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Alpen in Natur- und Lebensbildern (last ed., 1885, Eng.

evinced dislike of the food with which it was supposed to

AUTHORITIES. -- Among the voluminous literature on Alpine

the western watershed of the Nile, and on the north by a line

In common with most Socialists, the Anarchists recognize

14Includes farms operated by owners, part-owners and tenants, and managers.

barbarians. The Goths showed themselves not absolutely ruthless

de Henares contains a military academy and various public

Valley was held for a time only), while the latter added to

which the parts can have finite relative motions will lead

differentiated from C, took the place of the useless I.

History of the United States (1801 to 1817) (9 vols.,

size of ordinary baked bricks, and the larger ``adobines,''

first in May 1841 to Henrietta Mary, daughter of Charles

See Asser, Life of Alfred (W. H. Stevenson,

place, and the final number is represented by some power of

edited by F. Priebatsch (Leipzig, 1894-1898); J. G. Droysen,

mould left by the saint's body liquid plaster of Paris was

Shakespeare, who refused to be trammelled by merely arbitrary

a mountainous land was favourable to the culture of the vine

Samara, headquarters of the Protestant missionaries in the

abdominal operations, these cases were generally allowed

Col de la Goletta (Va Id'Isere to the Rhemes Valley), snow (C) . . 10,237

he went to Leyden, took the degree of M.D. (1780), and in

possession of the many, and is largely similar in the case of

stone with tough volcanic hammers and chisels, as well as rude

by treating algebra as concerned with functions, and Comte

properties far in excess of those of the constituent metals.

Nero's Vatican Gardens in 64) as a mere exception to the rule

Genua at least must have existed before the construction of

intellect from will. In this contemplation the mind is

AElred remained for some time as master of the novices, but

Churches; historical works; miscellaneous works. The number

tenancies were sought when vacant formed the best testimony

fuze to a base magazine containing a smoke-producing charge,

AMBROSIASTER. A commentary on St Paul's epistles, ``brief

stock-breeding. It was in particular the misfortunes of the

Arab revolt of 1871. Government lands were originally given

so by the foreign secretary who accompanied him, and these

portable. In the construction of such an instrument it is

support of seven vestal virgins, and the regular observance

ALFORD, HENRY (1810-1871), English divine and scholar,

pouring, infusion, used in connexion with the study of the

earthenware and cutlery. Brandy distilleries are numerous, and

near the city of Aberdeen, but throughout the rural districts

division, at the close of the first Burmese war of 1825--1826.

bicarbonate or whiting, and after being washed is collected

incomparably better than the old ones which they replaced, but

mountains that form the southern boundary of Siberia). In

grant of about 700,000 fr. It has also large vested funds in

AGNOIOLOGY (from Gr. agnoi-a, ignorance), the science or

du Chaillu having previously, as the result of journeys in

Pietro Antonelli was despatched to Shoa in order to improve

The Achaeans, on the other hand, were tall, fair-haired and

cellars and storehouses below. At H, also outside the monastic

Venice, in Holland and in Paris, where he attracted much

also a division of land into small portions for cultivation

which gives the corresponding nitro-alkyl. The nitro-alkyl is


constructed by the French, of which the routes nationales

to early New England literature its overwhelming ecclesiastical

ACME (Gr. akme, point), the highest point

Institute, founded in 1785; the cellular prison; and the

Roman colonization of 247 B.C., and was never of great

unmanned balloons (ballons sondes) equipped with automatic

The charges for these cases are made up in a very similar manner to

Mass of Algol . . . . . 4/9 solar mass.

afforded another opening, English traders smuggled. The

who have done the wrong, unless the claim be one arising out

by a solid skeletal axis. The oral hood with its cirri has a

War, he succeeded to the throne on the death of his father.

m. The district possesses many natural attractions, and

classed either as Christians or Jews, they were excluded from

given in Table XXII. it would appear that there is little

In central Alberta coarse grains---oats and barley----and some

4.7 volts; if, therefore, the current rises in tension,

AUTHORITIES. - O. Hamann, O. Jen. Zeitschr. xxv., 1891,

feet. They are overlain by the fossiliferous limestones of

advocate. This office has long been vacant. Advocate is

citizens. Subsequent modifications of those provisions

217). The kings of Taxila and Porus were at enmity, and for

as regards sea-borne merchandise, is carried on through the

a country of market gardens; but as the holdings are most

formation of esters. The basicity of an organic acid, as

French, and they were published anonymously in Paris in January

V., Madame Dubarry, Catherine II., Leontine,, Un duel sous

In Greek the symbol was used for both the long and the short

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