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Issues MLK fought for:

1. Segregation due to race

2. Civil Rights
3. Police violence
4. Racism
5. Poverty

How MLK was treated because of his views:

1. He was beaten and jailed.
2. His home was bombed.
3. He was assassinated
4. He was threatened.
5. His popularity became greatly lowered because of many things he said.

Groups that MLK would likely support today:

1. Black Lives Matter
2. Protesting NFL Players who kneel during the national anthem.


One of the biggest problems facing today’s society is racism throughout the country. In
our country today, racism is still one of the biggest problems that affects many Americans.
From hate speech to police brutality, racism is still a big problem that faces society today. For
example; the death of George Floyd, an African American, was killed by a police officer. The
event caused major controversy throughout the nation and sparked many protests regarding
police brutality and the racism in which it stems from. Racism can be addressed through raising
awareness such as informing others on the topic.

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