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Refusal to lend money is either prohibited or permissible

The Philippines has been wondering when, where, and how this pandemic will be over. The virus
has quickly spread throughout our country over the last few years, since many people like
bonding with one another and spending most of their time with their friends. We were in a
slump when the pandemic struck, leading people to lose their jobs and forcing the closure of
innumerable businesses and industries. This caused millions of Filipinos to endure salary cuts
and layoffs, culminating in a record-high unemployment rate. Simultaneously, purchasing
power decreased as prices for essential items continued to climb in the middle of everyone's
financial troubles.

According to a study conducted last month by Social Weather Stations (SWS), the number of
Filipinos who regard their families as "poor" has climbed marginally to 10.9 million. As we all
know, Filipinos are famed for their resourcefulness, which is why there are several methods for
how Filipinos may manage without a job.

“Utang” is one of the most common ways to obtain money, in which you borrow money
from family and friends. If they truly need the money, lending it to them is a good act. It is also a
chance for the two of you to show trust in each other while assisting others with the money you
can lend them. In addition, borrowers will be more courteous to you, since the golden rule
states: treat people as you would like them to treat you.

However, we cannot always share what we have, and being selfish at times is not a
significant error. A lot of things may happen if we are not selfish at times while giving money.
You may believe that helping your poor buddy is the right thing to do, yet doing so might destroy
your friendship. More than half of people have ended a friendship due to money owed.
Furthermore, because most people only come to you when they need something, it is
conceivable that they may not repay their debt. When we can't always declare we have money for
certain sorts of emergencies, it's best to merely preserve it for emergencies.

As a result, we feel that refusing to lend money is a better option than offering money to more
minor controversy. For example, having to continuously ask for delayed payments can become
embarrassing, damage your friendship, and you will most likely never be paid back. To sum it
up, when you lend money, people will become used to you and will ask you for more, which is
why it's best not to give, since even if there are bad times, there are always answers to such
obstacles, and we can withstand them.

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