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Eucharistic Procession Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ HOC FACIT IN MEAM COMMEMORATIONEM | Name of Diocese or Parish Here —Delete this page before printing— Instructions: ¢ This booklet template contains many contents that are available for use in preparing a Eucharistic Procession booklet and participation aid. Contents may be added or removed as needed. * To move any page within the document, click the up and down arrows in the top right corner of the page. © To delete any page, click the trash can icon in the upper right corner of the page. To add a page, click the plus icon. e Enter your Diocese or Parish on the cover page with any other needed information. ¢ Add to the introduction with any instructions you may want to offer, in addition to any contextual notes throughout the booklet. * Place the hymns and antiphons in the sequence in which they should be sung during the procession. For ease of use, more hymns and chants are included here than are likely needed. Delete any music or pages that will not be sung. ¢ Upload your own music by clicking "Uploads" in the left sidebar, and then "Upload Media". Click on or drag any uploaded images from the Uploads tab to insert them in this booklet. ¢ To export this booklet for printing, click "Share" in the upper right corner, and then Download as a PDF for Print. Produced for the National Eucharistic Revival by Source & Summit using the Source & Summit Digital Platform (to start a free 30-day trial for your parish, visit Allantiphon settings composed by Adam Bartlett © 2022 Source & Summit. All rights reserved. To learn more, visit All hymns taken from the Source & Summit Digital Platform. To learn more, visit Excerpts from the English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, second typical edition, Copyright © 1970, 1986, 1997, 1998, 2001 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Cover Art: Christ the Priest, 2022, by Ruth A. Stricklin, New Jerusalem Studios, Phoenix ( © 2022 by Source & Summit PO Box 1945, Englewood, CO 80150 (888) 462-7780 gL source, summit Introduction Add introduction and instructions for the procession here... First Station Lam the living bread that came down from heaven. 7-51 John 6 All kncel for a moment of silent adoration. Jesus said to the crowds: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him, and I will raise him on the last day. It is written in the prophets: / They shall all be taught by God. /Everyone who listens to my Father and learns from him comes to me. Not that anyone has seen the Father except the one who is from God; he has seen the Father. Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life. Iam the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died; this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my Flesh for the life of the world.” ¥ The Gospel of the Lord. & Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop / Priest: Let us pray. O God, who in this wonderful sacrament have left us a memorial of your Passion, grant us, we pray, so to revere the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood that we may always experience in ourselves the fruits of your redemption. Who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. % Amen. (Collect for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ) Second Station They all ate and were satisfied. Mark 6: 34; 39-44 All kncel for a moment of silent adoration. When Jesus saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. So he gave orders to have them sit down in groups on the green grass. The people took their places in rows by hundreds and by fifties. Then, taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; he also divided the two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied. And they picked up twelve wicker baskets full of fragments and what was left of the fish. Those who ate of the loaves were five thousand men. ¥ The Gospel of the Lord. & Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop / Priest: O God, life of the faithful, glory of the humble, blessedness of the just, listen kindly to the prayers of those who call on you, that they who thirst for what you generously promise may always have their fill of your plenty. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. % Amen. (Collect for Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter) Third Station Do this in memory of me. Matthew 26: 26-29 All kncel for a moment of silent adoration. While they were cating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples said, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, from now on I shall not drink this fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it with you new in the kingdom of my Father.” ¥ The Gospel of the Lord. B® Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop / Priest: O God, who by the Precious Blood of your Only Begotten Son have redeemed the whole world, preserve in us the work of your mercy, so that, ever honoring the mystery of our salvation, we may merit to obtain its fruits. ‘Through our lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. » Amen, (Collect for Votive Mass of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ) Fourth Station They recognized Jesus in the breaking of bread. Luke 24: 28-35 All kncel for a moment of silent adoration. [The two disciples] urged him, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them. And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight. ‘Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us?” So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem where they found gathered together the Eleven and those with them who were saying, “The Lord has truly been raised and has appeared to Simon!” Then the two recounted to them what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of bread. ¥ The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop / Priest: O God, who have accomplished the work of human redemption through the Paschal Mystery of your Only Begotten Son, graciously grant that we, who confidently proclaim, under sacramental signs, the Death and Resurrection of Christ, may experience continued increase of your saving grace. ‘Through our lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. » Amen. (Collect for the Votive Mass of the Most Holy Eucharist) Eucharistic Antiphons I Am the Living Bread Mode 1 Jn 6: 51-RM Tam the liv - ing bread from heav-en, says the Lord. Who-ev - er cats this bread will live for ev - ets the v - bread I shall give is my flesh for the life of the world. I Am the True Vine Mode 8 Jn 15:5 i — Iam the trae vine and you are the branch-cs. . Who-ev - er re-mains in me, and I in him, bears fruit in plen-ty, al -le-lu-ia, al -le - lu-ia. Simple Response: Qe 4 6 te ° I am the true vine and you are the branch-es, says Taste and See Mode3 Ps34(33)9 SS Taste and see that the Lord is good; bless -ed the b— 1 6 a man who seeks ref -uge in him. Simple Response: ee ee Taste and see that the Lord is good. This is the Body Mode 8 1 Cor 11: 24-25 b : = This is the Bod-y that will be giv-en up for yous this is the Chal-ice of the new cov-e-nant in my Blood, 4 6 . won . 9 - says the Lord. Simple Response: Do this, when-ev-er you re-ceive it, in mem-o - ry of me. They Ate and Had Their Fill Mode 1 GE Ps78 (77): 29-30 They ate and had their fill, and what they craved the Lord gave them; they were not dis-ap-point-ed in what they craved. You Have Given Us, O Lord Mode 5 Wis 16:20 Fe You have giv-en us, O Lord, bread from heavy -en, en - oo ey eT es dowed with all de-lights and sweet -ness in eve -ry taste. Simple Response: o- ee ee eee v oe You have giv-en us, O Lord, bread from heavy - en. The Bread that I Will Give Mode 1 Jn 6:52 The bread that I will give, is my flesh for the life of the world. Whoever Eats My Flesh and Drinks My Blood Mode 6 Who-ev -er eats my flesh and drinks my blood te - mains in me and I in him, says the Lord. Hymns Adoro Te Devote ——— SS 1 A-dé-ro te de-vo - te, la - tens Dé-i - tas, Que 2. Vi-sus, tac - tus, gus - tus in te fal -li - tur, Sed 3. In cu-ce la-té - bat so - a Dé-i - tas, At 4 Pla-gas, si - cut Tho-mas, non in - th-e - or: De- 5. © me-mo~ri- 4 - le mor-tis Dé-mi-ni! Pa - 6. Pi-e Pe -li- ch - ne, Ie - su Dé-mi-ne, Me 7. Te - su, quem ve - ld - tum nunc as - pi-ci-0, O- ——— i. sub his fi - ga - ris ve -re M-ti- tas Ti-bi se cor 2. au-df-t so - lo tm - to eré-di- tur. Cre-do quid- quid 3. hic la - tet si - mul et Hu-mé-ni- tas, Am-bo ta - men 4, um ta-men me - um te con-fi -te-or. Fac me ti - bi 5. nis vi-vus, vi - tam pras-tans hé-mi-nil Pre-sta me - & 6. im-min-dum mun-da tm - 0 — sin-gui-ne: Cu-ius u - na 7. 0, fi-at il - lud quod tam si -ti-o: Ut te te - ve- me - um to-tum stib-i - cit, Qui-a te con-tém-plans to - di - xit_ De F{ -li - us; Nil hoc ver-bo ve = ri ~ cre -dens at - que cén-fi- tens, Pe-to quod pe - tt - vit sem ~ per ma-gis cré-de-re, In te spem ha - bé - re, men-ti de te vi-ve-se, Et te il - li sem-per stil - la sal-vum ff - ce - re To-tum mun-dum quit ab Ko - 2 cer-nens fi-ci-e, Vi-su sim be-4 - tus tum dé - fi - cit. tis vé - ri - us. tro - ni - tens. di - i - ge - re. NAM en ipa eee . ’ . . G : H wl ce ni scé -le - re. ze glo-ri- 2 A - men, Texe Se Thoms Aquinas Mad: ADORO TE DEVOTE 1.11.11 ModeS; Ago ead Melody Pols Doni, u- la - te dul- om- tu- Alleluia, Sing to Jesus 4 the scep - ter, we left in on earth our the Lord of pews et eee T 7 T His the vic -to- ry a ~ lone. Hark! The songs of Faith be - lieves, nor ques - tions how. Though the cloud from Fle to you from day today. In - ter ces ~ sor, Earth your foot-stool, heav’n your throne. You with-in the lee ater ieee + + + peace -ful Zi - on Thun - der like a might-y flood: sight re - ceived him, When the for - ty days were otr: Friend of sin - ners, Earth’s Re-deem-er, plead for me, veil have en - tered, Robed in flesh, our great High Priest, ee ee ee f f “Je - sus out of ev - ey Shall our hearts for - get his Where the songs of all the Here on earth both Priest and Ste deemed us by his blood.” with you ev - er - more”? cross the crys -tal_ sea. eu - cha-ris - tic feast. REDS HORS Rw DP POS Re PHOS BED HES ap Hee “ar: Wiliam C.D. Mody HVFRYDOI, 87.47 Rowland Phd Tex and doy Pale Doma Ave Verum Corpus A - ve ve-rum Cor-pus na-tum de Ma-ri -a Vir - Ole = “ gi-ne: Ve - re pas-sum, im~-mo-Id - tum in cru-ce pro oo , ele e Cu-ius la - tus per-fo - 14 - tum flu - xit ——— Esto no-bis pre-gus-t - oop tee © Ie-su dul - hi 4 Ie-su pi - & O Te - su fi- li Ma- Tene 1h Latin. Meloy: AVE VERUM CORPUS, let, Mae Ann. Tet nd Meloy: Palic Doma, Canta Lengua Jubilosa 7 * oe f 1. Can-ta len - gua ju-bi - lo - sa El mis - te - rio 2. De Ma-si - a vir-gen pu-ra Pa-ra = dar-se - 3. En la ce - na pos-tri- mera Has-tacl n_ lle - 4. Con pa-k - bra po-de-ro-sa El Ver - bo hi - 5. A tan gran-de sa -cra-men-to Rin-da - mos a - A Dios Pa - dre so-be-ra-no Ya su Hi-jo 1. del al - tar, De a san-gre ge - ne - ro - sa 2. nos na - cid, Ha - bi-tan-doen nues-tro mun-do 3. v6 sua-mor, Ob - ser-van-do to - doel_ ti - to 4 jo de Dios, En su cuer-poy en susan ~ gre, 5. do-ra-cidn Queen ~ gu-mas a - nun-cian-do 6 el Se-for A - k-ban-zay glo -rige-ter -~ nas 6 to. 2 2 8 lg oe f i — SF ae 1 oY del cuer-po ques man-jar, Los dioel Rey de 2, Co - moher-ma-no nos ha-blé, Y su pa-soen 3. Queen la Ley se pres -cti - bid, Hi-zo su cuer- 4. Pan vi - no trans-for-m6, Los sen - ti - dos 5. Ple - na - men-te se cum-plid, Ve-ne - re - mos 6 Ein - ce - san-te ben - di - cién, Yal Es - pi - i - 1. las na - cio-nes Pa - rael mun-do res - ca - tar. 2. tre mo - so-tros En pro - di - gio ter - mi-né. 3. po co - mi-da Ya los do - ce seen -tre-gé. 4. no lo_en -tien-den, Mas la fe lo re - ci - bid. 5. el mis-te-rio Con hk fe del co ~ ra - 26n. 6 uw Di-vi-no E - ter - nos him-nos de a “Tex Sat Tre Agulng OFT deco. Meloy ST-THOMAS (WADE) 87877 Joha F. We. Tx and Moy: Pultl Doma Canta Lengua Jubilosa Oe 1. Can-ta len-gua ju-bi-lo - sa El mis-te - rio del 2 De Ma-ri -a vir-gen pu - ra Pa - ra dar-se - nos 3. En la cena pos-tri-me - ra Has-tacl n__Ile - v6 4. Con pa-la - bra po-de-ro - sa El Ver-bo hi - jo 5. A tan gran-de sa - cra-men-to Rin - da-mos a - do- 6 A Dios Pa-dre so-be-ra - no Ya su Hi-jo dl ———— at To al- ta, De a san-gre ge-ne-ro-sa Y del 2. na-cid, Ha - bi - tan-doen nucs-tro mun-do Co - mo_her 3. sua-mor, Ob - ser-van-do to-do! ri - to Queen la 4, de Dios, En su cuer-poy en su san-gre, Pan y 5. 1a -cién Queen - gu-ras a - nun-cian-do Ple - na - 6 Se-fior A - la-ban-zay glo-riae-ter-nas Ein - ce - ~- *S ee 1. cuer-po man-jar, Los dio.el Rey de las na - cio -nes 2. ma-no nos ha- bl, Y su pa-so.en-tre no - so - tros 3. Ley se pres - cri - bié, Hi- zo su cuer-po co - mi- da 4 vi - no trans-for-mé, Los sen - ti - dos no loen-tien-den, 5. men-te se cum-plié, Ve -ne - re - mos el mis-te - rio 6 san-te ben - di - cién, Yal Es - pf -ri- tu Di-vi-no 1. Pa-rael_mun-do res - ca - tar, 2. En pro-di - gio ter - mi -né 3. Ya los do - ce seen -tre - g6. 4 Mas a fe lo re - ci - bid, 5. Con la fe del co - ra - z6n, 6 E - ter-nos him-nos de a - mor. A - mén, “Tex Sit Tm de Aqua OF Te dco. Mao: PANGE LINGUA, 870 ode Ano, Text and May: Pue Doi, Con Devoto Anhelo Con de - vo - toa-nhe - lo ven-goa ti, Se - fior. Ha~ Vis - ta, tac-toy gus - to po-co nos val-drin; mas Sien la Cruz seo-cul - ta m_ di - vi - ni - dad, a - Sin ver las he ~ ri - das, que To-més mi- 16, Dios Pan que nos re - cuer - das del Se - fior la cruz Pan So - mos pe - ca - do ~ res, oh Se - fior Je - sissy Sien el Pan yel Cé - liz hoy o - cul-toes-tiés, pue- NOY REN i. cia tiome Ile ~ van 2 la fe nos di - ce 3. qui noa-pa-re - ce ni tuhu-ma-ni - dad. Am - bas con - 4. y Se-fior mi -0 te con-fie-so yo. Haz que ca - 5. 6 7. gran-de - la san - que das al hom-bre nue-va_ vi-day luz, Quien de ti po - dris sal -var - nos so -la-men-te ti. La - ve - nos . daal fin sin ve - los con-tem-phr tu faz y que de zao-cul - ta quie-ro con-tem-plar ba - jo las es ~ pe - cies 1, 2 ta Ce-na tu pa-la-brao-bré es - te gran pro-di - gio 3. fe - san- do pi-do-te per-dén por to - das mis cul - pas, 4, da di - a crez-can més en mi la fe, Ines-pe-ran - 2a 5. se onu- tre ya no mo-ri-ré y la luz e - ter- na 6 tu sangre de to-da mal-dad; San-gre que re - di - me 7. tu glo - ria to-do.el res -plan-dor go -ce.e-ter - na - men - te Oe les 1. del vi-noy del pan. 2. dig-no de twa-mor. 3. co-mo.el buen la - drén, 4 yea - mora th 5. 6. 7. lo transfor ~ ma - ri. a lahu-ma - ni - dad. jun-toa ti, Se -fior. A - mén, Ten Sut Terie Agn Te dona Meld: ADORO TE DEVOTE, 1111.1, Made Anon. Tetapd Mea: Pte Domain Godhead Here in Hiding 1. God - head here in hid - ing, whom I do a ~ dore, 2. See - ing, touch - ing, tast - ing are in thee de -ceived: 3. On the cross thy God-head made no sign to men, 4 1 am not like Thom-as, wounds I can-not see, 5. © thou our re - mind-er of Christ cru-ci ~ fied, 6 Bring the ten - der tale true of the Pel -i ~ can; 7. Je ~ sus, whom I look at shroud-ed here be ~ low, 1. Masked by these bare shad-ows, shape and noth- ing more, 2. How says trust - y hear ing? that shall be —_ be-liceved; 3. Here thy ver - y — man-hood steals from hu - man ken: 4, But can plain - ly call thee Lord and God as he; 5. Liv - ing Bread, the life of us for whom he died, 6. Bathe me, Je - sus Lord, in what thy bos - om ran 2 1 be - seech thee, send me what I thirst for so, 1. See, Lord, at thy ser - vice low lies here a heart Lost, 2. What God's Son has told me, take for truth I dos Truth 3. Both are my _con-fes ~sion, both are my belief, And 4. This faith each day deep-er be my hold - ing of, Dai - 5. Lend this life to me then: feed and feast my mind, There 6. Blood where-of a sin - gle drop has pow’r to win All 7. Some day to gaze on thee face to face in light And ee 1. all lost in won - der at the God thou art. 2. himself speaks tru - ly or there’s.noth- ing true. 3. I pry the pry - er of the ~~ dy ~ ing thief. 4. ly make me hard - er hope and dear -er —_ove. 5. be thou the sweet - ness man was meant to find, 6. the world for - give - ness of its world of sin. 7. be blest for ev - er with thy glo - ry’s_ sight. o" . 4 7. A - men. “ed dete St Thomas Agu Te Grr Mop 8). Mad: ADORO TEDEVOTE, 1111.1 Mode5; Anon Tetand Seley Fae Die Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All { 4 | < t SS SS ES = 1. Je - sus, my Lord, my God, my all, 2 Had I but Mar - y's sin - less heart 3. Thy Bod-y, Soul and God - head, all; 4, Sound, then, his prais - es high - er still, se - ote: How can I love thee as I ought? And how re - With which to love thee, dear - est King, Oh, with what O mys - ter-y of love di - vin I can - not And come, ye an - gels, to our aid; For this is : HRS vere this won-drous gift, So. far sur - pas-sing hope or bursts of fer - vent praise, Thy good-ness, Je - sus, would I com - pass all I have, For all thou hast and art is God, the ver - y God Who hath both men and an - gels = + se r t = thought? sing. mine. made. Sweet Sac-ra-ment, we thee a - dore; Oh, make us love thee more and more. Oh, make us love thee more and more, “Ta Fe W Fiber Melody SWEET SACRAMENT, 8888 (LM) with 10h Grn Texan Ned Pc Doin Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence |. Let all mor - tal flesh King of kings, yet born of, Mar - y, . Rank on rank the host of heav - en At his feet the six - winged ser. -_aph, 1 2 3. 4. b (= typed . And with fear and trem-bling stand; Pon - der noth - ing As of old on earth he stood, Lord of lords, in Spreads its van-guard on the way, As the Light of, Cher - u - bim with sleep -less eye, Veil’ their fac - es os a fe eo + carth-ly mind-ed, For with bless -ing in his hand, hu - man ves -ture, In the Bod-y and the Blood; light de - scend-eth From the realms of end - less day, 1 2. 3 4. 9 % 1 2 3. 4. tw the _pres-ence, As with cease -less voice they cry: 9 1, 2 3 4 —s 2 J = Christ our God to earth de eth, He will give to all the fal That the pow's of hell — may ish “Al -de-lu - ia, Al - Ie ~ - ia, E oe * * ertes 1. Our full hom-age to de - mand, 2. His own self for heav’n -ly food. 3. As the dark-ness clears a - way. 4 Al-le - lu - ia, Lord Most High!” “et Cheb Hy, Lit of James he Grek Gerad Messe Melody: PICARDY, 877.87, Ta Fee Tet and Maly Pale ‘Bom O Sacrament Most Holy = dore thee, Who, in thy love di - 1. 0 Je-sus, we a 2.0 Je-sus, we a - dore thee, Our Vic - tim and our 3. O Je-sus, we a - dore thee, Our Sav - ior and our 4, O Je-sus, we a - dore thee; Come, live in us we f pe f I} 2 —+ : od vine, Con - ceal thy — might - y God - head In Priest, Whose pre-cious Blood and Bod - y Be - King, And with the saints and an - gels. Our pray, That all our thoughts and ac - tions Be s é o# - i - = ese ee forms of bread and wine. come our sa - cred feast. humble homage. bring, ©. S#-F-ment_most ho - ly, O thine a - lone to - day. ‘ ah see ° on « os + we 7 Sac-ra-ment di - vine, All praise and all thanks-giv -ing Be eve -ry_mo-ment thine! “Teoh Rodger My: FULDA MELODY, 747.6 fy Ihc Geman Te an Mody Publ Doman Pange Lingua $e | —— — 6 CPs @ file 6 eit — . Pan -ge, lin-gua, glo-ri - 6 - si Cér - po- ris mys- No-bis da-tus, no-bis na- tus Ex in - the - ta In su - pré-me noc-te coe-ne Re - céim-bens cum Ver -bum ca-ro, pa-nem ve - rum Ver - bo car ~ nem Tan-tum er- go Sa-cra-mén-tum Ve - ne - ré - mur Ge-ni - 6-1, Ge-ni- t6~ que Laus et ju - bi - ave eee té - ri-um, San-gui-nis -que pre - i- 6 - si, Quem in mun-di Vir -gi-ne, Et in mun-do con - ver-sé - tus, Spar-so ver - bi fré -tri-bus Ob-ser-vé-ta le - ge ple-ne Ci- bis in le - & -fi-cit: Fit-que san-guis Chris-ti_ me-rum, Et si sen -sus cér-nu-i: Et an- t{-quum do - cu-mén-tum No- vo ce - dat 14 -ti-0, — Sa-lus, ho-nor, vir - tus quo-que Sit et be - ne- ae, Sil.e sip eee + pré-ti-um Fruc-tus ven-tris ge -ne-ré- si. Rex ef - fit - dit sé-mi-ne, Su-i mo-ras_ in - co-I - tus Mi- ro clau-sit ga-li-bus, Ci-bum tur-be du-o-dé-ne Se dat su - is dé -fi-cit, Ad fir-mén-dum cor sin-cé - rum So - la fi ~ des Pras-tet fi - des sup-ple-mén-tum Sén -su-um de - i abu tré~ que Com-par sit lau- Jol F. Wade Tan Melody Pabe Dor, Pange Lingua o-4 a a a 1. Pan-ge, lin - gua, glo-ri- 6 - si Cér-po-ris mys 2, No-bis da-tus, no-bis na - tus Ex in- te -t 3. In su - pré-ma noc-te cae - ne Re - ciim-bens cum 4, Ver-bum ca - ro, pa-nem ve - rum Ver - bo car - nem 5. Tan-tum er - go Sa - cra-mén-tum Ye - ne~ré - mur 6 Ge-ni- t6-1i, Ge-ni- 16 - que Laus et ju - bi - - . ;? oo? San -gui-nis -que pre - ti - 6 - si, Quem in Et in mun-do con - ver-si - tus, Spar-so Ob-ser-vé-ta le - ge ple-ne Ci - bis Fit - que san-guis Chris-ti me-rum, Et si Et an - tf -quum do - cu-mén-tum No - vo Sa -lus, honor, vir - tus quo-que Sit et es — —— - um Fruc-tus ven-tris ge-ne-r5- si Rex -ne, Su-i mo-ras in-co-lé - tus Mi- in le - gé-li - bus, Ci-bum tur-be du-o - dé-ne Se 1 2. 3. 4. sen-sus dé -fi - cit, Ad fir -mdn-dum cor sin -cé - rum So - 5, 6 ver - bi ce - dat rf -tu- i: Pras-tet_ fi - des sup-ple-mén-tum Sén be - ne - dic -ti - o: Pro-ce - dén-ti abu - tré- que Com 1 ef - fa - dit 2 ro claw-sit . 3. dat su-is m4 - ni - bus. 4, 5, 6. la fi - des stf - fi - cit. su-um de - fe -w-i par situ - dé - i - 0 A - men, “exe Se Thomas Agus Meloy PANGE LINGUA, 878787, Mode Anon. Teta Mabou Dosin, Panis Angelicus CS 7 — 1. Pa - nis an - gé - li-cus i 2 Te tri-na Dé - SSeS SSS 1. Dat pa-nis cf-li-cus fi - gu-ris 2 2 2 Sic nos tu vi - si-ta, si - cut te Gir re ip de dS 1. Ores mi - ri - bi-lis! man - di - cat J To a Loosr-ws thao 2 cem quam in- hi - A= - men Panis Angelicus 1. Pa - nis an - gé - li - cus fit pa-nis hé - mi-num; 2.Te ti-ma Dé - i - tas u - nd- que pés-ci - mus: —— oe ee 7 1. Dat pa-nis c&- li - cus fi - gi-ris tér - mi-num: Ores 2. Sic nostu vi -si- ta, si cut te 6 - li- mus Per tu- p Qe te tg ee 1. mi - ra - bi - man-da-cat Dé-mi-num Pau - per, ser - 2. as sé -mi-tas duc nos quo tén-di-mus, Ad lu - cem Xe 1. vus et ha - mi - lis. 2. quam in - hd - bi - tas. A - men. “eS. Thea Alas Melody PANIS ANGELICUS, 12.2128 Mae Annet ed Meo Pal Doma, Sing, My Tongue, the Savior's Glory i t i } i o - * . - + . . Sing, my — tongue, the ~— Sav - ior’s glo - ry, . OF a pure and — spot - less Vir - gin . On the night of that Last Sup - per, . Word - made - Flesh, the bread of na - ture . Down in ad - © - ra - tion fall - ing, To the ev - er = last - ing Fa - ther, SSS 1. Of his flesh the mys - try sing; Of the Blood, all 2. Born for us on earth be - low, He, as Man, — with 3. Seat - ed with his cho - sen band, He the Pas - cal 4. By his word to Flesh he turns; Wine in - to his 5. Lo! the sa - cred Host we hail; Lo! oer an - cient 6. And the Son who reigns on high, With the Ho - ly , ip es sir rt Tip 1. price exceed - ing, Shed by our im-mor - tal King, 2. man con-vers - ing, Stayed, the seeds of truth to sow; 3. vic - tim eat - ing, First ful - fills the Law’s com-mand; 4, Blood he chang-es; What though sense no change dis - cerns? 5. forms de-part - ing, New - er rites of grace pre - vail; 6. Ghost pro-ceed - ing Forth from each ¢ - ter - nal -ly, Oe ae 1. Des - tined, for the world’s re-demp-tion, From a no - ble 2. Then he closed in sol - emn or - der Won -drous-ly _ his 3. Then as food to his A - pos - tles Gives him-self with 4 On - ly be the heart in earn-est, Faith her les -son 5. Faith for all de - fects sup-ply - ing, Where the fee -ble 6 Be Might and end-less 1 1 6: 2. 3. his own hand. 4, quick -ly learns. 5. sens - es fail. 6. maj - es - ty. “Te: age ing lle Thames Aquinas Tad Catal Ml. THOMAS (WADE), 7877 Jo Wate Tas and ly Pais Doin Sing, My Tongue, the Savior's Glory 0-4 Ee 1. Sing, my tongue, the Sav -ior’s glo - ry, OF his flesh 2 Of a pure and spotless Vir - gin Born for us 3. On the night of -— that’ Last. Sup - per, Seat -ed with 4. Word - made -Flesh, the bread of na - ture By — his word 5. Down in ad - 0 - ra- tion fall - ing, Lo! the sa - 6. To the ev - er - last-ing Fa - ther, And the Son o4 & = = i. the mys - try sing; Of the Blood, all price ex - ceed -ing, 2. on earth be - low, He, as Man, with man con-vers - ing, 3. his cho - sen band, He the Pas - cal vic - tim eat - ing, 4, to Flesh he turns; Wine in - to his Blood he chang-es; 5. cred Host we hail Lo! o'er an ~ cient forms de - parting, 6. who reigns on high, With the Ho - ly Ghost pro-ceed -ing 9 ee . Shed by our im- mor - tal King, Des - tined, for the Stayed, the seeds of truth to sow; Then he closed in First ful - fills the Law’s com-mand; Then as food to What though sense no change dis - cerns? On - ly be ___ the New - er rites of grace pre- vail; Faith for all de - Forth from each ¢ - ter - nal-ly, Be sal - va ~ tion, , 7 — world’s re-demp-tion, From a no - ble womb to spring. sol - emn or - der Won-drous-ly his life of woe. his A ~ pos-tles Gives himself with his own hand. heart in carn-est, Faith her les - son quick-ly learns. fects supply - ing, Where the fee -ble sens - es fail hon - or, bless -ing, Might and end-less maj - es - ty. DACP AVR Y NERS ave eN A - men. a gs ng il Ts in EC Mealy PRNGELINGUA A777, MA, and Soul of My Savior 1, Soul of my Sav ~ ior sane 2. Strength and pro - tec - tion may 3. Guard and de - fend me — from Blood of my Sav - ior, bathe me in thy tide, Deep in thy wounds, Lord, hide and shel-ter me, Call me and bid — me come to thee on high $ . : - oS 1. Bod-y of Christ, be thou my sav -ing guest, 2. © bless - ed Je - sus, hear and an-swer me 3. In death’s dread mo - ments make me on- ly thine; 6 coe e 4 + # Jo 1. 2 3. Wash ome with wa - ters streaming from thy side. So shall I nev - er, nev - er part. from thee. 3. Where I may praise thee with thy saints for aye. N “ea Anna Cr Lats Te Casal. Nl ANIMA CHRISTI (MAHER) 1010016 Wil]. Me Te an Md Pb Soul of My Savior 1. Soul of my Sav ~ ior sane - ti - fy my _ breast, 2. Strength and pro - tec - tion may thy pas-sion be, 3. Guard and de - fend me from the foe ma - lign, = ees Bod - y of Christ, be thou my sav -ing guest, O bless - ed Je - sus, hear and an-swer me; In death’s dread mo - ments make me on- ly thine; oe ae eo aw le f Blood of my Sav - ior, bathe me in thy tide, Deep in thy wounds, Lord, hide and shel-ter me, Call = me and bid me come to thee on high 5 re ele e ep eg Ml Wash me with wa - ters streaming from thy side. So shall I nev ~ et, nev = er part. from thee. PP Pee ep Hes vp neg Nil Where I may praise thee with thy saints for aye. “en dina Clr, 1h Lay Tard Cal. ly ST GREGORY ANIMA, 10101010 Loren Doble Tet and Malay Pale Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction EXPOSITION Afier the minister exposes the Blessed Sacrament according to the ritual, an appropriate hymn is sung. O Salutaris Hostia Sh BS 1. O sa-lu- th - ris Hés-ti- a Quae cae-li_pan- dis 2. U-ni tri- nd - que Dé-mi-no Sit sem-pi - tér - na a ee 1. és) - ti - um: Bel -la pre - munt hos-ti - li - a 2 glo - ha Qui vi-tam si - ne té - mi- no : 1. Da ro-bur, fer au-xi - li - um. 2. No-bis do- net in pa - tri-a A - men, “aS Thoma Ags Meo: WERNER, 88 (LM) Antony Wn Tet and Meo Pal Down, ADORATION There follows a suitable period of adoration, consiting of moments of silence, which may alo be accompanied by Scripture readings with a homily or brief exhortation, litanies, prayers, or hymns. BENEDICTION Towards the end of the Eucharistic Adoration, the minister, kneeling, incenses the Blessed Sacrament according to the custom, while an appropriate hymn is sung. + —— SSE eg ig e ee et oe |. Tan-tum er - go Sa -cra-mén-tum ve ~ ne - ré - mur i - 6-4, Ge-ni-té - que laus et iu - | 1 2 - ts feet et an-t{-quum do-cu-mén-tum no-vo ce -dat sa-lus, ho-nor, vir-tus quo-que sit et be-ne - pre-stet fi - des sup-ple-mén-tum sén-su-um de - Pro-ce-dén-ti abu - tré - que com-par sit lau - Tene Ths Aquinas Meloy ST THOMAS (WADE) 87.8787 F. Wade Tend Meloy: Pic Doin. After the minister exposes the Blessed Sacrament according to the ritual, an appropriate hymn is sung. ¥ You have given them bread from heaven. w Having all sweetness within it. The minister stands and continues: Let us pray. O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament have left us a memorial of your Passion, grant us, we pray, so to revere the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood that we may always experience in ourselves the fruits of your redemption. Who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen. After the prayer, the priest or deacon puts on the humeral veil, genuflecs, and, taking the monstrance, makes a sign of the eross over the people in silence. There follows the recitation of the Divine Praises or another appropriate acclamation. THE DIVINE PRAISES Blessed be God. Blessed be his holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be his most Sacred Heart. Blessed be his most Precious Blood. Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the altar. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be her glorious Assumption. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste Spouse. Blessed be God in his Angels and in his Saints. The minister then reposes the Blessed Sacrament according to the customary ritual. There may follow an appropriate hymn or acclamation. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name OH Ss Hae 1. Ho - ly God, we praise thy name; Lord of all, we 2. Hark! the loud ce - les - tial hymn An - gel choirs a - = 1. bow be-fore thee. All on earth thy scep - ter chim, 2. bove are rais-ing; Cher-u - bim and Ser - a - phim, o 6 elee if rele stipe. oe rT JT 1, All in heav’n a - bove a-dore thee. In - fi - nite thy 2. In un-ceas - ing cho - rus prais-ing, Fill the heav’ns with $ ae = fa bey mia vast. do - main, Ev - er - last - ing is sweet ac - cord: “Ho-ly, ho - ly, ho - S ae ete S In- fi - nite thy vast do - main, Ev - er - last - ing Fill the heav'ns with sweet ac - cord: “Ho-ly, ho - ly, oy X bp eBXS bp uy 1. is thy reign. 2. ho - ly Lord!” “Tex Ger Gat len Di Te Dam) ea Frans Ti Chant Wirth Melody ROSSER GOTT, 747.77 Kathie Caan ‘enn 174 Tandy Doman Booklet template and contents provided by: source,» summit In support of the National Eucharistic Revival NATIONAL Eucharistic Revival

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