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Grammar Quiz

Choose the correct answer

A-Phrase or Clause

1-Although injured, John managed to crawl to safety a-Phrase b-Clause

2-They were annoyed by the baby crying so loudly. a-Phrase b-Clause

3-I like the guy with the green shirt. a-Phrase b-Clause

4-Jumping up and down on the bed. a-Phrase b-Clause

5-Turn off the computer. a-Phrase b-Clause


B-Dependent or Independent Clause

6- I will be so upset if she decides not to visit me. a-Dependent b-Independent

7- While I enjoy eating any type of food, my friend will only eat vegetarian. a-Dependent b-Independent

8- Please let me know when you arrive. a-Dependent b-Independent

9-Although I know he's a famous actor, I can't remember his name. a-Dependent b-Independent

10-  The car that has been stolen was parked in front of his house. a-Dependent b-Independent


C-Prepositional ,Infinitive or Participal phrase

11-One of these experimenters was Thomas A. Edison. a- prep. b- inf. c-part.

12-The lot, filled with cars, was enormous. a- prep. b- inf. c-part.

13-Surprised by our gift of a new winter coat, Grandmother began to cry for joy. a- prep. b- inf. c-part.

14-These first talkies were awkward and tense compared to the silent films. a- prep. b- inf. c-part.

15-I know how to fix the glitch in your computer program. a- prep. b- inf. c-part.


D-Decide if the following or phrases are acting as Adjectives or Adverbs

16-“Home theater” sound systems place speakers behind the listeners. (________)

17-It is difficult to imagine the improvement beyond stereo; you must hear it for yourself. (________)

18-Superb production within the confines of our homes is a reality within reach of even modest budgets.

19-When it is foggy, driving is very dangerous.

20-Although it rained all day, we still enjoyed our trip. (________)

21-The woman whose briefcase you found is here to pick it up. (________)

22-Anyone who[believes that politician is very gullible. (________)

23-We all piled into the car and drove to the garden center. (________)

24-Ethan wanted to go to the theme park with his family. (________)

25-Confused by the identical twins, Mr. Fatar threw up his hands in wonder.


E-Decide if the following or phrases are acting as Adjectives or Adverbs

26-The cheese on this cracker tastes (strange, strangely).

27-You print so (neat, neatly).

28-Ron arrived (prompt, promptly) at ten.

29- I go to the gym (regular, regularly).

30-The snow fell (steady, steadily).

31-The solution to the crime seemed (obvious, obviously).

32-The hem of the skirt was (real, really) crooked.


F-Punctuate the following sentences with commas to avoid a run-on sentence

33-Having been told of the test John wondered when he would study.

34-While I worked at the restaurant I learned about food.

35-Before you leave give us your address and telephone number.

36-If she wishes Gloria can come with us.

37-At the last meeting of the cheerleaders Janie was elected captain.

38-Your handwriting is sloppy but your punctuation is perfect

39-The story was very interesting and she read it on one evening.

40-The day was overcast yet we went to the beach.

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