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Day ----> Monday(Jump Serve Calisthenics A Tuesday(Repeat Whole Thrice) Natural Ability Test

WARMUP 1 Mile(2km) Jog/Run Stretch

WORKOUT Push-Ups 3x15 400M Run

Air Squats 3x20 15 Explosive Push Ups
Sit Ups 3x15 15 Jump Squats
Glute Bridges 3x15 10 Wall Climbs
Plank To Push-Ups 3x10 5 Half Burpees
Pull Ups 3x5
Wednesday(Jump Serve Calisthenics B) Thursday (Volleyball Practice and Endurance)
1 Mile(2km) Jog/Run Stretch

Close to Wide Pushups 3x15 40 yard Sprint (x10) (15 to 20 sec rest)
Close to Wide Air Squats 3x20 Jump Rope x 20 mins
Sit Ups with Twist 3x20 Jump Serves
Side Lunges(Arches) 3x12 per leg Setting Practice
Tricep Extensions 3x10
Chin Ups 3x10
Friday (JSC C)
Run/Jog (2km)

Decline Pushups 3x20

Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10
Lying Leg Raises 3x15
Box Jumps 3x15
Dips 3x10
Wide Pull Ups 3x10

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