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Choose the best answer:

1. Sheila will inherit everything…………… her uncle’s death.
A. on account of B. in spite of C. in the event of D. in place of
2. The newspaper report contained…………… important information
A. many B. another C. an D. a lot of
3. …………… comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it.
A. It B. Here C. There D. That
4. There is no point in phoning him. He’s certain…………… by now.
A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. having left
5. In such a plight…………… that we had no choice but to radio for help.
A. we found ourselves B. we ourselves found C. did we find ourselves D. did we ourselves find
6. Mrs. Lan went to …………… school to meet her son’s teacher.
A. zero article B. A C. an D. the
7. You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to……………is at the desk.
A. whoever B. who C. whom D. which
8. Would you be……………to hold the door open?
A. too kind B. kind enough C. as kind D. so kind
9. I’ll enter the competition if you……………
A. would B. should C. will D. shall
10. Why are you so mad? You …………… me you weren’t coming to dinner. I waited for you for two hours.
A. should tell B. should have told C. ought to tell D. should be told
11. Last weekend,………….. nothing to watch on television, we sang karaoke together.
A. there being B. there having C. having had D. being
12. The upper branches of the tallest trees produce more leaves…………..other branches.
A. than do B. than have C. than they do D. than it does
13. He drove at full speed lest he…………..late for the appointment.
A. was B. would be C. be D. shouldn’t be
14. You ………….. the questions in the order they asked. You mixed them up in the wrong way.
A. had to B. must have answered C. didn’t need to answer D. should have answered
15. We would sooner Mr. Manh ………….. us the urgent information the other night.
A. sent B. would have sent C . had sent D. send
16. Ms. Phi is ranked the best student …………..she has made a point of studying hard.
A. hence B. in that C. unless D. let alone
17. Not only the Smiths but also their next-door neighbor………….. more trees in the neighborhood thus far.
A. was planting B. plant C. have planted D. has planted
18. It was right in the middle of the school yard………….. I saw a strange alien.
A. where B. which C. that D. which
19. That is (a n) …………..
A. yellow useful Dutch gold alarm clock B. useful yellow Dutch gold clock alarm
C. useful yellow gold Dutch alarm clock D. useful yellow Dutch gold alarm clock
20. I won’t ………….. those children making a noise in my house!
A. allow B. have C. let D. tell
21. He works until nine o’clock every evening, and that’s quite .............. the work he does over the week end.
A. except for B. apart from C. without D. not for
22. The report makes the recommendation that no more prisons ..................
A. must be built B. be built C. had to be built D. should be building
23. I ............. a lot as an accountant but the work was just too boring.
A. was supposed to be earned B. ought to be earning C. could have been earning D. should have earned
24 ................... I'd like to talk about myself as the happiest person in the world.
A. Be that it may B. Strange as it might sound C. How much strange it may be D. Strange though might it sound
25 ................... her job, her sons and the housework, she doesn't have a minute for herself.
A. What with B. If it weren’t for C. Barring D. Given
26................... as a master piece, a work of art must transcend the ideas of the period in which it was created.
A. Ranking B. To be ranked C. Being ranked D. In order to be ranking
27. We have................ what action to take.
A. yet decided B. not yet decide C. not yet to decide D. yet to decide
28. So incredible................of the Yellowstone area that people didn’t believe in its existence.
A. explorer John Colter’s descriptions were B. was explorer John Colter’s descriptions
C. explorer John Colter’s descriptions D. were explorer John Colter’s descriptions
29. On the island ...............the only representation of the island’s handicraft.
A. remains B. does it remain C. did it remain D. remain it
30................. had worsened so quickly surprised the doctor.
A. Which the patient’s condition B. The patient’s condition
C. That the patient’s condition D. As the patient’s condition
31. All things ………….. , she is the best student to represent our school.
A. considered B. involved C. taken D. dealt with
32. ………….., modelling is actually hard work.
A. Even it may seem glamorous B. Yet it may seem glamorous
C. However glamorous it may seem D. Glamorous as though it is
33. As always, I am………….. with everything you say.
A. agree B. agreeing C. agreeable D. in agreement
34. In the end, I just lost my ………….. and started gabbling incoherently.
A. head B. mind C. brain D. intelligence
35. The team won the championship four years …………..
A. running B. passing C. following D. rotating
36. After so many years, it is great to see him ………….. his ambitions.
A. get B. realise C. possess D. deserve
37. Resign if you want to! I assure you, no one will………….. any tears when you go.
A. pour B. shed C. leak D. pour
38. It………….. to be seen whether I have made the right decision or not.
A. continues B. remains C. stands D. keeps
39. At first I thought it was a good idea. But then I began to have …………...
A. second doubts B. second thoughts C. doubtful seconds D. thoughtful doubts
40. There ………….. that he was guilty, yet he was convicted by a jury and sent to prison .
A. were no proofs B. were no evidences C. was no proof D. wasn’t any piece of proof
41. so incredible is that these insects successfully migrate to places they have never seen.
A. That makes the monarch butterflies’ migration B. The migration of the monarch butterflies is
C. What makes the monarch butterflies’ migration D. The migration of the monarch butterflies, which is
42. It is mandatory that smoking in public …………...
A. prohibited B. prohibit C. be prohibited D. is prohibited
43. with about fifteen times its weight in air does gasoline allow the carburetor to run smoothly.
A. It is mixed B. Only when mixed C. When mixed D. To mix it
44. He………… goggles, but he wasn’t and, as a result, the hot steel badly damaged his eyes.
A. could have been wearing B. must have been wearing
C. should wearing D. ought to have been wearing
45. If the Moon………… orbit around the Earth and one complete revolution on its axis at the same rate, we
sometimes…………...the other side of it.
A. won't complete - will see B. didn’t complete - would see
C. doesn't complete - had seen D. wouldn’t complete - see
46. The two boys were caught…………... the exam papers from the teachers' room, so they definitely deserved …………...
from school.
A. to be stealing - having suspended B. to steal - being suspended
C. stealing - to be suspended D. having stolen - suspended
47. No whale has ever been known to attack human except in defence;…………...
stories have come down since the Biblical Jonah of men being swallowed by whales.
A. consequently B. whatever C. inasmuch as D. nonetheless
48. After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in
psychoanalysis, both …………...her novels and short stories.
A. in which the influence B. of which influenced C. to have influence D. its influence in
49. Nebraska has floods in some years,…………....
A. in others drought B. droughts are others C. while other droughts D. others in drought
50. …………...native to Europe, the daisy has now spread throughout most of North America.
A. Although B. If it were C. In spite of D. That it is
51…………, our original thesis that we are in fact a lot more uptight about sexuality than we’d like to believe is going to be
adapted for psychological consultation.
A. As it was opulently vindicated B. As was amply vindicated
C. Bountifully vindicated as it was D. Much as it was copiously vindicated
52. Let alone being left out in the cold for an hour after a second 30-year-old lift failed and security guards said they could not
allow them to use the stairs, the staff started to………… in their work.
A. exasperate, such an unwarranted interference it was B. fume, such was an unwarranted interference
C. smoulder, so unwarranted an interference it was D. seethe, so unwarranted an interference was which
53. About six million years ago, the Mediterranean sea is said………… , …………thick layers of salt in southern France.
A. to have evaporated - depositing B. to be evaporating - deposit
C. to evaporate - depositing D. having evaporated - to deposit
54. It turned out that we…………rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. hadn't B. should have C. mustn't have D. needn't have
55. ………… as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was created.
A. Ranking B. To be ranked C. Being ranked D. In order to be ranking
56. ………… the weather forecast, it will rain heavily later this morning.
A. On account of B. According to C. Because of D. Due to
57. I read the contract again and again………… avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in view of B. in terms of C. with a view to D. by means of
58. Minh and Cuong were badly injured in the last match, so …………of them can play in this match.
A. neither B. none C. either D. both
59. When I arrived on the spot, I found out that I ………… the heavy gas bottle on my back because the campsite now had
electric cookers.
A. needn't have carried B. didn't need to carry C. can't have earned D. might not have carried
60. We are pleased to announce that Keith Danish ………… replace Susan Williams as Operations Manager from 24 th
A. does B. is about to C. is to D. is due
61. The idea is ………… the publicity department during peak periods.
A. Susan to assist B. Susan assisting C. that Susan be assisted D. that Susan assist
62. My doctor said…………the medication for six months.
A. I would have to take B. I must have taken C. that I take D. me to take
63. Nebraska has floods in some years,…………
A. in others drought B. droughts are others C. while other droughts D. others in drought
64. Many people regard ………… the police have started carrying guns.
A. asa really bad idea when B. it a really bad idea if C. it asa really bad idea that D. it to be a really bad idea for
65. …………real work was done in the office while the boss was away.
A. Not a B. No C. Not only D. None
66. Social scientists believe that ………… from sounds such as grunts and barks made by early ancestors of human beings.
A. language, which was very slow to develop B. language, very slowly developing
C. the very slow development of language D. language developed very slowly
67. ………… , only people who agree with her are real Jews.
A. We can infer how she is concerned B. We can infer that as far as she is concerned
C. Inferred from what she is concerned D. We can infer what she is concerned
68. ………… the circling the globe faster than Jules Verne’s fictional Phileas Fogg.
A. A pioneer journalist, Nellie Bly’s exploits included
B. Also included in the exploits of Nellie Bly, a pioneer journalist, was
C. The exploits of Nellie Bly, a pioneer journalist, were included
D. The pioneer journalist’s exploits of Nellie Bly included
69. Owning and living in a freestanding house is still a goal of young adults,…………earlier generations.
A. as did B. as it was of C. like that of D. so have
70. Unsalted butter is best for this recipe, but…………that, margarine will do.
A. except B. given C. for all of D. failing
71. John: “Our teacher, Mr. Jones, is not very flexible. He always requires us to submit his assignments on time.”
Jack: “………… . He should know that we have to learn many subjects.”
A. I can’t disagree with you more B. I can’t agree with you more
C. That can be true D. I am not with you here
72. The more expensive carpet is a good choice………… it will last longer.
A. by means of B. due to C. in that D. in view of
73. There was no one downstairs; so he turned off the lights again and decided that she' imagined things.
A. must have B. should have C. can’t have D. needn’t have
74. Little Deon: “This herb smells horrible!”
Mom my :…………, it will do you a power of good.
A. Be that as it may B. Come what may C. How much horrible is it D. Whatever it smells
75. ………… I’ve told him not to go out with those people, but he wouldn’t listen.
Just let him face the music now.
A. Many a time B. Many the time C. Quite a time D. For a time
76. ………… as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
A. That we refer to B. What we refer to C. To which we refer D. What do we refer to
77. ………… the water clear but also prevent the river from overflowing.
A. Not only the hippo’s eating habits keep B. Keep not only the hippo’s eating habits
C. The hippo’s eating habits not only keep D. Not only keep the hippo’s eating habits
78. Computer are said to be………… for the development of mankind.
A. here today B. here and there C. here to stay D. neither here nor there
79. Did the minister approve the building plans?- Not really, he turned them down ………… that the costs were too high.
A. in case B. provided C. on the grounds D. supposing
80. It was such a loud noise………… everyone in the house
A. as to wake B. that to wake C. so as to wake D. that waking
81. I recommend that Miriam a boarding school. She’d be much more challenged academically.
A. attends B. attend C. is attending D. were attending
82. Ambrose had to take a job at a fast-food restaurant;.... ........he wouldn’t have been able to make his car payment.
A. otherwise B. if so C. had he done so D. were that the case
83. Many educators seem convinced students would respond favorably to a change in the system.
A. what B. the fact that C. that D. whatever
84. ............... students wanted to go right into the workplace after graduation would choose the vocational track.
A. Whatever B. However C. Whenever D. Whomever
85. He on the last day of the congress so his presence at the opening ceremony was something of a surprise.
A. must have joined B. was to join C. had to join D. should join
86. In fact the criminals................ in because the front door was wide open and so they just walked in.
A. needn’t have broken B. didn’t need break C. didn't need to break D. needn't to have broken
87. People whose main concern is .............. may eventually develop some serious health problems.
A. not to be overfed B. not to be overfeeding C. not to overfed D. not overfeeding
88................ of Albania was once forested, but ..............of the original vegetation remains, due to centuries of clearing and
livestock grazing.
A. Much - little B. Many- none C. Some - few D. Most - any
89. Most critics agree that rather little ............. done by the artist after his illness has any great value.
A. of what was B. of that was C. of that what was D. which has been
90............... between the two attacks, the commander tried to prevent the enemy troops............... their strength.
A. Without delaying - to gather B. By not delaying - from gathering
C. In delaying - for gathering D. Having delayed - without gathering
91. Everything looks very positive for the company,…………. the current investors do not default on their agreements.
A. assuming that B. whether C. whereas D. as if
92. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the United States………….
A. as Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
B. rather than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production,
C. than did Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
D. more than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
93. …………. the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn.
A. With reference B. Akin C. Prior to D. In addition to
94. Suppose she …………. that outrageous story circulating around the office; she'd be furious!”
A. has heard B. were heard C. would hear D. had heard
95. I'd rather you………….a noise last night; I couldn’t get to sleep.
A. wouldn’t make B. didn’t make C. haven’t made D. hadn't made
96. A new generation of performers,………….those who by now had become household name, honed their skills before
following the same path onto television.
A. no less talented than B. together with talented with C. along with talented with D. having been more talented
97. We all wished to be treated………….
A. as equal B. as equally C. as equals D. as equal as
98. ………….the US superiority at that time, it was probable that any threatened US response would have deterred the Soviet
A. If B. Given C. Although D. Since
99. Business has been thriving in the past year. Long…………. it continue to do so.
A. could B. does C. may D. might
100. The man ………….of carrying out the burglary was released………….by police.
A. to be suspected - following questioning B. having been suspected - following questioned
C. suspected - following questioning D. being suspected - following questioned
101. “It is raining outside" - “…………”
A. So is it B. So it is C. So it does D. Is it so?
102. They must have gone away,…………
A. shouldn't they B. haven’t they C. mustn't they D. didn't they
103.…………the meeting began.
A. After we have sat down B. All of us having taken the seats
C. Our having seated D. Once we had seated
104.…………with being so busy at work and at home, she became increasingly tired and bad-tempered.
A. How B. What C. Which D. Where
105. The police took him into custody.…………he disembarked from the plane.
A. as long as B. while C. the moment when D. the instant
106. .………… earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it?
A. Is it to the good B. What's the good of C. Is it all to the good D. Is it for good
107. “Was that the new schoolmaster who walked by?” - “………….. ”
A. It must be that B. It must have been C. He must be D. This must have been
108. It is urgent that the boss…………..a meeting to discuss the problem.
A. called B. call C. to call D. calls
109. It was at the press conference…………..the truth about his corporation.
A. did the director tell B. the director did tell C. where the director told D. that the director told
110. “I think we ought to see the rest of the exhibition as quickly as we can,…………... that it closes in half an hour.”
A. granted B. assuming C. given D. knowing
111. You...............wonderful! Is that a new perfume you're wearing?
A. are smelling B. smell C. will smell D. have been smelling
112. It gets on my nerves that way that Carol ........... about her job.
A. forever boasts B. is forever boasting C. never boasts D. is never boasting
113. the new Harry Potter film on Saturday. If we can get tickets, would you like to come too?
A. were going to go B. were thinking of going C. had planned to go D. had been meaning to go
114. Given the chance, many children .............TV uninterruptedly for hours.
A. are watching B. will have watched C. will be watching D. will watch
115.................nocturnal creature(s).
A. Owl is a B. An owl is a C. The owl is a D. The owls are
116. The engagement ring he gave her .............been, more beautiful.
A. couldn't have B. might have C. shouldn't have D. must have
117. That was………… last night - I haven't had so much fun for years!
A. any B. some C. one D. no
118. I would normally have been on that train that was derailed yesterday, but…………..told me I should take my car to
work instead.
A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing
119. I wish you.............when I'm telling you something important.
A. won't interrupt B. wouldn't interrupt C. didn't interrupt D. hadn't interrupted
120. Oh no! It looks like my rucksack ................. behind in the scramble to get on the bus.
A. has left B. has got left C. had left D. had been left
121. The Second World War was so terrible,………….. time a large number of families were separated.
A. during the B. during which C. at the D. on which
122. They turned down the proposal ………….. that it didn't fulfill their requirement.
A. by reason B. on the grounds C. as a cause D. allowing
123. We are prepared to overlook the error on this occasion …………..your previous good work.
A. in the light of B. thanks to C. with a view to D. with regard to
124. We should leave…………..8.30.
A. any later than B. much later than C. no later than D. not later than
125. There was the most fantastic………….. during the opening ceremony.
A. display of fireworks B. firework display C. firework’s display D. displayed firework
126. “I bought you some flowers.” -“They're beautiful, but you …………..
A. needn't B. shouldn't have C. mustn't have D. didn't have
127. ………….. a small creature that defends itself with lobster-like claws and a poisonous sting.
A. Scorpions are B. Many a scorpion is C. A scorpion, which is D. The scorpion is
128. She insisted that the reporter………….. her as his source of information.
A. not to mention B. not mention C. don't mention D. not mentioning
129. The accountant broke the law, so it would be irresponsible of the firm…………..
A. if they won't fire him B. not to fire him C. that they not fire him D. for not firing him
130. …………..that took American art out of the romanticism of the mid-1800’s and carried it to the most powerful
heights of realism.
A.Winslow Homers' paintings B. It was Winslow Homers’ paintings
C. When Winslow Homers' paintings D. Paintings of Winslow Homers'
131. The engagement ring he gave her……………been more beautiful.
A. couldn't have B. might have C. shouldn’t have D. must have
132. He doesn't like children chatting in class.…………… he will not put up with.
A. Such B. Those C. That D. This thing
133. Despite his disability he tried to lead……………as possible.
A. as normal life B. a normal a life C. as normal as life D. as normal a life
134. Since I …………… him, I have never seen him so angry like that.
A. have known B. knew C. know D. am knowing
135. There's nothing……………now - we 'll have to buy a new car.
A. to do B. to be done C. to have been done D. to be doing
136. ……………a high level of blood cholesterol.
A . It is eggs that contains B. It is eggs that contain C. Those are eggs they contain D. It are eggs that contain
137. The work area……………cordoned off. Some passers-by could have been injured.
A. must have been B. might have been C. could have been D. should have been
138. There was a sudden bang …………… me up during the night.
A. woke B. waking C. that woke D. that wakes
139. If…………… by hunger, you might consider eating a frog.
A. they are driven to desperation B. driving to desperate
C. you are driving to desperation D. driven to desperation
140. His story was so sad it almost had us…………….
A. to cry B. cry C. crying D. have cried
141. I am going to have my eye......... tomorrow.
A. to test B. test C. testing D. tested
142. Nobody could hear her.. ..... she spoke too quietly.
A. so B. however C. although D. because
143. Keep silent! My father....... in his room.
A. is sleeping B. was sleeping C. has slept D. will be slept
144. He showed us the house............ he was born
A. which B. where C. in where D. in that
145. Life here is much easier than it...........
A. would be B. used to be C. was D. had better
146 . had broken down, was in a very bad mood.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that
147. He............. ever goes to bed before midnight.
A. almost B. hardly C. nearly D. scarcely
148. You............ better be careful not to miss the train.
A. had B. would C. should D. did
149. I'd rather you............. at my party last night.
A. be B. were C. had been D. have been
150. Everyone was going away on holiday this week,...............?
A. wasn't it B. wasn't be C. weren’t they D. wasn’t she
151. I supposed, as…………we all, that the meeting would be cancelled.
A. just B. would C. equally D. did
152. A study has been made of the microbiology of rock surfaces and ………… stones.
A. weathered B. rugged C. jagged D. rough
153. Well, it…………but will it taste the same?
A. is smelling good B. is smelling well C. smells good D. smells well
154. You…………in this report to the managing director personally. Do you understand?
A. are to hand B. would like to hand C. may have handed D. would sooner hand
155. ………… up early, he would have caught the early train.
A. Were he to get B. If he got C. Had he not got D. Were he to have got
156. You should be very glad that Bob didn’t recognize you that night. Can you imagine his fury if he……?
A. had B. did C. did not D. would have
157. The research suggests that infants………… highly susceptible to allergy at the first 3 months.
A. should be B. are C. will be D. being
158. When reaching the top of the hill,………… .
A. we suddenly caught sight of the sea B. it was the sea that extended below us
C. we extended the sea below us D. the sea came into view
159. Consumers should boycott all products………… has involved the use of child labour.
A. who manufacture B. whose manufacturers C. which manufacture D. whose manufacture
160. Such………… that the firefighters could not get near it.
A. hot was the fire B. the fire was hot C. the heat was of the fire D. was the heat of the fire
161. The early railroads were…………. the existing arteries of transportation: roads, turnpikes, canals, and other
A. those short lines connected B. short lines that connected
C. connected by short lines D. short connecting lines
162. When wood, natural gas, oil, or any other fuel burns,………….with oxygen in the air to produce heat.
A. combining substances in the fuel B. substances in the fuel that combine
C. substances in the fuel combine D. a combination of substances in the fuel
163. If only the neighbor…………. a pet fish, not a dog which always barks.
A. is having B. were having C. had had D. would have
164. Not only………….in the project, but he also wanted to become the leader.
A. did Jack involve B. had Jack been involved C. was Jack involved D. was involved Jack
165. …………., what would you bring back?
A. Think of going to Africa B. Imagine to go to Africa
C. If you should go to Africa D. Supposing you went to Africa
166. Luisa does a full-time job and………….
A. looks after also the house B. looks after the house either
C. also looks after the house D. looks after the house too
167…………. dangerous the situation is, Jim always indulges himself in it head first.
A. In spite of B. No matter what C. However D. Though
168. Not until I received the letter of announcement,………….
A. I could recognize how bad the situation was B. could I recognize how bad was the situation
C. how bad the situation was I recognized D. did I recognize how bad the situation was
169. The competition………….; but you failed to enter it.
A. must have provided you with opportunities B. could have provided you with opportunities
C. should have provided you with opportunities D. may have had provisions for your opportunities
170…………., we couldn't make out the gist of the passage.
A. Carefully as Jack explained B. As Jack carefully explained
C. Due to Jack’s carefully explanations D. Though carefully explained by Jack
171. I supposed, as………… we all, that the meeting would be cancelled.
A. did B. would C. only D. jus t
172. Although the Moon appears…………. , it reflects on average only 7 percent of the light that falls on it.
A. bright to the eye B. brightly to the eye C. bright in the eye D. brightly in the eye
173. “What would you do in my place?” - “Were…………. treated like that, I’d complain to the manager.”
A. I to be B. I to had been C. I have been D. to I be
174. …………. the catfish is prized for its taste.
A. With ugly look B. As ugly looking C. Ugly looking as it is D. As it is ugly looking
175. His advice that it………….at once is reasonable.
A. should do B. be done C. needs to be done D. is done
176. At no time………….you pay a rise.
A. did I ever promise B. do ever I promise C. I have ever promised D. had ever I promised
177. Dick put…………ball in…………net in…………second half but…………goal was disallowed
A. a/a/a/a B. the/the/the/the C. the/the/a/a D. a/a/the/the
178…………. about what he had heard, John telephoned his brother
A. Having worried B. To worry C. He worried D. Worried
179…………. given to the various types of microscopic plants and animals found in water
A. Named plankton B. the name of plankton C. Plankton’s name D. Plankton is the name
180. You must…………….asleep in the train.
A. have been tired if you fallen B. be tired if you fallen C. have been tired if you fell D. have been tired if you fall
181. …………earning all that money if you don’t have time to enjoy it?
A. Is it to the good B. What’s the good of C. Is it all to the good D. Is it for good
182. She………… fainted when she heard that her child died.
A. rather than B. nothing but C. all but D. near
183. …………to interfere in your affairs but I would like to give you just one piece of advice.
A. It is far from clear B. Far from it for me C. Far and wide for me D. Far be it from me
184…………..we just have to wait.
A. At this point in time B. On the point of time C. At some point D. That’s not the point
185. He gripped his brother’s arm lest he ………….by the mob.
A. would be trampled B. could be trampled C. were trampled D. be trampled
186. I don’t know …………the new manager.
A. what to do of B. what to make of C. how to do of D. how to make of
187. Don’t tell me I …………till 5 o’clock in the afternoon.
A. was to make them to stay B. must have made them stay
C. could have made them stay D. was to have made them stay
188. What I fear most of all is that we………… in what refers to the building of a new market in West Crane. The local
people seem to be very wary about it.
A. might misinterpret B. might have misinterpreted
C. won’t be misinterpreting D. might be misinterpreted
189. Sam looked as if he………… in the world.
A. weren't cared B. weren’t taken into care C. didn't have a care D. weren't in the care
190. What's all this crying………… ?
A. without the aid of B. in aid of C. with the aid of D. within the aid of
191. - Jack: Did you know Jim’s car broke down on the highway late at night?
- Jane: Unfortunately, that’s a situation anyone…………..
A. might have to confront with B. might be confronted with
C. might be confronted D. might have been confronted
192………….., I haven’t seen Catherine all day.
A. Come to think of it B. To come to think of it
C. Coming to think it D. Coming to think of it
193. ………….. earning a great deal of money as a painter, Ivan Aivazovsky opened an art school and gallery in his
hometown of Feodosiya.
A. Rather B. Since C. Upon D. Until
194. In your place, I………… others for help. There’s no way of getting the project finished yourself.
A. would have turned B. must have turned C. will turn D. would turn
195. …………..chair the meeting.
A. John was decided to B. It was decided that John should
C. There was decided that John should D. John had been decided to
196. We all wished to be treated…………...
A. as equals B. as equally C. as equals D. equals
197. The great French novelist Honore de Balzac would make ………….. revision when he was proofreading his work
that …………..was left of the original text in the end.
A. too many / not enough B. such a lot of / a few C. plenty of / not many D. so much / little
198. She …………..fainted when she heard that her son had died.
A. rather than B. nothing but C. all but D. near
199. I'll be kind to her…………..she decide to leave me.
A. in case B. whereas C. so as not D. lest
200. Jasmine’s parents died when she was just a baby, so I………… she ever had.
A. was all the B. was the whole C. have the whole D. have all the

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