up in a wistful, nostalgic smile. This was
one of his favorite memories... Light knew him so well.

"You were hooked from the second you tried it, I'd never seen your eyes light up so much," Light choked a laugh,
tears welling in the corners of his eyes, "you wouldn't leave the poor men alone until you just decided to buy the
entire shipment of sugar-"

Light paused, scanning L's face, sensing a shift in him. It was subtle, but he knew he didn't have to check for a pulse.
He shivered, pressing their lips together. For the first time ever, it was just Light existing in the world without L.
Without his other half.
"L?," he whimpered, nuzzling his love. He sobbed, clutching his fingers against L's scalp, "L... it's okay, Love... I'll
be joining you soon."

L's eyes fluttered, everything a strange haze. He kept them closed, still not ready to open them. He could feel the sun
on his face, grass tickling his body. He was young again? Yes... he was sure of it... Smooth hands touched his
cheeks, warm lips ghosting over his. L sleepily craned his neck, grinning.


"Close, but a hard no."

His eyes flew open, heart catching. Persephone's face was a few inches from his, golden hair surrounding her
features. Her eyes flashed different shades of green, each mixing and swirling. L gaped, unable to even move. They
stared at each other, Persephone's fingers still lingering on his cheeks.


"Hey," she giggled, lightly touching his chin, "it's good to see you, Lysander."

That snapped him out of it. He jumped to a sitting position, enveloping her. L was shaking, his vision blurred. She
was just as warm... her scent just as flowery and sweet as he remembered.

He buried his nose into his shoulder, tears slipping down the bridge of his nose. How could he have ever mistaken
Aphrodite for her? When holding them, their bodies were nothing alike. And yet... he felt a pang, his mind
wandering to Light, surprised to find that even with Persephone back in his arms... he wanted to be kissing his
husband right now...

"It's you! H-how have you been?!"

L bit his lip, knowing 'how have you been' when referring to death was a bit... awkward. Her lips twitched, tucking
locks of hair behind her ear. He reached up, gently touching her jawline, shudders running throughout his being.
Persephone spread her fingers over L's, her eyes sparking with an excitement.
"Lysander... it-it's incredible," she chuckled, scratching at her scalp, "I guess you could say I'm a bit like Mother
Nature. It's amazing, I'm every single plant. Every single flower and petal-" she leaned in, her breath hot against his
lips, "can you imagine?" she breathed, "being every single root and leaf on the planet?- Sometimes it was like my
very consciousness was spread, like I was losing myself but I was the world. Connected to every single living

L's eyes flickered over her face, golden in the sunlight. He smiled, framing her face and running a thumb under her

"That's amazing," he murmured, shaking his head, "I couldn't even begin to understand how that feels..."

Her smile faltered, her eyes darting. He tilted his head, blinking, his mind working.

"This is the afterlife, separated from the surface world... if your consciousness is all gathered here, talking to me...
you're not experiencing it anymore, are you?"
She swallowed, smiling sheepishly.

"You're too perceptive for her own good," she sighed.

They were quiet, looking at the grass sway. Grass that she couldn't bond with. Not in the way she could with the
surface... Persephone glanced at him, her throat bobbing.

"Your children and grandchildren... they're beautiful..."

L's heart swelled.

"They are. Each and every one of them is perfect."

Persephone nodded, her eyes kind.

"I can tell... L... I... I've spent over 2,000 years as Mother Nature. This is the first time in so long I've even taken this
form. And staying here, it's weird but it's like staying here is slowly solidifying me. I know it. The longer I stay here,
the harder it'd be to reconnect with the surface."

"You want to go back."

Persephone stared at him for what felt like the longest time, her eyes torn.

"But you-"

"Nefeli... I understand." He smiled reassuringly, "If- if I can be honest..."

He exhaled slowly, twisting the fabric of his shirt. Persephone twirled a finger around a blade of grass.

"You feel like your place is with Light."

L looked at her. Of course she realized. This was Persephone. His beautiful, intelligent, perceptive Nefeli. He didn't
say anything, intertwining his fingers with her.

"Is it possible to love two people so much?"

Persephone pressed her palms to the sides of his face, her grin lopsided.

"I don't think love has to be limited... you'll always have a piece of my heart, L."

He leaned into her touch, whimpering quietly.

"I love you-"

His throat closed, his fingers trembling. Moving forward, Persephone touched her lips to his, her skin soft and
inviting. L pressed his forehead to hers, their breaths mixing.

"Goodbye, Nefeli."
"Goodbye, L... my love."

His grip on her fingers tightened, her digits slowly going intangible. L caught her lips, feeling them slowly disappear
until she wasn't there anymore and he was holding air. L leaned back, closing his eyes, a deeper peace than he'd ever
known settling in his bones. Persephone was happy... in turn, that made him happy.

His essence settled, all the unrest cooling down until it felt like he was floating... free.


His eyes opened, a serene smile playing his mouth. Turning, he snorted.

"What took you so fucking long, hm?"

His love was sitting up, swaying. Light looked around in confusion, massaging his temple as he got a bearing on his
surroundings. Fully restored to his younger days, he turned bright amber eyes in L's direction. He smirked.

"I guess I'm just better at not croaking than you," he quipped.

L's face flushed.

"Oh fuck you."

"I'd rather be fucking you," Light purred, sending heat up L's neck.

"You are such a pain," L grumbled affectionately.

Light flexed his feet, allowing himself just to drink in the atmosphere, calming and grounding. Yeah. He could get
used to this. Moving unsteady towards L, he yelped, falling on top of his husband. They rolled, laughing as their
limbs tangled, L's mouth stuck a few inches from Light's windpipe. Light looked down at that face, att soft ivory
skin and pitch black hair that made you feel like you could get lost in it. 

They still didn't know exactly where they were or where to go, but looking down at each other, they knew they'd be

Sighing, he took L's hand, running his fingers over the other's bony knuckles.

"To eternity?" Light whispered.

L smiled. A single, breathtaking beam that made Light tremble. Craning his neck up, L kissed Light, their arms
sliding and hooking around each other, their souls practically merging. L nodded into Light's temple.


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