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Exam Date: 23/09/2011

11. (a) –––– sun is (b)------ celestial body. It rises in (c) –––– East and sets in (d) –––– West. It is (e)
–––– source of all energy. Its setting (f) –––– presents (g) –––– enjoyable scene. (h) –––– moon has
no light of its own. It gets light from the sun. There are many (i) –––– stars shine in (j) –––– sky. We
cannot see all the stars. Many of them are bigger than the sun.

12. At last (a) –––– hour of departure had arrived. Socrates met his friends and (b) –––– disciples for (c)
–––– last time. He argued with them about the immortality of (d) –––– soul. He told them that
human soul can never perish. At (e) –––– sunset, the governor of (f) –––– prison came. With eyes
full of (g) –––– tears, they bade Socrates (h) –––– last farewell. Then there came (i) –––– man with
(j) –––– cup in his hand.
13. Newspaper plays (a) –––– important role in our society. It is (b) –––– most useful thing in our
modern life. We cannot think of (c) –––– day without it. To read newspaper is (d) –––– good habit
(e) –––– more we read news (f) –––– more we can acquire knowledge. If we don’t read it, we shall
be (g) –––– frogs in (h) –––– dark well. It is (i) –––– looking glass of (j) –––– modern world.
14. An angry man is not liked (a) –––– even by (b) –––– idiot. There is difference between the educated
and (c) –––– uneducated. An educated (d) –––– person should come forward to educate (e) ––––
uneducated. On the other hand (f) –––– rich man should heave (g) –––– sympathy for (h) –––– poor
there is difference between (i) –––– poor man and (j) –––– rich man.

15. (a) –––– idle man and (b) –––– active man cannot be equal. We know (c) –––– story of (d) –––– ant
and (e) –––– grasshopper (f0 –––– ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was
really (g) –––– lazy. The ant knew that (h) –––– industrious shine. One (i) –––– contrary, (j) ––––
lazy suffer in life.

16. Akber (a) ––––Great was one of (b) –––– greatest emperors of (c) –––– India. He was on (d) ––––
one side a great ruler and one other side a man of (e) –––– wisdom. Among all (f) –––– Mughal
rulers he was (g) –––– best. As a result his name has been written in (h) –––– golden letters in the
page of (i) –––– history. But, we all know that he was (j) –––– uneducated.
17. Punctuality is of great value to (a) –––– student. (b) –––– unpunctual student who is late in (c) ––––
class will miss (d) –––– important lessons. But (e) –––– punctual student learns his lessons in (f)
–––– time and does well in (g) –––– examination. Punctuality is (h) –––– key to success in life. We
should be (i) –––– punctual in all our activities so that we may develop punctuality as (j) –––– habit.
18. Bangladesh is (a) –––– agricultural country. Most of (b) –––– people live below (c) –––– poverty
line. So poverty is a big (d) –––– problem. (e) –––– efficient banking system can remove (f) ––––
poverty to (g) –––– great extent. So, it is (h) –––– essential thing. It can put (i) –––– end of our
poverty. Setting up of industries can also play (j) –––– important role to remove poverty.

Fill in the blanks with the right forms of verbs

begin say hold Bid call invite recite
A few days ago the marriage ceremony of my elder sister was (a) ––––– in a very befitting manner.
We (b) ––––– our friends and relatives. The invited guests (c) ––––– to come in the evening. After
the arrival of the bridegroom the Qazi solemnized the marriage (d) ––––– the related verses from the
holy Quran. While (e) ––––– farewell to my sister my parents burst into tears.

contribute appoint take allow be make arrange
Nowadays woman (a) ––––– lot to the national economy. It the past, the society (b) ––––– them to
come out of doors. They (c) ––––– confined within the four walls of the house. At present they (d)
––––– part in various sectors. Many women (e) ––––– in teaching.

build depend work improve prosper bear be
Our country is full of natural resources. Our progress (a) ––––– on the proper utilization of these
resources. Wasting time in idleness will not do. Our duty is to (b) ––––– up the country. For this all
of us (c) ––––– hard, because no nation (d) ––––– without industry. We (e) ––––– in mid that
industry is the key to success.
keep be enjoy read mean find take
A library (a) ––––– a collection of books on various subjects. The word ‘library’ is (b) ––––– from
the Latin word ‘libre’ which (c) ––––– a book. But in actual use, a library is a house where books are
(d) ––––– for (e) –––––.

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