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Thousand Island Secondary School

Genetic Research Project

Miranda Gowland-Wood
Mrs. McDonald
March 10th, 2023
In recent decades, genetics has improved quickly, and its significance in medical research and
practice has grown. When the Human Genome Project was finished in 2003, it represented a
significant turning point in our understanding of human genetics and gave scientists a direction
for investigating genetic illnesses. Gene therapy and genetic screening have made enormous
advances since that time, and they have the potential to completely change the way healthcare is

The Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project was a worldwide scientific project with the goal of mapping and
sequencing the full human genome, which contains the entire set of genetic instructions
necessary for human growth and function. The project, which took more than ten years to
complete and was finally finished in 2003, involved the collaboration of scientists from all
around the world. The study of the human genome project involved locating and mapping the
approximate 20,000–25,000 genes that make up the genome, as well as figuring out what they do
and how they affect human health and disease. Additionally, the initiative aimed to pinpoint
genetic alterations and mutations that can result in illnesses including cancer, heart disease, and
diabetes. Our understanding of genetics and its function in human health and disease has been
significantly impacted by the Human Genome Project. Here are a few ways that the information
gained from the genome project has benefited us. A better understanding of the genetic
foundation of several diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease, has been
made possible because of the knowledge gathered from the genome project. Personalized
Medicine, the genome project's data has made personalized medicine possible. Doctors can
detect potential health hazards by studying a patient's genome and creating specific treatment
strategies that cater to the patient's particular genetic profile.

Gene Therapy
The practice of using genetic material to treat or prevent disease is known as gene therapy. Gene
therapy works by inserting new genetic material into a patient's cells to either replenish or
replace disease-causing or defective genes, or to improve the body's resistance to disease. In the
promising field of gene therapy, genes are altered to treat or prevent disease. The following are
some instances of how knowledge gained from gene therapy has benefited us. Gene therapy has
shown considerable promise in treating hereditary diseases such as muscular dystrophy, sickle
cell anemia, and cystic fibrosis. Gene therapy can assist in correcting the underlying genetic
flaws and potentially curing certain ailments by introducing functioning genes into afflicted
cells. Gene therapy has been utilized to create new vaccinations that are more effective than
standard immunizations. For instance, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines use a type of gene therapy to
give cells the instructions they need to create a viral protein and start an immune response.

Genetic Screening
Genetic screening examines a person's DNA to find genetic variants or mutations that could
make them more likely to develop a particular disease or condition. In hopes of implementing the
proper medical interventions to prevent or manage the disease, genetic screening aims to identify
those who are more likely to develop disorders. Genetic screening can assist individuals and
couples in making well-informed family planning decisions. For instance, genetic testing can
detect people who carry genetic mutations that raise the possibility of passing on a genetic illness
to their children. Couples can use this information to decide between several reproductive
options, including adoption or preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

In conclusion, the genome project, gene therapy, and genetic screening are three related fields of
genetic research that have the ability to change medicine and raise the standard of living for a
large number of people. We now have a greater understanding of the human genome and its
potential effects on health and disease thanks to the genome project. A promising field called
gene therapy provides new opportunities for treating hereditary problems and even some non-
genetic ones. Those who are at risk for diseases can be identified by genetic testing, allowing for
early intervention.

Genetically modified foods

The worlds of agriculture and food production are divided on the issue of genetically
modified foods. Using GM technology, the DNA of an organism is genetically altered to add or
remove genes, which may modify the traits or characteristics of the organism. Crops with
superior nutritional value, higher yields, and greater pest and disease resistance have all been
produced using this technology. Notwithstanding the potential advantages, there has been
controversy around the use of GM crops and the products they produce because of worries about
the safety of these foods for human consumption and their effects on the environment. This essay
will examine how they are produced, as well as the advantages and moral dilemmas related to
genetically modified crops.

The identification of the desired feature in the plant or animal is often the first step in the
scientific process involved in creating genetically modified foods. This quality could be anything
from higher nutritional value to drought resistance. The next stage is to use molecular biology
methods to isolate the gene that causes the trait when it has been found. In most cases, PCR or
gene sequencing are used for this. Once the gene has been isolated, it is introduced into the host
organism's genome using a gene gun or a vector like Agrobacterium. In a procedure known as
homologous recombination, the new gene is then incorporated into the host genome. Finally, in
order to confirm that the modified organism has the desired characteristic and is safe for eating,
screening and testing are done at the end. Food products with the desired feature can
subsequently be created using the resulting genetically modified organism.

First, by making GM foods more resistant to pests and illnesses, toxic pesticides and
herbicides can be avoided. As a result, farming may have a smaller negative impact on the
environment and may cost farmers less money. Second, GM crops can be altered to have a
longer shelf life, which will decrease food waste and increase the supply of fresh products. Third,
GM crops can be modified to be more nutritional, giving populations with dietary deficiencies
better access to vital vitamins and minerals. Third, GM crops may help to boost crop yields,
which may aid in meeting the world's rising food demand in a world where population growth is
anticipated to continue.

Concerns about the potential effects of genetically modified foods on human health, the
environment, and traditional farming methods have generated a great deal of ethical discussion.
The likelihood of genetic modification's unexpected consequences, such as the emergence of
new allergies or the spread of changed genes to non-target species, is one of the key ethical
worries. Another issue with GM crops is its potential to lower crop genetic diversity, which
could weaken the resilience of agricultural systems. Because the patents for many GM crops are
held by a limited number of large agribusinesses, there are also worries about the concentration
of power and control over the food chain.

In conclusion, genetically modified foods may have important advantages, but they also
present ethical problems. They can harm biodiversity and human health even if they can boost
crop yields and cut down on pesticide use. To guarantee that GMOs are created and utilised in a
safe and responsible manner, it is crucial to carefully consider these advantages and ethical
concerns and establish appropriate regulations.

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