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Prediksi (Predicting)

Jenis pertanyaan prediksi seperti “What will the house be like in the future?”
Kemudian tanyakan pada diri sendiri “Kenapa penguji menanyakanku pertanyaan ini?”
Penguji ingin menguji kemampuan kita menggunakan struktur prediksi di masa depan
(future prediction)

Perhatikan contoh jawaban untuk pertanyaan di atas:

“I think that in the future, houses will be much bigger, and maybe they will be in some
strange places such as on the moon or under the sea.”

Jawaban di atas prediksi masa depan yang bisa diterima namun masih menggunakan bahasa
yang terlalu pemula.

Perhatikan contoh jawaban lain berdasarkan pertanyaan yang sama.

“Certainly, I’m sure that most people would agree that there will be a number of major
changes related to this. Initially, I guess that we might begin to see houses that are much
bigger. At the same time, I suppose it’s quite probable that we may have houses under the
sea. And who knows, it could even be possible that we’ll see that arrival of houses on the

Jawaban inti dari kedua contoh di atas pada dasarnya adalah sama. Hanya saja pada
jawaban kedua lebih menggunakan struktur bahasa yang lebih kompleks. Jawaban kedua
menggunakan tiga struktur prediksi yang berbeda yaitu:

… I guess that we might begin to see …

… I suppose it’s quite probable that we may have …
… who knows, it could even be possiblethat we’ll see …

Mulailah dengan frasa atau kalimat pembuka:

Certainly, I’m sure that most people would agree that there will be a number of major
changes related to this.
I’m sure that in years to come there will be a number of major changes related to this.
I reckon that in the not so distant future, we will witness some major changes with regard to

Kemudian berikan prediksi yang pertama:

Initially, I guess that we might begin to see …
To begin with, I’d predict that we will most likely have …
Primarily, it looks quite probable that we are going to have …
First of all, I would envisage that we are going to have …
Gunakan satu kalimat untuk menggambarkan prediksi yang pertama dengan
menggunakan simple future.

“Initially, I guess that we might begin to see houses that are made of plastic materials
because these will be much cheaper and easier to construct.”

Kemudian berikan frasa pengantar untuk prediksi kedua:

At the same time, I suppose it’s quite probable that we may have …
As well as this, some people claim that we will probably start to see …
On top of this, I imagine it’s quite likely that we will soon have …
Likewise, I would imagine that we may even be able to see …

Gunakan satu kalimat simple future untuk menjelaskan prediksi kedua.

“At the same time, I suppose it’s quite probable that we may have houses that are
controlled by computer because this will make home life easier.”

Yang terakhir, berikan frasa pengantar untuk prediksi ketiga:

And who knows, it could even be possible that we’ll see the arrival of …
And you never know, it could even transpire that we’ll have …
And I know it’s a bit of a crazy thought, but one day we may even have …
And who knows, there’s even a chance that we will have …

Pada prediksi terakhir tidak perlu mengembangkan cerita tetapi jika diinginkan bisa
menggunakan satu kalimat simple future.

Untuk menemukan ide tentang prediksi masa depan bukanlah hal mudah. Hal yang bisa
digunakan misalnya:
Ganti macamnya (There will be a wider variety)
Ganti harganya ( Things will become cheaper or more expensive)
Gantii ukuran, material atau penampilan
Ganti lokasi
Ganti bentuk (Things will become internet base. There will be electronic versions)


What will schools be like in the future?

What will restaurants be like in the future?
What types of people will become famous in the future?
What shops/shopping habits be like in the future?
What will public transport be like in the future?
What types of hobbies will become popular in the future?
What will cars be like in the future?
Why Questions

Jenis pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan adalah pertanyaan “Why”. Perhatikan contoh
pertanyaan berikut.

“Why do so many people want to be famous?’

“In my opinion there are many reasons. Firstly people think they can make more money, live
in a big house, drive an expensive car and travel around the world.”

Contoh jawaban di atas bisa diterima untuk menjawab pertanyaan “Why” di atas tetapi
jawaban tersebut terlalu dasar atau pemula karena kurang aspek kebahasaan (frasa
pembuka, frasa pengantar, kosa kata kompleks, struktur kalimat kompleks)

Perhatikan contoh lain untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang sama.

“In my opinion I guess you would have to say that there are probable a number of factors
involved. Primarily, one key motivation would be because they think they would be able to
make more money. As well as this a subsequent incentive might be because they want to
live in a big house and drive an expensive car.”

Contoh jawaban di atas menyampaikan lebih sedikit alasan namun jawaban tersebut
menggunakan struktur kompleks, kata “reason” diganti dengan sinonim (factor, motivation,

Mulailah dengan frasa pengantar untuk memulai menjawab alasan dari pertanyaan
Well in my opinion I guess I would have to say that …
Well in my view, I suppose I would say that …
Well in my estimation, I guess that …
Well generally It’s my belief that …

Kemudian tambahkan frasa “There are many reasons”:

There are probably a number of factors involved.
There are abviously a number of motives surrounding this idea.
There are unquestionably a number of explanations for this.
There are undoubtedly a variety of justifications behind this.

Lanjutkan dengan alasan yang pertama.

The chief cause might be that …
The main basis is probably because …

Tambahkan alasan kedua.

As well as this, a subsequent factor could be because …
At the same time, a secondary motive could be that …
Additionally, a further rationale might be due to the fact that …
Jika ingin menambahkan alasan ketiga bisa ditambahkan dengan menggunakan struktur
seperti di atas. Perlu diingat bahwa jangan mengulagi kosa kata yang sama, misalkan jika
kata “factor” sudah digunakan pada kalimat sebelumnya, maka sebaiknya gunakan kata
yang berbeda seperti “motive”. Semakin banyak sinonim dari kata “reason” yang digunakan
maka skor lexical resource akan tinggi.


Why do so many people move from the countryside to cities?

Why is it important to protect the environment?
Why do people like to know about private lives of famous people?
Why do so many people want to live abroad?
Why is it important to learn a foreign language?

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