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Article 5

WA R E S & Various forms of currency are used in the

Thirteen Colonies, ranging from specie (coins), barter
™ Polite: (Routine +10%) Skill Test

WEAPONS and book credit. Together, these are collectively called

‘currency,’ and have a valuation that is honored every-
™ Indifferent: (Standard +/-0%) Skill Test
™ Impolite: (Challenging -10%) Skill Test
where, despite whether you’re in Boston, the Caribbean
™ Unfriendly: (Hard -20%) Skill Test
or New France.
™ Antagonistic: (Arduous -30%) Skill Test

SPE C I E E XC H A N G E R ATE S EFFECT: If successful, the merchant will enter into a

book credit arrangement, which must be paid back by a
The standard units of currency are the pound (£),
number of weeks equal to your [FB]. If haggling, reduce
shillings (s) and pence (p). For the sake of simplicity,
the sale price by -10% or increase the resale price by
all values are converted into this system, regardless of
+10% for every 6 points of your [FB]:
national origin:
™ [FB] 1 to 6: 10%
™ 240 pence (p) equals 1 pound (£)
™ [FB] 7 to 12: 20%
™ 12 pence (p) equals 1 shilling (s)
™ [FB] 13+: 30%
™ 1 pound (£) equals 20 shillings (s)
CRITICAL SUCCESS: You multiply your [FB] by 3x
instead for purposes of negotiating.
CRITICAL FAILURE: The NPC will never negotiate
Generally, brand-new goods and services are exchanged
with you ever again.
at a 1:1 ratio, and such an exchange doesn’t require a

Book Credit is similar to bartering and using this DISPOSITIONS ARE HANDLED by the
method, a character can quickly outfit themselves with Historian, but you can find more information
needed goods. It is a form of credit a character can enact about them in Article 6: Narrative Tools.
with a legitimate merchant to pay back money owed
within an appointed time. You can make a Negotiate
Check to determine the amount of money and length of
time to pay it back.



Let’s make a deal!
NEGOTIATE CHECK: When entering into a book
credit arrangement, haggling for a lower price or
reselling goods to an NPC, make a Bargain or Guile
Test. Depending on their Disposition, the Difficulty
Rating eases or worsens:
™ Helpful: (Trivial +30%) Skill Test
™ Friendly: (Easy +20%) Skill Test

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№164 №165


While prices for goods follow, assume that it already & MEDICINE
includes the proper local and national tax. However,
creative Historians may increase the tax by anywhere Calf 10s
from +1% to +100% to reflect the British Empire’s taxes Antidote (by dose) 18s
Canoe 3s
over the Thirteen Colonies.
Aqua vitae £3
Cart £5
RESELLING SCAVENGED Arsenic (by dose) £1
Chicken 4p
Bandages 5p
Scavenged items are resold for 50% of their listed Coach horse (slow) £5
price unless you use a Negotiate Check. Goods Charcoal (by use) 1s
Cow £2
that you know are stolen must always be resold Coca (by serving) 10s
with a Negotiate Check using Guile, following the Donkey (slow) £1
same aforementioned requirements. Torn, bloody Coffee (by serving) 1s
Falcon £3
uniforms and other clothing that has undergone Cyanide (by dose) £1
Field horse (slow) £3
wear from war are worthless. The Historian will
Ergot (by dose) £1
ultimately arbitrate the final trade value of goods Goose 10p
and services. Hemlock (by dose) £1
Hog £1
Laudanum (by dose) £1
Homing pigeon 8s
Opium (by dose) £1
Horse tackle £1
Portable alchemical laboratory £25
Hunting dog 5s
Prosthetic foot 3s
Lamb 15s
Prosthetic hand 3s
Large but tame rat 1p
Prosthetic joint 1s
Leather saddle £2
Prosthetic leg 6s
Mouser cat 3p
Quicksilver (by dose) £1
Road horse (fast) £9
Salt (by use) 2s
Rowboat £1
Saltpetre (by use) 15s
Saddle gun holster 15s
Sulphur (by use) 3s
Saddlebags 6s While some refuse to let the past die wear old
Smelling salt (by dose) 7s


Sidesaddle £6 cuirasses of metal or the rawhide, armor is otherwise
Snuff (per use) 10s seen as a fruitless endeavor, given that bullets can
Small but vicious kitten 1p easily punch through armor. Therefore, there are no
Surgical kit £18 armors or shields in FLAMES OF FREEDOM.
Turf horse (fast) £12
Talc (by use) 2s Armor imported from ZWEIHÄNDER is
Wagon £15
considered obsolete when struck by weapons of
Tea (by serving) 1s
Wagon wheel 12s the Blackpowder Quality, and characters do not
Tincture (by dose) £1 add Determination to their Damage Threshold
Yoke 7s
while wearing it.
Tobacco (per use) 5p
Yupa (per use) 12s

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№166 №167



Bonnet (cotton) £1 Gloves (cotton) 1s Ring (Average) £1

Bonnet (full trim) 7s Gloves (silk) 3s Ring (Superior) £3
Bonnet (linen) 6s Gloves (white) 5s Ring (Inferior) 5s
Bonnet (silk) £2 Gold watch £30 Set of Average clothes £2
Bonnet (wool) 5s Gown (linen) £13 Set of dark clothes £2
Boots (jockey) £2 Gown (silk) £30 Set of Superior clothes £6
Boots (leather) 12s Handkerchief (linen) 2s Set of Inferior clothes 6s
Breeches (buckskin) 10s Handkerchief (silk) 4s Shawl (cotton) 4s
Breeches (cotton) £1 Handkerchief (wool) 1s Shawl (linen) 9s
Buckles (shoes & knee) £5 Hat (beaver) 12s Shawl (silk) £6
Buckles (shoes) £1 Hat (cocked) 13s Shirt (hunting) 2s
Cap (leather) 4s Hat (felt) 1s Shirt (linen) 8s
Cap (linen) 8p Hat (leather) 20s Shoes (calico) 6s
Cap (velvet) 2s Hat (tricorn) 12s Shoes (deerskin) 8s
Cap (worsted) 4p Hatpin 2p Shoes (leather) 3s
Cloak (broadcloth) 15s Neckcloth 5s Shoes (silk) £3
Cloak (satin) £3 Neckerchief (silver buckle) £2 Stockings (silk) 7s
Cloak (silk) 15s Necklace (Average) 9s Stockings (coarse) 1s
Cloak (winter) 19s Necklace (Superior) £2 Stockings (cotton) £1
Coat (greatcoat) £2 Necklace (Inferior) 3p Stockings (threaded) 1s
Coat (jacket) 10s Parisian fashion clothing £9 Stockings (worsted) 2s
Coat (wool) £1 Petticoat £10 Trousers 2s


Disguise kit £5 Pocket watch £10 Vest 2s
Ear horn 1s Prosthetic foot 3s Waistcoat 3s
Earrings (Average) 24p Prosthetic hand 3s Wampum (purple bead) 3p
Earrings (Superior) £1 Prosthetic joint 1s Wampum (white bead) 2p
Earrings (Inferior) 10p Prosthetic leg 6s Wheelchair £1
Fan (Average) £5 Red Coat uniform (Average) £6 Wig (Average) £3
Fan (Superior) £15 Red Coat uniform (Superior) £9 Wig (Superior) £9
Girdle 9p Red Coat uniform (Inferior) £3 Wig (Inferior) 12s

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№168 №169



Ale by gallon 8p Rum by gallon (Colonial) 15s Alligator hide 10s Large cat pelt 11s
Allspice by pound 2s Rum by gallon ( Jamaican) 20s Ant mandible 5p Mammoth hide £3
Beef by pound 1p Rum by gallon (New England) 11s Badger hide 2s Mink pelt 1s
Bread loaf 1p Rum by gallon (West Indies) 16s Bat hide 5p Moose hide £2
Butter by pound 9p Snuff by pound £2 Bear hide £3 Mountain lion pelt 11s
Cheese by pound 4p Sugar by pound 1p Beaver skin 8s Otter skin 8s
Chocolate by pound 2s Tea by pound (Congo) 6s Bison hide £1 Owl feathers (by pound) 18p
Cider by barrel £2 Tea by pound (Hysea) 2s Black Shuck pelt £1 Pig skin 5s
Cider by cask 5s Tea by pound (Hyson) £1 Bobcat pelt £1 Poisonous snakeskin 6p
Cider by gallon 4p Tea by pound (Imperial) 15s Carcajou pelt 1s Raccoon pelt 2s
Cinnamon by pound £1 Tobacco by pound (cut) 7p Coyote pelt 6p Rat pelt 1p
Coffee by pound £1 Tobacco by pound (leaf ) 11p Deer pelt 3s Raven feathers (by pound) 10p
Mace by ounce 2s Tobacco by pound (pigtail) 10p Dog pelt 6p Sabertooth tiger hide £3
Milk by gallon 1p Wheat by bushel 13s Eagle feathers (by pound) 1s Shark hide £1
Molasses by gallon 18s Whiskey by gallon 10s Feathers (by pound) 18p Spider carapace 2s
Mutton by pound 1p White ginger by pound 1s Fox pelt 4s Swarm shells 1p
Nutmeg by pound 2s Wine by gallon (Madeira) 16s Giant constrictor snakeskin £1 Walrus hide 8s
Pepper by pound 3s Wine by gallon (white) 4s Grizzly bear hide £3 Whale skin £3
Pork by pound 6p Wine by gallon (sweet) 3s Horse hide 16s Wolf pelt 1s
Potatoes by bushel 11s Kraken skin £6 Woodchuck skin 4s


Brian Bird (order #32081705)
№170 №171



Bonfire NONE 3 hours 1 to 30 yards 31 to 59 yards 60 yards+ Bottle of sherry 1s Pot of Hyson tea 10p
Bottle of spirits 10s Pot of Imperial tea 7p
Campfire NONE 9 hours 1 to 15 yards 16 to 39 yards 40 yards+
Bottle of wine (Average) £1 Provisions by day 4p
Candles (10) 1p 3 hours 1 to 5 yards 6 to 9 yards 10 yards+
Bottle of wine (cheap) 3s Room & board (private room) 3s
Lamp 1s 6 hours 1 to 5 yards 6 to 19 yards 20 yards+
Bottle of wine (Superior) £3 Room & board (common area) 10p
Lantern 3s 6 hours 1 to 15 yards 16 to 39 yards 40 yards+
Gambling ante (Average) 1s Room & board (stables) 2p
Match (20) 1s 1 minute 1 yard 2 to 4 yards 5 yards+ Gambling ante (Superior) 3s Shot of rum 1p
Oil pot 5p 3 minutes 1 to 5 yards 6 to 9 yards 10 yards+ Gambling ante (Inferior) 6p Shot of sherry 1p

Torch 1p 1 hour 1 to 10 yards 11 to 29 yards 30 yards+ Game of betting (cockfighting & boxing) 2p Shot of whiskey 2p
Game of debate FREE Snuff by pinch 1s
Game of ninepin (bowling) 3p Supper & breakfast (Average) 3p
Pitcher of ‘flip’ (beer, molasses & water) 2p Supper & breakfast (Superior) 9p
Pitcher of punch (tea, lemon & rum) 1p Supper & breakfast (Inferior) 1p
Book (ancient history) £10+ Magazine 1s
Pitcher of ale 1p
Book or ledger (blank) £1 Magnifying glass £1
Pitcher of cider 1s PROVISIONS, NOT RATIONS
Book (esoteric topics or fiction) £5+ Map (local) 10s
Pitcher of milk FREE One day’s provisions will provide one character
Book (foreign languages or law) £5 to £8 Map (regional) £1 beans, bread, a candle, cider, meat, milk, oats, rice,
Pitcher of water FREE
Book (occult topics) £10+ Map (world) £10 salted meat and soap. One day’s provisions weigh
Pot of coffee 5p 1 Encumbrance.
Book (one topic) £3 Microscope £20
Pot of Congo tea 3p
Broadsheet newspaper 5p Pamphlet 8s
Pot of Hysea tea 1p
Broadside poster 1s Passport £15
Calendar 4p Pigment by pound (any color) £1
Chalkboard 3s Printing press £75


Colonial Gothic book £1776 Reading glasses 10s
Fountain pen 6p Stamped blank letter 7s
Inkpot 1s Weekly journal 3s
Lead pencils £1 Writing kit £1
Ledger 10s ZWEIHÄNDER book £666
Letter case £3

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№172 №173



Hire a tout 1p ‘Quick dig’ wood shovel (Superior) £1

Hire quartermaster (weekly) 10s ‘Skeleton key’ (lockpicks) 9s
Hire scout (weekly) 10s Artist’s tools £5
Hire trailblazer (weekly) 10s Beeswax by pound £1
Hold a Boston Tea Party 2s Brush 5p
House call from a doctor £1 Buttons 6p
Pay bridge toll 1p Carpentry tools £2
Pay docking fee 1s Cauldron £2
Pay for an artistic performance 1s Chalk 8s
Amulet £10 Bribe a doorman 4p
Pay import tax 1% of the value Chest (large) £1
Broom 2p Buy ticket (Average seats) 6s
Pay military captain daily 25p Chest (small) 14s
Cauldron 1s Buy ticket (Superior seats) £1
Pay military cavalry daily 7p Coopering tools £2
Common Book of Prayers £15 Buy ticket (Inferior seats) 2p
Pay military officer daily 15p Counterfeiting tools £1
Cross (Average) 10s Charter a ship £1
Pay military private daily 5p Drafting tools £5
Cross (Superior) £2 Distract beggars 5p
Retain lawyer’s services (daily) £1 Engraving tools £5
Cross (Inferior) 3s Draft legal contract £1
Send a letter (international) 7s Fabric by yard (broadcloth) 7s
Divining rod 5s Exchange currency 5% of value
Send a letter (local) 1p Fabric by yard (calamanco) 10p
Holy water vial £1 Gain courtesan’s company £1
Send a package (international) £5 Fabric by yard (Damask) 1s
Holy book £5 Gain prostitute’s services 4p
Send a package (local) 1s Fabric by yard (Holland) 1s
Oracular device (cards, mirror, etc.) £3 Get a shave & haircut 2p
Shoe a horse 2s Fabric by yard (Irish linen) 4s
Prayer beads 1s Get a tattoo 6p
Smuggle goods 25% of the value Fabric by yard (muslin) 17s
Runestones 5s Get fortune told 4p
Spread disinformation 8p Fabric by yard (Persian) 5s
Sacred tool £1 Give alms 1p


Tithe excess 10% of the value Fabric by yard (satin) 9s
Spirit board £2 Have ice delivered 2s
Train a hunting dog or falcon £3 Fabric by yard (silk) 7s
Spirit shield 15s Have portrait painted (Average) £10
Translate document (per page) 3s Fringe by yard 2s
Stage magician kit 15s Have portrait painted (Superior) £30
Unload & load cargo (daily cost) 3p General trade tools £1
Symbol of faith 1s Have a portrait painted (Inferior) £3
Use printing press per cheap copy 1s Gunsmith’s air pump 15s
Tarot cards 10s Hire Richard A cup of coffee
Visit doctor 1s Gun tools £5
Wax seal 1s Hire a knocker-up (weekly) 2p
Kite & key 1s
Wolfsbane paste 5s
Lace by yard £6

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№174 №175

TOOLS continued T R AV E L I N G QUA L I T I E S

Every weapon possesses one or more Qualities to
consider for Combat Encounters. Qualities are benefits
Ladder (ten-foot) 3s Smithing tools £2 Bedroll 14s and penalties gained while wielding the weapon in-
hand. If two weapons have the same Quality, they do
Looking glass (mirror) £7 Snuffbox 2s Camping kit 3s
not ‘stack’ benefits or penalties.
Looking glass (polished metal) £1 Soap by pound (cheap) 6p Canteen (tin) 3p
ACCURATE: This weapon ignores Difficulty Rating
Mortar & pestle 2s Soap by pound (Irish) 6s Canteen (wood) 8s penalties associated with Long and Extreme Distances.
4-inch nails (1,000) 1s Soap by pound (regular) 1s Cartridge box 2s ACID: When dealing Damage, reference [PB] instead
9-inch nails (1,000) £1 Stone-working tools £2 Coffee or teapot & grinder £2 of [CB]. After you deal Damage, the foe does not suffer
standard Injuries. Roll Chaos Dice as you normally
Padlock & key (Arduous -30%) £6 Surgical kit £19 Compass £1 would, but if any land on face ‘6,’ they cannot restore
Padlock & key (Challenging -10%) 11s Surveying tools £3 Crampons 2p their Damage or Peril Condition Tracks until using
Alkali as a part of the healing practice. If you miss
Padlock & key (Easy +20%) 6p Tailoring tools £3 Fishing pole 1s
hitting a foe, roll 1D6 Chaos Die. On face ‘1-5,’ it
Padlock & key (Hard -20%) £1 Tea kettle (brass) 6s Hunting bag 1s bounces harmlessly elsewhere. On face ‘6,’ it bounces
back to hit you.
Padlock & key (Routine +10%) 7p Tea kettle (copper) £1 Knapsack £2
Padlock & key (Standard +/-0%) 8s Tea kettle (iron) 1s Leather backpack 8s
BACKSLASH: When attacking with this weapon, you
gain an Assist Die.
Padlock & key (Trivial +30%) 3p Telescope £22 Match case 1s
BLACKPOWDER: With this weapon, your Fury Dice
Pipe (clay) 4s Thread buttons (12) 3p Mess kit £1 explode to deal additional Damage on a face ‘1’ or face
Pipe (scrimshaw) £1 Thread by pound (colored) 10s Provisions by day 4p ‘6.’ You cannot attack with a Blackpowder weapon while
Engaged unless it has the Pistol Quality; nor can you
Pipe (wood) 8s Thread by pound (cotton) 3s Sack 1s Load this weapon while mounted, unless it has the
Playing cards 6p Thread by pound (fine) £2 Spyglass £2 Carbine Quality. Finally, if you roll a Critical Failure
with this weapon, reference both the Critical Failure
Portable alchemy kit £15 Toothbrush 2p Tent for 6 people £5
effect of the Action In Combat you’re using and the
Puckwhegonnautick drill (for wampum) 1s Twine by foot 1p Tent for 1 person 3s Misfire table in Article 7: Combat Encounters.
Rope by yard 1p Violin £10 BOMB: This weapon’s Damage and other effects impact
Scales & weights £3 Weaving tools £4 WEAPONS multiple combatants in a Burst Template. If you miss
hitting a foe, roll 1D6 Chaos Die. On face ‘1-5,’ it
Scented hair powder by pound 4s Weighted dice & cheat cards £1 Whether you craft your own bow or you purchase a finely
bounces harmlessly elsewhere. On face ‘6,’ it bounces
crafted sword, these weapons will allow your character


Scrimshaw tools £1 Wind-up clock 10s back to hit you.
to hunt animals, fight monsters and defend their beliefs
Sealing wax by pound 14s Wool blanket 1s against the Loyalists. BREAK: After dealing Damage, this weapon is
Sewing silk by pound £1 RANGED WEAPONS & REALISM
CARBINE: You can Load this weapon while mounted.
Signet ring £1 This game uses medium tactical combat options
This weapon’s Fury Dice does not explode to deal
but recognizes that many game tables do not
additional Damage at Long Distances, unless it has the
have massive spreads to accommodate large scale
Accurate Quality.
battlefields using miniatures. Distances in this game
are not ‘realistic.’ They reflect the needs of the game
for grid-based and theater of the mind combat.

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№176 №177

COLD IRON: This weapon is considered to be magic. PUNISHING: When dealing Damage with this weapon, STRANGLING: After hitting a foe with this weapon CONE, BURST & EXPLOSION TEMPLATES
When you deal Damage against Abyssal foes, they suffer optionally spend 1 AP to roll an additional 1D6 Fury (but before Damage is dealt), they must Resist using Some weapons affect multiple targets at once. In
an equal amount of Peril. Critically Failing to hit with Die. Toughness or be caught in a Chokehold. Whenever they these cases, refer to one of the Template types below:
this weapon destroys the weapon. Resist, they must flip the results to fail. If the weapon
REACH: When a foe Charges or Runs to Engage or ™ Cone Template: Extends straight in a 16
also has the Sweeping Quality, choose which you want
CUMBERSOME: While carrying this weapon, you disengage with you, make a Counterattack with this yard line from where you stand, 1 yard wide
to use whenever you hit.
cannot Charge, Maneuver or Run. weapon. at its starting point and 5 yards wide at its
SUPERIOR: Add +5% Base Chance to hit with this endpoint. You can aim weapons that reference
DEFENSIVE: When using this weapon to Defend REPEATING (*): This weapon can be fired a number
weapon. the Cone Template, so that it can be used
against melee weapons, add +10% Base Chance. of times equal to the value in parenthesis (e.g. 3) before
to hit foes only. However, you will need to
needing to be Loaded again. Spend 2 AP to Load one SWEEPING: After hitting a foe with this weapon
DEVASTATING: When you inflict Injuries with this succeed at an Awareness Test to not harm
ammunition. (but before Damage is dealt), they must Resist using
weapon, they are always treated as Grievous Injuries. allies.
Coordination or be knocked Prone. Whenever they
RUINED: This weapon suffers -3 to Total Damage
FAST: Foes suffer a -10% Base Chance to Defend Resist, they must flip the results to fail. ™ Burst Template: Bursts outwards in a circle
until repaired. Repair costs 25% of retail value. If this
against attacks you make with this weapon. When with a diameter of 6 yards in all directions.
weapon is already Ruined and is once again Ruined, it is THROWING: This weapon cannot take advantage of
dealing Damage, reference [AB] instead of [CB]. Select a point of origin within your line
destroyed instead. Medium, Long or Extreme Distances.
of sight and the Burst then takes effect. A
HOLY: This weapon is considered to be magic. It deals
SKEWERING: When this weapon is held two-handed VICIOUS: When determining if a foe is Injured with Burst affects both allies and foes alike. The
2D10+2 Damage to threats classified as Abyssal or
and you successfully hit a foe (but before Damage is this weapon, roll an additional 1D6 Chaos Die. Historian will determine who is affected.
Supernatural. Exceptions may be made by the Historian.
dealt), they must Resist using Resolve or be Disarmed.
It is otherwise treated as a magical improvised weapon. WEAK: This weapon cannot inflict Grievous Injuries. ™ Explosion Template: Explodes outwards in
Whenever they Resist, they must flip the results to fail.
a circle with a diameter of 10 yards in all
IMMOLATE: After you deal Damage with this weapon,
SILENT: Whenever you are Hidden and make an directions. Select a point of origin within
it is extinguished but the foe does not suffer standard
Attack Action using this weapon, optionally spend 2 AP your line of sight and the Explosion then
Injuries. Roll Chaos Dice as you normally would, but if
to make a Stealth Test to try hiding again as a Reaction. takes effect. An Explosion affects both allies
any land on face ‘6,’ they are On Fire instead (see Article
and foes alike. The Historian will determine
8: Healing, Hazards & Horror). SILVER: This weapon is considered to be magic. When
who is affected.
you deal Damage against Supernatural foes, they suffer
INACCURATE: This weapon cannot take advantage of
an equal amount of Peril. Critically Failing to hit with Hard barriers limit areas over which Templates
Long or Extreme Distances.
this weapon destroys the weapon. take effect. However, soft barriers such as bushes,
INFERIOR: When attacking with this weapon, you trees and the like will not. The best rule of thumb
SLOW: Foes gain a +10% Base Chance to Defend
suffer a -5% Base Chance to hit. to follow is that if the barrier totally prevents
against attacks you make with this weapon.
line of sight, it will limit the area of effect for the
PISTOL: You can make a Counterattack using this
SMOKE: As this weapon lands, it emits smoke in a Burst Template, reshaping it to meet the constraints of
weapon, and can make Attack Actions with it while
Template, creating Heavy Obscurement. Combatants the space available. As an example, a duck-foot
Engaged. In addition, this weapon’s Fury Dice do not
inside cannot take advantage of Medium, Long or pistol can be fired through a crate of bottles, but
explode to deal additional Damage at Medium & Long
Extreme Distances. Additional modifiers may be put in not through a wooden palisade.


Distances unless it has the Accurate Quality.
place if attackers attempt to hit combatants inside the
PNEUMATIC: Whenever you Critically Fail to hit with smoke. It does not break the line of sight. The smoke’s
this weapon, you must reload it outside of combat with a effects remain for 1D10+1 minutes unless the Historian
gunsmith’s air pump. determines heavy wind disperses it after one minute.
POWERFUL: After you deal Damage, at your option, SOCKETED: This weapon is considered an improvised
automatically shove a foe away from you 1 yard. Their weapon unless attached to a two-handed weapon with
movement does not provoke Counterattacks the Blackpowder Quality. It takes 1 AP to plug the
weapon into the barrel and must be removed before the
PUMMELING: This weapon can only inflict Moderate
weapon can be fired.
Injuries, and never causes a foe to Bleed. When dealing
Damage, reference [BB] instead of [CB].

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№178 №179


WEAPON STATISTICS FORMAT ™ Ammo Type: Some ranged weapons require RANGED SKILL TO AMMO
Every weapon is presented in the following ammunition to be fired. VALUE
fashion; however, other details regarding their use Acid Bomb
Acid, Break,
1 10s
™ Distance: Melee weapons require you to be Ranged yards Throwing
are covered in Article 7: Combat Encounters. If
standing toe-to-toe (Engaged) with a foe,
the word NONE or SPECIAL is mentioned in the Martial 6+[PB]
whereas ranged weapons require you to be Atlatl
1H 1 AP Javelins
[CB] Silent, Throwing 2 7p
listing, refer to the weapon’s Qualities:
one or more yards away from a foe. Some
™ Weapon Name: Every weapon possesses a weapons can be used both while Engaged or Simple Cone Tem- Blackpowder,
Blunderbuss 2H 4 AP Bullets [PB] 2 £2
Ranged plate Vicious, Weak
proper name. Many weapons are known by at Distance if thrown. Finally, some weapons
different names (such as the knife may be reference the Cone Template for Distance Brown Bess Martial 9+[PB] Accurate, Black-
2H 3 AP Bullets [CB] 3 £4
called a dirk, or a fowler musket may be called and affected targets. Musket Ranged yards powder
a fusil), but record its proper name on your Charleville Martial 9+[PB] Carbine, Black-
™ Damage: Generally references [CB] to deal Musket Ranged
2H 3 AP Bullets
powder, Weak
2 £3
character sheet.
Damage. If Damage is SPECIAL, refer to
™ Skill To Hit: Every weapon requires a specific the weapon’s Qualities. Weapons that deal no Blackpowder,
Double Barrel Simple SPE- 1+[PB]
1H Bullets [CB] Pistol, Repeating 1 £2
Skill to hit with using Attack Actions. Some Damage are indicated with NONE. Pistol Ranged CIAL yards
(2), Weak
weapons can also be thrown, and the related
™ Qualities: These are the inherent benefits or Blackpowder,
Skill is indicated in braces. Duck-foot Simple Cone Tem-
penalties the weapon confers when used for Pistol Ranged
1H 3 AP Bullets
[PB] Pistol, Slow, 1 £3
™ Handling: Weapons are always used in either combat purposes. Weak
one (1H) or two hands (2H). Dutch Martial 3+[PB] Accurate, Black-
™ Encumbrance Value: Encumbrance Values 1H 2 AP Bullets [CB] 1 £4
Longpistol Ranged yards powder, Pistol
™ Load: Ranged weapons, which can be used are added up to determine whether or not
at a Distance greater than one yard, require you’re suffering Overage. Ferguson Martial 9+[PB] Blackpowder,
2H 2 AP Bullets [CB] 2 £8
Rifle Ranged yards Carbine
you to load them with ammunition before
™ Price: This is the retail cost of the item, but
firing. Loading a weapon requires a certain Flintlock Simple
1H 2 AP Bullets
1 £2
may be adjusted by the Historian at their Pistol Ranged yards Pistol, Weak
number of Action Points (abbreviated to AP).
If a melee weapon has a Load value, do not Fowler Simple 9+[PB] Blackpowder,
2H 3 AP Bullets [CB] 2 £2
account for it unless used as a ranged weapon. Musket Ranged yards Inaccurate, Weak
Fused Martial 1+[PB]
1H 1 AP NONE [CB] Bomb, Break, 1 5s
Grenade Ranged yards
Martial 6+[PB] Blackpowder,
Grenade 2H 4 AP NONE [CB] 3 £4
Ranged yards Bomb, Throwing


Girardoni Air Marital SPE- 6+[PB]
2H Bullets [CB] Repeating (20), 3 £6
Rifle Ranged CIAL yards
Martial 6+[PB] Blackpowder,
Musketoon 2H 2 AP Bullets [CB] 2 £2
Ranged yards Carbine
Simple 1+[PB]
Net 1H 1 AP NONE NONE Sweeping 2 1s
Ranged yards
Overcoat Simple 1+[PB] Blackpowder,
1H 2 AP Bullets [CB] 1 £1
Pistol Ranged yards Pistol, Weak

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№180 №181

RANGED STATS continued FUSED GRENADE: It is a hollow iron ball packed with TURN-OUT PISTOL: This pistol does not require
ENCUM- gunpowder, ignited using a string fuse. When detonated, loading the conventional way: wadding, powder, shot and
DISTANCE DAMAGE QUALITIES BRANCE PRICE the ball shatters, sending iron shards in all directions. shoved down with a ramrod. Instead, a turn-out pistol’s
barrel is unscrewed, allowing both the powder and shot
Accurate, Black- FUSED GRENADE MORTAR: This is the ubiquitous
Pennsylvania Martial 12+[PB] to be loaded into the firing chamber.
2H 4 AP Bullets [CB] powder, Punish- 4 £6 ‘grenade lobber.’ Though it looks like a blunderbuss, it
Longrifle Ranged yards
ing fires a grenade much further than it is typically thrown. DID YOU KNOW?
Simple 1+[PB] Bomb, Break, GIRARDONI AIR RIFLE: These curious devices As the camp quiets, militia and soldiers melt bullet
Powder Bomb 1H 1 AP NONE NONE 1 £1
Ranged yards Smoke
are powered by pneumatics, producing little noise molds to create their own bullets. With a disk of
Accurate, and no smoke. However, they also have one decisive lead, a bucket of water and bullet mold, it takes an
15+[PB] Blackpowder, disadvantage: empty reservoirs must be refilled using a hour to create 20 bullets.
Rampart Gun Ranged or 2H 6 AP Bullets [CB] 6 £10
yards Cumbersome,
Warfare large air-pump, which is not portable.
Simple 3+[PB] Blackpowder, MUSKETOON: This is a shorter version of the fowler
Screw Pistol 1H 3 AP Bullets [CB] 1 £2
Ranged yards Pistol, Weak musket. Its shorter length means even less accuracy but AMMUNITION
Martial 9+[PB] offers the possibility to reload while on the back of a
Selfbow 2H 1 AP Arrows [AB] Fast, Silent 2 5s horse or in confined spaces.

Turn-out Simple 1+[PB]

Blackpowder, NET: Nets have been used for centuries to catch fish or Arrow 2p
1H 1 AP Bullets [CB] Inaccurate, 1 £1 fowl, and the more adventurous sometimes use heavy
Pistol Ranged yards Blackpowder w/Bullets (10) 2p
Pistol, Weak
nets to secure live specimens or legendary creatures.
Bullet mold (120 bullets) 1s
DID YOU KNOW? OVERCOAT PISTOL: This is a small pistol designed
ACID BOMB: This distillation of elements is the Cold Iron bullet (Cold Iron Quality 2p
to hide in a jacket pocket or muff, and many wealthy
foremost tool of alchemists on the battlefield. When precision is required, a pistol is rested on the
merchants and travelers carry it. Javelin (atlatl) 4p
forearm or the elbow while the aim is calculated
ATLATL: A weapon that uses levers to throw a javelin.
(unlike the way modern firearms are aimed). PENNSYLVANIA LONGRIFLE: Created by German Quiver 1s
The atlatl has a shaft with a cup at one end in which
gunsmiths living in southern Pennsylvania, these rifles
the butt of a javelin is placed. It is a favored weapon of Silver bullet (Silver Quality) 2s
DUCK-FOOT PISTOL: A pistol with four splayed are favored by those moving to the frontier areas. With
Indigenous cultures.
barrels, the duck-foot is particularly useful against rowdy barrels ranging from 44 to 46 inches, these rifles are
BLUNDERBUSS: A favored weapon of Mutineers and crowds but impossible to aim precisely. Also, every feared for their deadly accuracy.
Privateers, the blunderbuss is loaded with a mixture of trigger blast carries a significant amount of kickback.
POWDER BOMB: This bomb is not deadly; instead, it
gunpowder and small pellets, and the shot scatters into a
DUTCH LONGPISTOL: These 14-inch barreled pistols produces a cloud of smoke that obscures vision.
cloud, hitting anything in its path.
are manufactured in the Netherlands and have slowly
RAMPART GUN: With a 46-inch barrel, these muskets
BROWN BESS MUSKET: Those who find a “Brown become available for sale in the Thirteen Colonies. They
are more like mini-cannons than shoulder arms. Used
Bess” use a musket leftover from the French & Indian are renowned for their deadly accuracy.
aboard ships and atop palisades, these guns are a rarity in


War. They’re commonly found in the hands of the
FLINTLOCK PISTOL: With a 9-inch barrel in length, the colonies.
British Empire and Loyalists.
the flintlock is the most common type of pistol found
SCREW PISTOL: Sometimes called a cannon barrel
CHARLEVILLE MUSKET: Considered to be superior in the Colonies. Flintlocks are produced by a variety of
pistol, this pistol is designed to be deadly at close range.
by the French, this particular musket will give the Brown gunsmiths, both in the Thirteen Colonies and abroad.
It is readily hidden, as its barrel can be released by
Bess a run for its money in the heat of battle.
FOWLER MUSKET: Sometimes called the Hudson unscrewing it from the stock.
DOUBLE BARREL PISTOL: Designed for naval Valley Fowler or New England Fowler, this musket is the
SELFBOW: Carved from a single piece of wood and with
boarding, this pistol is deadly in close fighting but loses most commonly found musket in the Thirteen Colonies.
a draw range of 2 feet, a selfbow is capable of taking down
its punch at further distances. With a 48-inch barrel, it is primarily used for hunting.
a buffalo with multiple shots, or a rabbit with one shot.

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№182 №183

Agricultural Simple Engaged or Sweeping, Slow, Infantry Martial
2H 0 AP NONE [CB] 2 3s 1H 0 AP NONE Engaged [CB] Defensive 1 £3
Tool Melee 1 yard Weak Sword Melee
Simple Simple Me-
Pummeling, 0 AP
Bare-handed Melee or 1H or 2H 0 AP NONE Engaged [BB] NONE NONE lee (Simple Engaged or Fast, Throwing,
Slow Knife 1H (1 AP NONE [AB] 1 4s
Athletics Ranged 1+[PB] yard Weak
Martial Engaged or Socketed, Vi-
Bayonet 2H 1 AP NONE [CB] 1 8s
Melee 1 yard cious Simple Defensive, Slow,
Loaded Stick 1H 0 AP NONE Engaged [CB] 1 3s
Melee Weak
Blackjack Melee or 1H 0 AP NONE Engaged [BB] 1 6p Simple Me-
Silent, Slow 0 AP
Athletics lee (Simple 3+[PB] Fast, Throwing,
Spear 1H or 2 H (1 AP NONE [AB] 1 2s
Ranged yards Weak
Martial thrown)
Boarding Axe 1H or 2H 0 AP NONE Engaged [AB] Backslash, Fast 1 7s thrown)
Martial Engaged or Reach, Skewer-
Martial Spontoon 2H 0 AP NONE [CB] 2 10s
Cavalry Sabre 1H 0 AP NONE Engaged [CB] Backslash, Slow 1 £5 Melee 1 yard ing
Simple Break, Cold Iron,
Simple Stake 1H 0 AP NONE Engaged [BB] 1 3p
Melee Pummeling
Garrote Melee or 2H 0 AP NONE Engaged NONE Silent, Strangling 1 1s
Athletics Martial Me-
0 AP Engaged
lee (Martial
Martial Tomahawk 1H (1 AP NONE or 1+[PB] [CB] Throwing 1 10s
Melee 0 AP thrown) yards
Gunstock Engaged or Backslash, thrown)
(Martial 1H or 2H (1 AP NONE [CB] 2 9s
Club 1+[PB] Throwing
Ranged thrown) Simple Break, Immolate,
Torch 1H 0 AP NONE Engaged [BB] 1 1p
thrown) Melee Pummeling
Hanger Simple Simple
1H 0 AP NONE Engaged [CB] Weak 1 £1 Defensive, Pum-
Sword Melee War Shield Melee or 1H 0 AP NONE Engaged [BB] 2 1s
meling, Slow
Melee 0 AP Engaged Martial Engaged or
Fast, Skewering, Zweihänder 2H 0 AP NONE [CB] Punishing, Reach 3 £12
Harpoon (Simple 1H or 2H (1 AP NONE or 1+[PB] [AB] 2 3s Melee 1 yard
Throwing, Weak
Ranged thrown) yards
Simple Ranging from useful tools Slowly coming into use among the British
Hatchet 1H 0 AP NONE Engaged [CB] Slow, Weak 1 10p AGRICULTURAL TOOL: BAYONET:
such as pitchforks, scythes and sledgehammers, these Army, the bayonet is uncommon in 1776. It employs


Engaged ubiquitous weapons are used in farming and war. a triangular blade that creates lasting wounds. Because
Simple SPE- Break, Holy,
Holy Water 1H 1 AP NONE or 1+[PB] 1 £1
CIAL Throwing they are plugged into a barrel, they must be removed
BARE-HANDED: Underground pugilist clubs sponsored
before the weapon can be fired again.
Simple Engaged or Strangling, by the aristocracy, the tried-and-true pugilist bouts and
Horsewhip 1H 0 AP NONE NONE 1 £2 sanctioned boxing matches are part and parcel of life in A blackjack is a small leather club
Melee 1 yard Sweeping BLACKJACK:

1776. Real weapons are far more effective, but a cross to favored by robbers. This little weapon is used to knock
Melee 0 AP Engaged Histo- the jaw, roundhouse kick to the kidney or knee to the out an opponent quickly and quietly.
Break, Pummel-
Improvised (Simple 1H or 2H (1 AP NONE or 1+[PB] [BB]
ing, Throwing
1 rian’s groin sometimes speaks louder than words alone.
Ranged thrown) yards decision BOARDING AXE: This naval weapon is used to cut nets,
thrown) slash rigging and smash through cabin doors. It is an
easy, inexpensive multitool for Privateers.

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

№184 №185

CAVALRY SABRE: Mainly used by Cavalry, these KNIFE: As a proper multipurpose tool, knives are carried CANNONS & OTHER WAR MACHINES? CRAFT ITEM
swords are designed for chopping at an opponent. Sabres by every person, spanning all cultures. Knives are meant This game is not one of large-scale siege warfare. This may take a while ...
are easily distinguished because the back of the blade is to be used in close quarters but can be thrown in a pinch. Instead, it concentrates on characters’ personal
CRAFT ITEM CHECK: When you intend to make your
serrated and used to slash back and forth quickly. trials. War machines will be more explicitly
LOADED STICK: Whether called a club, a shillelagh, own goods or weapons, make a Survival or Tradecraft
detailed in a future supplement.
GARROTE: Made from cat muscle or steel wire stone-headed club or a walking stick with an iron head, Test (the Historian will make this determination for
To answer a final question: how much Damage
attached between two spools, this is the quintessential these weapons are often innocuous, carried openly. you). Depending on the Grade you want to make, the
does a cannon do to a character? Enough to render
assassin’s weapon. Skilled assassins can put people ‘to Difficulty Rating eases or worsens:
SPEAR: Used for hunting, on horseback and for war, the them Slain! without a chance to Defend. Or—to
sleep’ permanently, whereas the unskilled will butcher
a victim’s neck in the process, to the sound of much
spear remains a versatile weapon. put it another way—force the British Empire to K Inferior Goods: (Easy +20%) Skill Test
surrender Boston to the Rebels on March 17, 1776.
gurgling and screaming. SPONTOON: Despite its archaic appearance, this short, K Average Goods: (Standard +/-0%) Skill Test
halberd-bladed spear is used by the British Empire.
GUNSTOCK CLUB: This unusual weapon is found in
It is used to defend a regiment’s colors against cavalry K Superior Goods: (Hard -20%) Skill Test
Indigenous warriors’ hands, made in a musket shape and C R A F T I N G WA R E S
attacks and held crosswise behind their rank-and-file to EFFECT: If successful, you’ve created the item and can
sporting a sharpened stone or heart-shaped metal blade. & WEAPONS
discourage soldiers from breaking. add any one additional Quality to it if it’s a weapon.
HANGER SWORD: Shoddy and more for show than There will come a time when your character will want to If failed, you recover the raw material and can try
STAKE: Tipped with cold iron, these unusual weapons
any real fighting, hanger swords are used in duels for gather the raw materials themselves to create their own again, following the time to craft outlined in Other
are carried by superstitious people.
reputation. items or weapons. While a generally laborious process, Considerations.
TOMAHAWK: Traditionally made of hickory with a crafting items can save a fortune, depending on the
HARPOON: Used by whalers and found only in CRITICAL SUCCESS: You can also remove any one
stone or metal blade, the tomahawk is used as a weapon Grade of the item you intend to craft.
maritime areas, the harpoon can make an effective Quality from the weapon (unless it’s the Break Quality).
and sometimes a ceremonial tool.
weapon against humans as well. Six feet long overall, it CRAFTING PHARMACOPEIA? If the item was intended to be Inferior or Average, it is
consists of a massive wooden shaft about five feet long TORCH: Swabbed in oil and cloth, torches are used upgraded to Superior.
Details regarding drugs, laudanum, smelling salts,
and terminating with an iron tip and cruel barb. to light the path and sometimes repurposed as cruel
tincture and other rare substances is covered in CRITICAL FAILURE: You ruin the raw material and
weapons against the wronged.
HATCHET: Hatchets are small, handheld axes used for Article 9: Hexenmeister’s Almanack. must purchase it again.
clearing trails, foraging and a variety of other survival FLAMING ARROWS & OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: The time it takes to craft
skills. An excellent multi-purpose blade, it allows the BURNING WEAPONS
GRADE items varies—for every pound (£) or less the item costs
lightweight hatchet to be readily carried on a belt or into
Using a bandage and a pot of oil, you may impart typically, it takes one day to craft. Simply divide the
a fight. All crafted objects have a Grade assigned to them, which
the Immolate Quality to 9 arrows. You can also object’s cost in pence (p) to determine if you can craft
will reflect the cost of raw materials and the benefits the
HOLY WATER: Blessed by all faiths’ clerics, these grant the Immolate Quality to melee weapons more than once per day. You may bring on help to reduce
item confers to you:
sacred water bottles are harmful to spirits and devils. or ranged weapons that possess the Throwing the time to craft by one day per helper (up to 9 helpers).
It otherwise shatters into shards of glass and harmless Quality, but they immediately gain the Ruined K Inferior (25% of cost): Increase Encumbrance Value The Historian will make the final call on raw materials,
water when thrown at people of this realm. Quality upon dealing Damage. by 1 resources and time needed to craft an item.
To ignite a weapon, you must Load for 2 AP.
HORSEWHIP: Used to drive cattle and horses, these
Ignited weapons remain lit for 9 minutes before K Average (50% of cost): no benefits RESELLING NEWLY CRAFTED


makeshift devices can be used by coordinated folk to ITEMS BY GRADE
entangle and takedown foes.
extinguishing. K Superior (300% of cost): Assign a +5% Base Chance
to one Skill it will modify New items of Inferior or Superior grade you’ve
IMPROVISED WEAPON: Ale steins, billiards cues, WAR SHIELD: These Indigenous shields of leather are crafted resell for varying retail prices. You’ll make
For example, if you crafted a Superior Red Coat uniform,
broken chair legs, fire pokers and the like are examples of painted with stories and used in war. a Negotiate Check (as indicated earlier in this
you could state that the uniform confers a +5% Base
these types of shoddy weapons. article):
ZWEIHÄNDER: Sometimes, it is called a bastard sword Chance to Intimidate Tests. This should be a decision
INFANTRY SWORD: Though soldiers are slowly (mostly because you will be cursing whoever wields it). made between you and the Historian. Note that you ™ Inferior: 50% of listed retail cost
adopting the bayonet, the infantry sword is still carried Other times, it’s called a great sword (partially because cannot stack the same +5% Base Chance benefit to the
™ Average: As retail cost
by the rank-and-file. Unlike the sabre, the infantry sword it requires great strength to swing it). It is a surprisingly same Skill by wearing different items together.
is a cutting weapon designed to be used on foot. more popular alternative than its predecessor, the ™ Superior: 300% of retail cost
ubiquitous war hammer.

Brian Bird (order #32081705)

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