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Curso de Gestão de Recursos Humanos

Avaliação 3 de Englesh

Effects of stress on the performance of employees

Paula Sairosse Viegas das Costas Xavier


Dra. Flora Simão Chihururu Tereso

Tete, Maio de 2023

1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 3

2. OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 3

2.1 General objective ................................................................................................................... 3

2.2 Specific objectives ................................................................................................................. 3

3. METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 3

4. EFFECTS OF STRESS ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE ................................................... 4

4.1 The vices ................................................................................................................................ 4

4.2 The Burnout Syndrome .......................................................................................................... 4

5. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 5

6. BIBLIOGRAFIA ......................................................................................................................... 6

Stress for Chiavenato (2010) is a concept closely related to the burden of disorders and
afflictions that certain events in the organization and the environment cause in people. It is a term
normally used to describe the symptoms produced by the organism in response to the tension
caused by the external pressures, situations and actions that people face.

Professional stress has been the subject of investigations during the last decades,
demonstrating the growing concern with company employees. For Hurrel (2005) stress is necessary
to mobilize individuals and important to drive each one to reach their goals. But when it is in excess
it becomes harmful to health.

For Robbins (2011) stress is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with
an opportunity, requirement or resource in relation to something he wants and whose outcome is
perceived, simultaneously, as important and uncertain.

2.1 General objective
• Know the effects of stress on employee performance
2.2 Specific objectives
• Conceptualize stress
• Describe effects of stress on employee performance

The present work was carried out from studies on the chosen theme, using bibliographical
research. This bibliographic research seeks to explain a problem based on theoretical references
published in books, scientific articles, dissertations and the internet.
According to Vergara (2000), it is a study based on materials that have already been published in
books, magazines, newspapers, electronic networks, and provide relevant information for the
development of the work.

BRUNNER (2000) cites as some indicators of stress: general irritability, hyperexcitement
or depression; fatigue, loss of interest; anxiety, impatience; gastralgia, gastric and intestinal
disorders (diarrhea, vomiting); irregularity in the menstrual cycle; anorexia; heart palpitations;
emotional instability; inability to concentrate; weakness or numbness; tension, tremors, nervous
tics; insomnia; muscle tension, migraine among others.
In April 2011, a survey by the University of Brasília was released, in which it was found that
more than one million Brazilians receive sick pay due to health problems caused by stress at work.
The most common problems were: depression, alcoholism, hypertension, headache, among others.
It was found that most companies do not know how to deal with psychological problems of
professionals (R7 NOTÍCIAS, 2011).

4.1 The vices

The stressed employee looks for an outlet for his anxiety and ends up thinking that drinking,
smoking and medication are the correct “answers”. Thus, in addition to not solving the problem
related to their stress, since addictions only momentarily alleviate the symptoms, the person under
stress acquires the illnesses related to them. (SERVAN-SCHREIBER, 2004).

4.2 The Burnout Syndrome

This syndrome is closely related to organizational stress:
Burnout syndrome, or professional burnout syndrome, is a psychic disorder described in
1974 by Freudenberger, an American physician. The disorder is registered in Group V of the ICD-
10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems). Its main
characteristic is the state of emotional tension and chronic stress caused by exhausting physical,
emotional and psychological work conditions. Professionals in the areas of education, health, social
assistance, human resources, penitentiary agents, firefighters, police officers and women who face
double shifts are at greater risk of developing the disorder.
The typical symptom of the Burnout syndrome is the feeling of physical and emotional
exhaustion that is reflected in negative attitudes, such as absences from work, aggressiveness,
isolation, sudden changes in mood, irritability, difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, anxiety,
depression, pessimism, low self-esteem. Headache, migraine, fatigue, sweating, palpitations, high
blood pressure, muscle aches, insomnia, asthma attacks, gastrointestinal disorders are physical
manifestations that may be associated with the syndrome (VARELLA, 2010, p. 1).
Stress at work has repercussions on the social life of employees, who often do not they don't
have time, due to the overload of work, nor disposition, due to tiredness, to go out, be distracted,
have some moments of leisure. Thus, friendships are impaired and so is the quality of life,
preventing the professional from regaining strength and having healthy contact with other
environments and people (VARELLA, 2010).
The family is usually the most affected by the work stress of one of its members. The stressed
employee comes home and tends to “dump” his stress, in the form of anxiety, impatience and anger,
onto his family members, giving rise to many fights and disagreements, which can increase the
number of divorces (LIPP, 2010).

When you do not get an adequate response to stressors and you are subjected to them for a
long time, this stress tends to aggravate pre-existing diseases or trigger others, for which the person
is genetically predisposed. Thus, the stressed body and mind respond to stressors in the form of
diseases, from the simplest such as an allergy, headache or poor digestion to a heart attack or
immunological decline, which can predispose to viruses, infections and even neoplasms.
It is important to emphasize that each person has a greater or lesser degree of sensitivity and
tolerance to stress and that, for this reason, they also respond differently to it. What is highly
stressful for some may not be a problem for others. Everything depends on the adaptation of the
individual, his heredity more or less vulnerable to stress, his habits and his way of looking at life.
One cannot ignore the danger of uncontrolled and prolonged stress for one's life, the advisable
thing is to face it in an adequate way, not denying the problem and looking for assertive means of
combating it. Occupational medicine is an effective tool for detecting and treating pathological

ALBERT, E. & URURAHY, G. Como se tornar um bom estressado. Rio de Janeiro: Salamandra
Consultoria Editorial ltda, 1997.
BALLONE, G. J. Estresse e Trabalho. In: PsiqWeb. Psiquiatria Geral. 2008. Disponível em:
<>. 2008.>. Acesso em: 20 set. 2014.
BERNIK, Vladimir. Stress: o assassino silencioso. Cérebro & Mente. Revista eletrônica de
divulgação científica em Neurociência. Número 3, Set/Nov, 1997. Disponível em:
<>. Acesso em: 10 set. 2014.
BRUNNER LS, Suddarth DS. Tratado de enfermagem médico-cirúrgica. Rio de Janeiro:
Guanabara Koogan; 2000.

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