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1. What was your intention for the FMP?

My intention for the F&P was to create a good quality looping video of a character in multiple different
scenes while having the character loop and the world move around him. I also intended to use different
skills in Adobe software to make my animation high quality and iron out any issues that would be created
by mixing the two mediums of video and animation.
2. Why did you choose this?

I chose this as I have I love the animation and felt that the video aspect would add to my animation and
make it something unique, I also felt that video and animation would make it easier to fully explore
multiple mediums whilst doing my FMP
3. Which technical/software skills were you confident in before starting the FMP?
Before starting with FMP I was semi confident in using animate that's my animation lessons help me to
practice my skills in the software. I was also semi confident in using premiere pro but decided to use the
after effects as it had the right tools for my FMP to come out the way it did.
4. Which technical/software skills did you need to improve or learn during your FMP?

For my FMP I needed to learn skills in Adobe after effects to be able to complete and put together my
final piece. This allowed me to put together my video and animation in after effects. I also learned how to
copy and paste frames and reverse frames so it looks like a perfect loop in Adobe animate.
5. What primary research did you undertake and how was this useful to your project?
I undertook primary reseach of creating a form and sending it out to my friends and other students in the
course 2 get a wide variety of different answers and choose the best for my FMP.
6. What secondary research did you undertake and how was this useful to your project?

I researched lots into animation and animation mixed into reality I also researched into dark fantasy
themes which I chose not to go further into and instead chose to further research into setting and
character design.

I used secondary research to help me decide on different themes and places to make my fmp setting. I
did research into different professional examples of animation mixed into the real world.
8. How did you use particular technical/software skills during your FMP?
I used adobe animate to create my 10 second character loop Using my knowledge of keyframes and how
to loop an animation to then port it into adobe after effects and using the position tool to place my
character over the top of my footage and making them link together.
9. How close did you stick to your original Statement of Aims idea?

I Managed to stick to my original statement of aims throught my FMP by keeping to checking on it as I

continued to work through the research stages of my work.
10. If you changed your Statement of Aims – why did this happen?
I changed my FMP SOA because I had a change of plans a couple of weeks through the project I was going
to originally just do animation but midway through I decided to incorporate video.

11. What challenges did you face on your FMP?

I faced the challenge of having to find a way to Motion track my character over the top of my footage as
when I filmed my footage, they were very close up shots which witch meant that any movement no
matter how small was Picked up as a large movement so even if my character was still on the shot it
would seem like it was not still and in some cases floating in the air. I was able to overcome this by using
the position modifier in after effects and making very slight movements to make it seem like my character
was in the same place.
12. How did you meet any challenges on your FMP?
13. What problems did you face for your FMP? (This might include technical problems or issues such as
time management, for example)
Some problems I faced during my FMP were to do with the software I was using (Adobe After Effects)
These problems included being able to import my animation into the library in Ae Which I had some
issues with as some of the file sizes for my Raw footage were too large To import straight into Adobe
Animate so it meant I had to animate my character separate with a reference on the side but my work in
after effects fixed this problem with future editing.
14. How did you overcome any problems on your FMP?

In my FMPI I overcame the problem of finding a way to make sure my character had a smooth 10 second
loop. I did this by using the 5 second loop I already created and used animate to reverse and duplicate my
keyframes to create a clip that loops seamlessly throughout the 2-minute duration of my animation. I was
also able to use the time > Time stretch sub menu to make sure that my clips fit into some slight
differences in the timing that were caused my some of my lips being a second – half a second to long or

15. Which skills have you improved during your FMP? (Consider technical, communication, personal,
research skills)

During my FMP I have developed a wide variety of different skills including research and used them to be
able to better complete my FMP and to a higher standard than previous assignments. In my research for
this assignment I have used more professional examples to aid me in coming up with ideas for my
assignment and allowing me to use the best bits from each of them to create something to my own good
16. Which part or parts of the FMP did you feel worked well?
I feel for my FMP The parts that worked well were my research into different examples of rotoscoping
and reflecting on how I can use the things people have done and the examples to further look into the
subjects. I was able to use my research to directly help me to come up with useful ideas for my fmp. For
example especially I have been able to use the examples where a character is in a smaller world that
would be normal and not close.

17. What might you do differently?

For my FMP what I might do differently is make a longer loop for my character and possibly make it a 20
second loop instead of a 10 and use more body movement rather than just head movements. I also may
have taken a different approach to my research and made more focus on rotoscoping as I feel I still could
benefit from analyzing more examples to see how I can make rotoscope an effective skill rather than just

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