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5/30/23, 10:36 AM How to Grow Spirulina at Home: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

How to Grow Spirulina at Home

Co-authored by wikiHow
Last Updated: September 26, 2022 Approved
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that’s loaded with nutrition: protein, antioxidants, and
numerous vitamins and minerals. It is a simple organism that grows easily in warm water.
However, because algae can absorb toxins found in the environment, some people opt to
grow their own spirulina at home in safe and controlled conditions. Others simply prefer the
taste and texture of fresh spirulina. Once you have a few supplies set up, your spirulina
colony will pretty much take care of itself.

Part 1 of 3:
1 Gathering Supplies
Get a tank. Most home growers find that a standard size aquarium is perfectly
1 adequate as a space to grow spirulina in. A tank that size will supply a family of
four with plenty of spirulina.
You can grow spirulina in larger tanks, or even in a basin or pool outdoors (if you
live in a warm climate). However, it will be easier to manage the spirulina culture
indoors in a small tank.

Gather harvesting equipment. A spirulina colony can appear thick, but it’s
2 mostly water. Once it’s ready to eat or use, you’ll want to squeeze out the excess
water. For most home growers who will want to use only a small amount of fresh
spirulina at a time, a fine cloth or mesh will work just fine. In addition, you'll need a
scoop to get the spirulina out of the tank.
If you want to harvest larger amounts of spirulina to dry, get a larger supply of
fine cloth or mesh to make things easier.

Purchase minerals to encourage algal growth. Trying to grow spirulina in

3 plain water won’t necessarily lead to great results. To have an optimal colony, 1/5
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you’ll need to add specific minerals. You don’t have to be an expert, though--you can
buy premixed mineral “food” for spirulina from health and organic stores as well as
online. Make sure that it contains:
Sodium bicarbonate
Magnesium sulfate
Potassium nitrate
Citric acid
Calcium chloride
Iron sulfate
Ammonium sulfate

Buy a spirulina culture. To get your own spirulina colony going, you’ll need a bit
4 of live spirulina as a starter. Check with your local or favorite online health food
or organic supplies store and ask for a spirulina starter kit.
Spirulina starter cultures are usually as simple as a bottle containing spirulina
algae in its medium (water).
Buy spirulina cultures only from sources you trust. Since spirulina can absorb
heavy metals and other toxins, you want to ensure that the starter supply has
come from a safe source.

Part 2 of 3:
2 Preparing Your Tank
Position your tank in a warm, bright place. If possible, set your tank so that it
1 is near a south-facing window that gets lots of sunshine. Spirulina algae need
plenty of light and warmth to grow well.
Some spirulina growers use artificial light, but results will be better with natural

Prepare your medium. Spirulina growers refer to the “medium” the algae grows
2 in, but this really just means the water in the tank, with the mineral “food” added.
Fill your tank with filtered water, and add the mineral mix according to the package
You can run tap water through a standard faucet filter (such as a Brita or Pur
filter), and use this for your tank.
If your water is chlorinated, you should de-chlorinate it using supplies found at
aquarium supply stores. 2/5
5/30/23, 10:36 AM How to Grow Spirulina at Home: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Check the temperature of the medium. Ideally, the temperature in your tank
3 should be around 35°C (95 F), but above 38°C (100.4 F) is too warm. Use an
aquarium thermometer to make sure your tank will provide the right temperature for
your spirulina.
Spirulina can tolerate lower temperatures without dying, but will do best in warm
If your tank is too cold, you can warm it with an aquarium heater, which can be
found at an aquarium supply or pet store.[2]

Add the spirulina starter. You should follow the exact instructions that come
4 with your bottle of spirulina starter to be sure, but usually it’s simple to add the
starter culture. Generally, you just pour one half to three-fourths of the bottle into the
medium in your tank.

Part 3 of 3:
3 Maintaining Your Spirulina
Watch your spirulina colony grow. At first, your spirulina colony will seem thin,
1 but over time it will thicken and expand in size. Most of the time, you won’t have
to do anything to your colony other than let it grow!
If your colony doesn’t seem to be growing well, test the pH of your tank, which
should be around 10 when the spirulina is harvestable. If the pH is off, you may
need to add more mineral “food.”
You can find pH test strips at aquarium supply stores or online.

Agitate the tank occasionally. Your spirulina will need oxygen to thrive. Some
2 growers will use an aquarium pump to ensure a supply of oxygen, but this isn’t
strictly necessary. To help air get into the water of your tank, you can simply stir the
medium occasionally.

Harvest your spirulina after about 3-6 weeks. Once your spirulina is thriving,
3 you can start taking some out to consume. All you have to do is scoop some out!
Most people find that about a spoonful of spirulina at a time is enough if you are
consuming it fresh.

Filter your spirulina through a fine cloth. Place the spirulina you took from
4 your tank onto the cloth. Hold it over a sink or bowl and gently squeeze out the
excess water. You’ll be left with a thick green paste. Use this fresh spirulina in
smoothies, top your favorite foods with it, or enjoy it all by itself! 3/5
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Replenish the spirulina colony's food. Each time you take some spirulina out
5 of your tank, make sure to add a bit of the mineral mixture back in, in about
equal measure. For instance, if you take out a tablespoon of spirulina, add about a
tablespoon of the medium back in.

Community Q&A

How do I increase/decrease the pH of water?

Top Answerer

To increase the pH of water, you can add sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). To

decrease the pH of water, simply add vinegar.


I have a water ionizer to make alkaline water - do I need to put minerals in the

Community Answer

It would be a good idea. Spirulina, like other living organisms, requires a variety of
minerals to sustain life. A water ionizer alone will not provide all these.


Where can I sell spirulina?

Community Answer

You can sell it at your local farmer's market, or perhaps on eBay or Etsy.

See more answers 4/5
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