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Wechseln Prapositionen: Eero auf-on Ln Cleon ALF amar) Lol Tasos) 0) NRE lelfo Tt Clea ne eRe) Nolan ee Cele zwischen - between Nera Beeman valet) CCE ce ke tccing) Perna Clete) sitzen - to sit (dativ) stehen - to stand (dativ) liegen - to lie (dativ) fehlen - to miss out Sonne - sun scheint - to appear/seem Sonne scheint - the sun is shining Laune - mood/situation foci laity Loliccla eam ne) eeu a freuen - to look forward die Einweihungsfeier - house warming party eer en Te Hochhaus - tower/multistorey building CTT Tair ace MILO Bey eure tice Lalo aem eles) Decken - roof Altbau - old construction Gemiitlich - cozy IU o Moms renee lad Cicer rot - red ree execs] gelb - yellow blau - blue griin - green TE Ree tL nice AVIAN Vorteile - advantages Nachteile - disadvantages oa CmemULA8(e) langweilig - boring Ee) Te Relea) Nachbarn - neighbours hellhérig - badly sounproofed Cee revere A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate definite articles. CREE eRe atc Tisch (m.). Paar A eh as ain ues 3. Martin geht an Cm Gee Pe mse Pease es re le alle Schreibtisch (m.). Corey aOR Wagan ie Haus (n.). rarer cates PErenan 8. Dein Buch liegt neben Puen ae 9. Er lauft zwischen Stihle (pl.). Pease nical Brean 15s ERG Moen Nee oe Ra eke MC a ee Re) eu eo ek) On Co cee ee Dee akere ney (at the table) 2. Wohin geht die Dame? (up to the window) PMNS tan ers (on top of the bed) em eed renee) PROS Reems te (behind the door) Caen ergs i Conk) PANN eg (in this city) Cee Uae RLU Lg Crete) 9. Wo findet man die Backerei? (next to the supermarket) SOM Nee (next to the chair) Coe egs M tg (above the dresser) COMA UR ened {across the street) SEMA I (under the window) cree cd Creo) SEMA CUR eens {in front of the table) COMA nee eased (to the front of the class) Dae a eee (between my brothers) CaO Mckee Ce Cue) C. Describe the picture below using two-way prepositions. First fillin the sample sentences, then write at least two of your own. Sa esac eae ce Peete est) - E rerei TAME omnene aA a eer ety z eee roo Eanes) cts Ein anderer Hund steht Dach (=roof, n.) Die Kellnerin setzt das Essen cd Ca ic age foc

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