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General statement : Ich bin traurig. (| am sad) 1st position - subject ie. ich 2nd position - verb i.e. sein 3rd position - object (in the given example it is an adjective) When a statement has time related infomation or data, that data should be mentioned first in a statement. Am Morgen esse ich Brot. - In the mornings | eat bread. Morgens esse ich Brot - In the mornings | eat bread. Never say just ‘Morgen’, because it means tomorrow. 1. Am Morgen essen wir Pizza 2. Morgens essen wir Pizza 3. Wir essen morgens Pizza 4. Wir essen am Morgen Pizza AKKUSATIV: What is a subject? - It means something about which are taling. It is the main point of dicussion. eg - | ama girl. Here 'I' is the subject. What is a verb? - It is any action making word. It basically shows that an activity is taking place. What is an object? - It describes about the subject. It provides justice the subject and the verb. Eg - | buy fruits. NOMINATIV: Itis a simple statement which can stand alone without an object (the object here means a noun). Eg - Ich chatte. Ich schwimme. Ich reise. Ich tanze. 1. For Akkusativ an object is compulsory. 2. This object should be a NOUN. 3. The subject has to be NOMINATIV personal pronomen. It means it has to be - ich/ du/er/sie/es/ihr/wir/sie/Sie. 4. The verb has to be cojugated as per the personal pronomen. 5. There are fixed akkusativ verbs. eg - kaufen (to buy), haben (to have), brauchen (to. need). 6. We have to ask the subject and the verb the question 'What' in order to get the answer as our object. eg - | buy fruits. Here | have to ask the subject and the verb 'What do you buy? then we get our answer as ‘fruits’. There is a different set of articles for akkusative statements. The object in an akkusativ statement has following articles: NOM AKK Maskulin Maskulin den einen Feminin Feminin die eine Neutrum Si Neutrum das ein Plural i Plural Eg - | buy a fruit. Ich kaufe ein Obst. | need a pencil. Ich brauche einen Bleistift. 1. Nominativ verbs - those verbs which stand without an object. 2. Akkusativ verbs - those verbs which require an object to make complete sentence. 3. Nominativ articles - der/die/das/die (Always the subject) 4. Akkusativ articles - den/die/das/die (Always the object)

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