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What are they?

Literary movements are marked by

shared traits of style, subject, and literary
genre. While literature predates this list of
movements, literary movements began in
the early modern period, well after the

It deepened appreciation of the

beauties of nature
A general exaltation of emotion over
reason and of the senses over
A turning in upon the self and a
heightened examination of human
personality and its moods and
mental potentialities
A preoccupation with the genius,
the hero, and the exceptional figure
in general and a focus on his or her
passions and inner struggles
A new view of the artist as a
Emphasized the individual, supremely individual creator, whose
the subjective, the creative spirit is more important
than strict adherence to formal rules
irrational, the imaginative,
and traditional procedures.
the personal, the An emphasis upon imagination as a
spontaneous, the gateway to transcendent experience
emotional, the visionary, and spiritual truth.
An obsessive interest in folk culture,
and the transcendental.
national and ethnic cultural origins,
and the medieval era.
A predilection for the exotic, the
remote, the mysterious, the weird,
the occult, the monstrous, the
diseased, and even the satanic.


Mary Shelley
John Keats
William Blake
Johann Wolfgang von Frankenstein
Goethe Wuthering Heights
Alexandre Dumas
Jane Eyre
Brönte Sisters: Charlotte,
The Marriage of Hell
Anne & Emily
Thomas de Quincey
and Heaven
William Wordsworth The Count of
Walter Scott Montecristo
Jane Austen Songs of Innocence
and of Experience
Pride and Prejudice

Modernism fostered a period of Fueled by industrialization

experimentation in the arts from and urbanization and by
the late 19th to the mid-20th the search for an authentic
century, particularly in the years response to a much-
following World War I. changed world.
In an era characterized by Sense of disillusionment
industrialization, the nearly and fragmentation.
global adoption of capitalism, A sense of disillusionment
rapid social change, and and loss pervades much
advances in science and the American Modernist fiction.
social sciences (e.g., Freudian That sense may be centred
theory), Modernists felt a on specific individuals, or it
growing alienation incompatible may be directed toward
with Victorian morality, American society or toward
optimism, and convention. New civilization generally
ideas in psychology, philosophy,
and political theory kindled a
search for new modes of


James Joyce
The Sound and the Fury
William Faulkner
The Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck
The Greath Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Of Mice and Men
Ernest Hemingway
The Sun also Rises
Gertrud Stein
Rubén Darío
Mrs. Dalloway
Virginia Woolf
A Farewell to Arms
T. S. Elliot
The Waste Land

literature looks at
the unpredictable Use of paradox,
world surrounding unreliable narrators,
it and simply unrealistic narratives,
parody and dark
decides that there humor.
was no meaning. It rejects the idea of a
single theme or
It celebrates the meaning, choosing
meaninglessness of instead to have many
the world and meanings or forgo
theme entirely.
embraces the
It blurs the line
obscure and the between high and low
nonsensical. It art and genre, as
literary works
blurres the lines
frequently use
between reality intertextuality,
and fiction, and has metafiction and
magical realism.
fun doing it.


Jorge Luis Borges The Library of Babel

Kurt Vonnegut Slaugtherhouse-five
Doris Lessing The Golden Notebook
Julio Cortázar Rayuela (Hopscotch)
Gabriela Mistral

Works that describe a distinctive Regionalism provided access

local geography and culture, to female, nonwhite, and
movements that value smaller- rural writers, who used the
scaled representations of place form in innovative and
over representations of broad empowering ways.
territorial range. It originated in the post-Civil
war era (1865).
Regionalism emerges from In the late 19th century, the
the perception of modern term gets used
geographic plurality; interchangeably with “local
writers and readers color” to designate stories set
understand a larger unit of in relatively undeveloped
space (commonly the areas, such as coastal New
national territory) to be England, the South, the
diversified at its periphery Midwest, and California.
according to topographical
features, economy, history,
dialect, and manners.


Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain Uncle Tom's Cabin
Flannery O'Connor The Country of the Pointed Firs
As I lay Dying
Sarah Orne Jewett Everything that Rises

Harriet Beecher Stowe

William Faulkner

The term naturalism describes a Naturalistic writers believed that

type of literature that attempts the laws behind the forces that
to apply scientific principles of govern human lives might be
objectivity and detachment to studied and understood
its study of human beings.
They studied human beings
governed by their instincts and
There are many defining
passions as well as the ways in
characteristics of literary
which the characters' lives
were governed by forces of
heredity and environment.
Surprissing twist
Ill-educated or lower-class
Some of the themes that naturalism characters whose lives are
covers are: governed by the forces of
heredity, instinct, and passion.
The "brute within" each individual,
composed of strong and often Their attempts at exercising
warring emotions: passions, such as free will or choice are
lust, greed, or the desire for hamstrung by forces beyond
dominance or pleasure; and the fight
their control
for survival in an amoral, indifferent
universe. The conflict in naturalistic
novels is often "man against nature"
or "man against himself" as
characters struggle to retain a
"veneer of civilization" despite
external pressures that threaten to
release the "brute within."
Nature as an indifferent force acting
on the lives of human beings.
The forces of heredity and
environment as they affect--and
afflict--individual lives.
An indifferent, deterministic
universe. Naturalistic texts often JOHN DOS PASOS
describe the futile attempts of JOHN STEINBECK
human beings to exercise free will,
often ironically presented, in this JOYCE CAROL OATES
universe that reveals free will as an ERNEST HEMINGWAY

The House of Mirth (1905)

The USA Trilogy (1938)
The Grapes of Wrath (1939)
Them (1969)
The Old Man and the Sea (1952)

"the faithful representation Renders reality closely and in

comprehensive detail. Selective
of reality" or presentation of reality with an
"verisimilitude" emphasis on verisimilitude, even at
the expense of a well-made plot.
Although strictly speaking,
realism is a technique, it also Character is more important than
action and plot; complex ethical
denotes a particular kind of choices are often the subject.
subject matter, especially the
representation of middle-class Characters appear in their real
complexity of temperament and
motive; they are in explicable relation
to nature, to each other, to their
social class, to their own past.
A reaction against
romanticism, an interest in Class is important; the novel has
scientific method, the traditionally served the interests and
aspirations of an insurgent middle
systematizing of the study of
documentary history, and the
influence of rational Events will usually be plausible.
Realistic novels avoid the sensational,
philosophy all affected the rise
dramatic elements of naturalistic
of realism. novels and romances.

Diction is natural vernacular, not

In American literature, the term
heightened or poetic; tone may be
"realism" encompasses the period of comic, satiric, or matter-of-fact.
time from the Civil War to the turn
of the century. Objectivity in presentation becomes
increasingly important.

Interior or psychological realism a

variant form.

Mark Twain
William Dean Howells
Rebecca Harding Davis

John W. DeForest Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie

George Eliot, Adam Bede, Middlemarch
Joseph Kirkland Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence, Ethan Frome
Émile Zola, Germinal

E. W. Howe
Hamlin Garland
Henry James


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Campbell, Donna M (2015=. "Realism in American Literature, 1860-1890." Literary Movements. Dept. of English, Washington State University

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The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (s. f.). Romanticism | Definition, Characteristics, Artists, History, Art, Poetry, Literature, & Music. Encyclopedia
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