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Noli Me Tángere

Novel by José Rizal

Noli Me Tangere was written by Dr. Jose Rizal to tell the Filipinos about the abuse of the

Before Ibarra came home, Lt.  Guevarra told his father's case, in whose defense the child was
killed by the borrower during the trial of his father's death. Padre Damaso was not yet satisfied, he dug
his father's remains but it was raining and thrown into the river. Ibarra was so angry that it was planning
a retaliation

He had already killed Padre Damaso but he was prevented by Maria Clara. He is therefore
dismissed by the Catholic Church and can not continue the marriage of Maria Clara because his real
father is Fr. Damaso. Maria Clara was married to Linares.

Ibarra escaped with Elias help, but Elias jumped in the water and the Spaniards thought it was
Ibarra so he was shot . He reached the jungle of the Ibarra and died there.

Interestingly, Maria Clara’s escapism was revealed in the Epilogue when two patrolmen who
sought shelter from a storm under the eaves near the nunnery. They saw “a white figure standing
almost on the ridge of the roof with arms and face raised toward the sky as if praying to it”. She escaped
a problem through religion that was itself a part of that problem. Ibarra’s enemies, particularly Salvi,
implicate him in a fake insurrection, though the evidence against him is weak. Then Maria Clara betrays
him to protect a dark family secret, public exposure of which would be ruinous. Ibarra escapes from
prison with Elias’s help and confronts her. She explains why, Ibarra forgives her, and he and Elias flee to
the lake. But chased by the Guardia Civil, one dies while the other survives. Convinced Ibarra’s dead,
Maria Clara enters the nunnery, refusing a marriage arranged by Padre Damaso.Her unhappy fate and
that of the more memorable Sisa, driven mad by the fate of her sons, symbolize the country’s condition,
at once beautiful and miserable.

The theme of the novel is to promote nationalism and to accept change in ourselves is still
applies to us today. We must patronize our country by respecting the law, promoting Philippine culture,
and realizing the true goal of the country by helping each other towards the improvement of the

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