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To design a use case diagram from given requirements, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify Actors: Identify the different actors or external entities that interact with
the system. These can be users, external systems, or any other entities that
interact with the system.
2. Identify Use Cases: Analyze the requirements and identify the actions or tasks
that the system needs to perform. These actions will become the use cases. Each
use case represents a specific functionality or interaction between an actor and
the system.
3. Define Relationships: Determine the relationships between the actors and the use
cases. A use case can have associations with one or more actors, representing
which actors are involved in that particular use case.
4. Draw the Diagram: Start by drawing a use case diagram with actors represented
as stick figures and use cases represented as ovals or rectangles. Place the actors
on the left side of the diagram and the use cases in the middle or right side.
Connect the actors to the corresponding use cases using lines.
5. Include System Boundary: Draw a box around the actors and use cases to
represent the system boundary. This boundary defines the scope of the system
and separates it from the external entities.
6. Refine and Organize: Review the diagram and refine it as needed. You can
organize the use cases into groups or subsystems to make the diagram more
readable and understandable. Use packages or subsystem boundaries to group
related use cases together.
7. Add Associations and Dependencies: Identify any additional associations or
dependencies between use cases. Associations represent relationships between
use cases, indicating that they are related or can be performed together.
Dependencies represent the relationship where one use case depends on another
for its execution.
8. Include Generalization and Extend Relationships: If there are common behaviors
or specialized variations among the use cases, you can represent them using
generalization and extend relationships. Generalization represents an inheritance
relationship where a more general use case is inherited by more specific use
cases. Extend relationships represent optional or alternate behavior that can be
added to a base use case.
9. Validate and Iterate: Validate the use case diagram with stakeholders and ensure
that it accurately represents the requirements. Make any necessary adjustments
based on feedback and iterate on the design if needed.
Remember, use case diagrams provide a high-level view of the system's functionality
and interactions. They serve as a communication tool to understand the system's
behavior from a user's perspective.

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