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Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essay গুলোর প্রশ্নের শেষে সাধারণত

1. Do you agree or disagree?
2. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3. How far do you agree with the statement?
4. Choose a position and support it with examples.

Argumentative essay লিখার সময় শুরুতে introduction তারপর আপনি যে পক্ষে সেই
পক্ষের কথাগুলো আগে লিখবেন, তারপর অন্য পক্ষের কথাগুলো লিখতে হবে। সবশেষে
conclusion লিখতে হবে। যারা ইংরেজিতে একটু দুর্বল তাদের সুবিধার্থে আমরা
argumentative essay এর একটি common format নিচে তু লে ধরলাম। আশা করি
format টি আপনার উপকারে আসবে।

Format of an argumentative essay


The discussion about whether or not (Topic sentence) is a debatable one. It

is very usual that people hold different views over a controversial topic and
are inclined to put forward strong feelings and reasoning in favour of their
arguments. For some specific reasons, my inclination goes in favour of the
statement/goes against the statement.

First Para

There are a good number of reasons that can compel one to go in favour of
the statement/against the statement. First and foremost,..... For example,
......Besides,...... As an example,...... To cite an example,.....
Moreover/Last but not least,.....

Second Para
There are, however, some arguments against this which I am going to
discuss now. Initially,....... For instance......

Again,...... To illustrate....... As an illustration..... In addition.....


In conclusion, after analyzing all the points in favour and against the said
topic, I would like to restate my opinion that I am in favour/against the
statement. I think what I have stated in this essay emphasizes this point
and requires no more discussion.

(2) Both the views discussion essay

Both the view's discussion essay গুলোর প্রশ্নের শেষে সাধারণত discuss both the
views and give your opinion করাগুলো লিখা থাকে। Both the view discussion
essay লিখার সময় শুরুতে introduction তারপর first view এর পক্ষে কথাগুলো আগে
লিখবেন, তারপর second view এর পক্ষে কথাগুলো লিখতে হবে। সবশেষে conclusion
লিখতে হবে। যারা ইংরেজিতে একটু দুর্বল তাদের সুবিধার্থে আমরা Both the views
discussion essay এর একটি common format নিচে তু লে ধরলাম। আশা করি format
টি আপনার উপকারে আসবে।

Format of both the views discussion essay


There are differences of opinions among scholars regarding Topic

sentences. Some people hold the view that first part of the topic: while
others oppose the idea and think that second part of the topic. In this essay,
I will go deep into the matter before drawing my opinion

First Para
There are a good number of reasons why some scholars opine that first
part of the topic. First and foremost,.... example,.... Besides,.... As an
example,..... Moreover,....
To cite an example,..... Last but not least,.....

Second Para

On the other hand, some people think that the second part of the topic.
Initially, To illustrate,.... For instance,.... In addition to,...
Again,.... As an illustration......


Finally, I would like to say that the factors presented in this essay in favour
of both the views have clearly demonstrated the reasons why people differ
in opinions. If it comes to my opinion, I think it is logical to support the view
of your opinion.

Bank Questions

(1) Bangladesh Bank (officer-2015)

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to control growing traffic and
pollution problems. Do you agree or not? Justify your opinion by presenting
arguments for and against the topic.


Traffic and pollution problem is one of the major problems which is affecting
not only the cities of third world growing economies like Dhaka, Calcata but
also many highly developed cities with booming economies such as Tokyo,
London, Paris, Beijing, Rio-de-Jenerio etc. To cope with the crisis, some
people are in favour of raising the price of petrol as the best means; while
others are in taking alternative measures to tackle the problem. For some
certain reasons, my inclination goes against the statement.
To begin with, petrol is such a fossil fuel which is greatly used to run
different vehicles that are used in transporting goods from one place to
another. If the price of petrol is raised, prices of daily essential commodities
will also take a hike creating an instability in the society especially for the
people with low income or even the middle class. Besides, the prices of raw
materials of different finished products will rise and this will certainly result
in higher prices for various consumer goods. Thus, raising the price of
petrol will affect the entire economy. However, imposition of certain amount
of tax on private vehicles will discourage people to possess more cars. At
the same time steps may be taken to improve infrastructural facilities by
introducing electric train and buses in the cities where traffic clogs the city
streets for hours. If so happens people can easily move from one place to
another without facing traffic congestion. It will not only stop unnecessary
burning of petrol but also reduce pollution. Again, use of wind, tidal waves,
solar energy, CNG (Compact Natural Gas), can play a great role in
reducing pollution around the world. As an example, Bangladesh has
converted most of its vehicles into CNG run vehicles and has greatly
reduced pollution in its capital. Moreover, emphasis may be given on using
non-motorized vehicles such as bicycles following the foot-print (f) of China.
Last but not least, the use of ethanol, may be a good substitute for petrol as
it is organic in nature and creates no pollution. For example, Brazil is
cultivating a huge quantity of food grains to produce ethanol so that this
food grain can be used to reduce pollution.

To conclude, I would like to restate my opinion that lots of other measures

except raising petrol prices can be taken to tackle ever increasing traffic
and pollution problems in many populous and polluted cities of the world. If
these are done, traffic and pollution problems can be greatly minimized
without affecting the wheel of the economy.

New words

alternative measures fr; tackle ; prices of daily essential commodities নিত্য

প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিসের দাম; instability অস্থিতিশীলতা; raw materials, possess after t;
infrastructural facilities অবকাঠামোগত সুবিধা; traffic congestion ট্রাফিক জট; a
good substitute একটি ভাল বিকল্প; lots of other measures অনেক বিকল্প ব্যবস্থা; the
wheel of economy অর্থনীতির চাকা।

(2) Bank Ltd (Management Trainee officer 2015)

Some opine that retirement age in Bangladesh should be raised as access

to better healthcare and economic prosperity has increased the average
lifespan of the citizens. Others opine that the retirement age should not be
raised because it will further aggravate the acute unemployment situation in
the country. With which of the above opinions do you agree? Support your
views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience.


There are differences of opinions among scholars regarding the rise of

retirement age. Some people hold the view that retirement age should be
raised because of the increase in average lifespan due to improved
healthcare treatment and economic prosperity; while others oppose the
idea and think that retirement age should not be made to increase as it will
aggravate the acute unemployment situation in the country. In this essay, I
will go deep into the matter before drawing my opinion.

There are a good number of reasons why some people think that
retirement age in Bangladesh should be raised. First and foremost, the
people of this country remain productive even after the age of sixty
because of better healthcare and economic prosperity. For example, the
physical fitness of people in Bangladesh has risen because of the average
intake of nutritious food in childhood as the rate of poverty has greatly
fallen over the last twenty years. That means, fixing retirement age at the
age of sixty means intentional curtailment of productive hours of many
energetic and active people. Besides, improved healthcare treatment has
largely contributed to the declining die in harness. As an example, The
employees suffering from asthma can continue work without interruption
because of the invention of various inhalers. Last but not least, through
limiting working hours at a certain age, Bangladesh is getting deprived of
the services from experienced bureaucrats and employees. To cite an
example, many retired government employees of Bangladesh are seen to
serve in private sectors for even a decade after retirement from the
government service. It gives us a clear message that retirement from the
government service is not the end of productive hours of the employees.

On the other hand, some people think that retirement age should not be
raised for a number of reasons. Initially, the decision of raising retirement
age will aggravate the acute unemployment situation. At present, millions of
educated and uneducated people are unemployed and are suffering from
huge mental stress and frustration. If the retirement age is raised, the
opportunity of getting government jobs for the fresh job seekers will be
limited to a great extent as employment opportunities in the government
section are fewer than competent job seekers. For instance, every year,
about four lakhs BCS candidates vie for only two to three thousand posts.
Many of the candidates cannot become BCS cadres even after fulfilling all
the requirements of the Bangladesh Public Service Commission only for
limited posts. The situation will surely get worse if the retirement age is
made to increase further. Again, raising retirement age in a country like
Bangladesh means debarring thousands of young and energetic people
from serving the nation. It will surely contradict the demographic dividend of
our country.

In conclusion, after analyzing all the points, in favour of both the views, I
would like to opine that raising retirement age for all government jobs in
Bangladesh will bring about some prosperity for the nation. At the same
time, this decision will invite myriad dangers as well. Considering the
present demographic dividend of Bangladesh, it will be unwise to go for
raising retirement age at this very moment.

(3) Trust Bank Ltd. (Management Trainee Officer 2015)

people believe that teaching children at home best for child development;
while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss
the advantages of both methods and give your opinion.

There are differences of opinions among people regarding the best place of
teaching children with an eye to developing them in every sphere of life.
Some people opine that home is the best for a child's development; while
others oppose the idea and think that it is important for children to go to
school. In this essay. I will go deep into the matter before drawing my
opinion. There are a good number of reasons why some people believe

teaching children at home is the best. First and foremost, home is the best
informal seat of learning where children learn with parental care round the
clock. Soon after birth, a child grows up in a family and starts learning
things from their parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins
and from others. Almost all children try to copy their parents and other
family members in their everyday life. When children grow up in peaceful
and good family environment, their growth and development become highly
positive. For example, children brought up in aristocratic families become
more polite, humble and effective adults than the children brought up in
broken or troublesome families. Besides, family education has a lasting
impression on anyone's life. When children grow up in a violent or restless
family environment, they often become problematic in their thinking and
behaviour. They hardly can come out of the same place in their adult life.
As an example, children growing up in slums or in the street suffer from a
lot of behavioural problems as they had little or no family education.

On the other hand, some people think that it is important for children to go
to school. They put forward a number of reasons in support of their point.
Initially, a school is a formal seat of learning where children mingle with a
wider community of people such as peers, teachers and other staff coming
from various family backgrounds. Teachers teach children how to behave
with their peers, senior and junior students and other employees of the
school. They also teach how children should behave with other members of
the society. Schools also take punitive action against the students who are
found guilty of misbehaving with fellow students. Through this, the
behavioural pattern of the children is greatly improved. Again, school
education makes children good team players as during school hours they
interact with their peers and teachers. They learn how to put arguments
and counter arguments with a view to establishing their own arguments. It
is undoubted that this group discussion and interaction help children reach
the best decision and bring out the latent talent of a student to attain
excellence. Thus, students having formal education perform better in the
society than the children having no formal education. Last but not least,
formal education is a precondition of getting decent jobs with a higher
amount of salary and other benefits. Consequently, people having no
formal education do not become eligible for jobs which require specific
educational qualifications- no matter how knowledgeable or polite they are..
In conclusion, after analyzing all the points in favour of both the views, I
would like to opine that both family education and school education have
unique importance and are essential for children's development and
making them effective members of the society. It will be unwise to
understate one's importance over the other.

(4) Midland Bank Ltd. Management Trainee Officer (2015)

Capital punishment or death penalty is a debatable practice. In many

countries it is valid, while others consider it inhuman and are against it.
Express your views in this regard.


To bring criminal offences under control or to give exemplary punishment to

the notorious criminals, various countries of the world adopt different
punitive actions including death penalty. In this regard, a debate has been
created over capital punishment or death penalty. Many countries of the
world are in favour of death penalty and execute the same through
judiciary, while others are against it considering it inhuman and brutal. In
my view, notorious criminals may be sentenced death in extremely limited.
There are a number of reasons why some countries execute death penalty
to the hardened criminals. First and foremost, capital punishment
discourages others to refrain from notorious criminal activities. The study of
criminology indicates that some people have an inherent tendency towards
criminal offences and they do the same consciously. Without enforcement
of strict punishment they cannot be debarred from committing crime against
mankind. In such a case, some countries of the world go for death penalty.
For example, the constitution of Bangladesh allows death penalty against
some criminal offences including crime against humanity. Consequently, it
has been possible to award capital punishment to the people who were
engaged in mass murder and gang rape during the great liberation war of
Bangladesh in 1971. After such a trial, the criminals will think twice before
committing any crime against humanity. Besides, some other brutal criminal
offences such as child rape, murder cannot not be brought under control
without highest punishment. The fear of death penalty will discourage those
who have inherent tendency to commit crime ignoring the law of the land.
As an example, police encounter or cross-fire greatly helped reduce the
rate of militant activities which took serious turn in Bangladesh a few years

On the other hand, some countries of the world think that death penalty is
inhuman, and thus they have restricted it in their countries. They put
forward a number of reasons in favour of their arguments. Initially, awarding
a criminal a death penalty means killing him/her in an inhuman way.
Instead, if he is rewarded lifetime imprisonment or punishment in some
other form, he will receive punishment of evil deed commited by him. He
will also get chance to repent for his heinous deed and may engage him for
the welfare of mankind when he is released after he has served in jail.
Again, in some countries, the provision of death penalty may be misused
because of erroneous judgment or by the influence of the government. For
instance, in some third world countries, judiciary is not independent in true
sense of the term and it just obeys the order of the executive body of the
government. In that case, miscarriage of justice may kill people in the name
of judgment
In conclusion, after analyzing all the points in favour of both the views, I
would like to opine that though death penalty is not the only solution to
minimise the rate of criminal offences, the provision of death penalty may
be applied in extremely limited cases with applying adequate lawful steps
so that not a soul is killed in the name of death penalty.

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