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skills4exams C1-C2
Part 1 (Warm up )
1. What music will you be listening to in 20 years?
2. Would you pay to download music if it were cheaper?
3. Which would you prefer: to listen to a song on an MP3 player or at a concert? (Why?)
4. What would your life be like without music?
5. In your opinion, would music be better or worse if computers hadn’t come along? (Why?)
6. If you were a song, what song would you be and why?
Listen to a piece of music.

Where might you hear this? What emotions does it evoke?

Consider the effects of the music on:

- mood
- memory
Speaking task (pictures next page)
Look at pics A and B and talk together about the sounds you may hear (1 minute)

Now look at all the pictures. Imagine that a TV programme is going to be released on
the importance of music in our lives. Talk together about the ways music influences our
lives as presented in the pictures and then decide which is the best for the first
episode. (3 minutes)
Part 2 Collaboration



1. Would pop music have emerged if the electric guitar hadn’t been invented?
2. What should happen to people who download music illegally?
3. How might technology affect music over the next few decades?
4. If human beings hadn’t developed language, would they have invented
5. Is increased social networking going to improve music?
6. If we couldn’t record music, how would it be different?

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