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8. Asbestos and lungs tumors. When laboratory rats are exposed to asbestos fibers, some of them develop lung tumors. The table lists the results of several experiments by different scientists. (a) Find the regression line for the data. (b) Make a scatter plot and graph the regression line. Does the regression line appear to be a suitable model for the data?. (c) What does the y-intercept of the regression line represent. ‘Asbestos exposure (fibers/mL) | Percent of mice that develop lung tumors 50 2 400 6 500 5 900 10 1100 26 1600 42 1800 37 2000 38 3000 50, 10. Growth of bacteria. Under a set of controlled laboratory conditions, the size of the population of a certain bacteria culture at time ¢ (in minutes) is described by the function P = 3¢? + 2¢ + 1. Find the rate of population growth at f = 10 min. 21, Drug dosage. The human body's reaction to a dose of medicine can be modeled by a function of the form F 1 3(KM? M) where Kis a positive constant and M is the amount of medicine absorbed in the blood. The derivative S a can be thought of as measure of the sensitivity of P » the body to the medicine. (a) Find the sensitivity S. (b) Find “2. = ©” and give aM ~ aN an interpretation of the second derivative. 23. Medicine. A tiny spherical balloon is inserted into a clogged artery and is inflated at the rate of 0.0027 mm/min, How fast is the radius of the balloon growing when the radius is R = 0.005 mm ?. [Note: A sphere of radius R has volume V = jr R°] 30. Blood flow. Physiologists have observed that the flow of blood from an artery into a small capillary is given by the formula F=kD’VA-C (cm/sec), where D is the diameter of the capillary, A is the pressure in the artery, C is the pressure in the capillary, and k is a positive constant. (a) By how much is the flow of blood F changing with respect to pressure C’ in the capillary if A and D are kept constant?. Does the flow increase or decrease with increasing C? . (b) What is the percentage rate of change of flow F with respect to A if C’ and D are kept constant. decay. The amount of a sample of a radioactive substance remaining, after ¢ years is given by a function of the form Q(t) = Qoe """". At the end of 5000 years, 200 grams of the substance remain. How many grams were present ially?, 39, Radioactive decay. The amount of a certain radioactive s 1 years is given by a function of the form Q(t) = Qe ™ Find the half-life of the substance, stance remaining after 40. Radioactive decay. The half-life of radium is 1600 years. How long will it take for 450 gram sample of radium to be reduced to $ grams ? 41, Radiology. Radioactive iodine" has a half-life of 20.9 hours. If injected into the bloodstream, the iodine accumulates in the thyroid gland. (a) After 24 hours, a medical technician scans a patient’s thyroid gland to determine whether thyroid function is normal. If the thyroid has absorbed all of the iodine, what percentage of the original amount should be detected? (I) A patient returns to the medical clinic 25 hours after having received an injection of '*/, The medical technician scans the patient's thyroid gland and detects the presence of 41,3 % of the original iodine. How much of the original '**/ remains in the rest of the patient’s body’, 42, ‘Temperatura. La temperatura de una persona es dada por la funcién f(t) gra- dos Fahrenheit ¢ dfas después de adquirir una enfermedad que dura 10 dias, donde S(t) = 98.6 + 1.21 — 0.1247, (a) determine la tasa de variacién de la temperatura con respecto al tiempo. ()) tasa de variacién a los 3 dias y 8 dfas. (c) trace la gratfi- ca de la temperatura, estime la temperatura méxima y para que tiempo ocurre esta maxima temperatura. 52. Desintegracién, Just before noon the body of a victim of an alleged homicide is found inside a house that is kept at a constant temperature of 21 ° Celsius, at twelve o'clock the body temperature is about 27 ° C and one o'clock in the afternoon has dropped to 24° C. If we consider that the temperature of the body at death is 37 ° C and that it has cooled according to Newton's cooling law. Determine the time at which that person was killed. 80. Concentracién de un medicamento en el torrente sanguineo, La concentracién del medicamento A en el torrente sanguineo de un paciente t horas después la in- yeeciGn est dada por: 0.75¢ + 0.1 25¢+84 miligramos por centimetro eibico (mg/cm*). (a) Si la dosis se administro a las 7 am., cual es la dosis en el torrente sangufneo a las 11 a.m. del mismo dfa?. (5) ual es la concentracién de medicamento a las 3 p.m. ?. (c) Qué sucede con la dosis de medicamento en el torrente sangusneo pasadas varias horas después de su aplicacién? Qué haria para justificar su respuesta?. cw = 145. Reaccién a una droga. La reaccién a dos drogas como funcién del tiempo (horas) esté dada por Ri(t)=te', — Re(t) = te? (a) En un programa en computadora plotear la grafica de , y Ry para un tiempo 1 > 0. (b) qué droga tiene la reaccién maxima mayor?. 146. Reaccidn a una droga. La reaccién a una droga en el tiempo t después de haber sido administrada esté dada por R(t) = (.e~‘. (a) En un programa en computadora plotear la grifica de f para un tiempo f > 0. (b) En qué momento la reaccién es méxima 2. 150. Half-life. The half-life of Strontium — 90 is 28 days. (a) A sample has a mass of $0 mg initially. Find a formula for the mass remaining after ¢ days. ()) Find the mass remaining after 40 days. (c) What is the rate of decay after 40 days? (d) How long does it take the sample to decay to a mass of 2 mg ? (e) Sketch the graph of the mass function, 155. Blood alcohol concentration. We discussed an experiment in which the average BAC of eight male subjects was measured after consumption of 15 mL of ethanol (corresponding to one alcoholic drink). The resulting data were modeled by the concentration function C(t) = 0,0225te-O" where ¢ is measured in minutes after consumption and C is measured in mg/raL. (a) How rapidly was the BAC increasing after 10 minutes ? (b) How rapidly was itdecreasing half an hour later ? 170. Investigation. In a murder investigation, the temperature of the corpse was 32,5” C. atl 1:30 pm and 30,3” C an hour later. Normal boyd temperature is 37,0° C and the temperature of the surroundings was 20,2” C. When did the murder take place? 171, Temperature. When a cold drink is taken from a refrigerator, its temperature is 5” C. After 25 minutes in a 20° C room its temperature has increased to 10° C. @) What is the temperature of the drink after 50 minutes? b) When will its temperature be 15" ©?

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