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Q1. I. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (ANY 4) 4 Marks
i. Today’s wars mostly take place in populated areas as opposed to 19th century battles which took place in
clearly demarcated battlefields. Traditional war between armies of opposing nations has been replaced by
non-international conflicts in which civilians become casualties.
ii. comprehensive protection for those who are not or are no longer participating in hostilities — wounded and
sick soldiers, prisoners of war and civilians
iii. The implementation of this agreement has progressed significantly, particularly in the training of soldiers and
the prosecution of war criminals, aided by the founding of International Criminal Court.
iv. The regular breaches of the International humanitarian law signify a collective failure and are caused due to
the lack of a proper mechanism and institutional framework for encouraging effective compliance.
v. The law can become completely effective by the creation of a defined institutional framework and adoption
of the necessary instruments required to instil and ensure respect for the rules.
vi. Free response
II. Choose the correct option 6 Marks
1. (d) All of the above
2. (c) To respect and ensure respect for the conventions
3. (b) Chief impact of a specified action
4. (c) Dismayed / horrified
5. (b) Unrectifiable
6. (c) Created
Q2. Note making 5 Marks
I. Information
(i) Pwr
(ii) Access: Officials, politicians, public
(iii) Should be freely avlbl
II. Importance
(i) Fulfil rights
(ii) Supports dmcrcy
III. Functions
(i) Transparent and accessible Govt
(ii) Citizens aware of the workings of Govt
(iii) Expsg crptn and msmng
IV. Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information
(i) Infmddbt
(ii) Fndmntl but not abslt
(iii) In public interest
(iv) Withhold if
(a) NS affected
(b) Likely to incite violence
(v) SC judgement supports
Key to Abbreviations

Abbreviations Words
pwr power
avlbl available
dmcrcy democracy
govt government
expsg exposing
crptn corruption
msmng mismanagement
infmd informed
dbt debate
fndmntl fundamental
abslt absolute
NS National Security
SC Supreme Court

(b) Write a summary of the above passage in 80-100 words. 3 Marks


Freedom of Information (FOI) is essentially important for the fulfilment of public rights and as a support for democracy.
Information is power and thus, its access must not be limited to officials or politicians but should include the public.
Its function is to assure a transparent and accountable government, inform the public about the workings within the
government and expose corruption and mismanagement. Freedom of expression and access to information are
imperative for an informed public debate. They are fundamental but not absolute rights, with restrictions for
information of national security or with the potential to incite violence, as supported by a Supreme Court judgement.

Q3. Passage reading

I. Answer the following questions (Any 4) 4 Marks

1. Through our negative feelings and emotions.

2. The most unfortunate thing is that we have not learnt: How to handle our mind? How to be in the present
moment? How to be happy and grateful? Then, what is the solution.
3. Through the help of the breath we can easily get over our negative emotions in a short period of time. Through
meditation and certain breathing techniques, we can clear this negative cloud.
4. We miss a very fundamental principle that governs our environment, our mind, our emotions and our life in
5. It helps rejuvenate our soul.
6. Through meditation and certain breathing techniques.

II. Choose the correct answers 2 Marks

a) (iii) Confidence, compassion, generosity, and a happy smile.

b) (ii) if we are able to wipe out all the impressions we are carrying.

III. Find words for any two … 2 Marks

a) Victim
b) Rejuvenate
c) Calm

Q4 Poster designing - Free response 3 Marks

Q5 Speech writing - Free response 5 Marks

Q6 Debate – Free response 5 Marks

Q7. Passage editing 3 Marks

Incorrect Correct

Becomes became

Or and

Had has

Build built

State States

Carvers Carver’s

Couldn’t cannot

Q8. Rearranging the words 4 Marks

i. At present Japan is reeling under the blow of a tsunami.

ii. It is a catastrophe as great as the second world war.
iii. Temples seem to have gone into deep inspiration and encouragement.
iv. Japonica is a Japanese bush that is grown in gardens and yards.

Q9. Supplying suitable clauses – free response 3 Marks


Q10. 3 Marks

(a) The name of the poem is ' The Photograph' by Shirley Toulson.

(b) It shows that the water was shallow.

(c) Here, the cardboard denotes the thick card on which the photograph was pasted. In the old days, photographs
were preserved by pasting them on thick cardboard.


(a) Here, it refers to that holiday when the poetess's mother and her two cousins went to a beach in their childhood.

(b) Her mother is no more. Her mother's smile was poetess past.

(c) She is nostalgic about her mother's laughter because her mother is no more and she can't see her mother's smile.

Q11. 3 Marks

(i) (c) I and II - Lhamo was kind and generous to travellers. Daniel does not know any other language other than the

(ii) (b) determines the smoothness of their journey

(iii) The author of course did not know Tibetan so he required Tsetan and Daniel to help him to communicate with the
locals. So, it was always someone helping the author to communicate, translating his words in Tibetan. First Daniel did
to make Lhamo understand what the author was saying.

B. 3 Marks

(i) (c) Elements of a burial.

(ii) (b) Because of the presence of willow and olive leaves, lotus petals and cornflowers.

(iii) the body was cemented to the bottom of the solid gold coffin as the resins had hardened. No force could move
the body away and keeping the body in the sun, under 149 degrees Fahrenheit also did not help.
Q12. 4 Marks

(i) (c) the beauty of the childhood

(ii) (a) a belief

(iii) Because he was not worried about anything

(iv) Because he was not able to believe what he was seeing



(i) (b) the lady was wearing her mother’s cardigan.

(ii) (a) destruction and sadness brought about by the war.

(iii) When she realized that narrator was observing her cardigan.

(iv) To have a look or bring back her mother’s belongings.

Q13. Answer any TWO in 40 – 50 words 3 Marks each

(i) Grandmother was so happy and excited when the narrator return from abroad. Grandmother invited all the
neighboring women and started singing the song about the warrior's home coming. She beat an old drum
while singing.
(ii) The phrase implied that the king was fair and mild. The king, ‘a great believer injustice’ ensured justice was
meted out to his subjects. He was also mild mannered and rarely showed any displeasure and even if he did
frown, he quickly wiped the frown off his face.
(iii) In a life without her mother, the poet has only got her mother's photograph and memories to reminiscence
about her. The poet knows that her mother's death is a fact and she can't do anything about it. The poet has
nothing to say about her mother's death and the emptiness left after her death shatters the poet.
(iv) It is known that the bark and the seeds of the Laburnum tree are poisonous. Therefore, predators normally do
not come near the tree fearing the poison.

Q14. Answer any ONE 3 Marks

1. No Aram despite of his efforts to ride the horse could not do so! He tried doing it multiple times. Once the
horse lost his control and ran very fast to the vineyards making Aram fall down..!! Therefore his efforts and
wish to learn to ride a horse were not totally fulfilled!
The war affected the fortunes of many people. It led to disruption of normal life. Mrs S and her family had to
leave their town to go to a safer place. The mother died.

Q15. Answer any ONE in 120 – 150 words 6 Marks

Knowing about past events and important figures helps us to understand where our roots come from. It helps us to
understand how our modern world gradually came into being. From past experiences and lessons we learn not to
make the same mistake, or we gradually become more vigilant. Knowing about the life of King Tut and getting answers
to the questions helped us understand the pharaoh dynasty and the Egyptian empire.

Always digging into the past doesn't help as it just wastes time and resources. Nobody can change the past and we
cannot change what has already happened. So we should focus on what the present and future will bring for us and
we must work to make our tomorrow better. It can't help us to rant about what happened yesterday.

In the picture, there are three girls who are walking on the beach holding each other’s hands. The girl in the middle is
the tallest and oldest, the other two girls on each side are younger than her. The girl in the middle is the poet’s mother.
She is around twelve years old when the picture was taken. The three stages depicted by Shirley Toulson are 1)The
first phase depicts the happy childhood of the poet's mother when she was of 12. 2)The second phase depicts the
happy moments of the poet with her mother at the beach . 3) The third phase depicts the poet's sadness because of
his mother's death.

Q16. Answer any ONE in 120 – 150 words 6 Marks

Andrew is a doctor and his main duty is to save lives. Faced with a challenge, he knows what he is supposed to do and
does not lose his composure. He then saves both the almost dying mother as well as her still-born baby by his Hercules
actions. He achieved nothing short of a miracle. The feeling of happiness of the doctor is truly justified. Doctors are
expected to do their duties as and when demanded Andrew came home at midnight. He was certainly exhausted but
answered the call of duty when Joe Morgan told him to come. The wife of Morgan required urgent assistance. Andrew
has performed extremely well with his duties.


In the living room, the sight was dismal. The room had a strange, stressful effect the atmosphere, the tasteless way
everything was arranged, the ugly furniture or the muggy smell that hung there. She noticed the woollen tablecloth
and recalled the bum mark on it that had never been repaired. When the narrator went to Mrs. Dorling's house for
the second time, she was welcomed by Mrs. Dorling's daughter. After stepping into the room, she was shocked to see
a different room altogether. She recognized all the belongings of her mother kept in the living room. At the same time,
she was not able to associate with those things as they were kept differently. She felt a different feeling after viewing
the image of the things. She left the house and forgot the address for her lifetime.


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