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SUMMARY 30 MUISCA CIVILIZATION The Muisca are the Chibcha-

speaking confederation of the central highlans of
COMPARING CIVILIZATIONS present-day Colombia´s Eastern Range. They were
encountered by the Spanish. Muisca were mostly
identified by their allegiances to three great rulers
ANCIENT ROME Rome was founded 753 BC. Family were the Zaque, the Zipa, Zaque centered in Chunza,
life and social classes were important in ancient ruling a territory roughly covering modern southern
Rome. Romans worshipped many gods both privately and northeastern, ceremonies related to religion,
at home and public ceremonies, Romans city life was agriculture and the ruling elite helped unite h¿these
challenging, but the government tried to case some of various communities. The Muisca have also left a
its problems. The Romans made many technological significant artistic legacy in their superb gold work.
advances that impacted Western culture.

NAZCA CIVILIZATION The Nazca culture was

developed on the coast of Ica department, with the
AZTEC EMPIRE their government were by the 1500s
main center of the city of Cahuachi in the Rio Grande
C.E. The Aztecs had created an empire that stretched
Valley. Nazca was an ancient civilization that
from north-central Mexico to the border of
emerged in the province of Nazca, around the first
Guatemala, from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic
century and into decline in the sixth century. It was
Ocean. The Aztec Empire existed from 1325-1521
located along the Rio Grande between the years 300
C.E. All people conquered by the Aztecs were forced
BC to 600 AD had an area of influence that extended
to pay tribute to the Aztec Empire, in the form of food,
to the north Pisco to Arequipa in the South and east
clothing, raw materials, or prisoners for human
to Ayacucho. Until the sixth century increased their
contacts with the Andes, reaching even into the
highlands of Ayacucho. This contact was especially
important in the formation of the Huari culture.
Nazca pottery was studied by Max Uhle in 1901 and
is considered the most successful of ancient Peru.
The People of the Nazca culture were polytheistic and
pantheistic, that is worshipped nature and the
mountains, sea, sky, eath, fire, water, etc.

Teacher: Gladys N. Humpiri

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b) Cundinamarca

c) Roughly

3.- Where was developed the Nazca culture?

a) On the coast of Ica.

ANCIENT EGYPTIAN They had three long period of b) On the jungle of Ica.
stability in ancient Egypt the old kingdom. The
middle kingdom and the new kingdom. The four 4.- Who was considered to be god on earth
pharaoahs who ruled during these times Khufu built
a) Pharaoh
the great Pyramid, Senusret encouraged Egyptian art
and and literature: Hatshepsut, Egypt´s first female b) Bysier
pharaoh, promoted Egyptian trade. And Ramses the
Great was a superior military leader and builder of c) jewelry
mo numents. The Pharaoahs were at the top of the
Egyptian society. Life in Ancient Egyptian was hard, 5.- What was the purpose of mummification?
they used linen to make Jewelry and other products.
Men wore wrap around skirts because it was so hot a) To make the dead body pretty.
in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians had a purpose of
b) To help the Pharaoh stay in control.
mummifications because They wanted to preserve
the body for the afterlife, c) To preserve the body for the afterlife.

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1.- When was founded Rome?

a) 753 BC

b) 1325

c) 1521

2.- Which linguistic family did the Muiscas culture

come from?

a) Chibcha

Teacher: Gladys N. Humpiri

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