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Historical Development of Church –Mission at a  Paul VI continued the work and spirit of the

glance council.
The Church is always called to Renewal Pope Paul VI
Background: Church was also living and moving Pope from June 1963 to August 1978
amidst the swiftly changing and modernizing world. First pope to travel around the world by
The most recent Ecumenical Councils, airplane
Trent (ended 1563) and Vatican I (1870) Pope Paul VI – June 21,1963 to Aug.6,
occurred in an era when the Church was 1978
responding to serious schism and attack. The pope re-opened the Ecumenical Council on 29
The Vatican I especially denounced various September 1963 giving it four key priorities:
aspects of modernism, but most notably 1. A better understanding of the Catholic
declared the doctrine of Papal Infallibility Church
as dogma. 2. Church reforms
 Church Reforms initiated by Pope Pius XII 3. Advancing the unity of Christianity
Liturgical reforms of Pope Pius XII and Mediator 4. Dialogue with the world
Dei Topics
1. The dogma of the Assumption of Our Lady  The most important topic was clearly the
 The death of Pope Pius XII church itself
Future direction of the Church? This was NOT a council debating the person of
A compromise candidate was chosen Jesus or the meaning of salvation or the number of
The cardinals choose the 76 year old John XXIII; by sacraments: rather the focus was on the meaning
this choice the cardinals made clear they wished a and role of the church itself.
shorter papacy. Focus areas of Vatican Council II
Pope John XXIII - 1958 –elected Pope The Church
He was born in poverty -- and proud of it. Authority in the Church
saved the lives of many Jews fleeing the Holocaust. Ecumenism
Pope John XXIII played a key role in the Cuban Non-Christian Religions
Missile Crisis (PEACE) The Church and the World
Pope John XXIII & Vatican II The Church and the Bible
1. January 25, 1959- calls an ecumenical The Liturgy
(world-wide) council to be held at the Religious Freedom
Vatican in order for the Church to address The Laity
the needs of the time. The Church
2. October 11, 1962 - opened the Council in a The Dogmatic constitution on the Church (Lumen
public session and read the declaration Gentium)
Gaudet Mater Ecclesia before the Council Church NOT defined as the hierarchy but defined
Fathers. as MYSTERY
3. Sept.29, 1963 - opening address stressed And as the PEOPLE of GOD & PILGRIM CHURCH
the pastoral nature of the council. Holiness is the vocation of all Christians
PURPOSE OF VATICAN II The hierarchy gains their meaning from the entire
1. Called by John XXIII, to “open windows and people of God and the mystery of God’s love.
let the FRESH air in”; - Authority in the Church
2. to define more fully the nature of the Church - Affirms the role of the pope as the supreme
and the role of the bishop; head of the Church; but in a new context.
3. to renew the Church; Collegiality: The authority of the pope is seen as
4. to restore unity among all Christians, joined with all bishops as those called to authority
including seeking pardon for Catholic in the church.
contributions to separation; Sensus Fidei/ Fidelium
5. and to start a dialogue with the (‘sense of the faithful’)
contemporary world. The Magisterium, (Church’s teaching authority)
 KEY PRINCIPLES OF VATICAN II: has the “duty to pay attention to what the Spirit
1. Aggiornamento – Italian word meaning tells the church through authentic
bringing up-to-date manifestations of the ‘sense of the faithful’.”
2. Ressourcement/ Ad Fontes – a returning  The Church must pay attention to the
to the (Biblical) sources to ensure they sensus fidelium, or “sense of the faithful”,
are conformed to a more authentic view when exercising its teaching authority, but
of the past. (original dynamism of the never confuse that sense with popular
church) opinion on matters of faith.
The Council Meetings Ecumenism: The movement within the church
 4 sessions from 1962-1965 that works toward greater unity among all
 All bishops from around the world+advisors Christians
 Observers were welcomed from Protestant,  The Decree on Ecumenism: States that the
Eastern Orthodox churches along with lay church was not limited to the Catholic
observers. Church and that the reasons for the
 The Council Meetings divisions between Christians came from
 Opens with 2,500 participants both sides of the division.
John XXIII died in June of ‘63 between the first and
second sessions
The Church and the World  Special respect and understanding should
Very Important> Pastoral Constitution on the be given to the Jews; they are not to be
Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes) blamed for the death of Jesus Christ.
From “fortress mentality” > defensive and over  All kinds of persecution and discrimination
protective to an open, dialogical and “listening” are condemned
Read signs of the times (SEE-JUDGE-ACT)
 The Church and the World
 Aggiornamento> to update
 The church seeks to UNITE itself with
humanity rather than separate itself from
 The church must show how faith should
affect the way that Christians live in the
 Church – leaven of God’s Reign
 The Church and the World
 The church recognizes the importance and
dignity of individual conscience.
 It recognized the advances of science and
culture and taught that such advances need
not threaten the church.
 It encourages a human solidarity in search
of justice and peace on earth.
 The Church and the Bible
 We recognize the word of God as the
source of church teaching and theology
 The teaching authority of the church is not
above God’s word but meant to serve it
 “easy access to sacred scripture should be
provided for all the Christian faithful.”
 The Church and the Bible
 The church encourages Scriptural
 Scholars are to present their findings to
church authority for guidance and approval
 This new embrace of scripture has and will
continue top renew the spirituality of the
 Through scripture we understand more fully
the Lord.
 Engagement with the Word of God
 St. Jerome
 “ Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of
 The Liturgy
(Sacro Sanctum Concilium)
 In an effort to help the faithful more fully
understand the importance of scripture and
Sacrament the church brought about a
renewal in the area of liturgy.
 “all the faithful should be led to that full,
conscious, and active participation in
liturgical celebrations.”

 The church encourages dialogue with them
and respect for their religious and cultural
 This document also addresses the church’s
relationship with Judaism.
 It seeks to eliminate any mentality among
Christians which perpetuates anti-Semitism
 Non-Christian Religions
 The church rejects nothing that is good and
true in other religious faiths.
 Encourages dialogue in the search for
spiritual and moral values

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