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DP CHAPTER 2 | Character Races = Ambitious, driven, pragmatic—a race of heroes, and also a race of villains RACIALTRAITS ‘Average Height: 5’ 6°-5° 2” ‘Average Weight: 135-220 lb, Ability Scores: #2 ‘0 one ability score of your choice Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Vision: Normal Languages: Common, choice of one other Bonus At Will Power: You know one extra Ist level at ‘will attack power from your class. Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat at Ist level. You must meet the feats prerequisites. Bonus Skill: You galn training in one additional sil from your class ski list, Human Defense Bonuses Will defenses +1 to Forticude, Reflex, and (Of.all the civilized races, humans are the most adapt able and diverse, Human settlements can be found almost anywhere, and human morals, customs, and interests vary greatly. Play a human if you want 4 tobe a decisive, resourceful hero with enough determination to face any challenge + tohave the most versatility and flexibility of any race. + tobe able to excel at any class you choose PHYSICAL QUALITIES Humans come in a wide variety of heights, weights, ‘and colors. Some humans have black or dark brown, skin, others are as pale as snow, and they cover the whole range of tans and browns in between. Their hair Is black, brown, or a range of blonds and reds. Their eyes are most often brown, blue, or hazel. ‘Human attire varies wildly, depending on the envi ronment and society in which they live. Their clothing can be simple, ostentatious, or anything in between, I’snot unusual for several distinct human cultures to live side by side in a particular area and mingle, so human armor, weaponry, and other items incorporate variety of designs and motif Humans average life spans of about 75 years, ‘though some venerable members ofthe race live as long as 90 or more years. PLAYING A HUMAN Humans are decisive and sometimes rash. They explore the darkest reaches of the world in search of knowledge and power. They hurl themselves into danger, dealing with consequences as they arise. They act first and ponder later, trusting their will to prevail and their native resourcefulness to see them through perilous situations, ‘Humans always look to the horizon, secking to expand their influence and their territory. They chase power and want to change the world, for good or for ill Their settlements are among the brightest lights in dark and untamed world, and humans constantly. seek to explore new lands and settle new frontiers. Their selfreliance and bravery inclines humans toward martial classes such as fighter, warlord, and rogue, They often prefer to find hidden reserves of strength in themselves rather than trust to the magic of wizards or clerics. That said, humans tend to be a pious race, worship: ing the whole pantheon of gods. Their myths name no ‘god as the creator ofthe race, Some tales say the gods worked together to create them, infusing them with the best qualities ofeach race that had come before, Other tales say that humans were the creation of a god whose name is no longer known, a god killed in the war against ‘the primordials or perhaps assassinated by another deity (Asmodeus and Zehir are often accused of the deed). Humans are tolerant of other races, different beliefs, and foreign cultures. Most human settlements are diverse places where different races live together in relative peace. The human empire of Nerath, the last great world power, united many different peoples. Most of the human towns that have survived the empire’ fall are fortified bastions against the encroaching darkness. When elven forests are razed or dwarven mines overrun, the survivors often flee to ‘the nearest human town for protection. Despite the far reach and power of Nerath, humans 4n the present day are a scattered and divided people. Dozens of small kingdoms, fefdoms, and free cities have arisen from Nerath's ruins, and many of these realms are petty, weak, or isolated. Tensions and misunderstandings among them often precipitate ski rishes, espionage, betrayal, and even open warfare. Zz < 2 Human Characteristics: Adaptable, ambitious, bold, corruptible, creative, driven, hardy, pragmatic resourceful, territorial, tolerant Male Names:Alin Alek Benn,BrndisDonn, Drew Bt Gregg Tomn Kee Mare kl Pte Rear inn Sm, Fo, Wi Female Names: Ana, Cassi, Hiza, Gwenn, Jenn, Kat, Keira, Luusi, Mari, Mika, Miri, Stasi, Shawna, Zanne HumMAN ADVENTURERS Tree sample human adventurers are described below. Brandis isa human fighter, a mercenary who has sold his sword arm to every baronet, duke, and prince Jing from the mountains tothe coast. His armor is practical, lacking any decoration, and his sword is intended only for batl, not asa mark of prestige. He prays daily tothe Raven Queen~not out of devotion but because he knows that death s inevitable and he hopes to postpone tas long as possible, He began adventuring after a mission ended in disaster. His sol thiee companions were all dead, and he was captired ty hobgoblins and held for a ransom that no one cared enough to pay. Te joined the band of adventurers that slew the hobgoblins. He as since found adventuring both more lucrative and more satisfying than his pre vious ie ‘Mari isa human ranger, her eyes always on the horizon, She is driven by « passion for explration and ‘ove of new places. She dreams of ultimately estab- lishing a new settlement ina place where people can live in peace and freedom. She prays to Avandra for protection in her wandering and to Erathis for help in achieving ber dream. She is aware of her H's com tradiction: She isa creature ofthe wildemess, but her dream isto tame and cultivate it A par of her won: ders whether she would be able to sete in the village she dreams of founding. ‘Thom is a htman wand, and his one desire is for power. He adventures in earch of arcane lore and Ancient artifacts that will increase his mastery af magic. He prays to Ioun because he sees knowledge as the key to power, but he is also drawn to Veena, won dering what power the god of secrets might offer him imexchange for his devotion CHAPTER 3 | Character Races

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