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Unit 3 Land-Based Empires

3.1 Empires Expand

● Transfer of gunpowder had the most influence during this time
● Ottoman Empire, Safavid Empire, Mughal Empire, Songhai Empire, Qing Dynasty of
China, Russia, France and Egland
● Mehmed II captured the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, changed name to Istanbul
● Use of cannons
● Suleiman reaches empire’s peak through strong navy and expand into eastern Europe
3.2 Administration
● States hire local official to facilitate power, bureaucracy
● Tokugawa Shogunate hired salaried samurai, professional warriors in Japan,
● Were vital in protecting autonomy regional lords
● Paid in surplus foods that come from peasants
● Served both civic and military function
● Ming Dynasty used tax collection
● Restored civil service exam
● Revitalized infrastructure Grand Canal, Reinforced and expanded the Great wall,
maritime exploration
3.3 Empires- Belief Systems
● Proestant reformation
● Lutheranism

● Sunni and Shi’a rivalry
● Ottoman and Safavid became less religiously tolerant
● Akbar encourages religious tolerance
● Later rulers are less tolerant
● Sikhism emerges

Unit 4 Transoceanic Interconnections

4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450 to 1750
● The Compass originated in China but Europeans heavily relied on it
● Astrolabe was created by the Greek and Muslims also help Europeans
● Italian port cities had monopoly on trade profit coming into Europe which create rivalries
with other states and forced them to come up with new ways to gain profit- Political
● Trade routes in the Mediterranean and Red Sea connected Europe to other parts of the
world- Environmental
● Islamic and Chinese culture encouraged education and innovation systems as a part of
their major belief systems which spread to asia- Culture
● Long distance trade routes across Asia and in the Indian ocean- Economic
4.2 Exploration- Causes and Events from 1450 to 1750
● States were the only ones who could sponsor expiration due to it’s high price
● Mercantilism, states compete with each other to get as much gold and silver as there is
not enough
● Spreading chritainity
● Portugal: Prince Henry the Navigator funded expeditions to africa and back to portugal
● Rumored to make a school
● Bartholonew Dias, sailed around the Cape of Good Hope
● Vasco de Gama went same way reached India
● Spain: Ferdinand Magellan wanted to circumnavigate the globe but died before reaching
● Chirstopher Columbus went to the Americas
● English sent John Cabot to find a Northwest passage who instead found new land in
North America
● French sent Jacques Cartier found Canada
● Dutch also sent someone but were unsuccessful
● Portugal was leader in maritime trade during this time
● Attempted to gain monopoly of indian spice trade by port cities, requiring license to
● Spain found and an abundance of gold, silver, indegnious people in the Americas
● French established trading outposts in which they depended on Native American labor
● Unlike the Spanish, they traded with Native americans
● Offered guns, alcohol, etc for fur
● Most positive relationship with Natives compared to other stare
● Dutch and British established settler colonies on North America

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